RNS Number:9503W
NMBZ Holdings Ld
25 March 2004



The following amendments have been made to RNS 9111W released at 07:04 today.


The following notes should be referenced in the Income Statements, which should

Trading Income                          6
Operating expenditure                   7
Taxation                                8
Earnings per share (cents)             11

And not:

Trading Income
Operating expenditure
Earnings per share (cents)


In the Income Statements the (Loss)/profit from discontinuing operations in the
historical accounts for 2003 following figure is incorrect

(Loss)/profit from discontinuing operations for 2003 should read:

Z$(475) million

And not:

Z$(479) million


In the Inflation Adjusted Statement of Changes in Equity at 31 December 2003,
the annotation of Instruments is incorrect.  It should read:

Instruments (note 13.4)

And not:

Instruments (note 11.4)


In the Inflation Adjusted Statement of Changes in Equity at 31 December 2002
(Restated), there should be no Share Issue line:

The first line of the statement should read:

1 January 2002             18 670       31 723     5 248        3 585        49     13 723       72 998

And not:

1 January 2002
Share issue                   18 670     31 723     5 248        3 585        49     13 723      72 998


In the Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for 2003 Historical accounts there is an
incorrect figure relating to Cash Flows from Investing Activities.  The figure
for Net cash (outflows)/inflows before financing activities should read:

Z$58 099 million

And not:

Z$ (58 099) million


In Note 14.2 to the Accounts the Maturity Analysis includes an incorrect period
in the last line.  It should read:

Maturing after six months but within 12 months

And not:

Maturing after one month but within 12 months


In Note 16.1.2 to the Accounts the Maturity Analysis for Demand to 3 months in
the 2002 Inflation Adjusted accounts restated for 2002 should read:

Z$122 969 million

And not:

Z$117 969 million


In Note 16.1.2 to the Accounts the Maturity Analysis for Total Advances in the
2002 Inflation Adjusted accounts restated for 2002 should read:

Z$174 766 million

And not:

Z$169 766 million


In Note 16.6 the 2002 figures are not Restated.  The note should read

16.6  Provisions for doubtful debts including acceptances

                                    ------------------------- 2003 ----------  ------------------- 2002 ----------

And not

16.6  Provisions for doubtful debts including acceptances

                                      --------------------- 2003 -----------     -------------Restated 2002 -------


In Note 16.7 on Non Performing loans and advances the Total line should read:


And not:

Total deposits


In note 12 to the Accounts, the analysis includes an incorrect narration.  It
should read:

Cash and cash equivalents for discontinuing operations

And not:

Discontinuing operations - taxation.


In note 15.3.1 on Financial liabilities held for trading and note 16.1.1
Advances, it should read:


And not:

Total deposits


In note 16.1.1 the sub heading should read:


And not:

Financial liabilities held for trading

All other details remain unchanged.

                              NMBZ HOLDINGS LIMITED

                               Holding company of
                 NMB Bank Limited (Registered Commercial Bank)
                Continental Securities Trading (Private) Limited



                                                                         2003              2002
                          Z$ million        Z$ million        Change %

Historical attributable profit                                         16 115             9 556             +69

Inflation adjusted operating expenditure from
continuing operations                                                  47 842            53 943             -11

Historical basic earnings per share (cents)                             3 981             2 629             +51

Historical dividend per share (cents)                                     943               634             +49

Mr Paddy Zhanda, Chairman of NMBZ Holdings, said:

"The Group's results reflect the challenging and turbulent economic conditions
which the Group faced.  Strategic initiatives are underway to harness growth
opportunities in the coming year in order to ensure growth and competitive
advantage in our target markets".


NMBZ HOLDINGS LIMITED                                     Tel: +263-4-759 651/9

David T Hatendi, Acting Managing Director                 davidh@nmbz.co.zw

Mario dos Remedios, Acting Finance Director               mariodosr@nmbz.co.zw

Website:                                                  http://www.nmbz.co.zw

Email:                                                    enquiries@nmbz.co.zw


Corinna Dorward/Matthew Gregorowski                       Tel: +44-207-457-2020


The country's economy continued its downward spiral in 2003 and recorded its
fifth successive year of economic decline. The year under review was
characterized by:

*                     Decline in Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
*                     Hyperinflation and high money supply
*                     High domestic debt
*                     Weak Balance of Payments (BOP) position
*                     Foreign currency shortages
*                     Cash shortages

Positive factors during the year were:

*         Improved concessionary financing for exporters and
*                     New Monetary Policy Statement


Decline in GDP

Real GDP declined by 3.7% in 1999, 5% in 2000, 7.5% in 2001, 14.5% in 2002 and
is forecast to decline by 13.2% in 2003. Major reductions in GDP are expected in
transport and communication (13.5%), distribution (12.5%), manufacturing
(12.5%), and construction (9.5%).

Hyperinflation and high money supply

The country recorded runaway levels of inflation during 2003 emanating from
shortages of basic commodities, alternative market activities, energy price
increases, a loose monetary policy, general contraction in economic activity and
indexation.Year-on-year inflation, which closed the previous year at 198.9%,
rose to 364.5% by June 2003, reaching an all time peak of 619.5% in November
2003 before easing to 598.7% by December 2003. Inflation is expected to remain
high in 2004 but is expected to follow a declining trend with the Reserve Bank
of Zimbabwe (RBZ) targeting an inflation rate of 175% - 200% by December 2004,
double-digit inflation by 2005 and single-digit levels by 2008.

Broad money supply (M3), which closed the year 2002 at 164.8%, increased to
303.4% year-on-year to July 2003 as a result of increases in credit to the
private sector and government.  Broad money supply growth is expected to end
2003 at 500% and is expected to decelerate to 200% by the end of 2004.

High domestic debt

Domestic debt, which stood at Z$346 billion in December 2002, rose to
approximately Z$600 billion by December 2003. The debt is dominated by Treasury
Bills (mainly 2 year paper), which account for 97.5% of the total debt while
government bonds account for the balance of 2.5%. The government intends to
further restructure the domestic debt in 2004 by issuing more long-dated
instruments. The budget deficit is expected to reach Z$1.83 trillion in 2004 and
domestic debt is set to end the year at about Z$2.4 trillion.

Weak Balance of Payments (BOP) position

The country's BOP position remained precarious in 2003 largely as a result of
poor export performance coupled with the absence of external capitalinflows.
Exports of goods and services are estimated to have fallen by 3.9% from US$1 603
million in 2002 to US$1 540 million in 2003. Imports of goods and services fell
less steeply from US$2 634 million in 2002 to US$2 618 million in 2003. The
country is estimated to have recorded a current account deficit of US$1 130
million, slightly up from US$1 044 million in 2002.

The capital account deficit is estimated to have declined from US$345 million in
2002 to US$309 million in 2003.

The overall balance of payments deficit for 2003 was therefore US$1 439 million.
Against the background of the weak balance of payments position, gross official
foreign currency reserves for 2003 are estimated at US$175 million, which
represent approximately one month of imports, while usable reserves were much
lower at just under US$40 million.

The country's total external payment arrears continued to rise in 2003. As of
December 2003, external payment arrears were estimated at about US$1.8 billion,
up from US$1.3 billion at the end of December 2002.  A breakdown of the external
arrears shows that Government arrears account for the largest portion at $1.2
billion (67%) while parastatals and the private sector account for US$558
million (31%) and US$15 million (2%) respectively.

Foreign Exchange Market and Exchange Rate Policy

The new Monetary Policy Statement introduced significant changes in the foreign
currency market. Exporters are now required to surrender 50% of their receipts
immediately on receipt and of this amount half (i.e. 25% of the total), will be
sold to the RBZ at the official rate of Z$824 to the US dollar and the other
half will be auctioned at the newly introduced foreign currency auction market.
The exporter retains the remaining 50% of the export proceeds in a foreign
currency account (FCA) to meet the exporter's own foreign currency requirements
and if unused after 21 days, the unutilised funds in the FCA will be sold at the

The continued viability of the new controlled foreign currency auction system
hinges on a strong supply of foreign currency to the market.

Cash Shortages

The first nine months of 2003 saw the emergence of serious cash shortages in the
economy due to a combination of the ever-rising inflation and alternative market
activities. The shortage of cash led to a serious loss of production time as
people spent long hours queuing for cash.

The cash problems were temporarily relieved when government introduced bearer
cheques in September 2003 and a new one thousand dollar note in October 2003.
The bearer cheques have been well received by the general public. In order to
come up with a long-term solution to the cash problems, there is an urgent need
for government to replace bearer cheques with higher denomination notes and a
vigorous promotion by banks of the use of plastic and electronic means of
payment settlement.

Improved concessionary financing facilities for exporters and producers

The Export and Productive Sector Financing facilities, introduced at the
beginning of 2001, were extended by the RBZ in the new Monetary Policy
statement. The facilities include the release of bank's statutory reserves for
on lending to exporters and other producers in mining, manufacturing,
agriculture, construction and tourism at 30% per annum. The policy thrust has
provided significant relief to the beneficiaries.

Monetary policy and interest rates

The Monetary Policy Statement issued in November 2002 largely guided monetary
policy interventions in 2003. In line with this policy, the Reserve Bank of
Zimbabwe pursued a dual interest rate policy designed to encourage productive
and export sector activities while at the same time discouraging consumption and
speculative activities. Despite the rise in interest rates, the gap between
inflation and interest rates remained high resulting in substantially high
negative real interest rates.

The new RBZ Governor ushered in a new Monetary Policy regime on 18 December 2003
whose primary objectives are to cut inflation to below 200% by December 2004,
stabilize the foreign exchange rate and maintain a sound financial system in the
country. The central bank's ability to reduce inflation through monetary policy
interventions will depend on a strong supply response in 2004 and the ability of
the authorities to maintain sufficiently tight monetary and fiscal policies.
Inconsistencies between monetary and fiscal policies have traditionally
undermined the effectiveness of monetary policy in the past.

Economic Outlook

It is encouraging to see that stakeholders are realising the need to resolutely
implement economic policies that will turn around the economy. To return to a
growth and recovery path, the following key factors are pertinent;

*    Containment of money supply growth and runaway inflation.
*    Restoration of relationships with the international financial  community.

We remain optimistic that, given the right economic policies and a national
passion and pride to succeed, the country will return to a growth path.



In accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs)
promulgated by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), the Group
continues to prepare its results using hyperinflationary accounting with
historical results being provided as a supplement.  Unless otherwise stated,
figures in this statement are inflation adjusted.

The hyperinflationary conditions affected earnings resulting in the Group
posting an inflation adjusted attributable loss of Z$28 538 million.

Compliance with International Accounting Standards

The existence of hyperinflation as defined by International Accounting Standard
(IAS) 29 was formally identified in Zimbabwe by the Zimbabwe Accounting
Practices Board, which decided that IAS29 would be applied for financial
periods beginning on or after 1 January 2000.  Consequently, these results have
been prepared in compliance with IAS 29, which requires the adjustment of the
financial statements on the basis of the inflation indices over the reporting
period, and a restatement of prior year comparative figures.

Loss before taxation

Inflation adjusted loss before taxation from continuing operations increased
from a profit of Z$94 269 million to a loss of Z$12 739 million during the
period under review.  Loss before taxation from discontinuing operations
increased from a profit of Z$886 million to a loss of Z$3 021 million.

Attributable profits

The Group recorded an inflation adjusted attributable loss of Z$28 538 million
over the adjusted result for the same period last year.

Net interest income

Net interest income from continuing operations decreased by 36% to Z$98 877
million from Z$154 213 million. The decrease was primarily aresult of decreases
in income from lending and investing activities.

Non-interest income

Non-interest income from continuing operations decreased by 10% and contributed
8% (2002 - 6%) of the  net operating income from continuing operations.

Operating expenses

Operating expenses from continuing operations decreased by 11% over the same
period last year and operating expenses from discontinuing operations increased
by 44%.  The decrease in the operating expenses from continuing operations was
driven by a reduction of 36% in staff costs which was partly offset by IT
related administration expenditure.

Loss on net monetary position

The loss on net monetary position occurs as a result of the restatement of
amounts to current value.  The loss of Z$84 891 million from continuing
operations and that of Z$2 870 million from discontinuing operations is based on
the inflation index as provided by the Central Statistical Office of Zimbabwe.
The loss has been charged to income in accordance with the International
Accounting Standard 29 "Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies".

Bad and doubtful debts

A conservative approach continues to be taken with respect to provisions for bad
and doubtful debts, although on an inflation adjusted basis a marginal decrease
in the provisions from Z$8 161 million in the previous year to  Z$7 209 million
was recorded


A final dividend of 510 cents per share has been proposed, bringing the total
historical dividend for the year to 943 cents per share, an increase of 49% from
the position at 31 December 2002.


Growth in Asset Base

The Group's total asset base decreased by 45% from Z$622 016 million at 31
December 2002 to Z$339 997 million.  The decrease was mainly caused by a
reduction in balance with banks and cash (51%), financial assets held for
trading (69%), quoted and other investments (93%), advances and other accounts
(26%) and Customer's indebtedness for acceptances (93%).  These were however
offset by a slight increase in property and equipment (34%).

The movement is consistent with the Group's strategy in the current economic

Capital adequacy

The banking subsidiary's capital adequacy ratio at 31 December 2003 calculated
on the historic cost basis in accordance with the guidelines of the Reserve Bank
was 14.51 %, (31 December 2002 - 14.14%).  The minimum required by the Reserve
Bank of Zimbabwe is 10%.

Share buy back

The directors were authorised at the Annual General Meeting held on 20 May 2003
to repurchase up to 56 million shares for cancellation.  No shares were
repurchased for cancellation for the period to 31 December 2003.

Own equity instruments

Own equity instruments previously reflected in the financial statements were
sold to offshore investors unrelated to the Group in the period under review.
Further information is set forth at note 13.4.


A decision was taken to dispose of the Group's interest in Continental
Securities Trading (Private) Limited (CST).  A Memorandum of Understanding was
signed with the purchaser in November 2003 and the transfer of the shareholding
to the new owners was with effect from 1 January 2004.  The subsidiary
contributed negatively to Group attributable profit.


The number of listed companies was 82 at the end of 2003.  The total market
capitalisation during the period grew by 382% in Zimbabwe dollar terms to close
the year at Z$4 177.3 billion.

Trading in the company's shares was suspended from 7 July 2003 to 9 July 2003.
The suspension was lifted after the ZSE was provided with certain assurances
regarding the transaction referred to at note 13.4 and possible breaches of the
ZSE listing requirements.


The Bank's foreign exchange trading licence was withdrawn by the Central Bank
for a period of twelve months with effect from 14 August 2003.  The licence was
restored on 30 January 2004 after an appeal to the Authorities.


The firsthalf of 2004 will be a difficult period for business and we anticipate
that the second half of 2004 will be less demanding as the effects of economic
stakeholders' cooperation start to take root.  Runaway inflation, shortages of
foreign currency anda deteriorating balance of payments (BOP) position will
continue to affect the economy.

We will open a few commercial branches in strategic areas in the first half of
the year coupled with a consolidation of the existing operations.  The growth of
non-funded income will continue to be a strategic imperative and initiatives are
underway to buttress this growth.


On Monday 23 February 2004, the Zimbabwe Republic Police served a notice on the
Bank concerning investigations on allegations of breaches of the Exchange
Control Act and Regulations involving two UK companies, LTB Money Transfers and
LTB Finance House. As pointed out in a notice to shareholders dated 3 March
2004, neither company is a subsidiary of the Bank and the Bank is not a
shareholder in either company. On Friday 27 February 2004, the police sought to
interview the four executive directors but they were unavailable. The Bank is
co-operating fully with the authorities and is working to achieve a speedy
resolution to this matter.


In this difficult year, management and staff have shown their continued
dedication and commitment to delivering value.  On behalf of the Board, and the
company's shareholders, I would like to convey my sincere appreciation to the
non-executive directors, the Managing Director, executive directors, management
and staff.

The board resolved to appoint Mr Freeman T Kembo as non-executive director on 25
November 2003 and I would like to welcome him to the board. Dr C J Constable
resigned from the board effective 1 January 2004. I would like to place on
record our thanks to Dr Constable for his contribution over the years.   On 24
February 2004, the Board appointed Dr Gibson N Mandishona as a non-executive
director and I would like to welcome him to the board.

Effective 1 March 2004, the board appointed as executive director Dr David T
Hatendi and resolved to appoint DrHatendi and Mr Mario L dos Remedios in the
roles of acting Managing Director and acting Finance Director respectively until
the current investigations involving the four executive directors have been
finalised. I would particularly like to welcome Dr Hatendi to the bank and thank
both gentleman for their agreement to take on this task.



23 March 2004


These financial statements are the responsibility of the directors.This
responsibility includes the setting up of internal control and risk management
processes, which are monitored independently.


The Group adheres to principles of corporate governance derived from the King
Reports and the United Kingdom Combined Code.  The group is cognisant of its
duty to conduct business with due care and in good faith in order to safeguard
all stakeholders' interests.


Board appointments are made toensure a variety of skills and expertise on the
Board.  Non-executive directors are of such calibre as to provide independence
to the Board.  The Chairman of the Board is a non-executive director.  The Board
is supported by various committees in executing its responsibilities.  The Board
meets at least quarterly to assess risk, review performance and provide guidance
to management on both operational and policy issues.


The Group financial statements are prepared on a going concern basis.  In the
opinion of the directors, the group's business is sound and adequate resources
exist to support this basis.


In the ordinary course of business the group manages risks of all forms
especially operational, market, liquidity and credit risks. These risks are
identified and monitored through various channels and mechanisms. The risk
management department, headed by a General Manager reporting to the Chief
Executive, is responsible for the management of the overall risk profile.

The Group's main objective is to contain the risks inherent within the financial
services sector and to ensure that the Group's various risk profiles are
understood and appropriately managed to the benefit of customers, stakeholders
and shareholders.

Operational risk

This risk is inherent in all business activities and is the potential for loss
arising from ineffective internal controls, poor operational procedures to
support these controls, errors and deliberate acts of fraud. The balancing of
the risk and the cost incurred to reduce the risk is critical. The board has an
Audit Committee whose function is to ensure that this risk is minimised. The
Audit Committee through theinternal audit function assesses the adequacy of the
internal controls and makes the necessary recommendations to the Board.

Market risk

This arises from adverse movements in the marketplace, which occur in the money
(interest rate risk), foreign exchange and equity markets in which the group
operates. The group has in place an Asset and Liability Management Committee
(ALCO), which comprises the departmental heads of Risk, Treasury, Corporate and
Retail banking, Internal Audit and Finance, in addition to executive directors.
The committee monitors these risks and recommends the appropriate levels to
which the group should be exposed at any time. The approval of all dealing
limits ultimately rests with this committee.

Liquidity risk

The management of liquidity in the group is primarily designed to ensure that
the group meets its obligations timeously. The Treasury department in
consultation with ALCO formulates and applies appropriate investment methods and
instruments to ensure that this is achieved. In pursuance of the management of
this risk, the Risk management department periodically reports on facility
utilisations and excesses that need management attention.

Credit risk

The Board has put in place sanctioning committees which operate according to the
amount requested by an applicant. The risk management department reviews all
applications.  This initial review allows only those applications that do not
unduly expose the group to be considered by the sanctioning committees.

The directors are happy with the risk management processes in the Bank as these
have contributed to the minimization of losses arising from risk exposures


            INFLATION ADJUSTED                   HISTORICAL

                                                    Note            2003         2002        2003         2002
CONTINUING OPERATIONS                                         Z$ million   Z$ million  Z$ million   Z$ million

Interest from lending activities                                  92 585      104 260      49 127 9 911
Income from investing activities                                  68 083      136 374      33 010       16 711

                                                                 160 668      240 634      82 137       26 622
Interest expense                                       5        (61 791)     (86 421)    (38 221)      (8 154)

Net interest income                                               98 877      154 213      43 916       18 468
Net foreign exchange gains              16 005       29 061       5 646        1 016
Non-interest income                                    6          10 292       11 439       3 222        1 449

Net operating income                                             125 174      194 713      52 784       20 933
Operating expenditure                                  7        (47 842)     (53 943)    (16 805)      (3 902)
Charge for bad and doubtful debts                                (5 180)      (8 161)     (5 180)      (1 168)
Loss on net monetary position                                   (84 891)     (38 340)           -            -

(Loss)/profit before taxation                                   (12 739)       94 269      30 799       15 863
Taxation   8        (10 934)          (53    (12 615)           (5
                                                                                 181)                     505)
Financial institutions levy             8         (1 594)      (4 968)     (1 594)        (711)

(Loss)/profit from continuing operations                        (25 267)       36 120      16 590        9 647

Trading income                         6           6 200        6 792       2 232          244
Operating expenditure                                  7         (4 322)      (3 005)       (728)        (273)
Charge for bad and doubtful debts                                (2 029)            -     (2 029)            -
Loss on net monetary position                                    (2 870)      (2 901)           -            -
(Loss)/profit before taxation                                    (3 021)          886       (525)(29)
Taxation                                     8                     (250)        (266)          50        (149)

(Loss)/profit from discontinuing operations                      (3 271)          620       (475)        (178)

Total (loss)/profit from operations from
operations before minority interest                             (28 538)       36 740      16 115        9 469
Minority interests                       -          887           -           87
(Loss)/profit attributable to ordinary
shareholders                                                    (28 538)       37 627      16 115        9 556
                                                         --------------- ------------ ----------- ------------

Earnings per share (cents)
- Basic                                               11         (7 050)   10 351       3 981        2 629
- Headline                                            11         (7 643)       10 301       3 764        2 625
- Diluted basic                                       11         (6 681)       10 332       3 773       2 624
- Diluted headlines                                   11         (7 243)       10 282       3 567        2 620

Dividend per share (cents)                                         1 316        5 017         943          634

BALANCESHEETS                                                 INFLATION ADJUSTED                 HISTORICAL
                                                   Note         2003         2002          2003         2002
SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS                                               Z$           Z$            Z$   Z$ million
                                                             million      million       million

Share capital                                        13       18 670       18 580           107           91
Capital reserves                                              40 657       38 871           683           51
Revenue reserves                  644       24 449        23 028        8 778

Total shareholders' funds                                     59 971       81 900        23 818        8 920

Minority Interest                                              615          615          (59)         (59)

                                                              60 586       82 515        23 759        8 861

Deposits and other accounts                          14      173 306      257 844       173 306       36 901
Financial liabilities held for trading               15       66 924      133 754        66 924       19 142
Provision for current taxation                                 2 274       31 709         2 274        4 538
Acceptances                                                    6 655       97 126         6 655       13 900
Deferred tax liability                                        30 252       19 068        14 052        1 487
                                   339 997      622 016       286 970       84 829


Balances with banks and cash                                  64 684      133 034        64 684       19 039
Financial assets held for trading                    15       36 069      114 944        36 069       16 450
Advances and other accounts                          16      149 774      201 350       149 774       28 816
Customers' indebtedness
  for acceptances                                             6 655       97 126         6 655       13 900
Trade investment                                               1 301        1 230            48            3
Quoted and other investments                                     994       14 303         1 0012 047
Investment properties                                            120            -            52            -
Property and equipment                                        80 400       60 029        28 687        4 574
                  339 997      622 016       286 970       84 829


At 31 December 2003

                                           Capital Reserves                  Revenue
                    Share           Share      Statutory      Redemption                  Accumulated
                  Capital         Premium         Reserve         Reserve          Other        Profit         Total
                     Z$ m            Z$ m            Z$ m            Z$ m     Z$ m          Z$ m          Z$ m

1 January 2003     18 580          29 989           5 248           3 585             49        24 449        81 900
Share issue            10           1 061               -               -              -     -         1 071
Revaluation             -               -               -               -             52             -            52
Net profit for the      -               -               -               -              -      (28 538)      (28 538)
Dividends paid          -               -               -               -              -      (12 650)      (12 650)

                   18 590          31 050           5 248           3 585            101      (16 739)        41 835

Own equity

Instruments (note     272           1 734               -               -              -        10 819        12 825
Monetary adjustment
on own equity
instruments          (192)         (1 061)              -               -    -         6 564         5 311

Balances at 31
December 2003       18 670         31 723           5 248           3 585            101           644        59 971
             ------------- -------------- --------------- --------------- -------------- ------------- -------------

At 31 December 2002 (Restated)

                                                           Capital Reserves                     Revenue
                      Share           Share       Statutory      Redemption                  Accumulated
                    Capital    Premium         Reserve         Reserve          Other        Profit         Total
                       Z$ m            Z$ m            Z$ m            Z$ m           Z$ m          Z$ m          Z$ m

1 January 2002       18 670          31 723           5 248           3 585             49        13 723        72 998
Net profit for the        -               -               -               -              -        37 627        37 627
Dividends paid            -               -      -               -              -       (8 650)       (8 650)

                     18 670          31 723           5 248           3 585             49        42 700       101 975

Own equity
Instruments (note      (272)         (5 185)-               -              -      (54 572)      (60 029)
Monetary adjustment
Own equity
instruments             182           3 451               -               -              -        36 321        39 954

Balances at 31
December 2002        18 580          29 989           5 248           3 585             49        24 449        81 900

              ------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -------------- ------------- -------------


At 31 December 2003

                                                           Capital Reserves                      Revenue
                                                                    Capital                     Reserves
                      Share           Share       Statutory      Redemption                  Accumulated
                    Capital         Premium         Reserve         Reserve          Other        Profit         Total
                       Z$ m            Z$ m            Z$ m            Z$ m           Z$ m          Z$ m          Z$ m

1 January 2003            91               -              23              27              1         8 778         8 920
Share issue - options      3             332               -               -              -             -           335
Revaluation                -               -               -               -             52             -            52
Net profit forthe         -               -               -               -              -        16 115        16 115
Dividends paid             -               -               -               -              -       (3 884)       (3 884)

               94             332              23              27             53        21 009        21 538

Own equity

Instruments -             13             248               -               -              -         2 019         2 280
proceeds (note 13.4)

Balances at 31
December 2003            107             580              23              27             53        23 028        23 818
               ------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -------------- ------------- -------------

At 31 December 2003

                                                           Capital Reserves                     Revenue
                              Capital                     Reserves
                     Share           Share       Statutory      Redemption                  Accumulated
                   Capital         Premium         Reserve         Reserve          Other        Profit         Total
                      Z$ m            Z$ m            Z$ m            Z$ m           Z$ m          Z$ m          Z$ m

1 January 2002         104             248              23              27            1         2 467         2 870
Net profit for the       -               -               -               -              -         9 556         9 556
Dividends paid           -               -               -               -              -      (633)         (633)

                       104             248              23              27              1        11 390        11 793

Own equity

Instruments (note      (13)           (248)               -               -              -(2 612)       (2 873)

Balances at 31
December 2002           91               -              23              27              1         8 778         8 920

             ------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -------------- ------------- -------------

Shareholder's funds were restated by Z$2 873 million relating to own equity
instruments (note 13.4).



                     INFLATION ADJUSTED             HISTORICAL
CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                          Restated
                                                                     2003  2002        2003       2002
                                                               Z$ million   Z$ million  Z$ million Z$ million

Profit before taxation and loss on net monetary position           75 152      132 609      30 799     15 863

Non-cash items
Profit on disposal of property and equipment                         (34)        (161)        (10)       (13)
Depreciation                                                       13 003       11 683         977        257
Chargefor bad and doubtful debts                                   5 180        8 161       5 180      1 168
Loss on net monetary position                                    (84 891)     (38 340)           -          -

Operating cash flow before changes in operating
   assets and liabilities                                           5 410      113 952      36 946     17 275

Changes in operating assets and liabilities

Financial liabilities held for trading                           (53 051)      (7 700)      49 472     14 580
Deposits and other accounts                                      (81 058)     (33 617)     132 133     22 056
Advances and other accounts                                        39 279        3 794   (130 609)   (19 479)
Financial assets held for trading                                   7 594       37 537     (1 136)    (2 742)

                                                                 (81 826)      113 966      86 806     31 690
Corporate tax paid(30 834)     (31 023)     (3 807)    (1 518)

Net cash (outflows)/inflows from operating activities           (112 660)       82 943      82 999     30 172


Proceeds on disposal of property and equipment                         45          398          13         22
Purchase of property and equipment                               (40 341)     (26 594)    (25 914)    (2 340)
Purchase of quoted and other investments (net)                     13 293      (3 228)       1 001    (1 223)

Net cash outflows from investing activities                      (27 003)     (29 424)    (24 900)    (3 541)

Net cash (outflows)/inflows before financing activities    (139 663)       53 519      58 099     26 631


Proceeds from issue of shares                                       1 819            -         369          -
Proceeds from own equity instruments          17 383            -       2 280          -
Dividends paid                                                   (12 650)      (9 049)     (3 884)      (672)

                                                                    6 552  (9 049)     (1 235)      (672)

Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents                                        
   from continuing operations                                   (133 111)       44 470      56 864     25 959
          ------------ ------------ ----------- ----------


DISCONTINUING OPERATIONS                                               INFLATION ADJUSTED

                                                                                 Restated                Restated
CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                 2003            2002        2003        2002
                                                               Z$ million      Z$ million  Z$ million  Z$ million

(Loss)/profit before taxation and loss on net monetary              (151)           3 787        (525)        (29)

Non-cash items
Profit on disposal of property and equipment                      (3 394)            (98)     (1 225)         (8)
Depreciation                  4 922             538          77          34
Charge for bad and doubtful debts                                   2 029               -       2 029           -
Loss on net monetary position                        (2 870)         (2 901)           -           -

Operating cash flows before changes in operating
   assets and liabilities                                             536           1 326         356         (3)

Changes in operating assets and liabilities
Financial liabilities held for trading                           (13 779)          42 855     (1 690)       (157)
Deposits and other accounts                                       (3 478)          56 026       4 272       1 431
Advances and other accounts                                         5 088          12 571       2 442         307
Financial assets held for trading                                       -        (41 087)           -     (1 586)

                   (11 633)          71 691       5 380       3 164
Corporate tax paid                                                  (195)           (756)        (51)        (37)

Net cash (outflows)/inflows from operating activities            (11 828)          70 935       5 329       3 127


Proceeds on disposal of property and equipment                      6 108           1 335       2 424          67
Purchase ofproperty and equipment                                  (680)        (12 452)       (437)     (1 526)
Purchase of quoted and other investments                            (120)               -        (52)           -

Net cash inflows/(outflows) frominvesting activities               5 308        (11 117)       1 935     (1 459)

Net cash (outflows)/inflows before financing activities           (6 520)          59 818       7 264       1 668
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents
   from continuing operations                                     (6 520)          59 818      64 128       1 668
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents
   from discontinuing operations                                (133 111)          44 470      56 864      25 959

TOTAL NET (DECREASE)/INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS      (139 631)         104 288      64 128      27 627

   THE BEGINNING OF YEAR                                          237 790         133 502      34 031       6 404

CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT THE END                               98 159         237 790      98 159      34 031       
   OF THE YEAR                                                                    



The company is incorporated in Zimbabwe and is an investment holding company.
Its subsidiaries are engaged in banking, stockbroking services and fund


These financial statements are expressed in Zimbabwe dollars, and are rounded to
the nearest million.


The financial statements are prepared under the historical cost convention and
adjusted to reflect the changes in general price levels in accordance with IAS
29, Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies.

The financial statements were approved by the Board on 23 March 2004.


The economy of Zimbabwe is considered to be a hyperinflationary economy. In
order to comply with IAS 29, Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies,
financial statements need to be expressed in terms of the measuring unit current
at the balance sheet date. Accordingly, the accompanying financial statements,
including comparatives, have been restated to account for changes in the general
purchasing power of the Zimbabwe dollar.  The restatement is based on the
consumer price index at the balance sheet date.  The indices and conversion
factors are derived from the inflation rates which are issued by the Central
Statistical Office of Zimbabwe.  The indices and conversion factors used were as

              Dates                Indices Conversion Factors
        31 December 2003             24 384.10                             1.0000
        31 December 2002              3 489.70                             6.9875
        31 December 2001              1 167.40         20.8875

The indices have been applied to the historical costs of transactions and
balances as follows:-

*              All comparative figures as of and for the year ended 31 December
2002 have been restated by applying the change in the index to 31 December 2003;

*              Income statement transactions have been restated by applying the
change in the index from the approximate date of the transactions to 31 December

*              Gains and losses arising from the monetary asset or liability
positions have been included in the income statement;

*              Non-monetary assets and liabilities have been restated by
applying the change in the index from the date of the transaction, to 31
December 2003;

*              Property and equipment, current and accumulated depreciation have
been restated by applying the change in the index from the date of their
purchase to 31 December 2003.

*              Equity has been restated by applying the change in index from the
date of issue.

*              All items in the cash flow statement are expressed in terms of
the measuring unit current at the balance sheet date.

IAS 29 discourages publication of historical results as a supplement to
inflation adjusted accounts.  The Zimbabwe Accounting Practices Board and the
Zimbabwe Stock Exchange have permitted companies in Zimbabwe to publish
historical results in conjunction with inflation adjusted accounts.

                                                INFLATION ADJUSTED            HISTORICAL
                                                20032002       2003       2002
                                          Z$ million Z$ million    Z$ million Z$ million

Interest expense                              61 791        87 252     38 221      8 273
Borrowing costs capitalised      -         (831)          -      (119)

                                              61 791        86 421     38 221      8 154


                                                INFLATION ADJUSTED            HISTORICAL
                                                          Restated              Restated
                                                2003          2002       2003       2002
                                          Z$ million Z$ million    Z$ million Z$ million
Gains less losses from quoted and other
   investments                                 1 528       (1 279)        449         68

Net commission  and fee income:-               7 295         6 345      1 228 561

-  Income                                      7 487         6 743      1 286        594
-  Expenses                                    (192)         (398)       (58)       (33)

Broking income                                 2 806     3 745        989        283
Profit on disposal of property and             3 428           259      1 253         21                       
Other operating income                    1 435         9 161      1 535        760

                                              16 492        18 231      5 454      1 693

Continuing operations                         10 292        11 439      3 222      1 449
Discontinuing operations                       6 200         6 792      2 232        244

                                              16 492        18 231      5 454      1 693


                                                 INFLATION ADJUSTED                        HISTORICAL
                                                         2003            2002             2003             2002
                                                   Z$ million      Z$ million       Z$ million       Z$ million
The operating profit is after charging the
Administration costs                                   13 056          13 779   7 971            1 463
Audit fees                                                239             147              132               12
Depreciation                                           17 925          12 221            1 054             291
Director's remuneration                                 2 056           1 195              622              128

- Fees for services as directors                          129              35               39                3
- Other emoluments 1 927           1 160              583              125

Staff costs                                            18 888          29 606            7 754            2 281

                                          52 164          56 948           17 533            4 175
                                             ---------------- --------------- ---------------- ----------------

Continuing operations                                  47 842      53 943          16 805            3 902
Discontinuing operations                                4 322           3 005              728              273
                                                       52 164          56 948           17 5334 175

8.            TAXATION

                                                                INFLATION ADJUSTED                           HISTORICAL
                                                           2003               2002               2003              2002
                                                           Z$ m               Z$ m               Z$ m              Z$ m
Tax Charge
Current taxation                                              -             25 623                  -             3 667
Aids levy                                                     -                615                  -                88
Deferred tax charge                                      11 184             27 209             12 565             1 899
                                                         11 184             53 447             12 565             5 654
Financial institutions levy                               1 594              4 968              1 594               711
Total taxation                                           12 778             58 415             14 159             6 365
                     ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ -----------------

Continuing operations - Taxation                         10 934             53 181             12 615             5 505
Continuing operations - Financial
   institutions levy                                      1 594              4 968              1 594               711
Discontinuing operations - Taxation                         250                266               (50)               149
      12 778             58 415             14 159             6 365
                                             ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ -----------------

The effective historical tax rate has increased to 47% from 40% in the previous


The Board decided to dispose of the Group's interest in Continental Securities
Trading (Private) Limited (CST).  A Memorandum of Understanding was signed with
the purchaser whereby CST would cease operations with effect from 30 November
2003.  The shareholding in CST by NMBZ Holdings Limited was transferred to the
purchaser on 1 January 2004 in terms of the Agreement of Sale.

The total assets taken over by the purchaser, amount to Z$290 million and total
liabilities to Z$37 million.  All trade debtors and trade creditors were taken
over by the Group.


       Provisions are applied to write off advances in part or in whole when
they are considered wholly or partly unrecoverable.  The aggregate provisions
which are made during the year are charged to income.

10.1  Specific provisions

Specific provisions are made where the repayment of identified advances is in
doubt and reflect estimates of the loss.  Advances are written off against
specific provisions once the probability of recovering any significant amounts
becomes remote.

10.2  General provisions

         The general doubtful debt provision relates to the inherent risk of
losses which, although not separately identified, is known to be present in any
loan portfolio.

10.3  Non-performing loans

       Interest on loans and advances is accrued to income until such time as
reasonable doubt exists about its collectibility, thereafter and until all or
part of the loan is written off, interest continues to accrue on customers'
accounts but is not included in income.  Such suspended interest is deducted
from loans and advances in the balance sheet.  This policy meets the
requirements of the Banking Regulations 2000 issued by the Reserve Bank of


11.1  Inflation adjusted basic loss/earnings per share

The calculation of inflation adjusted basic loss per share for the year ended 31
December 2003 of 7 050 cents (2002 - inflation adjusted earnings of 10 351
cents) is based on a loss aftertaxation attributable to ordinary shareholders
of Z$28 538 million (2002 - profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of Z$37
627 million) and the weighted average shares in issue of 404 809 987, (2002 -
363 523 767).

Historical basic earnings per share

The calculation of historical basic earnings per share for the year ended 31
December 2003 of 3 981 cents            (2002 - 2 629 cents) is based on profit
after taxation attributable to ordinary shareholders of Z$16 115 million (2002 -
Z$9 556 million) and the weighted average shares in issue of 404 809 987,

(2002 - 363 523 767).

11.2  Inflation adjusted headline loss/earnings per share

The calculation of inflation adjusted headline loss per share for the year ended
31 December 2003 of 7 643 cents (2002 - inflation adjusted earnings of 10 301
cents) is based on adjusted loss after taxation attributable to ordinary
shareholders of Z$30 938 million (2002 - profit attributable to ordinary
shareholders ofZ$37 448 million) and on the weighted average shares in issue of
404 809 987,

(2002 - 363 523 767).

Historical headline earnings per share

The calculation of historical headline earnings per share for the year ended 31
December 2003 of 3 764 cents (2002 - 2 625 cents) is based on adjusted profit
after taxation attributable to ordinary shareholders of Z$15 238 million (2002 -
Z$9 541 million) and on the weighted average shares in issue of 404 809 987,

(2002 - 363 523 767).

The adjustments were as follows:-

                                                                  INFLATION ADJUSTED                HISTORICAL
             2003          2002         2003 2002
                                                            Z$ million Z$ million    Z$ million     Z$ million

(Loss)/profit attributable to shareholders      (28 538)        37 627       16 115        9 556

Deduct non-recurring items:
Profit on disposal of property & equipment                     (3 428)         (259)      (1 253)         (21)          
Tax effect                                                       1 028            80          376            6

                                                              (30 938)        37 448       15 238        9 541
                                                           ----------- ------------- ------------ ------------

Weighted average number of shares                                                          
(millions)                  405           364          405          364          

Headline earnings per share is calculated in accordance with Statement of
Investment Practice No.1 issued by the Institute of Investment Management and
Research to assist users of accounts to identify earnings derived from trading

11.3    Inflation adjusted diluted basic loss/earnings per share

The inflation adjusted diluted basic loss per share for the year ended 31
December 2003 is 6 681 cents

(2002 - diluted basic earnings per share of 10 332 cents).  The calculation is
based on loss after taxation attributable to ordinary shareholders of Z$28 538
million (2002 - profit after tax attributable to ordinary shareholders of Z$37
627 million) and on the diluted shares of 427 162 412, (2002 - 364 183 767).

The dilution in basic earnings per share arises from 357 600 share options
granted to senior employees, in terms of the Employee Share Option Schemeand
outstanding at 31 December 2003.

Historical diluted basic earnings per share

The historical diluted earnings per share for the year ended 31 December 2003 is
3 773 cents (2002 - 2 624 cents).  The calculation is based on profit after
taxation attributable to ordinary shareholders of Z$16 115 million (2002 - Z$9
556 million) and on the diluted shares of 427 162 412, (2002 - 364 183 767).

The dilution in basic earnings per share arises from 357 600 share options
granted to senior employees, in terms of the Employee Share Option Scheme and
outstanding at 31 December 2003.

11.4    Inflation adjusted diluted headline loss/earnings per share

The inflation adjusted diluted headline loss/earnings per sharefor the year
ended 31 December 2003 is       7 243 cents (2002 - diluted headlines earnings
per share of 10 282 cents).  The calculation is based on adjusted loss after
taxation of Z$30 938 million (2002 - profit after taxation of Z$37 446 million)
and on diluted shares of 427 162 412, (2002 - 364 183 767).

Historical diluted headline earnings per share

The historical diluted headline earnings per share for the year ended 31
December 2003 is 3 567 cents                  (2002 - 2 620 cents).  The
calculation is based on adjusted profit after taxation of Z$15 238 million

(2002 - Z$9 541 million) and on diluted shares of 427 162 412, (2002 - 364 183

                           INFLATION ADJUSTED                      HISTORICAL
                                                        2003             2002           2003             2001
Balances with Reserve Bank of                     Z$ million       Z$ million     Z$ million       Z$ million
Statutory reserve                                      2 841              286          2 841               41

Balances with other banks and cash

Current, nostro accounts and cash                     61 843          132 748         61 843           18 998
                                                      64 684          133 034         64 684          19 039
                                            ---------------- ---------------- -------------- ----------------


Government and public sector securities                6 464           49 073          6 464            7 023           

Bills receivable                                      27 011           55 683         27 011            7 969
                                            33 475          104 756         33 475           14 992
                                            ---------------- ---------------- -------------- ----------------

Total cash and cash equivalents                       98 159          237790         98 159           34 031
                                            ---------------- ---------------- -------------- ----------------

Analysed as follows:
Cash and cash equivalents for continuing
                          97 530          240 661         97 530           34 442
Cash and cash equivalents for discontinuing                                                
operations                                               629          (2 871)            629            (411)

Total cash and cash equivalents                       98 159          237 790         98 159           34 031
                                ---------------- ---------------- -------------- ----------------

The statutory reserve balance with the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe is non-interest
bearing.  The balance is determined on the basis of deposits held and is not
available to the Bank for daily use.


                                                                       INFLATION ADJUSTED
                                                                       GROUP AND COMPANY
                                                                 2003            2002        2003        2002
13.1 Authorised                   Shares          Shares  Z$ million  Z$ million

Ordinary shares of Z$0.25 each                            560 000 000     560 000 000         140         140

13.2  Issued and fully paid

At 1 January                  363 523 767     415 991 100          91         104
Shares issued during the year - Options                    10 813 712               -           3           -

At 31 December - Company                                  374 337 479     415 991 100          94         104
Effect of IAS 29                                                    -               -      18 496      18 566

At 31 December                                            374 337 479     415 991 100   18 590      18 670
Own equity instruments of Z$0.25 each                      52 467 333    (52 467 333)         272       (272)
     (note 13.4)

                                                          426 804 812     363 523 767      18 862  18 397
Monetary adjustment on own equity                                   -               -       (192)         182

At 31 December - Group                                    426 804 812     363 523 767      18 670      18 580

Share options worth Z$335 million and totalling 10 813 712 shares were exercised
by managerial staff in the current year.

Of the unissued ordinary shares, 6 715 077 are reserved for options which may be
granted in terms of a share option scheme.  As at 31 December 2003, 357 600
share options were outstanding.

13.3  Share Buy Back

At the Annual General Meeting held on 20 May 2003, shareholders authorised the
directors to purchase up to 56 000 000 (fifty six million) ofthe company's own
shares.  No shares were repurchased for the period to 31 December 2003.

13.4    Own Equity Instruments

Own equity instruments amounting to 52 467 333 shares (the "Shares") at a cost
of Z$2 873 million were sold initially off-market to offshore investors
unrelated to the Group in the period under review for US$2.714 million (Z$2 280
million at the official exchange rate).  This transaction has been accounted for
in terms of IAS 32 which provides that no gain or loss is recognised in the
income statement on the sale, issuance or cancellation of these shares.
Consideration received is presented in the financial statements as a change in
equity.  Accordingly, the loss on disposal of the own equity instruments has
been charged to revenue reserves in the statement of changes in equity.


                                                           INFLATION ADJUSTED                       HISTORICAL
                                                        2003             2002            2003             2002
Deposits and other accounts by                    Z$ million       Z$ million   Z$ million       Z$ million
Deposits from other banks                             92 411          173 002          92 411           24 759
Other money market deposits                           16 711           20 732          16 711          2 967
Current and deposit accounts                         101 890           81 474         101 890           11 660
Total deposits                                       211 012          275 208         211 012           39 386
Trade ad other creditors                              29 218          116 390          29 218           16 657
                                            ---------------- ---------------- --------------- ----------------

                                               240 230          391 598         240 230           56 043
Less financial liabilities held for trade           (66 924)        (133 754)        (66 924)         (19 142)          
(note 15.1)

                                                     173 306          257 844         173 306           36 901
                                            ---------------- ---------------- --------------- ----------------

14.2Maturity Analysis

Withdrawals on demand                                   81 198          156 393         81 198           22 382
Maturing within one month                               73 210           54 608         73 210            7 815
Maturing after one month but
within 6 months                                         52 134           60 540         52 134            8 665
Maturing after 6 months but
within 12 months                                         4 470            3 667      4 470              524
                                                       211 012          275 208        211 012           39 386
                                               --------------- ---------------- -------------- ----------------

14.3  Sectoral analysis of deposits                                   INFLATION ADJUSTED
                                                          2002                            2002
                                                    Z$ million                %     Z$ million                %

Banks and other financial institutions                  92 411               44        173 002        63
Telecommunications companies                             1 721                1          9 943                3
Mining companies                                            15                -             98                -
Industrial companies                                   100 868               48             21                -
Other deposits                                          15 997                7         90 250               33
Municipalities and parastatals             -               -           1 894                1
                                                       211 012           100.00        275 208           100.00
                                               --------------- ---------------- -------------- ----------------

14.4  Sectoral analysis of deposits                                      HISTORICAL
                     2002                          2002
                                                      Z$ million            % Z$ millionillion               %
                                                                  Z$ million

Banks and other financial institutions                    92 411           44           24 756              63
Telecommunications companies                               1 721            1            1 423               3
Mining companies                                              15            -               14               -
Industrial companies                                     100 868           48                3               -
Other deposits            15 997            7           12 919              33
Municipalities and parastatals                                 -            -              271               1
                                                       211 012       100.00           39 386          100.00
                                               ----------------- ------------ ---------------- ---------------


                                                          Cost             Value           Restated         Historical
                                                          2002            2003               2002               2002
15.1  Financial liabilities held for trading              Z$ m              Z$ m               Z$ m               Z$ m

Fixed term deposits                                      6 796             6 870     68 638              9 823
NCDs                                                    61 155            60 054             65 116              6 319
Total financial liabilities held for trade              67 951            66 924            133 754             19 142
                                             ----------------- ----------------- ------------------ ------------------

15.2  Financial assets held for trading

Government and public sector securities                   6 577            6 464           49 073               7 023
Agri bonds                                                     -                -              258                  37
Fuel bonds                                                    24       (41)              168                  24
Treasury bills                                             6 360            6 243           47 298               6 769
Zesa bonds                                                   193              262   1 349                 193

Bills receivable                                          25 994           27 011           55 683               7 969

Bills receivable                                          25 994           27 011           54 900               7 857
Other bills                                                    -                -              783                 112

Fixed term loans                                           2 594            2 594           10 188      1 458
Total financial assets held for trading                   35 165           36 069          114 944              16 450

Net financial liabilities                               (32 786)         (30 855)         (18 810)             (2 692)
                                              ------------------ ---------------- ---------------- -------------------

Unrealised gain/(loss) on IAS 39 fair
 value adjustment                                                          1 931       (6 373)              (912)
                                                                 ---------------- ---------------- -------------------

                                                                    INFLATION ADJUSTED                       HISTORICAL
                                                                2003              2002              2003           2002
15.3.1 Financial liabilities held for trading                  Z$ m              Z$ m              Z$ m           Z$ m

Demand to 3 months                                            66 915           133 754            66 915         19 142
3 months to 1 year                                                 9                 -                 9              -
                                                   ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- --------------
Total                      66 924           133 754            66 924         19 142
                                                   ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- --------------

15.3.2  Financial assets held for trading
Demand to 3 months                                            27 042            43 888            27 042          6 281
3 months to 1 year                                             9 027            14 800             9 027          2 118
1 year to 5 years                                                  -            56 256                 -          8 051
                                                   ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- --------------
             36 069           114 944            36 069         16 450
                                                   ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- --------------

                                                                       INFLATION ADJUSTED                HISTORICAL
                     2003              2002             2003       2002
16.1.1  Advances                                                   Z$ m              Z$ m             Z$ m       Z$ m

Total advances                    100 631           157 852          100 631     22 591
Other accounts                                                   49 143            43 498           49 143      6 225
                                                 ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------   
Total                                                           149 774           201 350          149 774     28 816
                                                      ----------------- ----------------- ---------------- ----------

16.1.2  Maturity analysis
Demand to 3 months                                               75 370           122 969           75 370     16 883
3 months to 1 year                           34 469            34 951           34 469      5 002
1 year to 5 years                                                 5 745             7 588            5 745      1 086
Over 5 years                                                -             9 258                -      1 325
                                                      ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------
Total advances                                                  115 584    174 766          115 584     24 296

Specific and general doubtful debt provisions                    (8 761)          (10 845)          (8 761)    (1 552)  
Suspended interest (6 192)           (6 069)          (6 192)      (153)
                                                      ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------
                                 100 631           157 852          100 631     22 591
Other accounts                                                   49 143            43 498           49 143      6 225

Total                                         149 774           201 350          149 774     28 816
                                                      ----------------- ----------------- ---------------- -----------

16.2  Sectoral analysis of utilisations   INFLATION ADJUSTED
                                                           2003                                 2002
                                                     Z$ million                 %         Z$ million                 %

Industrials                                              41 586                34             96 937                36
Agriculture and horticulture                             21 643                18              8 881                 3
Conglomerates                                            13 370                10              5 800                 2
Construction and property                                     -                 -              1 027                 -
Services                                                  7 046                 6             71 614                27
Mining                              6 742                 6             12 682                 5
Food and beverages                                        9 466                 8             19 935                 8
Other                                            22 386                18             50 016                19
                                                        122 239               100            266 892               100
                                             ------------------ ----------------- ------------------ -----------------

The above sectoral analysis comprises advances of Z$115 584 million (2002 -
Z$169 767 million) and

customers' indebtedness for acceptances of Z$6 655 million (2002 - Z$97 125

16.2  Sectoral analysis of utilisations                                     HISTORICAL
                                                     2003                                 2002
                                                     Z$ million                 %         Z$ million                 %

Industrials                                              41 586                34 13 873                36
Agriculture and horticulture                             21 643                18              1 271                 3
Conglomerates                                            13 370                10              830                 2
Construction and property                                     -                 -                147                 -
Services                                                  7 046                 6             10 249        27
Mining                                                    6 742                 6              1 815                 5
Food and beverages                                        9 466                 8              2 853                 8
Other                                                    22 386                18              7 158                19
                                                        122 239               100             38 196               100
              ------------------ ----------------- ------------------ -----------------

The above sectoral analysis comprises advances of Z$115 584 million (2002 - Z$24
296 million) and

customers' indebtedness for acceptances of Z$6 655 million (2002 - Z$13 900

16.4  Risk concentrations

The material concentration of loans and advances are in the industrial sector
34% (2002 - 36%).

16.5    Provisions for doubtful debts including acceptances

                                                                        INFLATION ADJUSTED
                                              ------------------------- 2003      -------------------Restated 2002

                                   Specific     General       Total     Specific     General       Total
                                                   Z$ m        Z$ m        Z$ m         Z$ m        Z$ m        Z$ m

At 1 January                                      5 946       4 899      10 845        5 150       2 852       8 002
Charge against profits                            4 748       2 429       7 208        4 213       3 948       8 161
Bad debts written off                                 1           -1            7           -           7
Monetary adjustment                             (5 095)     (4 198)     (9 293)      (3 424)     (1 901)     (5 325)

At 31 December                                    5 600       3 161       8 761 5 946       4 899      10 845
                                           ------------ ----------- ----------- ------------ ----------- -----------

16.6  Provisions for doubtful debts including acceptances

                                             ------------------------- 2003          ------------------- 2002

                                              Specific     General       Total   Specific     General        Total
                                                  Z$ m        Z$ m        Z$ m         Z$ m        Z$ m         Z$ m

At 1 January                                       851         701       1 552          247     136          383
Charge against profits                           4 748       2 460       7 208          603         565        1 168
Bad debts written off                                1           -           1            1           -          -

At 31 December                                   5 600       3 161       8 761          851         701        1 552
                                           ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------ ----------- ------------

16.7  Non Performing loans and advances
                                                                INFLATION ADJUSTED                       HISTORICAL
           2003              2002               2003          2002
                                                            Z$ m              Z$ m               Z$ m          Z$ m

Total non performing loans and advances                   16 759             9 971             16 759         1 427
Specific provision for doubtful debts                    (5 600)           (5 946)            (5 600)         (851)
Interest in suspense                           (6 192)           (1 069)            (6 192)         (153)
                                                ---------------- ----------------- ------------------ -------------
Total                                                     4 967   2 956              4 967           423
                                                ---------------- ----------------- ------------------ -------------

The residue on these accounts represents recoverable portions covered by
realisable security.

year ended 31 December 2003

The Board has proposed a final dividend of 510 cents per share payable to
members registered in the books of the company on 2 April 2004.  The transfer
books and register ofmembers will be closed from end of business day on Friday
2 April 2004 to end of business day on Friday 9 April 2004.  Dividend cheques
will be mailed to shareholders on or about 16 April 2004.  The dividends payable
to non-resident shareholders will be paid subject to Exchange Control
Regulations and approval.  Resident and non-resident shareholders' tax of 15%
will be deducted where applicable.

By order of the Board

M B Narotam

23 March 2004


P T Zhanda (Chairman), Dr J T Makoni*, Dr D T Hatendi *, O O Chekeche*, M L dos
Remedios*, J S Friedlander, F T Kembo, Dr G N Mandishona, 
J A Mushore*, A M T Mutsonziwa, F Zimuto*

* Executive



M B Narotam

Registered Offices

1st Floor                                         NMB Centre
Unity Court                                       George Silundika Avenue/
Cnr 1st Street/Kwame Nkrumah Avenue               Leopold Takawira Street
Harare                                            Bulawayo
Zimbabwe                                          Zimbabwe

Telephone         +263 4 759651                   +263 9 70169
Facsimile         +263 4 759648                   +263 9 68535

Website:           http://www.nmbz.co.zw

Email:             enquiries@nmbz.co.zw


KPMG Chartered Accountants (Zimbabwe)
Mutual Gardens
100 The Chase (West)
Emerald Hill

Transfer Secretaries

In Zimbabwe                                   In UK
First Transfer Secretaries                    Computershare Services PLC
4th Floor, Gold Bridge North                  36 St Andrew Square
Eastgate Building                             Edinburgh
Cnr. Robert Mugabe/Second Street              EH2 2YB
P O Box 11                                    UK

Legal Practitioners to the Company

In Zimbabwe                                    In UK
Kantor and Immerman                       Dechert
MacDonald House                                2 Serjeants' Inn
10 Selous Avenue                               London EC4Y 1LT
Harare                                         UK

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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