RNS Number:2217Q
NMBZ Holdings Ld
31 August 2000

The issuer has made the following amendment to the Interim Results
announcement released today at 08:00 under RNS No 1731Q.

In the Chairman's Statement the 'Dividend Register Date' should read 
15 September 2000, and not 10 September 2000, as previously stated.

All other details remain unchanged.

The full corrected version is shown below.


                      NMBZ HOLDINGS LIMITED          
                       Holding company of
          NMB Bank Limited (registered Commercial Bank)
      (formerly National Merchant Bank of Zimbabwe Limited)
        Continental Securities Trading (Private) Limited
                       INFLATION ADJUSTED


*  Attributable  profits  up 1,669% to Z$214.1  million  (1999  -
   Z$12.1 million)

*  Historical attributable profits up 174% to Z$335.2 million  on
   previous  year's  historical attributable profits  of  Z$122.3

*  Headline earnings per share up 1,739% to 752.2 cents  (1999  -
   40.9 cents)

*  Non-interest  income  up 114% to Z$531.0  million  (1999  -
   Z$248.3 million)

*  Return on shareholders' funds up at 24.4% (1999 - 5.1%)

*  Dividend per share of 250.7 cents (1999 - 246.2 cents)

Mr Paddy Zhanda, Chairman, said:

"Having  reported  the  group's results  in  terms  of  inflation
accounting,  I  am  delighted that the results  for  the  interim
period  reflect good growth in attributable profits  both  on  an
inflation  adjusted basis and on a historical basis.   The  group
has   established  commercial  banking  branches  in  Harare  and
Bulawayo,  creating exciting new opportunities for the  group  to
diversify  its  products and enhance its position  as  a  leading
provider  of  banking  services.  I am confident  that  with  the
expanded services and continued focus on non-interest income  the
group will continue to deliver real growth".


NMBZ HOLDINGS LIMITED                   Tel:    +263-4-759 601/6
Dr Julius Makoni, Managing Director
James Mushore, Deputy Managing Director
Otto Chekeche, Finance Director

COLLEGE HILL - LONDON                   Tel:    +44-207-457 2020
Nicholas Williams/Corinna Dorward


The  end  of the first half 2000 could mark a watershed in Zimbabwe's
economic  fortunes.  The fundamental changes that took place  on  the
political  front present a new opportunity to implement a sustainable
economic  recovery  plan.   The recent devaluation  of  the  Zimbabwe
dollar,  release of 50% of the statutory reserves for  on-lending  to
exporters at concessionary interest rates as well as the retention of
25%  of  the export proceeds by gold producers are welcome indicators
of  the thrust to address problems facing the country's economy.  The
post election period has been calm.  However, more effort is required
to  restore  property  rights and a propitious  climate  for  foreign
investment and balanced growth.

The major macro-economic challenges facing the country are:

*    Forecast decline in GDP growth for 2000

*    Hyperinflation, high interest rates and poor fiscal policy

*    Weak Balance of Payments (BOP) position

*    Foreign currency shortages


Decline in GDP growth for 2000

Real GDP growth is forecast to decline by 1.3% in 2000 compared to an
estimated  decline  of 0.1% in 1999. The manufacturing  sector,  long
expected  to  spearhead  an  export-led economic  recovery  plan,  is
expected to decline in real terms by 11.0% in 2000 following a  10.0%
decline in 1999.  The de-industrialisation currently occurring in the
manufacturing sector epitomises problems in all other sectors of  the
economy  resulting from weak domestic demand, high input  costs,  the
continued  management  of  the  exchange  rate,  and  high   domestic
inflation which has made Zimbabwean exports very uncompetitive.

Zimbabwe's  economy is heavily dependent on the agricultural  sector.
The sector has suffered from the current hostile economic environment
and   the  absence  of  a  consensual  land  reform  programme  which
guarantees  the  integrity  of  property  rights  in  Zimbabwe.   The
disruption of agricultural activity through farm invasions is  likely
to  result in reduced productivity, food shortages, unemployment  and
loss of exports.

Hyperinflation, High Interest Rates and Poor Fiscal Policy

Interim  figures  on the national budget outturn  for  2000  indicate
continuing unbudgeted expenditure exacerbated by under-budget revenue
collection.   The substantial salary increases for the civil  service
awarded in January 2000 have imposed further pressures on the already
inappropriately skewed mix of government expenditure.

Inflation  remained high during the first half of the year driven  by
government's  recourse  to  domestic  bank  credit  to  finance   its
ballooning budget deficit. Inflation increased from 56.9% in December
1999 to 59.3% in June 2000. However the average rate of inflation was
54.5% for the six months to June 2000 compared to 58.5% for the  same
period  last year.  Inflation has also been driven by wage  increases
which were generally above the average rate of inflation.

Despite  the  tight monetary policy of the Reserve Bank  of  Zimbabwe
(RBZ)  the  economy continues to experience high monetary  growth,  a
deteriorating  balance of payments position, weak currency  and  high
interest  rates.  This has increased the cost of government debt,  in
addition to creating high levels of bad debts and low levels of  real
investment.   The disposal of state assets through privatisation  and
restructuring  should be speeded up in order to retire  part  of  the
government debt.

In  an  effort to address the high interest rates, the Bank rate  was
lowered  in August 2000 by 12 percentage points to 61.4% and  further
to  55.4% in line with the policy of maintaining the bank rate within
a  range  of  2 to 2.5 percentage points above the rate of inflation.
This is expected to provide a quick supply response, which would,  in
turn, stimulate economic activity.

Weak Balance of Payments (BOP) position

The BOP remained under pressure in the first half of the year against
a  background  of continued poor export performance  across  all  the
major  sectors,  coupled with reduced international capital  inflows.
Imports, which fell by 23.9% in 1998, and 17.1% in 1999 are likely to
fall  even  further  in 2000 owing to shortages of foreign  currency,
high tariffs, high interest rates and a depreciating currency.

The  outlook for the external sector appears promising following  the
exchange rate adjustment, which should boost exports and curtail non-
essential imports. The high inflation differentials between  Zimbabwe
and its trading partners will maintain pressure on the BOP position.

Shortages of Foreign Currency and the Management of the Exchange Rate

Foreign exchange remained critically short with importers queuing for
hard currency.  The energy sector which relies heavily on imports was
affected  most.  The RBZ introduced measures to assist  this  sector,
with authorised foreign exchange dealers required to withhold 25%  of
all export proceeds for use by the sector.

To  restore currency stability and a sustainable balance of  payments
position,  the exchange rate was adjusted from Z$38 to  Z$50  against
the  US$  in early August.  The exchange rate had been maintained  at
the  level  of  Z$38  to  the US$ for eighteen  months.   Whilst  the
devaluation may be considered as inadequate it may begin  to  restore
output growth through:

*    Improved trade balance and foreign exchange inflows arising from
     increased export earnings and a fall in the import bill.

*    Increased industrial capacity utilisation leading to GDP growth.

The  currency,  however, remains very fragile and fundamentally  weak
due  to  the rising external debt and a fall in portfolio and foreign
direct  investment and donor financing.  The long-term  stability  of
the  Zimbabwe  dollar  can only be guaranteed  by  large  inflows  of
foreign   exchange  from  exports  and  the  return  of  multilateral
financial institutions, the IMF and the World Bank.

Export Incentives

The  Reserve Bank released 50% of the pool of commercial and merchant
bank  statutory  reserves for on-lending to  exporters,  at  an  all-
inclusive  concessionary final interest rate of 30%.  These  measures
should  boost  export  earnings through cheaper funding  of  exports,
already  more  competitive through the devaluation.   To  ensure  the
viability  of the gold producing industry, the Reserve Bank  extended
concessions  to  gold producers to operate foreign currency  accounts
(FCAs).  The  FCA  funds  should  be utilised  to  finance  the  gold
producers'  own  foreign currency requirements. Gold  is  the  second
largest foreign exchange earner in Zimbabwe after tobacco.

It  is  necessary  for  the policy makers to  mobilise  international
financial  support  and  attract direct foreign  investment  inflows.
This would create the capacity to meet external obligations timeously
in order to complement the measures above.


Application of IAS29 'Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies'

As  stated in the annual report for the year ended 31 December  1999,
the   existence   of  Hyperinflation  as  defined  by   International
Accounting   Standard   29   (IAS   29)   "Financial   Reporting   in
Hyperinflationary Economies" was formally identified by the  Zimbabwe
Accounting Practices Board which decided that IAS 29 would apply  for
financial  periods beginning on or after 1 January 2000.  Accordingly
these  results  have been prepared in accordance with  IAS  29  which
requires the restatement of the Income Statement and Balance Sheet on
the  basis  of the inflation indices over the reporting period.   The
application of IAS 29 is likely to continue for the next two to three
years  even  if  effective measures are taken immediately  to  reduce


The group achieved inflation adjusted attributable profits of Z$214.1
million, an increase of 1,669% over the adjusted results for the same
period  last  year.  The return on shareholders' funds was  24.4%,  a
significant improvement on the 5.1% for the same period last year.

As  a  result  of  the  negative macro-economic  environment  it  was
difficult  for the group to rely on its traditional banking business.
Risk management and provisioning requirements were further tightened.
The bank continued to increase its non-interest revenue.

Net Interest Income

As  a  result  of  the  reduced appetite for  borrowings  and  higher
provisions   for   doubtful  debts,  net  interest   income   dropped
significantly over the same period last year.  Interest expense  also
declined  significantly as the deposits dropped in  tandem  with  the
lendings.   Offshore  lines of credit have been curtailed  with  most
overseas  banks adopting a "wait and see" attitude on  the  political
developments in the country.

Non-Interest Income

Non-interest  income  increased by 114% and comprises  80%  of  total
income.   In line with its strategy to grow non-interest income,  the
group  increased activity on fee earning business.  The bull  run  on
the  Zimbabwe  Stock  Exchange in the first  quarter  resulted  in  a
substantial profit on the group's quoted investment portfolio.   Fees
were also earned for advisory services to clients in Zimbabwe and the

Foreign exchange earnings increased by 86% as a result of the  banks'
ability to consummate several high-value transactions.

The  stock-broking subsidiary, Continental Securities  Trading  (Pvt)
Ltd  (CST)  continued  to contribute positively  to  group  earnings,
despite the limited activity on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange.

Operating Expenses

The  group's cost/income management strategy continued to bear  fruit
with  a reduction in cost/income ratio from 43% to 34%.  Staff  costs
remain  the  single  most  significant  cost.   The  recruitment   of
commercial banking staff contributed to the increase in this expense.
There  was  also  an increase in performance related remuneration  in
line with the higher profits.

Charge for Doubtful Debts

The  charge  for  the six month period increased by 32%  from  Z$58.0
million  in  the  comparable  period last  year  to  Z$76.7  million.
Although  the exposure to the troubled agricultural sector  comprises
only  6.7% of the lending book, significant provisions have been made
for  this sector. The Board continues to be cautious in view  of  the
adverse economic environment.


In  view  of  the continuing profitability of the group,  an  interim
dividend  of 250.7 cents per share (1999 - 144.0 cents per share)  on
28,465,589  shares  amounting to Z$71.4  million  has  been  declared
payable  to  members registered in the books  of  the company  on  15
September 2000.  This represents a dividend cover of three times.


The  total  assets reduced by 41% to Z$5,179.7 million from Z$8,850.1
million  at  30 June 1999 as a result of the reduction in both  local
and  foreign  currency denominated loans as well as  a  reduction  in
treasury  bill  investments due to the increase in the  tax  rate  on
treasury bill income from 15% to 30%.


The  banking  subsidiary's capital adequacy ratio  at  30  June  2000
calculated  on the historical basis in accordance with the guidelines
of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe was 24.73% (30 June 1999 - 17.94%, 31
December  1999 - 23.4%).  As long as the current economic environment
persists, this ratio is unlikely to reduce in the near future.


After  a  promising start for most of the first quarter, the Zimbabwe
Stock  Exchange failed to register any meaningful growth.   This  was
mainly  due to widespread negative investor sentiment following  farm
invasions  and pre-election violence.  There was significant  selling
by foreign investors.

The  expected  decrease in interest rates following the reduction  of
the  bank  rate by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe may rekindle activity
on the stock market during the second half of the year.


The  group has established commercial banking branches in Harare  and
Bulawayo  and  is  proud to have recruited high  calibre  staff.   An
investment in cutting edge technology will enable delivery of a  high
level  of  quality service and innovative products.   The  commercial
banking  services are targeted at corporate entities  and  high  net-
worth individuals.  The new services offered will complement existing
services.  The product range and geographical spread will be expanded
in the coming year.

Whilst the contribution from commercial banking activities in respect
of  net interest income and other services will be insignificant this
year,  it  is  anticipated that a significant portion of the  group's
earnings will be derived from these activities next year.



The  recently  appointed  new government  ministers  have  introduced
economic  policy measures that should have a positive effect  on  the
macroeconomic environment.  A lower interest rate environment  should
restore economic growth.  Improved foreign exchange earnings  from  a
devalued  currency  should address the fragile  balance  of  payments
position as well as improve the availability of strategic inputs such
as electricity and fuel.

The  measures  should  increase  the country's  economic  resilience,
enhance   its   growth   potential  based  on   competitiveness   and
productivity  gains and address socio-economic issues  emerging  from
the economic slowdown.

The restoration and guarantee of the transparency, predictability and
impartiality of the regulatory and legal systems should  improve  the
country's  poor international credit rating and alienation  from  the
international  community, which has blocked the country's  access  to
both official and private sources of external credit.


The  group  will continue with its strategy to increase  non-interest
income  and  to  control costs.  Adequate skills  exist  to  continue
identifying  and exploiting opportunities to maintain  earnings  from
investment  and  dealing in securities as well as structured  foreign
currency  transactions.  The income from advisory services should  be
maintained  from a strong pipeline of existing mandates.   Particular
attention will be paid to risk management issues to ensure  that  the
quality of earnings will be enhanced.

Following  the establishment of branches for the commercial  bank  in
Harare  and Bulawayo, I am confident that the group will enhance  its
position  as a leading provider of banking services whilst continuing
to deliver real growth.

In  view of the overwhelming demand for the company's shares  on  the
stockmarket,   the  directors  are  considering  ways  of   improving
liquidity of the shares.  Appropriate shareholders' approval will  be
sought in due course.

Mr  Freddie  Mutenure,  who was a founding shareholder  and  Managing
Director  of  the  stockbroking subsidiary, CST, for  the  last  five
years, died in April following a road accident.  My colleagues on the
board  and I, and indeed all the staff in the group, miss him  sorely
and join me in extending our condolences to his family.

I  would  like to thank our clients for their continued  support.   I
would  also  like  to  thank  the board,  staff  and  management  for
achieving such positive results.


31 August 2000

for the six months ended 30 June 2000

Income Statement
                                 Unaudited      Restated     Restated
                                  6 months      6 months         Year
                                     ended         ended        ended
                         NOTE 30 June 2000  30 June 1999  31 Dec 1999
                                    Z$'000        Z$'000       Z$'000

Interest  from lending             130,158       281,492      565,945
Charge for bad and                
doubtful debts                     (76,691)      (57,987)    (102,028)
                                   -------       -------     --------
                                    53,467       223,505      463,917
Interest from investing            
activities                         158,813       308,255      916,076
                                   -------       -------     --------
                                   212,280       531,760    1,379,993
Interest  expense                  (77,103)     (320,511)    (666,337)
                                   -------       -------     --------
Net interest income                135,177       211,249      713,656
Other income              5        530,983       248,306      477,092
                                   -------       -------     --------

Net operating income               666,160       459,555    1,190,748
Operating expenditure     6       (227,847)     (196,092)    (430,437)
Loss on net monetary              
position                          (151,858)     (197,105)    (347,494)    
                                  --------       --------    --------
Profit before taxation             286,455        66,358      412,817
Taxation                           (69,865)      (47,802)    (123,905)
                                  --------       --------    --------
Profit after taxation              216,590        18,556      288,912
Outside shareholders'                      
interests                           (2,473)       (6,480)      (8,808)
                                  --------       --------    --------

Profit attributable to 
ordinary shareholders              214,117        12,076      280,104
Appropriations                     (71,372)      (70,094)    (313,742)

   Dividends - interim       (71,372)      (70,094)      (70,094)
             - final               -             -      (243,648)

                                  --------       --------    --------
Retained  profit                   142,745       (58,018)     (33,638)
                                  --------       --------    --------
   Dividend per share (cents)
               - interim             250.7         246.2        246.2
               - final                   -             -        855.9

Earnings per share (cents)           752.2          42.4        984.0
Headline earnings per share         
(cents)                              752.2          40.9        977.2
Diluted earnings per share          
(cents)                              739.3          41.7        967.2
Diluted headline earnings          
per share (cents)                    739.3          40.2        960.5
Dividend cover (times)                3.00          0.17         0.89
Number of issued shares            
(000's)                             28,466        28,466       28,466

The comparative results have been restated in accordance with IAS 29
(see Note 4).

for the six months ended 30 June 2000

Balance Sheet
                                  Unaudited   Restated    Restated
                                    30 June    30 June      31 Dec
                           NOTE        2000       1999        1999
                                     Z$'000     Z$'000      Z$'000

Share capital              8        99,630      99,630      99,630
Restatement of Share 
capital                            253,564     253,564     253,564
Capital reserves                   223,245     223,245     223,245
Restatement  of  Capital  
reserves                           501,062     501,062     501,062
Revenue reserves                   (59,384)   (226,509)   (202,129)
                                  ---------   --------     --------
                                 1,018,117     850,992     875,372

   Minority Interest                19,925      16,881      17,796
                                  ---------   --------     --------
                                 1,038,042     867,873     893,168

   Deferred taxation                17,765         272      13,446
   Deposit and other accounts    1,922,977   4,812,493   2,725,186
   Provision for taxation           97,103      54,823      98,885
   Dividend proposed                71,372      65,175     211,450
   Acceptances                   2,032,464   3,049,531   3,497,212
                                 ---------   ---------   ---------
                                 5,179,723   8,850,167   7,439,347
                                 =========   =========   =========

   Balances with banks 
   and cash                         26,275     154,734      79,313
   Government and public 
   sector securities:
   Treasury bills                  690,575   1,464,319   1,695,265
   Advances and other 
   accounts                      1,447,517   3,723,237   1,594,163
   Trade investment                 16,708      10,438      10,438
   Short term investments            6,684      38,049     133,391
   Other                           495,580     186,772     205,913
   Fixed assets                    463,920     223,087     223,652
   Customers' indebtedness 
   for acceptances               2,032,464   3,049,531   3,497,212
                                 ---------   ---------   ---------
                                 5,179,723   8,850,167   7,439,347
                                 =========   =========   =========


for the six months ended 30 June 2000

               -----------Capital Reserves------------   Revenue
                                     Restated            Reserves
         Restated Restated Restated  Capital             Restated
         Share    Share    Statutory Redemption Restated Accumulated
         Capital  Premium  Reserve   Reserve    Other    Profit/(Loss) Total
         Z$'000   Z$'000   Z$'000    Z$'000     Z$'000   Z$'000        Z$'000

as 1 
1999     353,194  550,229  104,636   68,398          -   (169,751)    906,706

of interest
subsidiary     -        -        -        -      1,044      1,260       2,304

Net profit     
for the
period         -        -        -        -          -     12,076      12,076
Dividends      -        -        -        -          -    (70,094)    (70,094)
at 30 June 
1999     353,194  550,229   104,636  68,398      1,044   (226,509)    850,992

at 1 July 
1999     353,194  550,229   104,636  68,398      1,044   (226,509)    850,992

Net profit
for the 
period         -        -         -       -          -    268,028     268,028

Dividends      -        -         -       -          -   (243,648)   (243,648)
at 31 
1999     353,194  550,229    104,636  68,398     1,044   (202,129)    875,372
at 1 
2000     353,194  550,229    104,636  68,398     1,044   (202,129)    875,372

Net profit 
for the 
period         -        -          -       -         -    214,117     214,117

Dividends      -        -          -       -         -    (71,372)    (71,372)
at 30 June 
2000     353,194  550,229     104,636 68,398     1,044    (59,384)  1,018,117
for the six months ended 30 June 1999

Cashflow Statement

                                  Unaudited    Restated    Restated
                                 Six months  Six months        Year
                                      ended       ended       ended
                                    30 June     30 June      31 Dec
                                       2000        1999        1999
                                     Z$'000      Z$'000      Z$'000
Operating cash flow before changes
in operating assets and liabilities
and loss on net monetary position   438,312     263,463     838,018

Loss on monetary position          (151,858)   (197,105)   (347,494)
                                   --------    --------    ---------
Operating cash flow before changes 
in operating assets and 
liabilities                         286,454      66,358     490,524
Changes in operating assets
and liabilities:
Deposits and other accounts        (802,209)   (345,069)  (2,432,376)
Advances and other accounts         146,646     583,101    2,712,174
                                   --------     --------   ---------

                                   (369,109)    304,390      770,322

Dividends paid                     (180,782)    (64,090)    (123,116)
Corporate tax paid                  (83,063)    (32,964)     (34,214)
Net cash outflow from investing    (551,481)    (57,893)    (212,684)
activities                         ---------    --------    ---------
                                 (1,184,435)    149,443      400,308
Net cash inflow from
financing activities                       -      2,985        2,985

Cash and cash equivalents
at beginning of period            1,907,969   1,504,676    1,504,676
                                  ---------   ---------    ---------
Cash and cash equivalents
at end of period                    723,534   1,657,104    1,907,969
                                    =======   =========    =========

Cash  and  cash equivalents comprise cash and bank balances, treasury
bills and short-term investments.



1. Accounting Policies

   The  interim  statements have been prepared on the  basis  of  the
   accounting  policies set out in the financial statements  for  the
   year  ended 31 December 1999.  In addition, the group has  applied
   IAS   29   for  the  first  time  to  conform  with  International
   Accounting Standards. (See note 4)

2. Compliance with International Accounting Standards  Numbers  29
   (IAS 29) and 34 (IAS 34)

   The  group's  interim statements have been prepared in  accordance
   with  the  requirements of IAS 29, "Reporting in Hyperinflationary
   Economies",  and also in accordance with the requirements  of  IAS
   34,  "Interim  Financial Reporting".  IAS 34 requires  that  in  a
   hyperinflationary  environment  the  interim  results  should   be
   prepared on the same basis as that for the full year.
3. Currency

   These interim statements are expressed in Zimbabwe dollars.

4. Basis of preparation

   The  interim  report was approved by the board on 29 August  2000.
   The  financial  information  in the interim  report  for  the  six
   months  ended  30  June 2000 has not been audited,  but  has  been
   reviewed   by   the  external  auditors,  as  was  the   financial
   information for the six months ended 30 June 1999.  The  financial
   information for the year ended 31 December 1999 has been  restated
   based on the audited financial statements for that period.
   The  financial  statements have been prepared  on  the  historical
   cost  basis and restated in accordance with IAS 29, which requires
   that  the results be stated in terms of the measuring unit current
   at  the  balance  sheet date.  The index used  was  based  on  the
   closing  index value for June 2000.  The comparative  figures  for
   the  period  ended 30 June 1999 and the financial  year  ended  31
   December 1999 have been restated based on the value current at  30
   June  2000.   The  income statement for the six month  period  was
   derived  from  monthly index values relative  to  June  2000,  the
   comparative income statements have been restated on average  index
   values for the respective periods relative to June 2000.
   IAS  29  discourages the publication of historical  results  as  a
   supplement  to  inflation adjusted accounts.  However,  historical
   results  have been published to allow comparability of results  as
   this  is the first application of the Standard by the group.   The
   Zimbabwe  Accounting  Practices  Board  and  the  Zimbabwe   Stock
   Exchange   have  permitted  companies  in  Zimbabwe   to   publish
   historical interim results in conjunction with inflation  adjusted

5. Other income

                                     Unaudited    Restated   Restated
                                     6 months     6 months   Year ended
                                     ended        ended      31 December
                                     30 June      30 June    1999
                                     2000         1999
                                     Z$'000       Z$'000     Z$'000

   Net  commission  and  fee  
   income                            24,407       50,132     92,924
   Gains less losses from 
   investment securities            108,292       23,745          -
   Net dealing income from 
   securities                       165,067       32,432    147,072
   Gains less losses from 
   dealing in
   foreign currencies               189,279      101,660    167,443
   Broking income                    16,511       23,901     36,698
   Other operating income            27,427       16,436     32,955
                                    -------      -------    -------
                                    530,983      248,306    477,092
                                    =======      =======    =======

6. Operating expenditure

   The operating profit is after
   charging the following:
                                  Unaudited    Restated    Restated
                                   6 months    6 months        Year
                                      ended       ended       ended
                                    30 June     30 June 31 December
                                       2000        1999        1999
                                     Z$'000      Z$'000      Z$'000
   Administration costs              46,307      38,210     106,640
   Audit Fees                           606         721       2,208
   Depreciation                      14,976      15,543      39,708
     - Fixed assets leased to     
       customers                4,844        9,110       20,886
     - Own assets              10,132        6,433       18,822
   Directors  remuneration           14,033      18,031      34,800
   Paid by subsidiary companies:
     -    Fees for services   
          as directors            321          534          948 
     -    Other emoluments     13,712       17,497       33,852
   Staff costs                      151,925     123,587     247,081
                                    -------     -------     -------
                                    227,847     196,092     430,437
                                    =======     =======     =======
   The depreciation charge on own assets has increased marginally  in
   comparison with the increase in the assets.  This is a  result  of
   work  in  progress  on  the computerisation and  the  retail  bank
   projects on which no depreciation has been provided.
7.   Earnings per share
7.1  Earnings per share

        The  calculation  of earnings per share for  the  six  months
        ended  30  June  2000  is  based  on  the  profit  after  tax
        attributable to ordinary shareholders of Z$214,117,000 and on
        28,465,589 issued shares.  The earnings per share for the six
        months  ended  30 June 1999 was based on the restated  profit
        after   tax   attributable   to  ordinary   shareholders   of
        Z$12,076,000   and   on  28,465,589   issued   shares.    The
        calculation of the weighted earnings per share for  the  year
        ended 31 December 1999 was based on the restated profit after
        tax  attributable  to ordinary shareholders of  Z$280,104,000
        and on 28,465,589 issued shares.
7.2  Headline earnings per share
       The  calculation of headline earnings per share  for  the  six
       months  ended  30 June 2000 is based on profit after  taxation
       of   Z$214,117,000  and  on  28,465,589  issued  shares.   The
       calculation  of the headline earnings per share  for  the  six
       months  ended  30  June 1999 was based on the restated  profit
       after  taxation  of  Z$11,638,000  and  on  28,465,589  issued
       shares.  The  calculation of the headline earnings  per  share
       for  the  year  ended 31 December 1999 was based  on  restated
       profit  after  taxation of Z$278,174,000 and on issued  shares
       of 28,465,589.  The adjustments were as follows:
                                     Unaudited   Restated    Restated
                                      6 months   6 months        Year
                                         ended      ended       ended
                                       30 June    30 June 31 December
                                          2000       1999        1999
                                        Z$'000     Z$'000      Z$'000
       Profit attributable to        
       shareholders                    214,117     12,076     280,104
       Deduct non-recurring items:
       Profit on disposal of fixed 
       assets                                -       (438)     (1,930)
                                       -------     -------    --------
                                       214,117      11,638    278,174
                                       =======     =======    ========
       This  is  calculated  in  accordance  with  the  Statement  of
       Investment   Practice  No.1  issued  by   the   Institute   of
       Investment  Management  and  Research  to  assist   users   of
       accounts   to   identify   earnings   derived   from   trading
8.   Share capital

8.1  The issued share capital since January 1999 remained at the
     historical figure of $99,630,000 comprising 28,465,589
     ordinary shares of Z$3.50 each.
8.2  Purchase of own shares

     Shareholders   authorised  the  directors  to   purchase   for
     cancellation  4,000,000 of the company's  own  shares  at  the
     annual  general meeting held on 30 May 2000.  By  the  end  of
     June 2000, no shares had been purchased.

9. Taxation

   The  effective tax rate for the six months ended 30 June  2000  is
   15.94%  compared to 18.14% for the six months ended 30  June  1999
   and  16.3%  for the year ended 31 December 1999.  This is  due  to
   the final tax rate of 30% which is applicable to income earned  on
   treasury  bills on contracts entered into from 1 January 1999  and
   the utilisation of the assessed tax loss.

10.Exchange rates

   The official exchange rates applied were as follows:
                                 30 June   30 June   31 December
                                    2000      1999          1999
   British Sterling   GBP 1.00   Z$62.03     Z$59.77     Z$62.03
   United States      
   Dollar             USD 1.00   Z$37.95     Z$37.95     Z$37.95


   The  indices used were compiled by the Central Statistical  Office
   of  Zimbabwe  and are based on the consumer price index  which  is
   the best measure of the inflation rate available.
   The indices were as follows:
   June 2000      1,560.60
   December 1999  1,188.20
   June 1999        979.70
   December 1998    757.33

                        NMBZ HOLDINGS LIMITED

The  board has declared an interim dividend of 250.7 cents per  share
on  28,465,589 shares payable to members registered in the  books  of
the company on 15 September 2000.  The transfer books and register of
members  will  be  closed from 16 September  to  22  September  2000.
Dividend  cheques  will  be mailed to shareholders  on  or  about  26
September  2000.  The dividends payable to non-resident  shareholders
will  be  paid  in  accordance  with  Exchange  Control  Regulations.
Resident  and non-resident shareholders' tax of 15% will be  deducted
where applicable.

By Order of the Board

T Nyambirai

29 August 2000

Directors: P T Zhanda (Chairman), J T Makoni (Managing Director)*, O O
C J Constable, M L dos Remedios, J S Friedlander, J A Mushore*, A M T
                             F Zimuto*.

Transfer Secretaries:

In Zimbabwe                            In UK

First Transfer Secretaries             Computershare Services PLC
8th Floor                              Caxton House
BARD House                             Redcliff Way
69 Samora Machel Avenue                BRISTOL
P O Box 11                             BS99 7NH
HARARE                                 UK


T Nyambirai

Registered Offices

Head Office                            Bulawayo Office
Zimbabwe                               Zimbabwe

4th Floor                              1st Floor
Unity Court                            First Mutual Life Building
Corner First Street/Union Avenue       Main Street/9th Avenue
HARARE                                 BULAWAYO
Telephone        (263-4)   759651      Telephone  (263-9)     70169
Facsimile        (263-4)   759648      Facsimile  (263-9)     68535
                 (263-4)   781119

Website  http://www.nmbz.co.zw

Email    ottoc@nmbz.co.zw

The  inflation  adjusted accounts are the principal accounts  of  the
group.   The  historical  accounts are supplementary  and  have  been
included to facilitate comparability.

for the six months ended 30 June 2000

Income Statement
                                   Unaudited   Unaudited   Audited
                                   6 months    6 months    Year
                                   ended       ended       ended
                        NOTE       30 June     30 June     31 December
                                   2000        1999        1999
                                   Z$'000      Z$'000      Z$'000

Interest  from lending 
activities                         118,578     164,615     365,126
Charge  for bad and 
doubtful debts                     (76,691)    (33,911)    (61,485)
                                   -------     --------    --------
                                    41,887     130,704     303,641
Interest from investing 
activities                         144,685     180,266     591,017
                                   -------     -------     --------
                                   186,572     310,970     894,658
Interest expense                   (71,009)   (187,433)   (429,895)
                                   -------     -------     --------
Net interest income                115,563     123,537     464,763
Other income              a        491,669     145,208     307,801
                                   -------     -------     --------
Net operating income               607,232     268,745     772,564
Operating expenditure     b       (199,933)   (114,674)   (282,040)
                                   -------     -------     --------
Profit before taxation             407,299     154,071     490,524

Taxation                           (69,865)    (27,954)    (79,939)
                                   -------     -------     --------
Profit after taxation              337,434     126,117     410,585
Outside  shareholders'  
interests                           (2,221)     (3,790)     (5,683)
                                   -------     -------     --------
Profit  attributable  
to ordinary shareholders           335,213     122,327     404,902
Appropriations                     (71,372)    (40,990)   (202,414)

    Dividends - interim      (71,372)      (40,990)    (40,990)
              - final              -             -    (161,424)

                                   -------     -------     -------
    Retained  profit 
    for the period                 263,841     81,337      202,488
                                   -------     -------     -------

    Dividend per share 
              - interim              250.7      144.0        144.0
              - final                    -          -        567.1

    Earnings per share 
    (cents)               c        1,177.6      429.7      1,422.4
    Headline  earnings  
    per  share (cents)             1,177.6      428.8      1,417.5
    Diluted earnings  
    per share (cents)              1,157.5      427.6      1,404.1
    Diluted  headline  
    earnings per share 
    (cents)                        1,157.5      426.6      1,399.2      
    Dividend cover (times)            4.70       2.98         2.00
    Number of issued 
    shares (000's)                  28,466     28,466       28,466

for the six months ended 30 June 2000

Balance Sheet
                                  Unaudited    Unaudited    Audited
                                 At 30 June   At 30 June  At 31 Dec
                                       2000         1999       1999
                                     Z$'000       Z$'000     Z$'000

   Share capital                     99,630       99,630     99,630
   Capital reserves                 223,245      223,245    223,245
   Revenue reserves                 552,721      167,728    288,880
                                    -------     --------   --------
                                    875,596      490,603    611,755

   Minority Interest                  8,650        7,378      7,996
                                    -------     --------   --------
                                    884,246      497,981    619,751

   Deferred taxation                 17,765          171     10,264
   Deposits and other accounts    1,922,904    3,026,726  2,080,294
   Provision for taxation            97,103       34,480     75,485
   Dividend proposed                 71,372       40,990    161,413
   Acceptances                    2,032,464    1,917,944  2,669,627
                                  ---------    ---------  ---------
                                  5,025,854    5,518,292  5,616,834
                                  =========    =========  =========

   Balances with banks and cash      26,275       97,318     60,544
   Government and public sector 
   Treasury bills                   690,575      920,956  1,294,095
   Advances and other accounts    1,447,517    2,341,658  1,216,919
   Trade investment                   7,858        2,718      2,718
   Short term investments             6,684       23,930    101,825
   Other                            495,580      117,466    157,186
   Fixed assets:
   Leased to customers                3,976       13,058      7,748
   Own                              314,925       83,244    106,172
   Customers' indebtedness for    
   acceptances                    2,032,464    1,917,944  2,669,627
                                  ---------    ---------  ---------
                                  5,025,854    5,518,292  5,616,834
                                  =========    =========  =========


for the six months ended 30 June 2000

               ----------Capital Reserves-----------     Revenue
         Share    Share    Statutory Redemption          Accumulated
         Capital  Premium  Reserve   Reserve    Other    Profit/(Loss) Total
         Z$'000   Z$'000   Z$'000    Z$'000     Z$'000   Z$'000        Z$'000 

at 1 
1999     99,630   172,149  22,500    27,921          -   86,825       409,025

subsidiary    -         -       -         -        675     (434)          241

Net profit 
for the 
period        -         -       -         -          -  122,327       122,327

Dividends     -         -       -         -          -  (40,990)      (40,990)

at 30 
1999     99,630   172,149  22,500    27,921        675  167,728       490,603

Net profit 
for the 
period        -         -       -         -          -  282,576       282,576

Dividends     -         -       -         -          - (161,424)     (161,424)
at 31 
1999     99,630   172,149  22,500    27,921        675  288,880       611,755

Net profit 
for the 
period        -         -       -         -          -  335,213       335,213

Dividends     -         -       -         -          -  (71,372)      (71,372)

at 30 June 
2000    99,630    172,149  22,500    27,921        675  552,721       875,596

for the six months ended 30 June 2000

Cashflow Statement
                                          Unaudited  Unaudited   Audited
                                         Six months Six months      Year
                                              ended      ended     ended
                                            30 June    30 June    31 Dec
                                               2000       1999      1999
                                             Z$'000     Z$'000    Z$'000

   Operating cash flow before changes in
   operating assets and liabilities         418,961    199,791   506,432

   Changes in operating assets and
   Deposits and other accounts             (157,390)   523,055  (423,377)
   Advances and other accounts             (230,598)  (251,202)  873,537
                                           --------   --------  --------

                                             30,973    471,644   956,592

   Net interest received                          -      2,493     5,986
   Dividends paid                          (162,980)   (37,037)  (80,571)
   Corporate tax paid                       (40,746)   (19,277)  (20,164)
   Net cash outflow from investing         
   activities                              (560,177)   (99,544) (129,304)
                                            --------   --------  --------

   Net cash (outflow)/inflow before
   financing activities                    (732,930)   318,279   732,539

   Net cash inflow from
   financing activities                           -      1,500     1,500

   Cash and cash equivalents
   at beginning of period                 1,456,464    722,425   722,425
                                          ---------   --------  --------
   Cash and cash equivalents
   at end of period                         723,534  1,042,204 1,456,464
                                          =========  ========= =========

Cash  and  cash equivalents comprise cash and bank balances, treasury
bills and short term investments.



a. Other income
                                     Unaudited    Unaudited     Audited
                                      6 months     6 months        Year
                                         ended        ended       ended
                                       30 June      30 June 31 December
                                          2000         1999        1999
                                        Z$'000       Z$'000      Z$'000

   Net  commission  and  fee  
   income                               22,599       29,317      59,951
   Gains less losses from 
   investment securities               100,270       13,886           -
   Net dealing income from 
   securities                          152,840       18,966      94,885
   Gains less losses from 
   dealing in
   foreign currencies                  175,277       59,450     108,028
   Broking income                       15,288       13,977      23,676
   Profit on disposal of fixed assets        -          276       1,414
   Other operating income               25,395        9,336      19,847
                                       -------      -------     -------
                                       491,669      145,208     307,801
                                       =======      =======     =======

b. Operating expenditure

   The operating profit is after
   charging the following:
   Administration costs                 44,632       24,252      77,149
   Audit Fees                              498          378       1,327
   Depreciation                         12,595       11,856      23,308
     - Fixed assets leased to      4,074        6,949       12,260
     - Own assets                  8,521        4,907       11,048
   Directors remuneration               11,538        9,454      20,918
   Paid by subsidiary companies:
     - Fees for services as          264          280          570
     - Other emoluments           11,274       49,174       20,348
   Staff costs                         130,670       68,734     159,338
                                       -------      -------     -------
                                       199,933      114,674     282,040
                                       =======      =======     =======
   The depreciation charge on own assets has increased marginally  in
   comparison with the increase in the assets.  This is a  result  of
   work  in  progress on the computerisation and retail bank projects
   on which no depreciation has been provided.
c.   Earnings per share

c.1  Earnings per share

        The  calculation  of earnings per share for  the  six  months
        ended  30  June  2000  is  based  on  the  profit  after  tax
        attributable to ordinary shareholders of $335,213,000 and  on
        28,465,589 issued shares.  The earnings per share for the six
        months  ended 30 June 1999 was based on the profit after  tax
        attributable to ordinary shareholders of $122,327,000 and  on
        28,465,589  issued shares.  The calculation of  the  weighted
        earnings  per share for the year ended 31 December  1999  was
        based  on  the  profit  after tax  attributable  to  ordinary
        shareholders of $404,902,000 and on 28,465,589 issued shares.
c.2  Headline earnings per share
       The  calculation of headline earnings per share  for  the  six
       months  ended 30 June 2000 is based on profit attributable  to
       shareholders of $335,213,000 and on 28,465,589 issued  shares.
       The  calculation of the headline earnings per  share  for  the
       six  months  ended 30 June 1999 was based on  adjusted  profit
       attributable   to   shareholders  of   $122,051,000   and   on
       28,465,589  issued  shares. The calculation  of  the  headline
       earnings  per  share for the year ended 31 December  1999  was
       based  on  adjusted  profit attributable  to  shareholders  of
       $403,488,000   and  on  issued  shares  of  28,465,589.    The
       adjustments were as follows:
                                     Unaudited  Unaudited     Audited
                                      6 months   6 months        Year
                                         ended      ended       ended
                                       30 June    30 June 31 December
                                          2000       1999        1999
                                        Z$'000     Z$'000      Z$'000
       Profit attributable to                 
       shareholders                    335,213    122,327     404,902

       Deduct non-recurring items:
       Profit on disposal of fixed           -       (276)     (1,414)
                                       -------    -------     -------
                                       335,213    122,051     403,488
                                       =======    =======     =======
       This  is  calculated  in  accordance  with  the  Statement  of
       Investment   Practice  No.1  issued  by   the   Institute   of
       Investment  Management  and  Research  to  assist   users   of
       accounts   to   identify   earnings   derived   from   trading

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Nmbz Holdings Ld (LSE:NMB)
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