RNS Number:8946A
Hercules Property Services PLC
09 September 2002

09 September 2002

                         HERCULES PROPERTY SERVICES PLC


                                TO 30 JUNE 2002


Hercules Property Services PLC, the property management, consultancy and
insurances group, today announces its preliminary results for the year ended 30
June 2002.

*               Turnover for the year increases to #36.9m           +44%

*               Substantial rise in profits before tax, non recurring items,
                amortisation and Long Term Incentive Plan to #11.5m     +20%

*               Final dividend of 9.7p per share recommended  +8%

*               Total dividend for the year will be 12p per share  +9%

*               Recurring income from insurance commissions and management fees
                accounted for 63% of total Group income

Larry Lipman, Chairman of Hercules said:

"Hercules has again produced record profits before tax, non recurring items,
amortisation and the Long Term Investment Plan.  This reflects the resilience of
the Group's balanced portfolio of companies."

For further information, please contact:

Hercules Property Services PLC
Robert Plumb, Managing Director                       020 8420 7600

GCI Financial
Roger Leboff / Caroline Massey                        020 7072 4200


Shareholders will be aware that this was a turbulent year for the property
insurance markets in which Hercules operates. In particular, we have seen
significant changes in the pricing and capacity for property insurance.  Against
this backdrop, I am pleased to report that profits for the year before tax,
non-recurring items, amortisation and long term incentive plan costs, rose to
#11.5m from #9.6m in 2001, an increase of just under 20%.   I can confirm that
all of our operating divisions apart from Insurance reported year on year growth
in profits.

Group turnover grew 43.7%, from #25.7m to #36.9m during the year under review.
Whilst a proportion of this increase can be attributed to acquisitions, the
Group achieved organic growth of approximately 22%.

The most significant acquisition during the year was that of Gross Fine
Management, a premier residential property management business based in the West
End of London.  Gross Fine manages approximately 12,000 units and its strong
contacts with major housebuilders provide a steady flow of new instructions.  We
have now owned this business for four months and I am happy with the progress to
date and its overall integration into the Hercules Group.

Basic earnings per share for the financial year were 22.1p, compared with 37.3p
for the previous year.  The adjusted earnings per share, which excludes
amortisation, non-recurring items and long-term incentive plan costs, is 44.8p
for the current year against 52.5p for 2001.


The Board is recommending a final dividend of 9.7p making 12.0p for the year, an
increase of 9% over the previous year.  The final dividend will, subject to
shareholder approval, be payable on January 3 2003, to shareholders on the
register at the close of business on December 6 2002.

The directors also wish to make a scrip dividend alternative available to
ordinary shareholders, to enable them to  have the opportunity to elect to
receive the final dividend partly or wholly in fully paid new ordinary shares in
the Company in lieu of cash.

Full details of the scrip dividend alternative will be set out in a circular and
sent to shareholders in due course.


I believe last year was one of the most significant since Hercules floated in
May 1996.  Despite the difficult trading conditions across the world economy,
Hercules has again produced record profits before tax, non-recurring items,
amortisation and long term incentive plan costs.  This reflects the resilience
of the Group's balanced portfolio of companies.  Of particular importance this
year was the exceptional contribution from our auction businesses. Harman Healy
took advantage of an extremely strong secondary commercial property market,
while Winkworths Auctions, acquired in July last year, prospered in the buoyant
residential auction market.

We continue to monitor and set target levels for predictable recurring income,
which are currently above the 63% level. Most of our acquisitions this year have
been in residential property management and these have helped strengthen our
recurring revenues.  In the insurance field we added D.O.R. (Northern) to the
Group.  This significantly enhanced our position in the Housing Association
market and in conjunction with Farr's positive performance this year, underpins
our confidence in the sustainability of revenues from this particular area of


As the Group evolves we must develop the management infrastructure needed to
support continued profitable trading.  I am, therefore, delighted to have
appointed Nigel Davis as Finance Director.  His predecessor, Paul Davis, has
become the Group's Commercial Director. Both Nigel and Paul, under the guidance
of our Managing Director Robert Plumb, will, I am sure, continue to enhance the
day to day running and performance of the Group.


Although trading conditions in the insurance market remain difficult, we already
have evidence that Deacon is enjoying better renewal retention rates and
stabilising margins. We remain confident, as this market continues to recover,
that we will be able to negotiate increasingly competitive insurance packages
for our clients.  We anticipate that a combination of gradually improving market
conditions and the improvements that we have already made to the quality of our
sales and service to the blocks of flats market will enable Deacon to recover
some of the ground lost during the year to 30 June 2002.

The process of continuous improvement and the establishment of Deacon's
competitive advantages in this very specific area of the property insurance
market should facilitate a fuller recovery over a longer period of time.

Within our chosen niches there are many opportunities for all divisions. Recent
new management contracts, both in the commercial and residential markets, augur
well for management fee growth and the potential to cross sell professional and
insurance services.  A more detailed review on a sector-by-sector basis is given
by Robert Plumb in his review of operations.

Finally I would like to thank all our staff and professional advisors as I look
forward with confidence to the forthcoming year.



Despite the challenges the Group has faced, with the unprecedented turmoil in
our insurance markets, we have made significant progress this year, both in
terms of consolidating our positions within our various market niches and
maximising our inter-company referrals.  All divisions within the Group have
registered significant growth in revenues, aided by acquisitions, but also with
the majority of businesses enjoying year-on-year organic growth.  It is also a
year in which we have made major strides in terms of establishing more effective
Group support and control.  Successful post acquisition management and
integration has been key to the pleasing returns that each of these new
businesses have made.

Residential Property Services

Although the smallest in terms of revenue contribution, residential management
has experienced the highest revenue growth of all our divisions.  The
acquisitions of Wood Management and Gross Fine, were two major steps in
achieving our goal of being a leading service provider to the residential flats
market.  Our service offerings now range from the administration and management
of ground rents through to the full range of professional services for major
established and newly developed apartment blocks.  These two businesses,
together with a number of smaller portfolio acquisitions, have substantially
increased the proportion of "owner-occupied" residential management. This is in
keeping with our aim to follow developments and trends within the market as
legislative changes are implemented.  We are pleased that all of these
acquisitions have not only have been integrated well, but have contributed
materially to inter-Group professional and insurance services.

Commercial Property Services

With revenue growth of over 60% our commercial division has performed well in a
challenging market environment. A significant milestone during the course of the
year has been the successful integration of Dunlop Heywood and Baker Lorenz.  In
November 2001 we acquired Michael Courcier and Partners, a property planning
consultancy based in Bolton.  Strong market demand, particularly for residential
planning, has seen this acquisition contribute handsomely to the division's
results with a strong ongoing opportunity to cross sell within the property
services division.

Although in common with the commercial property services market generally, we
have experienced a drop in transactional activity, our professional and
management departments have enjoyed a number of important successes.  Our
ability to focus in our market niches leads us to anticipate revenue growth in
this division despite what could be difficult market conditions in the
foreseeable future.

Our auction businesses had an outstanding year in markets with relatively high
property yields and low interest rates.  We are particularly pleased with the
degree of diversification we achieved in both the residential and the secondary
commercial markets.

Early in the new financial year our London based commercial operations will be
relocating to one building where, besides the benefit of cost savings, we are
sure there will be the opportunity for greater business synergies.

Insurance Division

Significant price increases combined with substantially more onerous
underwriting criteria have affected all of our insurance businesses to varying

Deacon, our blocks of flats insurance intermediary, has been the most severely
impacted by these changes.  This business offers a specialised service to
managers and owners of blocks of flats, and a virtual full outsourcing solution
to insurance companies.  The business benefits significantly from process
efficiency and economics of scale in soft insurance markets, but is more
negatively affected in a hardening market.  Although poor capacity and rising
prices in the property insurance market will undoubtedly mean that conditions
will remain challenging, the progress Deacon's new management has made both in
terms of re-engineering its underwriting processes and developing increasingly
competitive products will position it well for an improved performance in the
year to come.

Cadogan Insurance Brokers, who principally service commercial property portfolio
managers and owners, have had an extremely successful first year with the Group.
A personal, specialised and quality service has kept the business's renewal
retention rates high.

The Housing Associations property insurance market has also had to endure
significant price increases as insurers look to recover underwriting losses of
previous years. Farr, who enjoyed a commanding position in terms of their
knowledge and experience in this very specialised market have continued to
perform well despite the challenges.  Given our confidence in our strengths in
this market we were very pleased to bring D.O.R. (Northern) into the Hercules
Group earlier this year.  D.O.R. (Northern) like Farr, operates only in the
Housing Association insurance market and similarly enjoys excellent client
retention through focus and specialisation.

As much as we expect that the markets will continue to be unsettled we firmly
believe that businesses within the Hercules Group are well positioned.  We see
significant potential for organic growth within our divisions both through
growing share within our market niches and through further maximisation of our
inter-group sales opportunities.

My thanks go out to all the employees of the Group who have demonstrated their
commitment through their contributions this year.  Their drive and determination
in the year to come will undoubtedly be key to our future success.


Year ended 30 June 2002

                                           Note               2002                                    Restated
                                                       (continuing             2002               (see note 2)
                                                        operations)   (acquisitions)         2002         2001
                                                              #'000           #'000         #'000        #'000

Turnover                                   3                 31,370            5,576       36,946       25,710

Cost of sales                                               (6,582)            (542)      (7,124)      (5,094)

Gross profit                                                 24,788            5,034       29,822       20,616
Administrative expenses - Recurring                        (15,227)          (2,212)     (17,439)     (10,046)
Administrative expenses - Non Recurring    4                (1,215)                -      (1,215)            -
Amortisation                                                (2,967)            (498)      (3,465)      (1,620)
Long Term Incentive Plan (LTIP)                               (600)                -        (600)        (354)

Total administrative expenses                              (20,009)          (2,710)     (22,719)     (12,020)

Operating profit                                              4,779            2,324        7,103        8,596

Profits on sale of assets in continuing                                                       900            -

Profit on ordinary activities before                                                        8,003        8,596

Interest receivable and similar income                                                      1,423          828
Interest payable and similar charges                                                      (2,309)      (1,794)

Profit on ordinary activities before                                                        7,117        7,630

Tax on profit on ordinary activities                                                      (3,147)      (2,787)

Profit on ordinary activities after                                                         3,970        4,843

Equity dividends                           6                                              (2,167)      (1,900)

Retained profit for the financial year                                                      1,803        2,943

Basic earnings per share                   7                                                22.1p        37.3p

Adjustment for goodwill and LTIP           7                                                22.7p        15.2p

Adjusted earnings per share                                                                 44.8p        52.5p

Diluted earnings per share                 7                                                21.6p        35.7p

Adjusted diluted earnings per share        7                                                43.7p        50.3p

There are no discontinued operations.

30 June 2002
                                                         Note                                         Restated
                                                                                                      (Note 13)
                                                                                           2002           2001
                                                                                          #'000          #'000
Intangible fixed assets                                                                  73,354         55,130
Tangible fixed assets                                                                    10,326          4,399

                                                                                         83,680         59,529

Stock and work in progress                                                                4,760          4,468
Debtors                                                                                  20,397         16,658
Investments                                                                                   7              -
Cash at bank and in hand                                                                 37,226         32,558

                                                                                         62,390         53,684
CREDITORS: amounts falling due
   within one year                                                                     (33,031)       (27,354)

NET CURRENT ASSETS                                                                       29,359         26,330

 LIABILITIES                                                                            113,039         85,859

CREDITORS: amounts falling due
   after more than one year                                                            (55,774)       (31,429)

 AND CHARGES                                                                              (606)          (700)

NET ASSETS                                                                               56,659         53,730

Called up equity share capital                                                              903            892
Shares to be issued                                                                         954            354
Share premium account                                                                    57,971         57,456
Profit and loss account                                                                 (1,830)        (3,633)
Merger reserve                                                                          (1,339)        (1,339)

EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS                               8                               56,659         53,730

Year ended 30 June 2002
                                                                                           2002         2001
                                                         Note                             #'000        #'000

Cash inflow from operating activities                     9                               14,806       32,771

Returns on investments and servicing of finance           10                               (886)        (966)

Taxation                                                                                 (4,553)      (2,320)

Capital expenditure and financial investment              11                             (5,383)      (3,574)

Acquisitions and disposals                                11                            (20,303)     (33,414)

Equity dividends paid                                                                    (1,900)        (853)

Cash outflow before financing                                                           (18,219)      (8,356)

Financing                                                 11                              22,923       34,464

Increase in cash in the year                                                               4,704       26,108

Year ended 30 June 2002

1.              BASIS OF PREPARATION

The financial information set out in the announcement does not constitute the
Company's statutory accounts for the years ended 30 June 2002 or 2001.  The
financial information for the year ended 30 June 2001 is derived from the
statutory accounts for that year which have been delivered to the Registrar of
Companies.  The auditors reported on those accounts; their report was
unqualified and did not contain a statement under s237(2) or (3) Companies Act
1985.  The statutory accounts for the year ended 30 June 2002 will be finalised
on the basis of the financial information presented by the directors in this
preliminary announcement and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies
following the Company's annual general meeting.


In order to ensure harmonisation of accounting policies across the insurance
intermediaries within the Group, with respect to the recognition of turnover and
cost of sales, comparative figures have been restated to show as turnover only
the net commission received, not the premium.  The impact on the results for the
year ended 30 June 2001 is a reduction in both turnover and cost of sales of
#15,493,052.  There is no effect upon the profits for the year ended 30 June

The restatement in the prior year balance sheet for the impact of FRS19 and the
change in the shares to be issued is set out in note 13.


The analysis of turnover, profit on ordinary activities before taxation and net
assets attributable to the different classes of the Group's business all of
which were carried out in the United Kingdom, after consolidation adjustments
were as follows:
                                                                                            2002        2001
                                                                                           #'000       #'000
Management services                                                                        7,546       4,090
Insurance                                                                                 16,522      12,729
Auctions                                                                                   3,506       1,540
Surveying                                                                                  8,504       6,372
Other                                                                                        868         979

                                                                                          36,946      25,710

Profit on ordinary activities before taxation
Management services                                                                        1,968         794
Insurance                                                                                  7,238       8,964
Auctions                                                                                   1,212         415
Surveying                                                                                  1,134         956
Other                                                                                    (4,435)     (3,499)

                                                                                           7,117       7,630

4.              NON RECURRING ITEM

Administrative expenses include a charge of #1,215,000 in relation to a payment
made to one of Deacon's former insurance suppliers in settlement of claims
against Deacon connected with business written in previous years.


                                                                                             2002         2001
                                                                                            #'000        #'000

Profit on ordinary activities before taxation                                               7,117       7,630
Profit on sale of assets in continuing operations                                           (900)           -
Administrative expenses - Non Recurring                                                     1,215           -
Amortisation                                                                                3,465       1,620
Long Term Incentive Plan                                                                      600         354

Profit reported in chairman's statement                                                    11,497       9,604

6.              EQUITY DIVIDENDS

                                                                                            2002        2001
                                                                                           #'000       #'000

Interim equity dividend paid of 2.3p per share (2001 - 2p)                                   415         294
Final equity dividend proposed of 9.7p per share (2001 - 9p)                               1,752       1,606

                                                                                           2,167       1,900

7.              EARNINGS PER SHARE

The calculation of basic earnings per share is based on profits after tax of
#3,970,009 (2001 - #4,843,743) and on a weighted average number of ordinary
shares of 17,942,906 (2001 - 12,979,592) in issue during the year.

The calculation of diluted earnings per share is based on basic earnings as
defined above and on 18,401,043 ordinary shares (2001 - 13,563,763) calculated
as follows:
                                                                                            2002          2001
                                                                                             No.           No.

Basic weighted average number of shares                                                17,942,906   12,979,592
Weighted average number of dilutive shares under option                                 1,562,186    1,222,262
Number of shares that would have been issued at fair value                            (1,104,049)    (638,091)

Diluted weighted average number of shares                                              18,401,043   13,563,763

Diluted earnings per share                                                                  21.6p        35.7p

The Directors consider the earnings per share excluding goodwill amortisation
and the charge for the LTIP better reflects the commercial operations of the
Group and have therefore disclosed an additional earnings per share figure for

The calculation of the adjusted diluted earnings per share is therefore based on
profits after tax, excluding goodwill amortisation and LTIP charge, of
#8,035,000 (2001 - #6,817,000) and on the diluted weighted average number of
shares of 18,401,043 (2001 - 13,563,763).


                                                                                            2002         2001
                                                                                           #'000        #'000

Profit for the financial year                                                              3,970        4,843
Dividends                                                                                (2,167)      (1,900)

                                                                                           1,803        2,943

Issue of shares                                                                              526       40,399
Shares to be issued                                                                          600          354
Acquisition expenses written off                                                               -      (1,223)
Goodwill written off                                                                           -         (62)

Net addition to shareholders' funds                                                        2,929       42,411

Opening shareholders' funds                                                               53,730       11,319

Closing shareholders' funds                                                               56,659       53,730


                                                                                            2002          2001
                                                                                           #'000         #'000

Operating profit                                                                           7,103        8,596
Shares to be issued                                                                          600          354
Depreciation                                                                                 654          252
Decrease in provision                                                                       (94)        (150)
Amortisation of goodwill                                                                   3,465        1,620
Loss on sale of tangible fixed assets                                                          -            8
Increase in stocks and work in progress                                                     (74)        (440)
Increase in debtors                                                                      (1,452)      (1,532)
Increase in creditors                                                                      4,604       24,063

Net cash inflow from operating activities                                                 14,806       32,771


                                                                                           2002          2001
                                                                                          #'000         #'000

Increase in cash in the year                                                               4,704       26,108
Cash  (inflow)/outflow from (increase)/decrease in

debt and lease financing                                                                (22,397)        4,712

Change in net debt resulting from cash flows                                            (17,693)       30,820

Loans and finance leases acquired with subsidiaries                                         (15)      (2,556)

                                                                                        (17,708)       28,264

Net funds/(debt) at 1 July 2001                                                           16,840     (11,424)

Net (debt)/funds at 30 June 2002                                                           (868)       16,840


                                                                                        2002         2001
                                                                                        #'000        #'000
Returns on investments and servicing of finance
Interest received                                                                       1,423          828
Interest paid                                                                         (2,309)      (1,794)

Net cash outflow from returns on investments and
servicing of finance
                                                                                        (886)        (966)

Capital expenditure and financial investment
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                                                     (7,613)      (3,593)
Receipts from sale of tangible fixed assets                                             2,230           19

Net cash outflow from capital expenditure and
financial investment
                                                                                      (5,383)      (3,574)

Acquisitions and disposals
Purchase of subsidiary undertaking                                                   (21,874)     (35,810)
Net cash acquired with subsidiary                                                       1,571        2,396

Net cash outflow from acquisitions and disposals                                     (20,303)     (33,414)

Issue of ordinary share capital                                                           526       39,176
New borrowings                                                                         41,092            -
Repayment of loans                                                                   (18,691)      (2,156)
Repayment of acquired subsidiary loan                                                       -      (2,556)
Capital element of finance lease rental payments                                          (4)            -

Net cash inflow from financing                                                         22,923       34,464

12.          ANALYSIS OF NET Debt

                                                                 At                  Acquisition           At
                                                             1 July           Cash            of      30 June
                                                               2001           flow    subsidiary         2002
                                                               #'000         #'000         #'000        #'000

Cash at bank and in hand                                       32,558        3,097         1,571       37,226
Overdraft                                                        (36)           36             -            -

                                                               32,522        3,133         1,571       37,226

Debt due within one year                                      (3,745)      (3,770)             -      (7,515)
Debt due after one year                                      (11,937)     (18,631)             -     (30,568)
Finance leases                                                      -            4          (15)         (11)

Total                                                          16,840     (19,264)         1,556        (868)

Cash includes #24,817,730 held in escrow accounts to settle the loan notes
issued as part of the consideration for Farr (#15,390,997) and Gross Fine


                                                                                 Provisions for Shares to be
                                                                                    Liabilities   and Issued
                                                                                          #'000         #'000

2001 as previously reported                                                              (1,054)            -

Restatement of Long Term Incentive Plan                                                      354        (354)

2001 Restated                                                                              (700)        (354)

13.          CONTINUED


Prior year adjustment.  The adoption of FRS19 "Deferred Taxation" has
necessitated changes in the method of accounting for deferred tax assets and
liabilities. As a result of these changes in accounting policy, the comparatives
have been restated as follows:

                                                                    Deferred tax  Profit & Loss   Shareholders
                                                                           asset         Account         funds
                                                                           #'000           #'000          #'000

2001 as previously reported                                                    -           9,182         53,178

Adoption of FRS19 at 1 July 2000                                              98              98             98
During the year ended 30 June 2001                                           100             100            100

Adoption of FRS19 at 30 June 2001                                            198             198            198

                                                                             198           9,380         53,376
Shares to be issued                                                            -               -            354

2001 Restated                                                                198           9,380         53,730

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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