RNS Number : 6731E
  Hollywood Media Services plc
  30 September 2008



    I am pleased to report on our results for the six months to 30 June 2008.   


    *     Acquisition of the contract for "The Bill"
    *     Consolidated revenues up 73% to �990,981
    *     Pre tax loss of �212,570 after amortising the costs of The Bill for �130,046

    Review of Operations

    The key event of the first half was the acquisition of The Bill contract in February 2008 which has the potential to double the Group's
turnover and provide a significant contribution to covering the Group's overheads. In the five months we have operated it, the contract has
delivered an operating margin of 10%; at which rate it should generate profits for the year in excess of the cash consideration paid of
�94,500. As previously reported total consideration is up to �575,000 (the balance being in shares) of which �275,000 is payable if the
contract is extended beyond 31 December 2008. The contract is particularly valuable to the group because it provides a stable cash flow
during the year and therefore reduces the seasonality of the business as a whole.  

    Accounting for the contract is governed by IFRS 3, Business Combinations, under which the acquisition costs of The Bill are required to
be written off over the remaining period of the contract, regardless of any renewal. Given the contract currently runs until 31 December
2008, this results in a write off of �130,046 in the period with the balance of approximately �156,000 to be written off in the second half.
The directors are confident that the Company will be successful in extending the contract beyond 31 December 2008.  

    As I reported with the 2007 results, the traditionally slow first quarter for the continuing operations was even slower than expected in
2008, due to the after effects of the writers' strike in the USA and postponements of new production commissions by both the BBC and ITV.
The second quarter saw an improvement in volumes with productions serviced including "Minder", "Apparitions", "Survivors", "Trinity" and
"Damned United".  In addition, we were appointed caterers to a number of pop festivals. This is a new area for the Company and follows the
recruitment of a dedicated events manager as mentioned in our year end report.

    Financial Review

    The poorer than expected start to sales in the first half resulted in revenues from continuing operations for the period being down 3%.
However, this was more than offset by the addition of The Bill contract as a result of which total revenues increased by 73% to �990,981
(2007: �572,336) in the first half of 2008. Trading profit (before head office costs, reorganisation costs and amortisation of goodwill)
improved to �38,898 (2007: �21,769) with losses in continuing operations being exceeded by the performance of The Bill contract. Head office
costs which comprise the costs of the Plc board and direct Plc overheads amounted to �74,589 (2007: nil). After the amortisation of The Bill
contract of �130,046 an operating loss of �185,679 is reported for the 6 months (2007: profit of �21,769). After financial expenses of
�26,891 (2007:�14,223) a pre and post tax loss of �212,570 was incurred in the 6 months (2007: pre tax profit of �7,546 and post tax profit
of �8,949).

    As noted in the year end report, cash reserves were at their worst in May 2008 since when the position has improved as trading has
recovered from the slow start mentioned above. As well as the acquisition of The Bill contract mentioned above, the Company invested around
�110,000 into new equipment with the result that the Company moved to a net debt position of �321,942 including lease obligations of �76,532
and utilising invoice discounting facilities of �192,679. Since June 2008, further capital expenditure of approximately �46,000 has been
undertaken utilising an existing lease facility which would otherwise have expired but, in the current financial environment, there are no
further plans for significant capital expenditure despite currently healthy demand for the group's services. The group is projected to
generate cash in the second half in line with the expected improvement in trading.  
    Current Trading
    While increased macro economic risk makes for caution in commenting on trading prospects the improved volumes achieved in facilities in
May and June have been maintained in the first three months of the second half, while the second half will also benefit from a full 6 months
of The Bill. 
    With regard to acquisitions, the board has commenced discussions with a number of potential opportunities since the year end and these
remain ongoing. Whilst there can be no certainty that any discussions will conclude successfully, the Board continue to believe that there
are opportunities to grow the business by acquisition, enabling cross selling of products and services as well as joint offerings to
increase volume and margins.

    James Holmes

    30 September 2008

    For further information please contact:-

 Hollywood                            Tel:  0207 332 2200
 Martin Eberhardt, Chief Executive  
 Dowgate Capital Advisers Limited     Tel: 020 7492 4777
 Liam Murray, Antony Legge          
 IAF Securities Limited               Tel: 020 7747 7400
 David Coffman                      


                                           Six month period        Six month period           Year ended 31
                                         ended 30 June 2008      ended 30 June 2007           December 2007
                                 Note             Unaudited               Unaudited                 Audited
                                                         �                       �                       � 
 Continuing operations                   553,096                           572,336               1,090,775 
 Acquisitions                             437,885                               -                       -  
 Total revenue                            990,981                          572,336               1,090,775 
 Gross profit                                                                        
 Continuing operations                   197,884                           217,464                 367,246 
 Acquisitions                            124,928                 -                                      -  
 Total gross profit                      322,812                           217,464                (356,283)
 Administrative expenses                                                             
 Trading expenses                                                                    
 Continuing operations                   (202,717)                        (195,695)               (362,839)
 Acquisitions                            (81,197)                               -                       -  
 Total administrative expenses           (283,914)                        (195,695)               (362,839)
 Trading profit                                                                                            
 Continuing operations                   (4,833)                            21,769                   4,407 
 Acquisitions                                       43,731                      -                       -  
 Total trading profit                               38,898                 21,769                  4,407 
 Head office costs                       (74,589)                               -                  (95,393)
 Acquisition/Float and                   (19,942)                               -                 (128,050)
 reorganisation costs                                                                
 Amortisation of contract cost           (130,046)                              -                       -  
 Operating profit/(loss)                 (185,679)               21,769                  (219,036)
 Financial expenses                          (26,891)            (14,223)                (42,407)
 Profit/(loss) before taxation           (212,570)               7,546                   (261,443)
 Taxation                         2                     -              1,403                             - 
 Profit/(loss) after taxation                (212,570)           8,949                   (261,443)

                                       Six month period        Six month period           Year ended 31
                                     ended 30 June 2008      ended 30 June 2007           December 2007
                                              Unaudited               Unaudited                 Audited
                                                     �                       �                       � 
 (Loss) for the financial year      (212,570)                8,949                   (261,443)
 Costs of flotation written off      -                       -                       (377,156)
 to share premium account                                                        
 Total (losses)/gains                (212,570)               8,949                   (638,599)
 recognised since last annual                                                    
 Total (losses)/gains                (212,570)               8,949                   (638,599)
 attributable to equity holders                                                  
 of the parent                                                                   


                                     Six month period        Six month period           Year ended 31
                                   ended 30 June 2008      ended 30 June 2007           December 2007
                                          Unaudited �             Unaudited �               Audited �
 Non current assets                                                            
 Intangible asset                            156,056                      -                       -  
 Property plant and equipment                592,492                 472,226                 529,422 
 Deferred tax asset                            4,554                   7,682                      -  
                                             753,102                 479,908                 529,422 
 Current assets                                                                
 Inventories                                  31,523                  15,825                  15,406 
 Trade and other receivables                 452,186                 389,444                 192,391 
 Cash and cash equivalents                        -                       -                  275,909 
                                             483,709                 405,269                 483,706 
 Total assets                              1,236,811                 885,177               1,013,128 
 Current liabilities                                                           
 Trade and other payables                   (535,160)               (506,059)               (421,981)
 Financial liabilities                      (321,942)               (192,574)               (171,149)
 Tax liabilities                              (1,403)                 (3,128)                     -  
                                            (858,505)               (701,761)               (593,130)
 Net Current (liabilities)                  (374,796)               (296,492)               (109,424)
 Non current liabilities                                                       
 Borrowings                                   (2,600)                (79,130)                (38,259)
 Net assets                                  375,706                 104,286                 381,739 
 Capital and reserves                                                          
 Called up Share capital                      89,171                  50,000                  85,417 
 Shares to be issued                         205,700                      -                   70,000 
 Share premium account                       504,511                      -                  437,427 
 Retained earnings                          (428,676)                 54,286                (216,105)
 Share option reserve                          5,000                      -                    5,000 
 Equity attributable to equity               375,706                 104,286                 381,739 
 holders of the parent                                                         


                                     Six month period        Six month period           Year ended 31
                                   ended 30 June 2008      ended 30 June 2007           December 2007
                                          Unaudited �             Unaudited �               Audited �
 Net cash from operating               (182,166)                47,599             60,712 
 Cash flows from investing                                                     
 Interest received                                -                       -                    2,329 
 Proceeds on disposal of                       6,616                      -                        - 
 property plant and equipment                                                  
 Purchases of property, plant               (110,429)                (69,953)               (176,367)
 and equipment                                                                 
 Business acquisition                       (114,442)                     -                       -  
 Fair value adjustment                         8,540                      -                       -  
 Net cash used in investing                 (209,715)                (69,953)               (174,038)
 Cash flow from financing                                                      
 Costs of flotation                               -                       -                 (377,156)
 New finance lease liabilities                    -                       -                       -  
 Repayment of obligations under              (38,637)                (34,165)                (87,574)
 finance leases                                                                
 New borrowings                              101,040                   2,575                       - 
 Issue of new shares                             838                  49,980                 850,000 
 Net cash used in financing                   63,241                  18,390                 385,270 
 Net (decrease)/increase in                 (328,640)                 (3,964)                271,944 
 cash and cash equivalents                                                     
 Cash and cash equivalents                                                     
 At beginning of period                      275,909                   3,964                   3,964 
 Net(decrease)/increase in cash             (328,640)                 (3,964)                271,945 
 and cash equivalents                                                          
 At end of period                            (52,731)                      -                 275,909 


                                     Six month period        Six month period           Year ended 31
                                   ended 30 June 2008      ended 30 June 2007           December 2007
                                          Unaudited �             Unaudited �               Audited �
 Profit/(loss) from operations              (185,679)                 21,769                (219,036)
 Adjustments for:                                                              
 Movement in share option                         -                       -                    5,000 
 Depreciation of property,                    53,043                  38,859                  88,077 
 plant and equipment                                                           
 Amortisation of intangible                  130,046                      -                       -  
 Operating cash flow before                   (2,590)                 60,628                (125,959)
 movements in working capital                                                  
 Increase in inventories                      (2,917)                 24,500                  24,919 
 Increase in receivables                    (264,350)                (98,427)                106,261 
 (Decrease)/increase in                      114,582                  73,718                 100,227 
 Cash generated by operations               (155,275)                 60,419                 105,448 
 Income taxes refunded/(paid)                     -                    1,403                      -  
 Interest paid                               (26,891)                (14,223)                (44,736)
 Net cash flow from operating               (182,166)                 47,599                  60,712 


    1.    Accounting policies
    Basis of Preparation
        The half-yearly financial information in this report has been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRS) as adopted for use in the EU applied in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act 1985.
    IFRS is subject to amendment and interpretation by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the International Financial
Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) and there is an ongoing process of review and endorsement by the European Commission. The
financial information has been prepared on the basis of IFRS that the Directors expect to be applicable as at 31 December 2008.  
    The half-yearly results for the six months to June 2008 and June 2007 have been prepared under the     historical cost convention, are
unaudited and do not constitute statutory accounts in accordance with     Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. The principal accounting
policies set out below have been consistently applied to all periods presented.
    Basis of consolidation
    The consolidated financial statements include those of the holding company and its subsidiaries made up to 31 December 2007. As the
company's results are included in the consolidated profit and loss account and disclosed in the reconciliation of movements in shareholders'
funds, a separate profit and loss account is not presented, as permitted by s 230 (4) of the Companies Act 2006. Entities not owned by the
group over which the group has the ability to exercise control are accounted for as subsidiaries. The results of subsidiary undertakings
acquired in the year are included in the consolidated profit and loss account from the date of acquisition.
    Acquisition accounting
    The assets and liabilities of subsidiary undertakings and the acquired are incorporated at their fair value at the date of acquisition
and the Group income statement includes only that proportion of the result of subsidiaries arising whilst meeting the definition of a
    Intangible assets other than goodwill are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and any impairment losses. Intangible assets
arising on acquisition are recognised separately from goodwill where the fair value of the asset can be identified separately and measured
reliably. Amortisation is calculated on a straight line basis over the useful life of the asset. Amortisation methods and useful lives are
reviewed annually and adjusted if appropriate.
        Fixed assets are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and any recognised impairment loss. Depreciation is charged so as to
write off the cost of the assets, over their estimated useful lives, using the straight line method on the following bases:
    Motor vehicles, trailers, plant and equipment    15% straight line
    Fixtures and fittings    33% straight line

    Leases are classified as finance leases whenever the terms of the lease transfer substantially all of the risks and rewards of ownership
to the lessee. All other leases are classified as operating leases.

    Assets held under finance leases are recognised as assets of the Company at their fair value or, if lower, at the present value of the
minimum lease payments, each determined at inception of the lease. The corresponding liability is included in the balance sheet as a finance
lease obligation. Lease payments are apportioned between finance charges and reduction of the lease obligation so as to achieve a constant
rate of interest on the remaining balance of the liability. Finance charges are charged to the income statement.

    Rentals payable under operating leases are charged to the income statement on a straight line basis over the term of the relevant
    2.    Taxation

    No provision for corporation tax has been provided for, due to losses incurred in previous periods.
    3.    Earnings per Share
    The earnings per share has been calculated by dividing the loss after taxation of �75,368 (June 2007: profit of �8,949)     by the
weighted average number of Ordinary �1 shares in issue of 49,285,732 (June 2007: 25,010). 

                                     Six month period        Six month period           Year ended 31
                                   ended 30 June 2008      ended 30 June 2007           December 2007
                                          Unaudited �             Unaudited �               Audited �
 Loss/Profit attributable to                (212,570)                  8,949                (261,443)
 Weighted average number of               49,285,732                  25,010              25,049,348 
 ordinary shares in issue for                                                  
 calculating basic earnings per                                                
 Increase in weighted average                                     19,982,990   
 number of ordinary shares in                                                  
 issue at a nominal value of                                                   
 0.125p following sub division                                                 
 of shares                                                                     
 Weighted average number of               19,000,000                                       6,592,692 
 warrants and options                                                          
 Weighted average number of               20,000,000                                       6,703,297 
 preference shares                                                             
 Weighted average number of               88,285,732              20,008,000              38,345,337 
 shares for calculating                                                        
 dilutive earnings per share                                                   
 Basic (loss)/earnings per                    (0.004)                   0.36                  (0.010)
 Earnings per share of 0.125p                                           0.000  
 Fully diluted                                (0.002)                                         (0.007)

    4.    Statement of changes in equity

                                     Six month period        Six month period           Year ended 31
                                   ended 30 June 2008      ended 30 June 2007           December 2007
                                          Unaudited �             Unaudited �               Audited �
 Opening balance                             381,739                  45,358                  45,358 
 Profit/(loss) for the                      (212,570)                  8,948                (261,443)
 Issue of shares                                 838                  49,980                 899,980 
 Flotation costs written off                      -                       -                 (377,156)
 against Share Premium                                                         
 Shares to be issued                         205,700                      -                   70,000 
 Gain on share options granted                    -                       -                    5,000 
 Closing balance                             375,706                 104,286                 381,739 

    5.    Ultimate controlling party
    As at 30 June 2007, the Company's ultimate controlling party was Catering 4 Events Plc. Following the Company's admission on 30 August,
there was no ultimate controlling party. 
    6.    Distribution of half-yearly report
    This half-yearly report, together with the admission document, are available on the Company's website, www.hmservicesplc.com.

    7.    Aim Compliance Committee
    In accordance with AIM Rule 31 the Company is required to have in place sufficient procedures, resources and controls to enable its
compliance with the AIM Rules; seek advice from its nominated adviser ("Nomad") regarding its compliance with the AIM Rules whenever
appropriate and take that advice into account; provide the Company's Nomad with any information it requests in order for the Nomad to carry
out is responsibilities under the AIM Rules for Companies and the AIM Rules for Nominated Advisers; ensure that each of the Company's
directors accepts full responsibility, collectively and individually, for compliance with the AIM Rules; and ensure that each director
discloses without delay all information which the Company needs in order to comply with AIM Rule 17 (Disclosure of Miscellaneous
Information) insofar as that information is known to the director or could with reasonable diligence be ascertained by the director.
    In order to ensure that these obligations are being discharged, the Board has established a committee of the Board (the "AIM
Committee"), chaired by Michael Johnson, a non executive director of the Company.
    Having reviewed relevant Board papers, and met with the Company's Executive Board and the Nomad to ensure that such is the case, the AIM
Committee is satisfied that the Company's obligations under AIM Rule 31 have been satisfied during the period under review.

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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