RNS Number:1821S
NMBZ Holdings Ld
28 February 2002


                                   Holding company of

                            NMB Bank Limited (Registered Commercial Bank) 
                         Continental Securities Trading (Private) Limited


                                                                 2001 Z$ millions   2000 Z$ millions   Change %
          Inflation adjusted attributable profit                            907.1              747.4        +21
          Historical attributable profit                                  1 841.6              626.8       +193
          Inflation adjusted non-interest income                          2 666.8            1 848.0        +44
          Inflation adjusted total asset base                            31 391.8           15 757.6        +99

          Inflation adjusted basic earnings per share (cents)               221.5              187.5        +18
          Historical dividend per share (cents)                             109.0               43.4       +151
          Inflation adjusted cost to income ratio (%)                          28                 33        -15

Mr Paddy Zhanda, Chairman of NMBZ Holdings, said:

"It gives me great pleasure in this, the fifth year since NMBZ Holdings'
listing, to report that the Group overcame tough trading conditions in the year
under review to achieve strong real growth and significant value creation for

28 February 2002  


NMBZ HOLDINGS LIMITED                       Tel: +263-4-759 651/9
Dr Julius Makoni, Managing Director           juliusm@nmbz.co.zw 
James Mushore, Deputy Managing Director        jamesm@nmbz.co.zw 
Otto Chekeche, Finance Director                 ottoc@nmbz.co.zw 

Website:                                   http://www.nmbz.co.zw 
Email:                                      enquiries@nmbz.co.zw 

Corinna Dorward/Matthew Gregorowski         Tel: +44-207-457-2020




The year 2001 was a difficult one for business and the general public and was 
characterised by:-

* Declining Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
* Hyperinflation and high money supply growth
* Weak Balance of Payments (BOP) position
* Foreign currency shortages

Positive factors during the year were:-

* Concessionary financing schemes for exporters and producers
* Savings on domestic debt service


Declining GDP

Economic performance during 2001 was well below the levels achieved in 2000. The
country's real GDP is expected to decrease by 8% in 2001 compared to an
estimated decline of 4.2% in 2000. Major reductions in GDP are expected in
agriculture (2%), mining (1%), manufacturing (2%) and distribution, hotels and
restaurants (3%).

Hyperinflation and high money supply growth

The country recorded runaway levels of inflation during 2001. Inflation, which
stood at 57% in January 2001, rose to 112.1% by December 2001. This trend, which
was mainly driven by excessive growth in money supply and the cost-push effect
of high parallel market foreign exchange rates, is expected to continue into
2002. The hyperinflationary conditions have seriously eroded the purchasing
power of incomes with a 1990 dollar now worth less than 5 cents. A major
challenge remains the high recourse to bank finance by the government. Without
fiscal discipline, any efforts to control the excessive money supply growth and
hence the runaway inflation will remain a pipe dream. Broad money supply growth,
M3, which closed the year 2000 at 59.9%, increased by approximately 100% in

Weak Balance of Payments (BOP) position

The country's BOP position remains poor in the face of declining export
performance, a drastic reduction in foreign capital inflows and cessation of
offshore lines of credit.

Merchandise exports are expected to decline by 4% in 2001 compared to a decline
of 5.5% in 2000.

A current account deficit of US$300 million is forecast for 2001, compared to an
estimated deficit of US$159 million in 2000.

On the capital account, a deficit of US$ 200 million is forecast for 2001,
compared to an estimated deficit of US$336 million in 2000. This was driven
mainly by the suspension of disbursements by the International Monetary Fund
(IMF), the World Bank and other global finance houses. In addition, the sharp
decline in foreign direct and portfolio investment inflows, from a pre-1997
level of around US$120 million to under US$25 million in 2001 contributed to the

The overall balance of payments deficit is estimated at US$500 million for 2001
compared to an estimated deficit of US$495 million in 2000.

The country's foreign payment arrears continued to build up during 2001 and
ended the year at just over US$700 million.

Foreign exchange market and exchange rate policy

Despite the runaway inflation in the year, the official exchange rate remained
static at Z$55 to the US$. This standstill position has continued to erode the
viability of most exporting businesses, particularly those in agriculture and
manufacturing. Excessive rains towards the end of the 2000/2001 agricultural
season resulted in a 14.6% decline in flue-cured tobacco sales on the auction
floors from 236.9 million kgs recorded in 2000 to 202.4 million kgs registered
in 2001. Given that tobacco is the country's main foreign exchange earner, an
aggressive export strategy aimed at diversifying the export basket is required
if the economy is to generate sufficient foreign currency to sustain the
country's needs.

The continued existence of an active parallel market gives an urgent impetus to
the need for a clear exchange rate management policy in order to restore order
in the foreign exchange market.

Gold producers were given a lifeline by the Government in April 2001 when they
were granted an US$343 per oz floor price at the official exchange rate. To show
Government's commitment to the revival of the gold mining industry, the floor
price was revised to US$430 per oz in August 2001 with a further increase of an
additional US$4 per oz with effect from 1 December 2001. Despite these
concessions, gold production during the year declined to 18 tonnes compared to
22 tonnes produced in 2000.

Concessionary financing schemes for exporters and producers

At the beginning of 2001, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) introduced an
accommodative monetary policy characterised by low interest rates. In January
2001, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe introduced the Export and Productive Sector
Financing facilities, which saw the release of banks' statutory reserves for on-
lending to exporters and other producers at rates of 15% and 30% per annum
respectively. This policy thrust resulted in an estimated Z$30 billion being
extended to exporters and other producers over the 11 months to December 2001
and this provided significant relief to the beneficiaries.

Positive fiscal result

The Government made substantial savings amounting to over Z$30 billion on
domestic debt service largely as a result of the low interest regime. Government
domestic debt rose from Z$163 billion in 2000 to Z$194 billion in 2001. Treasury
bills continue to dominate the debt accounting for 84% in 2001 compared to 94%
in 2000.


The stock market performed strongly during the year. The industrial index
increased by 157% as investors responded to the fall in interest rates by
redirecting their funds to the stock market. A number of initial public
offerings brought increased activity to the bourse. The continuing negative
returns on the money market will continue to spur activity on the stock market.
This will benefit the operations of the stock broking subsidiary.


In order to steer the economy back onto the recovery and growth path, the
following key factors are pertinent:-

* Formulation and implementation of exchange rate and interest rate policies 
* Containment of money supply growth rate and runaway inflation 
* Resolution of the land distribution exercise 
* Re-establishment of links with the IMF, World Bank and other multilateral 
lending institutions.

We are optimistic that given the right economic policies and the political will,
our economy will return to a growth and recovery path.



The difficult and trying macro-economic environment that was characterised by
managed interest rates, hyperinflation, shortages of foreign currency and the
absence of offshore lines of credit greatly hampered the scope for growth,
especially with regards to the offshore portfolio in the banking subsidiary. The
banking subsidiary sought to offset the effects of the above negative factors on
earnings and growth by continuing to place emphasis on tight risk management
processes and simultaneously growing the lending book in the commercial bank and
non-interest income.

Commercial Banking

Following the acquisition of the commercial banking licence in December 1999,
the Bank went on to launch its commercial banking division in August 2000.
During the year under review, the Bank continued to make significant investments
in cutting edge technology laying a solid platform from which to launch a wide
variety of innovative products and services as well as improve operational
efficiency. A new branch at the up-market Eastgate complex was opened in
November 2001 and in less than two months, the level of clientele is
encouraging. Four new ATM sites were launched in the year, namely Card Centre,
Eastgate, Marimba Shopping Centre and Bradfield in Bulawayo. Plans are at an
advanced stage to open more branches and other delivery channels. The increased
product and service range, is expected to assist the Bank to lower its cost of
funds as well as increase utilisation of the Bank's offerings and broaden the
revenue base.

The commercial banking division continues to target medium and large corporate
business clients and selected individuals, a policy adopted from its inception.

The year 2001 represents a full year of operation of the commercial banking
division and the board is confident that proven returns will continue to justify
the investment.

Compliance with International Accounting Standards

The existence of hyperinflation as defined by International Accounting Standard
29 (IAS 29) was formally identified in Zimbabwe by the Zimbabwe Accounting
Practices Board, which decided that IAS 29 would be applied for financial
periods beginning on or after 1 January 2000. Consequently, these results have
been prepared in compliance with IAS 29, which requires the adjustment of the
financial statements on the basis of the inflation indices over the reporting
period, and a restatement of prior year comparative figures.

Profit before taxation

Restated profit before taxation increased by 46% during the period under review.
Significant gains from the successful investment strategy were party offset by
the increased monetary loss.

Effective tax rate

The effective tax rate increased to 53% (2000 - 45%). The increase highlights
the impact of, inter alia, the financial institutions levy of 5% of bank's
profits before tax introduced with effect from 1 January 2001.

Attributable profits

The Group achieved inflation adjusted attributable profits of Z$907.1 million,
an increase of 21% over the adjusted result for the same period last year as the
Group begins to realise the benefits of the investment in the retail banking
sector. The return on shareholders' funds at 32% for the year from 28% last
year, reflects continued value creation for the shareholders.

Net interest income

Net interest income increased by 112% to Z$2 994.4 million from Z$1 410.3
million as the bank was able to attract deposits through the retail bank for on
lending at competitive rates. In addition, lendings grew as clients accessed the
cheaper statutory reserve funds offered by the RBZ for the Export and Productive
Sectors. Lending to the agricultural sector continued to be low due to the
disruptions associated with the land redistribution programme. Income earned on
the money market increased significantly due to attractive margins earned on
treasury bills purchased before the fall in interest rates at the beginning of
the year. The expanding lending book should assure continued growth in this
income stream.

Non-interest income

Non-interest income increased by 44% and contributed 47% of Group net operating
income. The increase was in line with the Group's strategy of focussing on fees
and other non-lending income. The Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (ZSE) experienced a
bull run for the greater part of the year, resulting in substantial profits on
the group's portfolio.

Foreign exchange gains were sluggish over the period with a 26% growth recorded
from this revenue base. The slowdown is consistent with the prevailing low
foreign currency volumes.

Continental Securities Trading (Private) Limited (CST) continues to contribute
positively to the Group results, with an increase of 411% being realised from
the subsidiary whose success in the reporting period was aided by a boom in the
stock market.

Operating expenses

Operating expenses increased by 43% over the same period last year. The bulk of
the increases were incurred in administration, payroll costs and the increased
depreciation charge resulting from commissioning of the commercial bank
branches. The cost/income ratio at 28% shows an improvement of 5 percentage
points compared with the same period last year. This reflects improved
efficiencies and cost control initiatives undertaken in the year under review.

Loss on net monetary position

The loss on net monetary position occurs as a result of the restatement of
amounts to current value. The adjustment is based on the inflation index as
provided by the Central Statistical Office of Zimbabwe. The loss has been
charged to income in accordance with the International Accounting Standard 29
"Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies" The relative increase in monetary
assets has contributed to the significant loss on net monetary position incurred
in the reporting period in the face of runaway inflation, particularly in the
second half of the year.

Bad and doubtful debts

The charge for bad and doubtful debts increased to Z$290.7 million from Z$165.2
million the previous year. The directors continue to take a conservative
approach to provisions due to the industry risks associated with the difficult
operating environment resulting in an increase in provisions made. The exposure
to the agricultural sector at 9% is not material, however, management has been
cautious and adequate provisions have been made where appropriate.


A final dividend of 75.8 cents per share has been declared, bringing the total
dividend for the year to 109.0 cents per share an increase of 17% from the
position at 31 December 2000. This is in line with the Group's twice covered
dividend policy.

Balance Sheet

Growth in Asset Base

Group total asset base increased by 99% to Z$31 391.8 million from Z$15 757.6
million at 31 December 2000. The major influences on this movement were
increases in:-

- Quoted and other investments (988%) 
- Advances and other accounts (174%) 
- Financial assets held for trade (101%) 
- Customers' indebtedness for acceptances (28%)

Capital Adequacy

The banking subsidiary's capital adequacy ratio at 31 December 2001 calculated
on the historic cost basis in accordance with the guidelines of the Reserve Bank
was 13.44% (31 December 2000 - 21.09%). This compares favourably with the
Reserve Bank's minimum ratio of 10%. The decrease is a result of the expansion
of the bank's lending book.

Share split

At an Extraordinary General Meeting held on 19 October 2001, the shareholders
authorised the directors that each of the 40 000 000 ordinary shares of Z$3.50
each in the authorised share capital of the company be split into 560 million
shares of Z$0.25 each. Comparatives for the number of shares in prior year have
been restated accordingly.

Share buy back

The directors were authorised at an Extraordinary General Meeting held on 19
October 2001 to repurchase up to 560 million shares for cancellation. No shares
were repurchased for the period to 31 December 2001.


The number of listed companies grew from 73 in 2000 to 77 by the end of 2001.
The total market capitalisation during the period grew by 201% in Zimbabwe
dollar terms to close the year at Z$362 billion.

The unfavourable macro economic conditions and price controls introduced during
the year saw the market closing the year on a low note. Trading in 2002 has
started on a subdued note with a further decline in the market index as the
market awaits direction from the outcome of the Presidential election to be held
on 9 and 10 March 2002. With interest rates expected to rise after the
Presidential election, the stock market will have to compete strongly for funds
with the money market.


Mr Peter Madubeko Bhebhe (53) - BCOM (SA), IMM (SA), EMBA, NUST, was appointed
to the board in the third quarter of 2001.

He has extensive experience in commerce and industry and is a director of
several companies and institutions including Zimtrade, which he chairs, and the
Zimbabwe Revenue Authority. He resides in Bulawayo.

I would like to welcome him to the Board and look forward to his valuable and
positive contribution to the company.


The continued isolation of the country from the international community is a
cause for concern. The outcome of the Presidential election and the acceptance
of the election results as free and fair will shape the destiny of our operating
environment. Measures to be taken by the authorities to rein in the galloping
inflation will have a significant impact on boosting business confidence and
activity in the country. The inclusion of more products on the controlled price
list will, if it goes unchecked, have an adverse impact on both local and
foreign investment.

We will continue to pursue growing non-interest income in the year ahead.


I would like to extend my gratitude to the non-executive directors, the Managing
Director, executive directors, management and staff for their consistent hard
work and dedication in achieving these results. We look forward to a year of
consolidating our expansion.


26 February 2002

DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT year ended 31 December 2001

The Board has proposed a final dividend of 75.8 cents per share on 415 991 100
shares payable to members registered in the books of the company on 15 March
2002. The transfer books and register of members will be closed from 16 March to
22 March 2002. Dividend cheques will be mailed to shareholders on or about 29
March 2002. The dividends payable to non-resident shareholders will be paid in
accordance with Exchange Control Regulations. With effect from 1 February 2000
exchange control approval is required for payment of dividends declared by
banks. Resident and non-resident shareholders' tax of 15% will be deducted where

By order of the Board

M B Narotam Secretary

26 February 2002

P T Zhanda (Chairman), Dr J T Makoni (Managing Director)*, P M Bhebhe, 
O O Chekeche*, Dr C J Constable, M L dos Remedios,J S Friedlander,  J A
Mushore*, A M T Mutsonziwa, F Zimuto* 
* Executive 

year ended 31 December 2001

                                                                    Note           2001          2000
                                                                                 Z$'000        Z$'000

                    Interest from lending activities                          1 157 882       794 696
                    Charge for bad and doubtful debts                         (290 681)     (165 215)
                                                                                867 201       629 481

                    Interest from investing activities                        3 462 853     1 213 396
                                                                              4 330 054     1 842 877

                    Interest expense                                        (1 335 699)     (432 618)
                    Net interest income                                       2 994 355     1 410 259
                    Foreign exchange gains                                      838 072       663 248
                    Net dealing income from securities                          660 820       430 431
                    Other income                                        5     1 167 934       754 300

                    Net operating income                                      5 661 181     3 258 238
                    Operating expenditure                               6   (1 559 716)   (1 091 065)
                    Loss on net monetary position                           (2 096 781)     (796 987)
                    Profit before taxation                                    2 004 684     1 370 186

                    Taxation                                            7     (913 878)     (614 409)
                    Financial institutions levy                         7     (140 013)             -
                    Profit after taxation                                       950 793       755 777
                    Minority interest                                          (43 699)       (8 422)
                    Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders                907 094       747 355

                    Dividends per share (cents)                         8         109.0          93.5
                    Earnings per share (cents)                                                       
                    - Basic                                             9         221.5         187.5
                    - Headline                                          9         216.8         187.4
                    - Diluted basic                                     9         221.3         183.1
                    - Diluted headline                                  9         216.7         183.0

31 December 2001

                                                                  Note          2001         2000
                        SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS                                   Z$'000       Z$'000

                        Share capital                                10      893 821      887 473
                        Capital reserves                                   1 944 132    1 821 834
                        Revenue reserves                                     656 953       51 803
                        Total shareholders' funds                          3 494 906    2 761 110
                        MINORITY INTEREST                                     90 479       48 980
                                                                           3 585 385    2 810 090
                        Deferred tax liability                                     -      427 818
                        Provision for current taxation                     1 594 447      245 491
                        Current and deposits accounts                     13 413 665    4 993 292
                        Financial liabilities held for trading             4 719 388      956 219
                        Acceptances                                        8 078 919    6 324 684
                                                                          31 391 804   15 757 594
                        Balances with banks and cash                         978 414      948 833
                        Financial assets held for trading                  5 728 429    2 855 357
                        Advances and other accounts                       10 812 158    3 950 415
                        Trade investment                                      59 114       26 116
                        Quoted and other investments                       3 696 228      339 672
                        Property, plant & equipment                        1 660 024    1 312 517
                        Deferred tax asset                                   378 518      378 518
                        Customers' indebtedness                                                  
                        for acceptances                                    8 078 919    6 324 684
                                                                          31 391 804   15 757 594

                                                                                26 February 2002

As at 31 December 2001

                                                                        Capital               Reserves                
                                     Share      Share       Statutory   Redemption            Accumulated             
                                     Capital    Premium     Reserve     Reserve      Other    Profit        Total     
                                     Z$'000     Z$'000      Z$'000      Z$'000       Z$'000   Z$'000        Z$'000    
  1 January 2001                                                                                                      
  As previously reported             887 473    1 396 362   251 203     171 650      2 619    51 803        2 761 110 
  Effect of adopting IAS 39          -          -           -           -            -        (14 742)      (14 742)
  As restated at 1 January 2001      887 473    1 396 362   251 203     171 650      2 619    37 061        2 746 368 

  Shares issued                      6 348      122 298     -           -            -        -             128 646   
  Net profit for the year            -          -           -           -            -        907 094       907 094   
  Dividends paid                     -          -           -           -            -        (287 202)     (287 202)
  Balances at 31 December 2001       893 821    1 518 660   251 203     171 650      2 619    656 953       3 494 906

  At 31 December 2000 - (Restated)                                                                                    
                                                                        Capital               Reserve                 
                                     Share      Share       Statutory   Redemption            Accumulated             
                                     Capital    Premium     Reserve     Reserve      Other    Profit        Total     
                                     Z$'000     Z$'000      Z$'000      Z$'000       Z$'000   Z$'000        Z$'000    
  I January 2001                                                                                                      
  As previously reported             99 630     172 149     22 500      27 921       675      288 880       611 755   
  Restatement for IAS 29             786 740    1 218 041   228 703     143 729      1 944    (827 016)     1 552 141 
  Effect of adopting IAS 10          -          -           -           -            -        530 651       530 651   
As restated at 1 January 2000      886 370    1 390 190   251 203     171 650      2 619    (7 485)       2 694 547 
  Shares issued                      1 103      6 172       -           -            -        -             7 275     
  Net profit for the year            -          -           -           -            -        747 355       747 355   
  Dividends paid                     -          -           -           -            -        (688 067)     (688 067) 

  Balances at 31 December 2000       887 473    1 396 362   251 203     171 650      2 619    51 803        2 761 110 

IAS 10 (Revised) requires the inclusion of dividends in reserves and not in the 
income statement.                   

year ended 31 December 2001

              CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                      2001           2000
                                                                                       Z$'000        Z$'000
              Profit before taxation and interest on government                                            
              and public sector securities and monetary loss                        3 767 341     2 084 672

              Non-cash items                                                                               
              Profit on disposal of property, plant & equipment                      (27 400)         (834)
              Depreciation                                                            188 544       185 940
              Charge for bad and doubtful debts                                       290 681       165 215
              Monetary loss                                                       (2 096 781)     (796 987)
              IAS 39 fair value adjustment                                           (36 891)             -

              Operating cash flow before changes in operating                                              
              assets and liabilities                                                2 085 490     1 638 006
              Changes in operating assets and liabilities                                                  
              Financial liabilities held for trading                                3 764 873             -
              Deposits and other accounts                                           8 420 373     (889 560)
              Advances and other accounts                                         (7 152 424)     (102 476)
              Financial assets held for trading                                   (1 047 259)             -
                                                                                    6 071 057       645 970
              Corporate tax paid                                                    (511 271)     (222 962)
              Net cash inflow from operating activities                             5 559 786       423 008

              CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES                                                         
              Purchase of government and public sector securities                           -      (51 256)
              Proceeds on disposal of property, plant & equipment                     192 870        14 073
              Purchase of property, plant & equipment                               (701 522)     (981 331)
              Proceeds on disposal of investments                                           -       266 817
              Purchase of quoted and other investments                            (3 389 554)      (89 729)
              Net interest received on government and public sector securities        334 124        82 501
              Net cash outflow from investing activities                          (3 564 078)     (758 925)
              Net cash inflow/(outflow) before financing activities                 1 995 704     (335 917)

              CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                                         
              Proceeds from issue of shares                                           128 646         5 233
              Dividends paid                                                        (289 402)     (692 101)
              Net cash outflow from financing activities                            (160 756)     (686 868)
              Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                  1 834 948   (1 022 785)
              Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of year                    3 765 410     4 788 195
              CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT THE END OF YEAR                          5 600 358     3 765 410

Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash and bank balances, treasury bills, fuel 
bonds and bills receivable.

31 December 2001


The company is incorporated in Zimbabwe and is an investment holding company. 
Its subsidiaries are engaged in banking, stockbroking services and fund management.


These financial statements are expressed in Zimbabwe dollars.


The financial statements are prepared under the historical cost convention. The
historical results presented as a supplement on pages 21 - 31 have been audited
and adjusted to reflect the changes in general price levels in accordance with
IAS 29, Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies and IAS 39, Financial
Instruments: Recognition and Measurement.


The economy of Zimbabwe is considered to be a hyperinflationary economy. In
order to comply with IAS 29 Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies,
financial statements need to be expressed in terms of the measuring unit current
at the balance sheet date. Accordingly, the accompanying financial statements,
including comparatives, have been restated to account for changes in the general
purchasing power of the Z$. The restatement is based on the consumer price index
at the balance sheet date. The indices are derived from the inflation rates
which are issued by the Central Statistical Office of Zimbabwe. The indices used
were as follows:-
                                      Dates          Indices   Conversion Factors
                                      31-Dec-95       100.00              11.6740
                                      31-Dec-96       121.40               9.6161
                                      31-Dec-97       144.30               8.0901
                                      31-Dec-98       190.10               6.1410
                                      31-Dec-99       354.60               3.2922
                                      31-Dec-00       550.40               2.1210
                                      31-Dec-01    11 167.40               1.0000

The indices have been applied to the historical costs of transactions and
balances as follows:

* All comparative figures as of and for the year ended 31 December 2000 have
been restated by applying the change in the index to 31 December 2001;

* Income statement transactions have been restated by applying the change in the
index from the approximate date of the transactions to 31 December 2001;

* Gains and losses arising from the monetary asset or liability positions have
been included in the income statement;

* Non-monetary assets and liabilities have been restated by applying the change
in the index from the date of the transaction, to 31 December 2001, and;

* Fixed assets and accumulated depreciation have been restated by applying the
change in the index from the date of their purchase to 31 December 2001. *
Equity has been restated by applying the change in index from the date of issue.
* All items in the cash flow statement are expressed in terms of measuring unit
current at the balance sheet date.

IAS 29 discourages publication of historical results as a supplement to
inflation adjusted accounts. However, historical results appearing on pages 21 -
31 have been published to allow comparability of results during the transitional
phase in applying the standard in Zimbabwe. The Zimbabwe Accounting Practices
Board and the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange have permitted companies in Zimbabwe to
publish historical results in conjunction with inflation adjusted accounts for
the first three years ending 31 December 2002.


                                                                            2001        2000
                                                                          Z$'000      Z$'000

                            Gains less losses from quoted and other                         
                            investments                                  400 455     436 234
                            Commission and fee income                    352 218     227 265
                            Broking income                               342 340      52 794
                            Profit on disposal of assets                  27 400         834
                            Other operating income                        45 521      37 173
                                                                       1 167 934     754 300

6.      OPERATING EXPENDITURE                                   

                            The operating profit is after                                   
                            charging the following:                                         
                            Administration costs                         434 974     301 588
                            Audit fees                                     8 762       7 392
                            - Fixed assets leased to                                        
                            customers                                      2 141      24 586
                            - Own assets                                 186 403     161 354
                            Directors' remuneration                                         
                            Paid by subsidiary companies                                    
                            Fees for services as directors                 1 840       2 337
                            Other emoluments                             100 544      71 081
                            Staff costs                                  825 052     522 727
                                                                       1 559 716   1 091 065

                                                                        2001       2000
                                                                      Z$'000     Z$'000
                                  Current tax                      1 494 102    205 069
                                  Deferred tax (credit)/ charge    (580 224)    409 340
                                                                     913 878    614 409
                                  Financial institutions levy        140 013          -
                                                                   1 053 891    614 409

The effective tax rate has increased from 44.8% to 52.6% as a result of the 5% 
financial institutions levy introduced with effect from 1 January 2001.

8.      Dividends                                                                       Restated
                                                                                  2001       2000
                                                                                Z$'000     Z$'000
                       Interim dividend                                                          
                       33.25 cents per share on 415 991 100 shares                               
                       (2000 -39.50 cents per share on 398 518 246 shares)     138 322    157 417
                       Final proposed dividend                                                   
                       75. 8 cents per share on 415 991 100 shares                               
                       (2000 - 53.98 cents per share on 400 600 410 shares)    315 225    216 260
                                                                               453 547    373 677


9.1     Basic earnings per share

The calculation of basic earnings per share for the year ended 31 December 2001
of 221.5 cents (2000 - 187.5 cents) is based on profit after taxation
attributable to ordinary shareholders of Z$907 094 000 (2000 - Z$747 355 000)
and the weighted average shares in issue after share split of 409 578 313 (2000
- 398 603 814).

9.2     Headline earnings per share

The calculation of headline earnings per share for the year ended 31 December
2001 of 216.8 cents (2000 - 187.4 cents) is based on adjusted profit after
taxation attributable to ordinary shareholders of Z$888 161 000 (2000 - Z$746
822 000) and on the weighted average shares in issue after share split of 409
578 313 (2000 - weighted average of 398 603 814).  
The adjustments were as follows:- 

                                                                                2001       2000     
                                                                               Z$'000     Z$'000

                        Profit attributable to shareholders                   907 094    747 355
                        Deduct non-recurring items:                                             
                        Profit on disposal of property, plant & equipment    (27 400)      (834)
                        Tax effect                                              8 467        301
                                                                              888 161    746 822
                        Number of shares (000's)                              409 578    398 604

This is calculated in accordance with Statement of Investment Practice No.1
issued by the Institute of Investment Management and Research to assist users of
accounts to identify earnings derived from trading activities. 
9.3     Diluted earnings per share 
The diluted earnings per share for the year ended 31 December 2001 is 221.3
cents (2000 - 183.1 cents). The calculation is based on profit after taxation
attributable to ordinary shareholders of Z$907 094 000 (2000 - Z$747 355 000)
and on the diluted shares after share split of 409 851 113 (2000 - 408 142 714).
  The dilution in earnings per share arises from 660 000 share options granted
to senior employees, in terms of the employee share option scheme outstanding at
31 December 2001. 

9.4 Diluted headline earnings per share

The diluted headline earnings per share for the year ended 31 December 2001 is
216.7 cents (2000 - 183.0 cents). The calculation is based on adjusted profit
after taxation of Z$888 161 000 (2000 - Z$746 822 000) and on diluted shares of
409 851 113 (2000 - 408 142 714). 

10.1     Share Split

At an Extraordinary General Meeting held on 19 October 2001, the shareholders
authorised the directors to split 40 000 000 ordinary shares of Z$3.50 each in
the authorised share capital of the company into 560 000 000 shares of Z$0.25
each. Comparatives for the number of shares in prior years have been restated


                                                             2001          2000      2001       2000
10.2 Authorised                                            Shares        Shares     $'000      $'000

                    Ordinary shares of Z$0.25 each    560 000 000   560 000 000   140 000    140 000

10.3 Issued and fully paid 
                    At 1 January                      400 600 410   398 518 246   100 150     99 630
                    Shares issued during the year      15 390 690     2 082 164     3 848        520

                    At 31 December                    415 991 100   400 600 410   103 998    100 150
                    Effect of adopting IAS 29                   -             -   789 823    787 323

                                                      415 991 100   400 600 410   893 821    887 473
The issued share capital increased during the year as a result of the exercise
of 15 390 690 share options by managerial staff.  Of the unissued ordinary
shares, 24 126 256 are reserved for options which may be granted in terms of  a
share option scheme. As at 31 December 2001, 660 000 share options were
outstanding  (2000 - 16 366 000). 

10.4     Share Buy Back

At an Extraordinary General Meeting held on 19 October 2001, shareholders
authorised the directors to purchase up to 56 000 000 (fifty six million) of the
company's own shares. No shares were repurchased for the period to 31 December


Segment information is presented in respect of the Group's business segments.
The business segments, retail and merchant banking, are based on the Group'
management and internal reporting structure.

11.     SEGMENT REPORT (Cont'd)

                                          Retail banking              Merchant banking               Consolidated       
                                                     Restated                       Restated                   Restated
                                           31-Dec     31-Dec             31-Dec      31-Dec         31-Dec      31-Dec
                                             2001       2000               2001        2000           2001        2000
                                           Z$'000     Z$'000             Z$'000      Z$'000         Z$'000      Z$'000

  External interest and other           1 220 722    137 411          6 066 839   3 718 660      7 287 561   3 856 071
  Total revenue                         1 220 722    137 411          6 066 839   3 718 660      7 287 561   3 856 071

  Operating profit before                                                                                             
  unallocated expenses                    470 925    (5 483)          3 630 540   2 172 656      4 101 465   2 167 173

  Unallocated corporate                                                                                               
  Income taxes                                                                                 (1 053 891)   (614 409)
  Loss on net monetary position                                                                (2 096 781)   (796 987)
  Minority interest                                                                               (43 699)     (8 422)
  Profitable attributable                                                                          907 094     747 355
  ordinary shareholders                                                                                               

11.     SEGMENT REPORT (Cont'd)

                                     Retail banking                Merchant banking              Consolidated           
                                                  Restated                      Restated                     Restated 
                                  31 December   31 December     31 December   31 December    31 December   31 December
                                         2001          2000            2001          2000           2001          2000
                                       Z$'000        Z$'000          Z$'000        Z$'000         Z$'000        Z$'000
  OTHER INFORMATION                                                                                                   

  Segment assets                    7 301 263       946 042      23 712 023    14 811 552     31 013 286    15 757 594
  Total assets                      7 301 263       946 042      23 712 023    14 811 552     31 013 286    15 757 594
  Segment liabilities               5 983 979       370 448      20 227 993    11 903 747     26 211 972    12 274 195
  Unallocated corporate                                                                                               
  Provision for current tax                                                                    1 594 447       245 491
  Deferred taxation                                                                            (378 518)       427 818
  Minority interest                                                                               90 479        48 980
  Total liabilities                 5 983 979       370 448      20 227 993    11 903 747     27 518 380    12 996 484
  Capital expenditure                 435 038       600 835         266 483       380 496        701 521       981 331
  Depreciation                        144 497        53 084          44 047       132 856        188 544       185 940

The official exchange rates were as follows: 

                                                                            ZIMBABWE DOLLAR EQUIVALENT
                                                                       At 31 December   At 31 December
                                                                                 2001             2000
                  United States Dollar                       USD1.00          Z$55.00          Z$55.00
                  British Sterling                           GBP1.00          Z$79.74          Z$82.07

                                                  NMBZ HOLDINGS LIMITED
                                                     and subsidiaries


                                                  FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                                       31 DECEMBER 2001


year ended 31 December 2001

                                                                               Note    2001        2000
                                                                                     Z$'000      Z$'000

                 Interest from lending activities                                   831 980     320 410
                 Charge for bad and doubtful debts                                (290 681)    (77 895)
                                                                                    541 299     242 515
                 Interest from investing activities                               2 652 926     461 604
                                                                                  3 194 225     704 119
                 Interest expense                                                 (999 489)   (173 949)
                 Net interest income                                              2 194 736     530 170
                 Foreign exchange gains                                             590 179     217 578
                 Net dealing income from securities                                 573 893     251 276
                 Other income                                        b              735 201     329 559
                 Net operating income                                             4 094 009   1 328 583

                 Operating expenditure                               c          (1 140 301)   (408 790)
                 Profit before taxation                                           2 953 708     919 793

                 Taxation                                            d            (913 878)   (289 679)
                 Financial institutions levy                         d           ( 140 013)         -  
                 Profit after taxation                                            1 899 817     630 114
                 Minority interest                                                 (58 244)     (3 352)
                 Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders                     1 841 573     626 762
                 Dividends per share (cents)                         e                109.0        43.4
                 Earnings per share (cents)                                                            
                 - Basic                                             f                449.6       157.2
                 - Headline                                          f                445.5       157.1
                 - Diluted basic                                     f                443.0       153.6
                 - Diluted headline                                  f                438.9       153.4

31 December 2001

                                                                  Note         2001        2000
                        SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS                                  Z$'000      Z$'000
                        Share capital                                g      103 998     100 150
                        Capital reserves                                    299 320     225 192
                        Revenue reserve                                   2 467 231     844 279
                        Total shareholders' funds                         2 870 549   1 169 621
                        MINORITY INTEREST                                    65 825       9 781
                                                                          2 936 374   1 179 402
                        Deferred taxation                                         -     201 706
                        Provision for current taxation                    1 594 447     115 743
                        Deposits and other accounts                      13 413 665   2 354 217
                        Financial liabilities held for trading            4 719 388     450 834
                        Acceptances                                       8 078 919   2 981 936
                                                                         30 742 793   7 283 838
                        Balances with banks and cash                        978 414     447 352
                        Financial assets held for trading                 5 728 429   1 346 232
                        Advances and other accounts                      10 812 158   1 862 526
                        Trade investment                                      2 718       2 718
                        Quoted and other investments                      3 696 228     160 147
                        Property, plant & equipment                       1 067 409     482 927
                        Deferred tax asset                                  378 518           -
                        Customers' indebtedness                                                
                        for acceptances                                   8 078 919   2 981 936
                                                                         30 742 793   7 283 838


26 February 2002

As at 31 December 2001

At 31 December 2001

                                                                         Capital               Reserves            
                                       Share      Share   Statutory   Redemption            Accumulated            
                                    Capital    Premium     Reserve      Reserve    Other        Profit       Total 
                                      Z$'000     Z$'000      Z$'000       Z$'000   Z$'000        Z$'000      Z$'000

    As previously reported                                                                                         
    1 January 2001                   100 150    174 096      22 500       27 921      675       844 279   1 169 621
    Effect of adopting IAS 39              -          -           -            -        -      (14 742)    (14 742)
    Restated at 1 January 2001       100 150    174 096      22 500       27 921      675       829 537   1 154 879
    Shares issued                      3 848     74 128           -            -        -             -      77 976
    Net profit for the year                -          -           -            -        -     1 841 573   1 841 573
    Dividends paid                         -          -           -            -        -     (203 879)   (203 879)
    Balances at 31 December 2001     103 998    248 224      22 500       27 921      675     2 467 231   2 870 549
    At 31 December 2000                                                                                            
                                                                         Capital               Reserves            
                                       Share      Share   Statutory   Redemption            Accumulated            
                                    Capital    Premium     Reserve      Reserve    Other        Profit       Total 
                                      Z$'000     Z$'000      Z$'000       Z$'000   Z$'000        Z$'000      Z$'000
    As previously reported                                                                                         
    1 January 2000                    99 630    172 149      22 500       27 921      675       288 880     611 755
    Effect of adopting IAS 10              -          -           -            -        -       161 413     161 413
    Restated at 1 January 2000        99 630    172 149      22 500       27 921      675       450 293     773 168
    Shares issued                        520      1 947           -            -        -             -       2 467
    Net profit for the year                -          -           -            -        -       626 762     626 762
    Dividends paid                         -          -           -            -        -     (232 776)   (232 776)
    Balances at 31 December 2000     100 150    174 096      22 500       27 921      675       844 279   1 169 621

IAS 10 (Revised) requires the inclusion of dividends in reserves and not in the 
income statement. 

year ended 31 December 2001

              CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                      2001         2000
                                                                                       Z$'000      Z$'000
              Profit before taxation and interest on government                                          
              and public sector securities                                          2 710 358     886 548
              Non-cash items                                                                             
              Profit on disposal of property, plant & equipment                      (24 688)     (1 181)
              Depreciation                                                            127 113      56 240
              Charge for bad and doubtful debts                                       290 681      77 895
              IAS 39 fair value adjustment                                           (36 891)           -
              Operating cash flow before changes in operating                                            
              assets and liabilities                                                3 066 573   1 019 502
              Changes in operating assets and liabilities                                                
              Financial liabilities held for trade                                  4 270 258           -
              Deposits and other accounts                                          11 059 448     724 757
              Advances and other accounts                                         (9 240 313)   (717 620)
              Financial assets held for trade                                     (1 067 756)           -
                                                                                    8 088 210   1 026 639
              Corporate tax paid                                                    (155 411)    (57 978)
              Net cash inflow from operating activities                             7 932 799     968 661
              CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES                                                       
              Purchase of government & public sector secutities                            -    (24 166) 
              Proceeds on disposal of property, plant & equipment                      46 973       5 369
              Purchase of property, plant & equipment                               (733 880)   (429 435)
              Proceeds on disposal of quoted and other investments                          -      39 364
              Purchase of quoted and other investments                            (3 536 081)    (42 325)
              Net interest received on government and public sector securities        243 350      33 245
              Net cash outflow from investing activities                          (3 979 638)   (417 948)
              Net cash inflow before financing activities                           3 953 161     550 713
              CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                                       
              Proceeds from shares issue                                               77 976       2 467
              Dividends paid                                                        (206 079)   (234 344)
              Net outflows flows from financing activities                          (128 103)   (231 877)
              Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                             3 825 058     318 836
              Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of year                    1 775 300   1 456 464
              CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT THE END OF THE YEAR                      5 600 358   1 775 300

Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash and bank balances, treasury bills, fuel 
bonds and bills receivable.

31 December 2001


The financial statements are prepared under the historical cost convention
except that investment assets and liabilities held for trading are stated at
fair value in accordance with IAS 39. No procedures are adopted to reflect
thereon the impact of specific price changes and changes in the general level of


                                                                          2001      2000
                                                                        Z$'000    Z$'000
                                Gains less losses from quoted and                       
                                other investments                      250 636   205 674
                                Commission and fee income              246 631    92 640
                                Broking income                         183 389    20 887
                                Profit on disposal of assets            24 688     1 181
                                Other operating income                  29 857     9 177
                                                                       735 201   329 559
c.     OPERATING EXPENDITURE                            
                                The operating profit is after                           
                                charging the following:-                                
                                Administration costs                   289 212   150 393
                                Audit fees                               5 747     3 485
                                - fixed assets leased customers          1 404       833
                                - Own assets                           125 709    49 407
                                Directors' remuneration:-                               
                                Fees for services as directors           1 404       920
                                Other directors emoluments              65 947    26 945
                                Staff costs                            650 879   170 807
                                                                     1 140 301   408 790

31 December 2001


                                                                 2001       2000
                                                               Z$'000     Z$'000

  Current tax                                               1 494 102     96 685
  Deferred tax (credit)/ charge                             (580 224)    192 994
                                                             913 878     289 679
  Financial institutions levy                                140 013          -
                                                           1 053 891     289 679

The effective tax rate for the year is 35.7% compared to 31.5% for the year 
ended 31 December 2000 as a result of the 5% financial institutions levy 
introduced with effect from 1 January 2001.                                      

e.     DIVIDENDS                                               2001       2000
                                                             Z$'000     Z$'000
  Interim dividend                                                                                                    
  24.5 cents per share on 415 991 100 shares                                                             
  (2000 -17.9 cents per share on 398 518 246 shares)        101 918     71 352
  Final proposed dividend                                                                                             
  84.5 - cents per share on - 415 991 100 shares                                                     
  (2000 - 25.5 cents per share on - 400 600 410 shares)     351 629    101 961
                                                            453 547    173 313

f.1     Basic earnings per share

The calculation of basic earnings per share for the year ended 31 December 2001
of 449.6 cents (2000 - 157.2 cents) is based on profit after taxation
attributable to ordinary shareholders of Z$1 841 573 000 (2000 - Z$626 762 000)
and the weighted average shares in issue after share split of 409 578 313 (2000
- 398 603 814).

f.2     Headline earnings per share

The calculation of headline earnings per share for the year ended 31 December
2001 of 445.5 cents (2000 - 157.1 cents) is based on adjusted profit after
taxation attributable to ordinary shareholders of Z$1 824 514 000 (2000 - Z$626
031 000) and on the weighted average shares in issue after share split of 409
578 313 (2000 - weighted average of 398 603 814). The adjustments were as

31 December 2001

f.2     Headline earnings per share (Cont'd)

                                                                           2001      2000
                                                                         Z$'000    Z$'000
                               Profit attributable to shareholders    1 841 573   626 762
                               Deduct non recurring items:                               
                               Profit on disposal of fixed assets      (24 688)   (1 181)
                               Tax effect thereon                         7 629       450
                                                                      1 824 514   626 031
                               Number of shares (000's)                 409 578   398 604
This is calculated in accordance with Statement of Investment Practice No.1
issued by the Institute of Investment Management and Research to assist users of
accounts to identify earnings derived from trading activities.   f.3     Diluted
earnings per share   The diluted earnings per share for the year ended 31
December 2001 is 443.0 cents (2000 - 153.6 cents). The calculation is based on
profit after taxation attributable to ordinary shareholders of Z$1 841 573 000
(2000 - Z$626 762 000) and on the diluted shares in issue after share split of
415 713 858 (2000 - weighted average 408 142 714).   The dilution in earnings
per share arises from 660 000 share options granted to senior employees, in
terms of the Employee Share Option Scheme outstanding at 31 December 2001. 

f.4     Diluted headline earnings per share

The diluted headline earnings per share for the year ended 31 December 2001 is
438.9 cents (2000 - 153.4 cents). The calculation is based on adjusted profit
after taxation of Z$1 824 514 000 (2000 - Z$626 031 000) and on the diluted
shares in issue after share split of 415 713 858 (2000 - 408 142 714). 


g.1     Authorised

                                                             2001         2000       2001     2000 
                                                           Shares        Shares    Z$'000    Z$'000
                    Ordinary shares of Z$0.25 each    560 000 000   560 000 000   140 000   140 000

31 December 2001

g.2     Issued and fully paid

                                                             2001         2000       2001     2000 
                                                           Shares        Shares    Z$'000    Z$'000
                     At 1 January                     400 600 410   398 518 246   100 150    99 630
                     Shares issued during the year     15 390 690     2 082 164     3 848       520
                     At 31 December                   415 991 100   400 600 410   103 998   100 150
The issued share capital increased during the year as a result of the exercise
of 15 390 690 share options by managerial staff.  Of the unissued ordinary
shares, 24 126 256 are reserved for options which may be granted in terms of a
share option scheme. As at 31 December 2001, 660 000 share options were
outstanding  (2000 - 16 366 000). 


Segment information is presented in respect of the Group's business segments.
The business segments, retail and merchant banking, are based on the Group'
management and internal reporting structure.

31 December 2001


                                              Retail banking               Merchant banking               Consolidated
                                            31-Dec    31-Dec             31-Dec      31-Dec         31-Dec      31-Dec
                                              2001      2000               2001        2000           2001        2000
                                            Z$'000    Z$'000             Z$'000      Z$'000         Z$'000      Z$'000
  External interest and                                                                                               
  other revenue                          1 099 914    47 344          4 284 265   1 533 083      5 384 179   1 580 427
  Total revenue                          1 099 914    47 344          4 284 265   1 533 083      5 384 179   1 580 427
  Operating profit before                                                                                             
  unallocated expenses                     308 881   (2 585)          2 644 827     922 378      2 953 708     919 793
  Unallocated corporate expenses                                                                30 742 793   7 283 838
  Income taxes                                                                                 (1 053 891)   (289 679)
  Minority interest                                                                               (58 244)     (3 352)
  Profit attributable to                                                                                              
  ordinary shareholders                                                                          1 841 573     626 762

31 December 2001


                                             Retail banking              Merchant banking                 Consolidated
                                  31 December   31 December     31 December   31 December    31 December   31 December
                                         2001          2000            2001          2000           2001          2000
                                       Z$'000        Z$'000          Z$'000        Z$'000         Z$'000        Z$'000
  OTHER INFORMATION                                                                                                   
  Segment assets                    7 113 806       490 929      23 250 469     6 792 909     30 364 275     7 283 838
  Total assets                      7 113 806       490 929      23 250 469     6 792 909     30 364 275     7 283 838
  Segment liabilities               5 983 979       242 978      20 227 993     5 544 009     26 211 972     5 786 987
  Unallocated corporate                                                                                               
  Provision for current                                                                        1 594 447       115 743
  Deferred taxation                                                                            (378 518)       201 706
  Minority interest                                                                               65 825         9 781
  Total liabilities                 5 983 979       242 978      20 227 993     5 544 009     27 493 726     6 114 217
  Capital expenditure                 455 105       283 279         278 775       146 156        733 880       429 435
  Depreciation                         94 776        24 767          32 337        31 473        127 113        56 240

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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