RNS Number : 9131L

Toye & Co PLC

09 July 2014



9 July 2014

Independent Director's Letter to Shareholders

Bryan Toye Limited ("BTL") has today published its Offer Document setting out its mandatory Rule 9 cash offer for Toye & Company Plc ("Toye" or the "Company"). The Offer Document contains a letter from the Independent Directors which states that they are unable to recommend acceptance of the Offer because they believe it falls short of a price that would fully represent a fair value for the Company.

The full Independent Director's letter has been set out below. The Definitions which apply in the Offer Document have been used in this announcement.

 Toye & Company plc      www.toye.com 
 Neil Haynes             +44 (0) 20 7242 0471 
 WH Ireland Limited      www.wh-ireland.co.uk 
 Mike Coe, Ed Allsopp    +44 (0) 117 945 3470 

Mandatory cash offer by Bryan Toye Limited to acquire

the whole of the issued share capital of Toye & Co. plc

not already owned by Bryan Toye Limited and the Toye Family Trust

   1.    Introduction 

Bryan Toye Limited ("BTL") is making a Rule 9 mandatory cash offer for the remaining shares of Toye not already owned by BTL and the Concert Party. BTL is a special purpose limited liability company wholly controlled by Bryan Toye and has been incorporated specifically to make the Offer.

Bryan Toye and Fiona Toye are connected persons of the offeror and are therefore not considered Independent Directors in relation to the Offer. The Independent Directors, being the directors of Toye other than Bryan Toye and Fiona Toye, have sought independent advice from WH Ireland in relation to the Offer under Rule 3.1 of the Code.

The principal purpose of this letter is to set out the views of the Independent Directors having been advised by WH Ireland.

   2.    The Offer 

Under the terms of the Offer, which is unconditional, Toye Shareholders are entitled to receive:

   for each Remaining Toye Share:               35 pence in cash 

The Offer values the entire issued capital of Toye at, in aggregate, approximately GBP786,800.

The price of 35 pence in cash for each Toye Share represents a discount of 30 per cent. over the Closing Price of 50 pence per Toye Share on 12 June 2014, being the last business day prior to the commencement of the Offer Period.

   3.    Information relating to Toye 

The original Toye business began its life as a family concern in 1684. In July 1968 the Company was listed on the London Stock Exchange and in 2003 the Company moved from there to AIM.

Toye was incorporated on 14 June 1924. The Company is registered in England and operates in one principal area of activity, that of marketing, selling, supply chain management and distribution, manufacturing as appropriate and procurement of identity products. This comprises the manufacturing and sale of civil and military regalia, including the weaving of ribbons and narrow fabrics, ties and neckwear, flags, leisure wear, trophies, awards, medals, badges, cufflinks, buttons, jewellery, gold and silverware, cutlery, glassware, watches and clocks, commemorative issues and limited editions.

   4.    Current trading and prospects of Toye 

In May 2014, the Company announced its audited results for the year ended 31 December 2013. Toye reported turnover of GBP6,467,000 (2012: GBP8,937,000) and a profit before and after taxation of GBP942,000 (2012: GBP454,000). The key contributor to the results was the profit on disposal of the Great Queen Street property. The profit recognised for accounting purposes on this transaction was GBP1,603,000. Earnings per share for the year therefore increased from 20.19p in 2012 to 41.91p. As at 31 December 2013, total assets were GBP5,944,000 (2012: GBP4,234,000) with net assets of GBP2,620,000 (2012: GBP1,678,000).

On 9 July 2014 the Company made the following announcement in relation to the property at 19-21 Great Queen Street Property:

Variation Agreement re: 19-21 Great Queen Street

"Toye & Co plc ("Toye" or "the Company"), the manufacturer of military and masonic regalia, medals, badges and related textiles, announces that it has successfully negotiated a variation to the disposal agreement in relation to the Company's property at 19-21 Great Queen Street (the "Property") entered into with Stability Investments Limited (the "Developer") and approved by Shareholders in February 2013.

Under the terms of the variation the completion date for the sale of the Property has been extended from 28 July 2014 to 30 January 2015. In addition the loan facility agreement agreed with the Developer has been increased from GBP2.5m to GBP2.75m. The balance of this loan facility not drawn down is GBP0.75m which will now be drawn down on 28 July 2014. Finally the clause in the original agreement that would, having satisfied certain criteria, see the basic sale price of the Property increase by GBP0.5m has been extended to 19 December 2014.

There has therefore been no change to the overall consideration to be received in respect of the Property and no further interest will be payable on the loan from 28 July 2014.

The Company intends to use the balance of the loan facility to fund additional capital expenditure requirements and the working capital needs of the business."

As at 31 December 2013 the Company had net cash of GBP432,000. As at 30 June 2014 the cash balance was GBP70,000, which includes GBP209,000 in respect of a customer prepayment on an order still to be satisfied. As a consequence of the Variation Agreement outlined above the Company's cash balances are expected to be supplemented by GBP750,000.

From this GBP750,000, accrued interest on the Loan Facility of GBP131,000 for the period ending 28 July 2014 will need to be settled. Therefore the additional proceeds to be received in relation to the sale of the Property are GBP619,000.

On the basis of the assumptions above, the Independent Directors consider the Company's proforma cash position as at 28 July 2014 will be:

 Cash position as at 30 June 2014         70 
 Less: prepayment                      (209) 
 Add: further proceeds from sale 
  of the Property                        750 
 Less: accrued interest on Loan 
  Facility                             (131) 
 Proforma cash as at 28 July 2014        480 

This is equivalent to approximately 21 pence per share.

In addition to the cash position outlined above, subject to certain conditions being met which include planning permission for residential development, the Company may be entitled to a further GBP500,000 cash consideration and a share of any ultimate development profit relating to the Property. The Independent Directors consider that it is still uncertain as to whether the conditions that would trigger any additional consideration will be met.

Toye Shareholders should also note that the Toye Board has also recently approved a capital expenditure budget of GBP500,000 over the next five years. Of this sum, GBP300,000 is expected to be incurred in the next 12 months principally on a new ERP system, computers and a new die sinking machine. The balance of GBP200,000 is anticipated to be incurred over the following four years. The Independent Directors consider this expenditure to be a necessary and appropriate use of the Company's cash resources.

   5.    Management, employees and locations 

The Independent Directors have given due consideration to BTL's stated intentions, set out in paragraph 7 and 8 of Part I of this document, for the management, employees and locations of Toye when deciding whether to recommend acceptance of the Offer. The Independent Directors note that BTL is not expecting to make any material changes to the management, employees and locations of the Toye business save that BTL intends to remove all of the current Toye Directors apart from those who are Toye family members. The Independent Directors believe Toye Shareholders should carefully consider the potential impact of this when deciding what action to take in respect of the Offer.

   6.    View of the Independent Directors on the Offer 

Bryan Toye and Fiona Toye are deemed not to be Independent Directors of the Company, because they are acting in concert with the offeror, Bryan Toye Limited. BTL is controlled by Bryan Toye and his Concert Party which includes Fiona Toye.

Accordingly, the Independent Directors, have taken independent advice from WH Ireland on the Offer on behalf of Toye Shareholders in accordance with Rule 3.1 of the Code.

The Offer Price represents:

-- a 30 per cent. discount to the closing price of 50 pence on 12 June 2014 being the last business day prior to the commencement of the Offer Period;

-- a 23 per cent. discount to the average share price over the last six months prior to the commencement of the Offer Period; and

   --     a 70 per cent. discount to the audited net asset value per share as at 31 December 2013; 

Many loyal and long standing Toye Shareholders will share our view that the Offer Price undervalues the Company, and therefore the Independent Directors are not recommending that Toye Shareholders accept the Offer. The Independent Directors believe it is unlikely that any offers will be forthcoming because the Concert Party controls over 50 per cent. of the shares and has received irrevocable commitments in respect of a further 14.30 per cent..

There are however, certain practical realities that should be considered by all Toye Shareholders in deciding the course of action that is appropriate for them:

-- BTL and the Concert Party, has a controlling interest in the Company, of at least 53.38 per cent.

-- In addition to the 53.38 per cent. holding, BTL has secured irrevocable commitments from other shareholders (not being part of the Concert Party) to accept the Offer in relation to 321,547 shares representing 14.30 per cent. of the Company. Therefore BTL holds shares and has received irrevocable commitments in respect of 67.68 per cent. of the Company's issued share capital.

-- Toye Shareholders should further be aware that BTL has stated its intention that, should it achieve sufficient acceptances from Toye Shareholders, it will procure the cancellation of the admission of Toye Shares to trading on AIM.

-- Even if BTL does not reach 75 per cent. as a result of this Offer, as its interest in Toye is greater than 50 per cent., there will be nothing to prevent BTL, notwithstanding its current intention, requisitioning a general meeting of the Company at any time with the purpose of seeking Shareholder's approval for cancelling the admission to the trading on AIM of Toye Shares. Such a resolution would require a vote in favour by 75 per cent. of the votes cast by Toye Shareholders and BTL would be able to vote its interest at that general meeting. Notwithstanding BTL's holding being below 75 per cent., the resolution may still be passed if insufficient shareholders do not vote against the proposal at the meeting.

-- If the Company's admission to trading on AIM is cancelled, BTL intends to procure that Toye will be re-registered as a private company under the relevant provisions of the Companies Act 2006.

-- If a resolution to cancel the Company's AIM admission is defeated, BTL would be at liberty to convene another general meeting at any time, and in the interim would be able, following the expiry of a six month period following the closing of the Offer, if it wished, to acquire further shares in the market at any price in order to increase its interest in the Company.

-- If the Company's AIM admission is cancelled and the Company re-registered as a private limited company, Toye Shareholders will (without establishment of an alternative trading facility) find it difficult to sell their shares, and opportunities for realising their shareholding in the future will be uncertain. Toye Shareholders may therefore feel that the certainty of the Offer Price is preferable to the uncertainty of a minority shareholding in an unquoted company, even with the possibility of a greater return to shareholders over a longer period.

-- The Offer represents an immediate opportunity for Toye Shareholders to exit for cash free of dealing costs, albeit at a discount of 30 per cent. to the Closing Price of 50 pence per Toye Share on 12 June 2014 (being the last Business Day prior to the commencement of the Offer Period).

Toye Shareholders should carefully consider the information set out above in making a decision as to whether to accept the Offer. If Toye Shareholders are in any doubt about the action they wish to take in respect of the Offer they should consult an independent financial adviser without delay.

   7.    Compulsory acquisition, cancellation of AIM admission and re-registration 

Your attention is drawn to paragraph 13 of the letter from BTL, set out in Part I of this document, in relation to its intentions with regard to the compulsory acquisition and cancellation of admission to trading on AIM of the Toye Shares and the re-registration of Toye as a private limited company, subject to sufficient shares being acquired.

   8.    United Kingdom taxation 

Your attention is drawn to the section headed "United Kingdom taxation" in paragraph 9 of the letter from BTL in Part I of this document. If you are in any doubt about your own tax position or you are subject to taxation in any jurisdiction other than the United Kingdom, you should consult an independent financial adviser immediately.

   9.    Action to be taken to accept the Offer 

Your decision as to whether to accept the Offer will depend upon your individual circumstances. If you are in any doubt as to what action you should take, you should seek your own independent financial advice.

If you do not wish to accept the Offer you do not need to take any action.

If you wish to accept the Offer, the procedure for acceptance of the Offer is set out in paragraph 11 of the letter from BTL set out in Part I of this document and, if you hold your shares in certificated form, in the Form of Acceptance.

10. Independent Director's recommendation and intention

The Independent Directors, having been so advised by WH Ireland, do not regard the Offer Price to be fair and reasonable and therefore do NOT recommend that the Toye Shareholders accept the Offer. The Independent Directors are unable to recommend acceptance of the Offer because they believe it falls short of a price that would fully represent a fair value for the Company. However, having been so advised by WH Ireland the Independent Directors recognise that given the likely cancellation of the admission to trading on AIM of the Toye Shares and the subsequent re-registration of the Company as a private limited company and the other practical considerations set out in paragraph 6 above and in the absence of any better alternative, Toye Shareholders may choose to take advantage of the Offer. In providing its advice, WH Ireland has taken into account the Independent Directors commercial assessments.

Save for David Hartley, none of the Independent Directors hold any shares in Toye. Mr Hartley concurs with the view of the Independent Directors that the Offer falls short of a fair value for the Company. Nevertheless, for the reasons set out in paragraph 6 above, and specifically because:

i) BTL and the Concert Party has a controlling interest in the Company of at least 53.38 per cent.; and

ii) he believes the cancellation of trading of the Company's shares is therefore almost inevitable because BTL has secured irrevocable commitments in respect of 14.30 per cent.,

Mr Hartley has chosen to accept the Offer and has signed an irrevocable commitment to accept the Offer in respect of 232,327 Toye Shares (10.33 per cent. of the issued share capital) out of the 252,327 Toye Shares held by him and those deemed to be acting in concert.

Yours faithfully

The Independent Directors


WH Ireland Limited which is regulated in the United Kingdom by The Financial Conduct Authority is acting for the Company in relation to the matters described in this announcement and is not advising any other person, and accordingly will not be responsible to anyone other than the Company for providing the protections afforded to customers of WH Ireland or for providing advice in relation to the matters described in this announcement.

The independent directors of Toye, being the directors other than Bryan Toye and Fiona Toye accept responsibility for the information contained in this announcement. To the best of their knowledge and belief (having taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case), the information contained in this announcement for which they are responsible is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information.


Please be aware that addresses, electronic addresses and certain other information provided by Toye Shareholders, persons with information rights and other relevant persons for the receipt of communications from Toye may be provided to Bryan Toye Limited during the Offer Period as required under Section 4 of Appendix 4 of the Code.

If you are in any doubt about the action you should take, you are recommended to seek your own personal financial advice immediately from your stockbroker, bank manager, solicitor, accountant or independent financial adviser authorised under the Financial Services and Market Act 2000 (as amended) if you are resident in the United Kingdom or, if not, from another appropriately authorised independent financial adviser.

Copies of this announcement will be available free of charge on Toye's website at www.toye.comby no later than noon (London time) on the day following this announcement. For the avoidance of doubt, the contents of this websites are not incorporated into and do not form part of this announcement.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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