RNS No 6323m
6 August 1999

                   KBC Advanced Technologies plc
                      ("KBC" or "the Group")
        Interim Results for the Six Months to 30 June 1999
                                  6 months  6 months  12 months
                                        to        to         to
                                   30.6.99   30.6.98   30.12.98
                                 Unaudited Unaudited    Audited
Turnover                            #19.7m    #18.7m     #39.0m
Operating profit                     #2.6m     #3.3m      #7.7m
Profit before tax                   #5.6m*     #3.6m      #8.4m
Profit after tax                    #3.7m*     #2.3m      #6.1m
Earnings per share                  7.88p*     4.90p     13.13p
Dividend per share                    1.3p      1.3p       3.9p

* after exceptional gain of #2.8m relating to sale of Sigmafine

-    Revenue growth despite difficult market background
-    Continuing Services lengthening client engagements
-    AEA software alliance
-    Sale of Sigmafine business
-    First penetration of South American market
-    Strong cash flow
-    Well positioned to respond to opportunities available
-    Oil industry in state of flux

Commenting  on the results Michael Press, Chairman of  KBC,  said:
"During   the  remainder  of  1999  we  expect  difficult   market
conditions  to  continue.  Notwithstanding the corrective  actions
taken, turnover for the full year is likely to be below the  level
achieved in 1998.  We continue to believe, as warned in June, that
profit  from  operations for the full year will  be  significantly
below the level achieved during 1998.

"The  Group continues to be well positioned to serve the needs  of
its   refining  industry  clients.   Refiners  will  remain  under
pressure   to  deliver  higher  profits  and  to  do  so   without
significant capital investment.  This is precisely what KBC  seeks
to  deliver  through its consulting practice.   In  a  challenging
market   environment,  we  will  continue  to  be  proactive   and
innovative in matching our services to meet our clients'  changing

KBC Advanced Technologies plc         6 August 1999: 0171 601 1000
Michael W Press, Chairman                 Thereafter: 01932 856622
Wayne P C Hutchinson, Chief Operating Officer
Iain P McIntosh, Finance Director

Square Mile Communications Ltd                       0171 601 1000
Tim Jackaman/Kirsty Hall

Notes  to  Editors: KBC Advanced Technologies  plc  is  a  leading
independent   process  engineering  group,  providing  specialised
consultancy and support services to enable oil refiners to improve
operational efficiency and profitability.  KBC has a broad  spread
of  clients ranging from large integrated oil companies  to  small
independent refiners.

                   KBC Advanced Technologies plc
                      ("KBC" or "the Group")
        Interim Results for the Six Months to 30 June 1999
Despite the recent rally in oil prices, market conditions continue
to  be  difficult  for  companies which provide  services  to  the
petroleum  industry.   As warned in the trading  update  in  June,
continued  consolidation within the sector and strict controls  on
capital  and operating expenditure are still dampening demand  for
KBC's services in the short term.

Turnover  of  #19.7m during the first half of  1999  showed  a  5%
increase  over the same period last year (1998: #18.7m).  Although
steps  have been taken to reduce costs, operating profit  for  the
six months ended 30 June 1999 reduced to #2.6m (1998: #3.3m).   As
a result of the exceptional gain of #2.8m associated with the sale
of  the  Group's  Sigmafine business, profit before  tax  in  1999
increased to #5.6m (1998: #3.6m).

Earnings  per  share increased to 7.88p (1998:  4.90p).   However,
excluding the exceptional gain, earnings per share would have been
3.95p, a reduction of 19% on last year.

Notwithstanding the significant cost reduction program implemented
in  April and the globalisation of the consultancy resource, KBC's
consultants  were  not  fully utilised.  As  a  result,  operating
margins  have  decreased  to 13.0% (1998: 17.7%).  However,  gross
sales  margins remain largely unaffected, confirming that  clients
still recognise the high value-added nature of KBC's services.

Cash  generation  remains strong, with net  cash  from  operations
during the first half of 1999 being #3.4m (1998: #3.5m).  The sale
of Sigmafine generated  an additional #3.1m.

Despite  the  challenging market conditions and some  evidence  of
increased  competition from new market entrants, we  believe  that
the  breadth of expertise and experience of our consultancy  team,
together with our proprietary software tools, will enable  KBC  to
continue  to  occupy a market leading position in our  specialised
field.   We  remain  confident that  KBC's  long  term  future  is
extremely healthy.

Reflecting the Board's confidence in the Group's long-term  growth
potential,  the interim dividend has been held at 1.3p  per  share
and  will be paid on 1 October 1999 to those shareholders  on  the
register at the close of business on 10 September 1999.

Operational Review
The  global  oil  industry continues to restructure  to  face  the
challenges of a sustained low oil price environment.  Despite  the
improvement  in oil price trend since March, client  budgets  have
not yet been relaxed, with the industry taking a cautious view  on
the  sustainability  of  the  recent oil  price  rally.   Refining
margins  also  remain  low.   As a result  discretionary  spending
remains  unusually low.   The continued consolidation in  the  oil
industry,  and the migration of this trend from the US to  Europe,
has exacerbated the impact of this spending constraint.

These  conditions have resulted in both a more competitive  market
environment  and a substantially longer lead time   to  convert  a
sales  prospect  to  a  firm order.  This has  led  to  consulting
capacity being under utilised, which has depressed profits.

In  response to the harsh market environment, KBC has taken  steps
to  reduce  its cost base. During the second quarter, KBC  reduced
staff levels by 10% through a redundancy program.  The benefit  of
the  lowered cost base will be delivered in the second half. These
staff  reductions have been targeted to ensure that the long  term
growth  potential of the business is not affected.  In areas  such
as  Continuing  Services,  which are  still  demonstrating  strong
growth, recruitment will continue.

In  addition  to  active management of its cost  base,  the  Group
continues  to  develop  its core consulting  services  to  further
differentiate KBC in the market place.  One recent development  is
a new product, designed for the small refinery market.  Another is
the  selective  use of innovative commercial terms  whereby  KBC's
fees are based, in part, upon the profit improvements created from
its work.

Although  the  financial  results were disappointing,  there  were
several notable accomplishments during the first half of 1999.

In   June   it  was  announced  that  the  two  software   related
transactions  announced in December 1998 and March 1999  had  been

A  definitive agreement was concluded with AEA Technology  plc  to
cross-license certain technologies and jointly develop and  market
software products.

A final agreement was signed with OSI Software Inc for the sale of
KBC's  Sigmafine  mass  balance,  data  reconciliation  and  yield
accounting technology.  KBC will, however, retain a license to use
Sigmafine in its consulting practice.

These  arrangements  largely complete the repositioning  of  KBC's
software  business. KBC will now  focus on its core  strengths  in
consulting and proprietary process technology, with partners being
used  to  develop  the software 'wrapper' in which the  technology

In  our  consulting business, KBC is pleased to have been  awarded
its  first  PIP  in  the  South  American  market,  despite
developing  a   market presence only late last year, and  continues  to
generate significant income from the Japanese market.

We  continue  to  experience strong growth in Continuing  Services
contracts  following  the initial PIP.   We  have  also  had  some
initial   success   at   signing  multi-year  contracts   covering
Continuing  Services  at the same time as starting  a  PIP.   Both
serve  to lengthen the duration of the engagement with our clients
which will lower sales costs and enhance revenue visibility.

Year 2000 Compliance
To  address  the  issue  of  Year 2000  compliance  the  Directors
appointed a cross-disciplinary committee to co-ordinate and manage
all  global compliance activities.  After a full inventory of  the
activities  of  the  Group, its products and  suppliers,  remedial
steps  are  being  taken where necessary.  Testing  of  KBC's  own
products is complete and the final steps are being taken to ensure
compliance.   Internal systems have been thoroughly evaluated  and
compliance  is  expected later in the year following  delivery  of
upgrades  from  third party suppliers.  Assurances  are  currently
being  sought  from clients as to their own compliance  status  to
avoid interruption in KBC's revenues.

Given   the  complexity  of  the  problem  and  an  organisation's
dependency  on  third  parties,  it  is  not  possible   for   any
organisation  to guarantee that there will be no disruption  as  a
result of Year 2000 problems.  However, the Board believes that it
will  achieve  an  acceptable state  of  readiness  such  that  no
material risk to the business in expected.

The costs involved in implementing action plans are immaterial and
have  been  included as part of the normal operating  and  capital
cost of the business.

Organisation and Management
John  C  Brice and Krik V Krikorian, two of the three founders  of
the Group, have elected to retire on 3 September 1999.  However, I
am  pleased  to  report that they have agreed to  continue  to  be
available  to  the  Group periodically,  on  a  part  time  basis,
beginning  in  2000 so we will not lose access to  their  valuable
talents  and insights.  Mr Brice will be resigning from the  Board
coincident with his retirement.

1999 Outlook
During the remainder of 1999 we expect difficult market conditions
to   continue.   Notwithstanding  the  corrective  actions  taken,
turnover  for  the  full  year is likely to  be  below  the  level
achieved in 1998.  We continue to believe, as warned in June, that
profit  from  operations for the full year will  be  significantly
below the level achieved during 1998.

In   a   market  with  strong  growth  prospects  new  competitors
periodically enter the market.  While we are never complacent,  we
remain  confident that our unrivalled experience and track record,
unique  proprietary tools, superior service and product offerings,
together with our independence, will continue to differentiate KBC
in the market place.

The  Group continues to be well positioned to serve the  needs  of
its   refining  industry  clients.   Refiners  will  remain  under
pressure   to  deliver  higher  profits  and  to  do  so   without
significant capital investment.  This is precisely what KBC  seeks
to  deliver  through its consulting practice.   In  a  challenging
market   environment,  we  will  continue  to  be  proactive   and
innovative in matching our services to meet our clients'  changing

Michael W Press  Executive Chairman
6 August 1999

KBC Advanced Technologies plc         6 August 1999: 0171 601 1000
Michael W Press, Chairman                 Thereafter: 01932 856622
Wayne P C Hutchinson, Chief Operating Officer
Iain P McIntosh, Finance Director

Square Mile Communications Ltd                       0171 601 1000
Tim Jackaman/Kirsty Hall

Notes  to  Editors: KBC Advanced Technologies  plc  is  a  leading
independent   process  engineering  group,  providing  specialised
consultancy and support services to enable oil refiners to improve
operational efficiency and profitability.  KBC has a broad  spread
of  clients ranging from large integrated oil companies  to  small
independent refiners.

                   KBC Advanced Technologies plc
                   Group Profit and Loss Account
                for the Six Months to 30 June 1999
                          Unaudited  Unaudited      Audited
                           6 months   6 months    12 months   
                                 to         to           to     
                            30 June    30 June  31 December
                               1999       1998         1998
                              #'000      #'000        #'000
TURNOVER                     19,687     18,701       39,006
Staff costs                  (8,170)    (7,098)     (14,315)
Depreciation                   (687)      (630)      (1,217)
Other operating charges      (8,264)    (7,658)     (15,756)
                             ------     ------       ------
OPERATING PROFIT              2,566      3,315        7,718
Profit on sale of
 business                     2,811          -            -
                             ------     ------       ------                   
INTEREST AND TAXATION         5,377      3,315        7,718
Interest receivable             256        300          637
Interest payable                  -          -           (2)
                             ------     ------       ------            
PROFIT ON ORDINARY                               
ACTIVITIES  BEFORE TAXATION   5,633      3,615        8,353

Taxation on profit on
ordinary activities          (1,915)    (1,319)      (2,221)
                             ------     ------       ------                   
PROFIT ON ORDINARY                               
ACTIVITIES   AFTER TAXATION   3,718      2,296        6,132
Dividends - equity interests   (615)      (615)      (1,859)
                             ------     ------       ------
 PERIOD                       3,103      1,681        4,273                   
                             ------     ------       ------                   
Earnings per share 
          - basic             7.88p      4.90p        13.13p
          - diluted           7.51p      4.60p        12.40p

                   KBC Advanced Technologies plc
                        Group Balance Sheet
                        as at 30 June 1999
                       UNAUDITED       Unaudited            Audited
                      at 30 June      at 30 June        at 31 December
                            1999            1998              1998
                      #'000     #'000 #'000     #'000   #'000   #'000
FIXED ASSETS                                                   
Intangible assets               1,760           1,853          1,796
Tangible assets                 2,104           2,335          2,275
Investments                     1,094             358          1,094
                                -----           -----          -----
                                4,958           4,546          5,165
CURRENT ASSETS                                                 
Debtors               10,528           8,564           9,803   
Cash at bank and in  
hand                  15,565          10,671          10,587
                      -----           -----            -----
                      26,093          19,235          20,390  
CREDITORS:  amounts                                            
falling due within
one year             (10,253)         (9,382)         (8,568)    
                      -----            -----           -----                
NET CURRENT ASSETS              15,840          9,853          11,822
                                -----          -----           -----          
TOTAL ASSETS LESS                                              
CURRENT LIABILITIES             20,798          14,399         16,987
CREDITORS: amounts                                             
falling due after
more than one year                  (1)             (2)            (2)
                                ------          ------         ------
                                20,797          14,397         16,985
                                ------          ------         ------         
CAPITAL AND RESERVES                                           
Called up share
capital                          1,197           1,184          1,188
Share premium account            5,652           5,575          5,586
Capital reserve                     24              24             24
Merger reserve                     147             147            147
Profit and loss account         13,777          7,467          10,040
                                ------         ------          ------
SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS                                            
- equity interests              20,797          14,397         16,985
                                ------          ------         ------

                   KBC Advanced Technologies plc
                     Group Cash Flow Statement
                for the Six Months to 30 June 1999
                             Unaudited        Unaudited       Audited
                              6 months      6 months to  12 months to
                            to 30 June       to 30 June   31 December
                                  1999             1998          1999
                                 #'000            #'000         #'000
Operating profit                 2,566            3,315         7,718
Depreciation and 
amortisation                       687              630         1,217
Increase in debtors               (242)          (1,337)       (2,891)
(Decrease)/increase in 
creditors                          (52)             853           444
Exchange differences               424               14           (55)
                                ------           ------        ------
                                   817              160        (1,285)
                                ------           ------        ------
Net cash from operations         3,383            3,475         6,433
                                ------           ------        ------         
Returns on investments and                              
servicing of finance
  Interest received                256              300           637
  Interest paid                      -                -            (2)
                                ------           ------        ------
                                   256              300           635
                                ------           ------        ------
Taxation                          (335)            (131)       (1,761)
                                ------           ------        ------
Capital expenditure and                                 
financial investment
  Payments to acquire fixed 
  assets                          (344)            (991)       (1,417)
                                ------           ------        ------         
Acquisitions and disposals                              
   Sale of business              3,111                -             -
                                ------           ------        ------
Equity dividends paid           (1,235)          (1,223)       (1,836)
                                ------           ------        ------
Management of liquid resources  (4,812)          (3,237)       (3,468)
                                ------           ------        ------
  HP paid                           (1)              (1)           (2)
  Shares issued                     75               57            73
  Purchase of own shares             -                -          (736)
                                ------           ------        ------
                                    74               56          (665)
                                ------           ------        ------
Increase/(decrease) in funds
in the period                       98           (1,751)       (2,079)
                                ------           ------        ------
Reconciliation of Net Funds                             
Increase/(decrease) in funds
in the period                       98           (1,751)       (2,079)
Translation difference              68              (20)           (7)
                                ------           ------        ------
Movement in net funds in the 
period                             166           (1,771)       (2,086)
Cash outflow from decrease 
in lease financing                   1                1             2
Investment in short term 
deposits                         4,812            3,237         3,468
Net funds at start of period    10,585            9,201         9,201
                                ------           ------        ------
Net funds at end of period      15,564           10,668        10,585
                                ------           ------        ------ 
                     KBC Advanced Technologies plc

1.  Basis of preparation

    These  unaudited interim financial statements, which  do
    not  constitute  statutory  accounts  within  the  meaning  of
    section  240  of  the Companies Act 1985, have  been  prepared
    using  the  accounting policies set out in  the  Group's  1998
    Statutory Accounts.
    The  Statutory  Accounts for the year ended 31  December  1998
    received  an  unqualified  auditor's  report  and  have   been
    delivered to the Registrar of Companies.
    The  interim  report  will be sent to  shareholders.   Further
    copies  may  be  obtained  from  the  Company  Secretary,  KBC
    Advanced  Technologies  plc,  KBC  House,  Churchfield   Road,
    Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 8DB.

2.  Earnings per share
    The  calculation of earnings per share is based upon  earnings
    of  #3,718,000  (1998:  #2,296,000) and on  47,199,396  (1997:
    46,843,457)  ordinary  shares,  being  the  weighted   average
    number of ordinary shares in issue during the period.
    The  diluted  earnings  per  share is  based  upon  49,521,725
    (1998:  49,921,577)  ordinary shares  allowing  for  the  full
    exercise   of  outstanding  purchase  options,  and   adjusted
    earnings of #3,718,000 (1998: #2,296,000).
3.  Sale of business

    In  June,  the Group sold its interest in Sigmafine for  #3.1
    million  in  cash.   The profit before tax  of  #2.8  million
    (after  tax: #1.9 million) is arrived at after provision  for
    transaction  costs  of  #100,000 and  #200,000  for  residual
    liabilities   with  regard  to  guaranteed  minimum   royalty
    payments  to  the  owner  of the software  tools  with  which
    Sigmafine was originally built.



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