RNS Number:4953A
NMBZ Holdings Ld
29 August 2002

                             NMBZ HOLDINGS LIMITED
                               Holding company of
                                NMB Bank Limited
                          (registered Commercial Bank)
                Continental Securities Trading (Private) Limited

                  RESULTS FOR THE HALF-YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2002


*       Inflation adjusted attributable profit of Z$62 million

*       Historical attributable profit up 106.2% to Z$1 536 million  (2001 -
        Z$745 million)

*       Total inflation adjusted asset base up 27.5% to Z$51 554 million (2001 -
        Z$40 424 million)

*       Non-interest income contribution to net operating income up 3.4% to
        45.1% (2001 - 43.6%)

*       Deposits up 57.0% to Z$37 011 million (2001 - Z$23 576 million)

*       Capital adequacy ratio up 31.6% to 17.9% (2001 - 13.6%)

*       Historical dividend per share up 122.0% to 73.8 cents (2001-33.5 cents)

Mr Paddy Zhanda, Chairman, said:

"The group achieved reasonable growth in earnings as the commercial banking
delivery channels continued to build up a large deposit base. The unfavourable
macro-economic environment affected the profitability of the Group after
adjusting the historical profits for inflation.  The Group has positioned itself
well, under the prevailing circumstances, for a commendable outturn in the
second half".


NMBZ HOLDINGS LIMITED                                    Tel: +263-4-759 601/6
Dr Julius Makoni, Managing Director
James Mushore, Deputy Managing Director
Otto Chekeche, Finance Director

COLLEGE HILL - LONDON                                    Tel: +44-207-457 2020
Corinna Dorward/Matthew Gregorowski

Chairman's Statement

The first half of 2002 was a difficult period for the country. The major
macro-economic challenges facing the country during the period were:

*                Decline in Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

*                Hyperinflationary environment and high money supply growth

*                High domestic debt

*                Weak balance of payments position

*                Foreign exchange shortages

*                Conclusion of the fast track phase of the land redistribution


Decline in GDP Growth in 2002

Real GDP declined by 5% in 2000, 7.5% in 2001 and is forecast to decline by a
further 11% in 2002.  Major reductions are expected in agriculture (24.6%),
distribution (10%), manufacturing (11.9%), mining and quarrying (4.1%) and
construction (10%).

Hyperinflationary Environment and High Money Supply Growth

Year on year official inflation surged during the first half of 2002 from an
average of 74.5% in 2001 to 122.5% by May 2002 before slowing down to 114.5% by
June 2002. The spiralling trend is driven mainly by the high money supply
growth, cost-push effects of the depreciating parallel market foreign exchange
rate and salary and wage adjustments which are not backed by increased
productivity. The high input costs, which are expected to persist in the second
half of 2002, will continue to constrain the country's productive sectors. The
selective price controls introduced by the Government in October 2001 will
continue to curtail investment and production in the regulated sectors.

Annual money supply growth, which started the year at just under 100%, peaked at
114% in April before slowing down to 103% in May 2002. Excessive growth in money
supply, which is being driven by the accommodation of Government's monetary
requirements through the banking sector and the expansionary effects of the
concessionary financing facilities established by the Reserve Bank in January
2001, remains amongst the major causes of the runaway inflation. Fiscal
austerity measures, supported by increased monetary restraint, remain a
prerequisite for reining in inflation and the restoration of macro-economic

High Domestic Debt

Domestic debt, which stood at Z$205 billion in December 2001, ballooned to Z$303
billion by the end of June 2002 and increased to Z$315 billion at the end of
July 2002. With over 90% of the debt being Treasury Bills, interest costs will
continue to pose a serious challenge to the Government.  Some strides have been
made by the Government in restructuring the domestic debt.  Almost two thirds of
the Z$287 billion Treasury Bills outstanding at 30 June 2002 now have a maturity
of two years. The domestic debt is expected to increase significantly in the
second half of 2002 on the back of increased requirements to fund grain imports
and support for the newly resettled farmers.

Weak Balance of Payments (BOP) Position

The country's BOP position remains precarious, driven mainly by the continued
decline in export receipts and the cessation of offshore lines of credit and
multilateral and bilateral support.

Annual merchandise exports are estimated to have fallen by close to 36% from
US$2.5 billion to US$1.6 billion over the past five years.

The foreign exchange crisis has remained unresolved and with the Z$ still
overvalued, a further decline in exports is forecast for 2002.

The food imports required to avert mass starvation in the country will result in
increased pressures on the country's foreign exchange reserves. Donor support
will be required to bring in grain imports given the country's poor export
performance.  The cost of importing the grain for the remainder of the year is
estimated at Z$19.4 billion.

The country's capital account continues to deteriorate and is forecast to close
at a deficit of US$550 million in 2002 from a deficit of US$420 million at the
end of 2001.  This will be driven mainly by the decrease in direct foreign
investment inflows, as well as continued donor fatigue and the withdrawal of
multilateral lending institutions' support for the country's BOP.

Foreign Exchange Market and Exchange Rate Policy

Notwithstanding continuing high inflation during the first half of 2002, the
official exchange rate has remained fixed at Z$55 to the US$ since October 2000.
This rigid position has continued to erode the viability of the export sector
casting a shadow on any prospects of a quick recovery in the foreign exchange
crisis. Selective exchange rates above the official exchange rates are applied
to gold producers, tobacco growers and duty on some targeted imports.  Whilst
the move by the Reserve Bank to give selective exchange rate adjustments is
commendable, it is however inadequate and is therefore not a permanent solution
to the foreign exchange problems. More incentives are required to stimulate
exports coupled with an objective and balanced evaluation of the current fixed
exchange rate regime.

Agrarian Reforms

The Government has announced that the fast track land redistribution programme
will be wound up by 31 August 2002 in time for preparations for the 2002/2003
agricultural season.  In support of this programme  Z$8.5 billion has been set
aside by the Government for the inputs to support the new farmers.  It is
expected that additional resources will be provided by the banking sector.



The runaway hyperinflationary conditions affected earnings resulting in the
Group posting a small inflation adjusted profit.  The banking subsidiary
continues to improve the credit quality of its book as evidenced by the
reduction in the charge for doubtful debts and the reduction in non-performing

The Group's Commercial Banking operations and the product range have increased
significantly.  The Group has attracted a large deposit base of Z$37 011 million
(2001 - Z$23 576 million) representing an increase of 57.0%.

Profit After Taxation

The small inflation adjusted profit after taxation of Z$61.6 million is
reflective of the hyperinflationary conditions in the country and a low return
on investment assets. The high levels of monetary assets at 30 June 2002 of Z$46
billion (30 June 2001 - $36 billion) contributed to the loss on net monetary
position of Z$1 501.4 million.  The net operating income after operating
expenditure of Z$3 143.8 million was largely offset by a large monetary loss of
Z$1 501.4 million.

Net Interest Income

Net interest income at Z$2 301.0 million contributed 54.9% (2001 - 56.4%) to net
operating income as the Group continues to attract deposits through the retail
bank for on-lending at competitive rates.  Lendings also grew as clients
accessed the cheaper statutory reserve funds offered by the RBZ for the Export
and Productive sectors.

Non-Interest Income

Non-interest income increased by 8.8% to Z$1 891.7 million and contributed 45.1%
(2001 - 43.6%) of net operating income. The increase is in line with the Group's
strategy of focusing on fees and other non-lending income.

The stockbroking subsidiary, Continental Securities Trading (Private) Limited,
contributed positively as it took advantage of the mini bull runs during the
period.  The subsidiary contributed 17.8% (2001 - 5.5%) to net profit after tax.

Operating Expenses

Operating expenditure increased by 1.5% over the same period last year.  The
cost to income ratio decreased to 25.0% (2001 - 25.9%) reflecting continued cost
control strategies despite expanding commercial banking services.

Charge for doubtful debts

The charge for the six month period, after factoring in the exposure to the
agricultural sector, decreased by 83.6% to Z$62.1 million (2001 - Z$379.2
million).  This reflects the good quality of the lending book. The Board
continues to adopt a conservative approach on provisions in view of the unstable
macro-economic environment.


An interim dividend of 73.8 cents per share has been declared.  This represents
a dividend cover of 5 times on historical profit attributable to ordinary


The asset base at 30 June 2002 grew by 27.5% to Z$51 554 million from Z$40 424
million at 30 June 2001.   The increase is mainly due to balances with banks and
cash which increased from Z$767 million to Z$4 393 million, financial assets
held for trading which increased from Z$14 868 million to Z$17 256 million and
advances and other assets which increased from Z$10 048 million to Z$16 399


The banking subsidiary's capital adequacy ratio at 30 June 2002 calculated on
the historical cost basis in accordance with the guidelines of the RBZ was 17.9%
(30 June 2001 - 13.6%, 31 December 2001 - 13.4%). This compares favourably with
the Reserve Bank's minimum ratio of 10%.


Discussions in respect of a significant financial transaction, for which a
cautionary statement was issued dated 17 April 2002 and regular updates issued
thereafter, are still ongoing and shareholders will be informed of any progress.



The second half of 2002 is expected to remain difficult for business and the
general public. The grain shortages brought about by the drought, at a time when
the country is critically short of foreign currency to fund food and other
essential imports, will slide the country into a deeper crisis. Steering the
economy and especially the agricultural sector back on track requires common and
concerted efforts from Government, business, labour and the general public. The
Government should institute policies that will boost business confidence, bring
back the international donor community and multilateral lending institutions and
rein in the galloping inflation. On the part of corporates, opportunities for
value added exports should be exploited once an enabling and conducive
environment is in place.

We remain optimistic that a long term recovery is possible, given an enabling
economic environment and the political will to implement new policy.


The Group has positioned itself as a leading financial services provider by
continued investment in technology, people and distribution channels in order to
enhance financial flexibility for our clients.

While the economic environment has been difficult, the Group continues to focus
on growing non-interest income through advisory services and treasury mandates.
The Group has positioned itself well, under the prevailing circumstances, for a
commendable outturn in the second half.


I would like to thank our clients for their unwavering support.  I would also
like to thank the Board, staff and management for their hard work in enhancing
the vibrant commercial banking services in our pursuit of excellence.


27 August 2002

for the six months ended 30 June 2002 

Income Statement 

                                       INFLATION ADJUSTED                                  HISTORICAL                  

                                           Unaudited         Audited                                                  
                           Unaudited        Restated        Restated       Unaudited        Unaudited          Audited
                            6 months        6 months            Year        6 months         6 months             Year
                               Ended           ended           ended           ended            ended            ended
                             30 June         30 June          31 Dec         30 June          30 June           31 Dec
                                2002            2001            2001            2002             2001             2001
                Note          Z$'000          Z$'000          Z$'000          Z$'000           Z$'000           Z$'000

  from lending                                                                                                         

  activities               2 168 311         782 473       1 629 032       2 001 686          325 663          831 980 

  Charge for                
  bad and                                                                                                             
  doubtful debt             (62 148)       (379 202)       (408 961)        (62 148)        (168 716)        (290 681) 

                      --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------   --------------   --------------
                           2 106 163         403 271       1 220 071       1 939 538          156 947          541 299

  activities               2 160 640       2 526 603       4 871 911       2 035 194        1 059 305        2 652 926 

                      --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------   --------------   --------------
                           4 266 803       2 929 874       6 091 982       3 974 732        1 216 252        3 194 225

  expense                (1 965 787)       (675 327)     (1 879 204)     (1 749 238)        (276 817)        (999 489) 

                      --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------   --------------   --------------
  Net                      2 301 016       2 254 547       4 212 778       2 225 494          939 435        2 194 736
  interest income                                                                                                      

  exchange gains             649 906         441 746       1 179 089         559 395          200 357          590 179 

  Net dealing                
  income from securities     622 013         395 980         929 712         402 742          165 001          573 893 

  Other income     5         619 769         901 754       1 643 174         692 966          366 777          735 201
                      --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------   --------------   --------------
  operating income         4 192 704       3 994 027       7 964 753       3 880 597        1 671 570        4 094 009 

  expenditure      6     (1 048 930)     (1 033 210)     (2 194 375)       (900 018)        (423 696)      (1 140 301) 

  Loss on net            
  monetary position      (1 501 383)       (918 833)     (2 949 975)               -                -                - 

                      --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------   --------------   --------------
  before taxation          1 642 391       2 041 984       2 820 403       2 980 579        1 247 874        2 953 708 

  Taxation               (1 381 943)     (1 043 510)     (1 285 741)     (1 243 329)        (484 259)        (913 878)

  Institution levy         (140 403)               -       (196 985)       (140 403)                -        (140 013) 

                      --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------   --------------   --------------
  after taxation             120 045         998 474       1 337 677       1 596 947          763 615        1 899 817 

  Minority interests        (58 482)        (39 896)        (61 480)        (61 049)         (18 587)         (58 244)
                      --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------   --------------   --------------
  attributable to ordinary                                                                                             

  Shareholders                61 563         958 605       1 276 197       1 535 898          745 028        1 841 573
                            ========        ========        ========        ========         ========         ========
  Dividend                      73.8           52.60          153.35            73.8            33.25            109.0
  per share                                                                                                           
  -Historical cost basis        73.8           33.25           33.25            73.8            33.25             33.2 

  -final                           -               -           75.80               -                -            75.80
  -Restatement                     -           19.35           44.30               -                -                - 

   in respect of adopting                                                                                              

   IAS 29                                                                                                             

  Earnings per share (cents)                                                                                           

  - Basic          7            14.8           237.8           311.6           369.2            184.8            449.6
  - Headline       7            14.6           236.3           305.1           369.1            184.2            445.5
  - Diluted        7            14.8           230.6           311.4           368.7            179.2            449.3
  - Diluted        7            14.6           229.2           304.9           368.6            178.7            445.2


    average number of  
    issued shares            415 991         403 166         409 578         415 991          403 166          409 578 


As at 30 June 2002 

Balance Sheets 

                                    INFLATION ADJUSTED                                      HISTORICAL                 

                                         Unaudited          Audited                                                   
                        Unaudited         Restated         Restated        Unaudited        Unaudited          Audited
                       At 30 June       at 30 June        at 31 Dec       at 30 June       at 30 June        at 31 Dec
                             2002             2001             2001             2002             2001             2001
                           Z$'000           Z$'000           Z$'000           Z$'000           Z$'000           Z$'000
  Shareholders' Funds                                                                                                  

  Share capital         1 257 523        1 257 523        1 257 523          103 998          103 998          103 998
  Capital reserves      2 735 212        2 735 212        2 735 212          299 320          299 320          299 320
  Revenue reserves        595 671          735 906          924 272        3 671 812        1 474 603        2 467 231
                   --------------   --------------   --------------   --------------   --------------   --------------
  Total                 4 588 406        4 728 641        4 917 007        4 075 130        1 877 921        2 870 549
  shareholders' funds                                                                                                  

  Interest                189 415          106 586          127 296          101 410           25 841           65 825 

                   --------------   --------------   --------------   --------------   --------------   --------------
                        4 777 821        4 835 227        5 044 303        4 176 540        1 903 762        2 936 374


  Deferred taxation       109 996          564 075                -          109 996          262 973                -
  Deposits and         19 096 801       11 927 665       18 871 775       19 096 801        5 560 705       13 413 665
  other accounts                                                                                                      
  Provision for         1 523 849          974 570        2 243 238        1 547 595          454 347        1 594 447
  current taxation                                                                                                     

  Financial            17 913 823       11 648 709        6 639 737       17 913 823        5 430 655        4 719 388
  liabilities held for                                                                                                 

  Acceptances           8 131 498       10 473 723       11 366 285        8 131 498        4 882 874        8 078 919
                   --------------   --------------   --------------   --------------   --------------   --------------
                       51 553 788       40 423 969       44 165 338       50 976 253       18 495 316       30 742 793
                         ========         ========         ========         ========         ========         ========


  Balances with         
  banks and cash        4 392 560          766 639        1 376 537        4 392 560          357 409          978 414 

  Financial            17 255 729       14 867 873        8 059 365       17 255 729        6 931 437        5 728 429
  assets held for trading                                                                                              

  Advances and         16 398 780       10 047 585       15 211 697       16 380 236        4 684 206       10 812 158
  other accounts                                                                                                      


  Trade investment         85 886           79 339           83 168            2 718            2 718            2 718

  Quoted and other      3 170 458        2 208 618        5 200 248        3 170 458        1 029 663        3 696 228

  Property, plant &     2 118 877        1 980 192        2 335 499        1 643 054          607 009        1 067 409

  Deferred taxation             -                -          532 539                -                -           37 851
  Customers' indebtedness                                                                                              

  for acceptances       8 131 498       10 473 723       11 366 285        8 131 498        4 882 874        8 078 919 

                   --------------   --------------   --------------   --------------   --------------   --------------
                       51 553 788       40 423 969       44 165 338       50 976 253       18 495 316       30 742 793
                         ========         ========         ========         ========         ========         ========


for the six months ended 30 June 2002 

                  --------------------------Capital Reserves--------------------------                                 

                  Restated      Restated       Restated        Restated       Restated        Revenue            Total
                   Share           Share      Statutory         Capital          Other       Reserves           Z$'000
                   Capital       Premium        Reserve      Redemption         Z$'000       Restated                 
                    Z$'000        Z$'000         Z$'000        Reserve                    Accumulated                 
                                                                 Z$'000                       Profit                  
  Balances at 1  1 248 592     1 964 554        353 420         241 496          3 684         72 883        3 884 629
  January 2001                                                                                                         

  Effects of             -             -              -               -              -       (38 026)         (38 026)
  adopting IAS 39                                                                                                      

              ------------   -----------   ------------   -------------   ------------   ------------    -------------
  As restated    1 248 592     1 964 554        353 420         241 496          3 684         34 857        3 846 603
  at 1 January 

  Shares issued      8 931       172 058              -               -              -              -          180 989
  in May 2001                                                                                                          


  Net profit for the     -             -              -               -              -        958 605          958 605

  Dividends              -             -              -               -              -      (257 556)        (257 556)
             -------------   -----------   ------------   -------------   ------------   ------------   --------------
  Balances at    1 257 523     2 136 612        353 420         241 496          3 684        735 906        4 728 641
  30 June 2001                                                                                                         

             -------------   -----------    -----------     -----------   ------------   ------------    -------------
  Balances       1 257 523     2 136 612        353 420         241 496          3 684        735 906        4 728 641
  at 1 July 2001                                                                                                       

  Net profit for the     -             -              -               -              -        317 592          317 592

  Dividends              -             -              -               -              -      (129 226)        (129 226)
              ------------   -----------   ------------   -------------    -----------   ------------    -------------
  Balances       1 257 523     2 136 612        353 420         241 496          3 684        924 272        4 917 007
  at 31                                                                                                               
  December 2001                                                                                                        

              ------------    ----------    -----------    ------------    -----------   ------------     ------------
  As restated    1 257 523     2 136 612        353 420         241 496          3 684        924 272        4 917 007
  at 1 January                                                                                                         


  Net profit for the     -             -              -               -              -         61 563           61 563

  Dividends              -             -              -               -              -      (390 164)        (390 164)
              ------------   -----------    -----------   -------------   ------------   ------------    -------------
  Balances       1 257 523     2 136 612        353 420         241 496          3 684        595 671        4 588 406
  at 30                                                                                                               
  June 2002                                                                                                           
             -------------   -----------    -----------   -------------   ------------   ------------     ------------


for the six months ended 30 June 2002  

                                 ------------------Capital Reserves------------------          Revenue  
                              Share         Share      Statutory   Redemption              Accumulated               
                            Capital       Premium        Reserve      Reserve     Other         Profit          Total 
                              Z$'000        Z$'000         Z$'000       Z$'000    Z$'000         Z$'000         Z$'000

  Balances at 1              100 150       174 096         22 500       27 921       675        844 279      1 169 621
  January 2001                                                                                                        

  Effects of adopting              -             -              -            -         -       (12 743)       (12 743)
  IAS 39                                                                                                              
                          ----------    ----------      ---------   ----------   -------   ------------     ----------
  As restated at 1           100 150       174 096         22 500       27 921       675        831 536      1 156 878
  January 2001                                                                                                        

  Shares issued                3 848        74 128              -            -         -              -         77 976

  Net profit for the               -             -              -            -         -        745 028        745 028

  Dividends                        -             -              -            -         -      (101 961)      (101 961)
                          ----------   -----------   ------------   ----------   -------    -----------   ------------
  Balances at 30 June        103 998       248 224         22 500       27 921       675      1 474 603      1 877 921

  Balances at 1 July         103 998       248 224         22 500       27 921       675      1 474 603      1 877 921

  Shares issued                    -             -              -            -         -              -              -

  Net profit for the               -             -              -            -         -      1 096 545      1 096 545

  Dividends                        -             -              -            -         -      (103 917)      (103 917)
                          ----------   -----------   ------------   ----------   -------    -----------   ------------
  Balances at 31             103 998       248 224         22 500       27 921       675      2 467 231      2 870 549
  December 2001                                                                                                       
                          ----------   -----------   ------------   ----------   -------    -----------   ------------
  As restated at 1           103 998       248 224         22 500       27 921       675      2 467 231      2 870 549
  January 2002                                                                                                        

  Net profit for the               -             -              -            -         -      1 535 898      1 535 898

  Dividends                        -             -              -            -         -      (331 317)      (331 317)
                          ----------   -----------   ------------   ----------   -------   ------------   ------------
  Balances at 30 June        103 998       248 224         22 500       27 921       675      3 671 812      4 075 130
                              ======       =======        =======       ======      ====        =======        =======

for the six months ended 30 June 2002 

Cashflow Statement 

                                      INFLATION ADJUSTED                                  HISTORICAL 

                                       Unaudited        Audited         
                                        Restated       Restated         Unaudited       Unaudited         Audited
                      Unaudited         6 months           Year          6 months        6 months            Year
                          ended            ended          ended             ended           ended           ended
                        30 June          30 June         31 Dec            30 Jun         30 June          31 Dec
                           2002             2001           2001              2002            2001            2001
                 Note    Z$'000           Z$'000         Z$'000            Z$'000          Z$'000          Z$'000

  Operating cash      3 199 455        3 413 269        5 884 074       2 391 421       1 449 063       3 066 372     
  flow before                                                                                                         
  changes in                                                                                                          
  operating assets                                                                                                    
  and liabilities                                                                                                     
  and loss on net                                                                                                     
  monetary position                                                                                                   

  Monetary loss     (1 501 383)        (918 833)      (2 949 975)               -               -               -      

                  --------------   -------------    -------------   -------------   -------------   ------------- 
  Operating cash      1 698 072        2 494 436        2 934 099       2 391 421       1 449 063       3 066 372     
  flow before                                                                                                         
  changes in assets                                                                                                   
  and liabilities                                                                                                     

  Changes in                                                                                                          
  operating assets                                                                                                    
  and liabilities:                                                                                                    

  Deposits,           11 499 111       15 205 967       17 143 504      19 344 611      8 186 309       3 202 502     
  liabilities held                                                                                                    
  for trade and                                                                                                       
  other accounts                                                                                                      

  Advances,           (4 169 321)      (5 051 794)      (11 536 188)    (8 925 001)     (2 996 278)     1 819 135     
  financial assets                                                                                                    
  held for trade                                                                                                      
  and other accounts                                                                                                  
                      -------------    -------------    -------------   -------------   -------------   ------------- 
                      9 027 862        12 648 609       8 541 415       12 811 031      6 639 094       8 088 009     

  Corporate tax paid  (1 599 200)      (269 821)        (719 311)       (1 136 820)     (84 388)        (155 411)      

                      -------------    -------------    -------------   -------------   -------------   ------------- 
  Net cash inflow     7 428 662        12 378 788       7 822 104       11 674 211      6 554 706       7 932 578     
  from operating                                                                                                      

  Cash flows from                                                                                                     

  Net cash            2 243 693        (2 035 210)      (5 014 331)     244 026         (1 046 341)     (3 979 638)   
  from investing                                                                                                      
                      -------------    -------------    -------------   -------------   -------------   ------------- 
  Net cash inflow     9 672 355        10 343 578       2 807 773       11 918 237      5 513 365       3 952 960     
                      -------------    -------------    -------------   -------------   -------------   ------------- 
  Cash flows from                                                                                                     

  Proceeds from       -                180 989          180 989         -               77 976          77 976        
  issue of share                                                                                                      

  Dividends paid      (364 257)        (259 748)        (407 162)       (331 317)       (101 961)       (205 878)     
                      -------------    -------------    -------------   -------------   -------------   ------------- 
  Net increase in     9 308 098        10 264 819       2 581 600       11 586 920      5 489 380       3 825 058     
  cash and cash                                                                                                       

  Cash and cash       7 879 180        5 297 580        5 297 580       5 600 358       1 775 300       1 775 300     
  equivalents at                                                                                                      
  beginning of                                                                                                        
                      -------------    -------------    -------------   -------------   -------------   ------------- 
  Cash and cash    8  17 187 278       15 562 399       7 879 180       17 187 278      7 264 680       5 600 358     
  at end of period                                                                                                   
                      ========         ========         =======         ========        ========        =======       


for the six months ended 30 June 2002 

      ------------Retail banking------------    --------Merchant banking--------   
                06/02      06/01      12/01       06/02       06/01       12/01       06/02        06/01        12/01 
               Z$'000     Z$'000     Z$'000      Z$'000      Z$'000      Z$'000      Z$'000       Z$'000       Z$'000 

  External  1 651 253    550 647  1 717 442   4 569 386   4 497 909   8 535 476   6 220 639    5 048 556   10 252 918 
             ---------  ---------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  -----------
  Total     1 651 253    550 647  1 717 442   4 569 386   4 497 909   8 535 476   6 220 639    5 048 556   10 252 918 
              =======   ========   ========     =======     =======     =======     =======      =======     ======== 
 Operating   686 427    254 332    662 548   2 457 347   2 706 485   5 107 830   3 143 774    2 960 817    5 770 378 

             =======   ========   ========    ========    ========    ========    ========      =======     ======== 

  Income                                                                       (1 522 346)  (1 043 510)   (1 482 726)

  Loss on                                                                      (1 501 383)    (918 833)   (2 949 975)
  net monetary                                                                                                         


  Minority                                                                         (58 482)     (39 869)     (61 480) 
                                                                                  ----------  -----------  -----------

  to ordinary                                                                                                          

  shareholders                                                                       61 563      958 605    1 276 197  


                                                                                    ========      =======     ========


for the six months ended 30 June 2002 

         ------------Retail banking------------    --------Merchant banking--------   

                 06/02      06/01      12/01       06/02       06/01       12/01       06/02        06/01        12/01

                Z$'000     Z$'000     Z$'000      Z$'000      Z$'000      Z$'000      Z$'000       Z$'000       Z$'000

OTHER INFORMATION                                                                                  
  Segment   17 120 745   4 798 882  8 418 901  34 433 043  35 625 087   35 213 898  51 553 788  40 423 969  43 632 799


  assets             -           -          -           -           -            -           -           -     532 539 

           -----------  ----------  ---------  ----------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
  assets    17 120 745   4 798 882  8 418 901  34 433 043  35 625 087   33 213 898  51 553 788  40 423 969  44 165 338 

             =========    ========    =======    ========    ========    =========    ========    ========    ========
  Segment   17 120 745   4 798 882  8 418 901  28 021 377  29 251 215   28 458 897  45 142 122  34 050 097  36 877 798


  liabilities                                                                        1 633 845   1 538 645   2 243 238 

                                                                                    ----------  ----------  ----------
  Total                                                                             46 775 967  35 588 742  39 121 036

                                                                                      ========    ========    ========

  Capital      645 004     995 681    612 058     320 629   1 040 158      377 917     965 633   2 035 839     989 975

  Depreciation  42 158      23 961    203 291      54 549     113 644       61 973      96 707     137 605     265 264


for the six months ended 30 June 2002 

      ------------Retail banking------------   --------Merchant banking--------   ------------Consolidated------------


                06/02      06/01      12/01       06/02       06/01       12/01        06/02        06/01        12/01
               Z$'000     Z$'000     Z$'000      Z$'000      Z$'000      Z$'000       Z$'000       Z$'000       Z$'000

  and other                                                                                                            

  revenue   1 270 195    217 990  1 099 914   4 421 788   1 899 113   4 284 265    5 691 983    2 117 103    5 384 179 

            ---------  ---------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
  revenue   1 270 195    217 990  1 099 914   4 421 788   1 899 113   4 284 265    5 691 983    2 117 103    5 384 179 

             ========   ========   ========    ========    ========    ========     ========     ========     ========



  expenses    528 019    100 684    308 881   2 452 560   1 147 190   2 644 827    2 980 579    1 247 874    2 953 708 

             ========   ========   ========    ========    ========    ========     ========     ========     ========



  Income                                                                         (1 383 632)    (484 259)  (1 053 891)

  Minority                                                                          (61 049)     (18 587)     (58 244)
                                                                                 -----------  -----------  -----------
  attributable to                                                                                                      

  ordinary shareholders                                                            1 535 898      745 028    1 841 573 

                                                                                    ========     ========     ========


for the six months ended 30 June 2002 

                   Retail banking                      Merchant banking                        Consolidated
                06/02      06/01      12/01       06/02       06/01       12/01        06/02        06/01        12/01
               Z$'000     Z$'000     Z$'000      Z$'000      Z$'000      Z$'000       Z$'000       Z$'000       Z$'000


  Segment  15 408 670  2 393 220  7 113 806  35 567 583  16 102 096  23 250 469   50 976 253   18 495 316   30 364 275
                   -          -           -           -           -           -            -            -      378 518
           ---------  ---------  -----------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
  assets   15 408 670  2 393 220  7 113 806  35 567 583  16 102 096  23 250 469   50 976 253   18 495 316   30 742 793 

           =========   ========    =========    ========     =========    ========    ========    ========    ========
  Segment  15 408 670  2 237 250  5 983 979  29 733 452  13 636 984  20 227 993   45 142 122   15 874 234   26 211 972


  liabilities                                                                      1 657 591      717 320    1 594 447 

                                                                                    ----------  ----------  ----------
  liabilities                                                                     46 799 713   16 591 554   27 806 419 

                                                                                      ========    ========    ========
  expenditure 543 827    394 169    455 105     145 941     318 938     278 775      689 768      713 107      733 880 

  Depreciation 39 545      9 486     94 776      51 312      46 360      32 337       90 857       55 846      127 113



1. Accounting Policies 

The interim statements have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the financial statements
for the year ended 31 December 2001.

2. Compliance with International Accounting Standards (IASs) 

The Group's interim statements have been prepared in accordance with IASs.

3. Currency 

These interim statements are expressed in Zimbabwe dollars.

4. Basis of preparation 

The financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis and restated in accordance with IAS 29,
which requires that the results be stated in terms of the measuring unit current at the balance sheet date. The index
used was based on the closing index value for June 2002. The comparative figures for the six months ended 30 June
2001 and the financial year ended 31 December 2001 have been restated based on the value current at 30 June 2002. The
income statement for the six month period was derived from monthly index values relative to June 2002. The
comparative income statements have been restated on average index values for the respective periods relative to June

The interim report was approved by the Board on 27 August 2002.


The indices used were compiled by the Central Statistical Office of Zimbabwe and are based on the Consumer Price
Index which is the most widely accepted measure of the inflation rate available.

The indices and conversion factors were as follows:


                                                       Indices   Conversion factors

                                      June 2002        1 642.4                 1.00

                                      December 2001    1 167.4                 1.41

                                      June 2001          765.7                 2.14

IAS 29 discourages the publication of historical results as a supplement to inflation adjusted accounts. The Zimbabwe
Accounting Practices Board and the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange have permitted companies in Zimbabwe to publish historical
results in conjunction with inflation adjusted results.

5.     Other income 

                           INFLATION ADJUSTED                                HISTORICAL                               
                                                   Unaudited        Audited                                           
                                     Unaudited      Restated       Restated     Unaudited     Unaudited        Audited
                                      6 months      6 months           Year      6 months      6 months           Year
                                         ended         ended          ended         ended         ended          ended
                                       30 June       30 June         31 Dec       30 June       30 June         31 Dec
                                          2002          2001           2001          2002          2001           2001
                                        Z$'000        Z$'000         Z$'000        Z$'000        Z$'000         Z$'000

  Net commission and fee               153 314       186 286        495 538       137 125        76 656        246 631

  Gains less losses from               160 761       534 781        563 403       268 351       218 396        250 636
  quoted and                                                                                                          
  other investments                                                                                                   

  Broking income                       254 686       164 386        481 640       237 354        65 660        183 389

  Profit on disposal of                  1 039         8 698         38 549           612         3 103         24 688
  fixed assets                                                                                                        

  Other operating income                49 969         7 604         64 044        49 524         2 962         29 857
                                   -----------   -----------   ------------   -----------   -----------   ------------
                                       619 769       901 754      1 643 174       692 966       366 777        735 201
                                       =======       =======        =======       =======       =======        =======

6.     Operating expenditure 

          The operating profit is after charging the following:                                                        

          Administration costs         448 683       284 699        624 295       415 876       117 398        294 958
         Depreciation                  96 707       137 605        265 264        90 857        55 846        127 113

          - Fixed assets                     -         2 741          3 012             -         1 132          1 404
            leased to customers                                                                                        

          - Own assets                  96 707       134 864        262 252        90 857        54 714        125 709

          Staff costs                  503 540       610 906      1 304 816       393 285       250 485        718 230
                                 ------------- -------------  ------------- ------------- -------------  -------------
                                     1 048 930     1 033 210      2 194 375       900 018       423 696      1 140 301
                                      ========      ========       ========      ========      ========        =======

7.     Earnings per share 

7.1     Basic earnings per share - Inflation adjusted 

The calculation of inflation adjusted basic earnings per share for the six months ended 30 June 2002 of 14.8
cents (2001 - 237.8 cents) is based on the profit after taxation attributable to ordinary shareholders of Z$61 563
000 (2001 - Z$958 605 000) and the weighted average shares in issue of 415 991 100 (2001- 403 165 518). The
calculation of basic earnings per share for the year ended 31 December 2001 of 311.6 cents is based on the profit
after tax attributable to ordinary shareholders of Z$1 276 197 000 and on 409 578 313 weighted average shares in

Basic earnings per share - Historical 

The calculation of historical basic earnings per share for the six months ended 30 June 2002 of 369.2 cents (2001 -
184.8 cents) is based on profit after taxation attributable to ordinary shareholders of Z$1 535 898 000 (2001 - Z$745
028 000) and the weighted average shares in issue of 415 991 100 (2001 - 403 165 532). The calculation of basic
earnings per share for the year ended 31 December 2001 of 449.6 cents is based on the profit after tax attributable
to ordinary shareholders of Z$1 841 573 000 and on 409 578 313 weighted average shares in issue.

7.2     Headline earnings per share - Inflation adjusted 

The calculation of inflation adjusted headline earnings per share for the six months ended 30 June 2002 of 14.6 cents
(2001 - 236.3 cents) is based on adjusted profit after taxation attributable to ordinary shareholders of Z$60 844 000
(2001 - Z$952 595 000) and the weighted average shares in issue of 415 991 100 (2001 - 403 165 518). The calculation
of headline earnings per share for the year ended 31 December 2001 of 305.1 cents is based on the adjusted profit
after tax attributable to ordinary shareholders of Z$1 249 559 000 and on 409 578 313 weighted average shares in

Headline earnings per share - Historical 

The calculation of historical headline earnings per share for the six months ended 30 June 2002 of 369.1 cents (2001
- 184.2 cents) is based on adjusted profit after taxation attributable to ordinary shareholders of Z$1 535 476 000
(2001 - Z$742 884 000) and the weighted average shares in issue of 415 991 100 (2001 - 403 165 532). The calculation
of headline earnings per share for the year ended 31 December 2001 of 445.5 cents is based on the adjusted profit
after tax attributable to ordinary shareholders of Z$1 824 514 000 and on 409 578 313 weighted average shares in
issue. The adjustments were as follows:-

                         INFLATION ADJUSTED                       HISTORICAL                                           

                                          Unaudited          Audited                                                  
                         Unaudited         Restated         Restated        Unaudited       Unaudited          Audited
                          6 months         6 months             Year         6 months        6 months             Year
                             ended            ended            ended            ended           ended            ended
                           30 June          30 June           31 Dec          30 June         30 June           31 Dec
                              2002             2001             2001             2002            2001             2001
                            Z$'000           Z$'000           Z$'000           Z$'000          Z$'000           Z$'000

  Profit                    61 563          958 605        1 276 197        1 535 898         745 028        1 841 573 

  to shareholders                                                                                                     

  Deduct non-recurring                                                                                                 


  Profit on disposal of:                                                                                               

  Fixed assets             (1 039)          (8 698)         (38 549)            (612)         (3 103)         (24 688) 

  Tax effect                   320            2 688           11 911              190             959            7 629 

                        ----------       ----------        ---------       ----------      ----------         -------- 

                            60 844          952 595        1 249 559        1 535 476         742 884        1 824 514 

                            ======           ======           ======          =======          ======           ====== 

  average number of                                                                                                    

  shares ('000s)           415 991          403 166          409 578          415 991         403 166          409 578 

                            ======           ======           ======          =======          ======           ====== 

The headline earnings are calculated in accordance with the Statement of Investment Practice No.1 issued by the
Institute of Investment Management and Research to assist users of accounts to identify earnings derived from trading

7.3     Diluted earnings per share - Inflation adjusted 

The inflation adjusted diluted earnings per share for the six months ended 30 June 2002 is 14.8 cents (2001 - 230.6
cents). The calculation is based on profit after taxation attributable to ordinary shareholders of Z$61 563 000 (2001
- Z$958 605 000) and on shares of 416 611 100(2001 - 415 713 858). The calculation of diluted earnings per share for
year ended 31 December 2001 of 311.4 cents is based on profit after taxation attributable to ordinary shareholders of 
Z$1 276 197 000 and on diluted shares of 409 851 113.

Diluted earnings per share - Historical 

The historical diluted earnings per share for the six months ended 30 June 2002 is 368.7 cents (2001 - 179.2 cents).
The calculation is based on profit after taxation attributable to ordinary shareholders of Z$1 535 898 000 (2001 -
Z$745 028 000) nd on shares of 416 611 100 (2001 - 415 713 858). The calculation of diluted earnings per share for
the year ended 31 December 2001 of 449.3 cents is based on profit after taxation attributable to ordinary
shareholders of Z$1 841 573 000 and on diluted shares of 409 851 113.

7.4     Diluted headline earnings per share - Inflation adjusted 

The inflation adjusted diluted headline earnings per share for the six months ended 30 June 2002 is 14.6 cents (2001
- 229.2 cents). The calculation is based on adjusted profit after taxation of Z$60 844 000 (2001 - Z$952 595 000) and
on shares of 416 611 100 (2001- 415 713 858). The calculation of diluted headline earnings per share for the year
ended 31 December 2001 of 304.9 cents is based on adjusted profit after taxation of Z$1 249 559 000 and on diluted
shares of 409 851 113.

Diluted headline earnings per share - Historical 

The historical diluted headline earnings per share for the six months ended 30 June 2002 is 368.6 cents (2001 - 178.7
cents). The calculation is based on adjusted profit after taxation of Z$1 535 476 000 (2001 - Z$742 884 000) and on
shares of 416 611 100 (2001 - 415 713 858). The calculation of diluted headline earnings per share for the year ended
31 December 2001 of 445.2 cents is based on adjusted profit after taxation of Z$1 824 514 000 and on diluted shares
of 409 851 113.

8.     Cash and Cash Equivalents 

                                        INFLATION ADJUSTED                                   HISTORICAL                

                                          Unaudited          Audited                                                  
                         Unaudited         Restated         Restated        Unaudited       Unaudited          Audited
                          6 months         6 months             Year         6 months        6 months             Year
                             ended            ended            ended            ended           ended            ended
                           30 June          30 June           31 Dec          30 June         30 June           31 Dec
                              2002             2001             2001             2002            2001             2001
                            Z$'000           Z$'000           Z$'000           Z$'000          Z$'000           Z$'000

  with banks                                                                                                          
  and cash               4 392 560          766 639        1 376 537        4 392 560         357 409          978 414 

  and public                                                                                                          
  securities            11 784 231        3 913 741        4 115 282       11 784 231       1 824 595        2 925 057

  receivable             1 010 487       10 882 019        2 387 361        1 010 487       5 082 676        1 696 887 

                   ---------------   --------------   --------------   --------------   -------------   --------------
                        17 187 278       15 562 399        7 879 180       17 187 278       7 264 680        5 600 358
                         =========         ========         ========         ========        ========          =======
9.     Share capital 

9.1     Authorised 

The authorised ordinary share capital at 30 June 2002 is at the historical figure of Z$140 000 000
(2001 - Z$140 000 000) comprising 560 000 000 ordinary (2001 - 560 000 000) shares of Z$0.25 each.

9.2     Issued and fully paid 

The issued share capital at 30 June 2002 is at the historical figure of Z$103 998 000
(2001 - Z$103 998 000) comprising 415 991 100 (2001 - 415 991 100) ordinary shares of Z$0.25 each.

10.     Taxation 

The effective tax rate for the six months ended 30 June 2002 is 92.7% compared to 51.1% for the six months ended 30
June 2001 and 52.6% for the year ended 31 December 2001. The high effective tax rates are due to the significant
losses on the net monetary positions which are not recognised for tax purposes.

11.     Exchange rates 

The official exchange rates applied were as follows:

                                                              30 June   30 June   31 December
                                                                 2002      2001          2001

                           British Sterling        GBP 1.00   Z$84.00   Z$77.48       Z$82.07

                           United States Dollar    USD 1.00   Z$55.00   Z$55.00       Z$55.00

                           South African Rand      ZAR 1.00    Z$5.25    Z$6.83        Z$7.29

Dividend Announcement 

The Board declared an interim dividend of 73.8 cents per share on 415 991 100 shares payable to shareholders
registered in the books of the Company on 13 September 2002. The Board has resolved to offer all shareholders the
opportunity to receive their interim dividend either in cash or in the form of shares. No brokerage costs will be
incurred on the scrip option.

Shareholders representing 51% of the company's issued share capital have indicated a willingness to take the scrip
option. Details on the scrip dividend option will be posted to shareholders on 17 September 2002. The transfer books
and register of shareholders will be closed from 13 September to 19 September 2002. The dividend payable to
non-resident shareholders will be paid in accordance with Exchange Control Regulations. Resident and non-resident
shareholders' tax of 15% will be deducted where applicable.

Dividend cheques and share certificates will be mailed to shareholders on or about 24 October 2002.

By Order of the Board 

M B Narotam 

27 August 2002  

Transfer Secretaries: 

                   In Zimbabwe                                             In UK

                   First Transfer Secretaries                              Computershare Services PLC
                   13th Floor                                              Caxton House
                   Century Towers                                          Redcliff Way
                   45 Samora Machel Avenue                                 Bristol
                   P O Box 11                                              BS99 7NH
                   HARARE                                                  UK


                   M B Narotam                                                                       

                   Registered Office                                       Branch Office

                   Head Office                                             Bulawayo Office

                   1st Floor                                               NMB Centre
                   Unity Court                                             Corner George Silundika Avenue/Leopold
                   Corner First Street/Kwame Nkrumah Avenue                Takawira Street
                   HARARE                                                  BULAWAYO
                   Zimbabwe                                                Zimbabwe

                   Telephone                                               Telephone
                   (263-4) 759651                                          (263-9) 70169

                   Facsimile                                               Facsimile
                   (263-4) 759648                                          (263-9) 68535
                   (263-4) 781119                                                                    



                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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