RN Number:8811A
Orange S.A.
22 March 2001


Consolidated financial statements


As at and for the years ended 31 December 2000, 1999 and 1998

In millions of euro (except data per               Year
share)                                         ended 31
                                                        Year ended 31 December
                                                   2000      2000    1999  1998

                                              --------- ---------- ------ ------
                                                         Pro forma (unaudited)

Turnover                                    5         -     12059    7585   4893
Cost of sales                                         -    (5358)  (3454) (2212)
Selling, general and administrative                   -    (4902)  (3184) (1889)
Research and development expenses                     -      (34)    (28)   (24)

                                              --------- --------- ------- ------
EBITDA (1)                                            -      1765     919    768

                                              ========= ========= ======= ======
Depreciation and amortisation           10,11              (1382)  (1030) (735)
(excluding goodwill)
                                              --------- --------- ------- ------
Operating income/(loss)                               -       383   (111)    33

                                              ========= ========= ======= ======
Interest income (expenses), net                       4     (392)   (296) (224)
Other non-operating expenses, net                     -         -     (2)     -
Income taxes                                9         -     (459)   (241)   266
Equity in net loss of affiliates           12         -     (400)   (221)  (30)
(excluding goodwill amortisation)
                                              --------- --------- ------- ------
Income/(loss) before goodwill                         4     (868)   (871)    45
amortisation and minority interests
Goodwill amortisation                   10,12         -     (612)   (590) (588)
Minority interests                         17         -       159     139   103

                                              --------- --------- ------- ------
Net income/(loss)                                     4    (1321)  (1322) (440)

                                              ========= ========= ======= ======
Net income/(loss) per share                        0,00    (0,28)  (0,28) (0,09)
Diluted net income/(loss) per share                0,00    (0,28)  (0,28) (0,09)

                                              ========= ========= ======= ======

(1) EBITDA: operating income before depreciation and amortisation

As the group was formed on 29 December 2000, the consolidated income statement
for 2000 does not reflect any activity.

Consequently, comparative pro forma consolidated income statements are
presented for 2000, 1999 and 1998. Refer note 2

In millions of euro                                         Note       As at 31


Intangible assets, net (excluding goodwill)                   10           7651
Goodwill, net                                                 10           3962
Property, plant and equipment, net                            11           8216
Investments accounted for under the equity method             12           8591
Non consolidated investments                                  13            428
Other long-term assets                                                      131
Deferred income taxes                                          9            528

Total long-term assets                                                    29507

Inventories                                                   20            435
Trade accounts receivable, less allowances                  8,20           2602
Deferred income taxes                                          9             68
Prepaid expenses and other current assets                      8           1128
Cash and cash equivalents                                      7          11612

Total current assets                                                      15845

TOTAL ASSETS                                                              45352

Shareholders' equity                                          18          22499

Minority interests                                            17           (58)

Long-term debt, less current portion                          14           4363
Other long-term liabilities                                   16            200

Total long-term liabilities                                                4563

Current portion of long term debt, bank overdrafts and        14           6312
other short-term borrowings
Trade accounts payable                                                     3867
Accrued expenses and other current liabilities                14           7697
Deferred income taxes                                          9             75
Deferred income                                                             397

Total current liabilities                                                 18348

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                45352


As the Group was formed on 29 December 2000, no comparative balance sheets are
presented. Refer Note 2.

In millions of euro                                      Note     Year ended 31


Net income                                                                    4
Change in other operating assets and liabilities                             15

Net cash provided from operating activities                                  19

Increase in other long term assets                                         (14)
Cash and cash equivalents of entities transferred on 29                    1836
December 2000
Net cash provided by investing activities                                  1822

Increase in shareholder's contributions                    18              9771

Net cash generated from financing activities                               9771

Increase in cash and cash equivalents                       8             11612
Impact of changes in exchange rates on cash and cash                          -
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                                -

Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                                  11612


As the Group was formed on 29 December 2000, no comparative cash flow
statements are presented. Refer Note 2.


Orange S.A. ("the Company") is listed on Premier Marche of Euronext Paris and
the London Stock Exchange.

The Company, its subsidiaries, jointly controlled entities, associates and
investments (together "the Group") offer a broad range of voice and data
communications services in France, United Kingdom and in selected markets in
continental Europe and in the rest of the world.

Created on 29 December 2000, the Group consists of (i) FTM, the mobile
division of France Telecom until 31 December 1999 and FTM S.A., formed as a
result of the transfer of FTM to FTM S.A. on 22 August 2000, with a
retroactive legal effect as from 1 January 2000, (ii) the operations of Orange
plc, which are mainly located in the United Kingdom and which were acquired by
France Telecom from Vodafone group in August 2000 and (iii) France Telecom
operations and investments in a number of European and international
subsidiaries, jointly controlled entities, associates and investments.

The Company, a shell entity incorporated in 1992 under the name of France
Telecom Electronic Directories and a wholly-owned subsidiary of France Telecom
received, on 29 December 2000, substantially all the share capital of (i) FTM
S.A., (ii) Orange plc and (iii) France Telecom Participations Belgium ("FTPB")
and France Telecom Participations Denmark ("FTPD"), a Belgian and Danish
incorporated parent company respectively, which hold European and
international mobile operations, associates and investments.


As a result of the inception of the Group on 29 December 2000, the following
financial information is presented :

- the consolidated financial statements as at 31 December 2000, reflecting the
effect of the legal transfers which occurred on 29 December 2000;

- the pro forma consolidated income statements for the years ended 31 December
2000, 1999 and 1998, as no operations are reflected in the consolidated income
statements prior to 29 December 2000.

The Group's consolidated financial statements and pro forma consolidated
income statements have been prepared in accordance with French generally
accepted accounting principles as they are applied by the Group (refer Note 3
below) and approved by the Board of Directors of the Company on 21 March 2001.

Consolidated financial statements

The consolidated financial statements reflect the inception of the Group at
the time the legal transfers of assets from France Telecom effectively
occurred on 29 December 2000.

The consolidated balance sheet as at 31 December 2000 reflects the effect of
the following legal transactions:

1. transfers of substantially all the shares of FTM S.A., France Caraibe
Mobiles S.A. ("FCM"), France Telecom Mobile Service S.A. ("FTMS"), Orange plc,
FTPB and FTPD from France Telecom to the Company in exchange for newly issued
shares of the Company. These transfers have been accounted for under the
purchase method of accounting under paragraph 215 of "Comite de la
Reglementation Comptable" Rule 99-02. Accordingly, such transfers have been
reflected at the consolidated historical carrying value of their respective
net assets.

Prior to the transfer of FTPB to the Company by France Telecom, FTPB acquired
certain assets previously owned by France Telecom, such as Wind
Telecomunicazioni S.p.A. ("Wind") and Dutchtone N.V. ("Dutchtone"), for cash
consideration. Goodwill arising from these acquisitions was determined based
on the equity of each entity at the time of its transfer to FTPB.

2. share capital increase of the Company amounting to euro 9,771 million on 29
December 2000. This capital increase is intended to finance the 43.4%
investment in Wind for euro 4,775 million and the 42.5% investment in Orange
Communications S.A. ("OCSA") held by FTPB for euro 1,349 million.

The consolidated income statement for the year ended 31 December 2000 mainly
reflects the activity of the Company, which had no operations prior to 29
December 2000.

The consolidated cash flow statement primarily reflects the cash injection of
euro 9,771 million resulting from the 29 December 2000 share capital increase
and the net cash position of the businesses transferred to the Company, mainly

Pro forma financial information

To enable comparison with the unaudited pro forma consolidated income
statements that were presented in the prospectus prepared for the purpose of
the initial public offering of the Company, an unaudited pro forma
consolidated income statement is presented for the year ended 31 December

The pro forma consolidated income statements for 1999 and 1998 presented in
this document are directly comparable with those included in the prospectus
except for the amortisation of goodwill, which has been restated to reflect
the value of goodwill which was recalculated based on the equity value of each
entity transferred to the Group at the time the transfer actually occurred.

Preparation of the pro forma income statements

The Group's pro forma consolidated income statements for the twelve months
ended 31 December 2000, 1999 and 1998 are intended to reflect the Group's
results of operations as if the Group, which was created on 29 December 2000,
had existed over the three years presented. The Group's pro forma consolidated
income statements are presented for illustrative purposes only and are not
necessarily indicative of what the Group's results of operations would have
been had the Group's inception occurred at an earlier date.

Operations legally transferred to the Group before 31 December 2000 have been
consolidated or accounted for under the equity method over the periods
presented, based on the Group's ownership interest at 31 December 2000,
effective from the date such operations were launched or from 1 January 1998
if launched earlier than 1 January 1998. The Group's investments in KPN Orange
N.V. ("KPNO") and Hutchison Telecommunications GmbH ("HTG"), which are to be
disposed of, are accounted for as non consolidated investments (refer Note

Borrowings contracted to finance (i) the acquisition of assets from France
Telecom at the Group's inception and, (ii) the UK and Dutch UMTS licences, are
deemed to have been extinguished by the share capital increases of Orange plc
and the Company. Consequently, interest expenses incurred on these borrowings
are not reflected in the pro forma consolidated income statements. In
addition, the remaining cash balance resulting from the above-mentioned share
capital increases is deemed to have been placed with France Telecom during the
second half of 2000. The related interest revenues have been reflected in the
pro forma consolidated income statement for the year ended 31 December 2000.

Financial statements used for the preparation of the pro forma income

The Group's pro forma consolidated income statements have been prepared on the
basis of:

1. FTM S.A.'s audited financial statements as at and for the year ended 31
December 2000 and FTM's 1999 and 1998 year-end pro forma financial statements
derived from the FTM divisional accounts which were included in the audited
financial statements of France Telecom, restated under the Group's accounting
policies as necessary. FTM's revenue and expenses were thus identifiable in
France Telecom's audited statutory financial statements. FTM's income tax has
been measured as if FTM had existed as a separate taxable entity so that tax
losses at 1 January 2000 carried forward upon incorporation of FTM into FTM
S.A. were nil according to FTM S.A.'s tax position upon incorporation on 22
August 2000 (nil tax loss carry forward as at 1 January 2000).

2. Orange plc's audited 2000, 1999 and 1998 year-end financial statements as
restated under the Group's accounting policies as necessary and adjusted to
exclude the euro 53 million and euro 58 million extraordinary items net of
tax, incurred during the years ended 31 December 2000 and 1999 respectively,
as such extraordinary items comprise non-recurring costs associated with the
successive changes of control of Orange plc in 1999 and 2000.

3. Audited financial statements for the same periods of France Telecom's and
Orange plc's European and international mobile subsidiaries, jointly
controlled entities, associates and investees.

No synergies have been reflected in the pro forma income statements, including
the potential tax savings that could result from the inception of a tax
consolidation starting from 2001 in France.


The Group's consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with
French generally accepted accounting principles under Rule 99-02 of the
"Comite de la Reglementation Comptable" of 29 April 1999.

Presentation of the financial statements

The consolidated financial statements are presented in euro on the basis of
the parity in use since 1 January 1999 of 6.55957 French francs for one euro.

  * In the consolidated income statement, operating charges are presented on
    a functional basis, except for net depreciation and amortisation which are
    shown under two separate headings being "Depreciation and amortisation
    excluding goodwill" and "Goodwill amortisation".

  * Gains or losses on disposal of investment securities are recorded under
    the heading "Other non-operating income (expenses), net".

  * The heading "Goodwill amortisation" includes goodwill of all
    consolidated companies as well as those accounted for using the equity

  * Unusual and infrequent events and transactions are shown net of taxation
    under the heading "Extraordinary items, net of tax".

  * The balance sheet classifies assets and liabilities based on liquidity
    or maturity dates, and presents short-term balances (due within one year)
    separately from long-term balances.

  * The cash flow statement excludes from changes in cash changes in bank
    overdrafts and marketable securities having maturity in excess of three
    months at the time of purchase, which are presented respectively as
    financing and investing activities.


Under the conventions set out in Note 2, the consolidation principles are as

  * Subsidiaries which the Company controls either directly or indirectly
    are fully consolidated.

  * Companies in which the Group and a limited number of other shareholders
    have agreed to exercise joint control are accounted for using the
    proportionate consolidation method.

  * Companies over which the Group exercises significant influence but does
    not control (generally a 20% to 50% controlling interest) are accounted
    for under the equity method.

  * All material inter-company balances and transactions have been


The financial statements of foreign subsidiaries presented in local currency
are translated as follows :

  * assets and liabilities are translated at the closing rate,

  * items in the consolidated income statement are translated at the average
    rate for the period,

  * the resulting translation adjustment is included as a separate component
    of shareholders' equity. Translation adjustments relating to subsidiaries
    within the euro zone have been fixed based on the parities fixed on 31
    December 1998.

The financial statements of entities which operate in a hyper inflationary
environment have been remeasured into their functional currency, prior to
converting to euro, using the following method:

  * monetary elements of the balance sheet are translated at the closing

  * non monetary elements are converted at the historic rate,

  * items in the consolidated income statement are translated at the average
    rate for the period except for depreciation and provision charges and
    reversals which are translated at the historic rate.

  * the resulting translation adjustment is recorded in the consolidated
    income statement as an exchange gain or loss.


At year-end, monetary balances denominated in foreign currencies are
translated using closing exchange rates. Unrealised gains and losses on
balances denominated in foreign currencies which are not hedged are recognised
in the consolidated income statement of the corresponding period.


Turnover includes airtime revenue (including fixed monthly access charges),
roaming revenue, revenue from sales of telecommunication equipment and value
added services.

Revenues from airtime, roaming and value added services are recognised when
the service is rendered.

Revenues from fixed monthly access charges are recognised on a straight-line
basis over the contract period.

Revenues from sales of telecommunication equipment and connection charges are
recognised upon delivery to the customer or activation by the customer, as


Subscriber acquisition and loyalty costs are expensed as incurred. These costs
primarily include commissions and rebates paid to distributors.


Advertising costs are expensed as incurred.


Research and development costs are expensed as incurred.


Cash and cash equivalents consist of cash and highly liquid investments, with
no capital risk, with maturities generally of three months or less at the time
of purchase, and are stated at cost which approximates realisable value.


Allowances are set up against the estimated cost of non-recovery of
receivables. Allowances are based on an individual or statistical evaluation
of the risk of non-recovery.

In view of the different types of customer (residential and professional
markets), the Group does not consider that it is exposed to a concentration of
customer risk.


Inventories principally comprise handsets. Inventories are stated at the lower
of cost or probable net realisable value, taking into account future revenues
expected from subscriptions. Cost is determined on a first in first out basis.


Upon acquisition of a business, its cost of acquisition is allocated on a fair
value basis to the identifiable assets and liabilities of the business

The excess of the purchase price over the fair value of the share of
identifiable assets and liabilities of the business acquired is recorded as
goodwill under the heading "Intangible assets" for the consolidated entities
and included in the heading "Investments accounted for under the equity
method" for entities over which the Group has significant influence.

The amortisation period for goodwill is determined taking into account the
specific nature of each acquisition, particularly with regard to its business

Goodwill is subject to impairment review when events or circumstances occur
indicating that an impairment might exist. Such events or circumstances
include significant adverse changes, other than temporary, in the assumptions
or expectations considered at the time of the acquisition. The need to
recognise impairment is assessed with reference to non discounted cash flows
within the economic and operating assumptions used by the management of the
Group. Impairment, where necessary, is recorded as the difference between book
value and fair value. Fair value is determined based on future cash flows
discounted at appropriate rates, taking into account benefits expected at
acquisition, such as synergies expected to result from the integration of the
business with the Group's operations and the strategic position of the
business for the Group.

In accordance with the purchase method of accounting under paragraph 215 of
"Comite de la Reglementation Comptable" Rule 99-02, the historical carrying
value of the business acquired is reflected in the acquirers' financial
statements when the acquisition meets the criteria set out in paragraph 215
(amongst other criteria the acquisition must cover at least 90% of the shares
of the company in a single transaction and must be settled through a share
issue by the acquirer).


Licences to operate mobile networks are recorded within intangible assets.
They are recorded at cost of acquisition and are amortised on a straight-line
basis over the period over which the Group expects to benefit from use of the
licence, taking into account the likelihood of licence renewal as appropriate.
They are amortised from the date of commercialisation of services.

Plant, property and equipment are recorded at cost of acquisition or at
construction cost, including, for the cost of networks, planning and
construction costs, site installation and equipment upgrade costs.

Interest arising from debt incurred to finance construction and development of
tangible assets is capitalised as part of the cost of the assets during the
construction period.

Repairs and maintenance and removal costs are expensed when incurred.

Depreciation of property, plant and equipment is calculated on a straight-line
basis over their estimated useful lives. Main estimated useful lives are as
follows :

Analogue and GSM network                                           5 to 8 years
Buildings and fittings                                           10 to 30 years
Computer equipment and software excluding

Network equipment                                                  3 to 5 years
Other                                                             3 to 10 years

Leased assets are recorded as a fixed asset and a related liability when the
terms of the lease effectively transfer the risks and rewards of ownership of
the asset to the group.

Impairment of long-lived assets

Plant, property and equipment and intangible assets (excluding goodwill) are
written down when, as a result of events or changes in circumstances, their
recoverable value appears to be permanently less than their carrying value.
For assets to be held and used, impairment is principally determined for each
group of assets by comparing their carrying value with the undiscounted cash
flows they are expected to generate based upon management's expectations of
future economic and operating conditions. Due to uncertainties specific to the
telecommunications industry, it is possible that these conditions will change
in future periods and consequently affect the estimations of future cash

Should the above comparison indicate that an asset is permanently impaired,
the write-down recognised is equivalent to the difference between carrying
value and fair value. Fair value is determined on the basis of discounted cash
flows or by reference to replacement cost for used equipment, cost of
alternative technologies or recent transactions for similar businesses, or
market prices.

Assets to be disposed of are written down to their fair value, less costs of
disposal, when such value is lower than their carrying value.


Non consolidated investments are stated at cost. An allowance is recorded when
the fair value, based upon management's analysis of the specific nature of
each investment, is permanently less than carrying value.


Deferred income taxes are accounted for on temporary differences between the
carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes
and for tax purposes, as well as those arising from tax loss carry forwards.
Deferred tax assets are provided for to the extent that the recovery of these
taxes is not considered probable.

Deferred taxes are calculated using the liability method, applying the enacted
tax rates applicable at the time the temporary difference is expected to


Debt issue costs are deferred and expensed through income over the term of the


In France, legislation requires that lump sum retirement indemnities be paid
to employees based upon their service life and level of compensation upon
retirement. The actuarial cost of this unfunded obligation is charged to the
consolidated income statement over the employees' service lives. The effect of
changes in assumptions is accounted for in the consolidated income statement
over the average remaining service life of employees.

Civil servant employees of the Group benefit from the French State civil and
military pension scheme. The corresponding defined contributions to the civil
servant pension scheme are included within personnel costs.

In England, Orange plc operates a defined contribution pension scheme and
funded unapproved retirement benefit schemes for eligible employees.
Contributions to these two plans are expensed as incurred.


Interest rate and foreign currency risks are managed using derivative
financial instruments, primarily interest rate swaps, forward exchange
contracts, currency swaps and exchange rate options. All such instruments are
entered into for hedging purposes.

Income and costs resulting from the use of these instruments are recorded in
the consolidated income statement in the same manner as compared with the
underlying transaction being hedged:

  * differences between interest receivable and interest payable on swaps,
    caps and floors, as well as premiums paid for these operations are
    recorded in the consolidated income statement over the life of the
    contract as an adjustment to the interest expense;

  * initial differences between the negotiated term rate and the fixing rate
    for the day on forward exchange contracts and currency swaps designated as
    hedging operations are recorded in the consolidated income statement over
    the life of the contract as an adjustment to the interest expense. The
    gains and losses subsequently generated by these contracts, due to
    fluctuations in the exchange rate, are recorded as exchange rate
    corrections resulting from the item hedged;

  * the gains and losses resulting from contracts allocated to the hedging
    of firm commitments or identifiable future transactions are deferred and
    taken into account in the valuation of the transaction at maturity.


Earnings per share are calculated based on the weighted average number of
shares outstanding during the year.

Diluted earnings per share take account of conversion into ordinary shares of
existing potentially dilutive instruments. Diluted earnings are calculated as
net income adjusted for the financial charges of dilutive instruments, net of
their effect on taxation and employee profit sharing.


Shares issued upon exercise of subscription options granted to employees are
reflected as a share capital increase at the exercise price of the option.

With regards to purchase options, a provision is recorded to the extent that
the acquisition cost of the shares purchased to serve the exercised options is
higher than the exercise price of the options.

Social charges assumed in connection with share option plans are provided for
when it is probable that the options will be exercised.


The list of consolidated entities and equity investments is detailed in Note

As the Group was formed on 29 December 2000, there was no acquisition or
divestment during the year ended 31 December 2000.

                             Year ended 31          Year ended 31 December
(in millions of euro)                     2000        2000      1999       1998

                                    ----------    --------   ------- ----------
                                                    Pro forma (unaudited)
France                                       -       5,690     4,056      2,790
United Kingdom                               -       4,211     2,392      1,446
Rest of world                                -       2,193     1,182        701
Inter segment                                -        (35)      (45)       (44)
                                    ----------    --------   ------- -----------
Total                                        -      12,059     7,585      4,893

                                       =======     =======   =======    =======

The main operating indicators by segment are presented in Note 23.

                                     Year ended      Year ended 31 December
                                     31 December
(in millions of euro, except                2000      2000       1999      1998
employee numbers)
                                      ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------
                                                     Pro forma (unaudited)

Average number of employees (1)                -

                                                    24,282     17,239    12,301
Personnel costs
Wages and salaries                             -       824        541       341
Social charges and other pension               -       175        125        91
related charges
                                       --------- ----------  --------- ---------
Total                                          -       999        666       432

                                           =====    ======     ======    ======

(1) Average full time equivalents

In addition, personnel costs in the pro forma consolidated income statements
include employee profit-sharing expenses of the French operating entities
totalling euro 19 million in 2000, euro 4 million in 1999 and euro 5 million
in 1998.

Own shares acquired under the Orange plc long-term incentive plans that
terminated in November 1999 were included in marketable securities and a full
allowance recorded as the shares were distributed at no cost to participants
of the scheme.

As part of the formation of the Group, various incentive plans, such as
warrants and stock option schemes, have been put in place for the employees
and management of the Group. These plans are described in Note 19.


As explained in Note 2, cash and cash equivalents at 31 December 2000 mainly

  * the euro 9,771 million cash contribution from France Telecom resulting
    from the share capital increase of the Company on 29 December 2000;

  * the euro 620 million cash transfer from France Telecom to FTM at the
    time of its incorporation into FTM S.A.


The Group does not consider itself exposed to a concentration of credit risk
with respect to trade accounts receivable due to its diverse customer base
(residential, professional and large business customers) operating in numerous
industries and located in many regions and countries.

Other debtors mainly comprise VAT receivables and prepayments.

Trade accounts receivable and other debtors are mostly due within one year.


Income tax (charge) / credit is analysed as follows:

                            Year ended 31 December      Year ended 31 December
(in millions of euro)                         2000      2000      1999     1998

                                         ---------  --------  -------- --------
                                                      Pro forma (unaudited)

Current income taxes                             -     (418)      (23)     (19)
Deferred income taxes                            -      (41)     (218)      285

                                        ---------- --------- --------- --------
Total                                            -     (459)     (241)      266

                                            ======     =====     =====    =====

Movements in income tax charges and credits are mainly attributable to Orange
Personnal Communications Services Ltd ("OPCS") and FTM.

At 31 December 1998, given the forseeable taxable results of OPCS for the
following years, deferred tax assets of euro 391 million were recognised in
respect of tax losses carried forward and temporary differences.

Deferred tax assets relating to tax losses carried forward of FTM, totalling
euro 280 million at 1 January 1998, were utilised in 1998 and 1999, generating
a pro forma tax charge of euro 103 million and 177 million, respectively. In
2000 FTM, as a stand alone taxable entity, incurred a current income tax
charge of euro 391 million.

The reconciliation between the income tax expense computed at the French
statutory tax rate and the effective income tax expense is as follows:

                                                Year ended     Year ended 31
                                               31 December        December
(in millions of euro)                                 2000  2000   1999    1998

                                                   ------- ----- ------  ------
                                                                Pro forma

Income tax calculated at the enacted tax rate
                                                         -   154    252      92
Impact of equity in income from affiliates
accounted for under the equity method

                                                         - (151)   (88)    (13)
Impact of unused tax losses carried forward
and other temporary differences (2)

                                                         - (340)  (299)     235
Impact of non French tax rates, permanent
differences and changes in income tax rate

                                                         - (122)  (106)    (48)

                                                   ------- ----- ------ -------
Effective income tax                                     - (459)  (241)     266

                                                   ======= ===== ====== =======

(1) Enacted income tax rate was 37.76% at 31 December 2000 (40%, and 41.67% at
31 December 1999 and 1998, respectively) applied to the loss before tax,
goodwill amortisation and minority interests.

(2) Relates to start up operations in respect of which deferred tax assets are
not recognised according to the Group's accounting policies.

At 31 December 2000, the analysis of deferred tax assets and liabilities by
nature of temporary difference is as follows:

(in millions of euro)                                       At 31 December 2000

Deferred tax assets
Losses carried forward                                                    1,081
Other deferred tax assets                                                   330

Total deferred tax assets                                                 1,411
Valuation allowance                                                       (815)

Deferred tax assets after valuation allowance                               596

Including current deferred tax assets                                        68
Including long-term deferred tax assets                                     528

Deferred tax liabilities
Tax accelerated depreciation                                                 23
Other deferred tax liabilities                                               58

Deferred tax liabilities                                                     81

Including current deferred tax liabilities                                   75
Including long-term deferred tax liabilities                                  6



                                        Cost         Accumul.       Net book
(in millions of euro)                              Amortisation       Value

                                      --------   ----------------   ---------
UMTS licences                              7,035                -         7,035
Goodwill                                   4,106            (144)         3,962
Licences, patents and access rights          706            (159)           547
Other intangibles                             89             (20)            69

                                       ---------      -----------    ----------
Total                                     11,936            (323)        11,613

                                          ======         ========       =======

UMTS licences

UMTS licences can be detailed as follows:

                    Date of     Local   Value in local    Euro equivalent at 31
                      award  currency         currency            December 2000
Orange 3G Ltd     September       GBP            4,095                    6,564
Dutchtone       August 2000       NLG              960                      436
OCSA               December       CHF               55                       35
                  --------     -----            ------                  -------
Total                                                                     7,035

                  ========     =====            ======                  =======

As described in Note 3, UMTS licences will be amortised as from the date of
commercialisation of services.


The table below presents the net book value of goodwill of fully consolidated
companies at 31 December 2000 determined as described in Note 2.

(in millions of euro)                        Net book value at 31 December 2000

OCSA                                                                      1,453
Dutchtone                                                                 1,147
MobilRom S.A.                                                               635
Globtel A.S.                                                                318
Wildfire Communications, Inc                                                127
Ananova Ltd                                                                 137
Other                                                                       145

Total (net)                                                               3,962


Pro forma information

On a pro forma basis, amortisation of intangible assets, excluding goodwill,
amounted to euro 77 million in 2000, euro 35 million in 1999 and euro 23
million in 1998.

Goodwill is amortised over a period ranging from 5 to 20 years depending on
the specific nature of the business acquired and on the strategic value of
each acquisition. In the pro forma consolidated income statements,
amortisation of goodwill includes euro 245 million in 2000, euro 226 million
in 1999 and euro 224 million in 1998 relating to the companies mentioned

                                                     Cost     Accumul  Net book
(in millions of euro)                                      Depreciat.     Value

                                                 -------- ------------ ---------
Land and buildings                                  2,911       (830)     2,081
Network equipment                                   7,471     (2,579)     4,892
Computer and terminal equipment (excluding          1,510       (641)       869
Other                                                 603       (229)       374

                                                ---------- ------------ --------
Total                                              12,495     (4,279)     8,216

                                                  =======     =======    ======

Land and buildings include euro 1,670 million of network infrastructure as at
31 December 2000.

Interest charges capitalised under the value of property, plant and equipment
amount to euro 58 million at 31 December 2000.

The net book value of assets under capital leases amounts to euro 886 million
at 31 December 2000.

Pro forma information

On a pro forma basis, depreciation of property, plant and equipment amounted
to euro 1,305 million in 2000, euro 995 million in 1999 and euro 712 million
in 1998.


Investments accounted for under the equity method are as follows at 31
December 2000:

                        Interest at 31/12/2000    Net book value at 31 December
                                           (%)                             2000

                            ------------------             --------------------
(in millions of
Wind                                      43.4                            4,537
MobilCom                                  28.5                            3,687
BITCO                                     34.0                              359
NewsTakes Inc.                            25.0                                6
Book2eat Ltd                              32.3                                2

                                  ------------                    -------------
Total                                                                     8,591

                                      ========                        =========

At 31 December 2000, the net value of goodwill relating to investments
accounted for using the equity method amounted to euro 4,479 million for Wind,
euro 2,680 million for MobilCom and euro 233 million for BITCO.

In accordance with the agreement signed on 23 March 2000 with MobilCom AG
("MobilCom"), the German telephony operator, FTPB acquired an interest in
MobilCom during the second half of 2000 by transferring its interest in
MobilCom Multimedia, a 50% owned entity that obtained a third generation UMTS
mobile telephony licence in Germany in August 2000. The consideration for this
transfer was effected through a capital increase by MobilCom issued to FTPB
for euro 3,739 million as a result of which the Group holds 28.5% of MobilCom,
the percentage used since 1 January 1998 to account for the Group's investment
in MobilCom under the equity method.

Pro forma information

In the pro forma consolidated income statements, goodwill is amortised over a
period ranging from 5 to 20 years depending on the nature of the business. On
a pro forma basis, amortisation of goodwill amounted to euro 367 million in
2000, euro 364 million in 1999 and euro 364 million in 1998.

The equity in net loss of affiliates included in the pro forma consolidated
income statements amounted to euro 400 million in 2000, euro 221 million in
1999 and 30 million in 1998 as follows:
                                             Year ended 31 December
(in millions of euro)                      2000            1999            1998

                                      ---------        --------        --------
                                             Pro forma (unaudited)

Wind                                      (337)           (244)            (46)
MobilCom                                   (62)              23              16
BITCO                                       (1)               -               -

                                       --------        --------        --------
Total                                     (400)           (221)            (30)

                                          =====           =====           =====

BITCO, an entity in which the Group has a significant influence, has been
accounted for under the equity method with effect from its acquisition by
Orange plc on 12 September 2000. It had no significant operations prior to
that date.


    (in millions                    Gross           Provision             Net
      of euro)          %           Value                               Value
                      ------     --------            ---------         ---------
KPNO                    50.0          121                    -              121
Connect Austria         17.5          109                    -              109
Optimus                 20.0          105                    -              105
BPL                     26.0           47                    -               47
HTG                    100.0            6                    -                6
Other                                  43                  (3)               40

                       -----     --------           ----------         ---------
Total                                 431                  (3)              428

                       =====        =====              =======            =====

In July 2000, as part of the acquisition of Orange plc by France Telecom, and
given the commitments with respect to the European Union, the Group exited the
trust through which it held a 50% shareholding in KPNO. Consequently, the
interest in the Belgian operator is reflected in the consolidated balance
sheet at its equity method carrying value as at 31 July 2000 under the heading
"Non consolidated investments".

Similarly, as the interest in HTG is to be disposed of, the German entity is
presented under the heading "Non consolidated investments" at its equity
method carrying value as at 29 December 2000, the date it was transferred to
the Company under paragraph 215 of Rule 99-02.

KPNO and HTG had a negative contribution to the consolidated shareholders'
equity of euro 137 million and euro 48 million, respectively, at 31 December
2000. Future gains resulting from the sale of these two entities will be
reflected through equity, in accordance with paragraph 215 of Rule 99-02.


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