RNS Number:6365Q
NMBZ Holdings Ld
31 August 2005

                               Holding company of
                                NMB Bank Limited
                          (Registered Commercial Bank)

                  RESULTS FOR THE HALF-YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2005


 Inflation Adjusted

*                Attributable loss of Z$9 755 million (June 2004 -  Z$13 689
million profit, 12 months to December 2004 Z$75 190     million loss)

*                     Total asset base down 41% to Z$670 868 million (December
2004 - Z$1 141 225 million)

*                     Temporary liquidity support down to Z$216 million
(December 2004 - Z$163 346 million)


*                     Attributable loss of Z$6 770 million (June 2004 - Z$14 667
million profit, 12 months to Dcember 2004 Z$9 636 million loss)

*                     Total asset base down 12% to Z$491 530 million (December
2004 - Z$557 574 million)

*                     Temporary liquidity support down to Z$216 million
(December 2004 - Z$92 933 million)

Dr Gibson Manyowa Mandishona, the acting Chairman of NMBZ Holdings Limited,

"The Group's results reflect the impact of the expensive liquidity support over
the period under review.  With the support having been effectively repaid at 30
June 2005 ,economic conditions notwithstanding, the second half of the year
should see an improvement in performance and a return to profitability".


NMBZ HOLDINGS LIMITED                              Tel: +263-4-759 601/6

Dr David Hatendi, Chief Executive Officer          davidh@nmbz.co.zw

Mario dos Remedios, Chief Financial Officer        mariodosr@nmbz.co.zw
            Website                                http://www.nmbz.co.zw

Email                                              enquiries@nmbz.co.zw

COLLEGE HILL - LONDON                              Tel: +44-207-457 2020
Corinna Dorward


for the six months ended 30 June 2005


The economic recovery trend that began in 2004 continued in the first quarter of
2005, but started to recede in the second quarter. The half year was
characterised in summary by:

*       Resurgent inflation and persitent, but declining money supply growth

*       Increase in the level of domestic debt

*       Rising interest rates

*       Termination of previous concessionary lending facilities and
introduction of new facilities for mining and agriculture

*       Pronounced foreign currency shortages.

Commentary on Group Inflation Adjusted and Historical  Cost Results


There were some signs of a return to stability in the financial services sector,
but the harsh macro-economic conditions adversely affected earnings in the
Group.  The Group's results reflect the impact of the expensive liquidity
support over the period under review.  With the support having been effectively
repaid at 30 June 2005, economic conditions notwithstanding, the second half of
the year should see an improvement in performance and a return to profitability.

In accordance with International financial Reporting Standards, the Group
continues to prepare its results statements using hyper inflationary accounting
We have also provided a statement of our historical performance as a reference.

Attributable Loss

The inflation adjusted attributable loss of Z$9 755 million was recorded
compared to a profit of Z$13 689 million over the same period in 2004 and a Z$75
190 million loss for the 12 months to December 2004.  The Group recorded a
historical cost loss of Z$6 770 million compared to an attributable profit of
Z$14 667 over the same period in 2004 and a Z$9 636 loss in the 12 months to
December 2004.

Net Interest Income

Net interest income decreased by 87% to Z$20 808 million from Z$158 627 million
in June 2004 in inflation adjusted terms.  The decrease was primarily a result
of a decrease in interest from lending and investing activities.  Interest paid
on the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) liquidity support amounted to Z$73 billion
in inflation adjusted terms.

Non-Interest Income

Inflation adjusted non-interest income increased by 3% to $17 117 million and
contributed 36% (June 2004 - 10%) of the net operating income.

Operating Expenses

Operating expenses decreased by 25% in inflation adjusted terms over the same
period last year mainly due to cost cutting measures undertaken by the Group.


for the six months ended 30 June 2005

Gain/ (loss) on net monetary position

The gain or loss on net monetary position occurs as a result of the restatement
of amounts to current value.  The gain of Z$37 073 million is based on the
inflation index as provided by the Central Statistical Office of Zimbabwe.  The
gain has been accounted for in the income statement in accordance with the
International Accounting Standard 29 "Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies".

 Charge for doubtful debts

The inflation adjusted charge for the six month period decreased by 84% to Z$2
994 million (June 2004 - Z$18 555 million).   The Board continues to adopt a
conservative approach on provisions in view of the unstable macro-economic


In view of the historical cost attributable loss recorded, no interim dividend
has been proposed.

Balance Sheet

In inflation adjusted terms, the Group's total asset base was managed down by
41% to Z$670 868 million from Z$1 141 225 million at 31 December 2004.  The
decrease was mainly caused by a reduction in advances and other accounts (57%),
customers' indebtedness for acceptances (43%) and property and equipment (16%).

In historical cost terms, the total asset base decreased by 12% to Z$491 530
million from Z$557 574 million at December 2004.  It is also gratifying to note
that historical cost deposits increased by 54% to Z$387 164 million from Z$251
177 million in June 2004.

Capital Adequacy

The banking subsidiary's capital adequacy ratio at 30 June 2005 calculated on
the historical cost basis in accordance with the guidelines of the RBZ was 0.15%
(30 June 2004 - 8.37%, 31 December 2004 - 1.36%). This compares unfavourably
with the Reserve Bank's minimum ratio of 10%.

The Bank's total shareholders funds stood at Z$5 058 million at 30 June 2005 and
this is below the RBZ's requirement for a minimum capital base of Z$10 billion.
Subsequent to the reporting period, the Bank's management accounts show that the
capital base has recovered to be in excess of the minimum requirement although
the minimum ratio of 10% has not yet been attained at the date of this report.
Current trading performance trends indicate that the banking subsidiary should
be fully compliant with the present minimum requirements of the RBZ.

Cautionary Statement And Extraordinary General Meeting

Negotiations concerning possible strategic partnerships referred to in
cautionary announcements to shareholders on 14 February 2005 and subsequently,
are still in progress and updates on the developments will continue to be
provided to shareholders at regular intervals as required by the Zimbabwe Stock

The Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) held on 26 July 2005 was adjourned
following the RBZ Monetary Policy Statement issued on 21 July, particularly as
the prescribed minimum capital for Commercial banks was increased to Z$100
billion from September 2006.


for the six months ended 30 June 2005

Outlook And Strategy

The first quarter was particularly difficult for the Group on the back of the
high cost of temporary liquidity support from the RBZ.  The second quarter
witnessed a significant improvement in the performance of the Group as the
liquidity support was largely liquidated.

The second half of the year should witness a significant improvement in the
performance of the Group due to the improved trading capacity as a result of the
repayment of the RBZ support and the beneficial effects of liquidity to be
injected from the current capitalisation initiatives.

We will continue to focus on the recapitalisation of the Group in order to
enhance trading capacity and take advantage of the anticipated business growth
opportunities in the economy.


Judgment in respect of the five (5) charges previously reported in the results
for the year ended 31 December 2004 relating to alleged dealings in foreign
currency is still imminent, and if deemed necessary, a statement on the outcome
shall be issued.

Going Concern

In the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2004, attention was
drawn to the temporary liquidity support from the RBZ and the capital base of
the Banking subsidiary.  The recourse to this support from the RBZ had an
adverse impact on profitability due to its high cost in the period under review.
As disclosed in note 11, the principal amount outstanding on the RBZ
temporary liquidity support at 30 June 2005 was effectively repaid, thanks to
tight liquidity management and the support of the Bank's loyal customer base,
down from Z$92.9 billion at 31 December 2004 to Z$216 million.

The effect of the current initiatives to augment the capital of the Group
complements the significant recovery trend that has been evident over the past
few months.  Indications are that an optimum amount expected to be raised before
the end of the year will add further impetus to this profit trend.  This in turn
will allow for an organic growth in the Banking subsidiary's capital which will
leave it well poised to be fully compliant with the RBZ's new capital
requirements of Z$100 billion required to be in place by September 2006.


I would like to thank our clients and the Monetary Authorities for their
valuable support.  I would also like to thank the Board, company's shareholders,
management and staff for their endeavours during the period under review.


Acting Chairman

30 August 2005


for the six months ended 30 June 2005



These financial statements are the responsibility of the directors.  This
responsibility includes the setting up of internal control and risk management
processes, which are monitored independently.


The Group adheres to principles of corporate governance derived from the King
Reports and the United Kingdom Combined Code.  The Group is cognisant of its
duty to conduct business with due care and in good faith in order to safeguard
all stakeholders' interests.


Board appointments are made to ensure a variety of skills and expertise on the
Board.  Non-executive directors are of such calibre as to provide independence
to the Board.  The Acting Chairman of the Board is a non-executive director.
The Board is supported by various committees in executing its responsibilities.
The Board meets at least quarterly to assess risk, review performance and
provide guidance to management on both operational and policy issues.

The banking subsidiary's Board requires an additional non-executive director to
meet the minimum requirements and prospective appointments are in the process of
being vetted pending RBZ approval for their appointment.


The Group financial statements are prepared on a going concern basis.  The
banking crisis in the Zimbabwe financial sector that started in December 2003
did not spare NMB Bank Limited.  This necessitated the access of temporary
liquidity support from the RBZ in October 2004.  The recourse to this support
has had an adverse impact on profitability due to the high cost and current
negotiations to recapitalise the Group, will, if successful, contribute to
reduce the cost of funding and consequently improve profitability.

Were the negotiations to recapitalise the Group prove unsuccessful, this would
have a material effect on the ability of the Bank and the Group to continue as a
going concern.  There is no indication that this is likely.


The Board takes cognisance of its responsibility for the management of risk for
the Group.  Their main objective is to contain the risks inherent within the
financial services sector and to ensure that the Group's various risk profiles
are understood and appropriately managed to the benefit of customers,
shareholders and other stakeholders.  This has been achieved by the consistent
enforcement of effective risk management policies and internal control systems
to mitigate the risks in the various risk categories identified, these being
operational risk, market and interest rate risk, liquidity risk, credit risk,
legal risk and reputational risk.


for the six months ended 30 June 2005

5.1              Operational risk

This risk is inherent in all business activities and is the potential for loss
arising from ineffective internal controls, poor operational procedures to
support these controls, errors and deliberate acts of fraud.

The balancing of the risk and the cost incurred to reduce the risk is critical.
The Board has an Audit Committee whose function is to ensure that this risk is
minimised. The Audit Committee through the internal audit function assesses the
adequacy of the internal controls and makes the necessary recommendations to the

5.2          Market and Interest Rate risk

Market risk is the adverse effect of the change in market conditions, inter
alia, movement in interest rates, foreign exchange rates, equity markets and
general economic conditions.

The Group has in place an Asset and Liability Management Committee (ALCO), which
comprises the departmental heads of Risk, Treasury, Corporate and Retail Banking
and Finance, in addition to executive directors. The committee monitors these
risks and recommends the appropriate levels to which the Group should be exposed
at any time. The approval of all dealing limits ultimately rests with this

5.3       Liquidity risk

The management of liquidity in the Group is primarily designed to ensure that
the Group meets its obligations timeously. The Treasury department in
consultation with ALCO formulates and applies appropriate investment methods and
instruments to ensure that this is achieved. In  managing this risk, the Risk
Management department periodically reports on facility utilisations and excesses
that need management attention.

5.4       Credit risk

Credit risk in the possibility that the Group will suffer a loss should a debtor
default on either repayment of the principle amount borrowed on the payment of
interest accrued, or both.

The Board has put in place sanctioning committees which operate according to the
amount requested by an applicant. The Risk Management department reviews all
applications.  This initial review allows only those applications that do not
unduly expose the Group to be considered by the sanctioning committees.

5.5             Legal risk

Legal risk is risk from uncertainty due to legal actions or uncertainty in the
applicability or interpretation of contracts, laws or regulations.  Legal risk
may entail such issues as contract formation, capacity and contract frustration.

To manage this risk the Group employs a legal practitioner who is responsible
for the drafting, monitoring and execution of all contracts.  Permanent
relationships are also maintained with firms of legal practitioners and access
to legal advice is readily available to all departments.  The compliance
function is also responsible for identifying and monitoring legal risks and
ensuring that the Group remains in compliance with all regulatory requirements.


for the six months ended 30 June 2005

5.6             Reputational Risk

Reputational risk is the risk of loss of business as a result of negative
publicity or negative perceptions by the market with regards to the way the
Group can conduct its business.

To manage this risk, the Group strictly monitors customer's complaints,
continuously train staff at all levels, conducts market surveys and periodic
reviews of business practices through its internal audit department.

The directors are satisfied with the risk management processes in the Bank as
these have contributed to the minimisation of losses arising from risk exposures

6.                  REGULATORY COMPLIANCE

We remain committed to complying with and adhering to all regulatory
requirements, including attending to current deficiencies in the capital
adequacy ratios and issues relating to the requisite number of non-executive
board members.


for the six months ended 30 June 2005


                                            INFLATION ADJUSTED                                HISTORICAL
                                                     Restated       Restated
                                 Unaudited       Unaudited      Unaudited     Unaudited       Unaudited        Audited
                                  6 months        6 months           Year      6 months        6 months           Year
                                    ended           ended          ended         ended           ended          ended
                                  30 June         30 June         31 Dec       30 June         30 June         31 Dec
                                      2005            2004           2004          2005            2004           2004
                         Note   Z$ million      Z$ million     Z$ million    Z$ million      Z$ million     Z$ million

Interest from lending                99 479         316 738        416 224        77 163         103 713        151 206

Income from investing    4          23 579          50 156        148 241        18 093          15 030         56 477
                              -------------   -------------   ------------ -------------   -------------   ------------
                                   123 058         366 894        564 465        92 256         118 743        207 683

Interest expense         5        (102 250)       (208 267)      (369 735)      (76 515)        (67 181)      (146 654)
                              -------------    ------------   ------------ -------------   -------------   ------------
Net interest income                20 808         158 627        194 730        18 741          51 562         61 029
Non-interest income      6         17 117          16 551         68 950        12 660           7 799         42 296
Net foreign exchange                9 369          17 497       (12 919)         8 110           5 415        (7 010)
gains /(losses)
Loss on disposal of                    -        (16 913)       (18 805)             -         (4 449)        (4 530)
interest      in
                                ------------    ------------    ----------- -------------    ------------    -----------
Net operating income              47 294         175 762        231 956        39 511          60 327         91 785

Operating expenditure    7      (84 759)       (113 297)      (236 485)      (46 291)        (33 584)       (72 632)
Charge for bad and               (2 994)        (18 555)       (66 834)       (2 994)         (7 020)       (38 024)
doubtful debts
Gain/(loss on net                37 073         (9 246)       (72 677)             -               -              -
monetary position
                             -------------- ---------------  -------------- ------------- --------------- --------------
(loss)profit before             (3 386)          34 664      (144 040)       (9 774)          19 723       (18 871)
Taxation                8       (6 369)        (18 401)         68 991         3 004         (4 082)          9 315

Financial Institution   8            -         (2 574)          (141)             -           (974)           (80)
                            --------------  --------------   ------------  ------------  --------------   ------------
(Loss) /profit                   (9 755)          13 689       (75 190)       (6 770)          14 667        (9 636)
attributable to
ordinary shareholders

                               =======         =======        =======       =======         =======        =======

(Loss)/earnings per
share (cents)
-Basic                  9         (2 286)           3 207       (17 617)       (1 586)           3 437        (2 258)

-Headline               9         (1 806)           3 208       (13 852)       (1 847)           3 437        (5 285)

-Diluted                9         (2 260)           3 205       (17 416)       (1 568)           3 434        (2 232)

-Diluted headline       9         (1 785)           3 206       (13 694)       (1 826)           3 434        (5 225)

-Dividend per share                   -               -              -             -               -              -


for the six months ended 30 June 2005

                                             INFLATION ADJUSTED                              HISTORICAL
                                                     Restated      Restated
                                      Unaudited     Unaudited     Unaudited      Unaudited     Unaudited         Audited
                                     at 30 June    at 30 June     at 31 Dec     at 30 June    at 30 June       at 31 Dec
                                           2005          2004          2004           2005          2004            2004
                            Note     Z$ million    Z$ million    Z$ million     Z$ million    Z$ million      Z$ million


Share capital                 10         76 378        76 378        76 378            107           107             107

Capital reserves              10        208 007       154 547       208 007         25 248           683          25 248

Revenue reserves                      (158 719)       (7 386)     (148 964)       (19 882)        35 518        (13 112)
                                  ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------- -------------  --------------
Total shareholders' funds               125 666       223 539       135 421          5 473        36 308          12 243
                                  ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------- ------------- ---------------
Deposits and other            11        387 164       663 891       848 537        387 164       251 177         482 760
Financial liabilities held    12         87 961       698 648        77 002         87 961       264 327          43 809
for trading

Provision for current                   (3 281)        47 013         2 426        (3 281)        17 787           1 380
Acceptances                              13 938       115 517        24 274         13 938        43 705          13 810
Deferred taxation                        59 420        80 940        53 565            275         1 444           3 572
                                 --------------  ------------ ------------- -------------- ------------- ---------------
                                        670 868     1 829 548     1 141 225        491 530       614 748         557 574
                                       ========      ========      ========       ========      ========        ========

Balances with banks and       13        124 846       444 258       217 110        124 846       168 081         123 521
Financial assets held for     12         43 910       490 536        43 081         43 910       185 590          24 510
Advances and other            14        248 412       466 302       579 224        248 412       176 421         329 539
Customers' indebtedness                  13 938       115 517        24 274         13 938        43 705          13 810
for acceptances
Trade investment              15            930         4 514           930            529            48             529
Quoted and other              16          1 662         2 519         1 672            945           953             951
Investment properties                    63 628           492        67 143         36 200            52         38  200
Property & equipment          17        173 542       305 410       207 791         22 750        39 898          26 514
                                  ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------- -------------  --------------
                                        670 868     1 829 548     1 141 225        491 530       614 748         557 574
                                       ========      ========      ========       ========      ========        ========


for the six months ended 30 June 2005


                                                      Capital Reserves                         Revenue

Restated                                                            Capital
                               Share       Share    Statutory    Redemption                Accumulated
                             Capital     Premium      Reserve       Reserve        Other      Profit /        Total
                           Z$million   Z$million    Z$million    Z$ million    Z$million    Z$ million    Z$million

Balances at 1 January
2004 - as previously
reported                      76 378     129 776       21 465        14 666          413         2 635     245  333
Prior year restatement             -           -     (11 773)             -            -      (16 730)     (28 503)
                        ------------ ----------- ------------ ------------- ------------  ------------ ------------
Balance at 1 January          76 378     129 776        9 692        14 666          413      (14 095)      216 830
2004 - restated
Net profit for the six             -           -            -             -            -        13 689       13 689
months  ended 30 June
Dividends                          -           -            -             -            - (6 980)            (6 980)
                         ----------- ----------- ------------ ------------- ------------  ------------  -----------
Balances at 30 June           76 378     129 776        9 692        14 666          413       (7 386)      223 539
                         ----------- -----------  ----------- ------------- ------------  ------------  -----------
Net loss for the six               -           -            -             -            -      (88 879)     (88 879)
months ended 31
December 2004
Revaluation of                     -           -            -             -          761             -          761
Capitalisation of                  -      52 699            -             -            -      (52 699)            -
                         ----------- ----------- ------------ ------------- ------------  ------------ ------------
Balances at 31 December       76 378     182 475        9 692        14 666        1 174     (148 964)      135 421

                         ----------- ----------- ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ ------------
Net loss for the six               -           -            -             -            -       (9 755)      (9 755)
months ended 30 June
Balances at 30 June           76 378     182 475        9 692        14 666        1 174     (158 719)      125 666
                              ======     =======      =======       =======      =======      ========      =======


for the six months ended 30 June 2005


                                                 Capital Reserves   Capital
                                Share       Share    Statutory    Redemption               Accumulated
                              Capital     Premium      Reserve       Reserve       Other       Profit/          Total
                           Z$ million  Z$ million   Z$ million    Z$ million  Z$ million    Z$ million     Z$ million
Balances at 1 January             107         580           23            27          53        23 028         23 818
Net profit for the six              -           -            -             -           -        14 667         14 667
months ended 30 June 2004
Dividends                           -           -                                              (2 177)        (2 177)
                           ---------- ----------- ------------  ------------ -----------  ------------   ------------
Balances at 30 June 2004          107         580           23            27          53        35 518         36 308
                          ----------- ----------- ------------ ------------- ----------- -------------   ------------
Net loss for the six                -           -            -             -           -      (24 303)       (24 303)
months ended 31 December
Revaluation of properties           -           -            -             -         238             -            238
Capitalisation of                   -      24 327            -             -           -      (24 327)              -
                           ---------- ----------- ------------    ----------     -------   ----------- --------------
Balances at 31 December           107      24 907           23            27         291      (13 112)         12 243

 Net loss for the six               -           -            -             -           -       (6 770)        (6 770)
months ended 30 June 2005
                           ---------- ----------- ------------    ----------     -------   -----------  -------------
Balances at 30 June 2005          107      24 907           23            27         291      (19 882)          5 473
                           ---------- ----------- ------------    ----------     -------   -----------  -------------


for the six months ended 30 June 2005

                                                   INFLATION ADJUSTED                              HISTORICAL
                                                            Restated       Restated
                                    Unaudited       Unaudited      Unaudited     Unaudited     Unaudited       Audited
                                     6 months        6 months           Year      6 months      6 months          Year
                                        ended           ended          ended         ended         ended         ended
                                      30 June         30 June         31 Dec       30 June       30 June        31 Dec
                                         2005            2004           2004          2005          2004          2004
CASHFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES   Z$ million      Z$ million     Z$ million    Z$ million    Z$ million    Z$ million

(Loss)/ profit before taxation and     (40 459)         43 910       (71 364)       (9 774)        19 723      (18 871)
loss on net monetary adjustment
Non-cash items                                      
Loss/(profit) on disposal of              (552)              5          2 638       (3 612)             1           294
property, plant & equipment

Depreciation                            27 319           5 516         68 513         2 466         1 761         3 782
Property and equipment write-off         2 328               -            642           884             -           365
Investment properties fair value         3 515           2 040        (2 584)         2 000            48      (23 040)
Trade investment fair value                  -             809          4 394             -             -         (481)
Charge for bad and doubtful debts        2 994          18 555         66 834         2 994         7 020        38 024
Minority interest written-off               -         (2 515)        (2 515)             -            59            59
Loss on disposal of interest in             -               -         18 805             -             -         4 530
Gain/ (loss) on net monetary            37 073         (9 246)       (72 677)             -             -             -
                                   ------------  --------------  ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------
Operating cash flows before changes
Operating assets and liabilities       32 218          59 074         12 686       (5 042)        28 612         4 662
Changes in operating assets and

Financial liabilities held for         10 959         424 860      (196 779)        44 152       197 403      (23 115)

Deposits and other accounts         (461 373)        (45 102)        139 553      (95 596)        77 871       309 454

Advances and other accounts          327 817         127 868       (33 341)        78 133      (33 667)     (217 789)
Financial assets held for trading         -          10 611         10 611             -         2 594         2 594
Eliminating effect of net                 -               -       (21 915)             -             -       (5 290)
liabilities retained on sale of
interest in subsidiary
                                 ------------ ---------------  ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------
                                     (90 379)         577 309       (89 185)        21 647       272 813        70 516
Corporate tax paid                   (6 222)         (8 979)        (8 222)       (4 954)       (2 151)       (2 140)
                                -------------  --------------  ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------

Net cash inflow/(outflows) from     (96 601)         568 330       (97 407)        16 693       270 662        68 376
operating activities
Proceeds on disposal of property and  7 059              56         10 263         5 320            21           538
Proceeds from disposal of quoted and     10               -          2 396             6             -            50
other investments
Purchase of property and equipment   (1 903)        (28 175)       (55 017)       (1 294)      (12 994)      (17 675)
Proceeds from disposal of interest       -               -          3 109             -             -           760
in subsidiary
                                -------------   -------------  ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------
Net cash inflows/(outflows) from       5 166        (28 119)       (39 249)         4 032      (12 973)      (16 327)
investing activities

                             -------------   -------------  ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------

Net cash inflow/(outflows) before  (91 435)         540 211      (136 656)        20 725       257 689        52 049
financing activities

                             --------------  --------------  ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------

Dividends paid                           -         (6 980)        (4 716)             -       (2 177)       (2 177)
                             --------------  -------------- -------------- ------------- ------------- -------------
                                        -         (6 980)        (4 716)             -       (2 177)       (2 177)
                            --------------- --------------- -------------- ------------- ------------- -------------
Net increase/(decrease) in 
cash and cash equivalents         (91 435)         533 231      (141 372)        20 725       255 512        49 872

Cash and cash equivalents at      260 191         401 563        401 563       148 031        98 159        98 159
beginning of the period
                               -------------    ------------  ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------
AT END OF PERIOD (note 13)        168 756         934 794        260 191       168 756       353 671       148 031

                                  ========        ========       ========      ========      ========      ========


for the six months ended 30 June 2005



The company is incorporated in Zimbabwe and is an investment holding company.
Its subsidiaries are engaged in banking and property holding.

2.                  CURRENCY

These interim financial statements are expressed in Zimbabwe dollars and are
rounded to the nearest million.

3.                  ACCCOUNTING POLICIES

3.1  Historical Cost Conventions

The financial statements are prepared under the historical cost convention and
adjusted to reflect the changes in general price levels in accordance with IAS
29, Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies.

3.2          Inflation Accounting

The economy of Zimbabwe is considered to be a hyperinflationary economy. In
order to comply with IAS 29, Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies,
financial statements need to be expressed in terms of the measuring unit current
at the balance sheet date. Accordingly, the accompanying financial statements,
including comparatives, have been restated to account for changes in the general
purchasing power of the Zimbabwe dollar.  The restatement is based on the
consumer price index at the balance sheet date.  The indices and conversion
factors are derived from the inflation rates which are issued by the Central
Statistical Office of Zimbabwe.  The indices and conversion factors used were as

Dates                  Indices            Conversion factors

30 June 2005           12 354.2             1.0000

31 December 2004        7 028.7             1.7577

30 June 2004            4 674.1             2.6431

3.3          Financial instruments

The fair value of financial instruments is based on their quoted market price at
the balance sheet date without any deductions for transaction costs.  If a
quoted market price is not available, the fair value of the instrument is
estimated using pricing models or discounted cash flow techniques.

Where discounted cash flow techniques are used, estimated future cash flows are
based on management's best estimates and the discount rate is a market related
rate at the balance sheet date for an instrument with similar terms and
conditions.  Where pricing models are used, inputs are based on market related
measures at the balance sheet date.

3.4          Investment properties

Investment properties are stated at fair value.  Gains and losses arising from a
change in fair value of investment properties are recognised in the income


for the six months ended 30 June 2005

            3.5       Bad and Doubtful Debts

         Provisions are applied to write off advances in part or in whole when
they are considered wholly or partly unrecoverable.  The aggregate provisions
which are made during the year are charged to income.

         3.5.1       Specific provisions

Specific provisions are made where the repayment of identified advances is in
doubt and reflect estimates of the loss. Advances are written off against
specific provisions once the probability of recovering any significant amounts
becomes remote.

         3.5.2       General provisions

         The general doubtful debt provision relates to the inherent risk of
losses which, although not individually identified, is known to be present in
any loan portfolio.

         3.5.3       Non-performing loans

         Interest on loans and advances is accrued to income until such time as
reasonable doubt exists about its collectability, thereafter and until all or
part of the loan is written off, interest continues to accrue on customers'
accounts but is not included in income.  Such suspended interest is deducted
from loans and advances in the balance sheet.  This policy adheres to the
requirements of the Banking Regulations 2000 issued by the RBZ.


                                      INFLATION ADJUSTED                             HISTORICAL
                                                            Restated      Restated
                              Unaudited      Unaudited     Unaudited     Unaudited      Unaudited        Audited
                               6 months       6 months          Year      6 months       6 months           Year
                                  ended          ended         ended         ended          ended          ended
                                30 June        30 June        31 Dec       30 June        30 June         31 Dec
                                   2005           2004          2004          2005           2004           2004
                             Z$ million     Z$ million    Z$ million    Z$ million     Z$ million     Z$ million

Gains less losses from           24 067         58 553       147 775        18 581         18 207         56 212
investing  securities
(Loss)/ gain from marking         (488)        (8 397)           466         (488)        (3 177)            265
to market
                            -----------    -----------  ------------  ------------   ------------  -------------
                                 23 579         50 156       148 241        18 093         15 030         56 477
                                 ======        =======       =======       =======        =======        =======


RBZ liquidity support             72 628                -        94 948        53 549               -        50 758
Trading activities                29 622          208 267       279 870        22 966          67 181        97 645
Capitalised interest                   -                -       (5 083)             -               -       (1 749)
                            ------------     ------------  ------------  ------------    ------------  ------------
                                 102 250          208 267       369 725        76 515          67 181       146 654
                                 =======          =======       =======       =======         =======        ======

The balance outstanding in respect of the temporary liquidity support is shown
under note 11.


for the six months ended 30 June 2005


                                       INFLATION ADJUSTED                            HISTORICAL
                                                Restated    Restated
                                 Unaudited     Unaudited   Unaudited      Unaudited      Unaudited       Audited
                                  6 months      6 months        Year       6 months       6 months          Year
                                     ended         ended       ended          ended          ended         ended
                                   30 June       30 June      31 Dec        30 June        30 June        31 Dec
                                      2005          2004        2004           2005           2004          2004
                                Z$ million    Z$ million  Z$ million     Z$ million     Z$ million    Z$ million

Gains less losses from                   -           661       (677)              -            211            18
quoted and other investments
Net commission and fee              13 568         7 501      69 845         10 292          2 648        18 524
- Income                            13 568        10 393      69 845         10 292          3 330        18 524
- Expense                                -       (2 892)           -              -          (682)             -

Fair value adjustment on                 -         (809)     (4 394)              -              -           481
trade investment
Fair value adjustment on           (3 515)       (2 040)       2 584        (2 000)           (48)        23 040
investment properties
(Loss)/profit on disposal of           552           (5)     (2 638)          3 612            (1)         (294)
fixed assets
Other operating income               6 512        11 243       4 230            756          4 989           527
                              ------------  ------------ -----------   ------------   ------------  ------------
                                    17 117        16 551      68 950         12 660          7 799        42 296
                                   =======       =======      ======        =======        =======       =======

7.                  OPERATING EXPENDITURE

The operating profit is after
charging the following:
Administration costs                 26 092        59 126       78 617         20 228         17 129        33 366
Depreciation                         27 319         5 516       68 513          2 466          1 761         3 782
Staff costs                          31 348        48 655       89 355         23 597         14 694        35 484
                               ------------  ------------  -----------   ------------   ------------  ------------
                                     84 759       113 297      236 485         46 291         33 584        72 632
                                    =======       =======       ======        =======        =======       =======


for the six months ended 30 June 2005

8.                  taxation
                                      INFLATION ADJUSTED                            HISTORICAL
                                           Restated        Restated
                             Unaudited    Unaudited       Unaudited      Unaudited        Unaudited     Audited
                              6 months     6 months            Year       6 months         6 months        Year
                                 ended        ended           ended          ended            ended       ended
                               30 June      30 June          31 Dec        30 June          30 June      31 Dec
                                  2005         2004            2004           2005             2004        2004
                            Z$ million   Z$ million      Z$ million     Z$ million       Z$ million  Z$ million
       Tax Charge
Current taxation                     -       40 804           1 208              -           15 438         687
Prior year current tax               -            -             819              -                -         466
Aids levy                            -        3 309              25              -            1 252          14
Deferred tax charge /            6 369     (25 712)        (71 043)        (3 004)         (12 608)    (10 482)
                            ----------   ----------      ----------     ----------       ----------  ----------
                                 6 369       18 401        (68 991)        (3 004)            4 082     (9 315)
Financial institutions               -        2 574               -              -              974           -
Financial Institutions               -            -             141              -                -          80
levy - prior year under
                            ----------   ----------      ----------     ----------       ----------  ----------
                                 6 369       20 975        (68 850)        (3 004)            5 056     (9 235)
                                ======       ======          ======         ======           ======      ======

9.                  Earnings per share

      The calculation of earnings per share is based on the following figures:
                                               INFLATION ADJUSTED                          HISTORICAL
                                                      Restated     Restated
                                         Unaudited   Unaudited    Unaudited                 Unaudited        Audited
                                          6 months    6 months         Year     6 months     6 months           Year
                                             ended       ended        ended        ended        ended          ended
                                           30 June     30 June       31 Dec      30 June      30 June         31 Dec
                                              2005        2004         2004         2005         2004           2004
                                        Z$ million  Z$ million   Z$ million   Z$ million   Z$ million     Z$ million

9.1  (Losses)/earnings

Basic earnings                             (9 755)      13 689     (75 190)      (6 770)       14 667        (9 636)
Headline earnings(note 9.4)                (7 708)      13 694     (59 122)      (7 884)       14 668       (22 556)
9.2  Number of shares
Weighted average shares in issue       426 804 812 426 804 812  426 804 812  426 804 812  426 804 812    426 804 812
Diluted number of shares               431 722 412 427 162 412  431 722 412  431 722 412  427 162 412     43 722 412
9.3  (Loss)earnings per share
Basic                                      (2 286)       3 207     (17 617)      (1 586)        3 437        (2 258)
Headline                                   (1 806)       3 208     (13 852)      (1 847)        3 437        (5 285)
Diluted basic                              (2 260)       3 205     (17 416)      (1 568)        3 434        (2 232)
Diluted headline                           (1 785)       3 206     (13 694)      (1 826)        3 434        (5 225)
9.4  Headline Earnings
(Loss)/profit attributable to              (9 755)      13 689     (75 190)      (6 770)       14 667        (9 636)
Deduct non-recurring items:
Loss/(profit) on disposal of                 (552)           5        2 638      (3 612)            1            294
property and equipment
Fair value adjustment on investment          3 515           -      (2 584)        2 000            -       (23 040)
 Fair value adjustment on trade                  -           -        4 394            -            -          (481)
Loss on disposal of CST                          -           -       18 805            -            -          4 530
Tax effect                                   (916)           -      (7 185)          498            -          5 777
                                     ------------- ----------- ------------ ------------ ------------ --------------
                                           (7 708)      13 694     (59 122)      (7 884)       14 668       (22 556)
                                          ========     =======      =======      =======      =======       ========


for the six months ended 30 June 2005


10.1     Authorised

The authorised ordinary share capital at 30 June 2005 is at the historical cost
of Z$140 million (December 2004 - Z$140 million) comprising 560 million ordinary
(December 2004 - 560 million) shares of Z$0.25 each.

10.2     Issued Fully Paid

The issued share capital at 30 June 2005 is at the historical cost of Z$107
million (December 2004 - Z$107 million) comprising 427 million (December 2004 -
427 million) ordinary shares of Z$0.25 each.

The inflation adjusted issued share capital at 30 June 2005 amounted to Z$76 378
million after taking into account the effect of IAS29 of Z$76 271 million.

10.3     Capital Reserves

                                     INFLATION ADJUSTED                             HISTORICAL
                                            Restated       Restated
                             Unaudited     Unaudited      Unaudited     Unaudited    Unaudited         Audited
                               30 June       30 June         31 Dec       30 June      30 June          31 Dec
                                  2005          2004           2004          2005         2004            2004
                            Z$ million    Z$ million     Z$ million    Z$ million   Z$ million      Z$ million

Statutory reserve fund           9 692         9 692          9 692            23           23              23
Share premium                  182 475       129 776        182 475        24 907          580          24 907
Capital redemption              14 666        14 666         14 666            27           27              27
Other                            1 174           413          1 174           291           53             291
                           -----------  ------------   ------------  ------------   ----------     -----------
                               208 007       154 547        208 007        25 248          683          25 248
                               =======       =======        =======       =======       ======         =======


for the six months ended 30 June 2005

11.              DepositS and other accounts

11.1     Deposits and other accounts by type

                                         INFLATION ADJUSTED                            HISTORICAL
                                                Restated        Restated
                               Unaudited       Unaudited       Unaudited    Unaudited    Unaudited      Audited
                                 30 June         30 June          31 Dec      30 June      30 June       31 Dec
                                    2005            2004            2004         2005         2004         2004
                              Z$ million      Z$ million      Z$ million   Z$ million   Z$ million   Z$ million
RBZ temporary liquidity              216               -         163 346          216            -       92 933
RBZ Productive sector             18 693               -         167 514       18 693            -       95 304
Deposits from other banks         30 874         528 251          41 049       30 874      199 859       23 354
Other money market deposits        1 530         108 859          27 536        1 530       41 186       15 666
Current and deposit              225 040         503 607         281 471      225 040      190 535      160 138
                              ----------      ----------      ----------   ----------    ---------    ---------
Total deposits                   276 353       1 140 717         680 916      276 353      431 580      387 395
Trade and other creditors        198 772         221 822         244 623      198 772       83 924      139 174
                              ----------      ----------      ----------   ----------    ---------    ---------
                                 475 125       1 362 539         925 539      475 125      515 504      526 569
Less: Financial liabilities     (87 961)       (698 348)        (77 002)     (87 961)    (264 327)     (43 809)
held for trade (note 12.1)
                             -----------      ----------     -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
                                 387 164         663 891         848 537      387 164      251 177      482 760
                                  ======          ======          ======       ======       ======       ======

11.2     Maturity analysis

                                         INFLATION ADJUSTED                             HISTORICAL
                                                 Restated       Restated
                               Unaudited        Unaudited      Unaudited      Unaudited    Unaudited      Audited
                                 30 June          30 June         31 Dec        30 June      30 June       31 Dec
                                    2005             2004           2004           2005         2004         2004
                              Z$ million       Z$ million     Z$ million     Z$ million   Z$ million   Z$ million
Withdrawals on demand            254 595          645 135        283 711        254 595      244 081      161 412
Maturing within one month         18 693          467 533         35 561         18 693      176 887       20 232
Maturing after one month           3 065            7 816        271 083          3 065        2 957      154 228
but within 6 months
Maturing after 6 months but            -           20 233         90 561              -        7 655       51 523
within 12 months
                              ----------    -------------     ----------     ----------   ----------   ----------
                                 276 353        1 140 717        680 916        276 353      431 580      387 395
                                  ======         ========         ======         ======       ======       ======


for the six months ended 30 June 2005

11.3     Sectoral analysis of deposits

                                                                 INFLATION ADJUSTED
                                                                    Restated                  Restated
                                         Unaudited                 Unaudited                 Unaudited
                                           30 June                   30 June                     31Dec
                                              2005                      2004                      2004
                                        Z$ million          %     Z$ million            %   Z$ million          %
Banks and other financial                   24 304          9        528 251           46      162 452         24
Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe                    18 909          7              -            -      330 860         48
Telecommunications companies                 7 834          3          6 275            1           39          -
Industrial companies                       121 385         44        137 743           12       32 220          5
Agriculture                                  3 765          1              -            -            -          -
Other deposits                              76 330         28        448 640           39      147 093         22
Municipalities and parastatals                 549          -         19 525            2          346          -
Mining Companies                            23 277          8            283            -        7 906          1
                                     ------------- ----------  -------------  -----------  ----------- ----------
                                           276 353        100      1 140 717          100      680 916        100
                                           =======      =====       ========       ======       ======     ======

11.4         Sectoral analysis of deposits

                                         Unaudited                 Unaudited                     Audited
                                           30 June                   30 June                      31 Dec
                                              2005                      2004                        2004
                                        Z$ million          %     Z$ million            %     Z$ million          %
Banks and other financial                   24 304          9        199 859           46         92 424         24
Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe                    18 909          7              -            -        188 237         48
Telecommunications companies                 7 834          3          2 374            1             22          -
Industrial companies                       121 385         44         52 114           12         18 331          5
Agriculture                                  3 765          1              -            -              -          -
Other deposits                              76 330         28        169 739           39         83 686         22
Municipalities and parastatals                 549          -          7 387            2            197          -
Mining Companies                            23 277          8            107            -          4 498          1
                                     ------------- ----------  -------------  -----------    ----------- ----------
                                           276 353        100        431 580          100        387 395        100
                                           =======      =====       ========       ======         ======     ======

14% of total deposits are secured as at 30 June 2005 (28% - 31 December 2004)


for the six months ended 30 June 2005


12.1    Financial liabilities held for trading

                                          INFLATION ADJUSTED                           HISTORICAL
                                                  Restated     Restated
                                   Unaudited     Unaudited    Unaudited      Unaudited    Unaudited      Audited
                                     30 June      30 June        31 Dec        30 June      30 June       31 Dec
                                        2005          2004         2004           2005         2004         2004
                                  Z$ million    Z$ million   Z$ million     Z$ million   Z$ million   Z$ million

Fixed term deposits                   53 812             -       21 800         53 812            -       12 403
Liabilities discounted                13 891       572 259       29 995         13 891      216 509       17 065
Negotiable certificate of             20 258       126 389       25 207         20 258       47 818       14 341
                                ------------  ------------  -----------   ------------    ---------   ----------
                                      87 961       698 648       77 002         87 961      264 327       43 809
                                     =======       =======      =======        =======       ======       ======

12.2     Financial assets held for trading

Government and public              28 117       375 846        16 721        28 117       142 198         9 513
sector securities
Bills receivable                   15 793       114 690        26 360        15 793        43 392        14 997
                             ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
                                   43 910       490 536        43 081        43 910       185 590        24 510
                                  =======       =======       =======       =======       =======       =======

12.3          Financial liabilities held for trading

Demand to 3 months                 87 858         672 158       76 248       87 858          254 305       43 380
3 months to 1 year                    103              58          754          103               22          429
1 year to 5 years                       -          26 432            -            -           10 000            -
                               ----------      ----------   ----------   ----------       ----------   ----------
                                   87 961         698 648       77 002       87 961          264 327       43 809
                                   ======          ======       ======       ======           ======       ======


for the six months ended 30 June 2005

12.4          Financial assets held for trading

                                     INFLATION ADJUSTED                              HISTORICAL
                                            Restated        Restated
                           Unaudited       Unaudited       Unaudited     Unaudited     Unaudited         Audited
                              30June         30 June          31 Dec       30 June       30 June          31 Dec
                                2005            2004            2004          2005          2004            2004
                          Z$ million      Z$ million      Z$ million    Z$ million    Z$ million      Z$ million
Demand to 3 months            32 101         332 967          20 858        32 101       125 975          11 867
3 months to 1 year            11 809          46 455          13 434        11 809        17 576           7 643
1 year to 5 years                  -         111 114           8 789             -        42 039           5 000
                          ----------      ----------        --------    ----------      --------        --------
                              43 910         490 536          43 081        43 910       185 590          24 510
                              ======          ======           =====        ======         =====           =====


            Balances with Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe

Statutory reserve             54 007          209 747          132 260       54 007       79 356          75 247

13.1            Balances with other banks and cash

Current, nostro              70 839          234 511           84 850         70 839       88 725          48 274
accounts and cash
                        -----------      -----------      -----------   ------------  -----------     -----------
                            124 846          444 258          217 110        124 846      168 081         123 521
                        -----------      -----------      -----------    -----------  -----------     -----------

13.2            Other

Government and public         28 117          375 846           16 721        28 117      142 198           9 513
sector securities
Bills receivable              15 793          114 690           26 360        15 793       43 392          14 997
                          ----------       ----------      -----------   -----------   ----------       ---------
                              43 910          490 536           43 081        43 910      185 590          24 510
                          ----------       ----------      -----------   -----------   ----------        --------
Total cash and cash          168 756          934 794          260 191       168 756      353 671         148 031
                              ======           ======            =====        ======        =====           =====


for the six months ended 30 June 2005

14.         Advances and other accounts

14.1    Advances and other accounts

                                         INFLATION ADJUSTED                            HISTORICAL
                                              Restated         Restated
                               Unaudited     Unaudited        Unaudited     Unaudited     Unaudited      Audited
                                 30 June       30 June            31Dec        30June        30June        31Dec
                                    2005          2004             2004          2005          2004         2004
                              Z$ million    Z$ million       Z$ million    Z$ million    Z$ million   Z$ million
14.1.1 Total advances and
   other accounts
Fixed term loans                  10 091       336 768          186 511        10 091       127 413      106 112
Local loans and overdrafts       128 878        68 251          304 854       128 878        25 822      173 441
Other accounts                   109 443        61 283           87 859       109 443        23 186       49 986
                             -----------  ------------  ---------------  ------------  ------------  -----------
                                 248 412       466 302          579 224       248 412       176 421      329 539
                                 =======       =======        =========       =======       =======      =======

14.1.2   Maturity analysis

Demand to 3 months                  181 245      135 026           295 044       181 245        51 086      167 860
3 months to 1 year                   16 484      346 299           186 476        16 484       131 019      106 092
1 year to 5 years                         -        5 486           138 353             -         2 075       78 713
Over 5 years                              -       17 230                 -             -         6 519            -
                               ------------  -----------   ---------------  ------------  ------------  -----------
Total advances                      197 729      504 041           619 873       197 729       190 699      352 665
Specific and general doubtful      (46 129)     (41 711)          (78 470)      (46 129)      (15 781)     (44 644)
debt provisions
Suspended interest                 (12 631)     (57 311)          (50 038)      (12 631)      (21 683)     (28 468)
                                -----------  -----------      ------------  ------------   -----------  -----------
                                    138 969      405 019           491 365       138 969       153 235      279 553
Other accounts                      109 443       61 283            87 859       109 443        23 186       49 986
                                -----------  -----------      ------------  ------------   -----------  -----------
Total                               248 412      466 302           579 224       248 412       176 421      329 539
                                    =======      =======           =======       =======       =======      =======


for the six months ended 30 June 2005

14.2          Sectoral analysis of utilizations

                                                              INFLATION ADJUSTED
                                                                Restated                 Restated

                                       Unaudited               Unaudited                Unaudited
                                         30 June                 30 June                   31 Dec
                                            2005                    2004                     2004
                                      Z$ million         %    Z$ million          %    Z$ million           %

Industrials                              100 110        47       356 351         58       299 758          47
Agriculture and horticulture              35 753        17        76 098         12        80 481          12
Conglomerates                              9 843         5        28 710          5        25 597           4
Services                                   7 307         3        44 111          7        12 843           2
Mining                                    17 209         8        51 573          8        30 248           5
Food & beverages                          12 985         6        62 552         10        22 823           3
Other                                     28 460        14           163          -       172 397          27
                                     -----------  --------   -----------  ---------   -----------  ----------
                                         211 667       100       619 558        100       644 147         100
                                         =======     =====       =======      =====        ======      ======

The above sectoral analysis comprises advances of Z$197 729 million (December
2004 - Z$619 873 million) and customers' indebtedness for acceptances of Z$13
938 million (December 2004 - Z$24 274 million).

            Sectoral analysis of utilisations

                                   Unaudited                  Unaudited                    Audited
                                     30 June                    30 June                     31 Dec
                                        2005                       2004                       2004
                                  Z$ million            %    Z$ million            %    Z$ million             %
Industrials                          100 110           47       134 822           58       170 541            47
Agriculture and horticulture          35 753           17        28 791           12        45 788            12
Conglomerates                          9 843            5        10 862            5        14 563             4
Services                               7 307            3        16 689            7         7 307             2
Mining                                17 209            8        19 512            8        17 209             5
Food & beverages                      12 985            6        23 666           10        12 985             3
Other                                 28 460           14            62            -        98 082            27
                                  ----------  -----------  ------------  -----------  ------------  ------------
                                     211 667          100       234 404          100       366 475           100
                                      ======      =======       =======       ======       =======       =======

The above sectoral analysis comprises advances of Z$197 729 million (December
2004 - Z$352 665 million) and customers' indebtedness for acceptances of Z$13
938 million (December 2004 - Z$13 810 million).

14.4    Risk concentrations

The material concentration of loans and advances are in the industrial sector
47% (2004 - 58%).


for the six months ended 30 June 2005

14.5    Provisions for doubtful debts

                                                           INFLATION ADJUSTED
                                           Unaudited                                   Unaudited
                                           June 2005                               Restated Dec 2004
                                Specific         General          Total     Specific        General        Total
                              Z$ million      Z$ million     Z$ million   Z$ million     Z$ million   Z$ million
At 1 January                      68 752           9 718         78 470       22 910         12 931       35 841
Charge against profits             4 571         (1 577)          2 994       62 672          4 162       66 834
Bad debts written off            (1 509)               -        (1 509)      (3 763)              -      (3 763)
Monetary adjustment             (29 637)         (4 189)       (33 826)     (13 067)        (7 375)     (20 442)
                            ------------     -----------  ------------- ------------  ------------- ------------
At 30 June                        42 177           3 952         46 129       68 752          9 718       78 470
                                 =======          ======        =======      =======        =======      =======

14.6          Provisions for doubtful debts

                                            Unaudited                                    Audited
                                            June 2005                                   Dec 2004
                                Specific          General          Total      Specific     General         Total
                              Z$ million       Z$ million     Z$ million    Z$ million  Z$ million    Z$ million

At 1 January                      39 115            5 529         44 644         5 600       3 161         8 761
Charge against profits             4 571          (1 577)          2 994        35 656       2 368        38 024
Bad debts written off            (1 509)               -         (1 509)       (2 141)           -         (2 141)
                            ------------      -----------  -------------  ------------ -----------  ------------
At 30 June                        42 177            3 952         46 129        39 115       5 529        44 644
                                 =======           ======        =======       =======     =======       =======

14.7          Non performing loans and advances

                                        INFLATION ADJUSTED                            HISTORICAL

                                                 Restated     Restated
                                 Unaudited      Unaudited    Unaudited      Unaudited    Unaudited      Audited
                                      June           June          Dec           June         June          Dec
                                      2005           2004         2004           2005         2004         2004
                                Z$ million     Z$ million   Z$ million     Z$ million   Z$ million   Z$ million

Total non performing loans          61 010         89 639      135 165         61 010       33 914       76 899
and advances
Specific provision for             (42 177)       (24 991)     (68 752)       (42 177)      (9 455)     (39 115)
doubtful debts
Interest in suspense               (12 931)     (57 311)     (50 038)       (12 631)     (21 683)     (28 468)

                             -------------  -------------  -----------  ------------- ------------ ------------
                                     6 202          7 337       16 375          6 202        2 776        9 316
                                   =======        =======       ======        =======      =======       ======

            The residue on these accounts represents recoverable portions
covered by realisable security.


for the six months ended 30 June 2005

14.8             Credit to insiders

            Exposures to insiders are being pro-actively managed under our
recoveries section.

15.              TRADE INVESTMENT

                                        INFLATION ADJUSTED                             HISTORICAL

                                                 Restated      Restated
                                  Unaudited     Unaudited     Unaudited    Unaudited      Unaudited       Audited
                                       June          June           Dec         June           June           Dec
                                       2005          2004          2004         2005           2004          2004
                                 Z$ million    Z$ million    Z$ million   Z$ million     Z$ million    Z$ million

Takura Ventures (Private)               851           282           851          484              3           484
Other                                    79         4 232            79           45             45            45
                             -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ -------------- -------------
                                        930         4 514           930          529             48           529
                                   ========      ========      ========     ========       ========      ========


Quoted investments                    945          1 441            955           537             545            543
Unquoted investments                  717          1 078            717           408             408            408
                           --------------  -------------  -------------  ------------  --------------  -------------
                                    1 662          2 519          1 672           945             953            951
                                 ========       ========       ========      ========        ========       ========


Cost                              466 739        366 495        483 380        31 146          47 878         31 777
Accumulated depreciation        (293 197)       (61 085)      (275 589)       (8 396)         (7 980)        (5 263)
                           --------------  -------------  -------------  ------------  --------------  -------------
Net book value                    173 542        305 410        207 791        22 750          39 898         26 514
                                 ========       ========       ========      ========        ========       ========


Contingent liabilities as at 30 June 2005 amounted to Z$12 771 million (31
December 2004 - Z$11 780 million).


The following exchange rates have been used to translate the foreign balances to
Zimbabwe dollars at period end:-

                                    30 June      30 June      31 Dec
                                       2005         2004       2004
                                 Z$ million   Z$ million      Z$ million

  British sterling             GBP1.00 17 997.24    9 660.59     11 846.34

  United States Dollar         USD1.00 9 879.84     5 347.98      6 200.00


for the six months ended 30 June 2005


                                         INFLATION ADJUSTED                             HISTORICAL
                                                 Restated      Restated
                                  Unaudited     Unaudited     Unaudited      Unaudited      Unaudited       Audited
                                   6 months      6 months          Year       6 months       6 months          Year
                                      ended         ended         ended          ended          ended         ended
                                    30 June       30 June        31 Dec        30 June        30 June        31 Dec
                                       2005          2004          2004           2005           2004          2004
                         Note    Z$ million    Z$ million    Z$ million     Z$ million     Z$ million    Z$ million

Interest from lending                99 479       316 738       416 224         77 163        103 713       151 206

Interest from investing     a        23 579        50 156       148 243         18 093         15 030        56 475
                               ------------ ------------- -------------  -------------   ------------ -------------
                                    123 058       366 894       564 467         95 256        118 743       207 681

Interest expense                       (102     (208 267)     (369 735)       (76 515)       (67 181)     (146 654)
                              -------------  ------------  ------------  -------------  -------------  ------------
Net interest income                  20 808       158 627       194 732         18 741         51 562        61 027

Non-interest income         b        18 809         9 132        45 438         14 354          3 079        35 064

Net foreign exchange                  9 369        17 497      (12 919)          8 110          5 415       (7 010)
                              -------------  ------------   ----------- --------------   ------------  ------------

Net operating income                 48 986       185 256       227 251         41 205         60 056        89 081

Operating expenditure       c           (84     (113 223)     (235 694)       (46 262)       (33 552)      (72 462)

Charge for bad and                  (2 994)      (18 555)      (66 834)        (2 994)        (7 020)      (38 024)
doubtful debts
Gain/(loss) on net                   37 365      (10 599)      (65 846)              -              -             -
monetary position
                               ------------ -------------  ------------   ------------ --------------  ------------

(Loss)/profit before                (1 066)        42 879     (141 123)        (8 051)         19 484      (21 405)
Taxation                            (6 369)      (18 401)        69 581          3 004        (4 082)         9 651
Financial institution                     -       (2 574)         (141)              -          (974)          (80)
                               ------------ -------------  ------------   ------------   ------------  ------------
(Loss)/ profit                      (7 435)        21 904      (71 683)        (5 047)         14 428      (11 834)
attributable to
ordinary shareholders

                                     ======       =======       =======       ========        =======        ======
(Loss)/earnings per
share (cents)

Basic                       d      (47 968)       141 316     (462 471)       (32 561)         93 084      (76 348)

Headline                    d      (50 426)       141 348     (448 748)       (48 665)         93 090     (169 065)


for the six months ended 30 June 2005

                                             INFLATION ADJUSTED                           HISTORICAL
                                                    Restated      Restated
                                      Unaudited    Unaudited     Unaudited     Unaudited     Unaudited      Audited
                                        30 June      30 June        31 Dec       30 June       30 June       31 Dec
                                           2005         2004          2004          2005          2004         2004
                             Note    Z$ million   Z$ million    Z$ million    Z$ million    Z$ million   Z$ million

Share capital                   e        35 913       35 909        35 913            31            30           31

Capital reserves                        234 094      180 634       234 094        25 208           643       25 208

Revenue reserves                      (154 346)        (621)     (146 911)      (20 181)        35 456     (15 134)
                                    -----------   ----------   -----------     ---------     ---------   ----------
Total shareholder's funds               115 661      215 922       123 096         5 058        36 129       10 105

Deposits and other                      385 296      658 497       845 864       385 296       249 136      481 239
Financial liabilities held               87 961      697 672        76 354        87 961       263 958       43 440
for trading
Amount owing to holding                      40          106            70            40            40           40
Provision for current                   (3 335)       47 013         2 331       (3 335)        17 787        1 326
Acceptances                              13 938      115 517        24 274        13 938        43 705       13 810
Deferred taxation                        52 359       75 680        45 991           229         1 400        3 233
                                   ------------ ------------  ------------    ----------  ------------  -----------
                                        651 920    1 810 407     1 117 980       489 187       612 155      553 193
                                        =======      =======       =======        ======       =======       ======
Balances with banks and         f       124 214      442 588       216 001       124 214       167 449      122 890
Financial assets held for       f        43 910      490 536        43 081        43 910       185 590       24 510
Advances and other                      248 455      464 851       579 298       248 455       175 872      329 581
Customers' indebtedness                  13 938      115 517        24 274        13 938        43 705       13 810
for acceptances
Quoted and other                g             6           16            16             3             6            9
Investment properties           h        63 628            -        63 628        36 200             -       36 200
Property and equipment          i       157 769      296 899       191 682        22 467        39 533       26 193
                                   ------------ ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  -----------
                                        651 920    1 810 407     1 117 980       489 187       612 155      553 193
                                        =======      =======       =======       =======       =======      =======


for the six months ended 30 June 2005


                                                Capital Reserves                                Revenue
                                   Share         Share        Statutory                     Accumulated
                                 Capital       Premium          Reserve          Other    Profit/(loss)         Total
Restated                      Z$ million    Z$ million       Z$ million     Z$ million       Z$ million    Z$ million

Balances at 1 January             35 909       159 169           21 465              -           12 966       229 509
2004 - as previously
Prior year restatements                -             -                -              -         (28 511)      (28 511)
                              ----------   -----------       ----------     ----------      -----------  ------------
   Balances at 1 January          35 909       159 169           21 465              -         (15 545)       200 998
2004 - restated
  Net profit for the six               -             -                -              -           21 904        21 904
months ended 30 June 2004
Dividends                              -             -                -                        (6 980)        (6 980)
                            ------------   -----------     ------------  -------------     ------------  ------------
Balances at 30 June 2004          35 909       159 169           21 465              -            (621)       215 922
                           -------------   -----------     ------------  -------------     ------------  ------------
Net loss for the six                   -             -                -              -         (93 587)      (93 587)
months ended 31 December
Revaluation of property                -             -                -            761                -           761

Shares Issued                          4        52 699                -           -            (52 703)             -
                             -----------   -----------     ------------ --------------     ------------  ------------
Balances at 31 December           35 913       211 868           21 465            761        (146 911)       123 096
                            ------------   -----------     ------------ --------------     ------------  ------------
Net loss for the six                   -             -                -              -          (7 435)       (7 435)
months    ended 30 June
                             -----------  ------------     ------------ --------------     ------------  ------------
Balances at 30 June 2005          35 913       211 868           21 465            761        (154 346)       115 661
                                 =======       =======          =======       ========          =======       =======


for the six months ended 30 June 2005


                                                 Capital Reserves                             Revenue
                                     Share         Share     Statutory                    Accumulated
                                   Capital       Premium       Reserve           Other  Profit/(loss)           Total
                                Z$ million    Z$ million    Z$ million      Z$ million     Z$ million      Z$ million

Balances at 1 January 2004              30           620            23               -         23 205          23 878

Net profit for the six                   -             -             -               -         14 428          14 428
months ended 30 June 2004
Dividends                                -             -             -               -        (2 177)         (2 177)
                              ------------   -----------  ------------       ---------   ------------  --------------
Balances at 30 June 2004                30           620            23               -         35 456          36 129
                             -------------   -----------  ------------       ---------   ------------  --------------

Net loss for the six months              -             -             -               -       (26 262)        (26 262)
ended 31 December 2004
Revaluation of property                  -             -             -             238              -             238
Shares issued                            1        24 327             -               -       (24 328)               -
                              ------------   -----------  ------------       ---------   ------------   -------------
Balances at 31 December 2004            31        24 947            23             238       (15 134)          10 105
                             ------------- -----------   ------------  ---------       ------------   -------------

Net loss for the six months              -             -             -               -        (5 047)         (5 047)
ended 30 June 2005
                              ------------   -----------  ------------       ---------   ------------   -------------
Balances at 30 June 2005                31        24 947            23             238       (20 181)           5 058
                                   =======       =======       =======           =====        =======         =======


for the six months ended 30 June 2005


                                                  INFLATION ADJUSTED                             HISTORICAL
                                                          Restated      Restated
                                   Unaudited     Unaudited     Unaudited      Unaudited     Unaudited       Audited
                                    6 months      6 months          Year       6 months      6 months          Year
                                       ended         ended         ended          ended         ended         ended
                                     30 June       30 June        31 Dec        30 June       30 June        31 Dec
                                        2005          2004          2004           2005          2004          2004
 ACTIVITIES                        Z$ million    Z$ million    Z$ million     Z$ million    Z$ million    Z$ million

(Loss) /profit before taxation 
 and monetary adjustment             (38 431)        53 478      (75 277)        (8 051)        19 484      (21 405)

Non-cash items
    Loss/ (profit) on disposal of
property and equipment                  (552)             5         2 638        (3 612)             1           294

    Depreciation                      26 983         5 516        67 794          2 428         1 761         3 686
    Property and equipment 
    write-off                          2 328             -         3 844            884             -           365
    Investment properties fair value      -             -           441              -             -      (21 092)
    Charge for bad and doubtful debts  2 994        18 555        66 834          2 994         7 020        38 024
    Monetary adjustment on amount          -          (58)          (93)              -             -             -
owing to Holding      Company
   Gain /(loss) on net monetary       37 365      (10 599)      (65 846)              -             -             -
                               ------------- ------------- -------------  ------------- ------------- -------------
Operating cash flows before 
changes in operating assets 
and liabilities                      30 687        66 897           335        (5 357)        28 266         (128)
Changes in operating assets and

Financial liabilities held for 
  trading                            11 607       425 394     (195 918)         44 521       197 403      (23 115)

Deposits and other accounts        (460 568)      (50 473)       136 907       (95 943)        75 837       307 940

Advances and other accounts         327 849       136 163      (26 574)         78 132      (31 446)     (216 159)
Financial assets held for trading         -        10 607        10 607              -         2 593         2 593
                             ------------- ------------- -------------  ------------- ------------- -------------
                                    (90 425)       588 588      (74 643)         21 353       272 653        71 131
Corporate tax paid                   (5 699)       (8 934)       (8 172)        (4 661)       (2 140)       (2 141)
                              ------------- ------------- -------------  ------------- -------------

Net cash inflow/ (outflows) 
from                                (96 124)       579 654      (82 815)         16 692       270 513        68 990
operating activities
Proceeds on disposal of property 
and equipment                         7 059            58           884          5 320            22           308

Purchase of property and equipment   (1 903)      (38 806)      (53 463)        (1 294)      (12 896)      (17 296)
Proceeds from disposal of quoted 
and other investmentsN                   10           209           211              6            49            47

                              ------------- ------------- -------------  ------------- ------------- -------------
Net cash inflows/ (outflows) 
from investing activities             5 166      (38 539)      (52 368)          4 032      (12 825)      (16 941)

                             ------------- ------------- -------------  ------------- -------------

Net cash inflow/ (outflows) 
before                             (90 958)       541 115     (135 183)         20 724       257 688        52 049
financing activities

                             ------------- ------------- -------------  ------------- -------------  ------------

Dividends paid                          -       (6 980)       (4 716)              -       (2 177)       (2 177)
                            ------------- ------------- -------------  ------------- ------------- -------------

                                       -       (6 980)       (4 716)              -       (2 177)       (2 177)
                            ------------- -------------  ------------ -------------- -------------  ------------
Net increase/ (decrease) in 
cash and                          (90 958)       534 135     (139 899)         20 724       255 511        49 872
cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents at 
beginning                          259 082       398 989       398 981        147 400        97 528        97 528
of the period
                             ------------- ------------- -------------  ------------- -------------
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS          168 124       933 124       259 082        168 124       353 039       147 400
  AT END OF PERIOD               ========      ========      ========       ========      ========      ========


for the six months ended 30 June 2005


                                            INFLATION ADJUSTED                           HISTORICAL
                                                 Restated    Restated
                                       Unaudited   Unaudited    Unaudited     Unaudited     Unaudited       Audited
                                        6 months    6 months         Year      6 months      6 months          Year
                                           ended       ended        ended         ended         ended         ended
                                         30 June     30 June       31 Dec       30 June       30 June        31 Dec
                                            2005        2004         2004          2005          2004          2004
                                      Z$ million  Z$ million   Z$ million    Z$ million    Z$ million    Z$ million

Gains less losses from investing          24 067      58 553      147 777        18 581        18 207        56 210
(Loss)/ gain from marking to               (488)     (8 397)          466         (488)       (3 177)           265
                                     ----------- ----------- ------------  ------------  ------------ -------------
                                          23 579      50 156      148 243        18 093        15 030        56 477
                                          ======     =======      =======       =======       =======       =======

Investment property fair value             -            -           (441)              -            -        21 092
Net commission and fee income         13 568        7 501          44 963         10 292        2 648        13 721
Gains less losses from quoted              -          661           (677)              -          211            18
and other investments
Profit/(loss) on disposal of             552          (5)         (2 638)          3 612          (1)         (294)
fixed assets
Other operating income                 4 689          975           4 231            450          221           527
                                 -----------  -----------    ------------    -----------  -----------  ------------
                                      18 809        9 132          45 438         14 354        3 079        35 064
                                     =======      =======         =======        =======      =======       =======


The operating profit is after
charging the following:
Administration costs                 26 092       59 052          78 545         20 237      16 728         33 292
Depreciation                         26 983        5 516          67 794          2 428       1 761          3 686
Staff costs                          31 348       48 655          89 355         23 597      15 063         35 484
                                 ----------   ----------     -----------     ----------  ----------     ----------
                                     84 423      113 223         235 694         46 262      33 552         72 462
                                     ======       ======         =======         ======      ======         ======


for the six months ended 30 June 2005

d.                    EARNINGS PER SHARE

        The calculation of earnings per share is based on the following

d.1           (Losses)/earnings

                                              INFLATION ADJUSTED                         HISTORICAL
                                                     Restated     Restated
                                       Unaudited    Unaudited    Unaudited                  Unaudited     Audited
                                        6 months     6 months         Year     6 months      6 months        Year
                                           ended        ended        ended        ended         ended       ended
                                         30 June      30 June       31 Dec      30 June       30 June      31 Dec
                                            2005         2004         2004         2005          2004        2004
                                      Z$ million   Z$ million   Z$ million   Z$ million    Z$ million  Z$ million

Basic                                    (7 435)       21 904     (71 683)      (5 047)        14 428    (11 834)

Headline                                 (7 816)       21 909     (69 556)      (7 543)        14 429    (26 205)

d.2   Number of shares

Weighted average shares in issue            15.5        15.5          15.5        15.5         15.5          15.5

d.3   (Loss)/earnings per
share (cents)

Basic                                   (47 968)     141 316     (462 471)    (32 561)       93 084      (76 348)

Headline                                (50 426)     141 348 (448 748)        (48 665)       93 090     (169 065)

d.4 Headline earnings per share
The adjustments are as follows:
(Loss)/profit attributable to            (7 435)      21 904      (71 683)     (5 047)       14 428      (11 834)
Deduct non-recurring items:
 Profit on disposal of property and        (552)           5         2 638     (3 612)            1           294
Fair value adjustment on investment            -           -           441           -            -      (21 092)
Tax effect                                   171           -         (952)       1 116            -         6 427
                                      ----------    --------     ---------   ---------   ----------   -----------
                                         (7 816)      21 909        69 556     (7 543)       14 429        26 205
                                          ======       =====         =====       =====       ======        ======


for the six months ended 30 June 2005

e.         SHARE CAPITAL

e.1              Authorised

The authorised ordinary share capital at 30 June 2005 is at the historical cost
figure of Z$50 million (December 2004 - Z$50 million) comprising 25 million
(December 2004 - 25 million) ordinary shares of Z$2.00 each.

e.2              Issued and fully paid

The issued share capital at 30 June 2005 is at the historical cost figure of
Z$31 million (2004 - Z$30 million) comprising 15.5 million (2004 - 15 million)
ordinary shares of Z$2.00 each.

f.                    CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS

                                       INFLATION ADJUSTED                               HISTORICAL
                                               Restated       Restated
                               Unaudited      Unaudited      Unaudited       Unaudited       Unaudited       Audited
                                6 months       6 months           Year        6 months        6 months          Year
                                   ended          ended          ended           ended           ended         ended
                                 30 June        30 June         31 Dec         30 June         30 June        31 Dec
                                    2005           2004           2004            2005            2004          2004
f.1 Balances with banks       Z$ million     Z$ million     Z$ million      Z$ million      Z$ million    Z$ million
and cash

Balances with Central Bank        54 007        209 747        132 260          54 007          79 356        75 247

Curent, nostro accounts &         70 207        232 841         83 741          70 207          88 093        47 643

                             -----------  ------------- -------------- --------------- ---------------  ------------

                                 124 214        442 588        216 001         124 214         167 449       122 890

f.2 Financial assets held
for trading

Government and public             28 117        275 846         16 721          28 117         142 198         9 513
sector securities

Bills receivable                  15 793        114 690         26 360          15 793          43 392        14 997

                           ------------- --------------  -------------   -------------   ------------- -------------

Total cash and cash              168 124        933 124        259 082         168 124         353 039       147 400

                                 =======       ========       ========        ========        ========      ========


for the six months ended 30 June 2005

g.                     QUOTED INVESTMENTS

         The quoted investments represent shares held by the Bank of Z$3 million
at historical cost (Z$9 million - December 2004) and Z$6 million in inflation
adjusted terms (Z$16 million - December 2004).

h.                  INVESTMENT PROPERTIES
                                           INFLATION ADJUSTED                          HISTORICAL
                                                                Restated       Restated
                                   Unaudited    Unaudited      Unaudited      Unaudited   Unaudited      Audited
                                    6 months     6 months           Year       6 months    6 months         Year
                                       ended        ended          ended          ended       ended        ended
                                     30 June      30 June         31 Dec        30 June     30 June       31 Dec
                                        2005         2004           2004           2005        2004         2004
                                  Z$ million   Z$ million     Z$ million     Z$ million  Z$ million   Z$ million

Borrowdale Estate property            31 638            -         31 638         18 000           -       18 000
Borrowdale Race course property       31 990            -         31 990         18 200           -       18 200
                                  ----------   ----------     ----------     ----------  ----------   ----------
                                      63 628            -         63 628         36 200           -       36 200
                                      ======       ======         ======         ======      ======       ======

h.1    Borrowdale Estate property

The investment property is in the Bank's subsidiary, Carey Farm (Private)
Limited.  The Bank's beneficial interest therein is 100%.  The subsidiary's only
asset is a certain piece of land situated in the District of Harare, called The
Remainder of Lot H of Borrowdale Estate measuring 89.2623 hectares (223.16
acres) in extent.  The beneficial interest in the subsidiary arose from
shareholding acquired in settlement of a debt owed to the Bank amounting to $10
008 million.  This acquisition is in compliance with Section 34 of the Banking
Act (Chapter 24:20).

The land was valued by an independent and professional valuer in December 2004.
The total value of the unencumbered freehold land was Z$18 000 million and has
been accounted for in investment properties.

h.2     Borrowdale Race course property

This investment property which is held by the Bank is Stand 19207 Harare
Township of Stand 19206 measuring 4.4506 hectares in extent.  The land was
valued by an independent and professional valuer in December 2004.  The total
value of the unencumbered freehold land was Z$18 200 million and has been
accounted for in investment properties.


for the six months ended 30 June 2005

i.                    PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT

                                         INFLATION ADJUSTED                           HISTORICAL
                                                             Restated Restated
                               Unaudited   Unaudited    Unaudited         Unaudited  Unaudited           Audited
                                   30 June      30 June        31 Dec        30 June      30 June         31 Dec
                                      2005         2004          2004           2005         2004           2004
                                Z$ million   Z$ million    Z$ million     Z$ million   Z$ million     Z$ million

Cost                               412 615      357 589       459 297         30 821       47 308         31 358
Accumulated depreciation         (254 846)     (60 690)     (267 615)        (8 354)      (7 775)        (5 165)
                               ----------- ------------  ------------   ------------  -----------   ------------
Net book value                     157 769      296 899       191 682         22 467       39 533         26 193
                                   =======      =======       =======        =======       ======        =======

j.                    CAPITAL ADEQUACY

                                                      Unaudited      Unaudited       Audited
                                                        30 June        30 June        31 Dec
                                                           2005           2004          2004
                                                     Z$ million     Z$ million    Z$ million

Share capital                                                31             30            31
Share premium                                            24 970            643        24 970
Retained earnings                                      (20 181)         35 456      (15 134)
                                                   ------------   ------------  ------------
                                                          4 820         36 129         9 867
Credit to insiders                                      (7 692)       (14 084)       (7 810)
                                                  -------------  -------------  ------------
Tier 1 capital                                          (2 872)         22 045         2 057

Tier 2 capital
Subordinated debt                                            40             40            40
Revaluation reserves                                        238              -           238
General provisions                                        3 140          4 931         3 614
                                                   ------------   ------------  ------------
Total capital base                                          546         27 016         5 949
                                                        =======        =======       =======

Total risk weighted assets                              367 866        322 650       437 358
                                                   ------------   ------------  ------------
Tier 1 Capital adequacy ratio                           (0.78%)          6.83%         0.47%

Total Capital adequacy ratio                              0.15%          8.37%         1.36%



M B Narotam

Email:   muneshn@nmbz.co.zw

Registered Offices
1st Floor                           NMB Centre
Unity Court                         George Silundika Avenue/
Cnr 1st Street/Kwame Nkrumah Avenue    Leopold Takawira Street
Harare              Bulawayo
Zimbabwe            Zimbabwe

Telephone        +263 4 759651            +263 9 70169
Facsimile        +263 4 759648            +263 9 68535

Website:           http://www.nmbz.co.zw

Email:               enquiries@nmbz.co.zw


KPMG Chartered Accountants (Zimbabwe)
Mutual Gardens
100 The Chase (West)
Emerald Hill

Transfer Secretaries
In Zimbabwe                            In UK
First Transfer Secretaries             Computershare Services PLC
4th Floor, Gold Bridge North           36 St Andrew Square
Eastgate Building                      Edinburgh
Cnr. Robert Mugabe/S Nujoma            EH2 2YB
P O Box 11                             UK



Legal Practitioners to the Company

In Zimbabwe                            In UK
Kantor and Immerman                    Dechert
MacDonald House                        2 Serjeants' Inn
10 Selous Avenue                       London EC4Y 1LT
Harare                                 UK

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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