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Zhuding International Ltd (PK)

Zhuding International Ltd (PK) (ZHUD)

Closed February 12 4:00PM

ZHUD Discussion

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getmoreshares getmoreshares 2 hours ago
SMH-- you guys aren't grabbing these cheap shares?
👍️ 1
ElectricJester54 ElectricJester54 3 hours ago
The man wears a conductor hat ONE time and the people can't let it go haha believe what you want, I don't doubt Cohen's ability and I am willing to wait to watch him see it through. Till then, I'm buying more for cheap. I bought this back when it was a shell and Cohen hadn't proven himself yet and I am glad I rolled the dice when I did. But everyone has to make their own decision about what level of trust/risk and how long they are willing to wait for things to come to fruition.
peteypickem peteypickem 3 hours ago
Ground floor ??????? This is the OTC ,everything is at the ground floor 😂😂.. Doing videos wearing a choo choo hat and yelling “ major fu&&in announcements “ is hilarious and won’t get it done.
ElectricJester54 ElectricJester54 9 hours ago
Yup, as I keep saying, we technically haven;t even started operations yet for this one. To think there would be anything driving value after the merger is just kinda being impatient for this one. We have to build the machines and get revenues flowing in first, which just takes time. This is getting in on the ground floor so those invested just have to be willing to wait till we have something to show off in terms of operations.
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penguin007 penguin007 11 hours ago
When sp went into the .02's I totally believed it would go much higher, based on solely on the merger announcement. I'm confident we can still see better than a 10 bagger here, from .02's and even .03's. It's coming, all we have to do is be patient and hold for now. Or buy more on dips if situation is favorable. GL
👍️ 1
Hugie Hugie 1 day ago
I bought one million shares at 0.025 so I am bagholder here.Maybe I can get some more .
👍 2
ElectricJester54 ElectricJester54 1 day ago
Don't have to think anything. Look at your profile, nearly every post on every stock is a bash. There is nothing to deny, its just a fact. You ahve trashed ZHUD multiple times, just is what it is.
Hugie Hugie 1 day ago
You can think what you want.Shall. I start bashing here?
ElectricJester54 ElectricJester54 1 day ago
Ya you're right, we definitely can't look at your post history at all. For sure not a basher, so glad you cleared that up with such compelling evidence 🤣
Hugie Hugie 1 day ago
I am not any basher...
😂 1
ElectricJester54 ElectricJester54 1 day ago
I know you are a serial basher on here cause I guess you don't have anything else better to do but people need to realize this company hasn't even started operations yet. If you can't handle the fact that this will take through 2025 to really have full operations then please by all means, keep feeeding me cheaper shares. 1 year for the upswing this has is literally nothing. People are foolishly impatient and you are pretty transparent considering the only posts you make are saying the same thing over and over again.
👍 1
Hugie Hugie 1 day ago
Cohen's project has failed most likely,0.005 possible.I told you this will never be 2 dollars and you did guess 2 dollars by the end of 2024.
rjack18 rjack18 1 day ago
.0085 and .0081
investingnotgambling investingnotgambling 1 day ago
What was that all about? And was the .0014 real? Congrats to whomever got those. Probably already flipped them at the .0085 🤪

👍️ 1
slowmethod slowmethod 1 day ago
we had a little flash crash there. looks like i wasn't the only one taking a shit. lmao
Babubd Babubd 1 day ago
Too Bad! MMS are playing games and robing weak hands. DRILL BABY DRILL SOON!! ZHUD Could Be The Greatest Pick of Our Time!!🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀!!
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fink fink 1 day ago
I think after the audits and the Button merger we see all 3 of these tickers folded into one.

I can't see a bad play in either 3

I'm definitely playing any dip in all 3. $500 ride in on each tied up and a test of will power to sit with so many other plays out there.

Cohen will get at least one of these shells 100% control from that move. His bank will be put into the first merger.

12-18 months out for any of that talk too.

Buy the dip
👍️ 2
peteypickem peteypickem 2 days ago
Does he wear a choo choo hat ?
peteypickem peteypickem 2 days ago
Maybe if you send him saki he will say he has “ big fuc&&n announcements 🤣🤣🤣🤣
🤣 1
Babubd Babubd 2 days ago
The potential here is through the roof! Mr. Cohen is gonna send ZHUD to Moon soon enough. Only longs will Cash Out Big Time..imo.
👍️ 1 🥴 1
I wonder if that guy likes to drink? Hmmm maybe I should send him a bottle of Saki
peteypickem peteypickem 2 days ago
Is that the guy american industries that wears the choo choo hat 😂
👍 1 😂 1
And the Mexicanano gonzalize.... Where is this guy
👍 1
Is Cohen still in bizeness? 
CanItBThisEZ2Make CanItBThisEZ2Make 3 days ago
Cohen has been dropping many hints here and there, but this was the first month since October that Kyle Lewis has done any visible things. I think it's just going to get much better from here IMO - NFA

penguin007 penguin007 3 days ago
It's quite refreshing just to see an update of any kind. Let's face it, Cohen and Co, have gone silent lately when it comes to ZHUD. Not at all implying that it's a bad or good thing, just saying it's been really quiet here for some time. Thank you for sharing the link on AWS.
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CanItBThisEZ2Make CanItBThisEZ2Make 3 days ago
I saw that on their updated website, I believe it was uploaded just Friday.

Stay Tuned :)

penguin007 penguin007 3 days ago
This is quite the elaborate system indeed. It looks like for the most part it's stationary equipment, so it would need to be set up at each site. I don't recall this information, and I'm sure that AWS has patents in place or at least applications pending? Looking good here for $ZHUD!
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CanItBThisEZ2Make CanItBThisEZ2Make 5 days ago
AWS --->

👍️ 4 😎 1
investingnotgambling investingnotgambling 5 days ago
People selling so they can buy some chips and beer for the Super Bowl? Sheesh. I couldn’t care less about the “big game” - I do care about my investment here, which is currently inching up to the next million share mark.

👍️ 4 😎 1
fink fink 5 days ago
Agreed. Button will become a very loud voice as to what goes in.
They are getting some 15m restricted shares and why would they not want to increase the market cap of that by merging in more revenue producing assets?

I'm sure everyone can work together to create a bigger pie. There's enough to go around.

Cohen has this. I trust in his abilities
Babubd Babubd 5 days ago
Folks who’re selling are clueless! DRILL BABY DRILL SOON!!

Many great things are gonna be revealed here! ZHUD Could Be The Greatest Pick of Our Time! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀!!
👍️ 4 🥴 1
Hugie Hugie 5 days ago
0.005 coming ? I will get some then.Waiting.
oldguy oldguy 6 days ago
I don't feel that he has total control, now that he has the two big partners that are going to do the financing and bringing it public. Not a fact , just an opinion. But once it starts it will move a lot faster then he could of done it.
fink fink 6 days ago
Why doesn't Cohen merge in these 3 tickers under one roof.

The Button deal must be getting all his effort. It's clearly the largest and less risk.

Once we see Audits, I bet we see a lot of changes.
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Gobsmacked01 Gobsmacked01 6 days ago
I'm so glad to see I am not the only one pre-loading these shares for the summer fun!


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penguin007 penguin007 1 week ago
I did exactly that, today!
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investingnotgambling investingnotgambling 1 week ago
Green looks so much better than red. Still a ways to go but today is a good day. NITE out there with a 500,000 bid at .009

👍️ 1 😎 1
Babubd Babubd 1 week ago
SOON WE SHIN! Big Things Coming!! Mr. Cohen is a true professional and a real deal maker in the oil and gas industry!!! Tik Tok Tik Tok

ZHUD is gonna run harder beyond imagination soon enough.

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BigMoneyChalupa BigMoneyChalupa 1 week ago
Share structure makes me want to buy more. Also own the A to Z one.
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titan11 titan11 1 week ago
Backstabbed Backstabbed 1 week ago
$ZHUD - smart money accumulating!
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ElectricJester54 ElectricJester54 1 week ago
Dang 800k volume right off the rip today. Thats a good start
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Hugie Hugie 1 week ago
I will get some at 0.005.
Hugie Hugie 1 week ago
Cohen failed in his business most probably.No any updates.
peteypickem peteypickem 1 week ago
Ok,, let me rephrase that, the choo choo hat guy said “major fu&&in announcements 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
investingnotgambling investingnotgambling 1 week ago
“Major” …not “big” 😉

There’s really been nothing “major” going on here - all the focus seems to be on AZRH right now. Here we need the news of sites utilizing the AWS technology and income actually coming in. Until then, low prices here to allow accumulation. I just need some spare change.

👍️ 1
peteypickem peteypickem 1 week ago
Prob because of the guy with his choo choo hat and yelling “big f&&ckin announcements “ 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
👍 2 😂 2
investingnotgambling investingnotgambling 1 week ago
Wow…sub-penny coming today? I’d love to get some shares down here.

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Backstabbed Backstabbed 1 week ago
Seriously? Why would anyone sell this low! Go $ZHUD
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