RNS No 3168k
6th August 1998

               KBC Advanced Technologies plc
                 ("KBC" or "the Company")
    Interim Results for the Six Months to 30 June 1998

                       6 months   6 months    Year 
                             to         to     to
                        30.6.98    30.6.97  31.12.97
                      Unaudited  Unaudited  Audited
   Turnover              #18.7m     #15.9m   #33.1m
   Operating profit       #3.3m      #3.4m    #7.7m
   Profit before tax      #3.6m      #3.6m    #8.2m
   Profit after tax       #2.3m      #2.2m    #5.1m
   Earnings per           4.89p      5.08p   11.31p

* Turnover up 17% despite difficult North American
* Positive cash flow from operations
* Seventh refinery Profit Improvement Program signed up
  in Japan
* Integration of Profimatics models' business on track
* First interim dividend of 1.3p

Commenting on the results Michael Press, Chairman of  KBC,
said: "As announced in late June, the Company's operations
and  financial  results  have been affected  by  difficult
trading  conditions in the North American  market.   While
these  conditions  continue to impact  the  market,  KBC's
order intake is showing signs of improvement and prospects
for  the second half look more favourable. It is difficult
to  make  an accurate prediction for the full year  to  31
December  1998  against  this unusual  market  background.
However,  at  this stage we continue to believe  that  the
results for the full year will be ahead of the prior year."


KBC Advanced Technologies plc   6 August 1998: 0171 583 4567
Michael W Press, Chairman          Thereafter: 01932 856622
Wayne P C Hutchinson, Chief Operating Officer
Edward J Uren, Finance Director

Square Mile Communications Ltd                 0171 583 4567
Tim Jackaman/Rachel Gilman/Kirsty Hall

Notes  to  Editors:  KBC Advanced Technologies  plc  is  a
leading  independent process engineering group,  providing
specialised consultancy and support services to enable oil
refiners    to   improve   operational   efficiency    and
profitability.  KBC has a broad spread of clients  ranging
from  large  integrated oil companies to small independent

               KBC Advanced Technologies plc
                 ("KBC" or "the Company")
    Interim Results for the Six Months to 30 June 1998
                   CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT


I  am  pleased  to  report that the Company  has  achieved
further growth during the first half of 1998 with turnover
up  17%  to  #18.7m compared to the same period last  year
(1997:  #15.9m) and 9% ahead of the second half  of  1997.
However, as was indicated in the trading statement  issued
on  25  June 1998, the rate of growth has been lower  than
anticipated and resourced.  As a result, operating  profit
for  the  six months ended 30 June 1998 reduced marginally
to #3.3m (1997: #3.4m) and profit before tax was unchanged
at #3.6m (1997: #3.6m).

Earnings per share decreased to 4.89p (1997: 5.08p).   The
fall  principally  reflects the increase  in  the  average
number of shares as a result of shares issued at flotation
in   March   1997.   The  under-utilisation  of  available
consulting  capacity  has  caused  operating   margin   to
decrease  to  17.7%  (1997: 21.7%). However,  gross  sales
margins remain strong.

The  Company  continued to generate cash.  Net  cash  from
operations during the first half of 1998 was #3.48 million
and  at  the end of June the Company had cash balances  of
#10.7 million.


An  interim dividend of 1.3p per share will be paid  on  1
October 1998 to those shareholders on the register at  the
close  of  business  on 11 September  1998.   The  company
intends  to  pursue  a  progressive dividend  policy  with
dividend  payments  being  apportioned  approximately  one
third at the interim stage and two thirds at the full year


With  a  strong order book during the second half of  1997
and  at year-end, KBC continued to build its resource base
to  meet expected growth in demand and position the  Group
for the future.  While the business has continued to grow,
the  rate  of  growth  has been slower  than  anticipated.
Although  costs  have been kept under  close  review,  the
combination  of  lower  growth  during  this  period   and
increased resource has had a depressing effect on profits.

The  main factors affecting the market place have been the
consolidation  and  restructuring in  the  North  American
refining market coupled with the unprecedented fall in oil
prices.   These  factors adversely  impacted  KBC's  order
intake during the period.

The  downstream  industry in North  America  continues  to
undergo   significant  restructuring  and   consolidation.
While this is a positive trend for the Group in the longer
term,  the evaluation and implementation of organisational
and  structural  changes in enlarged refining  groups  has
deferred the implementation of Profit Improvement Programs
(PIPs) at US refineries.

Normally  KBC's oil refining industry sales prospects  are
relatively   insensitive  to  oil  price.   However,   the
unprecedented fall in oil prices during 1998  has  led  to
significant  cutbacks  in  the discretionary  spending  of
integrated oil companies in both North and South America.

In  Europe and the Middle East trading has remained strong
and  further progress during the remainder of the year  is
expected.   In Asia-Pacific, despite the fact that  energy
companies in several countries are limited in the purchase
of  services  requiring  foreign currency,  KBC  has  made
significant  progress, particularly in  the  key  Japanese
market where a seventh refinery has just signed up  for  a
PIP.   These areas have exceeded expectations and we  have
been  successful  in  utilising our consultants  based  in
North America in delivering PIPs in other markets.

The Continuing Services area of our consulting practice is
an  increasingly  important part of  the  business  as  it
extends the length of the customer relationship.  Areas of
particular   growth  during  1998  are   Reliability   and
Maintenance   and  the  improvement  of  clients'   linear
programming models used for planning refinery operations.

The   integration  of  the  Profimatics  models'  business
acquired  at  the end of 1997 is proceeding  according  to

KBC's  strategy  remains to expand  through  both  organic
growth and selective acquisitions.


In  order  to  ensure  that the  Group  is  best  able  to
capitalise   on   the   growth   opportunities   in    its
international  network,  the  management  team  is   being
developed  further.    Wayne P C Hutchinson  is  appointed
Chief  Operating  Officer of KBC.  In this  new  role  Mr.
Hutchinson  will  have responsibility for  the  day-to-day
operations  of  the  Group  and will  report  directly  to
Michael  Press,  Executive Chairman.  Mr. Hutchinson,  who
joined  the Group in 1996, was previously KBC's  President
for  Europe  &  Asia  and  has been  responsible  for  the
successful  development  of the  business  in  this  area.
Prior  to  joining KBC, he was President of Honeywell  Hi-
Spec  Solutions, a global business similar in size to KBC.
He  has  extensive international experience, having  lived
and worked in nine countries.

Peter J Close, previously Chief Executive Officer of  KBC,
becomes  Deputy Chairman of the Group.  In this  new  role
Mr.  Close will be responsible for the development of  new
initiatives,  such as further development  of  the  energy
practice,  and  the  assurance of quality  throughout  the
Group.  Mr. Close will also continue to play a key role in
sales  and  strategy.   These  changes  take  place   with
immediate effect.


As  announced  in late June, the Company's operations  and
financial results have been affected by difficult  trading
conditions  in  the  North American market.   While  these
conditions  continue  to impact the  market,  KBC's  order
intake  is showing signs of improvement and prospects  for
the second half look more favourable.  It is difficult  to
make  an  accurate  prediction for the  full  year  to  31
December  1998  against  this unusual  market  background.
However,  at  this stage we continue to believe  that  the
results for the full year will be ahead of the prior year.

The  outlook for the overall business remains positive and
our  strategy  of  working closely with our  oil  refining
partners  to  identify and implement programs  to  improve
their profitability continues to be well received.

Michael W Press, Chairman                    6 August 1998


KBC Advanced Technologies plc   6 August 1998: 0171 583 4567
Michael W Press, Chairman          Thereafter: 01932 856622
Wayne P C Hutchinson, Chief Operating Officer
Edward J Uren, Finance Director

Square Mile Communications Ltd                 0171 583 4567
Tim Jackaman/Rachel Gilman/Kirsty Hall

               KBC Advanced Technologies plc
               Group Profit and Loss Account
            for the Six Months to 30 June 1998
                          Unaudited    Unaudited         Audited
                           6 months     6 months       12 months
                         to 30 June   to 30 June  to 31 December
                               1998         1997            1997
                              #'000        #'000           #'000
TURNOVER                     18,701       15,923          33,106
Staff costs                  (7,098)      (5,556)        (11,666)
Depreciation                   (630)        (351)           (784)
Other operating charges      (7,658)      (6,567)        (12,954)
                           ---------    ---------       ---------
OPERATING PROFIT              3,315        3,449           7,702
Interest receivable             300          174             499
Interest payable                  -           (2)             (3)
                           ---------    ---------       ---------
PROFIT ON ORDINARY                               
 ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION   3,615        3,621           8,198

Taxation on profit on     
 ordinary activities         (1,319)      (1,376)         (3,108)
                           ---------    ---------       ---------
PROFIT ON ORDINARY                               
 ACTIVITIES AFTER TAXATION    2,296        2,245           5,090
Dividends - equity interests   (615)           -          (1,211)
                           ---------    ---------       ---------
 PERIOD                       1,681        2,245           3,879
                           =========    =========       =========

Earnings per share 
         - basic              4.89p        5.08p          11.31p
         - fully diluted      4.65p        4.62p          10.31p

                 KBC Advanced Technologies plc
                      Group Balance Sheet
                      as at 30 June 1998
                        Unaudited        Unaudited        Audited
                        at 30 June      at 30 June     at 31 December
                           1998            1997             1997
                     #'000   #'000    #'000   #'000   #'000     #'000
FIXED ASSETS                                             
Intangible assets            1,853               -              1,996
Tangible assets              2,335            1,478             1,903
Investments                    358                2               358
                           --------         --------          --------
                             4,546            1,480             4,257
CURRENT ASSETS                                           
Debtors              8,564            5,235           7,229                  
Cash at bank 
 and in hand        10,671            9,844           9,205 
                   --------         --------        --------
                    19,235           15,079          16,434 

CREDITORS:  amounts                                      
 falling due within 
 one year           (9,382)          (4,008)         (7,961)
NET CURRENT ASSETS           9,853           11,071            8,473
                           -------          -------           ------

TOTAL ASSETS LESS                                        
 CURRENT LIABILITIES        14,399           12,551           12,730
CREDITORS: amounts                                       
 falling due after         
 more than one year             (2)              (4)              (2)
                           --------         --------          -------
                            14,397           12,547           12,728
                           ========         ========          =======
Called up share capital      1,184            1,144            1,164
Share premium account        5,575            5,371            5,537
Capital reserve                 24               24               24
Merger reserve                 147              147              147
Profit and loss account      7,467            5,861            5,856
                           --------         --------          -------
SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS                                      
- equity interests          14,397           12,547           12,728
                           ========         ========          =======

                 KBC Advanced Technologies plc
                   Group Cash Flow Statement
              for the Six Months to 30 June 1998
                          Unaudited    Unaudited         Audited
                           6 months     6 months       12 months
                         to 30 June   to 30 June  to 31 December
                               1998         1997            1997
                              #'000        #'000           #'000
Operating profit              3,315        3,449           7,702
Depreciation and amortisation   630          351             784
Loss on disposal                  -            -               5
(Increase)/decrease in        
 debtors                     (1,337)         589          (1,385)
Increase in creditors           853          551           2,362
Exchange difference              14            7             116
                            --------     --------        --------
                                160        1,498           1,882
                            --------     --------        --------
Net cash from operations      3,475        4,947           9,584
                            --------     --------        --------
Returns on investments and                          
servicing of finance
  Interest received             300          174             499
  Interest paid                   -           (2)             (3)
                           ---------     --------        --------
                                300          172             496
                           ---------     --------        --------

Taxation                       (131)      (1,552)         (2,349)
                           ---------     --------        --------
Capital expenditure and                             
financial investment
 Payments to acquire 
  fixed assets                 (991)        (426)         (1,287)
                           ---------     --------        --------
Acquisitions and disposals                          
   Purchase of business           -            -          (3,727)
                           ---------     --------        --------             
Equity dividends paid        (1,223)           -               -
                           ---------     --------        --------             
Management of liquid         
 resources                   (3,237)      (2,094)         (3,181)
                           ---------     --------        --------             
  HP paid                        (1)         (13)            (13)
  Shares issued                  57        5,357           5,543
  Purchase of own shares          -            -            (356)
                           ---------     --------        --------
                                 56        5,344           5,174
                           ---------     --------        --------
(Decrease)/increase in cash   
 in the period               (1,751)       6,391           4,710
                           =========     ========        ========
Reconciliation of Net Cash Flow
                               1998         1997           1997

(Decrease)/increase in cash  
 in the period               (1,751)       6,391          4,710
Translation difference          (20)          47              2
                           ---------     --------        -------
Movement in net cash in the  
 period                      (1,771)       6,438          4,712
Investment in short term         
 deposits                     3,237        2,094          3,181
Net cash at start of period   9,205        1,312          1,312
                           ---------     --------        -------
Net cash at end of period    10,671        9,844          9,205
                           =========     ========        =======

                KBC Advanced Technologies plc

1.   Basis of preparation

    These  unaudited  interim  financial  statements,
    which  do  not constitute statutory accounts within  the
    meaning  of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985,  have
    been  prepared using the accounting policies set out  in
    the Group's 1997 Statutory Accounts.
    The  Statutory Accounts for the year ended  31  December
    1997  received an unqualified auditor's report and  have
    been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.
    The   interim  report  will  be  sent  to  shareholders.
    Further   copies  may  be  obtained  from  the   Company
    Secretary,  KBC  Advanced Technologies plc,  KBC  House,
    Churchfield Road, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 8DB.

2.   Earnings per share
    The  calculation  of earnings per share  is  based  upon
    earnings  of  #2,296,000  (1997:  #2,245,000)   and   on
    46,962,033  (1997:  44,211,170) ordinary  shares,  being
    the  weighted   average  number of  ordinary  shares  in
    issue during the period.
    The  fully  diluted  earnings per share  is  based  upon
    51,496,072  (1997: 48,963,870) ordinary shares  allowing
    for  the  full exercise of outstanding purchase options,
    and  adjusted earnings of #2,393,000 (1997: #2,264,000).
    Earnings  have  been adjusted by adding interest  deemed
    to  be  earned  from  2.5%  consolidated  stock  on  the
    proceeds of such share issue.



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