RNS Number:6413Z
NMBZ Holdings Ld
28 February 2001

                            NMBZ HOLDINGS LIMITED

                     Holding company of NMB Bank Limited


               Continental Securities Trading (Private) Limited



  * Inflation adjusted attributable profit up 12% to Z$352.4 million from
    Z$315.2 million.

  * Historical attributable profits up 55% to Z$626.8.million on previous
    year's attributable profits of Z$404.9 million

  * Headline earnings per share up 13% to 1,236.2 cents (1999-1 098.3 cents)

  * Non-interest income up 83% to Z$871.3 million (1999 - Z$477.1 million)

Mr Paddy Zhanda, Chairman of NMBZ Holdings, said:

It is a pleasure for me to report continued good growth in the group's
attributable profits both on an inflation-adjusted basis and on a historical
basis despite the adverse economic conditions. With the successful launch of
commercial banking services and continuing focus on non-interest income, I am
confident that the group is well positioned maintain its comparative position
in the market in 2001.


NMBZ HOLDINGS LIMITED                              Tel: +263 4 759 651/9
Dr Julius Makoni, Managing Director                juliusm@nmbz.co.zw
James Mushore, Deputy Managing Director            jamesm@nmbz.co.zw
Otto Chekeche, Finance Director                    ottoc@nmbz.co.zw

Website:                                           http://www.nmbz.co.zw

Email:                                             ottoc@nmbz.co.zw

SG SECURITIES (LONDON) LTD                         Tel: +44 20 7638 5699
Andrew Dawber/James Harris

COLLEGE HILL - LONDON                              Tel: +44 20 788 457 2020
Corinna Dorward/Nicholas Williams


year ended 31 December 2000


The year 2000 was a difficult one for the business community and society at
large and was characterised by:

  * Declining GDP

  * Worsening balance of payments position

  * Erratic exchange rate policy

  * Escalating government domestic debt

  * Civil unrest associated with the constitutional reform process,
    parliamentary elections and the land redistribution exercise.

The Government, however, introduced new measures to deal with some of these


Declining GDP

Real GDP is forecast to have declined by 4.2%, in real terms in 2000, much
worse than mid-year estimate of a 1.3% declined. The productive sectors
continued to be affected by a poor investment climate. Manufacturing and
mining are estimated to have shrunk by 10.5% and 14% respectively.

Annual inflation, which averaged 58.5% in 1999 decreased to 55.9% in 2000.
Inflationary pressures remained high, driven by high monetary growth,
increases in municipal tariffs and hospital fees, and the cost-push effects of
a depreciated Zimbabwe Dollar. Broad money supply growth increased from under
30% in December 1999, to 61.2% in October 2000. Excessive recourse to bank
financing to alleviate the fiscal deficit continues to be the main cause of
money supply growth.

The high inflationary environment forced the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) to
pursue a tight monetary policy that led to high levels of interest rates. This
increased the borrowing cost to the productive sector and the government.

The Balance of Payments Position (BOP)

Exports are estimated to have fallen by 5.4% in 2000, leading to a current
account deficit of US$210 million, despite an estimated 9.3% decline in
imports. This is a sharp deterioration from the 1999 current account surplus
of US$29 million.

There was a marked decline in portfolio and direct foreign investment inflows.
This was a result of the country's poor relations with international
multilateral agencies and general apprehension on the land reform programme
and lawlessness. The capital account is estimated to have registered a deficit
of US$401 million, resulting in an estimated overall BOP deficit position of
US$611 million in 2000.

The country is finding it increasingly difficult to meet its foreign payment
obligations on time. Foreign payment arrears, which stood at US$109 million in
1999, are estimated to have soared to over US$500 million in 2000, further
affecting the country's creditworthiness. The estimated current account
deficit of US$259 million in 2001 and external payment arrears will require
financing requirements of over US$900 million. The prospects of addressing
this financing gap without multilateral financial support are poor.

Foreign exchange shortages persisted, reflecting poor performance by the
export sector. Weekly inflows, which during the tobacco-selling season
averaged above US$20 million, declined to under US$10 million by December
2000. These inflows fall far short of the economy's average requirements of at
least US$50 million per week.

Exchange Rate Policy and The Foreign Exchange Market (Cont'd)

As a result of rising shortages and declining export competitiveness, the
exchange rate was depreciated initially to a market mid-rate of Z$50 to the US
dollar in August 2000. It was further depreciated in October 2000 to the
current level of Z$55 against the US dollar. Pressure for further devaluation

Government Domestic Debt

A deficit of Z$46.3 billion (14% of GDP) was projected in the 2000 National
Budget. This was financed wholly from domestic borrowing. However, by
year-end, this had increased to about 24% of GDP.

In the 2001 National Budget a deficit of Z$83.6 billion, or 15.5% of GDP was
forecast. Failure by Government to remain within this framework will further
worsen the economy, through high inflation and interest rates and the crowding
out of the productive sectors.

The current public sector debt is Z$160 billion. At this level of
indebtedness, meeting targets will require a combination of creativity and
discipline by Government.

New Monetary Policy Measures Introduced

The RBZ maintained the tight monetary policy it adopted in 1997 at the peak of
the foreign exchange crisis. Through this, the RBZ sought to contain credit
expansion. However, the fiscal side did not complement the tight monetary
policy as growth in domestic credit continued to rise in spite of the punitive
interest rates.

In August 2000, the RBZ changed its monetary policy from a Treasury Bill (TB)
rate-led interest rate regime to an inflation-driven interest rate regime.
Under this arrangement the Bank rate was kept at a margin of 2 to 2.5
percentage points above inflation, and the effective TB yield maintained
within a range of 0.5 to 1 percentage points below the Bank rate. This
resulted in a reduction in lending interest rates from about 80% to around

The Reserve Bank released 50% of banks' statutory reserves for on lending to
exporters at a concessionary rate of 30%. The RBZ also extended the holding of
foreign currency accounts, (FCA's) to gold producers at a retention level of


In January of 2001 the RBZ introduced a new set of measures aimed at
supporting the productive sector through affordable credit.

The following measures were adopted:

 1. The Bank rate is now based on the moving average rate of inflation to
    reflect recent and anticipated inflation trends.

 2. The statutory reserve ratio on demand deposits was increased from 30% to
    50% with effect from 1 February 2001 and the statutory reserve ratio on
    time and savings deposits was lowered from 30% to 20%.

 3. The interest rate on the export finance facility from statutory reserve
    funds was reduced from 30% to 15%.

 4. The Reserve Bank released the pool of commercial and merchant banks
    statutory reserves for on lending to the productive sectors, namely
    agriculture, manufacturing, mining and tourism.

Following these measures, money market interest rates declined sharply. The
effective TB yield, which opened the year at 54.43% has fallen to 15%. Call
and inter-bank rates have declined to levels between 0% and 8%. Minimum
lending rates have also fallen in tandem with the deposit rates.

Economic recovery in year 2001 will depend largely on the following key

  * Resolution of the current public sector domestic debt trap

  * Government's ability to stay within the framework of the announced

  * Containment of money supply growth rates to levels consistent with real
    economic activity

  * Restoration of orderliness in the land redistribution exercise.

  * End of the Democratic Republic of Congo war.

Realisation of these key parameters would dampen inflationary pressures
significantly and propel the economy from a potential slump in real GDP of
over 7% in 2001 to modest recoveries in some sectors, such as manufacturing
and construction.



The difficult economic environment characterised by high interest rates, high
inflation, shortages in foreign exchange and the withdrawal of offshore lines
of credit limited the scope for growth severely, especially in respect of
lending. The banking subsidiary sought to alleviate the effects of the above
negative factors by continuing to place emphasis on tighter risk management
processes and simultaneously growing non interest income.


The existence of Hyperinflation as defined by International Accounting
Standard 29 (IAS 29) was formally identified in Zimbabwe by the Zimbabwe
Accounting Practices Board, which decided that IAS 29 would be applied for
financial periods beginning on or after 1 January 2000. The interim results
for the period ended 30 June 2000 were published on this basis. Accordingly
these results have been prepared in accordance with IAS 29 which requires
restatement of the financial statements on the basis of the inflation indices
over the reporting period. The application of IAS 29 is likely to continue for
the next two to three years notwithstanding any effective measures that might
be taken immediately to reduce inflation.


The group achieved inflation adjusted attributable profits of Z$352.4 million,
an increase of 12% over the adjusted result for the same period last year. The
investment involved in setting up the commercial bank from internal resources,
reduced funds available for money market activities. In addition human
resources were diverted from the normal business activities. The return on
shareholders' funds was 27% (1999 - 28%).


As anticipated interest net income declined by 7% to Z$664.9 million from
Z$713.7 million as economic conditions made it difficult to expand lending.
Offshore lines of credit were either withdrawn or offered on more expensive
terms in line with the perception of the country risk. The disruption to
agriculture resulted in a reduction in lending to the agricultural/
horticultural sector. Interest expense also declined significantly as deposits
dropped in line with reduced lending. The money market contribution enjoyed in
1999 could not be matched as a result of the financing requirements of the
commercial bank.


Non-interest income increased by 83% and contributed 57% of total income. This
was in line with the bank's strategy of focussing on fees and other
non-lending income until a more conducive lending environment is
re-established. The Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (ZSE) experienced a bull run in
the first and third quarters, resulting in substantial profits on the bank's
portfolio. The bank was able realise a significant element during the last

The bank was also able to add to its profit as a result of several innovative
foreign exchange structures consummated during the year. Foreign exchange
earnings increased by 113% as a result of the bank's success in attracting
some large exporting clients. This enabled the bank to manage the constraints
arising from foreign currency shortages.

Continental Securities Trading (Private) Limited (CST) again contributed
positively to group results, despite the limited activity on the ZSE.


Operating expenses increased by 20% over the same period last year. The bulk
of the increases were incurred on administration costs and the increased
depreciation charge resulting from commissioning of the commercial bank. The
cost/income ratio at 36% was in line with that for the same period last year.

The staff complement for the group increased from 162 in 1999 to 230 at
year-end. This is due to the introduction of commercial banking services.
While the full impact of the increase in staff costs from the commercial bank
will be felt in 2001, the commercial bank will start to contribute favourably
to the group results.


The loss on net monetary position occurs as a result of the restatement of
amounts to current value. The adjustment is based on the inflation index as
provided by the Central Statistical Office of Zimbabwe. The gain or loss has
been charged to income in accordance with the International Accounting
Standard 29 "Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies".


The charge for doubtful debts reduced to Z$77.9 million from Z$102.0 million
the previous year. Whilst the directors continue to take a conservative
approach to provisions, the quality of the group's loan book and limited
opportunities for growing the lending book resulted in a reduction in new
provisions made. The exposure to the agricultural sector at 7% is
insignificant, however, management has been cautious and adequate provisions
have been made where appropriate.


A final dividend of 356.33 cents per share has been declared, bringing the
total dividend for the year to 617.06 cents per share. This is in line with
the group's twice covere dividend policy.


Total assets reduced by 18% to Z$7,429.3 million from Z$8,787.7 million at 31
December 1999. The major influences on this movement were reductions in;

  * Acceptances

  * Loans and advances and

  * Government and public sector securities.


The directors were authorised to repurchase up to 4,000,000 shares for
cancellation. No shares were repurchased for the period to 31 December 2000.


Market performance was affected adversely by the farm invasions and the
unprecedented political violence in the period leading up to the June 2000
parliamentary elections. This together with unfavourable macro economic
conditions saw record profit warnings and a number of companies being delisted
from the ZSE.

Trading in 2001 has, however, started on a high note due to the fall in
interest rates and the subsequent shift to equities. Should interest rates
remain low and government's privatisation plans be realised, CST is confident
of delivering real growth in 2001.


Following the acquisition of the commercial banking licence in December 1999,
the Bank went on to launch its commercial banking division in August 2000.
During the year under review, the bank made significant investments in cutting
edge technology laying a solid platform from which to launch a wide variety of
innovative products and services as well as improve operational efficiency.
The increased product and service range, is expected to assist the bank to
lower its cost of funds as well as increase utilisation of the bank's
offerings, and broaden the revenue base.

The commercial banking division is targeting medium and large corporate
business clients and selected individuals. By year end the Bank had opened
commercial branches in the two main centres of Harare and Bulawayo, with plans
to open more branches and other delivery channels in future. Automated Teller
Machines and card products will be introduced in 2001. The division currently
accounts for a quarter of the bank's staff complement.

The year 2001 presents a full year of operation of these activities and the
board is confident that returns will justify the investment.


The continued perception of the country as lawless is a cause for concern.
This is likely to hinder any meaningful foreign investment in the country as
well as creating a difficult environment for some of our clients, particularly
in the agricultural sector.

The country has shown remarkable resilience in the face of such circumstances.

Interest income will decline further in 2001 as the statutory reserve ratio
has been increased to 50%. Money market activity gains will also be curtailed
on all discounted instruments, which are now subject to a withholding tax of
30%. In the year 2001 clients are likely to opt for more tax efficient
instruments, which might lead to a reduction in their money market activity.

Contribution from non-interest income continues to be central to the
operations of the group. Given the economic outlook management foresee this
trend maintained. The financial advisory services department continues to win
substantial mandates.

The group's performance is expected to remain strong in 2001.


I would like to extend my gratitude to the non-executive directors, the
Managing Director, executive directors, management and staff for their
consistent hard work and dedication to achieve these results. We look forward
to a year of consolidating our expansion.



26 February 2001


year ended 31 December 2000

The Board has proposed a final dividend of 356.33 cents per share on
28,614,315 shares payable to members registered in the books of the company on
16 March 2001. The transfer books and register of members will be closed from
17 March to 23 March 2001. Dividend cheques will be mailed to shareholders on
or about 27 March 2001. The dividends payable to non-resident shareholders
will be paid in accordance with Exchange Control Regulations. With effect from
1 February 2000 exchange control approval is required for payment of dividends
declared by banks. Resident and non-resident shareholders' tax of 15% will be
deducted where applicable.

By order of the Board

O O Chekeche


26 February 2001


year ended 31 December 2000
                                               Note       2000             1999
                                                         $'000            $'000

Interest from lending activities                       374,680          565,945

Charge for bad and doubtful debts                      (77,895)        (102,028)

                                                       296,785          463,917
Interest from investing activities                     572,087          916,076

                                                       868,872        1,379,993
                                                      (203,969)        (666,337)

Interest expense                                       664,903          713,656

Foreign exchange gains                                 312,706          147,072
Net dealing income form securities                     408,612          167,443

Other income                                     5     149,960          162,577

                                                     1,536,181        1,190 748
Operating expenditure                            6    (514,411)        (430,437)

(Loss)gains on net monetary position                  (375,760)        (312,377)

Profit before taxation                                 646,010          447,934

Taxation                                         7    (289,679)        (123,906)

Profit after taxation                                  356,331          324,028

Minority interest                                       (3,971)          (8,808)

Priority attributable to ordinary shareholders         352,360          315,220

Dividends per share (cents)                              617.0          1,102.2
Earnings per share (cents)
- Basic                                          8     1,237.6          1,107.4

- Headline                                       8     1,236.2          1,098.3

- Diluted                                        8     1,208.7          1,093.1

- Diluted headline                               8     1,207.3          1,084.1


31 December 20000

SHAREHOLDER'S FUNDS                       Note         2000                1999
                                                      $'000               $'000

Share capital                               9       418,422             417,902
Capital reserves                                    858,951             857,004
Revenue reserves                                     24,424              (3,529)

                                                  1,301,797           1,271,377
MINORITY INTEREST                                    23,093              21,006

                                                  1,324,890           1,292,383
Deferred taxation                                   201,706              15,909
Deposits and other accounts                       2,805,051           3,224,457
Provision for current taxation                      115,743             117,001
Acceptances                                       2,981,936           4,137,923

                                                  7,429,326           8,787,673
Balances with banks and cash                        447,352              93,844
Government & public sector securities               959,878           2,005,848
Advance and other accounts                        1,856,644           1,886,224
    Trade investment                                 12,313              12,313

    Short term                                      392,236             157,829

    Other                                           160,147             243,638

Tangible fixed assets                               618,820             250,054
Customers' indebtedness for acceptances           2,981,936           4,137,923

                                                  7,429,326           8,787,673


As at 31 December 2000
At 31 December 2000
                     Share   Share Statutory Redemption Other Accumulated Total
                   Capital Premium   Reserve    Reserve        Profit/
                     $'000   $'000     $'000      $'000 $'000   $'000    $'0000

1 January 2000

As previously       99,630 172,149    22,500    27,921   675   288,880  611,755

Effect of adopting 318,272 484,255    95,936    53,008   560  (542,598) 409,433
IAS 29

Effect of adopting                                             250,189  250,189
IAS 10

As restated        417,902 656,404   118,436    80,929 1,235  (3,529) 1,271,377

Shares issued          520   1,947         -         -             -      2,467

Net profits for          -       -         -         -    -   352,360   352,360
the year

Dividends                        -         -         -    -  (324,407) (324,407)

Balances at 31     418,422 658,351   118,436   80,929 1,235    24,424 1,301,797
December 2000

At 31 December
                     Share   Share Statutory Redemption Other Accumulated Total
                   Capital Premium   Reserve    Reserve        Profit/
                     $'000   $'000     $'000      $'000 $'000    $'000 $'000
1 January 1999

As previously       99,630 172,149    22,500     27,921    -   86,825    409,025

Effect of adopting 318,272 484,255    95,936     53,008  560 (341,229)   610,802
IAS 29

Effect of adopting                                              83,161    83,161
IAS 10

As restated        417,902 656,404   118,436     80,929  560 (171,243)1,102 988

Dilution of              -       -         -          -  675     (792)     (117)
interest in

Net profit for the       -       -         -          -    -  324,029   324,029

Dividends                -       -         -          -    - (155,523) (155,523)

Balances at 31     417,902 656,404   118,436    80,929 1,235  (3,529) 1,271,377
December 1999

IAS 10 (revised) requires the inclusion of dividends in reserves and not in the
income statement.


year ended 31 December 2000

CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES                           2000         1999
                                                             $'000        $'000
Profit before taxation and interest on government and        982,874     751,033
public sector securities and monetary loss

Non cash items
Profit on disposal of fixed assets                              (393)    (2,588)
Depreciation                                                  87,666     44,786
Charge for bad and doubtful debts                             77,895    102,028
Monetary Loss                                               (375,760)  (312,377)

Operating cash flow before changes in operating              772,282    582,882
assets and liabilities and loss on net monetary

Changes in operating assets and liabilities
Deposits and other accounts                                (419,406) (2,884,500)
Advances and other accounts                                 (48,315)  3,112,458

                                                            304,561     810,840

Returns on investments and servicing of finance
Interest received on Government sector securities            38,897       9,278
Dividends paid                                             (326,309)   (150,794)

Taxation                                                   (287,412)   (141,516)
Corporate tax paid                                         (105,121)    (54,371)

Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities         (87,972)    614,953


Purchase of government & public sector securities           (24,166)         -
Proceeds on sale of government & public sector                   -       18,800
Proceeds on disposal of fixed assets                         6,635        5,809
Purchase of fixed assets                                  (462,674)    (158,611)
Proceeds of disposal of investments                         83,491            -
Purchase of other investments                                    -       10,326

Net cash outflow from investing activities                (396,714)    (123,676)

Net cash inflow before financing activities               (484,686)     491,277


Proceeds from issue of shares                                2,467            -
Proceeds from issue of shares in subsidiary                      -        3,525

                                                             2,467        3,525

Net decreases in cash and cash equivalents                (482,219)     494,802
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year   2,257,519    1,762,717

CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT THE END OF THE YEAR         1,775,300    2,257,519
Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash and bank balances, treasury bills and
short term investments.


      year ended 31 December 2000


      The company is incorporated in Zimbabwe and is an investment holding
      company. Its subsidiaries are engaged in banking, stockbroking services
      and fund management.


      These financial statements are expressed in Zimbabwe dollars.


      The financial statements are prepared under the historical cost
      conversion. The historical results have been audited and re-stated to
      reflect the changes in general price levels in accordance with IAS 29,
      Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies.


      The economy of Zimbabwe is considered to be a hyperinflationary economy.
      In order to comply with IAS 29 Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary
      Economies, financial statements need to be expressed in terms of the
      measuring unit current at the balance sheet date. Accordingly, the
      accompanying financial information, including comparatives, has been
      restated to account for changes in the general purchasing power of the
      Z$. The restatement is based on the consumer price index at the balance
      sheet date. The indices are derived from the inflation rates which are
      issued by the Central Statistical Office of Zimbabwe.

      The indices used were as follows:

      31 December 1998                                                   757.33
      31 December 1999                                                1, 188.20
      31 December 2000                                                1, 844.20

      IAS 29 discourages publication of historical results as a supplement to
      inflation adjusted accounts. However, historical results have been
      published to allow comparability of results during the transitional phase
      in applying the standard in Zimbabwe. The Zimbabwe Accounting Practices
      Board and the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange have permitted companies in
      Zimbabwe to publish historical results in conjunction with inflation
      adjusted accounts for the first three years.

      OTHER INCOME                                          2000           1999
                                                           $'000          $'000

      Commission and fee income                          107,150         92,924
      Broking income                                      24,891         49,222
      Profit on disposal of assets                           393          2,588
      Other operating income                              17,526         17,843

                                                         149,960        162,577


year ended 31 December 2000

      OPERATING EXPENDITURE                                   2000          1999
                                                             $'000         $'000
      The operating profit is after charging the

      Administration costs                                 142,192       114,994
      Audit fees                                             3,485         1,978
      Depreciation                                          87,666        44,786

      - Fixed assets leased to customers                    11,592        23,557
      - Own assets                                          76,074        21,229

      Directors' remuneration:                              34,615        31,179

      Paid by subsidiary companies:
      Fees for services as directors                         1,102           849
      Other emoluments                                      33,513        30,330

      Staff costs                                          246,453       237,500
                                                           514,411       430,437


    The increase in the effective tax rate is as a result of a lower profit
    before tax on an inflation adjusted basis whereas the taxation is based on
    the higher historical profits. In addition the group has fully utilised
    tax losses accumulated in prior years.

    8.          EARNINGS PER SHARE

    8.1     Basic earnings per share

    The calculation of basic earnings per share for the year ended 31 December
    2000 of 1,237.6 cents (1999 - 1,107.4 cents) is based on profit after
    taxation attributable to ordinary shareholders of Z$352,360,000 (1999 -
    Z$315,220,000) and the weighted average shares in issue of 28,471,701
    (1999 - 28,465,589).

    8.2     Headline earnings per share

    The calculation of headline earnings per share for the year ended 31
    December 2000 of 1,236.2 cents (1999 - 1,098.3 cents) is based on adjusted
    profit after taxation attributable to ordinary shareholders of
    Z$351,967,000 (1999 - Z$312,632,000) and on the weighted average shares in
    issue of 28,471,701 (1998 - weighted average of 28,465,589). The
    adjustments were as follows:-

                                                       2000                1999
                                                      $'000               $'000

Profit attributable to shareholders                 352,360             315,220

Deduct non recurring items:
Profit on disposal of fixed assets                     (393)             (2,588)
                                                    351,967             312,632
Number of shares                                     28,472              28,466


year ended 31 December 2000

This is calculated in accordance with Statement of Investment Practice No.1
issued by the Institute of Investment Management and Research to assist users
of accounts identify earnings derived from trading activities.

8.3     Diluted earnings per share

    The diluted earnings per share for the year ended 31 December 2000 is
    1,208.7 cents (1999-1,093.1 cents). The calculation is based on profit
    after taxation attributable to ordinary shareholders of $352,360,000 (1999
    - $315,220,000) and on the diluted shares of 29,153,051 (1999 -

    The dilution in earnings per share arises from 1,169,147 share options
    granted to senior employees and outstanding at 31 December 2000, in terms
    of the Employee share Option Scheme.

8.4     Diluted headline earnings per share

    The diluted headline earnings per share for the year ended 31 December
    2000 is 1,207.3 cents

    (1999 - 1,084.1 cents). The calculation is based on adjusted profit after
    taxation of $351,967,000

    (1999 - $312,632,000) and on diluted shares of 29,153,051 (1999 -


9.1     Issued Share Capital

    The issued share capital has increased by Z$520,000 to Z$100,150,000 as a
    result of options exercised and now comprises 28,614,315 ordinary shares
    of Z$3.50 each. The amounts disclosed in the Balance Sheet are shown on
    the Statement of Changes in Equity.

9.2     Purchase of own shares

    Shareholders authorised the directors to purchase for cancellation 4
    million of the companies own shares at the Annual General Meeting held on
    30 May 2000. No shares were purchased for cancellation.


                                                           2000            1999
                                                          $'000           $'000
Interim dividend

260.73 cents per share on 28,465,589 shares                              63,553

    (1999 - 223.20 cents per share on 28,465,589         74,218

Final proposed dividend

356.33 cents per share on 28,614,315 shares             101,961         250,189

    (1999 - 879.00 cents per share on 28,465,589

                                                        176,179         313,742


    The official exchange rates were as follows:

                                                    ZIMBABWE DOLLAR EQUIVALENT

                                  At 31 December 2000      At 31 December 1999
United States Dollar USD1.00                  Z$55.00                  Z$37.95
British Sterling     GBP1.00                  Z$82.07                  Z$62.03



Under the terms of the double taxation treaty between Zimbabwe and the United
Kingdom, withholding tax will be charged at the rate of 20 per cent of the
gross amount of the dividend, or if the recipient is a company which controls
directly or indirectly at least 25 per cent of voting power, the rate is
reduced to 5 per cent of the gross dividend. Under Zimbabwe tax law, the rate
of withholding tax on dividends from securities listed on the Zimbabwe Stock
Exchange is 15 per cent of the gross dividend.

In addition, the UK paying agent will ordinarily be required to deduct United
Kingdom income tax at the lower rate of tax (20 per cent) from the gross
amount of the dividend payable. Under the terms of the double taxation
agreement credit will be given for any Zimbabwe tax against any United Kingdom
tax chargeable on the dividend income.


Year ended 31 December 2000

                                             Note       2000               1999
                                                       $'000              $'000

Interest from lending activities                     320,410            365,126
Charge for bad and doubtful debts                    (77,895)           (61,485)
                                                     242,515            303,641

Interest from investing activities                   461,604            591,017
                                                     704,119            894,658

Interest expense                                    (173,949)          (429,895)
Net interest income                                  530,170            464,763
Foreign exchange gains                               217,578            108,028
Net dealing income from securities                   456,950             94,885
Other income                                   c     123,885            104,888
Net operating income                               1,328,583            772,564
Operating expenditure                          d    (408,790)          (282,040)

Profit before taxation                               919,793            490,524
Taxation                                       e    (289,679)           (79,939)
Profit after taxation                                630,114            410,585
Minority interest                                     (3,352)            (5,683)

Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders         626,762            404,902

Dividends per share (cents)                            607.1              711.1
Earnings per share (cents)
        -Basic                                 g      2201.4             1422.4

        -Headline                              g      2197.2             1417.5

        -Diluted                               g      2149.9             1404.1

        -Diluted headline                      g      2145.9             1399.2


31 December 2000

                                          Note         2000                1999
SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS                                   $'000               $'000

Share capital                                       100,150              99,630
Capital reserves                                    225,192             223,245
Revenue reserve                                     844,279             450,293
                                                  1,169,621             773,168

MINORITY INTEREST                                     9,781               7,996
                                                  1,179,402             781,164


Deferred taxation                                   201,706              10,264
Deposits and other accounts                       2,805,051           2,080,294
Provision for current taxation                      115,743              75,485
Acceptances                                       2,981,936           2,669,627
                                                  7,283,838           5,616,834


Balances with banks and cash                        447,352              60,544
Government & public sector securities               959,878           1,294,095
Advances and other accounts                       1,856,644           1,216,919
        Trade investment                              2,718               2,718

        Short term                                  392,236             101,825

        Other                                       160,147             157,186

Tangible fixed assets                               482,927             113,920
Customers' indebtedness for acceptances           2,981,936           2,669,627
                                                  7,283,838           5,616,834


As at 31 December 2000

At 31 December 2000
                    Share   Share Statutory Redemption       Accumulated
                  Capital Premium   Reserve    Reserve Other     Profit/  Total
                    $'000   $'000     $'000      $'000 $'000       $'000  $'000
As previously

1 January 2000     99,630 172,149    22,500     27,921   675     288,880 611,755

Effect of               -       -         -          -     -     161,413 161,413
adopting IAS 10

Restated at 1      99,630 172,149    22,500     27,921   675     450,293 773,168
January 2000

Shares issued         520   1,947         -          -     -           -  2,467

Net profit for          -       -         -          -     -     626,762 626,762
the year

Dividends               -       -         -          -     -  (232,776)(232,776)

Balances at 31    100,150 174,096    22,500     27,921   675   844,279 1,169,621
December 2000

At 31 December 1999
                     Share   Share Statutory Redemption       Accumulated
                   Capital Premium   Reserve    Reserve Other     Profit/ Total
                     $'000   $'000     $'000      $'000 $'000       $'000 $'000
As previously

1 January 1999     99,630 172,149    22,500     27,921     -      86,825 409,025

Effect of adopting      -       -         -          -     -      37,701  37,701
IAS 10

Restated at 1      99,630 172,149    22,500     27,921     -     124,526 446,726
January 1999

Dilution of             -       -         -          -   675        (433)    242
interest in

Net profit for the      -       -         -          -     -     404,902 404,902

Dividends               -       -         -          -     -    (78,702)(78,702)

Balances at 31     99,630 172,149    22,500     27,921   675    450,293 773,168
December 1999

IAS 10 (revised) requires the inclusion of dividends in reserves and not in
the income statement.


Year ended 31 December 2000
CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES                           2000         1999
                                                             $'000        $'000

Profit before taxation and interest on government           886,548     484,538
and public sector securities

Non-cash items
    Profit on disposal of fixed assets                       (1,181)     (1,414)

    Depreciation                                             56,240      23,308

    Charge for Bad and Doubtful debts                       77,895       61,485

Operating cash flow before changes in 
operating assets and                                     1,019,502      567,917

Changes in operating assets and liabilities
Deposits and other accounts                                724,757     (423,377)
Advances and other accounts                               (717,620)     812,052
                                                         1,026,639      956,592

Returns on investments and servicing of finance
Interest received                                          451,107        6,018
Interest paid                                             (417,862)         (32)
Dividends paid                                            (234,344)     (80,571)
                                                          (201,099)     (74,585)

Corporate tax paid                                         (57,978)     (20,164)
Net cash inflow from operating activities                  767,562      861,843


Proceeds on sale of government & public sector securities        -        8,000
Proceeds on disposal of fixed assets                         5,369        2,472
Purchase of fixed assets                                  (429,435)     (86,673)
Purchase of government and public sector securities        (24,166)           -
Purchase of other investments                               (2,961)     (53,103)
Net cash outflow from investing activities                (451,193)    (129,304)

Net cash inflow before financing activities                316,369      732,539


Proceeds from issue of share in subsidiaries                     -        1,500
Proceeds from share issue                                    2,467            -
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                  318,836      734,039
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year   1,456,464      722,425

CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT THE END OF THE YEAR         1,775,300    1,456,464

Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash and bank balances, treasury
bills and short term investments.


31 December 2000


         These financial statements are expressed in Zimbabwe dollars


         The financial statements are prepared under the historical cost


                                                     2000          1999
                                                    $'000         $'000
    Commission and fee income                      92,640        59,951
    Dividends from subsidiaries                         -            -
    Broking income                                 20,887        23,676
    Profit on disposal of assets                    1,181         1,414
    Other operating income                          9,177        19,847
                                                      123,885   104,888


    The operating profit is after charging the following:

    Administration costs                         150,393         77,149
    Audit fees                                     3,485          1,327
    Depreciation                                  56,240         23,308

    -Fixed assets leased to customers              6,833         12,260
    -Own assets                                   49,407         11,048

    Directors' renumeration:                      27,865         20,918

    -Paid by subsidiary companies:
    -Fees for services as directors                  920            570
    -Other emoluments                             26,945         20,348
    Staff costs                                  170,807        159,338
                                                 408,790        282,040


The effective tax rate for the year is 31.5% compared to 16.3% for the year
ended 31 December 1999.

                                                                2000       1999
                                                               $'000      $'000
    Interim dividend
    250.7 cents per share on 28 465 589 shares
    (1999-144.00 cents per share on 28 465 589 shares)        71,364     40,990

    Final proposed dividend
    356.4 cents per share on 28 614 315 shares
    (1999-567.1 cents per share on 28 465 589 shares)        101,961    161,424
                                                             173,325    202,414

g.1     Basic earnings per share

The basic earnings per share for the year ended 31 December 2000 of 2,201.4
cents (1999-1,422.4 cents) is based on profit after taxation attributable to
ordinary shareholders of Z$626,762,000

(1999-Z$404,902,000) and the weighted average shares in issue of 28,471,701

g.2     Headline earnings per share

The headline earnings per share for the year end 31 December 2000 of 2,197.2
cents (1999-1,417.5 cents) is based on adjusted profit after taxation
attributable to ordinary shareholders of Z$625,581,000 (1999-Z$403,488,000)
and on the weighted average shares in issue of 28,471,701 (1999-weighted
average of 28,465,589). The adjustments were as follows:-

                                                       2000                1999
                                                      $'000               $'000

Profit attributable to shareholders                 626,762             404,902

Deduct non recurring items:
Profit on disposal of fixed assets                   (1,181)             (1,414)
                                                    625,581             403,488
Number of shares                                     28,472              28,466

This is calculated in accordance with Statement of Investment Practise No.1
issued by the Institute of Investment Management and Research to assist users
of accounts identify earnings derived from trading activities.

g.3     Diluted earnings per share

The diluted earnings per share for the year ended 31 December 2000 is 2,149.9
cents (1999-1,404.1 cents). The calculation is based on profit after taxation
attributable to ordinary shareholders of Z$626,762,000 (1999-Z$404,902,000)
and on the diluted shares in issue of 29,153,051 (1999-weighted average

The dilution in earnings per share arises from 1,169,147 share options granted
to senior employees and outstanding at 31 December 2000, in terms of the
Employee Share Option Scheme.

g.4     Diluted headline earnings per share

The diluted headline earnings per share for the year ended 31 December 2000 is
2,145.9 cents (1999-1,399.2 cents). The calculation is based on adjusted
profit after taxation of Z$ 625,581,000 (1999-Z$403,488,000) and on the shares
in issue of 29,153,051 (1999-28,837,716).

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