RNS Number : 7628W

Kingspan Group PLC

21 August 2020



for the period ended 30 June 2020



Kingspan, the global leader in high performance insulation and building envelope solutions, issues its half-yearly financial report for the six-month period ended 30 June 2020.

Financial Highlights:

   --    Revenue down 8% to EUR2.1bn, (underlying, down 13%). 
   --    Trading profit down 13% to EUR200.1m, (underlying, down 16%). 
   --    Group trading margin of 9.7%, a decrease of 60bps versus the same period in 2019. 
   --    Acquisitions contributed 6% to sales growth and 4% to trading profit growth in the period. 
   --    Net debt of EUR437.9m (H1 2019: EUR734.3m). Net debt to EBITDA of 0.79x (H1 2019: 1.31x). 
   --    Basic EPS down 14.9 % to 79.8 cent (H1 2019: 93.8 cent). 
   --     A more than three-fold increase in free cashflow to EUR260.4m (H1 2019: EUR80.6m). 

-- Interim dividend nil (H1 2019: 13.0 cent per share). Medium term dividend and shareholder returns policy under review.

   --    ROCE of 16.9 % (H1 2019: 17.1%). 

Operational Highlights:

   --    Resilient performance overall in times without parallel. 

-- Insulated Panels sales decrease of 8%. Good recovery in key markets particularly in Europe in more recent months. UK slower to recover with Americas softer recently. Continued progress on QuadCore (TM) adoption and Bacacier acquisition integrating well.

-- Insulation Boards sales decrease of 18%. Positive Kooltherm (R) performance. UK and Ireland experiencing more prolonged disruption than Mainland European and North American markets. Australasia relatively resilient.

-- Light & Air sales growth of 20%. Another milestone marked in the period with the acquisition of Colt Group significantly adding to the scale and breadth of the category and service offering.

   --    Water & Energy sales decrease of 10% with solid rainwater harvesting and wastewater activity. 
   --    Data & Flooring sales growth of 6% with strong data centre activity driving this trend. 

Summary Financials:

                         H1 '20    H1 '19     Change 
----------------------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Revenue EURm            2,072.7   2,243.1     -8% 
 Trading Profit* 
  EURm                    200.1     230.4     -13% 
 Trading Margin**         9.7%      10.3%    -60bps 
 EPS (cent per share)     79.8      93.8      -15% 
----------------------  --------  --------  -------- 

*Operating profit before amortisation of intangibles

** Operating profit before amortisation of intangibles divided by total revenue

Gene Murtagh, Chief Executive of Kingspan commented:

"Kingspan has delivered a resilient first half result in a period of unparalleled challenges. Performance has varied substantially from region to region depending on the severity and length of Government restrictions, and been helped by our rapid introduction of cost containment measures.

With over EUR1bn in cash and undrawn facilities we are well placed to come through the crisis in a strong position. In 2020 we have completed or agreed terms on three major acquisitions of businesses with revenue totalling over EUR400m, and we also continue our organic expansion, with new facilities being developed in locations including Brazil, Russia, and Sweden.

We have decided it is prudent not to pay an interim dividend and our shareholder returns policy is under review. We expect that the economic environment will remain weak, with confidence for businesses to make investment decisions curtailed. On a more positive note, policy makers are more focussed on ensuring buildings are more energy efficient, which is a supportive long-term trend."

For further information contact:

 Murray Consultants   Tel: +353 (0) 1 4980 300 
  Douglas Keatinge 

Business Review

The first half of 2020 has been an experience different to any that we have encountered in the past. Whilst sales activity was relatively weak in the early months, order intake had improved encouragingly, pointing towards a potentially strong second quarter. From mid-March revenue suffered markedly, down over 30% at the extreme in April. May trading was also challenging, however order intake began to improve and June trading turned out particularly strong helped by pent-up demand. The result for the half overall was revenue down 8% to EUR2.07bn and trading profit down 13% to EUR200m. Rapid and effective cost containment across the Group, along with the resolve and commitment of our people were fundamental in protecting the business during the critical months and enabling the recovery that followed.

Globally the picture varied hugely as governments and societies responded differently to the crisis. In Europe, France shut down abruptly at the end of March but recovered well through late May and June. Germany and much of Central Europe continued largely uninterrupted. Spain, the UK and Ireland imposed the most severe and long-lasting restrictions in relative terms with the resulting curtailment in demand still prevailing. US activity performed well throughout, although order intake has eased back notably in recent weeks. Canada meanwhile experienced a brutal decrease in revenue and Brazil performed relatively well.

In the Middle East, activity suffered significantly whilst in India our business was effectively closed for a couple of months, and current trading remains slow. Australasia has been generally resilient throughout.

During April we completed the Light & Air acquisition of Colt, a leading provider of daylighting and smoke management systems with a significant presence in Germany, the Netherlands, and the UK, with annual revenue of approximately EUR200m. Early in the second half we have signed an agreement to acquire Terasteel, a PIR Insulated Panel manufacturer based in Romania, with revenue in the region of EUR120m. Since then, we have agreed to acquire Trimo, a producer of mineral fibre Insulated Panels and Façades based in Slovenia and with revenues of just over EUR100m. Both are subject to regulatory approval processes that are currently underway.

Insulated Panels

                   H1 '20    H1 '19    Change 
----------------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Revenue EURm      1,332.0   1,444.8   -8% (1) 
 Trading Profit 
  EURm              123.3     146.5     -16% 
 Trading Margin     9.3%      10.1%    -80bps 
----------------  --------  --------  -------- 
   (1)   Comprising underlying -12%, currency impact -1% and acquisitions +5% 

Order intake globally across our Insulated Panel product group was down 7% by volume in the first six months, having started the year ahead. The backlog by volume was ahead by 8% pointing towards strong near-term deliveries, assuming markets are open and receptive. The order intake picture varied by region, and although still recently strong in Germany, France, the Benelux and Brazil, other key markets such as the UK and North America have weakened. This would indicate lower revenue in those regions towards the latter end of 2020. Overall, Quadcore(TM) represented 12% of insulated panels sales revenue in the period (H1 2019: 8%).

During the first half the US performed exceptionally well for Kingspan as the business traded largely uninterrupted, as was also the case in Brazil supported by our new facility close to Sao Paulo. Canada on the other hand took more extreme lockdown measures and as a result trading was significantly behind the same period in 2019, and sharply so in the second quarter.

In Europe the response also varied with Germany largely unaffected, France recovered well after effective closure in April, with the Benelux performing steadily. Central & Eastern Europe was a little behind but very robust in Poland throughout the period. The UK has been disappointing, and Ireland performed weaker than any of our regions not just in Europe, but globally.

Australasia deliveries did ease back somewhat albeit performed robustly all things considered and order intake in the region has been strong.

Insulation Boards

                        H1 '20   H1 '19    Change 
---------------------  -------  -------  --------- 
 Revenue EURm           367.9    450.5    -18% (1) 
 Trading Profit EURm     48.5     60.4      -20% 
 Trading Margin         13.2%    13.4%     -20bps 
---------------------  -------  -------  --------- 
   (1)   Comprising underlying -18% 

Unsurprisingly the pattern of sales at the Insulation Board businesses mapped a similar path to that of Insulated Panels. Of note was the strong performance in Western European markets, the Nordics and Australasia all of which delivered revenue ahead of the first half of 2019. Some of this reflected share gains from synthetic mineral fibre, as well as the varying government approaches to the crisis. The Netherlands, Germany and Denmark were positive stand-outs during the period.

In the UK, where construction activity was severely impacted, revenue was down significantly. This has improved in recent months although is still trailing prior year. In Ireland, revenue virtually halted for April and much of May and has since rebounded strongly.

Our North American business delivered growth as all product categories progressed, and growth has resumed in Australasia taking share from traditional materials. In the Middle East activity was heavily impacted by shutdowns but has since begun to recover.

Light & Air

                        H1 '20   H1 '19    Change 
---------------------  -------  -------  --------- 
 Revenue EURm           171.9    142.9    +20% (1) 
 Trading Profit EURm     7.6      6.2       +23% 
 Trading Margin          4.4%     4.3%     +10bps 
---------------------  -------  -------  --------- 
   (1)   Comprising underlying -9% and acquisitions +29% 

The Light & Air business performed robustly through the turbulence of the first half. Like for like revenue was negatively impacted, particularly in the teeth of the crisis during April and May. Before and since then the underlying operation grew encouragingly in France and Germany although has been more challenged in the US by strong prior year comparatives.

The Colt acquisition, which completed in April, is being integrated on plan despite the obvious hurdles, and has performed well since acquisition. The coming six months will focus on full regional integration of this business as well as the ongoing assessment of further inorganic opportunities in Europe and beyond.

Water & Energy

                        H1 '20   H1 '19    Change 
---------------------  -------  -------  --------- 
 Revenue EURm            92.9    103.1    -10% (1) 
 Trading Profit EURm     6.9      5.9       +17% 
 Trading Margin          7.4%     5.7%    +170bps 
---------------------  -------  -------  --------- 
   (1)   Comprising underlying -10%, currency impact -2% and acquisitions +2% 

This business also suffered at a revenue level in the UK and Ireland due to lockdown measures. Cost containment in these regions was particularly effective in delivering a strong trading profit, which we expect to continue through the second half.

The hot water offering was particularly weak in the UK as both newbuild and house renovations ground to a halt for a time. Water treatment was steady most prominently in the Nordics and Western Europe, and the rainwater harvesting business in Australia delivered a strong outcome in the circumstances.

Data & Flooring

                        H1 '20   H1 '19   Change 
---------------------  -------  -------  -------- 
 Revenue EURm           108.0    101.8    +6% (1) 
 Trading Profit EURm     13.8     11.4     +21% 
 Trading Margin         12.8%    11.2%    +160bps 
---------------------  -------  -------  -------- 
   (1)   Comprising underlying -9%, currency impact +1% and acquisitions +14% 

The performance of the Data & Flooring activities of the Group was positive in the first half in the key regions of the US, Western Europe and Australia although the UK was weaker.

The growing 'Data' dimension to this business has been the key driver of its robust delivery in recent years, and again growth was achieved by the expanding product set aimed at the data warehousing opportunity. We expect that dynamic to continue for the foreseeable future.

Meanwhile in Germany, the WeGo acquisition (now rebranded as Kingspan Access Floors), has been seamlessly integrated and is performing ahead of plan.

Organic Expansion

With the longer term in our sights, we continued to push ahead, insofar as was practical with broadening our footprint globally. Insulated Panels in the Americas is moving ahead with its facility in Pennsylvania, and in Brazil we have broken ground on a fifth facility, this time in the south of the country.

In Europe, the Joris Ide business is at the early stages of adding a second production line to its German facility. At Bacacier in France, plans are evolving to create a 'Group' hub with the manufacture of Insulated Panels, Insulation and Profiles which, when complete in early 2022, will be a showcase facility. In Russia, we are investing in a second plant south of Moscow to complement our existing St. Petersburg presence.

In Sweden, the development of our greenfield Kooltherm(R) facility is well underway, albeit delayed due to recent restrictions. Demand is growing fast in the Nordic regions as advanced insulation continues to displace traditional synthetic mineral fibre and this new plant will play a key role in continuing that momentum.

Planet Passionate

This ground-breaking initiative launched last December and covering the next decade of our commitments on Energy, Carbon, Circularity and Water is already delivering notable results. Under these four banners (see table below), goals have been set across twelve sub-categories, linked into each business unit across the world. At this stage there are many active projects either being implemented or under consideration. At the full year results next February we intend to demonstrate the progress achieved in year one.

                                                         2020   2025   2030 
------------  ----------------------------------------  -----  -----  ----- 
 Energy        Maintain our Net Zero Energy Status        l      l      l 
               60% direct renewable energy use                          l 
               20% on-site renewable energy generation                  l 
               Solar PV systems on all wholly owned                     l 
------------  ----------------------------------------  -----  -----  ----- 
 Carbon        Net Zero Carbon Manufacturing                            l 
               Zero Emission company cars                        l 
               50% reduction in product C02e intensity 
                from primary supply chain partners                      l 
 Circularity   Zero Company waste to landfill                           l 
               Upcycle 1 billion PET bottles into our 
                manufacturing processes                          l 
               All QuadCore(TM) products to utilise              l 
                upcycled PET 
 Water         5 Active Ocean Clean-Up projects                  l 
               Harvest 100 million litres of rainwater                  l 
------------  ----------------------------------------  -----  -----  ----- 


Development of QuadCore(TM) 2.0 has continued at pace with the aim of launching in the UK and Ireland initially. We anticipate having product ready to start the lengthy certification process by quarter two next year. It is a performance focused evolution which will deliver advancement across all four 'Quads'.

Both the PowerPanel(R) (fully integrated solar PV) and AlphaCore(R) projects have suffered some timetable disruption due to being heavily reliant on co-operation with our international partners. Progress has now resumed and we plan to have a launchable Insulated Solar PV Panel by quarter two next year.

Two versions of AlphaCore(R) are being developed presently, one with high thermal performance as well as a medium performance alternative. We expect to place orders for the manufacturing assets required to produce the products at scale by early 2021.

Financial Review

Overview of results

Group revenue decreased by 8% to EUR2,072.7m (H1 2019: EUR2,243.1m) and trading profit decreased by 13% to EUR200.1m (H1 2019: EUR230.4m). This represents a 7% decrease in sales and a 12% decrease in trading profit on a constant currency basis. The Group's trading margin decreased by 60bps to 9.7% (H1 2019: 10.3%) primarily reflecting the divisional mix of earnings and the negative operating leverage associated with enforced plant shutdowns for a period. The amortisation charge in respect of intangibles was EUR10.9m compared to EUR11.0m in the first half of 2019. Group operating profit after amortisation fell 14% to EUR189.2m (H1 2019: EUR219.4m). Profit after tax was EUR147.5m compared to EUR173.2m in the first half of 2019, driven in the main by the decrease in trading profit. Basic EPS for the period was 79.8 cent, representing a decrease of 14.9% on the first half of 2019 (H1 2019: 93.8 cent).

The Group's underlying sales and trading profit performance by division is set out below:

 Sales                Underlying   Currency   Acquisition   Total 
-------------------  -----------  ---------  ------------  ------ 
 Insulated Panels        -12%        -1%          +5%        -8% 
 Insulation Boards       -18%         -            -        -18% 
 Light & Air             -9%          -          +29%       +20% 
 Water & Energy          -10%        -2%          +2%       -10% 
 Data & Flooring         -9%         +1%         +14%        +6% 
 Group                   -13%        -1%          +6%        -8% 
                     -----------  ---------  ------------  ------ 

The Group's trading profit measure is earnings before interest, tax and amortisation of intangibles:

 Trading Profit       Underlying   Currency   Acquisition   Total 
-------------------  -----------  ---------  ------------  ------ 
 Insulated Panels        -19%        -1%          +4%       -16% 
 Insulation Boards       -20%         -            -        -20% 
 Light & Air             -5%         +1%         +27%       +23% 
 Water & Energy          +16%        -2%          +3%       +17% 
 Data & Flooring         +8%         +2%         +11%       +21% 
 Group                   -16%        -1%          +4%       -13% 
                     -----------  ---------  ------------  ------ 

Finance costs (net)

Finance costs for the period were higher than the same period last year at EUR11.7m (H1 2019: EUR10.5m). Finance costs include a non-cash charge of EUR0.4m (H1 2019: EUR0.1m) relating to the Group's defined benefit pension schemes. Of this EUR0.3m relates to a scheme assumed on acquisition during the period. Lease interest of EUR2.0m was recorded during the period (H1 2019: EUR1.8m). A net non-cash credit of EUR0.1m was recorded in respect of swaps on the Group's USD private placement notes (H1 2019: credit of EUR0.3m). The Group's net interest expense on borrowings (bank and loan notes) in the first half of 2020 was EUR9.2m compared to EUR8.2m in the same period in 2019. The increased net interest charge reflects interest paid on drawings on bank facilities, which were drawn as a contingency measure in March, and lower interest income on cash balances.

Free cashflow

                                   H1 '20   H1 '19 
                                    EURm     EURm 
--------------------------------  -------  ------- 
 EBITDA*                           244.2    271.1 
 Movement in working capital **     95.6    (72.2) 
 Net capital expenditure           (58.7)   (68.5) 
 Pension contributions             (0.6)    (0.2) 
 Net finance costs paid            (10.4)   (8.7) 
 Income taxes paid                 (14.9)   (45.6) 
 Other including non-cash items     5.2      4.7 
                                  -------  ------- 
 Free cashflow                     260.4     80.6 
                                  -------  ------- 

*Earnings before finance costs, income taxes, depreciation, amortisation and the impact of IFRS 16. Calculation is set out in Alternative Performance Measures at the end of the statement

**Excludes working capital on acquisition but includes working capital movements since that point

Working capital at 30 June 2020 was EUR479.2m (31 December 2019: EUR582.8m), a decrease of EUR103.6m in the period. The typical seasonal build in the first half of the year was not a feature of H1 2020 given the extended shutdown in many of the Group's end markets and an associated reduction in working capital. The average working capital to sales percentage was 11.6% compared with 13.1% in H1 2019. Working capital management and cash generation has been a relentless area of focus over recent months, reflected in the lower working capital percentage. We expect working capital levels to normalise in the third quarter as activity levels pick up.

Net Debt

Net debt decreased by EUR195.3m during the first half of the year to EUR437.9m (31 December 2019: EUR633.2m) bolstered by strong free cashflow. The movement in debt is analysed in the table below:

 Movement in net debt                 H1 '20    H1 '19 
                                       EURm      EURm 
-----------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Free cashflow                         260.4     80.6 
 Acquisitions and disposals           (42.0)     (3.0) 
 Deferred consideration paid             -      (59.7) 
 Share issues                            -        0.1 
 Repurchase of shares                    -       (0.6) 
 Dividends paid                          -      (54.2) 
 Dividends paid to non controlling 
  interests                            (0.5)     (0.3) 
                                     --------  -------- 
 Cashflow movement                     217.9    (37.1) 
 Deferred consideration*                 -       30.0 
 Exchange movements on translation    (22.6)      1.1 
                                     --------  -------- 
 Decrease/(increase) in net debt       195.3     (6.0) 
 Net debt at start of period          (633.2)   (728.3) 
 Net debt at end of period            (437.9)   (734.3) 
                                     --------  -------- 

* Adjustment reflects the inclusion of deferred consideration in 2018 net debt, which was settled in cash in April 2019

Retirement benefits

The primary method of pension provision for current employees is by way of defined contribution arrangements. The Group has three legacy defined benefit schemes in the UK which are closed to new members and to future accrual. The most significant of these, a net liability of EUR19.7m (EUR9.8m at point of acquisition) was assumed on the acquisition of Colt Group during the period. This scheme is also closed to future accrual. In addition, the Group assumed a number of defined benefit pension liabilities in Mainland Europe through acquisitions completed in recent years. The net aggregate pension liability in respect of all schemes and obligations was EUR34.4m at 30 June 2020 (30 June 2019: EUR12.8m).


The tax charge for the first half of the year was EUR30.0m (H1 2019: EUR35.7m) which represents an effective tax rate of 16.9% on profit before tax (H1 2019: 17.1%). The decrease in the effective rate reflects the global mix of earnings year on year. Taxation payments of EUR14.9m were lower than in the first half of 2019 (EUR45.6m) due to deferred payment programs in place in a number of jurisdictions in response to the crisis. These will normalise in the second half.


The Group incurred EUR42.0m on acquisitions during the period. Of this, EUR36.9m was incurred on Colt Group with a further EUR5.1m on other acquisitions. In addition to the cash consideration for Colt the Group assumed a net pension liability of EUR9.8m.


The Board took the decision to cancel the proposed final 2019 dividend due for payment in May 2020 in light of the uncertain backdrop. This preserved EUR60.6m of cash in the business in the first half. In light of the ongoing, delicate nature of end markets an interim dividend has not been declared implying there will be no cash outflow for dividends during 2020. Furthermore, the dividend and shareholder returns policy is under review, and the outcome will be announced with our 2020 full year results.

Capital structure and Group financing

The Group funds itself through a combination of equity and debt. Debt is funded through a combination of syndicated bank facilities and private placement loan notes. The principal syndicated facility is a revolving credit facility of EUR451m with a committed term to June 2022. This is supplemented by an additional revolving credit facility of EUR300m with a committed term to June 2022. There were no drawings on either facility at period end. In February 2020 the Group arranged an additional bi-lateral term 'Green Loan' for EUR50m which matures in 2025. Green finance is expected to become a more prominent part of the Group's debt structure in future years.

In addition, as part of the Group's longer-term capital structure, the Group has total private placement loan notes of EUR842m (H1 2019: EUR839m) which have a weighted average maturity of 4 years (H1 2019: 5 years).

The weighted average maturity of all debt facilities is 3.8 years (H1 2019: 4.8 years).

As well as ongoing free cashflow generation, the Group has significant available undrawn facilities and cash which provide appropriate headroom for operational requirements and development funding. Total available headroom was EUR1,182m at 30 June 2020 (H1 2019: EUR888.6m).

Related party transactions

Apart from the dividend cancellation, there were no changes in related party transactions from the 2019 Annual Report that could have a material impact on the financial position or performance of the Group in the first half of the year.

Principal risks & uncertainties

Details of the principal risks and uncertainties facing the Group can be found in the 2019 Annual Report. These risks, namely volatility in the macro environment, failure to innovate, product failure, business interruption (including IT continuity and climate change), credit risks and credit control, employee development and retention, fraud and cybercrime, acquisition and integration of new businesses, health & safety, and laws & regulations remain the most likely to affect the Group in the second half of the current year. The Group actively manages these and all other risks through its control and risk management processes. The risk agenda and outlook has been significantly tested in recent months and the Group's processes and business model has withstood these uncertainties well. We will continue to actively assess changes in the external environment on events which could change our risk assessment and profile.

Looking Ahead

Accurate predictions are impossible at present. What appears certain is that general confidence will have suffered and investment decisions across many sectors will be curtailed through 2021. Conversely, sectors such as data, technology, next generation automotive and online logistics could be buoyed up as consumer behaviour evolves. More broadly, governments and policy makers worldwide are becoming more purposeful about a move towards lower emissions and ensuring buildings of all types become dramatically more efficient. Kingspan's exposure to these end markets has grown markedly in recent years.

All things considered, and despite the much anticipated near-term stimulus initiatives across the globe, we expect the general economic environment to be tougher than it was pre-crisis. Whatever situation unfolds Kingspan remains well poised, agile and funded to play our part.

2020 Statement of Directors Responsibilities

for the 6 month period ended 30 June 2020

The Directors are responsible for preparing the half-yearly financial report in accordance with the Transparency (Directive 2004/109/EC) Regulations 2007, as amended, (the "Transparency Regulations") and the Transparency Rules of the Central Bank of Ireland.

Each of the Directors confirm that to the best of their knowledge:

1) the condensed set of consolidated financial statements included within the half-yearly financial report of Kingspan Group Plc for the six months ended 30 June 2020 (the "interim financial information") which comprises the Condensed Consolidated Income Statement, the Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income, the Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position, the Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity, the Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows and the related explanatory notes, have been presented and prepared in accordance with IAS 34, Interim Financial Reporting, as adopted by the EU, the Transparency Directive and Transparency Rules of the Central Bank of Ireland;

2) the interim financial information presented, as required by the Transparency Regulations, includes:

a. a fair review of the important events that have occurred during the first 6 months of the financial year, and their impact on the condensed set of consolidated financial statements;

b. a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining 6 months of the financial year;

c. a fair review of related parties' transactions that have taken place in the first 6 months of the current financial year and that have materially affected the financial position or the performance of the enterprise during that period; and

d. any changes in the related parties' transactions described in the last annual report that could have a material effect on the financial position or performance of the enterprise in the first 6 months of the current financial year.

The directors of Kingspan Group plc, and their functions, are listed in the 2019 Annual Report.

On behalf of the Board

 Gene M Murtagh            Geoff Doherty 
 Chief Executive Officer   Chief Financial Officer 
 21 August 2020            21 August 2020 

Kingspan Group plc

Condensed consolidated income statement (unaudited)

for the 6 month period ended 30 June 2020

                                                    6 months    6 months 
                                                       ended       ended 
                                                30 June 2020     30 June 
                                         Note           EURm        EURm 
 Revenue                                    4        2,072.7     2,243.1 
 Cost of Sales                                     (1,462.0)   (1,598.8) 
                                               -------------  ---------- 
   Gross Profit                                        610.7       644.3 
 Operating Costs                                     (410.6)     (413.9) 
                                               -------------  ---------- 
   Trading Profit                           4          200.1       230.4 
 Intangible amortisation                              (10.9)      (11.0) 
 Operating Profit                                      189.2       219.4 
 Finance expense                            6         (12.5)      (12.1) 
 Finance income                             6            0.8         1.6 
                                               -------------  ---------- 
 Profit for the period before income 
  tax                                                  177.5       208.9 
 Income tax expense                         7         (30.0)      (35.7) 
                                               -------------  ---------- 
 Profit for the period                                 147.5       173.2 
                                               -------------  ---------- 
   Attributable to owners of Kingspan 
   Group plc                                           144.5       169.3 
 Attributable to non-controlling 
  interests                                              3.0         3.9 
                                               -------------  ---------- 
                                                       147.5       173.2 
                                               -------------  ---------- 
   Earnings per share for the period 
 Basic                                     12          79.8c       93.8c 
   Diluted                                 12          79.2c       93.3c 

Kingspan Group plc

Condensed consolidated statement of comprehensive income (unaudited)

for the 6 month period ended 30 June 2020

                                                      6 months   6 months 
                                                         ended      ended 
                                                       30 June    30 June 
                                                          2020       2019 
                                                          EURm       EURm 
 Profit for financial period                             147.5      173.2 
   Other comprehensive income: 
   Items that may be reclassified subsequently 
   to profit or loss 
 Exchange differences on translating foreign 
  operations                                            (71.6)       12.3 
 Net changes in fair value of cash flow hedges             0.5        0.2 
 Items that will not be reclassified subsequently 
  to profit or loss 
 Actuarial losses on defined benefit pension             (9.4)          - 
 Income taxes relating to actuarial losses                 1.8          - 
  on defined benefit pension schemes 
   Total comprehensive income for the period              68.8      185.7 
                                                     ---------  --------- 
 Attributable to owners of Kingspan Group 
  plc                                                     73.5      181.3 
 Attributable to non-controlling interests               (4.7)        4.4 
                                                     ---------  --------- 
                                                          68.8      185.7 
                                                     ---------  --------- 

Kingspan Group plc

Condensed consolidated statement of financial position

as at 30 June 2020

                                                     At 30 June                  At 30 June          At 31 December 
                                               2020 (unaudited)            2019 (unaudited)                    2019 
                                      Note                 EURm                        EURm                    EURm 
 Non-current assets 
 Goodwill                               13              1,498.5                     1,402.9                 1,506.9 
 Other intangible assets                                   87.5                       100.7                    93.2 
 Financial asset                                            8.2                         8.2                     8.2 
 Property, plant and equipment          14                968.3                       888.3                   965.2 
 Right of use assets                    15                143.4                       126.3                   121.6 
 Derivative financial instruments        9                 33.5                        30.3                    27.3 
 Retirement benefit assets                                188.1                         7.5                     9.2 
 Deferred tax assets                                       15.9                        15.6                    14.1 
                                            -------------------         -------------------         --------------- 
                                                        2,943.4                     2,579.8                 2,745.7 
 Current assets 
 Inventories                                              542.6                       578.2                   557.6 
 Trade and other receivables                              869.2                       928.8                   794.2 
 Derivative financial instruments        9                  0.2                           -                       - 
 Cash and cash equivalents               9                431.0                       157.6                   190.9 
                                            -------------------         -------------------         --------------- 
                                                        1,843.0                     1,664.6                 1,542.7 
                                            -------------------         -------------------         --------------- 
 Total assets                                           4,786.4                     4,244.4                 4,288.4 
                                            -------------------         -------------------         --------------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                                 932.6                       889.6                   768.9 
 Provisions for liabilities                                59.8                        50.0                    58.0 
 Lease liabilities                      15                 30.3                        25.5                    25.6 
 Derivative financial instruments                             -                           -                     0.1 
 Interest bearing loans and 
  borrowings                             8                 45.9                        52.7                     3.1 
 Current income tax liabilities                            87.0                        67.1                    72.9 
                                            -------------------         -------------------         --------------- 
                                                        1,155.6                     1,084.9                   928.6 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Retirement benefit obligations                           222.5                        20.3                    24.3 
 Provisions for liabilities                                52.5                        61.4                    51.7 
 Interest bearing loans and 
  borrowings                             8                856.7                       869.5                   848.3 
 Lease liabilities                      15                114.3                       100.4                    96.7 
 Deferred tax liabilities                                  32.4                        42.8                    31.9 
 Deferred contingent consideration      10                156.2                       139.6                   186.5 
                                            -------------------         -------------------         --------------- 
                                                        1,434.6                     1,234.0                 1,239.4 
                                            -------------------         -------------------         --------------- 
 Total liabilities                                      2,590.2                     2,318.9                 2,168.0 
                                            -------------------         -------------------         --------------- 
   Net Assets                                           2,196.2                     1,925.5                 2,120.4 
                                            -------------------         -------------------         --------------- 
 Share capital                                             23.8                        23.8                    23.8 
 Share premium                                             95.6                        95.6                    95.6 
 Capital redemption reserve                                 0.7                         0.7                     0.7 
 Treasury shares                                         (11.7)                      (12.4)                  (11.8) 
 Other reserves                                         (323.8)                     (264.6)                 (259.6) 
 Retained earnings                                      2,366.0                     2,039.7                 2,221.6 
                                            -------------------         -------------------         --------------- 
 Equity attributable to owners 
  of Kingspan Group plc                                 2,150.6                     1,882.8                 2,070.3 
 Non-controlling interests                                 45.6                        42.7                    50.1 
                                            -------------------         -------------------         --------------- 
 Total Equity                                           2,196.2                     1,925.5                 2,120.4 
                                            -------------------         -------------------         --------------- 
 Kingspan Group plc 
  Condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity (unaudited) 
  for the 6 month period ended 30 June 2020 
                        Share     Share      Capital   Treasury   Translation      Cash     Share   Revaluation         Put    Retained          Total          Non-       Total 
                      capital   premium   redemption     shares       reserve      flow     based       reserve      option    earnings   attributable   controlling      equity 
                                             reserve                            hedging   payment                 liability                  to owners     interests 
                                                                                reserve   reserve                   reserve                     of the 
                         EURm      EURm         EURm       EURm          EURm      EURm      EURm          EURm        EURm        EURm           EURm          EURm        EURm 
 Balance at 1 
  2020                   23.8      95.6          0.7     (11.8)       (110.8)       0.3      38.9           0.7     (188.7)     2,221.6        2,070.3          50.1     2,120.4 
                     --------  --------  -----------  ---------  ------------  --------  --------  ------------  ----------  ----------  -------------  ------------  ---------- 
  Transactions with owners 
  directly in equity 
 Employee share 
  compensation              -         -            -        0.1             -         -       7.7             -           -           -            7.8             -         7.8 
 Exercise or 
  lapsing of 
  share options             -         -            -          -             -         -     (7.6)             -           -         7.5          (0.1)             -       (0.1) 
 Dividends                  -         -            -          -             -         -         -             -           -           -              -             -           - 
 Transactions with 
 Dividends paid to 
  interests                 -         -            -          -             -         -         -             -           -           -              -         (0.5)       (0.5) 
 Arising on 
  acquisition               -         -            -          -             -         -         -             -           -           -              -           0.7         0.7 
 Fair value 
  movement                  -         -            -          -             -         -         -             -       (0.9)           -          (0.9)             -       (0.9) 
 Transactions with 
  owners                    -         -            -        0.1             -         -       0.1             -       (0.9)         7.5            6.8           0.2         7.0 
                     --------  --------  -----------  ---------  ------------  --------  --------  ------------  ----------  ----------  -------------  ------------  ---------- 
  for the period 
 Profit for the 
  period                    -         -            -          -             -         -         -             -           -       144.5          144.5           3.0       147.5 
 Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss 
 Cash flow 
 in equity 
 - current year             -         -            -          -             -       0.5         -             -           -           -            0.5             -         0.5 
 - tax impact               -         -            -          -             -         -         -             -           -           -              -             -           - 
  on translating 
  operations                -         -            -          -        (63.9)         -         -             -           -           -         (63.9)         (7.7)      (71.6) 
 Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss 
 Actuarial losses 
  on defined 
  benefit pension 
  scheme                    -         -            -          -             -         -         -             -           -       (9.4)          (9.4)             -       (9.4) 
 Income taxes 
  to actuarial 
  losses on 
  defined benefit 
  scheme                    -         -            -          -             -         -         -             -           -         1.8            1.8             -         1.8 
  for the period            -         -            -          -        (63.9)       0.5         -             -           -       136.9           73.5         (4.7)        68.8 
                     --------  --------  -----------  ---------  ------------  --------  --------  ------------  ----------  ----------  -------------  ------------  ---------- 
   Balance at 30 
   June 2020             23.8      95.6          0.7     (11.7)       (174.7)       0.8      39.0           0.7     (189.6)     2,366.0        2,150.6          45.6     2,196.2 
                     --------  --------  -----------  ---------  ------------  --------  --------  ------------  ----------  ----------  -------------  ------------  ---------- 
 Kingspan Group plc 
  Condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity (unaudited) 
  for the 6 month period ended 30 June 2019 
                         Share     Share      Capital   Treasury   Translation      Cash     Share   Revaluation         Put    Retained          Total          Non-       Total 
                       capital   premium   redemption     shares       reserve      flow     based       reserve      option    earnings   attributable   controlling      equity 
                                              reserve                            hedging   payment                 liability                  to owners     interests 
                                                                                 reserve   reserve                   reserve                     of the 
                          EURm      EURm         EURm       EURm          EURm      EURm      EURm          EURm        EURm        EURm           EURm          EURm        EURm 
 Balance at 1 
  2019                    23.7      95.6          0.7     (12.7)       (172.0)       0.5      36.9           0.7     (139.3)     1,916.2        1,750.3          38.6     1,788.9 
                      --------  --------  -----------  ---------  ------------  --------  --------  ------------  ----------  ----------  -------------  ------------  ---------- 
  Transactions with owners 
  directly in equity 
 Employee share 
  based compensation         -         -            -          -             -         -       6.7             -           -           -            6.7             -         6.7 
 Exercise or lapsing 
  share options            0.1         -            -        0.9             -         -     (9.3)             -           -         8.4            0.1             -         0.1 
 Repurchase of 
  shares                     -         -            -      (0.6)             -         -         -             -           -           -          (0.6)             -       (0.6) 
 Dividends                   -         -            -          -             -         -         -             -           -      (54.2)         (54.2)             -      (54.2) 
 Transactions with 
 Dividends paid to 
  interests                  -         -            -          -             -         -         -             -           -           -              -         (0.3)       (0.3) 
 Fair value movement         -         -            -          -             -         -         -             -       (0.8)           -          (0.8)             -       (0.8) 
 Transactions with 
  owners                   0.1         -            -        0.3             -         -     (2.6)             -       (0.8)      (45.8)         (48.8)         (0.3)      (49.1) 
                      --------  --------  -----------  ---------  ------------  --------  --------  ------------  ----------  ----------  -------------  ------------  ---------- 
  for the period 
 Profit for the 
  period                     -         -            -          -             -         -         -             -           -       169.3          169.3           3.9       173.2 
 Other comprehensive 
 Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss 
 Cash flow hedging 
  in equity 
 - current year              -         -            -          -             -       0.2         -             -           -           -            0.2             -         0.2 
 - tax impact                -         -            -          -             -         -         -             -           -           -              -             -           - 
  differences on 
  foreign operations         -         -            -          -          11.8         -         -             -           -           -           11.8           0.5        12.3 
 Total comprehensive 
  for the period             -         -            -          -          11.8       0.2         -             -           -       169.3          181.3           4.4       185.7 
                      --------  --------  -----------  ---------  ------------  --------  --------  ------------  ----------  ----------  -------------  ------------  ---------- 
   Balance at 30 
   2019                   23.8      95.6          0.7     (12.4)       (160.2)       0.7      34.3           0.7     (140.1)     2,039.7        1,882.8          42.7     1,925.5 
                      --------  --------  -----------  ---------  ------------  --------  --------  ------------  ----------  ----------  -------------  ------------  ---------- 
   Kingspan Group plc 
    Condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity (audited) 
    for the year ended 31 December 2019 
                          Share     Share      Capital   Treasury   Translation      Cash     Share   Revaluation         Put   Retained          Total          Non-       Total 
                        Capital   Premium   Redemption     Shares       Reserve      Flow     Based       Reserve      Option   Earnings   Attributable   Controlling      Equity 
                                               Reserve                            Hedging   Payment                 Liability                 to Owners      Interest 
                                                                                  Reserve   Reserve                   Reserve                    of the 
                           EURm      EURm         EURm       EURm          EURm      EURm      EURm          EURm        EURm       EURm           EURm          EURm        EURm 
     Balance at 1 
      2019                 23.7      95.6          0.7     (12.7)       (172.0)       0.5      36.9           0.7     (139.3)    1,916.2        1,750.3          38.6     1,788.9 
     Transactions with owners recognised directly in equity 
     Employee share 
      compensation          0.1         -            -          -             -         -      13.1             -           -          -           13.2             -        13.2 
     Tax on employee 
      compensation            -         -            -          -             -         -       1.7             -           -        2.5            4.2             -         4.2 
     Exercise or 
      lapsing of 
      share options           -         -            -        1.5             -         -    (12.8)             -           -       11.3              -             -           - 
     Repurchase of 
      shares                  -         -            -      (0.6)             -         -         -             -           -                     (0.6)             -       (0.6) 
     Dividends                -         -            -          -             -                                 -           -     (77.6)         (77.6)         (0.4)      (78.0) 
     Arising on 
      acquisition             -         -            -          -             -         -         -             -      (26.7)          -         (26.7)           3.7      (23.0) 
     Fair value 
      movement                -         -            -          -             -         -         -             -      (22.7)          -         (22.7)             -      (22.7) 
      with owners           0.1         -            -        0.9             -         -       2.0             -      (49.4)     (63.8)        (110.2)           3.3     (106.9) 
                       --------  --------  -----------  ---------  ------------  --------  --------  ------------  ----------  ---------  -------------  ------------  ---------- 
     for the year 
     Profit for the 
      year                    -         -            -          -             -         -         -             -           -      369.4          369.4           8.4       377.8 
     Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss 
     Cash flow 
     hedging in 
     - current year           -         -            -          -             -     (0.2)         -             -           -          -          (0.2)             -       (0.2) 
     - tax impact             -         -            -          -             -         -         -             -           -          -              -             -           - 
      on translating 
      operations              -         -            -          -          61.2         -         -             -           -          -           61.2         (0.2)        61.0 
     Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss 
     Actuarial losses 
      on defined 
      benefit pension 
      scheme                  -         -            -          -             -         -         -             -           -      (0.2)          (0.2)             -       (0.2) 
     Income taxes 
     to actuarial 
     losses on 
     defined benefit 
     scheme                   -         -            -          -             -         -         -             -           -          -              -             -           - 
      for the year            -         -            -          -          61.2     (0.2)         -             -           -      369.2          430.2           8.2       438.4 
                       --------  --------  -----------  ---------  ------------  --------  --------  ------------  ----------  ---------  -------------  ------------  ---------- 
      Balance at 31 
      2019                 23.8      95.6          0.7     (11.8)       (110.8)       0.3      38.9           0.7     (188.7)    2,221.6        2,070.3          50.1     2,120.4 
                       --------  --------  -----------  ---------  ------------  --------  --------  ------------  ----------  ---------  -------------  ------------  ---------- 
   Kingspan Group plc 
   Condensed consolidated statement of cash flows (unaudited) 
   for the 6 month period ended 30 June 2020 
                                  6 months                   6 months 
                                     ended                      ended 
                              30 June 2020                    30 June 
 Operating activities 
 Profit for the period                     147.5   173.2 
 Add back non-operating expenses: 
 Income tax expense                         30.0    35.7 
 Depreciation of property, plant 
  and equipment                             60.4    56.9 
 Amortisation of intangible assets          10.9    11.0 
 Employee equity-settled share options       7.7     6.7 
 Finance income                            (0.8)   (1.6) 
 Finance expense                            12.5    12.1 
 Profit on sale of property, plant 
  and equipment                                (2.5)       (1.7) 
 Release of deferred consideration                 -       (0.3) 
 Changes in working capital: 
 Decrease/(increase) in inventories             15.8      (52.4) 
 Increase in trade and other receivables      (53.8)     (128.5) 
 Increase in trade, other payables 
  and provisions                               133.6       108.7 
 Pension contributions                         (0.6)       (0.2) 
                                            --------  ---------- 
 Cash generated from operations                360.7       219.6 
 Taxes paid                                   (14.9)      (45.6) 
 Interest paid                                (11.1)      (10.3) 
                                            --------  ---------- 
 Net cash flow from operating activities       334.7       163.7 
                                            --------  ---------- 
   Investing activities 
 Additions to property, plant and 
  equipment                                   (63.8)      (71.5) 
 Proceeds from disposals of property, 
  plant and equipment                            5.1         3.0 
 Purchase of subsidiary undertakings 
  (including net debt/cash acquired)          (42.0)       (3.0) 
 Payment of deferred consideration 
  in respect of acquisitions                       -      (59.7) 
 Interest received                               0.7         1.6 
                                            --------  ---------- 
 Net cash flow from investing activities     (100.0)     (129.6) 
                                            --------  ---------- 
   Financing activities 
 Drawdown of interest bearing loans 
  and borrowings                                51.5         0.5 
 Repayment of interest bearing loans 
  and borrowings                               (1.1)     (102.2) 
 Payment of lease liabilities                 (16.3)      (16.2) 
 Proceeds from share issues                        -         0.1 
 Repurchase of treasury shares                     -       (0.6) 
 Dividends paid to non-controlling 
  interests                                    (0.5)       (0.3) 
 Dividends paid                                    -      (54.2) 
                                            --------  ---------- 
 Net cash flow from financing activities        33.6     (172.9) 
                                            --------  ---------- 
   Increase/(decrease) in cash and 
   cash equivalents                            268.3     (138.8) 
 Translation adjustment                       (28.2)         1.9 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the 
  beginning of the period                      190.9       294.5 
                                            --------  ---------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the 
  end of the period                            431.0       157.6 
                                            --------  ---------- 

Kingspan Group plc


forming part of the financial statements

   1    Reporting entity 

Kingspan Group plc ("the Company") is a public limited company registered and domiciled in Ireland.

The Company and its subsidiaries (together referred to as "the Group") are primarily involved in the manufacture of high performance insulation and building envelope solutions.

The financial information presented in the half-yearly report does not represent full statutory accounts. Full statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2019 prepared in accordance with IFRS, as adopted by the EU, upon which the auditors have given an unqualified audit report, are available on the Group's website ( www.kingspan.com ).

   2    Basis of preparation 

This half-yearly financial report is unaudited and has not been reviewed by the Company's auditor with regard to the Financial Reporting Council's International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410.

(a) Statement of compliance

These condensed consolidated interim financial statements ("the Interim Financial Statements") have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting and do not include all of the information required for full annual financial statements.

The Interim Financial Statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 21 August 2020.

(b) Significant accounting policies

The significant accounting policies applied by the Group in the Interim Financial Statements are the same as those applied by the Group in its consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2019.

The following amendments to standards and interpretations are effective for the Group from 1 January 2020 and do not have a material effect on the results or financial position of the Group:

                                                                          Effective Date 
                                                                     - periods beginning 
                                                                             on or after 
       Amendments to IFRS 3 Business Combinations -                       1 January 2020 
        Definition of a business 
       Amendments to IFRS 9 Financial Instruments,                        1 January 2020 
        IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and 
        measurement and IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: 
        Disclosures - Interest Rate Benchmark Reform 
       Amendments to IAS 1 Presentation of Financial                      1 January 2020 
        Statements -- Definition of material 
       Amendments to IAS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes                   1 January 2020 
        in Accounting Estimates and Errors -- Definition 
        of material 
       Amendments to References to the Conceptual Framework 
        in IFRS Standards 

The following standard amendment was issued in May 2020 effective for annual reporting periods beginning on or after 1 June 2020 with earlier application permitted and is not expected to have a material effect on the results or financial position of the Group :

                                                                   Effective Date 
                                                                periods beginning 
                                                                      on or after 
       Amendments to IFRS 16 Leases - COVID-19 related                1 June 2020 
        rent concessions. 

The following standard is not yet effective and is not expected to have a material effect on the results or financial position of the Group:

                                                 Effective Date 
                                            - periods beginning 
                                                    on or after 
       IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts               1 January 2021 

(c) Estimates and judgements

The preparation of Interim Financial Statements requires management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, income and expense. Actual results may differ from these estimates.

In preparing the Interim Financial Statements, the significant judgements made by management in applying the Group's accounting policies and the key sources of estimation uncertainty were the same as those that applied to the consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2019.

The Interim Financial Statements are available on the Group's website ( www.kingspan.com ).

(d) Going concern

The directors have reviewed forecasts and projected cash flows for a period of not less than 12 months from the date of these Interim Financial Statements, and considered its net debt position, available committed banking facilities and other relevant information including the economic conditions currently affecting the building environment generally. On the basis of this review, the directors have concluded that there are no material uncertainties that would cast significant doubt over the Group's ability to continue as a going concern. For this reason, the directors consider it appropriate to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the financial statements.

   3    Reporting currency 

The Interim Financial Statements are presented in Euro which is the functional currency of the Company and presentation currency of the Group.

Results and cash flows of foreign subsidiary undertakings have been translated into Euro at the average exchange rates for the period, as these approximate the exchange rates at the dates of the transactions. The related assets and liabilities have been translated at the closing rates of exchange applicable at the end of the reporting period.

The following significant exchange rates were applied during the period:

                                 Average rate                  Closing rate 
                         H1 2020   H1 2019    FY 2019   H1 2020   H1 2019   FY 2019 
    Euro = 
    Pound Sterling         0.874     0.873      0.877     0.904     0.896     0.852 
    US Dollar              1.103     1.130      1.120     1.124     1.137     1.121 
    Canadian Dollar        1.503     1.506      1.485     1.534     1.492     1.461 
    Australian Dollar      1.679     1.599      1.610     1.637     1.625     1.600 
    Czech Koruna          26.351    25.682     25.669    26.738    25.433    25.414 
    Polish Zloty           4.413     4.291      4.297     4.457     4.256     4.260 
    Hungarian Forint     345.220    320.45     325.31   353.830   323.420    330.52 
    Brazilian Real         5.409     4.342      4.415     6.008     4.372     4.512 
   4    Operating segments 

The Group has the following five reportable segments:

       Insulated Panels          Manufacture of insulated panels, structural framing 
                                  and metal facades. 
       Insulation Boards         Manufacture of rigid insulation boards, building 
                                  services insulation and engineered timber systems. 
       Light & Air               Manufacture of daylighting, smoke management and 
                                  ventilation systems. 
       Water & Energy            Manufacture of energy and water solutions and 
                                  all related service activity. 
       Data & Flooring           Manufacture of data centre storage solutions and 
                                  raised access floors. 
 Analysis by class of business 
 Segment revenue and disaggregation of revenue 
                            Insulated   Insulation    Light       Water           & 
                               Panels       Boards    & Air    & Energy    Flooring      Total 
                                 EURm         EURm     EURm        EURm        EURm       EURm 
 Total revenue - 
  H1 2020                     1,332.0        367.9    171.9        92.9       108.0    2,072.7 
 Total revenue - 
  H1 2019                     1,444.8        450.5    142.9       103.1       101.8    2,243.1 
 Disaggregation of revenue H1 2020 
 Point in Time                1,330.4        356.4     96.3        92.4        96.0    1,971.5 
 Over Time                        1.6         11.5     75.6         0.5        12.0      101.2 
                           ----------  -----------  -------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
                              1,332.0        367.9    171.9        92.9       108.0    2,072.7 
 Disaggregation of revenue H1 2019 
 Point in Time                1,441.6        427.9     87.4       102.3        78.0    2,137.2 
 Over Time                        3.2         22.6     55.5         0.8        23.8      105.9 
                           ----------  -----------  -------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
                              1,444.8        450.5    142.9       103.1       101.8    2,243.1 
                            Insulated   Insulation    Light       Water           & 
                               Panels       Boards    & Air    & Energy    Flooring      Total 
                                 EURm         EURm     EURm        EURm        EURm       EURm 
   Trading profit - 
   H1 2020                      123.3         48.5      7.6         6.9        13.8      200.1 
 Intangible amortisation        (7.2)        (2.5)    (0.7)       (0.4)       (0.1)     (10.9) 
   Operating result 
   - H1 2020                    116.1         46.0      6.9         6.5        13.7      189.2 
                           ----------  -----------  -------  ----------  ---------- 
   Net finance expense                                                                  (11.7) 
 Profit for the period before income tax                                                 177.5 
 Income tax expense                                                                     (30.0) 
   Profit for the period - H1 2020                                                       147.5 
                            Insulated   Insulation    Light       Water           & 
                               Panels       Boards    & Air    & Energy    Flooring      Total 
                                 EURm         EURm     EURm        EURm        EURm       EURm 
   Trading profit - 
   H1 2019                      146.5         60.4      6.2         5.9        11.4      230.4 
 Intangible amortisation        (6.4)        (2.4)    (1.7)       (0.5)           -     (11.0) 
   Operating result 
   - H1 2019                    140.1         58.0      4.5         5.4        11.4      219.4 
                           ----------  -----------  -------  ----------  ---------- 
   Net finance expense                                                                  (10.5) 
 Profit for the period before income tax                                                 208.9 
 Income tax expense                                                                     (35.7) 
   Profit for the period - H1 2019                                                       173.2 
   Segment assets and liabilities 
                                                                                         Total       Total 
                          Insulated    Insulation      Light   Water &      Data &     30 June     30 June 
                             Panels        Boards      & Air    Energy    Flooring        2020        2019 
                               EURm          EURm       EURm      EURm        EURm        EURm        EURm 
 Assets - H1 2020           2,459.7         801.2      677.6     182.5       184.8     4,305.8 
 Assets - H1 2019           2,443.2         856.1      376.1     192.4       173.1                 4,040.9 
  instruments                                                                             33.7        30.3 
 Cash and cash 
  equivalents                                                                            431.0       157.6 
 Deferred tax asset                                                                       15.9        15.6 
                                                                                    ----------  ---------- 
 Total assets                                                                          4,786.4     4,244.4 
                                                                                    ----------  ---------- 
 Liabilities - H1 
  2020                      (877.7)       (205.1)    (379.2)    (66.0)      (40.2)   (1,568.2) 
 Liabilities - H1 
  2019                      (855.2)       (215.1)    (104.7)    (70.0)      (41.8)               (1,286.8) 
 Interest bearing loans and borrowings (current and non-current)                       (902.6)       (922.2) 
 Income tax liabilities (current and deferred)                                         (119.4)       (109.9) 
                                                                                    ----------  ------------ 
 Total liabilities                                                                   (2,590.2)     (2,318.9) 
                                                                                    ----------  ------------ 
  Other segment information 
                                  Insulated   Insulation    Light                    Data 
                                     Panels       Boards    & Air       Water           & 
                                       EURm         EURm     EURm    & Energy    Flooring    Total 
                                                                         EURm        EURm     EURm 
   Capital Investment 
   - H1 2020 *                         54.7          9.4     16.7         0.7         1.1     82.6 
 Capital Investment 
  - H1 2019 *                          48.5         20.1      6.2         2.0         0.7     77.5 
 Depreciation included 
  in segment 
  result - H1 2020                   (36.7)       (12.1)    (5.6)       (3.3)       (2.7)   (60.4) 
 Depreciation included 
  in segment 
  result - H1 2019                   (35.3)       (11.8)    (4.2)       (3.2)       (2.4)   (56.9) 
 Non cash items included 
  in segment result 
  - H1 2020                           (4.5)        (1.5)    (0.4)       (0.5)       (0.8)    (7.7) 
 Non cash items included 
  in segment result 
  - H1 2019                           (4.0)        (1.3)    (0.3)       (0.5)       (0.6)    (6.7) 
 Analysis of segmental data by geography 
                                  Republic       United        Rest 
                                of Ireland      Kingdom          of       Americas      Others      Total 
                                      EURm         EURm      Europe           EURm        EURm       EURm 
 Income Statement Items 
 Revenue - H1 2020                    60.6        350.9     1,095.9          426.6       138.7    2,072.7 
 Revenue - H1 2019                    93.8        450.6     1,099.5          451.5       147.7    2,243.1 
   Statement of Financial Position Items 
 Non-current assets - 
  H1 2020 **                          65.4        810.1     1,238.6          577.8       202.1    2,894.0 
 Non-current assets - 
  H1 2019 **                          56.4        392.1     1,292.0          585.7       207.7    2,533.9 
 Capital Investment - 
  H1 2020 *                            4.1          9.8        53.2           14.4         1.1       82.6 
 Capital Investment - 
  H1 2019 *                            5.1          9.4        41.7           20.9         0.4       77.5 
 *                         Capital investment includes the fair value of property, plant, 
                            equipment and intangible assets acquired through additions 
                            in the period and also as part of business combinations. Additions 
                            to right of use assets are excluded. 
 ** Total non-current assets excluding derivative financial instruments 
  and deferred tax assets. 

In presenting information on the basis of geographic segments, segment revenue is based on the geographic location of customers. Segment assets are based on the geographic location of the assets.

   5    Seasonality of operations 

Activity in the global construction industry is characterised by cyclicality and is dependent to a significant extent on the seasonal impact of weather in some of the Group's operating locations. Activity is second half weighted.

    6    Finance expense and finance income 
                                              6 months   6 months 
                                                 ended      ended 
                                               30 June    30 June 
                                                  2020       2019 
                                                  EURm       EURm 
 Finance expense 
 Bank loans                                        1.6        1.1 
 Private placement loan notes                      8.4        8.7 
 Lease interest                                    2.0        1.8 
 Deferred contingent consideration 
  fair value movement                                -        0.1 
 Defined benefit pension scheme, 
  net                                              0.4        0.1 
 Fair value movement on derivative 
  financial instruments                          (7.3)      (2.2) 
 Fair value movement on private placement 
  debt                                             7.4        2.5 
                                             ---------  --------- 
                                                  12.5       12.1 
 Finance income 
 Interest earned                                 (0.8)      (1.6) 
 Net finance cost                                 11.7       10.5 
                                             ---------  --------- 

EUR0.2m of borrowing costs were capitalised during the period (H1 2019: EUR0.5m).

   7    Taxation 

Taxation provided for on profits is EUR30.0m which represents 16.9 % of the profit before tax for the period (H1 2019: 17.1%). The full year effective tax rate in 2019 was 16.9%. The taxation charge for the six month period is accrued using the estimated applicable rate for the year as a whole.

   8    Analysis of net debt 
                                             At          At             At 
                                        30 June     30 June    31 December 
                                           2020        2019           2019 
                                           EURm        EURm           EURm 
 Cash and cash equivalents                431.0       157.6          190.9 
 Derivative financial instruments          33.7        30.3           27.3 
 Current borrowings                      (45.9)      (52.7)          (3.1) 
 Non-current borrowings                 (856.7)     (869.5)        (848.3) 
   Total net debt                       (437.9)     (734.3)        (633.2) 
                                     ----------  ----------  ------------- 

Net debt, which is an Alternative Performance Measure, is stated net of interest rate and currency hedge asset of EUR33.7m (at 31 December 2019: asset of EUR27.3m) which relate to hedges of debt. Foreign currency derivatives of EURnil (at 31 December 2019: liability of EUR0.1m), which are used for transactional hedging, are not included in the definition of net debt. Lease liabilities recognised due to the implementation of IFRS 16 and deferred contingent consideration have also been excluded from the calculation of net debt.

   9    Financial instruments 

The following table outlines the components of net debt by category:

                                  Financial      Liabilities      designated 
                                    assets/        in a fair      as hedging     Total net 
                              (liabilities)      value hedge     instruments       debt by 
                               at amortised     relationship            EURm      category 
                                       cost             EURm                          EURm 
 Interest rate swaps                      -                -            33.7          33.7 
 Cash at bank and in 
  hand                                431.0                -               -         431.0 
                           ----------------  ---------------  --------------  ------------ 
 Total assets                         431.0                -            33.7         464.7 
                           ----------------  ---------------  --------------  ------------ 
 Private placement notes            (699.3)          (142.8)               -       (842.1) 
 Other loans                         (60.5)                -               -        (60.5) 
 Total liabilities                  (759.8)          (142.8)               -       (902.6) 
                           ----------------  ---------------  --------------  ------------ 
   At 30 June 2020                  (328.8)          (142.8)            33.7       (437.9) 
                           ----------------  ---------------  --------------  ------------ 
                                  Financial      Liabilities      designated 
                                    assets/        in a fair      as hedging     Total net 
                              (liabilities)      value hedge     instruments       debt by 
                               at amortised     relationship            EURm      category 
                                       cost             EURm                          EURm 
 Interest rate swaps                      -                -            27.3          27.3 
 Cash at bank and in 
  hand                                190.9                -               -         190.9 
                           ----------------  ---------------  --------------  ------------ 
 Total assets                         190.9                -            27.3         218.2 
                           ----------------  ---------------  --------------  ------------ 
 Private placement notes            (699.4)          (141.5)               -       (840.9) 
 Other loans                         (10.5)                -               -        (10.5) 
 Total liabilities                  (709.9)          (141.5)               -       (851.4) 
                           ----------------  ---------------  --------------  ------------ 
   At 31 December 2019              (519.0)          (141.5)            27.3       (633.2) 
                           ----------------  ---------------  --------------  ------------ 
                                  Financial      Liabilities      designated 
                                    assets/        in a fair      as hedging     Total net 
                              (liabilities)      value hedge     instruments       debt by 
                               at amortised     relationship            EURm      category 
                                       cost             EURm                          EURm 
 Interest rate swaps                      -                -            30.3          30.3 
 Cash at bank and in 
  hand                                157.6                -               -         157.6 
                           ----------------  ---------------  --------------  ------------ 
 Total assets                         157.6                -            30.3         187.9 
                           ----------------  ---------------  --------------  ------------ 
 Private placement notes            (698.9)          (140.3)               -       (839.2) 
 Other loans                         (83.0)                -               -        (83.0) 
 Total liabilities                  (781.9)          (140.3)               -       (922.2) 
                           ----------------  ---------------  --------------  ------------ 
   At 30 June 2019                  (624.3)          (140.3)            30.3       (734.3) 
                           ----------------  ---------------  --------------  ------------ 

The Group's private placement loan notes of EUR842.1m have a weighted average maturity of 4 years.

Fair value of financial instruments carried at fair value

Financial instruments recognised at fair value are analysed between those based on quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (Level 1), those involving inputs other than quoted prices that are observable for the assets or liabilities, either directly or indirectly (Level 2), and those involving inputs for the assets or liabilities that are not based on observable market data (Level 3).

The following table sets out the fair value of all financial instruments whose carrying value is measured at fair value:

                                         Level 1    Level 2     Level 3 
                                         30 June    30 June     30 June 
                                            2020       2020        2020 
                                            EURm       EURm        EURm 
 Financial assets 
  Interest rate swaps                          -       33.7           - 
  Financial liabilities 
  Deferred contingent consideration            -          -     (156.2) 
                                      ----------  ---------  ---------- 
   At 30 June 2020                             -       33.7     (156.2) 
                                      ----------  ---------  ---------- 
                                             Level 1        Level 2        Level 3 
                                         31 December    31 December    31 December 
                                                2019           2019           2019 
                                                EURm           EURm           EURm 
 Financial assets 
  Interest rate swaps 
                                                   -           27.3              - 
  Financial liabilities 
  Deferred contingent consideration 
  Foreign exchange contracts for                   -              -        (186.5) 
  hedging                                          -          (0.1)              - 
   At 31 December 2019                             -           27.2        (186.5) 
                                      --------------  -------------  ------------- 
                                         Level 1    Level 2     Level 3 
                                         30 June    30 June     30 June 
                                            2019       2019        2019 
                                            EURm       EURm        EURm 
 Financial assets 
  Interest rate swaps                          -       30.3           - 
  Financial liabilities 
  Deferred contingent consideration            -          -     (139.6) 
                                      ----------  ---------  ---------- 
   At 30 June 2019                             -       30.3     (139.6) 
                                      ----------  ---------  ---------- 

All derivatives entered into by the Group are included in Level 2 and consist of foreign currency forward contracts, interest rate swaps and cross currency interest rate swaps.

Where derivatives are traded either on exchanges or liquid over-the-counter markets, the Group uses the closing price at the reporting date. Normally, the derivatives entered into by the Group are not traded in active markets. The fair values of these contracts are estimated using a valuation technique that maximises the use of observable market inputs, e.g. foreign exchange and interest rates.

Deferred contingent consideration is included in Level 3. The fair value estimate of deferred contingent consideration is consistent with 31 December 2019 and is set out in notes 18 and 19 of the 2019 Annual Report. The contingent element is measured on a series of trading performance targets and is adjusted by the application of a range of outcomes and associated probabilities.

During the period ended 30 June 2020, there were no significant changes in the business or economic circumstances that affect the fair value of financial assets and liabilities, no reclassifications and no transfers between levels of the fair value hierarchy used in measuring the fair value of the financial instruments.

Fair value of financial instruments at amortised cost

Except as detailed below, it is considered that the carrying amounts of financial assets and financial liabilities recognised at amortised cost in the Interim Financial Statements approximate their fair values.

 Private placement notes    Carrying amount   Fair value 
                                       EURm         EURm 
 At 30 June 2020                      842.1        915.2 
 At 31 December 2019                  840.9        902.3 
 At 30 June 2019                      839.2        909.2 

The fair value of the private placement notes, which are Level 2 financial instruments, is derived by using observable market data, principally the relevant interest rates.

10 Deferred Consideration

                                            At         At             At 
                                       30 June    30 June    31 December 
                                          2020       2019           2019 
                                          EURm       EURm           EURm 
   At the beginning of the period        186.5      196.1          196.1 
 Deferred contingent consideration 
  arising on acquisitions                    -          -            2.0 
 Movement in deferred contingent 
  consideration arising from fair 
  value movement                             -        0.1          (0.5) 
 Put liability arising on current 
  year acquisitions                          -          -           26.7 
 Movement in put liability arising 
  from fair value movement                 0.9        0.8           22.7 
 Amounts released                            -      (0.3)              - 
 Amounts paid                                -     (59.7)         (59.7) 
 Effect of movement in exchange 
  rates                                 (31.2)        2.6          (0.8) 
                                     ---------  ---------  ------------- 
   Closing balance                       156.2      139.6          186.5 
                                     ---------  ---------  ------------- 
 Split as follows: 
 Current liabilities                         -          -              - 
 Non-current liabilities                 156.2      139.6          186.5 
                                     ---------  ---------  ------------- 
                                         156.2      139.6          186.5 
                                     ---------  ---------  ------------- 

There were no adjustments to the range of outcomes as there were no material changes in the relevant expected future profitability of the relevant business units. Profitability is the sole variable associated with calculating the ultimate obligation for the Group with respect to all deferred contingent consideration positions as at the reporting date.

The overall impact on the income statement and statement of financial position is immaterial when factors such as a 5% movement in cashflows and a 1% adjustment in the discount rate were layered on the most recent projections for the relevant businesses.

11 Dividends

There was no final dividend on ordinary shares paid in respect of the year ended 31 December 2019 (2018: 30.0 cent per share).

The directors are not proposing an interim dividend in respect of 2020 (2019: 13.0 cent per share).

   12   Earnings per share 
                                               6 months     6 months 
                                                  ended        ended 
                                                30 June      30 June 
                                                   2020         2019 
                                                   EURm         EURm 
 The calculations of earnings per 
  share are based on the following: 
 Profit attributable to owners 
  of the Company                                  144.5        169.3 
                                        ---------------  ----------- 
                                              Number of       Number 
                                          shares ('000)           of 
                                               6 months       shares 
                                                  ended       ('000) 
                                                30 June     6 months 
                                                   2020        ended 
                                                             30 June 
 Weighted average number of ordinary 
  shares for 
  the calculation of basic earnings 
  per share                                     181,013      180,408 
 Dilutive effect of share options                 1,485        1,071 
                                        ---------------  ----------- 
 Weighted average number of ordinary 
  for the calculation of diluted 
  earnings per share                            182,498      181,479 
                                        ---------------  ----------- 
                                               EUR cent     EUR cent 
   Basic earnings per share                        79.8         93.8 
   Diluted earnings per share                      79.2         93.3 

At 30 June 2020, there were no anti-dilutive options (30 June 2019: Nil).

13 Goodwill

                                          At          At              At 
                                     30 June     30 June     31 December 
                                        2020        2019            2019 
                                        EURm        EURm 
 At beginning of period              1,506.9     1,391.0         1,391.0 
 Acquired through business 
  combinations                          31.5         3.1            92.5 
 Effect of movement in exchange 
  rates                               (39.9)         8.8            23.4 
                                  ----------  ----------  -------------- 
 At end of period                    1,498.5     1,402.9         1,506.9 
                                  ----------  ----------  -------------- 
 At end of period 
 Cost                                1,566.2     1,470.6         1,574.6 
 Accumulated impairment losses        (67.7)      (67.7)          (67.7) 
 Net carrying amount                 1,498.5     1,402.9         1,506.9 
                                  ----------  ----------  -------------- 

14 Property, plant and equipment

                                          At          At              At 
                                     30 June     30 June     31 December 
                                        2020        2019            2019 
                                        EURm        EURm 
   Cost or valuation                 2,088.8     1,942.0         2,063.1 
 Accumulated depreciation 
  and impairment charges           (1,120.5)   (1,053.7)       (1,097.9) 
                                  ----------  ----------  -------------- 
 Net carrying amount                   968.3       888.3           965.2 
                                  ----------  ----------  -------------- 
 Opening net carrying amount           965.2       850.5           850.5 
 Acquired through business 
  combinations                          13.1         3.8            25.5 
 Additions                              62.8        73.7           164.6 
 Disposals                             (2.6)       (1.3)           (3.4) 
 Depreciation charge                  (44.8)      (41.9)          (84.5) 
 Impairment charge                         -           -           (0.2) 
 Effect of movement in exchange 
  rates                               (25.4)         3.5            12.7 
 Closing net carrying amount           968.3       888.3           965.2 
                                  ----------  ----------  -------------- 

The disposals generated a profit in the period of EUR2.5m (H1 2019: EUR1.7m).

15 Leases

Right of use asset

                                         At         At             At 
                                    30 June    30 June    31 December 
                                       2020       2019           2019 
                                       EURm       EURm 
 At beginning of period               121.6      128.8          128.8 
 Additions                              8.3        7.4           14.1 
 Arising on acquisitions               33.6          -            6.3 
 Remeasurement                          1.1        4.4            2.6 
 Terminations                         (1.0)      (0.3)          (2.5) 
 Depreciation charge for the 
  year                               (15.6)     (15.0)         (30.0) 
 Effect of movement in exchange 
  rates                               (4.6)        1.0            2.3 
 Closing net carrying amount          143.4      126.3          121.6 
                                  ---------  ---------  ------------- 

Lease liability

                                         At         At             At 
                                    30 June    30 June    31 December 
                                       2020       2019           2019 
                                       EURm       EURm 
 At beginning of period               122.3      127.9          127.9 
 Additions                              8.0        7.3           14.0 
 Arising on acquisitions               33.1          -            6.2 
 Remeasurement                          1.1        4.4            2.5 
 Terminations                         (1.0)      (0.3)          (2.5) 
 Payments                            (16.3)     (16.2)         (31.8) 
 Interest                               2.0        1.8            3.8 
 Effect of movement in exchange 
  rates                               (4.6)        1.0            2.2 
 Closing net carrying amount          144.6      125.9          122.3 
                                  ---------  ---------  ------------- 

Split as follows:

 Current liability               30.3    25.5    25.6 
 Non-current liability          114.3   100.4    96.7 
 Closing net carrying amount    144.6   125.9   122.3 
                               ------  ------  ------ 

16 Business combinations

During the period, the Group made three acquisitions for a combined total cash consideration of EUR42.0m coupled with an assumed net defined benefit pension liability of EUR9.8m. Of this, EUR36.9m in cash was incurred on Colt Group as well as the pension liability with a further EUR5.1m on other acquisitions.

The provisional fair values of the acquired assets and liabilities in respect of these acquisitions at their respective acquisition dates, along with fair value adjustments to certain 2019 acquisitions, are set out below:

                                           Colt   Other*     Total 
                                           EURm     EURm      EURm 
 Non-current assets 
 Intangible assets                          0.1      6.6       6.7 
 Property, plant and equipment             13.1        -      13.1 
 Right of use assets                       33.6        -      33.6 
 Retirement benefit assets                182.1        -     182.1 
 Deferred tax assets                        0.2        -       0.2 
   Current assets 
 Inventories                               16.6      0.5      17.1 
 Trade and other receivables               47.6      1.1      48.7 
   Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                (51.9)    (0.9)    (52.8) 
 Provisions for liabilities              (10.7)        -    (10.7) 
 Lease liabilities                        (5.4)        -     (5.4) 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Retirement benefit obligations         (191.9)        -   (191.9) 
 Lease liabilities                       (27.7)        -    (27.7) 
 Deferred tax liabilities                     -    (1.8)     (1.8) 
                                       --------  -------  -------- 
 Total identifiable assets                  5.7      5.5      11.2 
 Non-controlling interest arising in 
  acquisition                                 -    (0.7)     (0.7) 
 Goodwill                                  31.2      0.3      31.5 
                                       --------  -------  -------- 
   Total consideration                     36.9      5.1      42.0 
                                       --------  -------  -------- 
   Satisfied by: 
 Cash (net of cash/debt acquired)          36.9      5.1      42.0 
 Deferred consideration                       -        -         - 
 Total consideration                       36.9      5.1      42.0 
                                       --------  -------  -------- 

*Other includes the remaining acquisitions completed during the period together with certain immaterial remeasurements of prior year accounting estimates.

The goodwill is attributable principally to the profit generating potential of the businesses, together with a strong workforce, new geographies and synergies expected to be achieved from integrating the businesses into Kingspan's existing structure.

In the post-acquisition period to 30 June 2020, the businesses acquired in the current period contributed total revenue of EUR42.3m and trading profit of EUR1.8m to the Group's results.

The initial assignment of fair values to identifiable net assets acquired has been performed on a provisional basis due to the relative size of the acquisitions and the timing of the transactions.

17 Capital and reserves

368,873 ordinary shares (H1 2019: 471,204) were issued as a result of the exercise of vested options arising from the Group's share option schemes (see the 2019 Annual Report for full details of the Group's share option schemes). Options were exercised at an average price of EUR0.13 per option.

18 Significant events and transactions

There were no individually significant events or transactions in the period which contributed to material changes in the Statement of Financial Position.

19 Related party transactions

Apart from the dividend cancellation there were no changes in related party transactions from the 2019 Annual Report that could have a material effect on the financial position or performance of the Group in the first half of the year.

20 Subsequent events

There have been no further material events subsequent to 30 June 2020 which would require disclosure in this report.

Alternative Performance Measures (APMs)

The Group uses a number of metrics, which are non-IFRS measures, to monitor the performance of its operations.

The Group believes that these metrics assist investors in evaluating the performance of the underlying business. Given that these metrics are regularly used by management, they also give the investor an insight into how Group management review and monitor the business on an ongoing basis.

The principal APMs used by the Group are defined as follows:

Trading profit

This comprises the operating profit as reported in the Income Statement before intangible asset amortisation and non trading items. This equates to the Earnings Before Interest, Tax and Amortisation ("EBITA") of the Group. Trading profit is used by management as it excludes items which may hinder year on year comparisons.

                                                     30 June   30 June 
                                                        2020      2019 
                   Financial Statements Reference       EURm      EURm 
----------------  --------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Trading profit                Note 4                  200.1     230.4 
----------------  --------------------------------  --------  -------- 

Trading margin

Measures the trading profit as a percentage of revenue.

                                                          30 June   30 June 
                                                             2020      2019 
                        Financial Statements Reference       EURm      EURm 
---------------------  --------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Trading Profit                     Note 4                  200.1     230.4 
 Total Group Revenue                Note 4                2,072.7   2,243.1 
                                                         --------  -------- 
 Trading margin                                             9.7 %     10.3% 
-------------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 

Net interest

The Group defines net interest as the net total of finance expense and finance income as presented in the Income Statement. The impact of IFRS 16 is excluded from the calculation which is consistent with the terms and conditions of the covenants as set out in the Group's external borrowing arrangements.

                                                                30 June   30 June 
                                                                   2020      2019 
                              Financial Statements Reference       EURm      EURm 
---------------------------  --------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Finance Expense                          Note 6                   12.5      12.1 
 Finance Income                           Note 6                  (0.8)     (1.6) 
 Less lease interest (IFRS 
  16)                                     Note 6                  (2.0)     (1.8) 
                                                               --------  -------- 
 Net Interest                                                       9.7       8.7 
-------------------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 

Free cash flow

Free cash flow is the cash generated from operations after net capital expenditure, interest paid, income taxes paid and lease payments and reflects the amount of internally generated capital available for re-investment in the business or for distribution to shareholders.

                                                                     30 June   30 June 
                                                                        2020      2019 
                                   Financial Statements Reference       EURm      EURm 
--------------------------------  --------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Net cash flow from operating      Consolidated Statement 
  activities                        of Cash Flows                      334.7     163.7 
 Additions to property, plant,     Consolidated Statement 
  equipment and intangibles         of Cash Flows                     (63.8)    (71.5) 
 Proceeds from disposals of        Consolidated Statement 
  property, plant and equipment     of Cash Flows                        5.1       3.0 
                                   Consolidated Statement 
 Lease payments                     of Cash Flows                     (16.3)    (16.2) 
                                   Consolidated Statement 
 Interest received                  of Cash Flows                        0.7       1.6 
 Free cash flow                                                        260.4      80.6 

Return on capital employed (ROCE)

ROCE is the operating profit before interest and tax for the previous 12 months expressed as a percentage of the net assets employed. The net assets employed reflect the net assets, excluding net debt, at the end of each reporting period.

                                                30 June   30 June   31 December 
                                                   2020      2019          2019 
                      Financial Statements 
                       Reference                   EURm      EURm          EURm 
-------------------  ------------------------  --------  --------  ------------ 
                      Consolidated Statement 
 Net Assets            of Financial Position    2,196.2   1,925.5       2,120.4 
 Net Debt                     Note 8              437.9     734.3         633.2 
                                                2,634.1   2,659.8       2,753.6 
                                               --------  -------- 
 Operating profit 
  before interest 
  and tax                                         445.0     456.0         475.2 
 Return on capital 
  employed                                       16.9 %     17.1%         17.3% 
                                               --------  -------- 

Net debt

Net debt represents the net total of current and non-current borrowings, current and non-current derivative financial instruments, (excluding foreign currency derivatives which are used for transactional hedging), and cash and cash equivalents as presented in the Statement of Financial Position. Lease liabilities recognised due to the implementation of IFRS 16 and deferred contingent consideration have also been excluded from the calculation of net debt. This definition is in accordance with the terms and conditions of the covenants as set out in the Group's external borrowing arrangements.

                                     30 June   30 June   31 December 
                                        2020      2019          2019 
             Financial Statements 
              Reference                 EURm      EURm          EURm 
----------  ----------------------  --------  --------  ------------ 
 Net Debt           Note 8             437.9     734.3         633.2 


The Group defines EBITDA as earnings before finance costs, income taxes, depreciation, amortisation and the impact of IFRS 16.

                                                      30 June   30 June 
                                                         2020      2019 
                    Financial Statements Reference       EURm      EURm 
-----------------  --------------------------------  --------  -------- 
                    Condensed Consolidated Income 
 Trading profit      Statement                          200.1     230.4 
                    Consolidated Statement of Cash 
 Depreciation        Flows                               60.4      56.9 
 Lease liability    Consolidated Statement of Cash 
  payments           Flows                             (16.3)    (16.2) 
                                                     --------  -------- 
 EBITDA                                                 244.2     271.1 
---------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 

Net debt : EBITDA

Net debt as a ratio to 12 month EBITDA. EBITDA is solely adjusted for the impact of IFRS 16 Leases which is in accordance with the terms and conditions of the covenants as set out in the Group's external borrowing arrangements.

                                              30 June   30 June   31 December 
                                                 2020      2019          2019 
                      Financial Statements 
                       Reference                 EURm      EURm          EURm 
-------------------  ----------------------  --------  --------  ------------ 
 Net Debt                    Note 8             437.9     734.3         633.2 
 EBITDA                                         552.9     560.8         579.8 
 Net Debt : EBITDA 
  times                                          0.79      1.31          1.09 

Working capital

Working capital represents the net total of inventories, trade and other receivables and trade and other payables, net of transactional foreign currency derivatives excluded from net debt.

                                                          30 June   30 June   31 December 
                                                             2020      2019          2019 
                                Financial Statements 
                                 Reference                   EURm      EURm          EURm 
-----------------------------  ------------------------  --------  --------  ------------ 
                                Consolidated Statement 
 Trade and other receivables     of Financial Position      869.2     928.8         794.2 
                                Consolidated Statement 
 Inventories                     of Financial Position      542.6     578.2         557.6 
                                Consolidated Statement 
 Trade and other payables        of Financial Position    (932.6)   (889.6)       (768.9) 
 Foreign currency 
  derivatives excluded 
  from net debt                                                 -         -         (0.1) 
 Working capital                                            479.2     617.4         582.8 
-------------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 

Working capital ratio

Measures working capital as a percentage of the previous three months turnover annualised. The annualisation of turnover reflects the current profile of the Group rather than a partial reflection of any acquisitions completed during the period.

                                                  30 June   30 June   31 December 
                                                     2020      2019          2019 
                          Financial Statements 
                           Reference                 EURm      EURm          EURm 
-----------------------  ----------------------  --------  --------  ------------ 
 Working capital                                    479.2     617.4         582.8 
 Annualised turnover                              4,134.0   4,719.0       4,877.0 
 Working Capital ratio                              11.6%     13.1%         11.9% 
-----------------------------------------------  --------  --------  ------------ 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

August 21, 2020 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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