RNS Number:2544P
KBC Advanced Technologies PLC
10 August 2000

                 KBC Advanced Technologies plc
                    ("KBC" or "the Group")
      Interim Results for the Six Months to 30 June 2000


                                 6  months to  6 months to  12 months to
                                      30.6.00      30.6.99      30.12.99
                                    Unaudited    Unaudited       Audited
Turnover                               #17.5m       #19.7m        #36.7m
Operating profit                        #1.3m        #2.6m*        #3.9m*
Profit before tax                       #1.6m        #5.6m         #7.3m
Earnings per share                      2.17p        3.71p*        6.36p*
Dividend per share                       1.3p         1.3p          3.9p

*  excluding  exceptional gain of #2.8m  relating  to  sale  of Sigmafine

>  Results held back by low order intake last year
>  Trading conditions improving - starting to secure  higher
   contract awards
>  Ongoing investment to strengthen product offering
     -    HYSYS.Refinery launched
     -    alliance secured with Clockwork Solutions
>  Geographical expansion - first PIPs secured in China  and
   Indian subcontinent
>  Board  strengthened with appointment  of  new  Operations

Commenting  on  the results Michael Press, Chief  Executive  of
KBC, said: "It is pleasing to note that trading conditions have
improved somewhat from those which were prevalent during  1999.
This  has been reflected in an increase in contract awards  for
new  Profit Improvement Programs (PIPs).  During the first  six
months  of  this  year we have signed as many PIPs  as  we  had
during the whole of 1999.  However, as we said in March 2000 in
our  1999  preliminary results statement, this  year's  results
will be adversely impacted as a result of the low level of  new
orders secured in 1999."

"Refiners  will, we believe, remain under pressure  to  deliver
higher   profits  and  to  do  so  without  additional  capital
investment.   KBC  remains well positioned to ensure  that  our
clients are able to meet these demands."

KBC Advanced Technologies plc                      01932 856622
Michael W Press, Chief Executive
Iain P McIntosh, Finance Director

Square Mile Communications Ltd                    020 7601 1000
Tim Jackaman/Kirsty Hall

Notes  to  Editors: KBC Advanced Technologies plc is a  leading
independent  process  engineering group, providing  specialised
consultancy  and  support services to enable  oil  refiners  to
improve  operational efficiency and profitability.  KBC  has  a
broad  spread  of  clients ranging from  large  integrated  oil
companies to small independent refiners.

                 KBC Advanced Technologies plc
                    ("KBC" or "the Group")
      Interim Results for the Six Months to 30 June 2000


It  is  pleasing to note that trading conditions have  improved
somewhat from those which were prevalent during 1999.  This has
been reflected in an increase in contract awards for new Profit
Improvement  Programs (PIPs).  During the first six  months  of
this  year  we  have signed as many PIPs as we had  during  the
whole of 1999.

However,  as  we  said  in March 2000 in our  1999  preliminary
results  statement,  this  year's  results  will  be  adversely
impacted as a result of the low level of new orders secured  in
1999.  We started the year with a low level of PIPs in progress
and   consequently  there  will  be  fewer  opportunities   for
converting PIPs to Continuing Services during the current year.

Turnover  of #17.5 million during the first half was  down  11%
compared  with the same period last year (1999: #19.7 million).
The  largest element of the decline is a result of the sale  of
the  Sigmafine business in June 1999.  Relative  to  the  prior
year,  revenues  from first year PIPs were significantly  lower
while revenues from Continuing Services were higher.

Group  costs  overall were 6% lower than the same  period  last
year.   Staff  costs  were lower by 7%,  with  the  significant
reduction in headcount being partially offset by wage inflation
and  the  higher on-site cost of more employees working  on  an
expatriate basis.  Non-staff costs were lower by 4%.

Operating  profit halved to #1.3 million (1999:  #2.6  million)
and  operating  margin  decreased to 7%  (1999:  13%).   Profit
before  taxation fell to #1.6 million from #2.8 million in  the
same period last year, after adjusting for the one-off gain  of
#2.8  million  on  the sale of Sigmafine.  Earnings  per  share
decreased to 2.17p (1999: 3.71p excluding the Sigmafine sale).

The  Group  was  cash negative during the first six  months  of
2000.   This  was a result of the purchase of shares  into  the
employee  trust to cover share options, increased tax payments,
and an increase in both trade debtors and work in progress.

The  Group continues to utilise innovative commercial terms  in
order  to  respond  to  trends  in  the  market  place  and  to
differentiate  KBC  from  its  competitors.   Generally,  these
involve  the  use  of performance-based contracts  in  which  a
portion  of  KBC's  fees are linked to the  profit  improvement
opportunities which we identify and assist in implementation at
the clients' site.


Reflecting the Board's continued confidence in the Group's long
term potential, the interim dividend has been held at 1.3p  per
share and will be paid on 29 September 2000 to shareholders  on
the register at the close of business on 8 September 2000.

Operational review

In   March   KBC  and  AEA  Technology  plc  jointly  announced
HYSYS.Refinery, the product created as a result  of  the  cross
licensing arrangement finalised in 1999.  HYSYS. Refinery is  a
unique  proprietary refinery-wide simulation tool that will  be
used  by  KBC's  consultants and licensed to  refinery  owners.
Revenues from the new product are expected to begin in 2001.

In  May  KBC announced an alliance with Clockwork Solutions,  a
leading  developer of asset management simulation software  and
services,  which  provides KBC with  exclusive  rights  to  use
Clockwork  Solutions' proprietary quantitative modelling  tools
in  its  reliability and maintenance consulting to the refining

The   Group  continues  to  make  progress  on  expanding   its
geographical  presence  and customer  base.   As  announced  in
January,  two  contracts were signed with a major  oil  company
located  in  the  Arabian Gulf area.  Since that  time  KBC  is
pleased  to have been awarded its first PIPs in both China  and
the Indian subcontinent.

The  Group  continues to experience a high rate  of  conversion
from  first  year  PIPs to implementation and other  continuing
services.   We  also  continue to achieve  success  at  signing
multiyear contracts, with the majority of PIP contracts  signed
in  2000  extending  for more than one  year.   Such  contracts
provide   for   a  seamless  transition  from  the   PIP   into
implementation and other follow-on services.  This should  over
time lead to improved revenue visibility.

Board changes

Don   J  Romano  joins  the  Board  as  an  Executive  Director
Operations, effective today.  Don brings considerable  refining
operations  experience following his 22-year career at  Caltex.
Don's   most  recent  role  was  President  and  Representative
Director of KOA Oil Company Ltd in Japan.  Prior to that he was
Managing  Director  of  Star  Petroleum  Refining  Company   in
Thailand.   Don's role at KBC will be to manage the  Operations
group which includes most of KBC's consultants.

2000 Outlook

Our  view  of the outlook for this year has not changed.    The
business  environment  has improved and  we  are  beginning  to
secure  higher  contract awards with new  customers.   However,
operating profits for the year ended 31 December 2000  will  be
significantly below 1999 levels due to the continuing impact of
the low number of PIPs secured last year.

Despite  some evidence of increased competition we continue  to
believe  that  the  breadth and experience of  our  consultancy
team,  coupled  with our proprietary software capability,  will
enable  KBC  to maintain a leading position in its  specialised
field.   Priorities  for  the remainder  of  the  year  include
continuing  to  win contracts with new customers and  effective
execution of our performance-based contracts.

Refiners  will,  we believe, remain under pressure  to  deliver
higher   profits  and  to  do  so  without  additional  capital
investment.   KBC  remains well positioned to ensure  that  our
clients are able to meet these demands.

Philip Rogerson, Chairman
10 August 1999

KBC Advanced Technologies plc                      01932 856622
Michael W Press, Chief Executive
Iain P McIntosh, Finance Director

Square Mile Communications Ltd                    020 7601 1000
Tim Jackaman/Kirsty Hall

Notes  to  Editors: KBC Advanced Technologies plc is a  leading
independent  process  engineering group, providing  specialised
consultancy  and  support services to enable  oil  refiners  to
improve  operational efficiency and profitability.  KBC  has  a
broad  spread  of  clients ranging from  large  integrated  oil
companies to small independent refiners.

                 KBC Advanced Technologies plc
                 Group Profit and Loss Account
              for the Six Months to 30 June 2000

                                     Unaudited      Unaudited        Audited
                                   6 months to    6 months to   12 months to
                                       30 June        30 June    31 December
                                          2000           1999           1999 
                                         #'000          #'000          #'000
TURNOVER                                17,461         19,687         36,709
Staff costs                             (7,617)        (8,170)       (15,272)
Depreciation                              (640)          (687)        (1,317)
Other operating charges                 (7,912)        (8,264)       (16,257)
                                      ---------      ---------      --------- 
OPERATING PROFIT                         1,292          2,566          3,863
Profit on sale of business                   -          2,811          2,811
                                      ---------      ---------      ---------
 BEFORE INTEREST AND TAXATION            1,292          5,377          6,674

Interest receivable                        308            256            607
Interest payable                             -              -             (1)
                                      ---------      ---------      --------- 
 BEFORE TAXATION                         1,600          5,633          7,280
Taxation on profit on      
 ordinary activities                      (576)        (1,915)        (2,291)
                                      ----------     ----------     --------- 
 AFTER TAXATION                          1,024          3,718          4,989
Dividends - equity interests              (618)          (615)        (1,871)
                                      ----------     ----------     ---------
RETAINED PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD             406          3,103          3,118
                                      ==========     ==========     =========
Earnings per share                                        
          - basic                        2.17p          7.88p         10.50p
          - diluted                      2.12p          7.51p         10.17p
          - basic on IIMR earnings       2.17p          3.71p          6.36p

                 KBC Advanced Technologies plc
                      Group Balance Sheet
                      as at 30 June 2000

                               Unaudited         Unaudited         Audited
                               At 30 June        at 30 June     at 31 December
                                  2000              1999            1999
                             #'000    #'000    #'000    #'000   #'000   #'000 
FIXED ASSETS                                                         
Intangible assets                     1,620             1,760           1,625
Tangible assets                       1,563             2,104           1,681
Investments                           2,139             1,094           1,094
                                    --------          --------        --------
                                      5,322             4,958           4,400
CURRENT ASSETS                                                       
Debtors                    13,056             10,528            9,552       
Cash at bank and in hand   11,056             15,565           14,741       
                         ---------          ---------        ---------
                           24,112             26,093           24,293       
CREDITORS: amounts  
 falling due withinone year 7,707)           (10,253)          (8,009)        

NET CURRENT ASSETS                   16,405            15,840         16,284
                                   ---------         ---------      --------- 
 CURRENT LIABILITIES                 21,727            20,798         20,684
CREDITORS: amounts falling             
 due after more than one year            (1)               (1)            (2)
                                   ---------         ---------      --------- 
                                     21,726            20,797         20,682
                                   =========         =========      ========= 
CAPITAL AND RESERVES                                                 
Called up share capital               1,229             1,197          1,217
Share premium account                 5,811             5,652          5,694
Capital reserve                          24                24             24
Merger reserve                          147               147            147
Profit and loss account              14,515            13,777         13,600
                                   ---------         ---------      ---------
SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS                                                  
- equity interests                   21,726            20,797         20,682
                                   =========         =========      =========

                 KBC Advanced Technologies plc
                   Group Cash Flow Statement
              for the Six Months to 30 June 2000

                                   Unaudited      Unaudited        Audited
                                 6 months to    6 months to   12 months to
                                     30 June        30 June    31 December
                                        2000           1999           1999
                                       #'000          #'000          #'000
Operating profit                       1,292          2,566          3,863
Depreciation and amortisation            640            687          1,317
(Increase)/decrease in debtors        (3,516)          (242)           512
Increase/(decrease) in creditors         794            (52)           286
Exchange differences                     171            424             93
                                    ---------      ---------      ---------
                                      (1,911)           817          2,208
                                    =========      =========      =========   
Net cash (outflow)/inflow      
 from operations                        (619)         3,383          6,071
                                    ---------      ---------      ---------   
Returns   on  investments                                     
 and servicing of finance
  Interest received                      308            256            607
  Interest paid                            -              -             (1)
                                    ---------      ---------      ---------   
                                         308            256            606
                                    ---------      ---------      ---------   
Taxation                              (1,026)          (335)        (3,434)
                                    ---------      ---------      ---------
Capital expenditure and                                     
 financial investment
Payments to acquire fixed assets        (374)          (344)          (435)
                                    ---------      ---------      ---------
Acquisitions and disposals                                    
Net cash flow from      
 sale of business                          -          3,111          3,038
                                    ---------      ---------      ---------   
Equity dividends paid                 (1,253)        (1,235)        (1,853)
                                    ---------      ---------      ---------   
Management of liquid resources         2,208         (4,812)        (2,466)
                                    ---------      ---------      ---------
  HP paid                                  -             (1)             -
  Shares issued                          129             75            137
  Purchase of own shares              (1,045)             -              -
                                    ---------      ---------      ---------   
                                        (916)            74            137
                                    ---------      ---------      ---------   
(Decrease)/increase in     
 cash in the period                   (1,672)            98          1,664
                                    =========      =========      =========   
Reconciliation of Net Funds                                   

(Decrease)/increase in       
 cash in the period                   (1,672)            98          1,664
Translation difference                   196             68             24
                                    ---------      ---------      ---------
Movement in net funds in      
 the period                            1,476            166          1,688
Cash outflow from decrease        
 in lease financing                        -              1              -
Investment in short term deposits     (2,208)         4,812          2,466
Net funds at start of period          14,739         10,585         10,585
                                    ---------      ---------      ---------
Net funds at end of period            11,055         15,564         14,739
                                    =========      =========      =========
KBC Advanced Technologies plc


1.   Basis of preparation

These  unaudited interim financial statements,  which  do  not
constitute  statutory accounts within the meaning  of  section
240  of  the Companies Act 1985, have been prepared using  the
accounting  policies  set out in the  Group's  1999  Statutory

The  Statutory  Accounts for the year ended 31  December  1999
received  an  unqualified  auditor's  report  and  have   been
delivered to the Registrar of Companies.

The  interim  report  will be sent to  shareholders.   Further
copies  may  be  obtained  from  the  Company  Secretary,  KBC
Advanced  Technologies  plc,  KBC  House,  Churchfield   Road,
Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 8DB.

2.   Earnings per share

The  calculation of earnings per share is based upon  earnings
of  #1,024,000  (1999:  #3,718,000) and on  47,224,625  (1999:
47,199,396) ordinary shares, being the weighted average number
of  ordinary shares in issue during the period after excluding
the shares owned by the KBC Advanced Technologies plc Employee

The diluted earnings per share is based upon 48,285,357 (1999:
49,521,725) ordinary shares allowing for the full exercise  of
outstanding   purchase  options,  and  adjusted  earnings   of
#1,024,000 (1999: #3,718,000).

The   basic  IIMR  (Institute  of  Investment  Management  and
Research) earnings per share excludes profit made on the  sale
of  a  business, and is based on a profit of #1,024,000 (1999:
1,750,000),  and  on  47,224,625 (1999:  47,199,396)  ordinary

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