RNS Number : 2660E

FBD Holdings PLC

27 February 2020


27 February 2020



For the year ended 31 December 2019


   --    Excellent profit before tax of EUR112.5m 
   --    Proposed dividend of 100c per share 
   --    Full Year Return on Equity of 30% 

-- Combined Operating Ratio (COR) of 72%, driven by strong current year COR of 84% and positive prior year claims reserve development of EUR40m

   --    Gross Written Premium (GWP) of EUR370m 
   --    Average premiums down by 2.2%, with Motor premiums down 4.2% and Farm down 2.5% 
   --    Strong total investment return of 2.7% 
   --    Growth initiatives performing well: 

o New market-leading Farm product with increased Public Liability and Environmental (pollution) Liability cover as standard - a first in the Irish market

o New Small Business product launched - a simpler product with continued good success with shops, pubs and restaurants

o First to market with end to end digital customer journey for motor customers

o An Post partnership is performing well

o New TaxiFair partnership under way

 FINANCIAL SUMMARY                          2019       2018 
                                         EUR000s    EUR000s 
            Gross written premium        370,063    371,504 
            Underwriting profit           93,669     63,418 
            Profit before taxation       112,480     50,065 
            Loss ratio                     46.4%      56.3% 
            Expense ratio                  25.9%      24.9% 
            Combined operating ratio       72.3%      81.2% 
                                            Cent       Cent 
            Basic earnings per share         281        122 
            Net assets per share           1,068        818 

-- GWP of EUR370.1m (2018: EUR371.5m). New business levels increased by 13% and satisfactory retention rates of existing customers in a highly competitive market

-- Improved products, solid retention and increased use of quality business discounts, all key tools to defend our market-leading position in Farm and to attract new customers in Commercial and Consumer

-- Net profit before tax of EUR112.5m compared to EUR50.1m in 2018 (2018 included EUR11.8m exceptional loss on the Fairfax Bond buy back)

-- COR of 72.3% (2018: 81.2%), as a result of strong underlying profitability and benign weather as well as prior year claims reserve development of EUR40.1m (2018: EUR28.7m)

-- Good investment return in all asset classes. Income statement return of EUR17.9m (2018: EUR2.5m), coupled with EUR10.9m (2018: -EUR7.8m) increase in Mark to Market (MTM) on the Company's investment portfolio reflected in Other Comprehensive Income (OCI)

-- Solvency Capital Ratio of 192% (unaudited) after the 2019 proposed ordinary dividend of EUR34.9m (2018: 165%)

Commenting on these results Fiona Muldoon, Group Chief Executive, said:

"Our FBD team has delivered a great result for 2019 due to our excellent customer service, our disciplined underwriting, some good luck with the weather, a rebound in investment markets and strong claims settlement activity. I am pleased to report that the Board proposes a dividend of 100c per share for our shareholders.

We welcome the increasing stabilisation evident in court awards and resulting strong claims settlement activity in 2019. However, all consumers urgently need claims costs to come down through lower awards, lower legal and medical costs and the increased recognition of personal responsibility in injury cases. FBD continues to call for systemic reform to lower the cost of insurance for all.

FBD's strong out-turn for 2019 has been built from sound underwriting and risk selection decisions over the last few years and I am delighted to see those benefits come through so strongly. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of my colleagues who delivered this result and to wish our loyal customers and shareholders every success for 2020 and beyond. "

A presentation will be made to analysts at 09.00am today, a copy of which will be available on our Group website www.fbdgroup.com .

  Enquiries                             Telephone 
  Michael Sharpe, Investor Relations    +353 1 409 3962 
  Jack Hickey                           +353 83 448 8339 

About FBD Holdings plc ("FBD")

FBD is one of Ireland's largest property and casualty insurers, looking after the insurance needs of farmers, consumers and business owners. Established in the 1960s by farmers for farmers, FBD has built on those roots in agriculture to become a leading general insurer serving the needs of its direct agricultural, small business and consumer customers throughout Ireland. It has a network of 34 branches nationwide.

Forward Looking Statements

Some statements in this announcement are forward-looking. They represent expectations for the Group's business, and involve risks and uncertainties. These forward-looking statements are based on current expectations and projections about future events. The Group believes that current expectations and assumptions with respect to these forward-looking statements are reasonable. However, because they involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which are in some cases beyond the Group's control, actual results or performance may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements.

The following details relate to FBD's ordinary shares of EUR0.60 each which are publicly traded:

  Listing            Euronext Dublin          UK Listing Authority 
  Listing Category   Premium                  Premium (Equity) 
  Trading Venue      Euronext Dublin          London Stock Exchange 
  Market             Main Securities Market   Main Market 
  ISIN               IE0003290289             IE0003290289 
  Ticker             FBD.I or EG7.IR          FBH.L 


FBD delivered an excellent profit of EUR112.5m before tax and an exceptional 30% return on equity. This result was driven by a number of factors primarily our strong underwriting result but also including unusually benign weather, significant positive prior year reserve development and better than expected investment returns. The underwriting profit has increased to EUR93.7m (2018: EUR63.4m).

In line with our Dividend Policy, the Board has proposed a dividend of 100c per share (2018: 50c) in respect of the 2019 financial year. This represents a pay-out of approximately 35% of Group profits after tax (2018: 40%).


Premium income

Strong competition in all customer segments has resulted in a decrease in Gross Written Premium of EUR1.4m to EUR370.1m (2018: EUR371.5m). Increases in SME Business and the introduction of the An Post partnership were offset by reductions in Agri and Consumer as we reduced prices in the face of strong competition to defend our book. We continued to maintain our underwriting discipline on risk selection and price adequacy. We believe that our strong customer relationships, risk selection and underwriting capabilities are a core strength. New business volumes grew by 13%, primarily in personal lines. Retention rates are generally satisfactory across the book thanks to our excellent customer service.

Average premiums reduced by 2.2% across the book. Average Motor premiums reduced by 4.2% and Farm reduced by 2.5%, despite increases in exposures following the improvements in our Multi-Peril product with increased cover for Public Liability and Environmental (pollution) liability. Business premiums increased by 1.8%, primarily due to changes in mix as opposed to rate increases.


Our underwriting track record over the past few years supported the successful renegotiation of our 2019 reinsurance programme at satisfactory rates.


Net claims incurred amounted to EUR148.7m (2018: EUR183.4m). There were positive prior year reserve releases of EUR40.1m as our claims experience from older years continued to show improvements relative to provisions (2018: EUR28.7m). These releases have been driven primarily by better than expected settlements and a very low large claims frequency in some recent accident years. In particular our latest view of the 2016 accident year continues to be better than previous expectations.

The Group incurred a net charge of EUR8.0m (2018: EUR7.1m) relating to the MIBI levy and its MIICF contribution which are calculated based on the Group's expected share of the motor market for 2019 and its motor gross written premium respectively.

Claims Environment

We welcome the increased stabilisation in the Irish claims environment, in particular:

-- An increased willingness to recognise that plaintiffs have some degree of responsibility for their own personal safety, building on the decision in Byrne v Ardenheath (2017). This should assist businesses who are being held to unreasonably high standards in personal injury cases. In addition, in the event a plaintiff succeeds in proving a breach of statutory duty on the part of the defendant, a causal link must be shown before damages will be awarded (McCarthy v Twomey (2019).

-- The PIAB (Amendment) Act was enacted in April to address the non-co-operation of claimants including failure to attend medical examinations and failure to cooperate with experts. Claimants can now incur penalties in respect of legal costs but only at the judge's discretion.

-- The Civil Liability & Courts Act has been amended to reduce the timeframe of notification of a claim to a defendant from two months to one.

-- Legislation was passed to establish the Judicial Council and the Personal Injuries Guidelines Committee. The Judicial Council was formally established in February 2020 and the Committee is to follow. We await the findings of the Committee to see if there is to be real change in award levels.

Currently the level of compensation is too high for soft tissue injuries in Irish courts and the negligence standards imposed by courts for farmers and small businesses remain too onerous . The Personal Injuries Commission found that the average soft tissue award in Ireland is more than 4 times that in the UK. We believe important reforms would lower insurance costs for all our customers:

   --    Lower injury awards through the work of the Judicial Council Personal Injury Commission; 
   --    Speed up litigation and reduce legal costs; 
   --    Create a pre-action protocol to fast-track rejected Injuries Board awards; 
   --    Make gross exaggeration an offence; 
   --    Establish and resource a Garda fraud investigation unit. 

In addition, there are remaining issues outstanding that may further increase the cost of claims such as:

-- The Consumer Insurance Contracts Act, while introducing reforms for consumers that are generally welcome but has the potential to increase costs and create upward pressure on pricing;

-- Brexit implications on our supply chain may lead to increased costs for motor and property damage repair claims;

   --    Further increases in Property repair costs due to demand and labour supply shortages. 

While award stability is welcome after many years of uncertainty, in the absence of real reform of the claims environment, Irish businesses, farmers and consumers will continue to bear too-high insurance costs and volatile underwriting capacity in the market caused by withdrawal of foreign competitors and niche operators.

Weather, Claims Frequency and Large Claims

An unusually benign 2019 resulted in no weather events of note and the lowest quantum of weather claims in many years.

There was a modest reduction in Motor injury frequency during 2019 with the benign weather a contributing factor. We are closely monitoring Employer's Liability claims frequency which was running at a three year high in the middle of 2019 but is showing more positive trends in the second half of the year. It is likely that it is a result of increased economic activity.

The number of large Casualty claims greater than EUR250k reported in 2019 is slightly higher than the average number reported in the previous 7 years. The number and size of large claims can vary greatly from year to year.


The Group's expense ratio was 25.9% (2018: 24.9%). Other underwriting expenses were EUR87.3m, an increase of EUR3.2m. The increase is explained by EUR1.2m more in commission payments in respect of our intermediary partner, EUR1.2m in increased salary costs and a EUR1m increase in marketing costs offset by modest reductions elsewhere.


FBD generated an underwriting profit of EUR93.7m (2018: EUR63.4m) which translates to a COR of 72.3% (2018: 81.2%).

Investment Return

FBD's total investment return for 2019 was 2.7% (2018: -0.5%). 1.7% (2018: 0.2%) is recognised in the Consolidated Income Statement and 1.0% (2018: -0.7%) recognised in the Consolidated Statement of Other Comprehensive Income (OCI). The strong returns are a result of investment gains across all asset classes.

The Income Statement return reflects the strong performance of the Company's risk asset portfolio, in particular equities. FBD's global equity fund was up 24% during the year as this asset class performed strongly with the easing of geo-political tensions and challenging low interest environment. Falling interest rates and an easing of monetary policy in the Eurozone resulted in a strong positive mark-to-market return on FBD's sovereign and corporate bond portfolios and this is reflected in OCI.

Financial Services Income and Other Costs

The Group's financial services operations delivered a profit before tax of EUR3.7m for the year (2018; EUR2.5m). The life, pension and investment broking operation (FBD Financial Solutions) increased revenue by 12% to EUR4.3m (2018: EUR3.8m) with marginal cost increases. Other financial services fees increased by 5%. Holding company costs decreased from EUR3.5m to EUR2.9m mainly due to lower legal expenses.

Profit per share

The diluted profit per share was 276 cent per ordinary share, compared to 112 cent per ordinary share in 2018.


The Group has a Dividend Policy whereby it pays 20% to 50% of full year profits when appropriate, recognising that extreme weather events and inherent cyclicality are a feature of all insurance businesses. The Group has a robust capital position including strong solvency and liquidity margins. Given the Group's outstanding financial performance in 2019 the Board proposes to pay a dividend of 100 cent per share for the 2019 financial year (2018: 50 cent). This is equivalent to a pay-out ratio of approximately 35% in respect of 2019 profits (2018: 40%).

Subject to the approval of shareholders at the Annual General Meeting to be held on 8 May 2020, the final dividend for 2019 will be paid on 15 May 2020 to the holders of shares on the register on 14 April 2020. The dividend is subject to withholding tax ("DWT") except for shareholders who are exempt from DWT and who have furnished a properly completed declaration of exemption to the Company's Registrar from whom further details may be obtained.


Capital position

Ordinary shareholders' funds at 31 December 2019 amounted to EUR372.2m (2018: EUR283.5m). The increase in shareholders' funds is mainly attributable to the following:

   --    Profit after tax for the year of EUR98.2m; 

-- Mark to Market movement on our Bond portfolio of EUR9.6m after tax in the Statement of Other Comprehensive Income;

   --    Share based payments of EUR2.4m; 
   --    Offset by EUR17.7m dividend payments in respect of the 2018 financial year; and 

-- The decrease in the defined benefit pension scheme surplus of EUR3.7m after tax following a 90bps decrease in the discount rate to 0.9% and drop in long-term inflation to 1.3%.

Net assets per ordinary share are 1,068 cent, compared to 818 cent per share at 31 December 2018.

Investment Allocation

The Group adopts a conservative investment strategy to ensure that its technical reserves are matched by cash and fixed interest securities of low risk and similar duration. FBD allocated an additional EUR22m to our Risk Assets portfolio during 2019 to move closer to the Company's target Strategic Asset Allocation.

The allocation of the Group's investment assets is as follows:

                          31 December 2019      31 December 2018 
                          EURm        %         EURm        % 
  Corporate bonds              509       46%         498       47% 
  Government bonds             302       27%         297       28% 
  Deposits and cash            168       15%         157       15% 
  Other risk assets            111       10%          79        8% 
  Investment property           19        2%          18        2% 
                             1,109      100%       1,049      100% 
                        ----------  --------  ----------  -------- 


The latest (unaudited) Solvency Capital Ratio (SCR) is 192% compared to the 2018 SCR of 165%. The SCR includes the foreseeable ordinary dividend of EUR34.9m. For the first time the SCR calculation excludes a substantial portion of the value of the Company's TIA policy administration system. The TIA system is the principal operating and core technology platform of the business. The impact of this change in the SCR calculation is a reduction of eight percentage points. There is no impact on the Group's IFRS Financial Statements.


Our mission is to be the Irish insurer of choice by putting our customers and communities at the heart of who we are and what we do. We believe this approach delivers sustainable returns to shareholders and ensures the ongoing profitability of FBD.

We welcome the strong stance taken by the judiciary towards fraudulent and exaggerated claims, the increasing stabilisation of award levels and some recognition of increased personal responsibility in court awards. In non-cooperation cases judges may now issue penalties. Claims may be dismissed if a claimant's affidavit is false or misleading. FBD contests all suspect claims and we advocate for penalties for false or exaggerated claims in order to deter these claimants. However, progress in reducing injury awards remains the key driver in reducing future costs for all our customers.

We are operating in a very competitive market. All business, new and existing is fiercely competed. We believe underwriting and pricing discipline is key to our future success.

We have successfully renegotiated our 2020 reinsurance programme at satisfactory rates. The structure of our programme is largely unchanged from 2019.

We are preparing to limit the operational impacts on our supply chain following Brexit. However the impact on our customers; the consumers, farms and businesses around the country, is still very uncertain. We will continue to monitor this economic impact and to advocate for sensible solutions as the situation evolves.

For 2020 we are targeting a current year COR in the low 90's, absent exceptional weather.

FBD Holdings plc

Consolidated Income Statement

For the financial year ended 31 December 2019

                                                                                2019        2018 
                                                                             EUR000s     EUR000s 
 Revenue                                                                     394,639     396,003 
                                                                          ----------  ---------- 
 Gross premium written                                                       370,063     371,504 
 Reinsurance premiums                                                       (31,836)    (36,735) 
                                                                          ----------  ---------- 
 Net premium written                                                         338,227     334,769 
 Change in provision for unearned premiums                                     (674)       3,134 
                                                                          ----------  ---------- 
 Net premium earned                                                          337,553     337,903 
 Net investment return                                                        17,892       2,482 
 Financial services income - Revenue from 
  contracts with customers                                                     4,268       3,754 
                                      - Other financial services income        5,557       5,282 
                                                                          ----------  ---------- 
 Total income                                                                365,270     349,421 
 Net claims and benefits                                                   (148,679)   (183,367) 
 Other underwriting expenses                                                (87,259)    (84,054) 
 Movement in other provisions                                                (7,946)     (7,064) 
 Financial services and other costs                                          (6,081)     (6,548) 
 Impairment of property, plant and equipment                                   (246)     (1,034) 
 Finance costs                                                               (2,579)     (5,453) 
 Exceptional loss on purchase and cancellation 
  of convertible debt                                                              -    (11,836) 
 Profit before taxation                                                      112,480      50,065 
 Income taxation charge                                                     (14,255)     (7,682) 
                                                                          ----------  ---------- 
 Profit for the financial year                                                98,225      42,383 
                                                                          ----------  ---------- 
 Attributable to: 
 Equity holders of the parent                                                 98,225      42,383 

FBD Holdings plc

Consolidated Income Statement

For the financial year ended 31 December 2019

 Earnings per share 
  From continuing operations        2019      2018 
                                    Cent      Cent 
 Basic                               281       122 
                                --------  -------- 
 Diluted                         276 (1)   112 (2) 
                                --------  -------- 

(1) Diluted earnings per share reflects the potential vesting of share based payments.

(2) Diluted earnings per share reflects the potential conversion of convertible debt up until the date of purchase and cancellation of the convertible debt and the potential vesting of share based payments.

The accompanying notes form an integral part of the Financial Statements.

The Financial Statements were approved by the Board and authorised for issue on 26 February 2020.

FBD Holdings plc

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

For the financial year ended 31 December 2019

                                                      2019        2018 
                                                   EUR000s     EUR000s 
 Profit for the financial year                      98,225      42,383 
                                                ----------  ---------- 
 Items that will or may be reclassified 
  to profit or loss in subsequent periods: 
 Net gain/(loss) on available for sale 
  financial assets during the year                  11,356     (7,744) 
 Gains transferred to the Consolidated 
  Income Statement on disposal during 
  the year                                           (432)       (101) 
 Taxation (charge)/credit relating to 
  items that will or may be reclassified 
  to profit or loss in subsequent periods          (1,366)         981 
 Items that will not be reclassified 
  to profit or loss in subsequent periods: 
 Actuarial (loss)/gain on retirement 
  benefit obligations                              (4,236)       3,232 
 Taxation credit/(charge) relating to 
  items not to be reclassified in subsequent 
  periods                                              530       (404) 
                                                ----------  ---------- 
 Other comprehensive income/(expense) 
  after taxation                                     5,852     (4,036) 
                                                ----------  ---------- 
 Total comprehensive income for the 
  financial year                                   104,077      38,347 
                                                ----------  ---------- 
 Attributable to: 
 Equity holders of the parent                      104,077      38,347 

FBD Holdings plc

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

At 31 December 2019

                                          2019        2018 
                                       EUR000s     EUR000s 
 Property, plant and equipment          28,114      28,340 
 Policy administration system           38,603      40,152 
 Intangible assets                       2,155         355 
 Investment property                    18,693      18,310 
 Right of use assets                     6,115           - 
 Loans                                     611         615 
 Deferred taxation asset                 1,222       1,081 
 Financial assets 
 Available for sale investments        811,986     795,717 
 Investments held for trading          111,399      78,778 
 Deposits with banks                    60,000      70,998 
                                    ----------  ---------- 
                                       983,385     945,493 
                                    ----------  ---------- 
   Reinsurance assets 
 Provision for unearned premiums             1           6 
 Claims outstanding                     66,349      80,919 
                                    ----------  ---------- 
                                        66,350      80,925 
                                    ----------  ---------- 
 Retirement benefit surplus              8,723      12,944 
 Current taxation asset                  3,949       3,949 
 Deferred acquisition costs             33,182      31,956 
 Other receivables                      63,866      62,868 
 Cash and cash equivalents              94,982      77,639 
                                    ----------  ---------- 
 Total assets                        1,349,950   1,304,627 
                                    ----------  ---------- 

FBD Holdings plc

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position (continued)

At 31 December 2019

 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                     2019        2018 
                                         EUR000s     EUR000s 
 Called up share capital presented 
  as equity                               21,409      21,409 
 Capital reserves                         22,811      20,430 
 Retained earnings                       328,008     241,645 
 Equity attributable to ordinary 
  equity holders of the parent           372,228     283,484 
 Preference share capital                  2,923       2,923 
 Total equity                            375,151     286,407 
 Insurance contract liabilities 
 Provision for unearned premiums         183,545     182,875 
 Claims outstanding                      683,332     738,025 
                                      ----------  ---------- 
                                         866,877     920,900 
                                      ----------  ---------- 
 Other provisions                          8,417       7,738 
 Subordinated debt                        49,485      49,426 
 Lease liability                           6,222           - 
 Deferred taxation liability               4,905       3,610 
 Current taxation liability                3,128       3,312 
 Payables                                 35,765      33,234 
 Total liabilities                       974,799   1,018,220 
                                      ----------  ---------- 
 Total equity and liabilities          1,349,950   1,304,627 
                                      ----------  ---------- 

The accompanying notes form an integral part of the Financial Statements.

FBD Holdings plc

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

For the financial year ended 31 December 2019

                                                                                             2019        2018 
                                                                                          EUR000s     EUR000s 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
 Profit before taxation                                                                   112,480      50,065 
 Adjustments for: 
 (Profit)/loss on investments held for trading                                           (10,741)       4,411 
 Exceptional loss on purchase and cancellation of convertible bond                              -      11,836 
 Loss on investments available for sale                                                     4,025       4,825 
 Interest and dividend income                                                            (11,102)    (12,072) 
 Depreciation/amortisation of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets          10,503      11,682 
 Depreciation of right of use asset                                                           771           - 
 Share-based payment expense                                                                2,381         704 
 Revaluation of investment property                                                         (290)       (310) 
 Revaluation of property, plant and equipment                                                 246       1,034 
 Decrease in insurance contract liabilities                                              (39,448)    (20,480) 
 Increase in other provisions                                                                 679       1,091 
 Operating cash flows before movement in working capital                                   69,504      52,786 
 (Increase)/ decrease in receivables and deferred acquisition costs                       (2,839)       3,390 
 Increase in payables                                                                       5,082       8,472 
 Interest payments on convertible debt                                                          -     (5,130) 
 Interest payments on subordinated debt                                                   (2,500)       (589) 
 Interest on lease liabilities                                                                278           - 
 Purchase of investments held for trading                                                (29,689)    (82,916) 
 Sale of investments held for trading                                                       7,807      45,075 
 Cash generated from operations                                                            47,643      21,088 
 Interest and dividend income received                                                     11,717      11,992 
 Income taxes paid                                                                       (14,129)           - 
                                                                                      -----------  ---------- 
   Net cash generated from operating activities                                            45,231      33,080 
                                                                                      -----------  ---------- 
   Cash flows from investing activities 
 Purchase of available for sale investments                                             (152,656)   (138,798) 
 Sale of available for sale investments                                                   143,289      89,101 
 Purchase of property, plant and equipment                                                (8,932)    (13,003) 
 Sale of property, plant and equipment                                                          -          90 
 Purchase of intangible assets                                                            (1,935)       (399) 
 Decrease in loans and advances                                                                 4          66 
 Decrease in deposits invested with banks                                                  10,998     124,987 
 Net cash (used in)/ generated from investing activities                                  (9,232)      62,044 
                                                                                      -----------  ---------- 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 Ordinary and preference dividends paid                                                  (17,714)     (8,602) 
 Purchase and cancellation of convertible bond                                                  -    (86,059) 
 Proceeds from issue of subordinate debt                                                        -      50,000 
 Principal elements of lease payments                                                       (942)           - 
 Net cash used in financing activities                                                   (18,656)    (44,661) 
                                                                                      -----------  ---------- 
 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                                 17,343      50,463 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year                                    77,639      27,176 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the financial year                                94,982      77,639 
                                                                                      -----------  ---------- 

The accompanying notes form an integral part of the Financial Statements.

FBD Holdings plc

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

For the financial year ended 31 December 2019

                     Called up       Capital      Retained          Other   Attributable     Preference   Total equity 
                         share      reserves      earnings       reserves             to          share 
                       capital                                                  ordinary        capital 
                     presented                                              shareholders 
                     as equity 
                       EUR000s       EUR000s       EUR000s        EUR000s        EUR000s        EUR000s        EUR000s 
 Balance at 1 
  January 2018       21,409        19,726        212,259        18,232        271,626         2,923         274,549 
  IFRS 15               -             -           2,404           -            2,404            -            2,404 
 Profit after 
  taxation              -             -          42,383           -            42,383           -            42,383 
   income               -             -          (4,036)          -           (4,036)           -           (4,036) 
                  ------------  ------------  ------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
                     21,409        19,726        253,010        18,232        312,377         2,923         315,300 
 Dividends paid 
  and approved 
  on ordinary 
  and preference 
  shares                -             -          (8,602)          -           (8,602)           -           (8,602) 
 Recognition of 
  share based 
  payments               -            704            -             -             704             -             704 
 Purchase and 
  of convertible 
  debt                   -             -          (2,763)       (18,232)       (20,995)          -           (20,995) 
 Balance at 31 
  December 2018       21,409        20,430        241,645          -           283,484         2,923         286,407 
                  ------------  ------------  ------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Profit after 
  taxation              -             -          98,225           -            98,225           -            98,225 
  income                -             -           5,852           -            5,852            -            5,852 
                  ------------  ------------  ------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
                     21,409        20,430        345,722          -           387,561         2,923         390,484 
 Dividends paid 
  and approved 
  on ordinary 
  and preference 
  shares                 -             -         (17,714)          -           (17,714)          -           (17,714) 
 Recognition of 
  share based 
  payments               -           2,381           -             -            2,381            -            2,381 
 Balance at 31 
  December 2019       21,409        22,811        328,008          -           372,228         2,923         375,151 
                  ------------  ------------  ------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 

FBD Holdings plc

Supplementary Information

For the year ended 31 December 2019

   Note 1   Underwriting PROFIT 
                                   2019        2018 
                                EUR000s     EUR000s 
 Gross premium written          370,063     371,504 
                             ----------  ---------- 
 Net premium earned             337,553     337,903 
 Net claims incurred          (148,679)   (183,367) 
 Other provisions               (7,946)     (7,064) 
 Net underwriting expenses     (87,259)    (84,054) 
                             ----------  ---------- 
 Underwriting profit             93,669      63,418 
                             ----------  ---------- 
                                           2019       2018 
 Net underwriting expenses              EUR000s    EUR000s 
 Management expenses                     86,499     84,220 
 Deferred acquisition costs             (1,226)      (590) 
                                      ---------  --------- 
 Gross underwriting expenses             85,273     83,630 
 Reinsurance commission receivable      (2,479)    (2,876) 
 Broker commission payable                4,465      3,300 
                                      ---------  --------- 
   Net underwriting expenses             87,259     84,054 
                                      ---------  --------- 

FBD Holdings plc

Supplementary Information (continued)

For the year ended 31 December 2019


The calculation of the basic and diluted earnings per share attributable to the ordinary shareholders is based on the following data:

                                                       2019           2018 
 Earnings                                           EUR000s        EUR000s 
 *Profit for the year for the purpose of 
  basic earnings per share                           97,943         42,101 
 *Profit for the year for the purpose of 
  diluted earnings per share                         97,943         46,357 
                                              -------------  ------------- 
 Number of shares                                      2019           2018 
                                                        No.            No. 
 Weighted average number of ordinary shares 
  for the purpose of basic earnings per 
  share (excludes treasury shares)               34,817,297     34,666,201 
 Weighted average number of ordinary shares 
  for the purpose of diluted earnings per 
  share (excludes treasury shares)               35,472,380     41,507,329 
                                                       Cent           Cent 
 Basic earnings per share                               281            122 
                                              -------------  ------------- 
 Diluted earnings per share                         276 (1)        112 (2) 
                                              -------------  ------------- 

* Profit for the purpose of calculating both basic and diluted EPS is stated after taking into account preference dividends.

The 'A' ordinary shares of EUR0.01 each that are in issue have no impact on the earnings per share calculation.

(1) Diluted earnings per share reflects the potential vesting of share based payments

(2) Diluted earnings per share reflects the potential conversion of convertible debt up until the date of purchase and cancellation of the convertible debt and the potential vesting of share based payments

FBD Holdings plc

Supplementary Information (continued)

For the year ended 31 December 2019

   Note 3   DIVIDS 
                                                          2019       2018 
                                                       EUR000s    EUR000s 
 Paid during year: 
 2018 dividend of 8.4 cent (2017: 8.4 cent) 
  per share on 14% non-cumulative preference 
  shares of EUR0.60 each                                   113        113 
 2018 dividend of 4.8 cent (2017: 4.8 cent) 
  per share on 8% non-cumulative preference shares 
  of EUR0.60 each                                          169        169 
 2018 final dividend of 50.0 cent (2017: 24.0 
  cent) per share on ordinary shares of EUR0.60 
  each                                                  17,432      8,320 
                                                     ---------  --------- 
 Total dividends paid                                   17,714      8,602 
                                                     ---------  --------- 
                                                          2019       2018 
                                                       EUR000s    EUR000s 
 2019 dividend of 8.4 cent (2018: 8.4 cent) 
  per share on 14% non-cumulative preference 
  shares of EUR0.60 each                                   113        113 
 2019 dividend of 4.8 cent (2018: 4.8 cent) 
  per share on 8% non-cumulative preference shares 
  of EUR0.60 each                                          169        169 
 2019 final dividend of 100.0 cent (2018: 50.0 
  cent) per share on ordinary shares of EUR0.60 
  each                                                  34,862     17,333 
                                                     ---------  --------- 
 Total dividends proposed                               35,144     17,615 
                                                     ---------  --------- 

The proposed dividend excludes any amounts due on outstanding share awards as at 31 December 2019 that are due to vest in March 2020 and is subject to approval by shareholders at the Annual General Meeting on 8 May 2020. The proposed dividends have not been included as a liability in the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position.

FBD Holdings plc

Supplementary Information (continued)

For the year ended 31 December 2019

                                             Number      2019      2018 
                                                      EUR000s   EUR000s 
 (i) Ordinary shares of EUR0.60 
 At the beginning and the end 
  of the year                            51,326,000    30,796    30,796 
                                       ------------  --------  -------- 
 Issued and fully paid: 
 At the beginning and the end 
  of the year                            35,461,206    21,277    21,277 
                                       ------------  --------  -------- 
 (ii) 'A' Ordinary shares of EUR0.01 
 At the beginning and the end 
  of the year                           120,000,000     1,200     1,200 
                                       ------------  --------  -------- 
 Issued and fully paid: 
 At the beginning and the end 
  of the year                            13,169,428       132       132 
                                       ------------  --------  -------- 
 Total - issued and fully paid                         21,409    21,409 
                                                     --------  -------- 

The 'A' ordinary shares of EUR0.01 each are non-voting. They are non-transferable except only to the Company. Other than a right to a return of paid up capital of EUR0.01 per 'A' ordinary share in the event of a winding up, the 'A' ordinary shares have no right to participate in the capital or the profits of the Company.

The holders of the two classes of non-cumulative preference shares rank ahead of the two classes of ordinary shares in the event of a winding up. Before any dividend can be declared on the ordinary shares of EUR0.60 each, the dividend on the non-cumulative preference shares must firstly be declared or paid.

The number of ordinary shares of EUR0.60 each held as treasury shares at the beginning (and the maximum number held during the year) was 795,005 (2018: 795,005). 196,263 ordinary shares were reissued from treasury during the year under the FBD Performance Plan. The number of ordinary shares of EUR0.60 each held as treasury shares at the end of the year was 598,742 (2018: 795,005). This represented 1.7% (2018: 2.2%) of the shares of this class in issue and had a nominal value of EUR359,245 (2018: EUR477,003). There were no ordinary shares of EUR0.60 each purchased by the Company during the year.

The weighted average number of ordinary shares of EUR0.60 each in the earnings per share calculation has been reduced by the number of such shares held in treasury.

All issued shares have been fully paid.

FBD Holdings plc

Supplementary Information (continued)

For the year ended 31 December 2019


Farmer Business Developments plc and FBD Trust Company Ltd have a substantial shareholding in the Group at 31 December 2019. Details of their shareholdings and related party transactions are set out in the Annual Report.

As part of the subordinated debt investment in 2018, Farmer Business Developments plc invested EUR20.0m and FBD Trust Company Ltd invested EUR13.0m.

For the purposes of the disclosure requirements of IAS 24, the term "key management personnel" (i.e. those persons having authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities of the Group) comprises the Board of Directors and Company Secretary of FBD Holdings plc and the Group's primary subsidiary, FBD Insurance plc and the members of the Executive Management Team.

The remuneration of key management personnel ("KMP") during the year was as follows:

                                                   2019      2018 
                                                EUR000s   EUR000s 
 Short term employee benefits (1)                 3,501     3,545 
 Post-employment benefits                           305       297 
 Share based payments                               993       316 
                                               --------  -------- 
 Charge to the Consolidated Income Statement      4,799     4,158 
                                               --------  -------- 

(1) Short term benefits include fees to Non-Executive Directors, salaries and other short-term benefits to all key management personnel.

Full disclosure in relation to the 2019 and 2018 compensation entitlements and share awards of the Board of Directors is provided in the Annual Report.

In common with all shareholders, Directors received payments/distributions related to their holdings of shares in the Company during the year, amounting in total to EUR27,830 (2018: EUR3,571).


IFRS 16 Leases was effective from 1 January 2019 and was adopted by the Group on that date. The Group has applied the modified retrospective approach to the standard. On adoption of IFRS16, the adjustments recognised from the date of initial application are shown below:

Operating lease commitments disclosed as at 31 December 2018 EUR9.6m

Discounted using the Group's incremental borrowing rate at the date of initial application EUR7.1m

Less short term leases recognised on a straight-line basis as expense


Lease liability recognised as at 1 January 2019 EUR6.9m

Full disclosure on the impact of IFRS 16 is provided in the Annual Report.

FBD Holdings plc

Supplementary Information (continued)

For the year ended 31 December 2019


The Group uses the following alternative performance measures: Loss ratio, expense ratio, combined operating ratio, annualised investment return, net asset value per share, return on equity and gross written premium.

Loss ratio (LR), expense ratio (ER) and combined operating ratio (COR) are widely used as a performance measure by insurers, and give users of the financial statements an understanding of the underwriting performance of the entity. Investment return is used widely as a performance measure to give users of financial statements an understanding of the performance of an entities investment portfolio. Net asset value per share (NAV) is a widely used performance measure which provides the users of the financial statements the book value per share. Return on equity (ROE) is also a widely used profitability ratio that measures an entity's ability to generate profits from its shareholder investments. Gross written premium refers to the revenue of an insurance company and is widely used across the general insurance industry.

The calculation of the APM's is based on the following data:

                                                      2019        2018 
                                                   EUR000s     EUR000s 
 Loss ratio 
 Net claims and benefits                           148,679     183,367 
 Movement in other provisions                        7,946       7,064 
 Total claims incurred                             156,625     190,431 
 Net premium earned                                337,553     337,903 
 Loss ratio (Total claims/Net premium earned)        46.4%       56.3% 
                                                ----------  ---------- 
 Expense ratio 
 Other underwriting expenses                        87,259      84,054 
 Net premium earned                                337,553     337,903 
                                                ----------  ---------- 
 Expense ratio (Underwriting expenses/Net 
  premium earned)                                    25.9%       24.9% 
                                                ----------  ---------- 
 Combined operating ratio                                %           % 
 Loss ratio                                          46.4%       56.3% 
 Expense ratio                                       25.9%       24.9% 
                                                ----------  ---------- 
   Combined operating ratio (Loss ratio + 
   Expense ratio)                                    72.3%       81.2% 
                                                ----------  ---------- 

FBD Holdings plc

Supplementary Information (continued)

For the year ended 31 December 2019

                                                            2019         2018 
 Investment return                                        EUR'000s     EUR'000s 
   Investment return recognised in Consolidated 
   Income Statement                                          17,892         2,482 
 Investment return recognised in Consolidated 
  Statement of Comprehensive Income                          10,924       (7,845) 
                                                        -----------  ------------ 
   Total investment return                                   28,816       (5,363) 
 Average investment assets                                1,073,429     1,047,711 
                                                        -----------  ------------ 
 Investment return % (Total investment return/Average 
  investment assets)                                           2.7%         -0.5% 
                                                        -----------  ------------ 
                                                         2019             2018 
 Net asset value per share                             EUR'000s         EUR'000s 
 Shareholders' funds - equity interests                  372,228          283,483 
                                                     -----------      ----------- 
 Number of shares 
 Number of ordinary shares in issue (excluding 
  treasury)                                           34,862,464       34,666,201 
                                                     -----------      ----------- 
                                                         Cent             Cent 
   Net asset value per share (NAV) (Shareholders 
   funds / Closing number of ordinary shares)              1,068              818 
                                                     -----------      ----------- 
  Return on equity 
  Weighted average equity attributable to 
   ordinary equity holders of the parent                 327,856                277,555 
  Result for the period                                   98,225                 42,383 
  Return on equity (Result for the period/Weighted 
   average equity attributable to ordinary 
   equity holders of the parent)                             30%                    15% 
                                                     -----------      ----------------- 
 Gross premium written: The total premium on insurance underwritten 
  by an insurer or reinsurer during a specified period, before 
  deduction of reinsurance premium. 
 Expense ratio: Underwriting and administrative expenses as 
  a percentage of net earned premium. 
  Loss ratio: Net claims incurred as a percentage of net earned 
  Combined Operating Ratio: The sum of the loss ratio and expense 
  ratio. A combined operating ratio below 100% indicates profitable 
  underwriting results. A combined operating ratio over 100% indicates 
  unprofitable results 
  FBD Holdings plc 
   Supplementary Information (continued) 
   For the year ended 31 December 2019 
   Note 8   Subsequent Events 

There have been no subsequent events that would have a material impact on the Financial Statements.

   Note 9   General Information and Accounting Policies 

The financial information set out in this document does not constitute full statutory Financial Statements for the years ended 31 December 2019 or 2018 but is derived from same. The Group Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) as adopted by the European Union, applicable Irish law and the listing Rules of Euronext Dublin, the Financial Conduct Authority and comply with Article 4 of the EU IAS Regulation.

The 2019 and 2018 Financial Statements have been audited and received unqualified audit reports.

The 2019 Financial Statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 26 February 2020.

The Consolidated Financial Statements are prepared under the historical cost convention as modified by the revaluation of property, investments held for trading, available for sale investments and investment property which are measured at fair value.

This information is provided by RNS, the news service of the London Stock Exchange. RNS is approved by the Financial Conduct Authority to act as a Primary Information Provider in the United Kingdom. Terms and conditions relating to the use and distribution of this information may apply. For further information, please contact rns@lseg.com or visit www.rns.com.



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

February 27, 2020 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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