RNS Number : 8609K 
Worldsec Ld 
27 April 2010 

                                Worldsec Limited 
                    Preliminary Statement of Annual Results 
Worldsec Limited is pleased to release today its preliminary statement of annual 
results for the year ended 31 December 2009. 
The Chairman's Statement and extracts from the audited financial statements are 
reproduced below. 
Investor Relations 
For further information please contact: 
In Hong Kong 
Mr. Henry Ying Chew CHEONG 
Executive Director and Deputy Chairman 
+852 2971 4280 
The audited consolidated loss for the year was US$300,000 compared with a loss 
of US$258,000 in previous year. Loss per share was US 2 cents (2008: Loss per 
share of US 2 cents). 
For the year ended 31 December 2009, the Group incurred a net loss of 
US$300,000. This compares to the net loss of US$258,000 for the last year. The 
increased loss was due to higher legal and professional fee charge during the 
year which amounted to approximately US$116,000 as compared with US$18,000 the 
previous year. Of the US$116,000, approximately US$100,000 were payments for 
advisory services related to the Company reactivation project. Other 
administrative expenses items had been reduced slightly. At the end of 31 
December 2009, Group shareholders' funds stood at US$1.41 million as compared to 
US$1.71 million at the end of December 2008. 
During the year, the Board continued to explore opportunity in the financial 
services and other new suitable business, and in the meantime we have engaged a 
financial adviser and legal adviser in the U.K. to advise us on the reactivation 
of the Company. Shareholders will be informed as soon as the Board has evaluated 
a suitable business proposition. 
Non-Executive Chairman 
27 April 2010 
|                                 |    |        |  Year ended 31 December | 
|                                 |    | Notes  |      2009 |  |     2008 | 
|                                 |    |        |   US$'000 |  |  US$'000 | 
|                                 |    |        |           |  |          | 
| Interest income                 |    |        |         - |  |       3  | 
| Staff costs                     |    |        |      (33) |  |     (34) | 
| Other expenses                  |    |        |     (267) |  |    (227) | 
|                                 |    |        |           |  |          | 
| Loss before tax                 |    |        |     (300) |  |    (258) | 
| Income tax expense              |    |   3    |         - |  |     -    | 
|                                 |    |        |           |  |          | 
| Loss for the year               |    |        |     (300) |  |    (258) | 
|                                 |    |        |           |  |          | 
| Loss attributable to :          |    |        |           |  |          | 
| Owners of the Company           |    |        |     (300) |  |    (258) | 
|                                 |    |        |           |  |          | 
| Loss per share - basic and      |    |   4    | (2) cents |  |      (2) | 
| diluted                         |    |        |           |  |    cents | 
AT 31 DECEMBER 2009 
|                                 |    |Notes  |      2009 |  |     2008 | 
|                                 |    |       |   US$'000 |  |  US$'000 | 
|                                 |    |       |           |  |          | 
| Current assets                  |    |       |           |  |          | 
| Cash and bank balances          |    |       |    1,687  |  |   2,045  | 
|                                 |    |       |           |  |          | 
| Current liabilities             |    |       |           |  |          | 
| Other payables and accruals     |    |       |     (282) |  |    (340) | 
|                                 |    |       |           |  |          | 
| Net current assets              |    |       |    1,405  |  |   1,705  | 
|                                 |    |       |           |  |          | 
| Net assets                      |    |       |    1,405  |  |   1,705  | 
|                                 |    |       |           |  |          | 
| Capital and reserves            |    |       |           |  |          | 
| Share capital                   |    |  5    |       13  |  |      13  | 
| Contributed surplus             |    |  6    |    9,646  |  |   9,646  | 
| Special reserve                 |    |  6    |      625  |  |     625  | 
| Accumulated losses              |    |  6    |   (8,879) |  |  (8,579) | 
|                                 |    |       |           |  |          | 
| Equity shareholders' funds      |    |       |    1,405  |  |   1,705  | 
|                        |          |          |           |       |  Year ended 31 December | 
|                                                          | Note  |      2009 |  |     2008 | 
|                                                          |       |   US$'000 |  |  US$'000 | 
| Cash flows from operating activities                     |       |           |  |          | 
| Loss for the year                                        |       |     (300) |  |    (258) | 
|                                                          |       |           |  |          | 
| Interest income                                          |       |         - |  |      (3) | 
|                                                          |       |           |  |          | 
|                                                          |       |     (300) |  |    (261) | 
|                                                          |       |           |  |          | 
| Movements in working capital                                     |           |  |          | 
| (Decrease)/Increase in other payables and accruals       |       |      (58) |  |       21 | 
|                                                                  |           |  |          | 
| Net cash used in operating activities                            |     (358) |  |   (240)  | 
|                                                          |       |           |  |          | 
| Cash flows from investing activities                     |       |           |  |          | 
| Interest received                                        |       |         - |  |        3 | 
|                                                          |       |           |  |          | 
| Net cash generated from investing activities             |       |         - |  |        3 | 
|                                                          |       |           |  |          | 
| Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                |       |     (358) |  |    (237) | 
|                                                          |       |           |  |          | 
| Cash and cash equivalents as at 1 January                |       |     2,045 |  |    2,282 | 
|                                                          |       |           |  |          | 
| Cash and cash equivalents as at 31 December              |       |           |  |          | 
| Cash and bank balances                                   |       |     1,687 |  |    2,045 | 
In the current year, the Group has adopted all of the new and revised Standards 
and Interpretations issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (the 
"IASB") and the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (the 
"IFRIC") of the IASB that are relevant to its operations and effective for 
annual reporting periods beginning on 1 January 2009. The adoption of these new 
and revised Standards and Interpretations has no significant impact on the 
financial statements of the Group. 
The impact of the application of the new and revised Standards and 
Interpretation is discussed below. 
Standards affecting presentation and disclosure 
IAS 1 (as revised in 2007) Presentation of Financial Statements 
IAS 1(2007) has introduced terminology changes (including revised titles for the 
financial statements) and changes in the format and content of the financial 
IFRS 8 Operating Segments 
IFRS 8 is a disclosure Standard that has resulted in a redesignation of the 
Group's reportable segments. 
Improving Disclosures about Financial Instruments (Amendments to IFRS 7 
Financial Instruments: Disclosures) 
The amendments to IFRS 7 expand the disclosures required in respect of fair 
value measurements and liquidity risk. The Group has elected not to provide 
comparative information for these expanded disclosures in the current year in 
accordance with the transitional reliefs offered in these amendments. 
Amendments to IFRS 5 Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued 
Operations (adopted in advance of effective date of 1 January 2010) 
Disclosures in these financial statements have been modified to reflect the 
IASB's clarification (as part of Improvements to IFRSs (2009)) that the 
disclosure requirements in Standards other than IFRS 5 do not generally apply to 
non-current assets classified as held for sale and discontinued operations. 
Amendments to IAS 7 Statement of Cash Flows (adopted in advance of effective 
date of 1 January 2010) 
The amendments (part of Improvements to IFRSs (2009)) specify that only 
expenditures that result in a recognized asset in the statement of financial 
position can be classified as investing activities in the statement of cash 
flows. Consequently, cash flows in respect of development costs that do not meet 
the criteria in IAS 38 Intangible Assets for capitalisation as part of an 
internally generated intangible asset (and, therefore, are recognized in profit 
or loss as incurred) have been reclassified from investing to operating 
activities in the statement of cash flows. 
Standards and Interpretations adopted with no effect on financial statements 
The following new and revised Standards and Interpretations have also been 
adopted in these financial statements. Their adoption has not had any 
significant impact on the amounts reported in these financial statements but may 
impact the accounting for future transactions or arrangements. 
IAS 28 (as revised in 2008) Investments in Associates 
IAS 28(2008) has been adopted in advance of its effective date (annual periods 
beginning on or after 1 July 2009). The principle adopted under IAS 27(2008) 
that a loss of control is recognized as a disposal and re-acquisition of any 
retained interest at fair value is extended by consequential amendment to IAS 
28; therefore, when significant influence is lost, the investor measures any 
investment retained in the former associate at fair value, with any 
consequential gain or loss recognized in profit or loss. 
IAS 28(2008) has been adopted for periods beginning on or after 1 January 2009 
and has been applied prospectively in accordance with the relevant transitional 
IFRIC 13 Customer Loyalty Programmes 
The adoption of IFRIC 13 has resulted in a change to the Group's accounting 
policy for its customer loyalty programme. IFRIC 13 requires that transactions 
be accounted for as 'multiple element revenue transactions' and that the 
consideration received in the initial sale transaction be allocated between the 
sale and the discount entitlements earned by the customer in that sale 
transaction.The charge in accounting policy has been applied retrospectively, in 
accordance with the transitional provision of IFRJC13. 
Amendments to IFRS 1 First-time Adoption of International Financial Reporting 
Standards  IAS 27 Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements - Cost of an 
Investment in a Subsidiary, Jointly Controlled Entity or Associate 
The amendments deal with the measurement of the cost of investments in 
subsidiaries, jointly controlled entities and associates when adopting IFRSs for 
the first time and with the recognition of dividend income from subsidiaries in 
a parent's separate financial statements. 
Amendments to IFRS 2 Share-based Payment - Vesting Conditions and Cancellations 
The amendments clarify the definition of vesting conditions for the purposes of 
IFRS 2, introduce the concept of 'non-vesting' conditions, and clarify the 
accounting treatment for cancellations. 
IAS 23 (as revised in 2007) Borrowing Costs 
The principal change to the Standard was to eliminate the option to expense all 
borrowing costs when incurred. This change has had no impact on these financial 
statements because it has always been the Group's accounting policy to 
capitalise borrowing costs incurred on qualifying assets. 
Amendments to IAS 32 Financial Instruments: Presentation and IAS 1 Presentation 
of Financial Statements - Puttable Financial Instruments and Obligations Arising 
on Liquidation 
The revisions to IAS 32 amend the criteria for debt/equity classification by 
permitting certain puttable financial instruments and instruments (or components 
of instruments) that impose on an entity an obligation to deliver to another 
party a pro-rata share of the net assets of the entity only on liquidation, to 
be classified as equity, subject to specified criteria being met. 
Standards and Interpretations in issue but not yet effective 
The Group has not early applied the following new and revised Standards and 
Interpretations that have been issued but not yet effective. 
| IFRS (Amendment)           | Improvement to IFRSs issued in 2009 2 | 
| IAS 24 (Revised)           | Related Party Disclosure 5            | 
| IAS 27 (Revised)           | Consolidated and Separate Financial   | 
|                            | Statements 1                          | 
| IAS 32 (Amendment)         | Classification of Right issues 3      | 
| IAS 39 (Amendment)         | Eligible Hedging Items 1              | 
| IFRS 1 (Amendment)         | Additional Exemption for First-time   | 
|                            | Adopters 2                            | 
| IFRS 2 (Amendments)        | Group Cash-settled Share-based        | 
|                            | Payment Transactions 2                | 
| IFRS 3 (Revised)           | Business Combinations 1               | 
| IFRS 9  and IAS 39         | Financial Instruments -               | 
| (Amendment)                | Classification and Measurement 6      | 
| IFRIC - Int 17             | Distribution of Non-cash Assets to    | 
|                            | Owners 1                              | 
| IFRIC - Int 18             | Transfer of Assets from Customers 1   | 
| IFRIC - Int 19             | Extinguishing Financial Liabilities   | 
|                            | with Equity Instruments 4             | 
1 Effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 July 2009. 
2 Effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2010. 
3 Effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 February 2010. 
4 Effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 July 2010. 
5 Effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2011. 
6 Effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2013. 
The directors anticipate that the application of these Standards, Amendments and 
Interpretations in the future periods will have no material financial impact on 
the financial statements of the Group. 
No business and geographical segment analysis are presented for the years ended 
31 December 2009 and 31 December 2008 as the Group has only maintained a minimum 
operation during the years. 
No provision for taxation has been made as the Group did not generate any 
assessable profit for UK Corporation Tax, Hong Kong Profits Tax and tax in other 
No deferred tax liabilities are recognized in the financial statements as the 
Group and the Company did not have material temporary difference arising between 
the tax bases of liabilities and their carrying amounts as at 31 December 2009 
(2008: Nil). 
The taxation for the year can be reconciled to the loss before tax per the 
consolidated income statement as follows: 
|                                        |     |  Year ended 31 December | 
|                                        |     |     2009 |   |     2008 | 
|                                        |     |  US$'000 |   |  US$'000 | 
|                                        |     |          |   |          | 
| Loss before tax                        |     |      300 |   |      258 | 
|                                        |     |          |   |          | 
| Loss before tax calculated at 16.5%    |     |       49 |   |       43 | 
| (2008:16.5%)                           |     |          |   |          | 
| Tax effect of estimated tax losses not |     |     (49) |   |     (44) | 
| recognized                             |     |          |   |          | 
| Tax effect of income not taxable for   |     |        - |   |        1 | 
| tax purpose                            |     |          |   |          | 
|                                        |     |          |   |          | 
| Total current tax charge for the year  |     |        - |   |        - | 
| Calculation of loss per share was based on   |              |   |              | 
| the following:                               |              |   |              | 
|                                        |     |          Year ended 31 December | 
|                                        |     |         2009 |   |         2008 | 
|                                        |     |              |   |              | 
| Loss for the year                      |     | (US$300,000) |   | (US$258,000) | 
|                                        |     |              |   |              | 
|                                        |     |              |   |              | 
| Weighted average number of shares in   |     |   13,367,290 |   |   13,367,290 | 
| issue                                  |     |              |   |              | 
|                                        |     |              |   |              | 
|                                        |     |              |   |              | 
| Loss per share - basic and diluted     |     |        ( 2 ) |   |          (2) | 
|                                        |     |        cents |   |        cents | 
|                 |                                            |        US$ | 
| Authorized:     |                                            |            | 
| Ordinary shares of US$0.001 each as at 1 January 2008, 31 December 2008   | 
| and 31 December 2009                                         | 50,000,000 | 
|                      |                                       |            | 
| Called up, issued    |                                       |            | 
| and fully paid:      |                                       |            | 
| Ordinary shares of US$0.001 each as at 1 January 2008, 31 December 2008   | 
| and 31 December 2009                                         |     13,367 | 
|                 |    |                                       |            | 
Movements on reserves were as follows: 
|                         |             |          |         |          |             |          |    Currency | 
|                         | Contributed |          | Special |          | Accumulated |          | translation | 
|                         |     surplus |          | reserve |          |      losses |          |     reserve | 
|                         |     US$'000 |          | US$'000 |          |     US$'000 |          |     US$'000 | 
| The Group               |             |          |         |          |             |          |             | 
| Balance as at 1 January |       9,646 |          |     625 |          |     (8,321) |          |           - | 
| 2008                    |             |          |         |          |             |          |             | 
| Loss for the year       |           - |          |       - |          |       (258) |          |           - | 
|                         |             |          |         |          |             |          |             | 
| Balance as at 1 January |       9,646 |          |     625 |          |     (8,579) |          |           - | 
| 2009                    |             |          |         |          |             |          |             | 
| Loss for the year       |           - |          |       - |          |       (300) |          |           - | 
|                         |             |          |         |          |             |          |             | 
| Balance as at 31        |       9,646 |          |     625 |          |     (8,879) |          |           - | 
| December 2009           |             |          |         |          |             |          |             | 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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