RNS Number : 6410R

Yujin International Ltd

30 June 2015

30 June 2015


("Yujin", the "Company" or "the Group")

Final results Release

Yujin, an owner and operator of a fleet of short range tankers, providing logistics and ship management services to customers in the chemical and oil industry in the Asia Pacific Region, announces herewith its audited final results in respect of the year ended 31 December 2014.

The notes to this announcement contain additional information that has been extracted from the Annual Report. This announcement should be read in conjunction with, and not as a substitute for, reading the full Annual Report.


v Yujin currently owns and operates two vessels, with a combined tonnage of 9,771.

v As a result of the sale of the four bunker tankers in 2013 and reduced Ship Management income for 2014, the consolidated net revenue declined to USD 7.2 million (2013: USD 10.4 million).

v Yujin's Regional Tankers has shown improvement of 13% increase in revenue to USD 5.8 million (2013: USD 5.1 million) and operating profit went up substantially to USD 0.6 million (2013: USD 0.3 million. This is mainly due to better charter rates with higher fleet utilisation.

v Yujin's chemical tanker has been on continuous spot contract in 2014. Yujin's bitumen tanker is on a term contract and her next contract renewal is due in November 2015.

v Yujin managed ten vessels as at 31 December 2014, after the sale of one managed ship by its 3(rd) party owner in March 2014.

v The full year impact, following the sale of four bunker tankers in 2013 and a reduction in of managed ships resulted in a decrease in operating profit in Ship Management income for 2014, leading to an overall operating loss of USD 0.1 million (2013: USD 1.1 million)

v The directors do not recommend a dividend be paid for the year ended 31 December 2014.

For further information please contact:

   Yujin International Ltd.                                              Tel: 00 (65) 6226 2963 

Keen Whye LEE

Or visit www.yujininternational.com

   Cantor Fitzgerald Europe                                        Tel: 020 7894 7000 

Rick Thompson/Michael Reynolds

NB: The currency used in this announcement is US Dollars unless otherwise indicated.


Yujin, an owner and operator of a fleet of short range tankers providing logistics and ship management services to customers in the chemical and oil industry in the Asia Pacific Region, announces herewith its audited non-statutory annual results in respect of the year ended 31 December 2014 for the purpose of reporting to its shareholders.

With the sale of our bunker tankers in 2013 and reduced ship management income, revenue from continuing operations fell by 27% to USD 7.2 million compared to USD 9.9 million in 2013. While there was an improvement in the revenue and operating profit for regional tankers, losses in operating profit from ship management resulted in an overall operating loss of USD 0.1 million (2013: operating profit of USD 1.1 million).

                                       Revenue                 Operating profit 
                                 2014          2013          2014           2013 
 External customers             USD '000      USD '000      USD '000      USD '000 
 Bunker tankers                         -        3,139              -           438 
 Regional tankers                  5,778         5,122            559           362 
 Ship management and other 
  income                           1,464         1,685          (667)           287 
                             ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------- 
 Continuing operations             7,242         9,946          (108)        1,087 
 Bunker trade (non core 
  activity)                             -           409             -              7 
                                                         ------------  ------------- 
                                   7,242       10,355           (108)        1,094 
                             ============  ============  ============  ============= 

Comments on the performance of each operating segment:

Bunker tankers

There is no activity in 2014 due to the sale of the Group's bunker tankers in 2013.

Regional tankers

Yujin owns two foreign going vessels; MT Team Bee, a chemical tanker of 4,772 DWT and MT Arcturus, a bitumen tanker of 4,999 DWT. MT Team Bee has been continuously on spot charter contract in 2014. MT Arcturus has been on a term contract since June 2012 and her next contract renewal will be due in November 2015.

Due to redeployment of the less efficient small tankers to coastal and inland trade, there was an increase in demand for our Regional tankers contributing to better rates and high usage resulting in a 13% increase in Revenue to USD 5.7 million, as compared to USD 5.1 million in 2013 while operating profit improved substantially to USD 0.5 million as compared to a 2013 profit of USD 0.3 million. The increased operating profit was due to better charter rates with higher fleet utilisation.

Ship management and other income

Yujin, through its wholly owned subsidiary, JR Orion Services Pte Ltd, managed ten (10) ships as at 31 December 2014 following the sale of one managed ship by its 3(rd) party Owner in March 2014. The big drop in income for 2014 was mainly due to full year impact of the sale of our four bunker tankers in 2013.


The Board will not recommend any dividends to be made in respect of the year ended 31 December 2014.


The Company continues to review opportunities to develop and grow the business with potential strategic partners, with a view to maintaining its AIM listing.

The regional shipping market is expected to improve marginally. Freight rates strengthened in some sectors and fuel costs have weakened and expected to remain soft. If freight rates and fuel costs continue to improve, the market for regional tankers remains strong.

Lee Keen Whye


Yujin International Ltd.

30 June 2015

Yujin International Ltd.

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

as at 31 December 2014

                                           Note         2014              2013 
 ASSETS                                                 USD                USD 
 Non-current assets 
  Property, plant and equipment             5       11,529,025         11,248,869 
  Deferred tax                              11                   -         200,421 
                                                 -----------------  --------------- 
                                                    11,529,025         11,449,290 
 Current assets 
  Trade and other receivables               6           825,349          1,254,828 
  Cash and cash equivalents                 7           313,748            744,195 
                                                 -----------------  --------------- 
                                                      1,139,097          1,999,023 
 Total assets                                       12,668,122         13,448,313 
                                                 =================  =============== 
 Equity attributable to equity holders 
  of the Company 
  Share capital                             8         3,317,897          3,317,897 
  Retained earnings                         8          (717,267)          (501,180) 
  Currency translation reserve                        1,938,491          2,604,010 
  Revaluation reserve                                 3,003,083          1,744,296 
                                                 -----------------  --------------- 
                                                      7,542,204          7,165,023 
 Non-controlling interests                             (260,197)          (505,814) 
 Total equity                                         7,282,007          6,659,209 
                                                 =================  =============== 
 Non-current liabilities 
  Term loan (secured)                       9         1,006,562          1,711,562 
  Deferred tax                              11        1,476,853          1,623,238 
                                                 -----------------  --------------- 
                                                      2,483,415          3,334,800 
 Current liabilities 
  Trade and other payables                  12        1,444,948          1,853,258 
  Amount payable from a related 
   company                                  12          167,102            114,490 
  Term loan (secured)                       9           705,000            705,000 
  Provisions                                10            60,158             80,816 
  Income tax payable                        13          525,492            700,740 
                                                 -----------------  --------------- 
                                                      2,902,700          3,454,304 
                                                 -----------------  --------------- 
 Total liabilities                                    5,386,115          6,789,104 
 Total equity and liabilities                       12,668,122         13,448,313 
                                                 =================  =============== 

Yujin International Ltd.

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

for the year ended 31 December 2014

                                                                                             Total attributable 
                       Share         Translation       Revaluation         Retained           to equity holders      Non-controlling        Total 
                      capital          reserve           reserve           earnings            of the Company           interests          equity 
                        USD              USD               USD                USD                   USD                    USD               USD 
 Balance at 31 
  December 2012      3,317,897        3,496,966          2,519,360           542,564                 9,876,787           (431,368)         9,445,419 
 Total comprehensive 
 income/(loss) for the 
 Loss for the 
  year                          -                -                  -    (1,043,744)                (1,043,744)            (74,649)      (1,118,393) 
 income : 
  Revaluation of 
   equiptment                   -                -     (1,041,258)                    -             (1,041,258)                    -     (1,041,258) 
   differences                  -      (892,956)            266,194                   -                (626,762)                 203        (626,559) 
                  ---------------  ---------------  -----------------  ----------------  -------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
  income/(loss)                 -      (892,956)          (775,064)      (1,043,744)                (2,711,764)            (74,446)      (2,786,210) 
                  ---------------  ---------------  -----------------  ----------------  -------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
 Balance at 31 
  December 2013      3,317,897        2,604,010          1,744,296          (501,180)                7,165,023           (505,814)         6,659,209 
 Total comprehensive 
 income/(loss) for the 
 Loss for the 
  year                          -                -                  -       (216,087)                  (216,087)          135,141             (80,946) 
 income :                                                                                                        - 
  Revaluation of 
   equiptment                   -                -       1,258,787                    -              1,258,787            110,476          1,369,263 
   differences                  -      (665,519)                    -                 -                (665,519)                   -        (665,519) 
                  ---------------  ---------------  -----------------  ----------------  -------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
  income/(loss)                 -      (665,519)         1,258,787          (216,087)                   377,181           245,617             622,798 
                  ---------------  ---------------  -----------------  ----------------  -------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
 Balance at 31 
  December 2014      3,317,897        1,938,491          3,003,083          (717,267)                7,542,204           (260,197)         7,282,007 
                  ===============  ===============  =================  ================  =========================  ================  ================ 

Yujin International Ltd.

Consolidated Statement of Cash flow

for the year ended 31 December 2014

                                                 Note              2014                2013 
                                                                    USD                 USD 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
  Loss before taxation                                             (148,867)           (695,198) 
 Adjustments for: 
  Bank loan interest                                                  40,273            216,205 
  Bad debts written off                                               50,000              31,459 
  Provision for impairment loss on 
   receivable (trade)                             6                   34,419              42,301 
  Impairment loss on property, plant 
   and equipment                                  5                          -          705,982 
  Depreciation                                    5              1,089,676           2,080,476 
  Loss on disposal of property, plant 
   and equipment                                  5                          -          867,038 
                                                                 1,214,368           3,943,461 
                                                            ------------------  ------------------ 
 Operating profit before working capital 
  changes                                                        1,065,501           3,248,263 
  Decrease in trade and other receivables                           345,060             112,935 
  Decrease in trade and other payables                          (1,073,829)         (2,455,012) 
  Provisions                                                        (20,658)                     - 
                                                            ------------------  ------------------ 
                                                                   (749,427)        (2,342,077) 
                                                            ------------------  ------------------ 
 Cash generated from operations                                     316,074             906,186 
  Income tax paid                                 13                (28,621)                     - 
                                                            ------------------  ------------------ 
 Net cash flows from operating activities                           287,453             906,186 
 Cash flows from investing activities 
  Purchase of property, plant and 
   equipment                                      5                   (1,862)          (611,449) 
  Proceeds from disposal of property, 
   plant and equipment                                                       -     11,147,383 
                                                            ------------------  ------------------ 
 Net cash flows from/(used in) investing 
  activities                                                          (1,862)      10,535,934 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
  Payment of term loan interest                                     (40,273)           (204,185) 
  Payment of interest to related parties                                     -          (19,163) 
  Payment of term loan financing                                   (705,000)        (8,744,187) 
  Loan from related party                                                           (2,205,702) 
  Amount payable to a related company                                 52,612              15,948 
                                                            ------------------  ------------------ 
 Net cash flows used in financing activities                       (692,661)      (11,157,289) 
 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                         (407,070)            284,831 
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
  of year                                         7                 744,195             474,716 
 Effect of exchange rate changes                                    (23,377)            (15,352) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of 
  year                                            7                 313,748             744,195 
                                                            ==================  ================== 
                                                                    295,624             295,624 
                                                        od         (465,795)           (465,795) 
                                                                   (170,171)           (170,171) 
                                                            ------------------  ------------------ 
                                                                    483,919             914,366 

Yujin International Ltd.

Notes to the financial information

for the year ended 31 December 2014

   1.   Basis of preparation 

The financial information has been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board ("IFRS's") and using accounting policies which are consistent with those adopted in the non-statutory financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2014.

The financial information set out in this announcement does not constitute the Company's non-statutory financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2014, but it is derived from those non-statutory financial statements.

The financial information is prepared in US Dollars (USD) except where otherwise stated.

Whilst the financial information included in these full year results has been prepared in accordance with IFRS, this announcement itself does not contain sufficient information to comply with IFRS. A copy of the non-statutory financial statements prepared under IFRS for the year ended 31 December 2014 will be issued prior to the Company's Annual General Meeting. The announcement was approved on 29 June 2015.

The company's current auditor has reported on the non-statutory financial statement for the year ended 31 December 2014, their report was unqualified.

The directors do not propose a dividend in respect of the year ended 31 December 2014 (2013: Nil).

Going concern

The non-statutory financial statements have been prepared on the going concern basis of accounting which assumes adequate financial resources will be available to the Group for a period of at least twelve months from the date of approval of these non-statutory financial statements. In support of this assumption, the Directors have prepared detailed budgets and cash flow projections based on continuing operations and the Group's currently available cash and cash projected to be generated from its operations. Those budgets and cash flow projections include future estimated cash flows generated from operating activities from the ongoing Group trade as well as, where and if required, other source of funding such as those generated from investing or financing activities. These budgets and cash flow projections have been reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors.

   2.   Fixed Assets 
                          Office      Office       Office     Computer                     under 
 Group - 2014            Equipment   Furniture   Renovation   Software     Vessels     Construction      Total 
                            USD         USD         USD         USD          USD           USD            USD 
 Cost or Valuation 
 Balance at beginning 
  of year: 
   At cost                 9,286      31,970       51,016      99,556         -             -           191,828 
   At valuation              -           -           -           -       11,200,000         -         11,200,000 
                        ----------  ----------  -----------  ---------  ------------  -------------  ------------ 
                           9,286      31,970       51,016      99,556    11,200,000         -         11,391,828 
   - Additions               -           -           -         1,862          -             -            1,862 
   - Disposals             (370)         -           -        (48,542)        -             -          (48,912) 
   - Adjustments             -           -           -           -            -             -              - 
   - Revaluation 
   surplus                   -           -           -           -        1,369,263         -          1,369,263 
   - Elimination 
   on revaluation            -           -           -           -       (1,069,263)        -         (1,069,263) 
   - Net exchange 
   difference                -           -           -           -            -             -              - 
   Balance at end 
   of year                 8,916      31,970       51,016      52,876    11,500,000         -         11,644,778 
                        ----------  ----------  -----------  ---------  ------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Accumulated depreciation 
 and impairment 
 Balance at beginning 
  of year:                 9,285      27,210       47,168      59,296         -             -           142,959 
 - Charge for 
  current year               -         3,555       2,106       14,755     1,069,263         -          1,089,679 
   - Impairment 
   loss                      -           -           -           -            -             -              - 
   - Disposals             (370)         -           -        (48,539)        -             -          (48,909) 
   - Elimination 
   on revaluation            -           -           -           -       (1,069,263)        -         (1,069,263) 
   - Net exchange 
   difference                -          270         369         648           -             -            1,287 
   Balance at end 
   of year                 8,915      31,035       49,643      26,160         -             -           115,753 
                        ----------  ----------  -----------  ---------  ------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Net Book Value 
 At end of year              1          935        1,373       26,716    11,500,000         -         11,529,025 
                        ----------  ----------  -----------  ---------  ------------  -------------  ------------ 
 At beginning 
  of year                    1         4,760       3,848       40,260    11,200,000         -         11,248,869 
                        ----------  ----------  -----------  ---------  ------------  -------------  ------------ 

During the year, the Group acquired property, plant and equipment with an aggregate cost of USD 1,862 (2013: USD acquired 575,895) of which USD NIL (2013: USD NIL) was acquired by means of term loan facilities. Cash payments of USD 1,862 (2013: USD 611,448) were made for purchase of property, plant and equipment.

During the year, the Group had revalued the two (2013: two) operating vessels based on the valuation reports verified by a firm of independent professional valuers, on an open market basis. The cumulative valuation surplus amounting to USD 1,369,263 (deficit in 2013: USD 13,902) has been transferred to the revaluation reserves of the Group (note 8).

The Group disposed of four of its vessels for a consideration of USD 11,147,383 to third parties. Loss on disposal of USD 1,021,561 was taken up in the Statement of Comprehensive Income.

The Group had reversed the valuation reserve of USD1,027,356 for the disposal of the vessels.

The carrying amount of the vessels would have been USD 9,209,195 (2013: USD 10,278,458) had the vessel been carried at cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment loss.

The Group's vessels are mortgaged to the bank to obtain term loan facility (note 10).

   3.      Cash and cash equivalents 

Cash and cash equivalents consist of cash on hand and with banks as follows:

                                 2014          2013 
                                 USD           USD 
 Cash on hand                       7,099       10,018 
 Cash at bank                   306,649        734,177 
                            -------------  ----------- 
 Balance per Statement 
  of Financial Position         313,748        744,195 
 Balance as per Statement 
  of Cash Flows                 313,748        744,195 
                            =============  =========== 
   4.      Taxation on profit from ordinary activities 
                                 Note        2014             2013 
                                             USD              USD 
 Balance at the beginning 
  of year                                    700,740                  - 
 Add: Current year provision      19                 -        670,846 
  in prior year                   19       (121,957)            29,894 
 Less: Translation difference                (24,670)                 - 
                                       ---------------  --------------- 
                                             554,113          700,740 
 Less: Payments                              (28,621)                 - 
 Add: Tax refund                                     -                - 
 Balance at the end of year                  525,492          700,740 
                                       ===============  =============== 

The income tax expense varied from the amount of income tax expense determined by applying the Singapore income tax rate of 17% (2013: 17%) to estimated chargeable income as a result of the following differences:

                                             2014          2013 
                                              USD           USD 
 Profit/(loss) for the year              (80,946)   (1,118,393) 
 Total income tax (income)/expense       (67,921)       423,195 
 Profit/(loss) before tax               (148,867)     (695,198) 
                                       ----------  ------------ 
 Income tax expenses at statutory 
  rate                                   (25,307)     (118,184) 
 Translation differences                        -       (8,395) 
 Non-deductible items                     177,180       710,841 
 Non-taxable items                      (108,965)     (122,786) 
 Effect on taxable income 
  on sale of asset                              -       725,536 
 Effect utilisation of capital 
  allowance                             (210,004)     (196,782) 
 Effect on partial tax exemption                -      (82,767) 
 Effect on tax incentives                 (3,886)     (101,147) 
 Utilisation of tax losses/capital 
  allowances                                    -     (174,479) 
 Under/(over) provision in 
  prior year                            (121,958)        29,894 
 Current year losses for which 
  no deferred 
   tax asset was recognised               225,019        39,009 
 Group relief to be utilised                    -             - 
 Deferred tax movement                          -     (277,545) 
 Total income tax expense                (67,921)       423,195 
                                       ==========  ============ 
   5.      Term Loan 
   (i)      The term loans are secured by: 

- A first priority legal mortgage on the Group's vessels (note 5);

- An assignment of all rights, earnings and benefits of the vessel (on a notification basis) in a form acceptable to the bank;

- The assignment of insurance policies covering Hull and Machinery, War Risks, Mortgagee Interest and Protection and Indemnity in respect of the vessel, in a form acceptable to the bank;

- Joint and several guarantee from the Company's directors; and

- Corporate guarantee from the holding company and certain subsidiaries.

(ii) The loans are repayable in 60 monthly installments from the date of last draw down after the completed vessel has been delivered. Effective interest varies from 1.90% to 1.92% (2013: 1.91% to 1.96% per annum). Interests are charged and paid monthly.

   6.      Deferred Tax 
                              Note        2014              2013 
                                           USD               USD 
 Deferred tax liabilities: 
 Opening balance                        1,623,238         2,902,658 
 Translation difference                            -         (26,613) 
 Temporary differences 
  movement                     19        (146,385)       (1,252,807) 
                                    ----------------  ---------------- 
 Closing balance                        1,476,853         1,623,238 
                                    ================  ================ 
 Deferred tax assets: 
 Opening balance                           200,421        1,167,692 
 Translation difference                            -                 - 
 Temporary differences 
  movement                     19        (200,421)         (967,271) 
                                    ----------------  ---------------- 
 Closing balance                                   -         200,421 
                                    ================  ================ 

Deferred tax liability refers to the difference between the net book value of the vessels and their tax written down values. Deferred tax asset relates to excess capital allowances claimed for the vessels and has been recognised to the extent that it is probable that the unused capital allowances claimed will be subsequently utilised.

   7.      Earnings per share 

The calculation of basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share at 31 December 2014 was based on the loss attributable to ordinary shareholders of USD 216,087 (2013: USD 1,043,744 loss) and a weighted average number of ordinary shares, calculated as follows:

                                            2014            2013 
                                        No. of shares   No. of shares 
 Issued ordinary shares at beginning 
  of the year                            30,000,010      30,000,010 
 Weighted number of shares issued 
  during the year                             -               - 
 Weighted average number of ordinary 
  in issue during the year               30,000,010      30,000,010 
                                       ==============  ============== 
       Basic loss per share                 : USD 0.007      2013: USD 0.03 
   Diluted loss per share                : USD 0.007      2013: USD 0.03 
   8.      Share capital 
                                 Group and Company 
                                 2014                2013 
                                 USD                 USD 
 Fully paid ordinary shares 
  with no par value: 
 Balance at beginning of year         30,000,010        30,000,010 
 Issued during year                              -                  - 
 Balance at end of year          30,000,010          30,000,010 
                                ==================  ================= 
 Number of shares                30,000,010          30,000,010 
                                ==================  ================= 

The Company had 30,000,010 ordinary shares in issue as at 31 December 2014

(2013: 30,000,010).

(a) The Companies Act Chapter 50 of Singapore abolished the concept of authorized share capital and the Company is not constrained by an authorized share capital in the memorandum of association of the Company.

(b) The holders of ordinary shares are entitled to receive dividends as declared from time to time and are entitled to one vote per share at meetings of the company. All shares rank equally with regard to the Company's residual assets.

At 31 December 2014, the Company has no Share Option Scheme.

   9.      Segmental reporting 

For management purposes, the Group is organised into operating segments based on the type of customers served and has three segments plus a non-core activity which is being done on an ad-hoc basis as follows:

(a) Bunker tankers: Our customers are principally bunker traders operating in the port of Singapore. These traders charter the Group's ships to supply bunker fuel to ships calling at the port.

(b) Regional tankers: Yujin's customers are manufacturers and traders of chemicals, including bitumen and vegetable oils, mainly palm oils. Yujin provides logistics support to these customers by transporting their products mainly within the Asia Pacific region.

(c) Ship management and other related activities: The Group, through its ship management company JR Orion Services Pte. Ltd, provides crew and technical management as well as ancillary services to ship owners.

(d) Bunker trade: Yujin is allocated an amount of bunker fuel by suppliers for its own use. Yujin occasionally sells off any excess over its own requirements. This non-core activity is being done at the request of customers on ad hoc basis.

                                       Revenue                 Operating profit 
                                 2014          2013          2014           2013 
 External customers             USD '000      USD '000      USD '000      USD '000 
 Bunker tankers                         -        3,139              -           438 
 Regional tankers                  5,778         5,122            559           362 
 Ship management and other 
  income                           1,464         1,685          (667)           287 
                             ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------- 
 Continuing operations             7,242         9,946          (108)        1,087 
 Bunker trade (non core 
  activity)                             -           409             -              7 
                                                         ------------  ------------- 
                                   7,242       10,355           (108)        1,094 
                             ============  ============  ============  ============= 
 Property, plant and equipment 
  (In USD ' 000) 
                                               At cost 
                     1-Jan-14   Additions   Disposals   Adjustments   Revaluation   31-Dec-14 
 Bunker tankers         -           -           -            -             -            - 
 Regional tankers     11,200        -           -         (1,069)        1,369       11,500 
 Ship management 
  and others           192          2         (49)                         -           145 
 Total                11,392        2         (49)        (1,069)        1,369       11,645 
                    =========  ==========  ==========  ============  ============  ========== 
                                       Accumulated depreciation 
                     1-Jan-14   Additions   Disposals   Adjustments       loss      31-Dec-14 
 Bunker tankers         -           -           -            -             -            - 
 Regional tankers       -         1,069         -         (1,069)          -            - 
 Ship management 
  and others           143         20         (47)                         -           116 
 Total                 143        1,089       (47)        (1,069)          -           116 
                    =========  ==========  ==========  ============  ============  ========== 
                                            Net book value 
                     1-Jan-14   Additions   Disposals   Adjustments   Revaluation   31-Dec-14 
 Bunker tankers         -           -           -            -             -            - 
 Regional tankers     11,200     (1,069)        -            -           1,369       11,500 
 Ship management 
  and others            49        (18)         (2)           -             -           29 
 Total                11,249     (1,087)       (2)           -           1,369       11,529 
                    =========  ==========  ==========  ============  ============  ========== 
   At cost 
                 1-Jan-13        Additions       Disposals        Adjustments         Revaluation        31-Dec-13 
 tankers                7,772               -        (6,555)                (190)            (1,027)                 - 
 tankers               26,709             535       (14,209)              (1,821)               (14)            11,200 
 others                   167              41           (10)                  (6)                                  192 
Total                  34,648             576       (20,774)              (2,017)            (1,041)            11,392 
             ================  ==============  =============  ===================  =================  ================ 
                                               Accumulated    depreciation 
                 1-Jan-13        Additions       Disposals        Adjustments         Impairment         31-Dec-13 
 tankers                    -             948          (948)                    -                  -                 - 
 tankers                    -           1,115              -              (1,821)                706                 - 
 others                   141              17           (10)                  (5)                  -               143 
Total                     141           2,080          (958)              (1,826)                706               143 
             ================  ==============  =============  ===================  =================  ================ 
                                                  Net book    value 
                 1-Jan-13        Additions       Disposals        Adjustments         Revaluation        31-Dec-13 
 tankers                7,772           (948)        (5,607)                (190)            (1,027)                 - 
 tankers               26,708           (580)       (14,209)                    -              (720)            11,200 
 others                    26              24              -                  (1)                  -                49 
Total                  34,506         (1,504)       (19,816)                (191)            (1,747)            11,249 
             ================  ==============  =============  ===================  =================  ================ 

Additions in the regional tankers segment in 2014 and 2013 relate to dry docking expenditure and exchanges differences.

Impairment loss and total liabilities are not disclosed on a segmental basis because that information is not provided to the Chief Operating Decision maker of the group.

Geographical segments: The assets and operations of the Company are primarily located in Singapore, except the regional tankers which ply in the oceans in the Asia Pacific region, but may occasionally sail beyond if needed.

   10.     Availability of this announcement 

Copies of this announcement will be available from the Company's registered office, at 400 Orchard Road, #20-05 Orchard Towers, Singapore 238875 and on the Company's website, www.yujininternational.com. The Report & Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2014 have been posted to shareholders.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



Yujin Int (DI) (LSE:YUJ)
Historical Stock Chart
From Aug 2024 to Sep 2024 Click Here for more Yujin Int (DI) Charts.
Yujin Int (DI) (LSE:YUJ)
Historical Stock Chart
From Sep 2023 to Sep 2024 Click Here for more Yujin Int (DI) Charts.