RNS Number : 4534H

FBD Holdings PLC

01 August 2019


1 August 2019


Half yearly Report

For the Six Months ended 30 June 2019


   --    Gross Written Premium (GWP) EUR190m compared to EUR192m in 2018 
   --    Profit before tax of EUR39m 

-- Disciplined underwriting in the face of strong competition delivered excellent Combined Operating Ratio ("COR") of 82.5%; driven by solid current year profitability, exceptionally benign winter weather and prior year reserve release of EUR9m.

-- Investment income was EUR9m for the period (EUR1m in 2018) as a result of the recent market rally

   --    Continued progress in developing our business offering to all customers 

o New business policy count growth increased 5% year on year

o New Farm product launched - environmental (pollution) cover is a first in Irish market

o New advertising media campaign launched in April

o An Post Insurance partnership progressing well

                                             2019       2018 
 FINANCIAL SUMMARY                        EUR000s    EUR000s 
            Gross written premium         189,716    191,985 
            Underwriting profit            29,214     18,934 
            Profit before taxation         38,661     18,423 
            Loss ratio                      56.4%      63.3% 
            Expense ratio                   26.1%      25.3% 
            Combined operating ratio        82.5%      88.6% 
                                             Cent       Cent 
            Basic earnings per share           97         46 
            Net asset value per share         896        800 

-- GWP of EUR190m: (2018: EUR192m). Retention remains healthy with increased new business in Commercial and Private Motor

-- Underwriting profit of EUR29.2m, EUR10.3m higher than 2018 (EUR18.9m) as a result of disciplined underwriting and benign weather

   --    Net profit before tax of EUR38.7m, compared to EUR18.4m in 2018 

-- 2019 COR of 82.5% versus 88.6% in 2018. This includes prior year reserve release of EUR8.8m (2018: EUR6.0m)

-- Positive investment income of EUR8.6m and a EUR14.0m gain in Mark to Market (MTM) compared to losses in second half of 2018 emphasising the volatility of returns and the need for continued underwriting discipline

-- Expense ratio of 26.1% is 0.8% percentage points higher year on year predominately due to increased marketing and salary costs

   --    Strong growth in Net Asset Value per share to 896 cent from 800 cent in 2018. 

Commenting on these results Fiona Muldoon, Group Chief Executive, said:

"I am pleased to announce these strong 2019 half year results reflecting our excellent underwriting discipline, an exceptionally benign winter, some prior year reserve releases and supplemented by strong investment returns in the period.

Our premium levels are down marginally due to strong competition and modest rate decreases. FBD seeks to grow our business in the face of strong competition but we are also committed to underwriting discipline and to writing the risks we know and understand.

Our litigation claims costs continue to increase. The average cost of court awards, particularly for soft tissue injuries, remains too high. Despite some judicial progress in limiting court awards we have seen no meaningful progress on structural reform and Irish businesses continue to be held to impossible standards in personal injury cases.

We are committed to developing our business offering and we recently launched our new Farm product. It offers additional cover for pollution risks as well as extending public liability protection. We will launch a flexible new small business product soon that will suit many family owned businesses. FBD aims to be the Irish insurer of choice in a crowded and competitive market.

These strong results position us well to support our core farming customer base amid the challenges posed by Brexit to the Irish economy."

A presentation will be made to analysts at 9.00am today, a copy of which will be available on our Group website www.fbdgroup.com.

  Enquiries                             Telephone 
  Michael Sharpe, Investor Relations    +353 1 409 3962 
  Jack Hickey                           +353 83 448 8339 

About FBD Holdings plc ("FBD")

FBD is one of Ireland's largest property and casualty insurers, looking after the insurance needs of farmers, consumers and business owners. Established in the 1960s by farmers for farmers, FBD has built on those roots in agriculture to become a leading general insurer serving the needs of its direct agricultural, small business and consumer customers throughout Ireland. It has a network of 34 branches nationwide.

Forward Looking Statements

Some statements in this announcement are forward-looking. They represent expectations for the Group's business, and involve risks and uncertainties. These forward-looking statements are based on current expectations and projections about future events. The Group believes that current expectations and assumptions with respect to these forward-looking statements are reasonable. However, because they involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which are in some cases beyond the Group's control, actual results or performance may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements.

The following details relate to FBD's ordinary shares of EUR0.60 each which are publicly traded:

  Listing            Euronext Dublin          UK Listing Authority 
  Listing Category   Premium                  Premium (Equity) 
  Trading Venue      Euronext Dublin          London Stock Exchange 
  Market             Main Securities Market   Main Market 
  ISIN               IE0003290289             IE0003290289 
  Ticker             FBD.I or EG7.IR          FBH.L 


The half year results for 2019 demonstrate solid underlying profitability and also benefit from the performance of investment markets, benign weather and prior year reserve releases. The profit before tax was EUR38.7m. We paid a dividend of EUR17.7m in May in respect of 2018 results.

Premium growth has not materialised as we operate in an increasingly competitive environment despite new business growth and high retention levels. We continue to focus on underwriting discipline and writing risks we know and understand.

The Group reported profit before tax of EUR38.7m (2018: EUR18.4m) including an underwriting profit of EUR29.2m (2018: EUR18.9m) and a gross written premium decrease of 1% to EUR189.7m (2018: EUR192.0m).


Premium income

Gross written premium decreased EUR2.3m to EUR189.7m (2018: EUR192.0m). There were premium reductions in all channels with the exception of the broker channel which increased marginally.

New business volumes increased by 5% on the first half of 2018. Retention remains satisfactory as we leverage our loyal customer relationships and quality products.


The same reinsurance programme is in place in 2019 as 2018. This programme limits our exposure to adverse weather events. We have also achieved some modest reductions in reinsurance rates compared to 2018 reflecting the strong underwriting result improvement in more recent years.


Net claims incurred reduced by EUR10.4m to EUR94.3m (2018: EUR104.7) primarily due to benign weather in 2019 and prior year reserve releases of EUR8.8m compared to EUR6.0m in 2018. Positive prior year reserve releases are coming from accident years 2014 to 2018 while some stability has led to improved settlements.

The average frequency of claims has reduced because of the absence of a major storm and better underwriting of risk. Increased labour costs continue to drive increases in the cost of property claims.

The Motor Insurers Bureau of Ireland (MIBI) and Motor Insurers Insolvency Compensation Fund (MIICF) levies were EUR6.2m (2018: EUR2.1m). The 2018 figure is net of an over-accrual of EUR1.8m in 2017 due to the later than anticipated introduction of the MIICF levy.

Claims Environment

Limited progress has been made on reform of the claims environment. There continues to be a very high level of compensation paid for soft tissue injuries in Irish courts.

FBD has contributed to a public and political debate advocating for claims reform in order to reduce the cost of insurance. FBD has submitted data for inclusion in the National Claims Information Database and for various government reports. FBD has assisted with the first stage of the Motor Third Party Liability (MTPL) insurance database and is in the process of implementing amended non-life renewal regulations which will provide additional information to customers on renewal of their insurance policies. While improving customer transparency none of these initiatives address the underlying issue of personal injury (and in particular, soft tissue) award levels.

However FBD notes certain progress on awards to date which we expect to have some limited impact on the cost of claims including:

-- The Court of Appeal overturned a number of cases citing the Byrne v Ardenhealth Company ruling. This case requires the exercising of reasonable care by individuals for their own personal safety and should assist businesses who are being held to unreasonably high standards in personal injury cases

-- The PIAB (Amendment) Act enacted in April attempts to address the non-co-operation of claimants and their legal representatives including failure to attend medical examinations, failure to cooperate with experts etc. Claimants can now incur penalties in respect of legal costs but only at the judge's discretion

-- The Civil Liability & Courts Act has been amended to reduce the timeframe of notification of a claim to a defendant from 2 months to 1 month. This will assist claims defence

-- A second amendment to the Civil Liability & Courts Act currently in the Oireachtas if passed would allow a claim to be dismissed if a claimant's affidavit is false or misleading. The claimant could also be referred to the DPP at the judge's discretion

-- A section of the Judicial Council Bill was passed that will enable the establishment of a Personal Injuries Guidelines Committee to provide guidelines on soft tissue injuries. If this happens and if the guidelines are followed by judiciary we believe we would see award levels fall.

However further action is outstanding on other issues:

-- Use the new Bill to provide and implement guidelines to address the level of soft tissue injury awards

   --    Reform the legal system to speed up litigation and reduce costs 

-- Enshrine pre-action protocol in legislation to fast-track rejected Injuries Board awards through a more simplified litigation process

   --    Establish a fully functioning integrated insurance fraud database to detect patterns of fraud 
   --    Make gross exaggeration an offence 
   --    Establish and resource a Garda fraud investigation unit. 

In addition and on the other hand it should be noted that the Consumer Contracts Bill, currently before the Oireachtas, proposes a number of changes which will make it more difficult for insurers to repudiate exaggerated claims and consequently risks increasing the cost of claims further.

Weather, Claims Frequency and Large Claims

No weather events of note occurred in the period. 2019 weather to date has been benign compared to the major snow - Storm Emma in March 2018.

There was a modest reduction in Motor injury frequency in H1 2019. Employer's Liability claims frequency is being monitored closely as the upward trend continues driven largely by economic activity.

The average number of large casualty claims has been redefined as greater than EUR250k. At 30 June 2019 the number of such claims is in line with the average number reported in the previous 7 years. The average estimated cost after 6 months is lower than the average cost at the same period in the previous 7 years. It should be noted that the number and size of large claims can vary greatly from year to year and the cost of an individual large claim can vary significantly over the lifetime to settlement.


The Group's expense ratio was 26.1% (2018: 25.3%). Other underwriting expenses were EUR43.7m, an increase of EUR1.8m. The increase is driven mainly by increased marketing spend in a highly competitive environment and increased salary costs.


FBD's Combined Operating Ratio ("COR") was 82.5% (2018: EUR88.6%) generating an underwriting profit of EUR29.2m (2018: EUR18.9m).

Investment Return

FBD's total annualised investment return for the first six months of 2019 was 4.3% (2018: -0.4%). Annualised investment income is 1.6% (2018: 0.3%) and annualised MTM 2.7% (2018: -0.7%) in Other Comprehensive Income (OCI). This reflects the rally in investment markets in early 2019 following losses in Q4 2018. The positive MTM is driven by credit spreads narrowing on the corporate bond portfolio and reducing interest rates as lower-for-longer accommodative monetary policy is implemented by the ECB. Risk assets delivered positive returns partly as a result of geo-political stabilisation particularly between the US and China.

A large decrease in the discount rate has not impacted the pension surplus significantly as the assets and liabilities are reasonably well matched. This is a positive result of the structural changes made to the pension scheme in 2015 and 2016.

Financial Services

The Group's financial services operations returned a profit before tax of EUR2.1m for the period (2018: EUR1.4m). Revenue increased by EUR0.2m while costs decreased from EUR3.2m to EUR2.7m as a result of lower legal expenses in FBD Holdings plc.

Profit per share

The diluted profit per share was 95 cent per ordinary share, compared to 44 cent per ordinary share in 2018.


The shareholders approved the final dividend proposed by the Board for 2018 at the Annual General Meeting on 10 May 2019 and a dividend of EUR17.7m was paid on 17 May 2019 in respect of 2018 results.

The Group dividend policy targets an annual pay-out range of 20% to 50% of full year profits when appropriate given the inherent cyclicality of all insurance businesses.


Capital position

Ordinary shareholders' funds at 30 June 2019 amounted to EUR311.7m (December 2018: EUR283.5m). The increase in shareholders' funds is driven by the following:

   --    Profit after tax for the half year of EUR33.8m 
   --    Mark to market gains on Available for Sale investments of EUR12.3m after tax 
   --    EUR17.7m reduction due to the dividend and an increase of EUR1.2m due to share based payment 
   --    A decrease in the defined benefit pension scheme surplus of EUR1.4m 

Net assets per ordinary share are 896 cent, compared to 818 cent per share at 31 December 2018.

Investment Allocation

The Group has a conservative investment policy that ensures that its technical reserves are matched by cash and fixed interest securities of similar nature and duration. FBD has increased its allocation to Risk Assets modestly over the first 6 months of 2019 in line with the company's Strategic Asset Allocation and increases in shareholders' funds.

The allocation of the Group's underwriting investment assets is as follows:

                          30 June 2019      31 December 2018 
                            EURm       %        EURm         % 
  Corporate bonds            507     47%         498       48% 
  Government bonds           304     28%         297       29% 
  Deposits and cash          152     14%         146       14% 
  Equities                    31      3%          24        2% 
  Investment property         18      2%          18        2% 
  Other risk assets           59      6%          55        5% 
                           1,071    100%       1,038      100% 
                        --------  ------  ----------  -------- 


The audited Solvency Capital Ratio (SCR) of 165% at 31 December 2018 as reported in the Solvency and Financial Condition Report. The Group is committed to maintaining a strong solvency position.

Risks and uncertainties

The principal risks and uncertainties faced by the Group are outlined on pages 18-24 of the Group's Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2018 and remain unchanged for the next six months.


The half year results for 2019 are strong driven by disciplined underwriting, a rebound in investment markets, a good winter and prior year reserve releases. Despite new business growth, overall premium levels are down modestly reflecting a difficult competitive environment including aggressive competition and sustained price pressure.

The Group has a clear strategy that will deliver sustainable growth in book value through a customer centred approach, underwriting discipline and careful risk selection. The combined operating ratio of 82.5% reflects that underwriting discipline.

The claims environment continues to moderate although inflation is still present. We continue to call for substantive reform in the level of personal injury awards and a rebalancing of personal responsibility vis à vis the impossible standards small businesses are held to in injury cases. FBD continues to tackle fraud and exaggerated claims to help but soft-tissue injury awards must come down for real progress to be made.

Brexit uncertainty continues and we view a hard Brexit as negative for Ireland's farm and agri industry particularly and rural Ireland generally. Our business is planning for some limited operational impacts that may arise to support the continuing needs of our customers.

The Group targets a COR in the low 90's (absent exceptional weather) and a low double-digit return on equity (ROE) through the cycle. Given the strong performance in the first six months of this year underpinned by a number of one-offs and assuming a more normalised second half, the Group expects that the full year 2019 ROE will be mid to high teens.


Condensed Consolidated Income Statement

For the half year ended 30 June 2019

                                                                        Half year           Half year        Year ended 31/12/18 (audited) 
                                                                            ended               ended 
                                                                         30/06/19            30/06/18 
                                                             Notes    (unaudited)         (unaudited) 
                                                                          EUR000s             EUR000s                              EUR000s 
 Revenue                                                      3           202,062             204,261                              396,003 
                                                                    -------------       -------------       ------------------------------ 
 Gross premium written                                                    189,716             191,985                              371,504 
 Reinsurance premiums                                                    (16,104)            (20,260)                             (36,735) 
                                                                    -------------       -------------       ------------------------------ 
 Net premium written                                                      173,612             171,725                              334,769 
 Change in provision for unearned premiums                                (6,405)             (6,215)                                3,134 
                                                                    -------------       -------------       ------------------------------ 
 Net premium earned                                                       167,207             165,510                              337,903 
 Net investment return                                                      8,627               1,297                                2,482 
 Financial services income - Revenue from contracts with 
  customers                                                                 1,905               2,026                                3,754 
                                               - Other 
                                                income                      2,873               2,522                                5,282 
                                                                    -------------       -------------       ------------------------------ 
 Total income                                                             180,612             171,355                              349,421 
 Net claims and benefits                                                 (88,139)           (102,596)                            (183,367) 
 Other underwriting expenses                                  4          (43,699)            (41,873)                             (84,054) 
 Movement in other provisions                                             (6,155)             (2,107)                              (7,064) 
 Financial services and other costs                                       (2,673)             (3,163)                              (6,548) 
 Revaluation of property, plant and equipment                                   -                   -                              (1,034) 
 Finance costs                                                            (1,285)             (3,193)                              (5,453) 
 Exceptional loss on purchase and cancellation of 
  convertible debt                                                              -                   -                             (11,836) 
 Profit before taxation                                                    38,661              18,423                               50,065 
 Income taxation charge                                                   (4,860)             (2,308)                              (7,682) 
                                                                    -------------       -------------       ------------------------------ 
 Profit for the period                                                     33,801              16,115                               42,383 
                                                                    -------------       -------------       ------------------------------ 
 Attributable to: 
 Equity holders of the parent                                              33,801              16,115                               42,383 


Condensed Consolidated Income Statement

For the half year ended 30 June 2019

                                       Half year                    Half year 
                                           ended               ended 30/06/18            Year ended 31/12/18 (audited) 
                                        30/06/19                  (unaudited) 
    Earnings per                            Cent                         Cent                                     Cent 
    Basic                 7                   97                           46                                      122 
                                ----------------          -------------------          ------------------------------- 
    Diluted               7                95(1)                        44(2)                                   112(3) 
                                ----------------          -------------------          ------------------------------- 

(1) Diluted earnings per share reflects the potential vesting of the share based payments.

(2) Diluted earnings per share reflects the potential conversion of the convertible debt and share based payments.

(3) Diluted earnings per share reflects the potential conversion of the convertible debt up until the date of purchase and cancellation of the convertible debt and the potential vesting of the share based payments.


Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

For the half year ended 30 June 2019

                                                      Half year               Half year         Year ended 
                                                                         ended 30/06/18           31/12/18 
                                                 ended 30/06/19             (unaudited) 
                                                        EUR000s                 EUR000s            EUR000s 
 Profit for the period                                   33,801                  16,115             42,383 
                                              -----------------       -----------------       ------------ 
 Items that will or may be reclassified 
  to profit or loss in subsequent 
 Net gain/(loss) on available for 
  sale assets                                            14,007                 (3,474)            (7,845) 
 Taxation (charge)/credit relating 
  to items that will or may be reclassified 
  to profit or loss in subsequent 
  periods                                               (1,751)                     434                981 
   Items that will not be reclassified 
   to profit or loss in subsequent 
 Actuarial (loss)/gain on retirement 
  benefit obligations                                   (1,544)                   1,002              3,232 
 Taxation credit/(charge) relating 
  to items not to be reclassified 
  in subsequent periods                                     193                   (125)              (404) 
                                              -----------------       -----------------       ------------ 
 Other comprehensive income/(expense) 
  after taxation                                         10,905                 (2,163)            (4,036) 
                                              -----------------       -----------------       ------------ 
 Total comprehensive income for the 
  period                                                 44,706                  13,952             38,347 
                                              -----------------       -----------------       ------------ 
 Attributable to: 
 Equity holders of the parent                            44,706                  13,952             38,347 


Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

At 30 June 2019

 ASSETS                                          30/06/19            30/06/18          31/12/18 
                                              (unaudited)         (unaudited)         (audited) 
                   Notes                          EUR000s             EUR000s           EUR000s 
 Property, plant and equipment                     67,297              66,093            68,492 
 Intangible assets                                  1,159                   -               355 
 Investment property                               17,500              18,000            18,310 
 Right of use asset                                 6,500                   -                 - 
 Loans                                                598                 574               615 
 Deferred taxation asset                            1,224               4,167             1,081 
 Financial assets 
 Available for sale investments                   811,807             744,224           795,717 
 Investments held for trading                      89,079              81,228            78,778 
 Deposits with banks                               50,000             178,286            70,998 
                                            -------------       -------------       ----------- 
                                                  950,886           1,003,738           945,493 
                                            -------------       -------------       ----------- 
 Reinsurance assets 
 Provision for unearned premiums                        2                   6                 6 
 Claims outstanding                                78,432              93,326            80,919 
                                            -------------       -------------       ----------- 
                                                   78,434              93,332            80,925 
                                            -------------       -------------       ----------- 
 Retirement benefit surplus                        11,400              10,900            12,944 
 Current taxation asset                             3,949               3,934             3,949 
 Deferred acquisition costs                        32,356              31,621            31,956 
 Other receivables                                 74,058              68,518            62,868 
 Cash and cash equivalents                        106,195              35,572            77,639 
                                            -------------       -------------       ----------- 
 Total assets                                   1,351,556           1,336,449         1,304,627 
                                            -------------       -------------       ----------- 


Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position (continued)

At 30 June 2019

 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                            30/06/19            30/06/18        31/12/18 (audited) 
                                                                (unaudited)         (unaudited) 
                                                       Notes        EUR000s             EUR000s                   EUR000s 
 Ordinary share capital                                    6         21,409              21,409                    21,409 
 Capital reserves                                                    21,608              20,225                    20,430 
 Retained earnings                                                  268,638             217,609                   241,645 
 Other reserves                                                           -              18,232                         - 
 Equity attributable to ordinary equity holders of 
  the parent                                                        311,655             277,475                   283,484 
 Preference share capital                                             2,923               2,923                     2,923 
                                                              -------------       -------------       ------------------- 
 Total Equity                                                       314,578             280,398                   286,407 
 Insurance contract liabilities 
 Provision for unearned premiums                                    189,276             192,225                   182,875 
 Claims outstanding                                                 731,442             765,091                   738,025 
                                                              -------------       -------------       ------------------- 
                                                                    920,718             957,316                   920,900 
 Other provisions                                                    11,945               7,331                     7,738 
 Convertible debt                                                         -              53,268                         - 
 Subordinated debt                                                   49,455                   -                    49,426 
 Lease liability                                                      6,558                   -                         - 
 Deferred taxation liability                                          5,138               4,543                     3,610 
 Current taxation liability                                           6,895                   -                     3,312 
 Payables                                                            36,269              33,593                    33,234 
 Total liabilities                                                1,036,978           1,056,051                 1,018,220 
                                                              -------------       -------------       ------------------- 
 Total equity and liabilities                                     1,351,556           1,336,449                 1,304,627 
                                                              -------------       -------------       ------------------- 


Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

For the half year ended 30 June 2019

                                          Half year         Half year ended 30/06/18                              Year 
                                              ended                      (unaudited)          ended 31/12/18 (audited) 
                                            EUR000s                          EUR000s                           EUR000s 
 Cash flows from operating 
 Profit before taxation                      38,661                           18,423                            50,065 
 Adjustments for: 
 (Profit)/Loss on investments held 
  for trading                               (5,942)                            1,960                             4,411 
 Exceptional loss on purchase and 
  cancellation of convertible bond                -                                -                            11,836 
 Loss on investments available for 
  sale                                        2,153                            2,368                             4,825 
 Interest and dividend income               (4,165)                          (3,675)                          (12,072) 
 Depreciation/amortisation of 
  property, plant and equipment and 
  intangible assets                           4,955                            6,125                            11,682 
 Depreciation of right of use                   386                                -                                 - 
 Share-based payment expense                  1,177                              499                               704 
 Revaluation of investment property             810                                -                             (310) 
 Revaluation of property, plant and 
  equipment                                       -                                -                             1,034 
 Increase/(decrease) in insurance 
  contract liabilities                        2,309                            3,529                          (20,480) 
 Increase in other provisions                 4,207                              684                             1,091 
 Operating cash flows before 
  movement in working capital                44,551                           29,913                            52,786 
 (Increase)/decrease in receivables 
  and deferred acquisition costs           (13,382)                          (6,927)                             3,390 
 Increase in payables                         4,316                            5,994                             7,883 
 Interest payments on convertible 
  debt                                            -                          (2,450)                           (5,130) 
 Interest payments on                       (1,250)                                -                                 - 
 subordinated debt 
 Lease obligation repayments                  (328)                                -                                 - 
 and interest 
 Purchase of investments held for 
  trading                                   (6,416)                         (82,916)                          (82,916) 
 Sale of investments held for 
  trading                                     2,057                           45,075                            45,075 
                                     --------------       --------------------------       --------------------------- 
 Cash generated from / (used in) 
  operations                                 29,548                         (11,311)                            21,088 
 Interest and dividend income 
  received                                    5,956                            5,851                            11,992 
 Income taxes paid                          (1,450)                                -                                 - 
                                     --------------       --------------------------       --------------------------- 
 Net cash generated from operating 
  activities                                 34,054                          (5,460)                            33,080 
                                     --------------       --------------------------       --------------------------- 
 Cash flows from investing 
 Purchase of available for sale 
  investments                              (95,748)                         (49,075)                         (138,798) 
 Sale of available for sale 
  investments                                91,512                           57,694                            89,101 
 Purchase of property, plant and 
  equipment                                 (3,709)                          (3,967)                          (13,003) 
 Sale of property, plant and 
  equipment                                       -                                -                                90 
 Purchase of intangible assets                (855)                                -                             (399) 
 Decrease in loans and advances                  17                              107                                66 
 Decrease in deposits invested with 
  banks                                      20,998                           17,699                           124,987 
 Net cash generated from investing 
  activities                                 12,215                           22,458                            62,044 
                                     --------------       --------------------------       --------------------------- 
 Cash flows from financing 
 Ordinary and preference dividends 
  paid                                     (17,713)                          (8,602)                           (8,602) 
 Purchase and cancellation of 
  convertible bond                                -                                -                          (86,059) 
 Proceeds from issue of 
  subordinated debt                               -                                -                            50,000 
 Net cash used in financing 
  activities                               (17,713)                          (8,602)                          (44,661) 
                                     --------------       --------------------------       --------------------------- 
 Net increase in cash and cash 
  equivalents                                28,556                            8,396                            50,463 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the 
  beginning of the period                    77,639                           27,176                            27,176 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the 
  end of the period                         106,195                           35,572                            77,639 
                                     --------------       --------------------------       --------------------------- 


Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity (UNAUDITED)

For the half year ended 30 June 2019

                  Called up    Capital            Retained           Other                        Attributable to   Preference       Total 
                      share   Reserves            earnings        Reserves                  Ordinary shareholders        share      equity 
                    capital                                                                                            capital 
                  as equity 
                    EUR000s    EUR000s             EUR000s         EUR000s                                EUR000s      EUR000s     EUR000s 
                 ----------  ---------  ------------------  --------------  -------------------------------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Balance at 1 
  January 2019       21,409     20,430             241,645               -                                283,484        2,923     286,407 
 Profit after 
  taxation                -          -              33,801               -                                 33,801            -      33,801 
  income                  -          -              10,905               -                                 10,905            -      10,905 
                     21,409     20,430             286,351               -                                328,190        2,923     331,113 
 Dividends paid 
  and approved 
  on ordinary 
  shares                  -          -            (17,713)               -                               (17,713)            -    (17,713) 
 Recognition of 
  share based 
  payments                -      1,178                   -               -                                  1,178            -       1,178 
   Balance at 
   30 June 2019      21,409     21,608             268,638               -                                311,655        2,923     314,578 
                 ----------  ---------  ------------------  --------------  -------------------------------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Balance at 1 
  January 2018       21,409     19,726             212,259          18,232                                271,626        2,923     274,549 
 Profit after 
  taxation                -          -              16,115               -                                 16,115            -      16,115 
  expense                 -          -             (2,163)               -                                (2,163)            -     (2,163) 
                     21,409     19,726             226,211          18,232                                285,578        2,923     288,501 
 Dividends paid 
  and approved 
  on ordinary 
  shares                  -          -             (8,602)               -                                (8,602)            -     (8,602) 
 Recognition of 
  share based 
  payments                -        499                   -               -                                    499            -         499 
   Balance at 
   30 June 2018      21,409     20,225             217,609          18,232                                277,475        2,923     280,398 
                 ----------  ---------  ------------------  --------------  -------------------------------------  -----------  ---------- 



For the half year ended 30 June 2019

Note 1 Statutory information

The half yearly financial information is considered non-statutory financial statements for the purposes of the Companies Act 2014 and in compliance with section 340(4) of that Act we state that:

-- the financial information for the half year to 30 June 2019 does not constitute the statutory financial statements of the company;

-- the statutory financial statements for the financial year ended 31 December 2018 have been annexed to the annual return and delivered to the Registrar;

-- the statutory auditors of the company have made a report under section 391 Companies Act 2014 in respect of the statutory financial statements for year ended 31 December 2018; and

-- the matters referred to in the statutory auditors' report were unqualified, and did not include a reference to any matters to which the statutory auditors drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying the report.

This half yearly financial report has not been audited but has been reviewed by the auditors of the Company.

Note 2 - Accounting policies

Basis of preparation

The annual financial statements of FBD Holdings plc are prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRSs") as adopted by the European Union. The condensed set of financial statements included in this half-yearly financial report has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 'Interim Financial Reporting', as adopted by the European Union.

Going concern

The Directors are satisfied that the Group has sufficient resources to continue in operation for a period of not less than twelve months from the date of this report. Accordingly, they continue to adopt the going concern basis of accounting in preparing the condensed financial statements.

Consistency of accounting policy

The accounting policies and methods of computation used by the Group to prepare the interim financial statements for the six month period ended 30 June 2019 are the same as those used to prepare the Group Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2018 except as described below.

Standards adopted in the period

The Group applied a number of new or amended standards issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) that are mandatorily effective for an accounting period that begins on or after 1 January 2019.

   --      IFRS 16 Leases 
   --      IFRIC 23 Uncertainty over Income Tax Treatments 
   --      Amendments to IAS 19 Employee Benefits 

The adoption of these standards has not had a material impact on the Financial Statements of the Group. Further detail with respect to IFRS 16 Leases is included below.



For the half year ended 30 June 2019

IFRS 16 Leases

IFRS 16 Leases became effective on 1 January 2019 and was adopted by the Group on that date. The Group has applied the modified retrospective approach and have not restated comparatives for the 2018 reporting period, as permitted under the specific transitional provisions in the standard.

On adoption of IFRS 16, the Group recognised a lease liability and a right of use asset for each of the leases which had previously been classified as 'operating leases' under the principles of IAS 17 Leases. All leases are property leases.

The lease obligations were measured at the present value of the remaining lease payments, discounted using the Group's Incremental Borrowing Rate (IBR) as of 1 January 2019. The weighted average IBR applied to the lease liabilities on 1 January 2019 was 4.41%.

The adjustments recognised on adoption of IFRS 16 from the date of initial application are shown below:

Operating lease commitments disclosed as at 31 December 2018 EUR9.6m

Discounted using the Group's incremental borrowing rate at the date of initial application EUR7.1m

Less short term leases recognised on a straight-line basis as expense


Lease liability recognised as at 1 January 2019 EUR6.9m

The right of use assets were measured at the amount equal to the lease liability, adjusted by the amount of any prepaid or accrued lease payments relating to that lease recognised in the Statement of Financial Position as at 31 December 2018. There were no onerous lease contracts that would have required an adjustment to the right-of-use assets at the date of initial application.

The Group has elected to apply the practical expedient permitted by the standard to recognise operating leases with a remaining lease term of less than 12 months as at 1 January 2019 as short-term leases. The Group has also elected to apply the practical expedient to use hindsight in determining the lease term where the contract contains options to extend or terminate the lease.

The adoption of IFRS 16 affected the following items on the Statement of Financial Position on 1 January 2019:

   Right of use asset                           EUR6.9m 
   Lease liability                                  EUR6.9m 

The adoption of IFRS 16 did not have a material impact on the key metrics or alternative performance measures (APMs) of the Group.

Standards and interpretations not yet effective

   IFRS 17             Insurance Contracts(1) 
   IFRS 9               Financial Instruments(2) 

(1) Effective for annual periods on or after 1 January 2022, with earlier application permitted.

(2) Consolidated financial statements only. Effective for annual periods on or after 1 January 2022, with earlier application permitted.



For the half year ended 30 June 2019

IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts

IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts is effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2022.

IFRS 17 is expected to have a material impact on the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Group. There is a project team in place and training has been provided on the impact of the new standard. The Groups implementation programme is progressing in line with expectations.

IFRS 9 Financial Instruments in respect of the Consolidated Financial Statements is being considered as part of the project for the adoption of IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts.

Critical accounting estimates and judgements in applying accounting policies

The critical accounting estimates and judgements used by the Group in applying accounting policies are the same as those used to prepare the Group Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2018. While there have been some changes in estimates of amounts in the current financial period these changes do not have a significant impact on the results for the period.

Note 3 - Segmental information

   (a)        Operating segments 

The principal activities of the Group are underwriting of general insurance business and financial services. For management purposes, the Group is organised in two operating segments - underwriting and financial services. The profit earned by each segment is reported to the chief operating decision maker, the Group Chief Executive, for the purpose of resource allocation and assessment of segmental performance. Central administration costs and Directors' salaries are allocated based on actual activity. Restructuring costs and income taxation are direct costs of each segment. Discrete financial information is prepared and reviewed on a regular basis for these two segments. The accounting policies of the reportable segments are the same as the Group accounting policies. There has been no material change to the assets by reportable segment from the disclosure in the 2018 Annual Report.



For the half year ended 30 June 2019

The following is an analysis of the Group's revenue and results from continuing operations by reportable segments:

 Half year ended 30/06/2019                     Financial 
                                 Underwriting    Services     Total 
                                  EUR000s        EUR000s    EUR000s 
 Revenue                              197,284       4,778   202,062 
                              ---------------  ----------  -------- 
 Result before taxation                36,556       2,105    38,661 
 Income taxation charge               (4,570)       (290)   (4,860) 
                              ---------------  ----------  -------- 
 Result after taxation                 31,986       1,815    33,801 
                              ---------------  ----------  -------- 
   Half year ended 30/06/2018                       Financial 
                                   Underwriting     Services      Total 
                                    EUR000s         EUR000s     EUR000s 
 Revenue                                199,713         4,548   204,261 
                                ---------------  ------------  -------- 
 Profit before taxation                  17,037         1,386    18,423 
 Income taxation charge                 (2,130)         (178)   (2,308) 
                                ---------------  ------------  -------- 
 Result after taxation                   14,907         1,208    16,115 
                                ---------------  ------------  -------- 
   Year ended 31/12/2018                            Financial 
                                   Underwriting      Services     Total 
                                        EUR000s       EUR000s   EUR000s 
 Revenue                                386,967         9,036   396,003 
                                ---------------  ------------  -------- 
 Profit before taxation                  47,577         2,488    50,065 
 Income taxation charge                 (7,165)         (517)   (7,682) 
                                ---------------  ------------  -------- 
 Result after taxation                   40,412         1,971    42,383 
                                ---------------  ------------  -------- 
   (b)        Geographical segments 

The Group's operations are located in Ireland.



For the half year ended 30 June 2019

Note 4 - Underwriting result

                                              Half year             Half year              Year 
                                            ended 30/06/19 
                                                                       ended               ended 
                                                                      30/06/18            31/12/18 
                                                                    (unaudited)          (audited) 
                                              EUR000s                EUR000s             EUR000s 
 Gross premium written                             189,716              191,985            371,504 
                                         -----------------       --------------       ------------ 
 Net premium earned                                167,207              165,510            337,903 
 Net claims incurred                              (88,139)            (102,596)          (183,367) 
 Motor Insurers Bureau of Ireland Levy             (6,155)              (2,107)            (7,064) 
                                         -----------------       --------------       ------------ 
                                                    72,913               60,807            147,472 
                                         -----------------       --------------       ------------ 
 Gross management expenses                        (43,129)             (41,867)           (84,220) 
 Deferred acquisition costs                            400                  254                590 
 Reinsurers' share of expenses                       1,227                1,492              2,876 
 Broker commissions payable                        (2,197)              (1,752)            (3,300) 
                                         -----------------       --------------       ------------ 
 Other Underwriting expenses                      (43,699)             (41,873)           (84,054) 
                                         -----------------       --------------       ------------ 
 Underwriting result                                29,214               18,934             63,418 
                                         -----------------       --------------       ------------ 

The Group's half yearly results are not subject to any significant impact arising from the seasonality of operations.

Note 5 - Dividends

                                                Half Year              Half Year              Year 
                                              ended 30/06/19         ended 30/06/18 
                                               (unaudited)            (unaudited)             ended 
 Paid:                                           EUR000s                EUR000s               EUR000s 
 2018 dividend of 8.4 cent (2017: 8.4 
  cent) per share on 14% non-cumulative 
  preference shares of EUR0.60 each                      113                    113               113 
 2018 dividend of 4.8 cent (2017: 4.8 
  cent) per share on 8% non-cumulative 
  preference shares of EUR0.60 each                      169                    169               169 
 2018 final dividend of 50.0 cent (2017: 
  24.0 cent) per share on ordinary shares 
  of EUR0.60 each                                     17,431                  8,320             8,320 
                                            ----------------  ---  ----------------  ---  ----------- 
 Total dividends paid                                 17,713                  8,602             8,602 
                                            ----------------  ---  ----------------  ---  ----------- 

2018 dividend payments were approved by the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting on 10 May 2019 and paid on 17 May 2019.



For the half year ended 30 June 2019

Note 6 - Ordinary share capital

                                              Half year              Half year              Year 
                                            ended 30/06/19         ended 30/06/18 
                                             (unaudited)            (unaudited) 
                                  Number       EUR000s                EUR000s             EUR000s 
 (i) Ordinary shares 
  of EUR0.60 each 
 At beginning and end 
  of period                   51,326,000            30,796                 30,796            30,796 
                            ------------  ----------------       ----------------       ----------- 
 Issued and fully paid: 
 At beginning and end 
  of period                   35,461,206            21,277                 21,277            21,277 
                            ------------  ----------------       ----------------       ----------- 
 (ii) 'A' Ordinary shares 
  of EUR0.01 each 
 At beginning and end 
  of period                  120,000,000             1,200                  1,200             1,200 
                            ------------  ----------------       ----------------       ----------- 
 Issued and fully paid: 
 At beginning and end 
  of period                   13,169,428               132                    132               132 
                            ------------  ----------------       ----------------       ----------- 
 Total Ordinary Share 
  Capital                                           21,409                 21,409            21,409 
                                          ----------------       ----------------       ----------- 

The number of ordinary shares of EUR0.60 each held as treasury shares at 30 June 2019 was 598,742. At 31 December 2018 the number held was 795,005.



For the half year ended 30 June 2019

Note 7 - Earnings per EUR0.60 ordinary share

The calculation of the basic and diluted earnings per share attributable to the ordinary shareholders is based on the following data:

                                            Half year             Half year                Year 
                                              ended             ended 30/06/18         ended 31/12/18 
                                             30/06/19            (unaudited) 
                                             EUR000s               EUR000s                EUR000s 
 Profit for the period for the purpose 
  of basic earnings 
 per share                                       33,801                 16,115                 42,383 
                                         --------------       ----------------       ---------------- 
 Profit for the period for the purpose 
  of diluted earnings 
 per share                                       33,801                 18,909                 46,639 
                                         --------------       ----------------       ---------------- 
 Number of shares 
 Weighted average number of ordinary 
  shares for 
 the purpose of basic earnings per 
  share (excludes treasury shares)           34,770,837             34,666,201             34,666,201 
 Weighted average number of ordinary 
  shares for 
 the purpose of diluted earnings 
  per share (excludes treasury shares)       35,436,482             43,329,630             41,507,329 
                                         --------------       ----------------       ---------------- 
                                              Cent                  Cent                   Cent 
 Basic earnings per share                            97                     46                    122 
                                         --------------       ----------------       ---------------- 
 Diluted earnings per share                       95(1)                  44(2)                 112(3) 
                                         --------------       ----------------       ---------------- 

(1) Diluted earnings per share reflects the potential vesting of the share based payments.

(2) Diluted earnings per share reflects the potential conversion of the convertible debt and share based payments.

(3) Diluted earnings per share reflects the potential conversion of the convertible debt up until the date of purchase and cancellation of the convertible debt and the potential vesting of the share based payments.

The 'A' ordinary shares of EUR0.01 each that are in issue have no impact on the earnings per share calculation.



For the half year ended 30 June 2019

Note 8 - Retirement Benefit Surplus

The Group operates a funded defined benefit retirement scheme for qualifying employees that is closed to future accrual and new entrants.

The amounts recognised in the Statement of Financial Position are as follows:

                                      30/06/19      30/06/18     31/12/18 
                                     (unaudited)   (unaudited)   (audited) 
                                       EUR000s       EUR000s      EUR000s 
 Fair value of plan assets               103,400        97,900      96,378 
 Present value of defined benefit 
  obligation                            (92,000)      (87,000)    (83,434) 
                                    ------------  ------------  ---------- 
 Net retirement benefit surplus           11,400        10,900      12,944 
                                    ------------  ------------  ---------- 

Note 9 - Financial Instruments and Fair Value Measurement

   (a)     Financial Instruments 
                                    30/06/19      30/06/18     31/12/18 
                                   (unaudited)   (unaudited)   (audited) 
                                     EUR000s       EUR000s      EUR000s 
 Financial Assets 
 At amortised cost: 
 Deposits with banks                    50,000       178,286      70,998 
 At fair value: 
 Investments held for trading           89,079        81,228      78,778 
 Available for sale investments        811,807       744,224     795,717 
 At cost: 
 Loans                                     598           574         615 
 Other receivables                      74,058        68,518      62,868 
 Cash and cash equivalents             106,195        35,572      77,639 
 Financial Liabilities 
 At amortised cost: 
 Convertible debt                            -        53,268           - 
 Subordinated debt                      49,455             -      49,426 
 Lease liability                         6,558             -           - 
 At cost: 
 Payables                               36,269        33,593      33,234 



For the half year ended 30 June 2019

Note 9 - Financial Instruments and Fair Value Measurement (continued)

   (b)    Fair value measurement 

The following table compares the fair value of financial assets and liabilities with their carrying values:

                           30/06/19      30/06/19      30/06/18      30/06/18     31/12/18    31/12/18 
                          (unaudited)   (unaudited)   (unaudited)   (unaudited)   (audited)   (audited) 
                             Fair        Carrying        Fair        Carrying       Fair      Carrying 
                             value         value         value         value        value       value 
                            EUR000s       EUR000s       EUR000s       EUR000s      EUR000s     EUR000s 
 Financial assets 
 Loans                            717           598           689           574         738         615 
 Financial investments        950,886       950,886     1,003,738     1,003,738     945,493     945,493 
 Financial liabilities 
 Convertible debt                   -             -        66,406        53,268           -           - 
  debt                         52,105        49,455             -             -      49,817      49,426 
 Lease liability                6,558         6,558             -             -           -           - 

The carrying amount of the following financial assets and liabilities is considered a reasonable approximation of their fair value:

   --     Other receivables 
   --     Cash and cash equivalents 
   --     Payables 

The following tables provide an analysis of financial instruments that are measured subsequent to initial recognition at fair value, grouped into Levels 1 to 3 based on the degree to which the fair value is observable.

-- Level 1 fair value measurements are those derived from quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities.

-- Investments held for trading and available for sale investments - quoted debt securities are fair valued using latest available closing bid price. UCITS funds are valued using the latest available closing NAV of the fund.

-- Deposits with banks and cash and cash equivalents are valued at the placement value.

-- Level 2 fair value measurements are those derived from inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly (i.e. as prices) or indirectly (i.e. derived from prices).

-- Investment property and property held for own use were fair valued by independent external professional valuers, CB Richard Ellis, Valuation Surveyors at 31 December 2018 (refer to note 14 and note 16 in the Group Annual Report for year ended 31 December 2018). An adjustment has been made to the investment property to reflect updated market data since 31 December 2018.

-- Subordinated debt is valued using a discounted cash flow methodology using a discount rate based on observable market yields for a similar instrument.

-- Lease liability is valued using a discounted cash flow methodology using market interest rates.

-- Loans are fair valued using market interest rate.

-- Level 3 fair value measurements are those derived from valuation techniques that include inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data (unobservable inputs). Among the valuation techniques used are cost, net asset or net book value or the net present value of future cash flows based on operating projections.



For the half year ended 30 June 2019

Note 9 - Financial Instruments and Fair Value Measurement (continued)

 30 June 2019 (unaudited)                Level     Level   Level 3       Total 
                                             1         2 
                                       EUR000s   EUR000s   EUR000s     EUR000s 
 Loans                                       -       717         -         717 
 Investment property                         -    17,500         -      17,500 
 Property held for own use                   -    17,184         -      17,184 
 Financial assets 
 Investments held for trading 
  - quoted shares                           52         -         -          52 
 Investments held for trading 
  - UCIT Funds                          89,027         -         -      89,027 
 AFS(1) investments - quoted debt 
  securities                           811,184         -         -     811,184 
 AFS(1) investments - unquoted 
  investments                                -         -       623         623 
 Deposits with banks                    50,000         -         -      50,000 
 Cash and cash equivalents             106,195         -         -     106,195 
                                    ----------  --------  --------  ---------- 
 Total assets                        1,056,458    35,401       623   1,092,482 
                                    ----------  --------  --------  ---------- 
 Subordinated debt                           -    52,105         -      52,105 
 Lease liability                             -     6,558         -       6,558 
                                    ----------  --------  --------  ---------- 
 Total liabilities                           -    58,663         -      58,663 
                                    ----------  --------  --------  ---------- 

(1) Available for sale

 30 June 2018 (unaudited)                Level     Level   Level 3       Total 
                                             1         2 
                                       EUR000s   EUR000s   EUR000s     EUR000s 
 Loans                                       -       689         -         689 
 Investment property                         -    18,000         -      18,000 
 Property held for own use                   -    14,754         -      14,754 
 Financial assets 
 Investments held for trading 
  - quoted shares                          292         -         -         292 
 Investments held for trading 
  - UCIT Funds                          80,936         -         -      80,936 
 AFS(1) investments - quoted debt 
  securities                           743,380         -         -     743,380 
 AFS(1) investments - unquoted 
  investments                                -         -       844         844 
 Deposits with banks                   178,286         -         -     178,286 
 Cash and cash equivalents              35,572         -         -      35,572 
                                    ----------  --------  --------  ---------- 
 Total assets                        1,038,466    33,443       844   1,072,753 
                                    ----------  --------  --------  ---------- 
 Convertible debt                            -    66,406         -      66,406 
                                    ----------  --------  --------  ---------- 
 Total liabilities                           -    66,406         -      66,406 
                                    ----------  --------  --------  ---------- 

(1) Available for sale



For the half year ended 30 June 2019

Note 9 - Financial Instruments and Fair Value Measurement (continued)

 31 December 2018 (audited)            Level 1     Level   Level 3       Total 
                                       EUR000s   EUR000s   EUR000s     EUR000s 
 Loans                                       -       738         -         738 
 Investment property                         -    18,310         -      18,310 
 Property held for own use                   -    17,185         -      17,185 
 Financial assets 
 Investments held for trading 
  - quoted shares                          262         -         -         262 
 Investments held for trading 
  - UCITs                               78,516         -         -      78,516 
 AFS(1) investments - quoted debt 
  securities                           795,094         -         -     795,094 
 AFS(1) investments - unquoted 
  investments                                -         -       623         623 
 Deposits with banks                    70,998         -         -      70,998 
 Cash and cash equivalents              77,639         -         -      77,639 
                                    ----------  --------  --------  ---------- 
 Total assets                        1,022,509    36,233       623   1,059,365 
                                    ----------  --------  --------  ---------- 
 Subordinated debt                           -    49,817         -      49,817 
                                    ----------  --------  --------  ---------- 
 Total liabilities                           -    49,817         -      49,817 
                                    ----------  --------  --------  ---------- 

(1) Available for sale



For the half year ended 30 June 2019

A reconciliation of Level 3 fair value measurement of financial assets is shown in the table below

                                                                  30/06/19      30/06/18     31/12/18 
                                                                 (unaudited)   (unaudited)   (audited) 
                                                                   EUR000s       EUR000s      EUR000s 
 Opening balance Level 3 financial assets                                623           844         844 
 Additions                                                                 -             -           - 
 Disposals                                                                 -             -       (250) 
 Unrealised gains recognised in Consolidated Income Statement              -             -          29 
 Closing balance Level 3 financial assets                                623           844         623 
                                                                ------------  ------------  ---------- 

Available for sale investments grouped into Level 3 comprise unquoted securities and consist of a number of small investments. The values attributable to these investments are derived from a number of valuation techniques including the net present value of future cash flows based on operating projections. A change in one or more of these inputs could have an impact on valuations. The maximum exposure the Group has in relation to Level 3 valued financial assets at 30 June 2019 is EUR623,000 (30 June 2018: EUR844,000; 31 December 2018: EUR623,000).

Note 10 - Transactions with related parties

For the purposes of the disclosure requirements of IAS 24, the term "key management personnel" (i.e. those persons having authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities of the Group) comprises the Board of Directors and Company Secretary of FBD Holdings plc and the members of the Executive Management Team. Full disclosure in relation to the compensation of the Board of Directors and details of Directors' share options are provided in the Report on Directors' Remuneration in the 2018 Annual Report. An analysis of share-based payments to key management personnel is also included in Note 40 of the 2018 Annual Report.

Note 11 - Contingent liabilities and contingent assets

There were no contingent liabilities or contingent assets at 30 June 2019, 30 June 2018 or 31 December 2018.

Note 12 - Information

This half yearly report and the Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2018 are available on the Company's website at www.fbdgroup.com.

Note 13 - Approval of Half Yearly Report

The half yearly report was approved by the Board of Directors of FBD Holdings plc on 31 July 2019.



For the half year ended 30 June 2019


The Directors are responsible for preparing the Half Yearly Financial Report in accordance with the Transparency (Directive 2004/109/EC) Regulations 2007, the related Transparency Rules of the Central Bank of Ireland and with IAS 34, Interim Financial Reporting as adopted by the European Union.

We confirm that to the best of our knowledge:

a) the Group condensed set of interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 "Interim Financial Reporting" as adopted by the European Union;

b) the interim management report includes a fair review of the important events that have occurred during the first six months of the financial year, and their impact on the condensed set of interim financial statements and the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the financial year;

c) the interim management report includes a fair review of related party transactions that have occurred during the first six months of the current financial year and that have materially affected the financial position or the performance of the Group during that period, and any changes in the related parties' transactions described in the last Annual Report that could have a material effect on the financial position or performance of the Group in the first six months of the current financial year.

On behalf of the Board

   Liam Herlihy                                                   Fiona Muldoon 
   Chairman                                                         Group Chief Executive 

31 July 2019



The Group uses the following alternative performance measures: Loss ratio, expense ratio, combined operating ratio, annualised investment return, net asset value per share, return on equity and gross written premium.

Loss ratio (LR), expense ratio (ER) and combined operating ratio (COR) are widely used as a performance measure by insurers, and give users of the financial statements an understanding of the underwriting performance of the entity. Investment return is used widely as a performance measure to give users of financial statements an understanding of the performance of an entities investment portfolio. Net asset value per share (NAV) is a widely used performance measure which provides the users of the financial statements the book value per share. Return on equity (ROE) is also a widely used profitability ratio that measures an entity's ability to generate profits from its shareholder investments. Gross written premium refers to the revenue of an insurance company and is widely used across the general insurance industry.

The calculation of the APM's is based on the following data:

                                              Half year       Half year          Year 
                                                 ended          ended        ended 31/12/18 
                                               30/06/19        30/06/18        (audited) 
                                              (unaudited)    (unaudited) 
                                                EUR000s         EUR000s          EUR000s 
 Loss ratio 
 Net claims and benefits                           88,139         102,596           183,367 
 Movement in other provisions                       6,155           2,107             7,064 
                                            -------------  -------------- 
 Total claims incurred                             94,294         104,703           190,431 
 Net premium earned                               167,207         165,510           337,903 
                                            -------------  --------------  ---------------- 
 Loss ratio (Total claims incurred/Net 
  premium earned)                                   56.4%           63.3%             56.3% 
 Expense ratio 
 Other underwriting expenses                       43,699          41,873            84,054 
 Net premium earned                               167,207         165,510           337,903 
                                            -------------  --------------  ---------------- 
 Expense ratio (Underwriting expenses/Net 
  premium earned)                                   26.1%           25.3%             24.9% 
                                            -------------  --------------  ---------------- 
 Combined operating ratio                               %               %                 % 
 Loss ratio                                         56.4%           63.3%             56.3% 
 Expense ratio                                      26.1%           25.3%             24.9% 
                                            -------------  --------------  ---------------- 
 Combined operating ratio (Loss 
  ratio + Expense ratio)                            82.5%           88.6%             81.2% 
                                            -------------  --------------  ---------------- 
 Annualised investment return                     EUR000s         EUR000s           EUR000s 
 Investment return recognised 
  in consolidated income statement                  8,627           1,297             2,482 
 Investment return recognised 
  in statement of comprehensive 
  income                                           14,007         (3,474)           (7,845) 
                                            -------------  --------------  ---------------- 
 Total investment return                           22,634         (2,177)           (5,363) 
 Average underwriting investment 
  assets                                        1,061,025       1,063,672         1,047,711 
 Investment return (Total investment 
  return/Average underwriting investment 
  assets)                                         4.3%(1)       (0.4%)(1)            (0.5%) 
                                            -------------  --------------  ---------------- 
 (1) Annualised 
                                              Half year       Half year          Year 
                                                 ended          ended        ended 31/12/18 
                                               30/06/19        30/06/18        (audited) 
                                              (unaudited)    (unaudited) 
 Net asset value per share (NAV 
  per share)                                   EUR000s         EUR000s          EUR000s 
 Shareholders' funds - equity 
  interests                                       311,655         277,475           283,484 
                                            -------------  --------------  ---------------- 
 Number of shares 
 Weighted average number of ordinary 
  shares                                       34,770,837      34,666,201        34,666,201 
                                            -------------  --------------  ---------------- 
                                                     Cent            Cent              Cent 
 Net asset value per share (Shareholders 
  funds /Weighted average number 
  of ordinary shares)                                 896             800               818 
                                            -------------  --------------  ---------------- 
 Return on Equity                                 EUR000s         EUR000s           EUR000s 
 Weighted average equity attributable 
  to ordinary equity holders of 
  the parent                                      297,570         274,551           277,555 
 Result for the period                             33,801          16,115            42,383 
                                            -------------  --------------  ---------------- 
 Return on equity (Result for 
  the period/Weighted average equity 
  attributable to ordinary equity 
  holders of the parent)                           23%(1)          12%(1)               15% 
                                            -------------  --------------  ---------------- 
 Gross premium written: The total premium on insurance underwritten 
  by an insurer or reinsurer 
  during a specified period, before deduction of reinsurance 

(1) Annualised

Independent review report to FBD Holdings plc

Report on the condensed consolidated interim financial statements

Our conclusion

We have reviewed FBD Holdings plc's condensed consolidated interim financial statement (the "interim financial statements") in half-yearly report of FBD Holdings plc for the six month period ended 30 June 2019. Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the interim financial statements are not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34, Interim Financial Reporting, as adopted by the European Union and the Transparency (Directive 2004/109/EC) Regulations 2007 and the Transparency Rules of the Central Bank of Ireland.

What we have reviewed

The interim financial statements, comprise:

   --           the condensed consolidated statement of financial position as at 30 June 2019; 
   --           the condensed consolidated income statement for the period then ended; 

-- the condensed consolidated statement of comprehensive income for the period then ended;

   --           the condensed consolidated statement of cash flows for the period then ended; 

-- the condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity for the period then ended; and

   --           the explanatory notes to the interim financial statements. 

The interim financial statements included in the half-yearly report have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34, Interim Financial Reporting, as adopted by the European Union and the Transparency (Directive 2004/109/EC) Regulations 2007 and the Transparency Rules of the Central Bank of Ireland.

As disclosed in note 2 to the interim financial statements, the financial reporting framework that has been applied in the preparation of the full annual financial statements of the group is applicable law and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) as adopted by the European Union.

Responsibilities for the interim financial statements and the review

Our responsibilities and those of the directors

The half-yearly report, including the interim financial statements, is the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the directors. The directors are responsible for preparing the half-yearly report in accordance with the Transparency (Directive 2004/109/EC) Regulations 2007 and the Transparency Rules of the Central Bank of Ireland.

Our responsibility is to express a conclusion on the interim financial statements in the half yearly report based on our review. This report, including the conclusion, has been prepared for and only for the company for the purpose of complying with the Transparency (Directive 2004/109/EC) Regulations 2007 and the Transparency Rules of the Central Bank of Ireland and for no other purpose. We do not, in giving this conclusion, accept or assume responsibility for any other purpose or to any other person to whom this report is shown or into whose hands it may come save where expressly agreed by our prior consent in writing.

What a review of interim financial statements involves

We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410, Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity, issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom and Ireland. A review of interim financial information consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures.

A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (Ireland) and, consequently, does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.

We have read the other information contained in the half yearly report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the information in the interim financial statements.


Chartered Accountants


31 July 2019

(a) The maintenance and integrity of the FBD Holdings plc website is the responsibility of the directors; the work carried out by the auditors does not involve consideration of these matters and, accordingly, the auditors accept no responsibility for any changes that may have occurred to the financial statements since they were initially presented on the website.

(b) Legislation in the Republic of Ireland governing the preparation and dissemination of financial statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions.

This information is provided by RNS, the news service of the London Stock Exchange. RNS is approved by the Financial Conduct Authority to act as a Primary Information Provider in the United Kingdom. Terms and conditions relating to the use and distribution of this information may apply. For further information, please contact rns@lseg.com or visit www.rns.com.



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

August 01, 2019 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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