Washington, D.C. 20549
Specialized Disclosure Report
Medtronic plc
(Exact name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)
Ireland 1-36820 98-1183488
(State or other jurisdiction
of incorporation)
File Number)
 (IRS Employer
Identification No.)
20 On Hatch, Lower Hatch Street
Dublin 2, Ireland
(Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code)

Karen Parkhill 763-514-4000
(Name and telephone number, including area code, of the person to contact in connection with this report.)
Check the appropriate box to indicate the rule pursuant to which this form is being filed, and provide the period to which the information in this form applies:
xRule 13p-1 under the Securities Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.13p-1) for the reporting period from January 1 to December 31, 2023.


Section 1 - Conflict Minerals Disclosure

Item 1.01 Conflict Minerals Disclosure and Report

This Form SD of Medtronic plc (the “Company”) is filed pursuant to Rule 13p-1 (the “Rule”) promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, for the reporting period from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023

A copy of Company’s Conflict Minerals Report is provided as Exhibit 1.01 hereto and details the due diligence measures undertaken during the reporting period by the Company on a consolidated basis. A copy of the Conflict Minerals Report is also publicly available through the Company’s website: www.medtronic.com (under the “Our Company” caption and “Financials” subcaption).

Item 1.02 Exhibit

The Company has filed, as an exhibit to this Form SD, the Conflict Minerals Report of the Company required by Item 1.01.

Section 2 - Exhibits

Item 2.01 Exhibits

The following exhibit is filed as part of this report:

Exhibit 1.01 - Conflict Minerals Report of the Company

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the duly authorized undersigned.
Medtronic plc
Date: May 23, 2024By/s/ Karen L. Parkhill
Karen L. Parkhill
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

Medtronic plc
Form SD
Exhibit No.  Description

Exhibit 1.01
Medtronic plc
Conflict Minerals Report
For the Year Ended December 31, 2023

This Conflict Minerals Report (this “Report”) of Medtronic plc (“Medtronic,” the “Company,” “we,” “us,” and “our”) has been prepared by us on a consolidated basis for the reporting period from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 (the “Reporting Period”) pursuant to Rule 13p-1 and Form SD (the “Rule”) promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Conflict minerals are defined as cassiterite, columbite-tantalite (coltan), gold, wolframite, or their derivatives, which are limited to tantalum, tin and tungsten and gold (often referred to as 3TG) for the purposes of this assessment. The “Covered Countries” for the purposes of the Rule are the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Republic of the Congo, the Central African Republic, South Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Zambia, and Angola.
If a registrant knows or has reason to believe that any of the conflict minerals necessary to the functionality or production of their products may have originated in the Covered Countries, then the registrant must exercise due diligence on the conflict minerals’ source and chain of custody and submit a Conflict Minerals Report to the SEC that includes a description of those due diligence measures.
Forward-Looking Statements
This Conflict Minerals Report contains forward-looking statements, which are based on our current expectations and involve numerous risks and uncertainties that may cause these forward-looking statements to be inaccurate. These statements include statements regarding our goals for future improvements to our due diligence process and to mitigate the risk about the sourcing of our conflict minerals. All forward-looking statements involve risk and uncertainty. Risks that may cause these forward-looking statements to be inaccurate include: failure to carry out these plans in a timely manner or at all; lack of cooperation or progress by our suppliers, their respective suppliers and smelters; lack of progress by smelter or refiner validation programs for conflict minerals (including the possibility of inaccurate information, fraud and other irregularities) or these plans may not be effective. In addition, you should also consider the important factors described in reports and documents that we file from time to time with the SEC, including the factors described under the sections titled “Risk Factors” in the Company’s most recently submitted Quarterly or Annual Reports. Except as required by law, we disclaim any obligation to update information contained in these forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.
Company Summary
Medtronic plc, headquartered in Dublin, Ireland, is the leading global healthcare technology company. Medtronic was founded in 1949 and today serves healthcare systems, physicians, clinicians, and patients in more than 150 countries worldwide. We remain committed to a mission written by our founder in 1960 that directs us “to contribute to human welfare by the application of biomedical engineering in the research, design, manufacture, and sale of products to alleviate pain, restore health, and extend life.”
Medtronic’s business segments and products for the Reporting Period included:
The Cardiovascular Portfolio is made up of the Cardiac Rhythm & Heart Failure, Structural Heart & Aortic, and Coronary & Peripheral Vascular divisions. Cardiovascular products include pacemakers, insertable cardiac monitors, cardiac resynchronization therapy devices, implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICD), leads and delivery systems, ablation products, electrophysiology catheters, products for the treatment of atrial fibrillation, information systems for the management of patients with Cardiac Rhythm & Heart Failure devices, products designed to reduce surgical site infections, coronary and peripheral stents and related delivery systems, balloons and related delivery systems, endovascular stent graft systems, heart valve replacement technologies, cardiac tissue ablation systems, and open heart and coronary bypass grafting surgical products. Cardiovascular also includes Care Management Services and Cath Lab Managed Services (CLMS) within the Cardiac Rhythm & Heart Failure division.
The Medical Surgical Portfolio is made up of the Surgical Innovations and Respiratory, Gastrointestinal, & Renal divisions. Medical Surgical’s products span the entire continuum of patient care from diagnosis to recovery, with a

focus on diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, pelvic region, kidneys, obesity, and preventable complications. The products include those for advanced and general surgical products, surgical stapling devices, vessel sealing instruments, wound closure, electrosurgery products, hernia mechanical devices, mesh implants, advanced ablation, interventional lung, ventilators, airway products, renal care products, and sensors and monitors for pulse oximetry, capnography, level of consciousness and cerebral oximetry.
The Neuroscience Portfolio is made up of the Cranial & Spinal Technologies, Specialty Therapies, and Neuromodulation divisions. Neuroscience's products include various spinal implants, bone graft substitutes, biologic products, image-guided surgery and intra-operative imaging systems, robotic guidance systems used in the robot-assisted spine procedures, and systems that incorporate advanced energy surgical instruments. Neuroscience's products also focus on the treatment of overactive bladder, urinary retention, fecal incontinence, gastroparesis, as well as products to treat ear, nose, and throat (ENT), and therapies to treat the diseases of the vasculature in and around the brain, including coils, neurovascular stents and flow diversion products. Neuroscience also manufactures products related to implantable neurostimulation therapies and drug delivery systems for the treatment of chronic pain, movement disorders, and epilepsy.
Diabetes' products include insulin pumps, continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems, insulin pump consumables, and smart insulin pen systems.
This Report has been prepared by Company management.
Design of Conflict Minerals Program
The Company has designed its conflict minerals program, and the reasonable country of origin inquiry and due diligence measures contained therein, to be in conformity, in all material respects, with the internationally recognized due diligence framework as set forth in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas (OECD, 2013) and related supplements for gold, tin, tantalum and tungsten. Due to the depth of the Company’s supply chain, the Company is far removed from the sources of ore from which conflict minerals are produced and the smelters and refiners that process those ores, and the Company has limited influence over the behavior of these smelters and refiners. Moreover, because of the geographic diversity and ongoing changes in the Company’s supply chain, the Company often has significant difficulty identifying those suppliers who are further upstream from the Company’s direct suppliers. As a result, the Company’s program was specifically designed to relate to our position in the minerals supply chain as a "downstream" purchaser. Summarized below are the design components of the Company’s conflict minerals program as they relate to the five-step framework from the OECD Guidance:
Step 1. Establish and Maintain Strong Company Management Systems
Establish and maintain a policy for the sourcing of minerals from the Covered Countries, which is available at https://www.medtronic.com/content/dam/medtronic-com/us-en/corporate/corporate-governance/documents/medtronic-responsible-minerals-policy.pdf
Maintain continued membership in the Responsible Minerals Initiative (“RMI”).
Establish a system of controls and transparency through the use of the Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (“CMRT”) as a standard survey tool to identify smelters and refiners.
Establish and maintain a conflict minerals management structure composed of three teams:
oSteering Committee comprised of the Chief Procurement Officer, Global Supply Management Leadership Team which is responsible for the overall program management of the conflict minerals compliance program, including strategy, governance structure, and oversight through the Supply Management Leadership Team.
oCentral Team comprised of the Director, Responsible Supply Management Program, a Supply Chain Program Manager, a Program Data Analyst, and a legal representative, which is responsible for the overall conflict minerals program design and implementation, including data collection, applicability and supplier review, reasonable country of origin inquiry (“RCOI”), due diligence, audit readiness, and reporting, as well as day-to-day program management; and

oRepresentatives from the Global Supply Management organization who support the work of the Central Team and act as liaisons to the business.
Update Steering Committee on the status of the conflict minerals program on a quarterly basis.
Develop and maintain a training document for employees that discusses the highlights of the Rule and the Company’s expectations of its suppliers to assist in complying with the Rule. Employees are trained through materials that are made available on the Company’s intranet site.
Enable the Company to receive external inquiries and grievances from customers, employees, or other interested parties via the Company’s confidential Voice Your Concern Line at www.VoiceYourConcernLine.com or the conflict minerals e-mail box (rs.conflictminerals@medtronic.com).
Develop and add a clause to templates for new and renewed supply agreements and to standard purchase order terms and conditions that requires suppliers to provide information about the sourcing of conflict minerals and smelters or refiners and to conduct due diligence on the source and chain of custody for any conflict minerals used in their manufacturing processes.
Maintain records of the Company’s conflict minerals process for a minimum of five years, in accordance with the OECD Guidance
Step 2. Identify and Assess Risks in the Supply Chain
Engage with affected suppliers by sending an email notifying them that the Company is subject to the Rule and that their cooperation in responding to a conflict minerals survey is requested.
Conduct a supply chain survey, based on the CMRT developed by the RMI, of direct suppliers that supply the Company with products or components that may contain necessary conflict minerals.
Receive and review responses from suppliers that were surveyed.
Assess the reasonableness of all responses claiming to not use conflict minerals in their manufacturing processes based on internal knowledge of supplies purchased.
Perform an automated red flag review of all supplier responses.
Communicate with suppliers on the required corrective actions and request additional information as necessary.
Step 3. Design and Implement a Strategy to Respond to Identified Risks
Implement a risk management plan that outlines the Company’s responses to identified risks.
Send reminder letters to each supplier who does not respond to the Company’s initial survey request in an attempt to receive a completed CMRT and work through Category and/or Commodity managers to personally follow up with non-responsive, high-spend suppliers.
Review supplier responses that claim to source conflict minerals from one or more of the Covered Countries.
Follow up with suppliers that do not provide a smelter or refiner list or indicate that they do not provide a complete smelter or refiner list to request additional smelter or refiner information.
Compare a list of unique smelters or refiners received from suppliers who respond that they source conflict minerals from the Covered Countries against conformant, active, and standard smelter or refiner lists per the RMAP for verification of existence and location of the smelters or refiners, as well as the location from which conflict minerals were sourced. Identify smelters or refiners on the RMAP conformant list. For all suppliers who provide unknown or non-RMAP conformant smelters or refiners, continue to work with the supplier to investigate the smelter or refiner and determine the location from which the conflict minerals originated.

Evaluate facilities listed on CMRTs submitted by suppliers against red flag indicators defined in the OECD Guidance: geographic proximity to the Covered Countries, RMAP audit status, and credible evidence of unethical or conflict sourcing. If facilities meeting these criteria appear on CMRTs submitted by suppliers, the suppliers receive instructions to take risk mitigation actions.
Send communication to non-conformant smelters and refiners identified in the Company’s supply chain asking them to get audited and become conformant.
Send communication to direct suppliers who trigger due diligence by indicating sourcing from the Covered Countries reminding them of the Company’s responsible minerals policy and asking them to make every effort to source conflict minerals from the validated sources.
Step 4. Carry Out Independent Third-Party Audit of Smelter or Refiner’s Due Diligence Practices
The Company is a downstream consumer of necessary conflict minerals and many steps removed from smelters or refiners who provide minerals and ores. The Company does not perform or direct audits of smelters or refiners within its supply chain and relies on the RMAP and its partners to conduct smelter and refiner due diligence.
Step 5. Report Annually on Supply Chain Due Diligence
This Conflict Minerals Report is annually filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. This Conflict Minerals Report is also available at www.medtronic.com (under the “Investors” caption and “SEC Filings” sub caption).
2023 Process
The Company determined that tin, tantalum, tungsten, and gold, often referred to as 3TG, were necessary to the functionality of many of its products. In order to conform to the Rule, the Company then performed a risk-based assessment to determine if the necessary conflict minerals in the products the Company manufactured or contracted to manufacture directly or indirectly financed or benefited armed groups in one or more of the Covered Countries. This risk-based assessment is discussed in further detail in the following sections.
Reasonable Country of Origin Inquiry
In accordance with the Rule, after the Company’s initial determination that conflict minerals were necessary to the functionality of many of its products, the Company conducted a reasonable country of origin inquiry (“RCOI”) to determine whether the Company had reason to believe that any of the conflict minerals necessary to the functionality or production of its products may have originated in the Covered Countries. The Company identified suppliers to survey by reviewing 2023 direct material purchases and applying applicability filters to segment suppliers that supply the Company with products or components that may contain necessary conflict minerals. After identifying the relevant suppliers, the Company then conducted a supply chain survey, based on the current version of the Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (“CMRT”) originally developed by the Conflict Free Sourcing Initiative (“CFSI”), of 190 direct suppliers that supply the Company with products or components that may contain necessary conflict minerals. The Company utilized a third-party web-based software platform and analysis system to conduct this supply chain survey. The suppliers surveyed represented all suppliers determined to be in-scope for 2023 based on the Company’s applicability filters, as mentioned above.
The Company received 178 responses from suppliers that were surveyed, representing a 94% response rate and 94% of all spend surveyed. The Company sent up to three reminder letters to each supplier who did not respond to the Company’s initial survey request in an attempt to receive a completed CMRT and worked through relationship managers to personally follow up with non-responsive, high-spend suppliers.
Of the 178 responses, 59 suppliers either claimed to source conflict minerals from one or more of the Covered Countries or provided information that caused the Company to reasonably believe that the supplier sourced conflict minerals from one or more of the Covered Countries. In addition, 11 suppliers identified using high-risk smelters that source from CAHRA’s, but not from Covered Countries. As a result, the Company has reason to believe that necessary conflict minerals in its products may have originated in the Covered Countries.
Red Flag Review

The Company performed an automated red flag review of all supplier responses. Each facility that met the RMI definition of a smelter or refiner of a 3TG mineral was assessed according to red flag indicators defined in the OECD Guidance. The three factors evaluated to determine the level of risk that each smelter poses to the supply chain are:
Geographic proximity to the Covered Countries.
RMAP audit status; and
Credible evidence of unethical or conflict sourcing.
Based on these criteria the following facilities have been identified with red-flag risks in their supply chain:
African Gold Refinery - CID003185 - Uganda
Artek LLC - CID003553 - Russian Federation
AU Traders and Refiners - CID002850 - South Africa
Emirates Gold DMCC - CID002561 - United Arab Emirates
Fidelity Printers and Refiners Ltd. - CID002515 - Zimbabwe
Gejiu Kai Meng Industry and Trade LLC - CID000942 - China
Gejiu Zili Mining and Metallurgy Co., Ltd. - CID000555 - China
GGC Gujrat Gold Centre Pvt. Ltd. - CID002852 - India
Hunan Jintai New Material Co., Ltd. - CID000769 - China
Hydrometallurg, JSC - CID002649 - Russian Federation
Industrial Refining Company - CID002587 - Belgium
JSC "Kirovgrad Hard Alloys Plant" - CID003408 - Russian Federation
JSC Ekaterinburg Non-Ferrous Metal Processing Plant - CID000927 - Russian Federation
JSC Novosibirsk Refinery - CID000493 - Russian Federation
JSC Uralelectromed - CID000929 - Russian Federation
KalotPrecious Metals - CID002563 - United Arab Emirates
Kyshtym Copper-Electrolytic Plant ZAO - CID002865 - Russian Federation
Lingbao Gold Co., Ltd. - CID001056 - China
LLC Vostok - CID003643 - Russian Federation
Moliren Ltd. - CID002845 - Russian Federation
Moscow Special Alloys Processing Plant - CID001204 - Russian Federation
Novosibirsk Tin Combine - CID001305 - Russian Federation
NPP Tyazhmetprom LLC - CID003416 - Russian Federation
OJSC "The Gulidov Krasnoyarsk Non-Ferrous Metals Plant" (OJSC Krastsvetmet) - CID001326 - Russian Federation
OOO “Technolom” 1 - CID003614 - Russian Federation
OOO “Technolom” 2 - CID003612 - Russian Federation
Pongpipat Company Limited - CID003208 - Myanmar
Prioksky Plant of Non-Ferrous Metals - CID001386 - Russian Federation
PT Panca Mega Persada - CID001457 - Indonesia

Samduck Precious Metals - CID001555 - Korea, Republic Of
Singway Technology Co., Ltd. - CID002516 - Taiwan, Province Of China
SOE Shyolkovsky Factory of Secondary Precious Metals - CID001756 - Russian Federation
Solikamsk Magnesium Works OAO - CID001769 - Russian Federation
Sudan Gold Refinery - CID002567 - Sudan
Umicore Precious Metals Thailand - CID002314 - Thailand
Unecha Refractory metals plant - CID002724 - Russian Federation
VQB Mineral and Trading Group JSC - CID002015 - Viet Nam
Yunnan Copper Industry Co., Ltd. - CID000197 - China
As part of our risk management plan under the OECD Guidance, when these facilities were reported on a CMRT by one of the suppliers surveyed, risk mitigation activities were initiated. Submissions that included any of the above facilities immediately produced a return email instructing the supplier to take their own risk mitigation actions and to escalate this matter up within the supplier in order to work to remove these red flag smelters or refiners from their supply chain.
Due Diligence Measures Performed
Following the Company’s RCOI, the Company performed the following measures to exercise due diligence on the source and chain of custody of the necessary conflict minerals contained in the Company’s products which the Company has reason to believe may have originated from the Covered Countries:
Reviewed supplier responses that claimed to source conflict minerals from one or more of the Covered Countries (59 out of 178 completed supplier responses) and compiled initial list of smelters and refiners provided by such suppliers.
Followed up with suppliers that claimed to source, or provided information that caused the Company to reasonably believe that the supplier sourced, conflict minerals from one or more of the Covered Countries but did not provide a smelter or refiner list or indicated that they did not provide a complete smelter or refiner list to request additional smelter or refiner information.
Compared a list of 522 potential unique smelters or refiners received from the above suppliers against conformant, active, and legitimate smelter or refiner lists per the RMAP for verification of existence and location of the smelters or refiners, as well as the location from which conflict minerals were sourced.
Identified 225 smelters or refiners on the RMAP conformant list and 9 smelters on the RMAP active list.
For all suppliers who provided non-RMAP conformant or non-RMAP active smelters or refiners (102 suppliers), the Company reached out to them and asked them to work with their smelters and encourage them to become RMAP conformant.
Results of Due Diligence Measures
As a downstream purchaser of products which contain conflict minerals, the Company’s due diligence measures can provide only reasonable, not absolute, assurance regarding the source and chain of custody of the necessary conflict minerals. The Company’s due diligence processes are based on the necessity of seeking data from direct suppliers and those suppliers seeking similar information within their supply chains to identify the original sources of the necessary conflict minerals. The Company also relies, to a large extent, on information collected and provided by independent third-party audit programs. Such sources of information may yield inaccurate or incomplete information due to, among other reasons, gaps in supplier or smelter data, errors or omissions in information provided by suppliers or smelters, or misunderstandings by suppliers or smelters regarding the SEC requirements.
Per the Company’s supply chain survey, 59 of the Company’s suppliers claimed to source, or provided information that caused the Company to reasonably believe that the supplier sourced, conflict minerals from one or more of the Covered Countries.
Suppliers identified 522 potential smelter and refiner facilities that may process the necessary conflict minerals contained in the materials provided to the Company. Of those facilities:

225 are listed as “conformant” on the RMAP list, meaning that they are conformant with the RMAP assessment protocols.
9 are listed as “active” on the RMAP list, meaning that they have committed to undergo a RMAP audit or are participating in a cross-recognized certification program.
120 are included on the RMAP list, but are not listed as “conformant” or “active”; and
after comparing the remaining 168 names to the RMAP database, the Company was unable to determine that these were valid smelter names.
A listing of the known smelters and refiners identified by the Company’s suppliers is included in Annex I below. Not all of the included smelters and refiners may have processed the necessary conflict minerals contained in the Company’s products. In some cases, suppliers may have reported to us smelters and refiners that were not in our supply chain due to over-inclusiveness in the information received from their respective suppliers, the decision of such suppliers to provide information on a company-wide level rather than a product-based level, or for other reasons. The smelters and refiners listed in Annex I may not be all of the smelters and refiners in the Company’s supply chain, since certain suppliers were unable to identify the smelters and refiners of some of the necessary conflict minerals content contained in our products and because not all suppliers responded to our inquiries.
The RMAP-conformant smelters disclosed that, in addition to sourcing from recycled or scrap sources, they have sourced materials from L1, L2 and L3 countries, as well as from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. L1 and L2 countries are, respectively, countries with known active ore production that are not identified as conflict regions or plausible countries of smuggling or export of conflict minerals and countries that are known or plausible countries for smuggling, export out of L3 countries, or transit of materials containing conflict minerals. The L3 countries consist of the Covered Countries. The smelters that are not listed as “conformant” on the RMAP list disclosed that, in addition to sourcing from recycled or scrap sources, they have sourced materials from China, Australia, Canada, Indonesia, Peru, Bolivia, the United States of America and the L1 countries; however, many smelters did not provide specific country of origin data, and, as a result, this list is likely incomplete. The smelters that are not listed as “conformant” on the RMAP list did not disclose any mines located in the Covered Countries. An aggregate listing of all known countries of origin for sourced materials is included in Annex II below.
Compared to the 2022 reporting year, the Company observed the following changes through the analysis of RCOI and source and chain of custody due diligence data for the 2023 reporting year:
There was an increase in the number of suppliers reporting high risk smelters or refiners from 63 to 70 due to the addition of 8 non-conformant smelters sourcing from CAHRAs.
We saw an increase in the total number of smelters reported (from 468 to 522) and an increase in the number of non-legitimate smelter entities (126 to 168).
11 suppliers identified using high-risk smelters or refiners that source 3TGs from CAHRAs but not from the Covered Countries.
Independent Private Sector Audit
The Company does not have sufficient information to determine whether its products are “DRC conflict free.” As such, an independent private sector audit is not required at this time.
Continuous Improvement
The Company took the following steps, among others, to mature its conflict minerals program, including its RCOI and due diligence measures, in accordance with OECD Guidance and to further mitigate the risk that the conflict minerals contained in its products finance or benefit armed groups in the Covered Countries:
Continued to partner with a third-party software and service provider with extensive expertise in turn-key conflict minerals services.
Shared all due diligence results with the Steering Committee who demonstrated awareness and concern, as well as responsiveness to the risks identified in the due diligence.

Engaged with suppliers by directing them to training resources to increase the response rate and improve the quality of the supplier survey responses.
Reached out to smelters and refiners within the Company’s supply chain who are not currently on the RMAP list and encouraged them to become conformant.
Reached out to suppliers who indicated that they source conflict minerals from the Covered Countries to reiterate the Company’s policy and ask them to apply every effort to use only conformant sources of conflict minerals.
Worked with non-responsive suppliers through follow-up letters and direct outreach by commodity managers to educate suppliers and facilitate responses.
Created a process to receive external inquiries and grievances from customers, employees, or other interested parties.
Participated in multiple webinars and conferences.
Maintained membership in RMI since 2015, which provides the Company with the ability to participate in shaping industry policies regarding conflict minerals, a forum for engagement with stakeholder groups related to conflict minerals, and access to data regarding those facilities that are validated through the RMI.
The Company expects to take the following steps as part of continuous improvement:
Review Conflict Minerals governance and participation of the Steering Committee.
Work to further mature the Company’s conflict minerals program and build transparency over its supply chain in accordance with the OECD Guidance.
Continue to evaluate the Company’s suppliers in order to determine those suppliers that are in-scope and should be surveyed as part of the Company’s conflict minerals program.
Continue to drive our suppliers to obtain current, accurate, and complete information from their supply chain about their smelters and refiners of conflict minerals.
Further focus on the analysis of supplier responses and maturing the Company’s due diligence efforts and procedures for suppliers that report to source from one or more of the Covered Countries, specifically at the smelter or refiner and component level.
Increase the Company’s focus on conflict minerals compliance on high-risk and high-spend suppliers.

Annex I
Smelters and Refiners RY2023
MetalSmelter NameSmelter Facility LocationSmelter IDRMAP Audit Status
TungstenA.L.M.T. Corp.JapanCID000004Conformant
GoldAdvanced Chemical CompanyUnited States of AmericaCID000015Active
GoldAida Chemical Industries Co., Ltd.JapanCID000019Conformant
GoldAgosi AGGermanyCID000035Conformant
GoldAlmalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex (AMMC)UzbekistanCID000041Conformant
GoldAngloGold Ashanti Corrego do Sitio MineracaoBrazilCID000058Conformant
GoldArgor-Heraeus S.A.SwitzerlandCID000077Conformant
GoldAsahi Pretec Corp.JapanCID000082Conformant
GoldAsaka Riken Co., Ltd.JapanCID000090Conformant

GoldAtasay Kuyumculuk Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.S.TurkeyCID000103Outreach Required
TungstenKennametal HuntsvilleUnited States of AmericaCID000105Conformant
GoldAurubis AGGermanyCID000113Conformant
GoldBangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (Central Bank of the Philippines)PhilippinesCID000128Conformant
GoldBoliden ABSwedenCID000157Conformant
GoldC. Hafner GmbH + Co. KGGermanyCID000176Conformant
GoldCaridadMexicoCID000180Outreach Required
GoldCCR Refinery - Glencore Canada CorporationCanadaCID000185Conformant
GoldCendres + Metaux S.A.SwitzerlandCID000189Non Conformant
GoldYunnan Copper Industry Co., Ltd.ChinaCID000197Outreach Required
TungstenGuangdong Xianglu Tungsten Co., Ltd.ChinaCID000218Conformant
TinChenzhou Yunxiang Mining and Metallurgy Co., Ltd.ChinaCID000228Conformant
GoldChimet S.p.A.ItalyCID000233Conformant
TungstenChongyi Zhangyuan Tungsten Co., Ltd.ChinaCID000258Conformant
GoldChugai MiningJapanCID000264Conformant
TungstenCNMC (Guangxi) PGMA Co., Ltd.ChinaCID000281Outreach Required
TantalumGuangdong Rising Rare Metals-EO Materials Ltd.ChinaCID000291Conformant
TinAlphaUnited States of AmericaCID000292Conformant
TinPT Aries Kencana SejahteraIndonesiaCID000309Conformant
TinPT Premium Tin IndonesiaIndonesiaCID000313Conformant
GoldDaye Non-Ferrous Metals Mining Ltd.ChinaCID000343Outreach Required
GoldDSC (Do Sung Corporation)Korea, Republic OfCID000359Conformant
GoldEco-System Recycling Co., Ltd. East PlantJapanCID000425Conformant
TinEM VintoBolivia (Plurinational State Of)CID000438Conformant
TinEstanho de Rondonia S.A.BrazilCID000448Conformant
TantalumF&X Electro-Materials Ltd.ChinaCID000460Conformant
TinFenix MetalsPolandCID000468Conformant
GoldJSC Novosibirsk RefineryRussian FederationCID000493RMI Due Diligence Review - Unable to Proceed
GoldRefinery of Seemine Gold Co., Ltd.ChinaCID000522Outreach Required
TinGejiu Non-Ferrous Metal Processing Co., Ltd.ChinaCID000538Conformant
TinGejiu Zili Mining and Metallurgy Co., Ltd.ChinaCID000555Non Conformant
TungstenGlobal Tungsten & Powders LLCUnited States of AmericaCID000568Conformant
GoldGuoda Safina High-Tech Environmental Refinery Co., Ltd.ChinaCID000651Outreach Required
GoldHangzhou Fuchunjiang Smelting Co., Ltd.ChinaCID000671Outreach Required
GoldLT Metal Ltd.Korea, Republic OfCID000689Conformant

GoldHeimerle + Meule GmbHGermanyCID000694Conformant
GoldHeraeus Metals Hong Kong Ltd.ChinaCID000707Conformant
GoldHeraeus Germany GmbH Co. KGGermanyCID000711Conformant
TungstenHunan Chenzhou Mining Co., Ltd.ChinaCID000766Conformant
GoldHunan Chenzhou Mining Co., Ltd.ChinaCID000767Outreach Required
TungstenHunan Jintai New Material Co., Ltd.ChinaCID000769Non Conformant
GoldHunan Guiyang yinxing Nonferrous Smelting Co., Ltd.ChinaCID000773Outreach Required
GoldHwaSeong CJ CO., LTD.Korea, Republic OfCID000778Communication Suspended - Not Interested
GoldInner Mongolia Qiankun Gold and Silver Refinery Share Co., Ltd.ChinaCID000801Conformant
GoldIshifuku Metal Industry Co., Ltd.JapanCID000807Conformant
GoldIstanbul Gold RefineryTurkeyCID000814Conformant
GoldJapan MintJapanCID000823Conformant
TungstenJapan New Metals Co., Ltd.JapanCID000825Conformant
GoldJiangxi Copper Co., Ltd.ChinaCID000855Conformant
TantalumJiuJiang JinXin Nonferrous Metals Co., Ltd.ChinaCID000914Conformant
TantalumJiujiang Tanbre Co., Ltd.ChinaCID000917Conformant
GoldAsahi Refining USA Inc.United States of AmericaCID000920Conformant
GoldAsahi Refining Canada Ltd.CanadaCID000924Conformant
GoldJSC Ekaterinburg Non-Ferrous Metal Processing PlantRussian FederationCID000927RMI Due Diligence Review - Unable to Proceed
GoldJSC UralelectromedRussian FederationCID000929RMI Due Diligence Review - Unable to Proceed
GoldJX Nippon Mining & Metals Co., Ltd.JapanCID000937Conformant
TinGejiu Kai Meng Industry and Trade LLCChinaCID000942Non Conformant
GoldKazakhmys Smelting LLCKazakhstanCID000956Outreach Required
TungstenKennametal FallonUnited States of AmericaCID000966Conformant
GoldKennecott Utah Copper LLCUnited States of AmericaCID000969Conformant
GoldKojima Chemicals Co., Ltd.JapanCID000981Conformant
GoldKyrgyzaltyn JSCKyrgyzstanCID001029Non Conformant
GoldL'azurde Company for JewelrySaudi ArabiaCID001032RMI Due Diligence Review - Unable to Proceed
GoldLingbao Gold Co., Ltd.ChinaCID001056Outreach Required
GoldLingbao Jinyuan Tonghui Refinery Co., Ltd.ChinaCID001058Outreach Required
TinChina Tin Group Co., Ltd.ChinaCID001070Conformant
TantalumAMG BrasilBrazilCID001076Conformant
GoldLS-NIKKO Copper Inc.Korea, Republic OfCID001078Conformant
GoldLuoyang Zijin Yinhui Gold Refinery Co., Ltd.ChinaCID001093Outreach Required
TinMalaysia Smelting Corporation (MSC)MalaysiaCID001105Conformant
GoldMaterionUnited States of AmericaCID001113Conformant
GoldMatsuda Sangyo Co., Ltd.JapanCID001119Conformant

TinMetallic Resources, Inc.United States of AmericaCID001142Conformant
GoldMetalor Technologies (Suzhou) Ltd.ChinaCID001147Conformant
GoldMetalor Technologies (Hong Kong) Ltd.ChinaCID001149Conformant
GoldMetalor Technologies (Singapore) Pte., Ltd.SingaporeCID001152Conformant
GoldMetalor Technologies S.A.SwitzerlandCID001153Conformant
GoldMetalor USA Refining CorporationUnited States of AmericaCID001157Conformant
GoldMetalurgica Met-Mex Penoles S.A. De C.V.MexicoCID001161Conformant
TantalumMetallurgical Products India Pvt., Ltd.IndiaCID001163Conformant
TinMineracao Taboca S.A.BrazilCID001173Conformant
TantalumMineracao Taboca S.A.BrazilCID001175Conformant
GoldMitsubishi Materials CorporationJapanCID001188Conformant
TinMitsubishi Materials CorporationJapanCID001191Conformant
TantalumMitsui Mining and Smelting Co., Ltd.JapanCID001192Conformant
GoldMitsui Mining and Smelting Co., Ltd.JapanCID001193Conformant
TantalumNPM Silmet ASEstoniaCID001200Conformant
GoldMoscow Special Alloys Processing PlantRussian FederationCID001204RMI Due Diligence Review - Unable to Proceed
GoldNadir Metal Rafineri San. Ve Tic. A.S.TurkeyCID001220Conformant
TinJiangxi New Nanshan Technology Ltd.ChinaCID001231Conformant
GoldNavoi Mining and Metallurgical CombinatUzbekistanCID001236Conformant
GoldNihon Material Co., Ltd.JapanCID001259Conformant
TantalumNingxia Orient Tantalum Industry Co., Ltd.ChinaCID001277Conformant
TinNovosibirsk Tin CombineRussian FederationCID001305RMI Due Diligence Review - Unable to Proceed
TinO.M. Manufacturing (Thailand) Co., Ltd.ThailandCID001314Conformant
GoldOhura Precious Metal Industry Co., Ltd.JapanCID001325Conformant
GoldOJSC "The Gulidov Krasnoyarsk Non-Ferrous Metals Plant" (OJSC Krastsvetmet)Russian FederationCID001326RMI Due Diligence Review - Unable to Proceed
TinOperaciones Metalurgicas S.A.Bolivia (Plurinational State CID001337Conformant
GoldMKS PAMP SASwitzerlandCID001352Conformant
GoldPenglai Penggang Gold Industry Co., Ltd.ChinaCID001362Outreach Required
GoldPrioksky Plant of Non-Ferrous MetalsRussian FederationCID001386RMI Due Diligence Review - Unable to Proceed
GoldPT Aneka Tambang (Persero) TbkIndonesiaCID001397Conformant
TinPT Artha Cipta LanggengIndonesiaCID001399Conformant
TinPT Babel Inti PerkasaIndonesiaCID001402Conformant
TinPT Babel Surya Alam LestariIndonesiaCID001406Conformant
TinPT Bangka Tin IndustryIndonesiaCID001419Active

TinPT Belitung Industri SejahteraIndonesiaCID001421Conformant
TinPT Bukit TimahIndonesiaCID001428Conformant
TinPT Mitra Stania PrimaIndonesiaCID001453Conformant
TinPT Panca Mega PersadaIndonesiaCID001457Outreach Required
TinPT Prima Timah UtamaIndonesiaCID001458Conformant
TinPT Refined Bangka TinIndonesiaCID001460Conformant
TinPT Sariwiguna BinasentosaIndonesiaCID001463Conformant
TinPT Stanindo Inti PerkasaIndonesiaCID001468Conformant
TinPT Timah Tbk KundurIndonesiaCID001477Conformant
TinPT Timah Tbk MentokIndonesiaCID001482Conformant
TinPT Timah NusantaraIndonesiaCID001486Conformant
TinPT Tinindo Inter NusaIndonesiaCID001490Conformant
TinPT Tommy UtamaIndonesiaCID001493Conformant
GoldPX Precinox S.A.SwitzerlandCID001498Conformant
TantalumQuantumCleanUnited States of AmericaCID001508Conformant
GoldRand Refinery (Pty) Ltd.South AfricaCID001512Conformant
TantalumYanling Jincheng Tantalum & Niobium Co., Ltd.ChinaCID001522Conformant
GoldRoyal Canadian MintCanadaCID001534Conformant
TinRui Da HungTaiwan, Province of ChinaCID001539Conformant
GoldSabin Metal Corp.United States of AmericaCID001546Communication Suspended - Not Interested
GoldSamduck Precious MetalsKorea, Republic OfCID001555Non Conformant
GoldSamwon Metals Corp.Korea, Republic OfCID001562Communication Suspended - Not Interested
GoldSEMPSA Joyeria Plateria S.A.SpainCID001585Conformant
GoldShandong Tiancheng Biological Gold Industrial Co., Ltd.ChinaCID001619Outreach Required
GoldShandong Zhaojin Gold & Silver Refinery Co., Ltd.ChinaCID001622Conformant
GoldSichuan Tianze Precious Metals Co., Ltd.ChinaCID001736Conformant
GoldSOE Shyolkovsky Factory of Secondary Precious MetalsRussian FederationCID001756RMI Due Diligence Review - Unable to Proceed
GoldSolar Applied Materials Technology Corp.Taiwan, Province of ChinaCID001761Conformant
TantalumSolikamsk Magnesium Works OAORussian FederationCID001769RMI Due Diligence Review - Unable to Proceed
GoldSumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd.JapanCID001798Conformant
GoldSuper Dragon Technology Co., Ltd.Taiwan, Province of ChinaCID001810Outreach Required
TantalumTaki Chemical Co., Ltd.JapanCID001869Conformant
GoldTanaka Kikinzoku Kogyo K.K.JapanCID001875Conformant
TantalumTelex MetalsUnited States of AmericaCID001891Conformant
TinGejiu Yunxin Nonferrous Electrolysis Co., Ltd.ChinaCID001908Non Conformant
GoldGreat Wall Precious Metals Co., Ltd. of CBPMChinaCID001909Outreach Required
GoldShandong Gold Smelting Co., Ltd.ChinaCID001916Conformant
GoldTokuriki Honten Co., Ltd.JapanCID001938Conformant

GoldTongling Nonferrous Metals Group Co., Ltd.ChinaCID001947Outreach Required
GoldTorecomKorea, Republic OfCID001955Conformant
TantalumUlba Metallurgical Plant JSCKazakhstanCID001969Conformant
GoldUmicore S.A. Business Unit Precious Metals RefiningBelgiumCID001980Conformant
GoldUnited Precious Metal Refining, Inc.United States of AmericaCID001993Conformant
GoldValcambi S.A.SwitzerlandCID002003Conformant
TinVQB Mineral and Trading Group JSCViet NamCID002015Outreach Required
GoldWestern Australian Mint (T/a The Perth Mint)AustraliaCID002030Conformant
TinWhite Solder Metalurgia e Mineracao Ltda.BrazilCID002036Conformant
TungstenWolfram Bergbau und Hutten AGAustriaCID002044Conformant
TungstenXiamen Tungsten Co., Ltd.ChinaCID002082Conformant
GoldYamakin Co., Ltd.JapanCID002100Conformant
GoldYokohama Metal Co., Ltd.JapanCID002129Conformant
TinYunnan Chengfeng Non-ferrous Metals Co., Ltd.ChinaCID002158Conformant
TinTin Smelting Branch of Yunnan Tin Co., Ltd.ChinaCID002180Conformant
GoldZhongyuan Gold Smelter of Zhongjin Gold CorporationChinaCID002224Conformant
GoldGold Refinery of Zijin Mining Group Co., Ltd.ChinaCID002243Conformant
GoldMorris and WatsonNew ZealandCID002282Outreach Required
GoldSAFINA A.S.CzechiaCID002290Conformant
GoldGuangdong Jinding Gold LimitedChinaCID002312Outreach Required
TungstenJiangxi Minmetals Gao'an Non-ferrous Metals Co., Ltd.ChinaCID002313Communication Suspended - Not Interested
GoldUmicore Precious Metals ThailandThailandCID002314Non Conformant
TungstenGanzhou Jiangwu Ferrotungsten Co., Ltd.ChinaCID002315Conformant
TungstenJiangxi Yaosheng Tungsten Co., Ltd.ChinaCID002316Conformant
TungstenJiangxi Xinsheng Tungsten Industry Co., Ltd.ChinaCID002317Conformant
TungstenJiangxi Tonggu Non-ferrous Metallurgical & Chemical Co., Ltd.ChinaCID002318Conformant
TungstenMalipo Haiyu Tungsten Co., Ltd.ChinaCID002319Conformant
TungstenXiamen Tungsten (H.C.) Co., Ltd.ChinaCID002320Conformant
TungstenJiangxi Gan Bei Tungsten Co., Ltd.ChinaCID002321Conformant
TinCV Venus Inti PerkasaIndonesiaCID002455Conformant
TinMagnu's Minerais Metais e Ligas Ltda.BrazilCID002468Conformant
TinPT Tirus Putra MandiriIndonesiaCID002478Communication Suspended - Not Interested
TantalumHengyang King Xing Lifeng New Materials Co., Ltd.ChinaCID002492Conformant
TungstenGanzhou Seadragon W & Mo Co., Ltd.ChinaCID002494Conformant
TinMelt Metais e Ligas S.A.BrazilCID002500Non Conformant

TungstenAsia Tungsten Products Vietnam Ltd.Viet NamCID002502Conformant
TinPT ATD Makmur Mandiri JayaIndonesiaCID002503Conformant
TantalumD Block Metals, LLCUnited States of AmericaCID002504Conformant
TantalumFIR Metals & Resource Ltd.ChinaCID002505Conformant
TantalumJiujiang Zhongao Tantalum & Niobium Co., Ltd.ChinaCID002506Conformant
TantalumXinXing HaoRong Electronic Material Co., Ltd.ChinaCID002508Conformant
GoldMMTC-PAMP India Pvt., Ltd.IndiaCID002509Conformant
GoldKGHM Polska Miedz Spolka AkcyjnaPolandCID002511Conformant
TantalumJiangxi Dinghai Tantalum & Niobium Co., Ltd.ChinaCID002512Conformant
TungstenHunan Shizhuyuan Nonferrous Metals Co., Ltd. Chenzhou Tungsten Products BranchChinaCID002513Conformant
GoldFidelity Printers and Refiners Ltd.ZimbabweCID002515RMI Due Diligence Review - Unable to Proceed
GoldSingway Technology Co., Ltd.Taiwan, Province of ChinaCID002516Non Conformant
TinO.M. Manufacturing Philippines, Inc.PhilippinesCID002517Conformant
GoldShandong Humon Smelting Co., Ltd.ChinaCID002525Outreach Required
GoldShenzhen Zhonghenglong Real Industry Co., Ltd.ChinaCID002527Outreach Required
TantalumKEMET de MexicoMexicoCID002539Conformant
TungstenH.C. Starck Tungsten GmbHGermanyCID002541Conformant
TungstenTANIOBIS Smelting GmbH & Co. KGGermanyCID002542Conformant
TungstenMasan High-Tech MaterialsViet NamCID002543Conformant
TantalumTANIOBIS Co., Ltd.ThailandCID002544Conformant
TantalumTANIOBIS GmbHGermanyCID002545Conformant
TantalumMaterion Newton Inc.United States of AmericaCID002548Conformant
TantalumTANIOBIS Japan Co., Ltd.JapanCID002549Conformant
TantalumTANIOBIS Smelting GmbH & Co. KGGermanyCID002550Conformant
TungstenJiangwu H.C. Starck Tungsten Products Co., Ltd.ChinaCID002551Conformant
TantalumGlobal Advanced Metals BoyertownUnited States of AmericaCID002557Conformant
TantalumGlobal Advanced Metals AizuJapanCID002558Conformant
GoldAl Etihad Gold Refinery DMCCUnited Arab EmiratesCID002560Non Conformant
GoldEmirates Gold DMCCUnited Arab EmiratesCID002561Non Conformant
GoldInternational Precious Metal RefinersUnited Arab EmiratesCID002562Outreach Required
GoldKaloti Precious MetalsUnited Arab EmiratesCID002563RMI Due Diligence Review - Unable to Proceed
GoldSudan Gold RefinerySudanCID002567Outreach Required
TinCV Ayi JayaIndonesiaCID002570Conformant
TinElectro-Mechanical Facility of the Cao Bang Minerals & Metallurgy Joint Stock CompanyViet NamCID002572Non Conformant
TinNghe Tinh Non-Ferrous Metals Joint Stock CompanyViet NamCID002573Outreach Required

TinTuyen Quang Non-Ferrous Metals Joint Stock CompanyViet NamCID002574Outreach Required
GoldT.C.A S.p.AItalyCID002580Conformant
GoldREMONDIS PMR B.V.NetherlandsCID002582Conformant
GoldFujairah Gold FZCUnited Arab EmiratesCID002584Outreach Required
GoldIndustrial Refining CompanyBelgiumCID002587Non Conformant
GoldShirpur Gold Refinery Ltd.IndiaCID002588Outreach Required
TungstenNiagara Refining LLCUnited States of AmericaCID002589Conformant
TinPT Rajehan AriqIndonesiaCID002593Conformant
GoldKorea Zinc Co., Ltd.Korea, Republic OfCID002605Conformant
GoldMarsam MetalsBrazilCID002606Non Conformant
GoldTOO Tau-Ken-AltynKazakhstanCID002615Conformant
TungstenChina Molybdenum Tungsten Co., Ltd.ChinaCID002641Conformant
TungstenHydrometallurg, JSCRussian FederationCID002649RMI Due Diligence Review - Unable to Proceed
TinPT Cipta Persada MuliaIndonesiaCID002696Conformant
TinAn Vinh Joint Stock Mineral Processing CompanyViet NamCID002703Outreach Required
TinResind Industria e Comercio Ltda.BrazilCID002706Conformant
TantalumResind Industria e Comercio Ltda.BrazilCID002707Conformant
GoldAbington Reldan Metals, LLCUnited States of AmericaCID002708Conformant
TungstenUnecha Refractory metals plantRussian FederationCID002724Non Conformant
GoldShenzhen CuiLu Gold Co., Ltd.ChinaCID002750Outreach Required
TinSuper LigasBrazilCID002756Conformant
GoldAlbino Mountinho Lda.PortugalCID002760Outreach Required
GoldSAAMPFranceCID002761Non Conformant
GoldL'Orfebre S.A.AndorraCID002762Conformant
Gold8853 S.p.A.ItalyCID002763Non Conformant
TinAurubis BeerseBelgiumCID002773Conformant
TinAurubis BerangoSpainCID002774Conformant
TinPT Bangka Prima TinIndonesiaCID002776Conformant
GoldWIELAND Edelmetalle GmbHGermanyCID002778Conformant
GoldOgussa Osterreichische Gold- und Silber-Scheideanstalt GmbHAustriaCID002779Conformant
TinPT Sukses Inti MakmurIndonesiaCID002816Conformant
TungstenPhilippine Chuangxin Industrial Co., Inc.PhilippinesCID002827Conformant
TungstenACL Metais EireliBrazilCID002833Non Conformant
TinPT Menara Cipta MuliaIndonesiaCID002835Conformant
TantalumJiangxi Tuohong New Raw MaterialChinaCID002842Conformant
TinHuiChang Hill Tin Industry Co., Ltd.ChinaCID002844Conformant
TungstenMoliren Ltd.Russian FederationCID002845RMI Due Diligence Review - Unable to Proceed
GoldAU Traders and RefinersSouth AfricaCID002850Non Conformant
GoldGGC Gujrat Gold Centre Pvt. Ltd.IndiaCID002852Non Conformant
GoldSai RefineryIndiaCID002853Outreach Required
GoldModeltech Sdn BhdMalaysiaCID002857Non Conformant

TinModeltech Sdn BhdMalaysiaCID002858Non Conformant
GoldBangalore RefineryIndiaCID002863Active
GoldKyshtym Copper-Electrolytic Plant ZAORussian FederationCID002865RMI Due Diligence Review - Unable to Proceed
GoldDegussa Sonne / Mond Goldhandel GmbHGermanyCID002867Outreach Required
GoldPease & CurrenUnited States of AmericaCID002872Communication Suspended - Not Interested
GoldJALAN & CompanyIndiaCID002893Outreach Required
GoldSungEel HiMetal Co., Ltd.Korea, Republic OfCID002918Conformant
GoldPlanta Recuperadora de Metales SpAChileCID002919Conformant
GoldABC Refinery Pty Ltd.AustraliaCID002920Outreach Required
GoldSafimet S.p.AItalyCID002973Non Conformant
TinGuangdong Hanhe Non-Ferrous Metal Co., Ltd.ChinaCID003116Conformant
GoldState Research Institute Center for Physical Sciences and TechnologyLithuaniaCID003153Outreach Required
GoldAfrican Gold RefineryUgandaCID003185RMI Due Diligence Review - Unable to Proceed
GoldGold Coast RefineryGhanaCID003186Outreach Required
GoldNH Recytech CompanyKorea, Republic OfCID003189Conformant
TinChifeng Dajingzi Tin Industry Co., Ltd.ChinaCID003190Conformant
TinPT Bangka SerumpunIndonesiaCID003205Conformant
TinPongpipat Company LimitedMyanmarCID003208Outreach Required
GoldQG Refining, LLCUnited States of AmericaCID003324Outreach Required
TinTin Technology & RefiningUnited States of AmericaCID003325Conformant
GoldDijllah Gold Refinery FZCUnited Arab EmiratesCID003348Outreach Required
TinDongguan CiEXPO Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd.ChinaCID003356Non Conformant
TinMa'anshan Weitai Tin Co., Ltd.ChinaCID003379Non Conformant
TinPT Rajawali Rimba PerkasaIndonesiaCID003381Conformant
GoldCGR Metalloys Pvt Ltd.IndiaCID003382Outreach Required
GoldSovereign MetalsIndiaCID003383Outreach Required
TinLuna Smelter, Ltd.RwandaCID003387Conformant
TinYunnan Yunfan Non-ferrous Metals Co., Ltd.ChinaCID003397Conformant
TungstenLianyou Metals Co., Ltd.Taiwan, Province of ChinaCID003407Conformant
TungstenJSC "Kirovgrad Hard Alloys Plant"Russian FederationCID003408RMI Due Diligence Review - Unable to Proceed
TinPrecious Minerals and Smelting LimitedIndiaCID003409Active
TinGejiu City Fuxiang Industry and Trade Co., Ltd.ChinaCID003410Outreach Required
TungstenNPP Tyazhmetprom LLCRussian FederationCID003416RMI Due Diligence Review - Unable to Proceed
TungstenHubei Green Tungsten Co., Ltd.ChinaCID003417Conformant
GoldEco-System Recycling Co., Ltd. North PlantJapanCID003424Conformant

GoldEco-System Recycling Co., Ltd. West PlantJapanCID003425Conformant
TungstenAlbasteel Industria e Comercio de Ligas Para Fundicao Ltd.BrazilCID003427Non Conformant
TinPT Mitra Sukses GlobalindoIndonesiaCID003449Conformant
GoldAugmont Enterprises Private LimitedIndiaCID003461Non Conformant
GoldKundan Care Products Ltd.IndiaCID003463Outreach Required
TungstenCronimet Brasil LtdaBrazilCID003468Conformant
TinCRM Fundicao De Metais E Comercio De Equipamentos Eletronicos Do Brasil LtdaBrazilCID003486Conformant
GoldEmerald Jewel Industry India Limited (Unit 1)IndiaCID003487Outreach Required
GoldEmerald Jewel Industry India Limited (Unit 2)IndiaCID003488Outreach Required
GoldEmerald Jewel Industry India Limited (Unit 3)IndiaCID003489Outreach Required
GoldEmerald Jewel Industry India Limited (Unit 4)IndiaCID003490Outreach Required
GoldK.A. RasmussenNorwayCID003497Outreach Required
GoldAlexy MetalsUnited States of AmericaCID003500Non Conformant
TinCRM SynergiesSpainCID003524Conformant
GoldMD OverseasIndiaCID003548Outreach Required
TungstenArtek LLCRussian FederationCID003553RMI Due Diligence Review - Unable to Proceed
GoldMetallix Refining Inc.United States of AmericaCID003557Outreach Required
GoldMetal Concentrators SA (Pty) Ltd.South AfricaCID003575Conformant
TinFabrica Auricchio Industria e Comercio Ltda.BrazilCID003582Conformant
TantalumRFH Yancheng Jinye New Material Technology Co., Ltd.ChinaCID003583Conformant
TungstenFujian Xinlu Tungsten Co., Ltd.ChinaCID003609Conformant
TungstenOOO “Technolom” 2Russian FederationCID003612RMI Due Diligence Review - Unable to Proceed
TungstenOOO “Technolom” 1Russian FederationCID003614RMI Due Diligence Review - Unable to Proceed
GoldGold by Gold ColombiaColombiaCID003641Conformant
TungstenLLC VostokRussian FederationCID003643RMI Due Diligence Review - Unable to Proceed
TungstenYUDU ANSHENG TUNGSTEN CO., LTD.ChinaCID003662Outreach Required
GoldDongwu Gold GroupChinaCID003663Outreach Required
GoldSam Precious MetalsUnited Arab EmiratesCID003666Outreach Required
TinDS MyanmarMyanmarCID003831Conformant
TinPT Putera Sarana Shakti (PT PSS)IndonesiaCID003868Conformant
Tantalum5D Production OUEstoniaCID003926Outreach Required
TungstenHANNAE FOR T Co., Ltd.Korea, Republic OfCID003978Outreach Required
TungstenTungsten Vietnam Joint Stock CompanyViet NamCID003993Conformant
GoldCoimpa Industrial LTDABrazilCID004010Conformant

TungstenNam Viet Cromit Joint Stock CompanyViet NamCID004034Outreach Required
TantalumPowerX Ltd.RwandaCID004054Conformant
TungstenMALAMET SMELTING SDN. BHD.MalaysiaCID004056Outreach Required
TungstenDONGKUK INDUSTRIES CO., LTD.Korea, Republic OfCID004060Outreach Required
TinMining Minerals Resources SARLCongo, Democratic Republic of TheCID004065Conformant
TungstenLianyou Resources Co., Ltd.Taiwan, Province of ChinaCID004397Conformant
TinTakehara PVD Materials Plant / PVD Materials Division of MITSUI MINING & SMELTING CO., LTD.JapanCID004403Active
TungstenShinwon Tungsten (Fujian Shanghang) Co., Ltd.ChinaCID004430Conformant
TinMalaysia Smelting Corporation Berhad (Port Klang)MalaysiaCID004434In Communication
GoldGG Refinery Ltd.Tanzania, United Republic OfCID004506Active
GoldImpala Refineries – Base Metals Refinery (BMR)South AfricaCID004604Active
GoldImpala RustenburgSouth AfricaCID004610Active
TungstenKenee Mining Corporation VietnamViet NamCID004619Active

Annex II
Countries of Origin RY2023
Bolivia (Plurinational State Of)
Congo, Democratic Republic of The
Korea, Republic Of

New Zealand
North Macedonia
Russian Federation
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
Taiwan, Province of China
Tanzania, United Republic Of
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
United States of America
Viet Nam

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