RNS Number : 2157H

Toye & Co PLC

15 May 2014



Preliminary Final Results for the Year Ended 31 December 2013

The Board of Toye & Company Plc ("Toye" or "the Company") announces today Final Results for the year ended 31 December 2013.

  Toye & Company plc                      www.toye.com 
  Fiona Toye, Chief Executive     +44 (0) 20 7242 0471 
  WH Ireland Limited              www.wh-ireland.co.uk 
  Mike Coe, Ed Allsopp            +44 (0) 117 945 3470 

Extracts from the Strategic Report


Turnover for the year ended 31 December 2013 amounted to GBP6,466,927 compared to GBP8,936,996 for the previous year. As previously reported the prior year included significant contracts that did not recur in 2013. There was an operating profit of GBP520,705 in 2012. Because of the decreased turnover in 2013 there was an operating loss of GBP679,932 before sale of the Great Queen Street property.

During December 2013 the Board and management began the implementation of our long-term strategic plan for improving the operational performance of the Group. Redundancy costs of GBP172,397 have been included in the 2013 figures which have adversely affected our trading results.

Investment has been made in sales expertise and initiatives which might not generate profit until late 2014 and beyond.

The Group has made a profit of GBP942,078 before and after tax. The key contributor to this result was the disposal of the Great Queen Street site. The profit on this transaction was GBP1,603,480.

Our earnings per share for the year therefore increased from 20.19p in 2012 to 41.91p.


On 28 January 2013 the Company entered into an unconditional loan facility agreement, legal charge, and sale agreement to dispose of its leasehold property at 19-21 Great Queen Street ("the Property") to Stability Investments Limited for a consideration of at least GBP2.75 million. At 28 January 2013, the date of sale, the Property had a carrying value of GBP942,984.

Subject to certain conditions being met, the Company may be entitled to additional consideration of GBP500,000 and a share of any ultimate development profit relating to the property. At the time of preparing these accounts the Company did not have evidence to support that the conditions would be met. The Directors therefore have no alternative other than to consider that the receipt of the additional consideration is very unlikely and as such no allowance has been made in these accounts for any additional consideration.

Under the terms of the agreement, two representatives of Stability Investments Limited, Robin Edwards and Robert Luck, have been appointed as Non-Executive Directors of the Company.

Full details of the transaction can be found in note 25 on page 40 of the annual report.


The economic recession shows signs of ebbing. There was some positive news in the last UK budget and there is cautious confidence in the financial press. However the reality is that average wages and salaries have not increased and investment returns are low. The retail market is a good indicator of recovery, and though improved it is hardly booming.

We have global competition in all our markets, and our long heritage, British manufacturing base and Royal Warrant are effective advantages as we compete for a larger share of the business. Success will depend on our ability to exploit our advantages, manage our operating costs and expand our capabilities.


Mr N K S Wills retired as a non-executive of the Company with effect from 31 December 2013. Nicholas has been a valuable and long serving member of the Board since his appointment in 1996. We wish him well.

During the year we have with regret made further redundancies throughout all tiers of the business including senior management.

We have retained all our essential trade skills, and through training and new recruits we are enhancing our abilities and capabilities in production, purchasing and sales.

We continue to work a 34 hour week, with sales and administration working flexible hours to cover customer services. Surges in requirement for production are effectively handled by overtime work and the use of outworkers and ancillary businesses.


Our operational facilities in the Midlands are unique not only in what they do, but in their strong ties to their locations. All our skilled staff live locally to the sites, and there is an irreplaceable network of outworkers and small ancillary businesses that support our production. A London office and Showroom is essential for the sales Divisions. Our Design Studio is based in the Birmingham factory, and some marketing services are out-sourced.


2013 has been a year of planning and transition. The tough trading conditions of the last few years have concentrated the minds of the Board and management on reconfiguring the Company for the next one hundred years.

Difficult decisions have had to be made concerning personnel, and Great Queen Street. It is essential that we maintain our presence in London, and we will be established in a new central location in 2015.

The key objectives of the Strategic Plan have already been outlined in this report. The management are implementing the new Divisional structure which will improve accountability, and focus the Divisional team members on driving their sector of the business for optimum performance and profit.

To reflect our streamlined operational structure we are reviewing the presentation and marketing of our Brand to make it clear to customers and potential customers what we can do for them, and make it easy for them to buy from us.

We are enhancing our traditional skills with the latest technological aides for design and engineering that will allow us to achieve a consistency in execution and delivery of beautifully crafted product designed and made in England.

The Strategic Report was approved by the Board on 15 May 2014 and signed on its behalf by:

F A Toye

Chief Executive

  Group Statement of Comprehensive Income 
   for the year ended 31 December 2013 
                                                          2013           2012 
                                                           GBP            GBP 
  Revenue                                            6,466,927      8,936,996 
  Operating expense                                (7,146,859)    (8,416,291) 
----------------------------------------------  --------------  ------------- 
  (Loss) /profit on operations 
   before profit on sale of property                 (679,932)        520,705 
  Profit on sale of leasehold                        1,603,480              - 
----------------------------------------------  --------------  ------------- 
  Profit from operations                               923,548        520,705 
  Finance costs                                       (84,537)       (66,833) 
  Finance income                                       103,067              - 
  Profit before taxation                               942,078        453,872 
  Taxation                                                   -              - 
  Profit and total comprehensive 
   income for the year                                 942,078        453,872 
----------------------------------------------  --------------  ------------- 
       All of the comprehensive income for the year is attributable to equity 
                                                       holders of the parent. 
                              All activities relate to continuing operations. 
  Earnings per share 
   Earnings per share (basic and 
   diluted)                                             41.91p         20.19p 
  Statements of Financial Position                                        Company Number 198641 
   at 31 December 2013 
                                                   The Group                 The Company 
                                                  2013         2012         2013           2012 
                                                   GBP          GBP          GBP            GBP 
   Non-current assets 
  Property, plant & equipment                  938,184    1,959,086      871,760      1,858,786 
  Investments in subsidiary undertakings             -            -    1,024,614      1,155,852 
-----------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ------------- 
                                               938,184    1,959,086    1,896,374      3,014,638 
-----------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ------------- 
  Current assets 
  Inventories                                1,154,248    1,154,462            -              - 
  Trade and other receivables                3,420,234    1,115,709    3,074,218          3,041 
  Cash and cash equivalents                    431,751        4,390           27              - 
-----------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ------------- 
                                             5,006,233    2,274,561    3,074,245          3,041 
-----------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ------------- 
   Current liabilities 
  Trade and other payables                   1,244,560    1,133,324      175,667        946,760 
  Current borrowings                         2,079,897      559,687    2,079,897              - 
  Current portion of long term 
   borrowings                                        -      120,607            -        120,607 
-----------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ------------- 
                                             3,324,457    1,813,618    2,255,564      1,067,367 
-----------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ------------- 
  Net current assets / (liabilities)         1,681,776      460,943      818,681    (1,064,326) 
-----------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ------------- 
  Non-current liabilities 
  Non-current borrowings                             -      742,147            -        742,147 
                                                     -      742,147            -        742,147 
-----------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ------------- 
  Net assets                                 2,619,960    1,677,882    2,715,055      1,208,165 
-----------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ------------- 
  Equity attributable to equity 
   holders of the parent 
  Ordinary shares                              562,000      562,000      562,000        562,000 
  Share premium                                  2,677        2,677        2,677          2,677 
  Retained earnings                          2,055,283    1,113,205    2,150,378        643,488 
-----------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ------------- 
  Total equity                               2,619,960    1,677,882    2,715,055      1,208,165 
-----------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ------------- 
  Statements of Changes in Equity 
   for the year ended 31 December 
                                        Ordinary       Share     Retained        Total 
                                          shares     premium     earnings       equity 
                                             GBP         GBP          GBP          GBP 
  The Group 
  Balance at 1 January 2012              562,000       2,677      659,333    1,224,010 
  Changes in equity for 2012 
  Profit and total comprehensive 
   income for the year                         -           -      453,872      453,872 
  Balance at 31 December 2012            562,000       2,677    1,113,205    1,677,882 
  Changes in equity for 2013 
  Profit and total comprehensive 
   income for the year                         -           -      942,078      942,078 
  Balance at 31 December 2013            562,000       2,677    2,055,283    2,619,960 
------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ----------- 
  All equity is attributable 
   to equity holders of the parent. 
  The Company 
  Balance at 1 January 2012              562,000       2,677      632,042    1,196,719 
  Changes in equity for 2012 
  Profit and total comprehensive 
   income for the year                         -           -       11,446       11,446 
  Balance at 31 December 2012            562,000       2,677      643,488    1,208,165 
  Changes in equity for 2013 
  Profit and total comprehensive 
   income for the year                         -           -    1,506,890    1,506,890 
  Balance at 31 December 2013            562,000       2,677    2,150,378    2,715,055 
------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ----------- 
  Statements of Cash Flows 
   for the year ended 31 December 
                                                   The Group                   The Company 
                                                  2013           2012           2013         2012 
                                                   GBP            GBP            GBP          GBP 
  Cash flows (used in) / generated 
   from operating activities 
  Cash (used in) / generated 
   from operating activities                  (97,897)        464,475    (1,171,043)      211,778 
  Interest received                                  -              -         72,000       72,000 
  Interest paid                                (4,640)       (66,833)        (4,640)     (66,833) 
  Net cash (used in) / generated 
   from operating activities                 (102,537)        397,642    (1,103,683)      216,945 
---------------------------------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  ----------- 
  Cash flows from investing activities 
  Purchase of property, plant 
   and equipment                              (14,125)      (121,536)              -     (95,854) 
  Payments in respect of disposal 
   of fixed asset                             (33,536)              -       (33,536)            - 
  Net cash flows (used in) investing 
   activities                                 (47,661)      (121,536)       (33,536)     (95,854) 
---------------------------------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  ----------- 
  Cash flows from financing activities 
  Repayment of borrowings                    (862,754)      (121,091)      (862,754)    (121,091) 
  New financing                              2,000,000              -      2,000,000            - 
---------------------------------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  ----------- 
  Net cash flows generated from 
   / (used in) financing activities          1,137,246      (121,091)      1,137,246    (121,091) 
---------------------------------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  ----------- 
  Net increase in cash and cash 
   equivalents                                 987,048        155,015             27            - 
  Cash and cash equivalents at 
   the beginning of the year                 (555,297)      (710,312)              -            - 
---------------------------------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  ----------- 
  Cash and cash equivalents at 
   the end of the financial year               431,751      (555,297)             27            - 
---------------------------------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  ----------- 
  1. Basis of preparation 
   The consolidated financial statements from which this financial information 
   is extracted have been prepared in accordance with IFRS and International 
   Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee ("IFRIC") interpretations 
   as adopted by the European Union, and those parts of the Companies 
   Act 2006 applicable to companies reporting under IFRS. 
  2. Segmental reporting 
   In identifying its operating segments, management generally follow 
   the manufacturing or sourcing of the products. 
   The Group operates in the supply of identity products to a large 
   and varied market and customer base. The type of products sold into 
   this market generally fall under either a textile or metals (including 
   corporate gifts) umbrella. The exception to this being the friendly 
   societies market. 
   Each of the textile, metals and friendly societies operating segments 
   is managed separately as each of these segments requires different 
   resources and core skills. All transfers between the segments are 
   carried out at cost. 
   The measurement policies the Group uses for segment reporting under 
   IFRS 8 are the same as those used in its financial statements. 
   Management currently identifies three units as operating segments 
   as described above. These operating segments are monitored and strategic 
   decisions are made on the basis of segment operating results. 
                                     Textiles      Friendly       Metals          Total 
                                         2013          2013         2013           2013 
                                          GBP           GBP          GBP            GBP 
  Revenue                           2,294,414     1,529,754    2,642,759      6,466,927 
--------------------------------  -----------  ------------  -----------  ------------- 
  Gross profit                      1,487,628       471,239      837,952      2,796,819 
  Works overheads                     504,658        51,250      473,383      1,029,291 
--------------------------------  -----------  ------------  -----------  ------------- 
  Manufacturing contribution 
   by segment                         982,970       419,989      364,569      1,767,528 
--------------------------------  -----------  ------------  ----------- 
  Selling and administration costs                                          (2,099,888) 
  (Loss) before finance, restructuring and redundancy costs, 
   profit on sale of Great Queen Street property and costs 
   associated with the AIM listing                                            (332,360) 
  Restructuring and redundancy 
   costs                                                                      (172,397) 
  Profit on sale of Great Queen 
   Street                                                                     1,603,480 
  Costs associated with 
   the AIM listing                                                            (107,894) 
  Other bank charges and leasing costs                                         (67,281) 
  Interest                                                                     (84,537) 
  Finance income                                                                103,067 
---------------------------------------------  ------------  -----------  ------------- 
  Net profit                                                                    942,078 
--------------------------------  -----------  ------------  -----------  ------------- 
                                                    Textiles        Friendly       Metals          Total 
                                                        2012            2012         2012           2012 
                                                         GBP             GBP          GBP            GBP 
  Revenue                                          3,140,400       1,049,822    4,746,774      8,936,996 
-----------------------------------------      -------------  --------------  -----------  ------------- 
  Gross profit                                     1,503,728         384,028    2,156,602      4,044,358 
  Works overheads                                    538,755          47,744      564,104      1,150,603 
-----------------------------------------      -------------  --------------  -----------  ------------- 
  Manufacturing contribution 
   by segment                                        964,973         336,284    1,592,498      2,893,755 
---------------------------------------------  -------------  --------------  ----------- 
  Selling and administration costs                                                           (2,207,490) 
  Profit before finance and costs associated with the AIM 
   listing                                                                                       686,265 
  Costs associated with the 
   AIM listing                                                                                  (83,377) 
  Other bank charges and leasing costs                                                          (82,183) 
  Interest                                                                                      (66,833) 
----------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  -----------  ------------- 
  Net profit                                                                                     453,872 
-----------------------------------------      -----------------  ----------  -----------  ------------- 
  The Group's revenues from external customers are divided into the 
   following geographical markets: 
                                                                                     2013           2012 
                                                                                      GBP            GBP 
  United Kingdom                                                                4,858,985      7,256,232 
  Rest of World                                                                 1,607,942      1,680,764 
                                                                              -----------  ------------- 
                                                                                6,466,927      8,936,996 
                                                                              -----------  ------------- 
  All non-current assets are held within the United Kingdom. 
  During 2013 no single customer accounted for 10% or more of the Group's 
   revenue. During 2012, GBP1,955,450 or 21.9% of the Group's revenues 
   depended on a single customer whose sales were made from the metals 
  The assets of the business have been attributed to the segments on 
   the following basis. 
                                 Textiles      Friendly     Metals          Total 
                                     2013          2013       2013           2013 
                                      GBP           GBP        GBP            GBP 
  Inventories                     635,969       278,785    239,494      1,154,248 
  Unallocated assets                                                    4,790,169 
  Unallocated liabilities                                             (3,324,457) 
                                     2012          2012       2012           2012 
                                      GBP           GBP        GBP            GBP 
  Inventories                     624,088       258,746    271,628      1,154,462 
  Unallocated assets                                                    3,079,185 
  Unallocated liabilities                                             (2,555,765) 
    Non-current assets are not allocated between segments. 
    All segments of the Group sell into the same markets and share many 
    of the same customers and thus receivables are not attributed to 
    the individual business segments. 
    Similarly all segments of the Group purchase from the same suppliers 
    and as such the trade payables are not attributed to the business 
    Borrowing and finance costs are arranged centrally by the Group and 
    are not attributed to the business segments. 
  3. Operating expenses by nature 
                                                        2013         2012 
                                                         GBP          GBP 
  Changes in inventories of finished goods and 
   work in progress                                      878      199,824 
  Raw materials and consumables used               2,596,686    3,697,883 
  Employee benefits                                2,521,330    2,930,599 
  Depreciation - owned assets                         71,631       96,691 
  Audit and non-audit services                        50,300       36,350 
  Hire of plant and machinery                         53,756       35,599 
  Other expenses                                   1,852,278    1,419,345 
-----------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
                                                   7,146,859    8,416,291 
-----------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
   4. Profit for the financial year 
   The profit dealt with in the accounts of the Parent Company was GBP1,506,890 
    (2012: GBP11,446). The Parent Company had no other comprehensive 
    income for the year other than the profit for the year (2012: GBPnil). 
    5. Earnings per ordinary 25p share 
  The earnings per ordinary 25p share is based on the profit or loss 
   after taxation and the average number of shares in issue throughout 
   the year. 
                                                                 2013           2012 
  Profit                                                   GBP942,078     GBP453,872 
  Average number of shares in issue                         2,248,000      2,248,000 
  Profit per share - basic and diluted                         41.91p         20.19p 
  There were no potentially dilutive ordinary shares in issue. 
  6. Share Capital 
                                                  2013         2012 
                                                   GBP          GBP 
   3,000,000 Ordinary shares of 25p each       750,000      750,000 
-----------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
  Allotted and fully paid 
   2,248,000 Ordinary shares of 25p each       562,000      562,000 
-----------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
  7. Cash generated from/(used in) operating 
                                                     The Group                     The Company 
                                                     2013           2012             2013         2012 
                                                      GBP            GBP              GBP          GBP 
  Profit from operations                          923,548        520,705        1,285,122        6,279 
  Depreciation - property, plant 
   and equipment                                   71,631         96,691           23,630       39,788 
  (Profit) on sale of fixed assets            (1,587,168)              -      (1,583,068)            - 
  Addition to provision against 
   investments                                          -              -          131,238            - 
  Decrease in inventories                             214        196,842                -            - 
  Decrease/(increase) in trade and 
   other receivables                              382,642      (147,240)        (388,110)          365 
  Increase/(decrease) in trade and 
   other payables                                 111,236      (202,523)        (639,855)      165,346 
----------------------------------------  ---------------  -------------  ---------------  ----------- 
                                                 (97,897)        464,475      (1,171,043)      211,778 
----------------------------------------  ---------------  -------------  ---------------  ----------- 
  8. Sale of leasehold land and 
    On 28 January 2013 the Company entered into an unconditional loan 
    facility agreement, legal charge, and sale agreement to dispose of 
    its leasehold property at 19-21 Great Queen Street ("the Property") 
    to Stability Investments Limited for a consideration of at least 
    GBP2.75 million. At 28 January 2013, the date of sale, the Property 
    had a carrying value of GBP942,984. 
    Subject to certain conditions being met, the Company may be entitled 
    to additional consideration of GBP500,000 and a share of any ultimate 
    development profit relating to the property. At the time of preparing 
    these accounts the Company did not have evidence to support that 
    the conditions would be met. The Directors therefore have no alternative 
    other than to consider that the receipt of the additional consideration 
    is very unlikely and as such no allowance has been made in these 
    accounts for the additional considerations. 
    Loan Facility Agreement and Legal Charge 
    The loan facility agreement provides that Stability Investments Limited 
    advances to the Company an amount of up to GBP2.5 million. This advance 
    is secured by a legal charge and all other outstanding charges over 
    the Company's interest in the Property have been redeemed. 
    Of the advance, GBP2,000,000 was paid to the Company on 28 January 
    2013. A further GBP500,000 will be released to the Company, on agreement 
    of and in line with the business plan and the remaining GBP250,000 
    on 28 July 2014 or completion of the sale if earlier. 
    GBP2,000,000 of the advance has been applied by the Company to repay 
    in full the indebtedness of the Group to Lloyds Bank plc and to meet 
    the working capital requirements of the Group. 
    The advance attracts compound interest at a rate of 3.75 per cent 
    above the Bank of England base rate. 
    Under the terms of the loan facility agreement, two representatives 
    of Stability Investments Limited, Robin Edwards and Robert Luck, 
    have been appointed as Non-Executive Directors of the Company. 
    Sale Agreement 
    The sale agreement provides that Stability Investments Limited shall 
    complete the transaction on or before 28 July 2014. The purchase 
    price is payable on completion of the transfer of the Company's interest 
    in the Property, which is then applied to repay in full amounts advanced 
    under the loan facility agreement, and accrued interest. The Company's 
    entitlement to such additional consideration and/or to any share 
    of development profit is contingent upon certain future events occurring 
    which, if they occur, will be payable at future dates which cannot 
    yet be determined. 
    The financial information, which has been prepared on the same basis 
    as set out in the 2012 Annual Accounts, does not constitute statutory 
    accounts as defined in section 435 of the Companies Act 2006. The 
    financial information for the year ended 31 December 2013 has been 
    extracted from the statutory accounts on which an unqualified audit 
    opinion has been issued. Statutory accounts for the year ended 31 
    December 2013 will be delivered to the registrar in due course. The 
    comparative financial information is based on the statutory accounts 
    for the financial year ended 31 December 2012. Those accounts, upon 
    which the auditors issued an unqualified opinion, have been delivered 
    to the registrar of companies. 
    The Report and Accounts will be posted later today to Shareholders 
    and the Annual General Meeting will be held on 19 June 2014 at 12.30 
    pm at the company's offices at Regalia House, 19-21 Great Queen Street, 
    London, WC2B 5BE. The Report and Accounts will also be available 
    from the Company's website, www.toye.com. 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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