Interim results for the six months ended 31 March 2009 
Overview of results 
                                           31 March      31 March       30 Sept 
                                               2009          2008          2008 
Net asset values ("NAV") at bid 
NAV of the Company                       GBP8,011,000   GBP15,842,000   GBP11,882,000 
NAV per ordinary share                       33.96p        64.41p        50.02p 
Market prices (mid market) 
Ordinary shares                              28.50p        51.50p        47.50p 
NAV per ordinary share                       33.96p        64.41p        50.02p 
Cumulative dividends paid since              20.00p        13.00p        13.00p 
Adjusted NAV                                 53.96p        77.41p        63.02p 
VCT status                                        %             %             % 
VCT value of qualifying investments            84.1          84.4          82.3 
VCT value of non-qualifying                    13.8          14.1          14.7 
VCT value of non-qualifying cash                2.1           1.5           3.0 
Total VCT value                               100.0         100.0         100.0 
The VCT values of investments are based on the original book cost of the 
investment adjusted to reflect the price of subsequent purchases of the 
Chairman's statement 
The last six months have been difficult for international stockmarkets, but no 
more so than within our domestic AIM market. 
During the three months from 30 September to 31 December, the FTSE AIM All 
Share Index fell by over 36%. Over the same period, the Company's net asset 
value fell 21.6%. 
Investor interest hid within companies that had longer-term track records, 
where they had more belief in a recovery rather than looking at new younger 
entrants to the market. This situation was fully recognised by corporate 
issuing houses and resulted in a lack of new listings. 
A number of secondary offerings appeared, however, because of the effect of the 
banking crisis leading to an inability for smaller companies to raise finance 
via the traditional overdraft route. Some of these offerings arose where 
management, despite the price dilution, tried to re-bolster their balance 
sheets. Many of these failed to raise any finance and the companies were left 
having to cut costs aggressively to survive. 
In the second quarter of our financial year, there was a minor recovery within 
the market and our net asset value, with both rising 4.6% (after adding back 
the dividend of 7 pence per share paid in February). The Company's net asset 
value as at 31 March 2009 stood at 33.96 pence per share on a bid basis. Very 
little has changed economically or fundamentally. Many smaller companies look 
cheap in historic values, but few investors are interested. Very recently there 
has been a substantial squeeze in the highly leveraged stocks, pushing their 
prices up substantially higher. The majority of this has been within the top 
end of the smaller company market place, leaving the AIM market lagging behind. 
Liquidity remains very tight and it will have to improve radically for a 
sustained market rally to develop. In the meantime, we continue to look at the 
secondary funding offerings and remain mindful not to chase good money after 
With effect from 1 June 2009, AXA Investment Managers (UK) Limited will replace 
AXA Framlington Investment Management Limited as the Company's Investment 
Manager and Company Secretary. This change is being made as a result of the 
transfer of the business of AXA Framlington Investment Management Limited to 
another company within the AXA Investment Managers group as part of a 
simplification of the corporate structure and has no effect on the way in which 
the Company is managed or administered. 
Tim How 
29 May 2009 
Directors' responsibility statement 
The Disclosure and Transparency Rules ("DTR") of the UK Listing Authority 
require the Directors to confirm their responsibilities in relation to the 
preparation and publication of the Interim Management Report and Financial 
The Directors confirm that, to the best of their knowledge: 
  * the condensed set of financial statements for the six months ended 31 March 
    2009 has been prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards 
    and with the Statement of Recommended Practice "Financial Statements of 
    Investment Trust Companies" ("the SORP") revised in December 2005, and in 
    accordance with the pronouncements on interim reporting issued by the 
    Accounting Standards Board; 
  * the Interim Management Report includes a fair review of the information 
    required by DTR 4.2.7R in relation to the indication of important events 
    during the first six months, and of the principal risks and uncertainties 
    facing the Company during the second six months, of the year ending 30 
    September 2009; and 
  * the Interim Management Report includes adequate disclosure of the 
    information required by DTR 4.2.8R in relation to related party 
    transactions and any changes therein. 
The half yearly financial report was approved by the Board on 29 May 2009 and 
the above responsibility statement was signed on its behalf by the Chairman, 
Tim How. 
Income Statement 
                                                  6 months to 31 March 2009 
                                              Revenue      Capital        Total 
                                               return       return 
                                                GBP000s        GBP000s        GBP000s 
Realised losses on investments                      -        (360)        (360) 
Unrealised losses on investments                    -      (1,796)      (1,796) 
Income                                            116            -          116 
Investment management fee                        (22)         (67)         (89) 
Refund of VAT                                      11           35           46 
Other expenses                                   (78)            -         (78) 
Net return/(loss) before finance costs             27      (2,188)      (2,161) 
and taxation 
Interest payable and similar charges                -            -            - 
Return/(loss) on ordinary activities               27      (2,188)      (2,161) 
before taxation 
Tax on ordinary activities                          -            -            - 
Return/(loss) on ordinary activities               27      (2,188)      (2,161) 
after taxation 
Return/(loss) per ordinary share: 
Basic and diluted                               0.11p      (9.21)p      (9.10)p 
                                                  6 months to 31 March 2008 
                                              Revenue      Capital        Total 
                                               return       return 
                                                GBP000s        GBP000s        GBP000s 
Realised gains on investments                       -        1,190        1,190 
Unrealised losses on investments                    -      (7,111)      (7,111) 
Income                                            132            -          132 
Investment management fee                        (56)        (169)        (225) 
Other expenses                                   (91)            -         (91) 
Net loss before finance costs and                (15)      (6,090)      (6,105) 
Interest payable and similar charges                -            -            - 
Loss on ordinary activities before               (15)      (6,090)      (6,105) 
Tax on ordinary activities                          -            -            - 
Loss on ordinary activities after                (15)      (6,090)      (6,105) 
Loss per ordinary share: 
Basic and diluted                             (0.06)p     (24.50)p     (24.56)p 
                                                  Year to 30 September 2008 
                                              Revenue      Capital        Total 
                                               return       return 
                                                GBP000s        GBP000s        GBP000s 
Realised gains on investments                       -        1,672        1,672 
Unrealised losses on investments                    -     (11,334)     (11,334) 
Income                                            323            -          323 
Investment management fee                        (97)        (290)        (387) 
Refund of VAT                                      58          172          230 
Other expenses                                  (177)            -        (177) 
Net return/(loss) before finance costs            107      (9,780)      (9,673) 
and taxation 
Interest payable and similar charges                -            -            - 
Return/(loss) on ordinary activities              107      (9,780)      (9,673) 
before taxation 
Tax on ordinary activities                        (1)            -          (1) 
Return/(loss) on ordinary activities              106      (9,780)      (9,674) 
after taxation 
Return/(loss) per ordinary share: 
Basic and diluted                               0.43p      (39.94)     (39.51)p 
The total column of this statement represents the Company's Income Statement 
prepared in accordance with UK GAAP. The revenue and capital columns are 
supplementary to this and are published under guidance from the Association of 
Investment Companies. 
All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continue 
operations. No operations were acquired or discounted in the period. 
Reconciliation of Movement in Shareholders' Funds 
                               Distributable    Capital  Capital    Capital 
                Share   Share        special redemption  reserve    reserve Revenue 
              Capital Premium        reserve    reserve realised unrealised Reserve    Total 
                GBP000s   GBP000s          GBP000s      GBP000s    GBP000s      GBP000s   GBP000s    GBP000s 
Six months to 
31 March 2009 
At 30           2,376     117         18,849        135    2,019   (11,758)     144   11,882 
Share            (17)       -           (47)         17        -          -       -     (47) 
Movements on        -       -              -          -        -    (1,796)       -  (1,796) 
Loss on             -       -              -          -    (360)          -       -    (360) 
Investment          -       -              -          -     (32)          -       -     (32) 
fee charged 
to capital 
Transfer from       -       -          (448)          -      448          -       -        - 
Dividends           -       -              -          -  (1,568)          -    (95)  (1,663) 
paid in 
respect of 
the year 
ended 30 
Revenue             -       -              -          -        -          -      27       27 
return for 
the period 
At 31 March     2,359     117         18,354        152      507   (13,554)      76    8,011 
Six months to 
31 March 2008 
At 30           2,493     117         19,885         18    1,707      (424)      78   23,874 
Share            (33)       -          (182)         33        -          -       -    (182) 
Movements on        -       -              -          -        -    (7,111)       -  (7,111) 
Profit on           -       -              -          -    1,190          -       -    1,190 
Investment          -       -              -          -    (169)          -       -    (169) 
fee charged 
to capital 
Transfer from       -       -          (169)          -      169          -       -        - 
Dividends           -       -              -          -  (1,705)          -    (40)  (1,745) 
paid in 
respect of 
the year 
ended 30 
Revenue loss        -       -              -          -        -          -    (15)     (15) 
for the 
At 31 March     2,460     117         19,534         51    1,192    (7,535)      23   15,842 
For the year end 
30 September 2008 
At 30           2,493     117         19,885         18    1,707      (424)      78   23,874 
Movements on        -       -              -          -        -   (11,334)       - (11,334) 
Profit on           -       -              -          -    1,672          -       -    1,672 
Share           (117)                  (573)        117        -          -       -    (573) 
Investment          -       -              -          -    (118)          -       -    (118) 
fee charged 
to capital 
Transfer from       -       -          (463)          -      463          -       -        - 
Dividends           -       -              -          -  (1,705)          -    (40)  (1,745) 
paid in 
respect of 
the year 
ended 30 
Revenue             -       -              -          -        -          -     106      106 
return for 
the year 
At 30           2,376     117         18,849        135    2,019   (11,758)     144   11,882 
Summarised balance sheet 
                                         31 March     31 March     30 Sept 
                                             2009         2008        2008 
                                      (unaudited)  (unaudited)   (audited) 
                                            GBP000s        GBP000s       GBP000s 
Qualifying investments                      6,198       13,095       8,693 
Non-qualifying investments                  1,351        2,381       1,485 
Current assets                                567          450       1,780 
Creditors: amounts falling due within       (105)         (84)        (76) 
one year 
                                            8,011       15,842      11,882 
Called up share capital                     2,359        2,460       2,376 
Capital redemption reserve                    152           51         135 
Share premium account                         117          117         117 
Distributable special reserve              18,354       19,534      18,849 
Capital reserves                         (13,047)      (6,343)     (9,739) 
Revenue reserves                               76           23         144 
Equity shareholders' funds                  8,011       15,842      11,882 
Net asset value per share                   33.96       64.41p      50.02p 
Cash Flow Statement 
                                      Six months   Six months 
                                              to           to       Year to 
                                        31 March     31 March  30 September 
                                            2009         2008          2008 
                                     (unaudited)  (unaudited)     (audited) 
                                           GBP000s        GBP000s         GBP000s 
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from                53         (38)            39 
operating activities 
Net cash outflow from servicing of             -            -             - 
Net cash inflow from investment              609        1,531         2,958 
Equity dividends paid                    (1,663)      (1,745)       (1,745) 
Net cash outflow from financing                -        (181)         (573) 
(Decrease)/increase in cash              (1,001)        (433)           679 
Reconciliation of operating profit 
to net cash inflow/(outflow) from 
operating activities 
Net (loss)/return before finance         (2,161)      (6,105)       (9,673) 
costs and taxation 
Less capital return for the period         2,188        6,090         9,780 
Net revenue before finance costs and          27         (15)           107 
Decrease/(increase) in debtors                40         (12)          (58) 
Decrease in creditors                       (14)         (11)          (10) 
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from                53         (38)            39 
operating activities 
Reconciliation of net cashflow to 
net funds 
(Decrease)/increase in cash              (1,001)        (433)           679 
Net funds at the beginning of the          1,496          817           817 
Net funds at the end of the period           495          384         1,496 
1 Accounting policies 
The financial information has been prepared on the basis of the accounting 
policies set out in the Company's financial statements for the year ended 30 
September 2008. 
2 Investment management fee 
                                 Six months to Six months to           Year to 
                                 31 March 2009 31 March 2008 30 September 2008 
                                   (unaudited)   (unaudited)         (audited) 
                                         GBP000s         GBP000s             GBP000s 
Investment management fee                   89           191               332 
VAT thereon                                  -            34                55 
Refund of VAT                             (46)             -             (230) 
Total investment management fee             43           225               157 
Amount charged to revenue                   11            56                39 
Amount charged to capital                   32           169               118 
                                            43           225               157 
3. Return/(loss) per ordinary share 
                                   Six months to Six months to          Year to 
                                   31 March 2009 31 March 2008     30 September 
                                     (unaudited)   (unaudited)        (audited) 
The return per share is based on 
the following figures: 
Revenue return/(loss)                    GBP27,000     GBP(15,000)         GBP106,000 
Capital loss                        GBP(2,188,000)  GBP(6,090,000)     GBP(9,780,000) 
Total loss                          GBP(2,161,000)  GBP(6,105,000)     GBP(9,674,000) 
Weighted average number of            23,754,104    24,861,190       24,486,730 
ordinary shares in issue during 
the period 
Revenue return/(loss)per ordinary          0.11p       (0.06)p            0.43p 
Capital loss per ordinary share          (9.21)p      (24.50)p         (39.94)p 
Total loss per ordinary share            (9.10)p      (24.56)p         (39.51)p 
4 Called up share capital 
During the half year ended 31 March 2009, the Company bought back 168,000 
shares for a total consideration of GBP47,000; (half year ended 31 March 2008: 
335,011 shares for a total consideration of GBP182,000; year ended 30 September 
2008: 1,175,379 shares for a total consideration of GBP573,000). 
The number of ordinary shares in issue at 31 March 2009 was 23,587,028. 
5. Net asset value per share 
The net asset value per share and the net assets attributable to the ordinary 
shares at the period end calculated in accordance with the Articles of 
Association were as follows: 
                                           As at         As at            As at 
                                   31 March 2009 31 March 2008     30 September 
                                     (unaudited)   (unaudited)        (audited) 
                                           GBP000s         GBP000s            GBP000s 
Net assets attributable to            GBP8,011,000   GBP15,842,000      GBP11,882,000 
ordinary shareholders 
Ordinary shares in issue              23,587,028    24,595,396       23,755,028 
Net asset value per share                 33.96p        64.41p           50.02p 
6. Financial information 
The Company's financial information for the six months to 31 March 2009 and the 
comparative figures for the corresponding period in the previous financial year 
are unaudited. The financial information for the year to 30 September 2008 are 
extracted from the latest published accounts and do not constitute statutory 
accounts for that year. Those accounts carry an unqualified report from the 
auditors and have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. 
The half-yearly report has not been audited or reviewed by auditors pursuant to 
the Auditing Practices Board guidance on Review of Interim Financial 
7. Related Party Transactions 
During the first six months of the current financial year, no transactions with 
related parties have taken place which have materially affected the financial 
position or the performance of the Company during the period. 
Investment portfolio summary as at 31 March 2009 
Qualifying investments                        Holding       Book    Market   % of 
                                                            cost     value    net 
                                                               GBP         GBP      % 
FDM Group              Ord 1p                 640,000    499,200   627,200   7.83 
Craneware              Ord 1p                 175,000    224,000   381,500   4.76 
Brooks Macdonald Group Ord 1p                 107,142    149,999   307,497   3.84 
Cohort                 Ord 10p                190,700    241,619   303,213   3.79 
Corero                 8% Cnv Uns Red Ln      250,000    250,000   247,500   3.09 
                       Stk 2011 
Mount Engineering      Ord 1p                 375,000    262,500   247,500   3.09 
System C Healthcare    Ord 1p                 648,149    350,000   239,815   2.99 
Concateno              Ord 10p                250,640    213,044   234,975   2.93 
IS Pharma              Ord 70p                371,428    260,000   234,000   2.92 
AT Communications      Ord 1p               1,242,857    522,000   167,786   2.09 
Energetix Group        Ord 5p                 600,000    240,000   162,000   2.02 
Neutrahealth           Ord 10p              5,378,726    552,766   161,362   2.01 
Noble Investments (UK) Ord 1p                 200,000    116,000   158,000   1.97 
Vertu Motors           Ord 10p                833,333    500,000   150,000   1.87 
Plethora Solutions     Ord 1p                 478,535    674,999   148,346   1.85 
Melorio                Ord 10p                150,000    150,000   141,000   1.76 
Getech Group           Ord 0.25p              925,000    360,750   138,750   1.73 
Interquest Group       Ord 1p                 363,636    200,000   127,273   1.59 
Kiotech International  Ord 1p               8,333,334    250,000   125,000   1.56 
Sectorguard            Ord 0.5p            10,000,000    350,000   125,000   1.56 
Maxima Holdings        Ord 1p                 290,000    478,500   124,700   1.56 
Brulines Group         Ord 10p                131,667    161,950   121,134   1.51 
Evolutec Group         Ord 10p                368,025    533,985    88,326   1.10 
Tristel                Ord 1p                 229,729     85,000    85,000   1.06 
Sanderson Group        Ord 10p                700,000    350,000    70,000   0.87 
Hexagon Human Capital  Ord 1p                 180,303    297,500    68,515   0.86 
Innovision Research &  Ord 1p                 337,037    151,667    67,407   0.84 
Claimar Care Group     Ord 10p                875,000    671,250    65,625   0.82 
Pressure Technologies  Ord 5p                  36,000     54,000    63,000   0.79 
Plastics Capital       Ord 1p                 150,000    150,000    55,500   0.69 
Invocas Group          Ord 0.25p              137,150    152,236    52,117   0.65 
Imagelinx              Ord 0.1p             4,000,000    200,000    50,000   0.62 
Enfis Group            Ord 10p                140,666    196,932    49,233   0.62 
Corero                 Ord 10p              2,173,913    250,000    48,913   0.61 
Managed Support        Ord 1p                 500,000    254,217    47,500   0.59 
Dillistone Group       Ord 5p                  30,000     37,500    42,000   0.52 
PHSC                   Ord 10p                229,110    121,428    41,240   0.52 
Fulcrum Pharma         Ord 1p               2,352,941    100,000    41,176   0.51 
Corac Group            Ord 10p                225,000     94,500    40,500   0.51 
Essentially Group      Ord 0.1p             1,978,494    300,000    39,570   0.49 
Angle                  Ord 10p                506,308    399,983    35,442   0.44 
Byotrol                Ord 0.25p              472,500    283,500    35,437   0.44 
Ant                    Ord 5p                 145,000    182,700    33,350   0.42 
Axeon Holdings         Ord 5p                 862,068    499,999    32,327   0.40 
Tangent Communications Ord 1p               1,153,846    150,000    31,731   0.40 
Relax Group            Ord 10p                 55,555     99,999    31,111   0.39 
Western & Oriental     Ord 0.5p             1,000,000    100,000    30,000   0.38 
Sovereign Oilfield     Ord 1p                 144,000    201,600    28,800   0.36 
Netservices            Ord 0.25p              950,700    674,997    28,521   0.36 
EG Solutions           Ord 1p                 235,294    200,000    28,235   0.35 
Travelzest             Ord 2p                  79,365    100,000    27,778   0.35 
Secora                 Ord 5p                 450,000    315,000    27,000   0.34 
Bglobal                Ord 1p                 213,333    106,667    24,533   0.31 
Belgravium             Ord 5p               1,250,000    175,000    21,875   0.27 
Datong                 Ord 0.5p               117,187    149,999    21,094   0.26 
Cyan Holdings          Ord 0.2p             1,500,000    150,000    15,000   0.19 
Optimisa               Ord 25p                 64,998    140,829    13,000   0.16 
Sport Media Group      Ord 0.25p              333,333    250,000    10,000   0.13 
Biocare Solutions      Ord 1p               1,250,000    250,000     9,375   0.12 
@UK                    Ord 1p                 416,666    250,000     6,250   0.08 
Alterian               Ord 25p                 10,568     22,400     5,918   0.07 
Wyatt Group            Ord 1p                 444,444     80,000     4,444   0.06 
Media Square           Ord 10p                100,000    250,000     4,250   0.05 
Invu                   Ord 1p                 133,333     40,000     3,667   0.05 
Motionposter           Ord 1p                   4,000    100,000        40      - 
Bioganix               Ord 10p                210,000    253,266         -      - 
Dietbrown              Ord 3.8p               526,325    500,009         -      - 
Dipford Group          Ord 5p                 500,000    300,000         -      - 
Fishworks              Ord 1p                 750,000    247,500         -      - 
Hat Pin                Ord 2.5p               234,375    168,750         -      - 
Servocell Group        Ord 1p                 260,425    140,630         -      - 
Total qualifying                                      17,790,370 6,198,351  77.37 
Non-qualifying                                         3,312,149 1,350,440  16.86 
Total fixed asset                                     21,102,519 7,548,791  94.23 
Investor information 
Structure of the Company 
The Company has one class of share capital, ordinary shares of 10p each. The 
Company now has 23,587,028 ordinary shares in issue. VCTs are long term 
investments, with the full benefit of their tax reliefs being available to 
qualifying subscribers only where they hold their investment for three years. 
The initial duration of the Company has been set at seven years. The board is 
required, under the Articles, to put a proposal for the continuation of the 
Company as a venture capital trust to Shareholders at the Company's annual 
general meeting in 2012 and thereafter at three year intervals. 
Half-year results announced May 
Full-year results announced December 
Report and Accounts posted to shareholders January 
Annual General Meeting held February 
Dividend policy 
Venture capital trusts can distribute realised capital profits from the sale of 
underlying investments and income by way of dividends, which are free of income 
tax to qualifying subscribers and qualifying purchasers. It is intended that 
the Company will take advantage of this by distributing some or all of its 
realised profits from time to time. 
Shareholders who wish to have dividends paid directly into a bank account, 
rather than by cheque to their registered address, may complete a mandate form 
for this purpose, which may be obtained from the Registrars. 
Market information 
The Company's shares are listed on the London Stock Exchange. The market price 
is shown daily in the Financial Times under the Investment Companies section. 
The net asset value per ordinary share is calculated weekly and published on 
the London Stock Exchange Company Announcements Service. 
Shareholder enquiries 
Capita Registrars are the Company's registrars and maintain the share register. 
In the event of queries regarding their holdings of shares, lost certificates, 
dividend payments, registered details, etc, shareholders should contact them on 
0871 664 0300 (calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras) or +44 (0)20 8639 
3399 (from overseas). Changes of name or address must be notified to the 
registrars in writing. 
Any general enquiries about the Company should be directed to the Company 
Secretary, at the Company's registered office. 
Further information on the Company can be found on the AXA Framlington website 
at www.axaframlington.com. The website contains information on all the AXA 
Framlington investment trusts, including up-to-date performance data, and AXA 
Framlington's Guide to VCTs. 
Copies of the 2008 annual accounts are available from the Company's registered 
office - 155 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3XJ. 

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