RNS Number : 2580P 
Kedco PLC 
23 March 2009 

23 March 2009 
Kedco plc 
("Kedco" or the "Company") 
Interim results for the six months ended 31 December 2008 
Kedco plc, an Irish-based energy group focusing on green energy production in 
the UK, Ireland and Eastern Europe, announces today its interim results for the 
six months ended 31st December 2008. 
  *  Significant progress made towards the Compay's objective of commencing 
  electricity generation in 2009. 
  *  Two 2MW gasification units together with gas conversion engines ordered from 
  preferred suppliers in the US and Europe and are expected to be commissioned in 
  *  Offer received from Latvian Government to supply 4MW of electricity from 
  Vudlande plant with potential revenues of EUR24 million over a five-year initial 
  term (based on an indicative price of EUR150 per MWh). 
  *  25 identified projects of which 12 have non binding Letters of Intent ("LoI") 
  with potential aggregate capacity of 48MW. 
  *  Of these LoI's : 
    *  5 are in early stages of the planning and permitting process 
    *  3 are in advanced stages of planning and permitting 
    *  2 are in advanced planning stages with equipment ordered 
  *  Revenues of EUR3.2 million in line with expectations. 
  *  Loss (excluding one-off listing costs) for the period reduced to EUR2.1 million 
  representing a 20 per cent. improvement on the prior year comparable period 
  (2007 loss: EUR2.6 million). 
  *  Additional capital of EUR967,556 (before expenses) sourced from a variety of 
  institutional investors in February 2009. 
  *  Total cash of EUR1.7 million at the period end 
Donal Buckley, Chief Executive of Kedco, commented: 
"We are extremely pleased with the progress we have made on our project pipeline 
of which nearly half have signed, non-binding, letters of intent in place. This 
was a key objective of the Board and we intend to convert the majority of these 
into electricity generating plants in the medium-term. 
"As well as significant progress with our pipeline of projects, we also admitted 
the Company's shares to trading on AIM in October 2008, which we believe is a 
significant step in taking the business to the next stage in it's development. 
The Board of Kedco looks forward to the next year with confidence and 
For additional information please contact: 
| Kedco plc                                       | +353 (0)21 467 0427  | 
| Donal Buckley, Chief Executive                  |                      | 
| Gerry Madden, Finance Director                  |                      | 
| Financial Dynamics - London                     | +44 (0)20 7831 3113  | 
| Edward Westropp / James Melville-Ross / Alex    |                      | 
| Beagley                                         |                      | 
| Deloitte Corporate Finance - Nomad              | +44 (0)20 7936 3000  | 
| Jonathan Hinton / David Smith                   |                      | 
| Lewis Charles Securities - Broker               | +44 (0)20 7456 9100  | 
| Kealan Doyle / Nicholas Nicolaides              |                      | 
Chairman's Statement 
I am delighted to report another period of solid progress for Kedco. Since our 
admission to the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange in 
October 2008 we have made significant advances in developing and implementing 
our strategy to deliver shareholder value from the sale and operation in 
partnership of biomass waste-to-energy power plants. 
Kedco acts as a platform-provider, sourcing waste-to-energy technolgies for sale 
to a customer base that includes medium-sized waste operators, food companies, 
agricultural operators and local municipal authorities. We partner with our 
customers to own and operate electricity generating plants, utilising our 
customers' waste as feedstock. In this way, the environmental and financial 
costs relating to waste disposal are alleviated. We use two tried and tested 
technologies, being gasifiation of wood and wood waste and anaerobic digestion 
of either food or agricultural waste, to convert the waste into renewable 
The alternative energy sector is currently being driven by regulation and 
legislation and we believe that the new UK Energy bill will create additional 
opportunities for Kedco when it comes into effect on 1 April 2009. In our view, 
the most significant change to the regulatory regime is the shift to differing 
levels of Government incentive dependent on the renewable technologies utilised. 
We are delighted that the waste-to-energy sector will receive a doubling of such 
We have continued to progress those projects for which we had signed, 
non-binding letters of intent at the time of our admission to AIM. In respect of 
the two most advanced projects, we have entered into partnership contracts with 
two medium-sized waste operators with the intention of building and operating 
plants which will convert wood waste into electricity using gasification 
technology. The gasification technology in respect of these projects has been 
ordered and we intend it to be installed and operational in 2009. 
I would like to thank all Kedco employees for their continued commitment and 
achievements, especially over the past nine months. I would also like to thank 
the growing number of shareholders for their continuing interest and ongoing 
support of Kedco plc. 
William Kingston 
Chief Executive's Report 
Operational review 
In the six months to 31 December 2008 the performance of the Company was in line 
with our expectations. 
We have made significant progress in our objective of commencing the generation 
of electricity in the second half of 2009 and currently have 12 non-binding, 
signed letters of intent in place with potential partners. 
Two 2MW gasification units together with gas conversion engines have been 
ordered from our preferred suppliers in respect of our two most imminent 
projects. It is intended that these plants will be commissioned over the coming 
months. Partnership agreements have been signed with the respective customers 
and the remaining legal agreements are currently being finalised. 
In respect of these and three other projects, we are engaged in the final stages 
of the planning process. The three other projects utilise anaerobic digestion 
An additional five letters of intent were announced to the market on 17 March 
2009 and relate to projects that are at a relatively early stage of contract 
negotiation and planning. 
In total, these 12 LoIs have a potential aggregate capacity of 48MW. The 25 
specific opportunities identified at the time of our admission to AIM, of which 
the 12 LoIs form a part, have a potential aggregate capacity of 102MW. 
We also announced on 17 March 2009 that the Latvian Government had offered Kedco 
an initial five-year contract to supply 4MW of electricity generated from 
biomass renewable sources. It has always been the Board's ambition to build a 
gasification plant on this site and the contract will allow Kedco to sell the 
electricity it generates at a variable price referenced to the prevailing 
wholesale gas price. The Board estimates that the project could generate up to 
approximately EUR24m in revenues over the initial term (based on an indicative 
price of EUR150 per MWh). We are currently considering the financing and timing 
implications of the project and will make a further announcement in due course. 
The current economic climate has been challenging for Kedco Energy where we 
supply biomass boilers to domestic and commercial markets and produce and sell 
wood and other biomass products. We have experienced encouraging demand for our 
boilers albeit that this has tended to be in respect of our products for the 
domestic market which have a lower retail value than commercial market products. 
However, the increased demand for domestic boilers has been offset by reduced 
demand for our wood and biomass products where market conditions remain 
The market conditions, together with our increased focus on the activities of 
the Kedco Power division, has led to a decline in revenues in line with our 
Financial review 
Revenues in the first half to 31 December 2008 related entirely to the Kedco 
Energy division and decreased to EUR3,220,751, a reduction of 20 per cent. when 
compared with the corresponding period for the prior year. The loss for the 
period was EUR3,029,830 (2007: EUR2,611,997) which included one off listing costs of 
EUR946,024. This loss includes costs that reflect the Company's continued use of 
resource to grow and execute the electricity generating business in line with 
the Company's stated strategy. 
We continue to manage our financial resources prudently. Cash and bank balances 
at the period end were EUR1.7m. This balance is stated after paying deposits of 
approximately EUR2.7m to suppliers of gasification units. On 20 February 2009 the 
Company raised EUR967,556 before expenses from a variety of institutional 
We believe that the outlook for Kedco in the waste-to-energy market is extremely 
positive. The twin drivers of regulation in relation to waste disposal and 
legislation in relation to the generation of renewable electricity, could 
significantly enhance the performance of the Company in the future. 
Looking forward to the remainder of the year, we consider the main areas of 
uncertainty to be the continued effect of the downturn in the global economy on 
Kedco Energy's trading activities and the impact of the tightening in credit 
markets on the cost and availability of finance for new projects. With this in 
mind the business has continued to exercise tight control over its cost base. 
We are engaged with a select number of partners in the waste-to-energy sector. I 
am confident that we are on course to execute commercial agreements with these 
partners and to build electricity generating plants which will enhance Kedco 
shareholder value. 
The Board' and management of Kedco looks forward to the future with confidence 
and excitement. 
Donal Buckley 
Independent Review Report to Kedco plc 
We have been engaged by the company to review the condensed set of financial 
statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 31 
December 2008 which comprises the Consolidated Income Statement, the 
Consolidated Balance Sheet, the Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity, the 
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement and the related notes. We have read the other 
information contained in the half-yearly financial report and considered whether 
it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the 
condensed set of financial statements. 
This report is made solely to the company, in accordance with the International 
Standard on Review Engagements, 2410 "Review of Interim Financial Information 
Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity". Our work has been 
undertaken so that we might state to the company those matters we are required 
to state to them in an independent review report and for no other purpose. To 
the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility 
to anyone other than the company, for our review work, for this report, or for 
the conclusions we have formed. 
Directors' Responsibilities 
The half-yearly financial report is the responsibility of, and has been approved 
by, the directors. The directors are responsible for preparing the half-yearly 
financial report in accordance with the Listing Rules of the London Stock 
Exchange for companies trading securities on the Alternative Investment Market 
which require that the half-yearly report be presented and prepared in a form 
consistent with that which will be adopted in the company's annual accounts 
having regard to the accounting standards applicable to such annual accounts. 
As disclosed in note 1, the annual financial statements of the group are 
prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union. The 
condensed set of financial statements included in this half-yearly financial 
report has been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard 
34, "Interim Financial Reporting", as adopted by the European Union. 
Our Responsibility 
Our responsibility is to express to the company a conclusion on the condensed 
set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report based on our 
Scope of Review 
We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review 
Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410, "Review of Interim Financial Information 
Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity" issued by the Auditing 
Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom and Ireland. A review of interim 
financial information consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons 
responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and 
other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit 
conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and 
Ireland) and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would 
become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. 
Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion. 
Independent Review Report to Kedco plc 
Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe 
that the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial 
report for the six months ended 31 December 2008 is not prepared, in all 
material respects, in accordance with International Accounting Standards 34 as 
adopted by the European Union and the rules of the London Stock Exchange for 
companies trading securities on the Alternative Investment Market. 
Chartered Accountants and Auditors 
Date: 20th March 2009 
Note: A review does not provide assurance on the maintenance and integrity of 
the website, including controls used to achieve this, and in particular on 
whether any changes may have occurred to the financial information since first 
published. These matters are the responsibility of the directors but no control 
procedures can provide absolute assurance in this area. 
Legislation in Ireland governing the preparation and dissemination of financial 
information differs from legislation in other jurisdictions. 
|                            | Notes  |               |   31 December |   31 December | 
|                            |        |               |          2008 |          2007 | 
|                            |        |               |             EUR |             EUR | 
| Continuing operations      |        |               |               |               | 
|                            |        |               |               |               | 
| Revenue                    | 4      |               |     3,220,751 |     4,227,428 | 
| Cost of sales              |        |               |   (2,722,957) |   (3,756,347) | 
|                            |        |               |               |               | 
| Gross profit               |        |               |       497,794 |       471,081 | 
|                            |        |               |               |               | 
| Operating expenses         |        |               |               |               | 
| Administrative expenses    |        |               |   (2,356,953) |   (2,688,479) | 
| One-off listing costs      |        |               |     (946,024) |             - | 
|                            |        |               |               |               | 
| Operating loss             |        |               |   (2,805,183) |   (2,217,398) | 
|                            |        |               |               |               | 
| Finance costs              |        |               |     (323,834) |     (394,940) | 
| Finance income             |        |               |        99,187 |           341 | 
|                            |        |               |               |               | 
| Loss before taxation       |        |               |   (3,029,830) |   (2,611,997) | 
|                            |        |               |               |               | 
| Income tax                 | 5      |               |             - |             - | 
|                            |        |               |               |               | 
| Loss for the period        |        |               |   (3,029,830) |   (2,611,997) | 
|                            |        |               |               |               | 
| Attributable to:           |        |               |               |               | 
|                            |        |               |               |               | 
| Equity holders of the      |        |               |   (2,989,249) |   (2,642,702) | 
| parent                     |        |               |               |               | 
| Minority interest          |        |               |      (40,581) |        30,705 | 
|                            |        |               |               |               | 
|                            |        |               |   (3,029,830) |   (2,611,997) | 
|  | Basic loss per share:      |      |              |                |               | 
|  | From continuing operations | 6    |              |        (0.017) |       (0.029) | 
|  | Diluted loss per share:    |      |              |                |               | 
|  | From continuing operations | 6    |              |        (0.015) |       (0.029) | 
  Condensed consolidated balance sheet at 31 December 2008 
|                               |Notes  |            |    31 December |  30 June 2008 | 
|                               |       |            |           2008 |               | 
| Assets                        |       |            |              EUR |             EUR | 
| Non-current assets            |       |            |                |               | 
| Goodwill                      |  7    |            |        549,451 |       549,451 | 
| Other intangible assets       |       |            |        200,401 |       234,301 | 
| Property, plant and equipment |  8    |            |      5,233,161 |     5,024,351 | 
|                               |       |            |      5,983,013 |     5,808,103 | 
| Assets classified as held for |       |            |      1,602,256 |     1,602,256 | 
| sale                          |       |            |                |               | 
| Total non-current assets      |       |            |      7,585,269 |     7,410,359 | 
|                               |       |            |                |               | 
| Current assets                |       |            |                |               | 
| Inventories                   |       |            |      1,157,558 |     1,625,316 | 
| Trade and other receivables   |  9    |            |      4,817,679 |     1,375,790 | 
| Cash and bank balances        |       |            |      1,747,422 |       306,238 | 
| Total current assets          |       |            |      7,722,659 |     3,307,344 | 
|                               |       |            |                |               | 
| Total assets                  |       |            |     15,307,928 |    10,717,703 | 
|                               |       |            |                |               | 
| Equity and liabilities        |       |            |                |               | 
| Equity                        |       |            |                |               | 
| Share capital                 |  10   |            |      2,985,645 |     1,807,933 | 
| Share premium                 |  10   |            |     13,974,589 |     7,084,737 | 
| Retained earnings - deficit   |       |            |   (11,094,880) |   (8,133,321) | 
| Equity attributable to equity |       |            |      5,865,354 |     759,349   | 
| holders of the parent         |       |            |                |               | 
| Minority interest             |       |            |        557,682 |       596,651 | 
| Total equity                  |       |            |      6,423,036 |     1,356,000 | 
|                               |       |            |                |               | 
| Non-current liabilities       |       |            |                |               | 
| Borrowings                    |       |            |      5,307,321 |     5,178,679 | 
| Deferred income - government  |       |            |         59,448 |        71,501 | 
| grants                        |       |            |                |               | 
| Finance lease liabilities     |       |            |        175,513 |       243,009 | 
| Deferred tax liability        |       |            |         81,078 |        80,860 | 
|                               |       |            |      5,623,360 |     5,574,049 | 
| Liabilities associated with   |       |            |      1,763,177 |     1,743,986 | 
| assets as held for sale       |       |            |                |               | 
| Total non-current liabilities |       |            |      7,386,537 |     7,318,035 | 
|                               |       |            |                |               | 
| Current liabilities           |       |            |                |               | 
| Trade and other payables      |       |            |        798,844 |     1,318,627 | 
| Borrowings                    |       |            |        632,504 |       571,406 | 
| Deferred income - government  |       |            |         24,495 |        24,431 | 
| grants                        |       |            |                |               | 
| Finance lease liabilities     |       |            |         42,512 |       129,204 | 
| Total current liabilities     |       |            |      1,498,355 |     2,043,668 | 
|                               |       |            |                |               | 
| Total equity and liabilities  |       |            |     15,307,928 |   10,717,703  | 
Condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity 
| Six months ended 31 December 2007               |  |                          |         | 
|               |            |               |    |  |                          |         | 
|               |      Share |         Share |      Retained |       | Attributable |    Minority |     Total | 
|               |    capital |       premium |      earnings |       |    to equity |    interest |           | 
|               |            |               |               |       |   holders of |             |           | 
|               |            |               |               |       |   the parent |             |           | 
|               |          EUR |             EUR |             EUR |       |            EUR |           EUR |         EUR | 
| Balance at 1  |  1,000,000 |     1,605,000 |   (4,157,475) |       |  (1,552,475) |     573,498 | (978,977) | 
| July 2007     |            |               |               |       |              |             |           | 
| Issue of      |    214,838 | 1,273,847 |             - |       |        1,488,685 |           - | 1,488,685 | 
| ordinary      |            |           |               |       |                  |             |           | 
| shares        |            |           |               |       |                  |             |           | 
| (Loss)/profit |          - |         - |   (2,642,702) |       |      (2,642,702) |  30,705 |   (2,611,997) | 
| for the       |            |           |               |       |                  |         |               | 
| period        |            |           |               |       |                  |         |               | 
| Balance at    |  1,214,838 | 2,878,847 |   (6,800,177) |       |      (2,706,492) | 604,203 |   (2,102,289) | 
| 31 December   |            |           |               |       |                  |         |               | 
| 2007          |            |           |               |       |                  |         |               | 
| Six months ended 31 December 2008                    |            |    |       |  | 
|              |             |              |          |            |    |       |  | 
|              |       Share |        Share |     Retained |  | Attributable | Minority |        Total | 
|              |     capital |      premium |     earnings |  |    to equity | interest |              | 
|              |             |              |              |  |   holders of |          |              | 
|              |             |              |              |  |   the parent |          |              | 
|              |           EUR |            EUR |            EUR |  |            EUR |        EUR |            EUR | 
| Balance at 1 |   1,807,933 |    7,084,737 |  (8,133,321) |  |      759,349 |  596,651 |    1,356,000 | 
| July 2008    |             |              |              |  |              |          |              | 
| Issue of     |     685,148 |    6,889,852 |            - |  |    7,575,000 |        - |    7,575,000 | 
| ordinary     |             |              |              |  |              |          |              | 
| shares in    |             |              |              |  |              |          |              | 
| Kedco Block  |             |              |              |  |              |          |              | 
| Holdings     |             |              |              |  |              |          |              | 
| Limited      |             |              |              |  |              |          |              | 
| Ordinary     |   1,994,465 |   32,908,669 |            - |  |   34,903,134 |        - |   34,903,134 | 
| shares       |             |              |              |  |              |          |              | 
| issued by    |             |              |              |  |              |          |              | 
| Kedco plc in |             |              |              |  |              |          |              | 
| a share for  |             |              |              |  |              |          |              | 
| share        |             |              |              |  |              |          |              | 
| exchange     |             |              |              |  |              |          |              | 
| A ordinary   |     498,616 |            - |            - |  |      498,616 |        - |      498,616 | 
| shares       |             |              |              |  |              |          |              | 
| issued by    |             |              |              |  |              |          |              | 
| Kedco plc in |             |              |              |  |              |          |              | 
| a share for  |             |              |              |  |              |          |              | 
| share        |             |              |              |  |              |          |              | 
| exchange     |             |              |              |  |              |          |              | 
| Issue of A   |     492,564 |            - |            - |  |      492,564 |        - |      492,564 | 
| shares in    |             |              |              |  |              |          |              | 
| Kedco plc    |             |              |              |  |              |          |              | 
| Reverse      | (2,493,081) | (32,908,669) |            - |  | (35,401,750) |        - | (35,401,750) | 
| acquisition  |             |              |              |  |              |          |              | 
| adjustment   |             |              |              |  |              |          |              | 
| under IFRS 3 |             |              |              |  |              |          |              | 
| Loss for the |           - |            - |  (2,989,249) |  |  (2,989,249) | (40,581) |  (3,029,830) | 
| period       |             |              |              |  |              |          |              | 
| Unrealised   |           - |            - |       27,690 |  |       27,690 |    1,612 |       29,302 | 
| foreign      |             |              |              |  |              |          |              | 
| exchange     |             |              |              |  |              |          |              | 
| loss         |             |              |              |  |              |          |              | 
| Balance at   |   2,985,645 |   13,974,589 | (11,094,880) |  |    5,865,354 |  557,682 |    6,423,036 | 
| 31 December  |             |              |              |  |              |          |              | 
| 2008         |             |              |              |  |              |          |              | 
Consolidated cash flow statement for the six months ended 31 December 2008 
|                                   |      |        | Six months ended | Six months ended | 
|                                   |      |        | 31 December 2008 | 31 December 2007 | 
|                                   |      |        |                EUR |                EUR | 
| Cash flows from operating         |      |        |                  |                  | 
| activities                        |      |        |                  |                  | 
| Loss before taxation              |      |        |      (3,029,830) |      (2,611,997) | 
| Adjustments for:                  |      |        |                  |                  | 
| Depreciation of property, plant   |      |        |          255,033 |          273,109 | 
| and equipment                     |      |        |                  |                  | 
| Amortisation of intangible assets |      |        |           41,563 |           41,636 | 
| Unrealised foreign exchange loss  |      |        |           16,587 |                - | 
| Interest expense                  |      |        |          323,834 |          394,940 | 
| Interest income                   |      |        |         (99,187) |            (341) | 
| Operating cash flows before       |      |        |      (2,492,000) |      (1,902,653) | 
| working capital changes           |      |        |                  |                  | 
| (Increase)/decrease in:           |      |        |                  |                  | 
|   Trade and other receivables     |      |        |      (2,947,296) |          116,286 | 
|   Inventories                     |      |        |          467,758 |           27,639 | 
| (Decrease)/increase in:           |      |        |                  |                  | 
|   Trade and other payables        |      |        |        (489,731) |          837,499 | 
|                                   |      |        |      (5,461,269) |        (921,229) | 
| Net interest paid                 |      |        |        (268,495) |        (394,599) | 
| Net cash used in operating        |      |        |      (5,729,764) |      (1,315,828) | 
| activities                        |      |        |                  |                  | 
|                                   |      |        |                  |                  | 
| Cash flows from investing         |      |        |                  |                  | 
| activities                        |      |        |                  |                  | 
| Additions to property, plant and  |      |        |        (518,717) |      (1,009,870) | 
| equipment                         |      |        |                  |                  | 
| Additions to intangibles          |      |        |          (7,660) |                - | 
| Proceeds from disposal of         |      |        |           67,582 |                - | 
| property, plant and equipment     |      |        |                  |                  | 
| Net cash used in investing        |      |        |        (458,795) |      (1,009,870) | 
| activities                        |      |        |                  |                  | 
|                                   |      |        |                  |                  | 
| Cash flows from financing         |      |        |                  |                  | 
| activities                        |      |        |                  |                  | 
| Net proceeds from borrowings      |      |        |          147,833 |          826,269 | 
| Proceeds from issuance of         |      |        |        7,575,000 |        1,255,000 | 
| ordinary shares                   |      |        |                  |                  | 
| Payments of finance leases        |      |        |        (154,188) |         (64,997) | 
| Net cash from financing           |      |        |        7,568,645 |        2,016,272 | 
| activities                        |      |        |                  |                  | 
|                                   |      |        |                  |                  | 
| Net increase/(decrease) in cash   |      |        |        1,380,086 |        (309,426) | 
| and cash equivalents              |      |        |                  |                  | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at the  |      |        |        (265,168) |        (123,489) | 
| beginning of the financial period |      |        |                  |                  | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at the  |      |        |        1,114,918 |        (432,915) | 
| end of the financial period       |      |        |                  |                  | 
  Notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements for the six months 
ended 31 December 2008 
1. Basis of preparation 
The interim condensed consolidated financial statements have been prepared in 
accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"), and are in 
compliance with International Accounting Standard (IAS) 34 Interim Financial 
The interim condensed consolidated financial statements are presented in Euro 
and have been prepared under the historical cost convention. 
The Kedco group has historically prepared its annual financial statements under 
Irish Generally Accepted Accounting Practice ('Irish GAAP'); however, as 
required by AIM rules, the Kedco group will in future prepare its annual 
financial statements under International Financial Reporting Standards and 
International Financial Reporting Council 'IFRIC' interpretations as adopted by 
the European Union ('IFRS'). Kedco has adopted IFRS with effect from 14 March 
2005 as part of the financial information included in the admission document, 
which is publicly available. The Company will apply IFRS in its financial 
statements in its Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2009. Therefore these 
interim statements for the six months ended 31 December 2008 are prepared using 
accounting policies in accordance with IFRS in so far as concerns recognition, 
measurements and presentation that are expected to be applicable to the 
financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2009. 
These standards remain subject to ongoing amendment and/or interpretation and 
are therefore still subject to change. Accordingly, information contained in 
these interim financial statements may need to be updated for subsequent 
amendments to IFRS required for first time adoption or for new standards issued 
after the balance sheet date. 
The basis of preparation and accounting policies followed in the Interim Report 
differ from those set out in the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the 
year ended 30 June 2008, which were prepared in accordance with Irish GAAP. 
This report has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 'Interim Financial 
A detailed explanation of the impact of the transition from Irish GAAP to IFRS, 
setting out the restatement of the comparatives for the year ended 30 June 2008, 
was provided in the documents accompanying the admission document, and issued to 
the Stock Exchange on 20 October 2008. Details of the significant accounting 
policies used in the preparation of the Company's reported results under IFRS 
and therefore applied in the preparation of this Interim Report were also 
provided within the financial information of Kedco Block Holdings Limited 
included in the admission document and are available on the Company's website at 
The financial information in this interim report does not comprise the statutory 
financial statements of the Company, a copy of which is required to be annexed 
to the Company's annual return to the Companies Registration Office. A copy of 
the financial statements in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2008 
has been annexed to the Company's annual return for 2008. The auditors of the 
Company have made a report, without any qualification on their audit, on the 
financial statements of the Company in respect of the financial period ended 30 
June 2008. 
The results for the six months to 31 December 2008 and 31 December 2007 are 
2.    Basis of consolidation 
The interim condensed consolidated financial statements include the financial 
statements of the Company and all subsidiaries. The financial year ends of all 
entities in the Group are coterminous. 
The financial statements of subsidiaries are included in the interim condensed 
consolidated financial statements from the date on which control over the 
operating and financial decisions is 
obtained and cease to be consolidated from the date on which control is 
transferred out of the Group. Control exists where the Company has the power, 
directly or indirectly, to govern the financial and operating policies of the 
entity so as to obtain economic benefits from its activities. 
On 13 October 2008, the Group, previously headed by Kedco Block Holdings Limited 
underwent a re-organisation by virtue of which Kedco Block Holdings Limited's 
shareholders, in their entirety, exchanged their shares, for shares in Kedco 
plc, a newly formed company. Kedco plc then became the ultimate parent company 
of the Group. Notwithstanding the change in the legal parent of the Group, this 
transaction has been accounted for as a reverse asset acquisition under IFRS 3 
Business Combinations and these interim condensed consolidated financial 
statements are prepared on the basis of the new legal parent, Kedco plc, having 
been acquired by the existing Group. As a result of applying reverse asset 
acquisition accounting, the condensed consolidated financial statements are a 
continuation of the financial statements of Kedco Block Holdings Limited and its 
All inter-company balances and transactions, including unrealised gains arising 
from inter-group transactions, have been eliminated in full. Unrealised losses 
are eliminated in the same manner as unrealised gains except to the extent that 
they provide evidence of impairment. 
The interest of minority shareholders in the acquiree is measured at the 
minority's proportion of the fair value of the assets, liabilities and 
contingent liabilities recognised. 
3.    Significant accounting policies 
Apart from the policies set out below, the principal accounting policies used in 
preparing the interim condensed consolidated financial statements are unchanged 
from those disclosed in the consolidated financial information included in the 
admission document for the period ended 30 June 2008. The financial information 
included in the admission document relates to Kedco Block Holdings Limited. 
Prior to the incorporation of Kedco plc, Kedco Block Holdings Limited was the 
ultimate holding company of the Kedco group. 
Share-based payments 
The Group operates an equity settled share-based Long Term Incentive Plan (the 
"LTIP"). Group share schemes allow employees to acquire shares in the Company. 
The fair value of share entitlements is recognised as an employee expense in the 
income statement with a corresponding increase in equity. Share entitlements 
granted by the Company under the LTIP are subject to non-market vesting 
conditions. Non-market vesting conditions are not taken into account when 
estimating the fair value of entitlements as at the grant date. 
The expense for the share entitlements shown in the income statement is based on 
the fair value of the total number of entitlements expected to vest and is 
allocated to accounting periods on a straight-line basis over the vesting 
period. The cumulative charge to the income statement is reversed only where 
entitlements do not vest because all non-market performance conditions have not 
been met or where an employee in receipt of share entitlements leaves the Group 
before the end of the vesting period. 
4.    Segment reporting 
Segment information is presented in respect of the Group's business segments. 
This is based on the Group's management and internal reporting structure. 
The Group's activity comprises two separate business segments, Kedco Power and 
Kedco Energy. 
The Kedco Power business segment is the main focus of the Group and specialises 
in electrical power generation from biomass and waste. 
Kedco Energy contains a number of ancillary businesses serving industrial and 
residential customers, all with a renewable energy focus. 
| Segment information by     |        |              |    Six months |    Six months | 
| Business Segment           |        |              |      ended 31 |      ended 31 | 
|                            |        |              | December 2008 | December 2007 | 
| Revenue by business        |        |              |             EUR |             EUR | 
| Continuing operations      |        |              |               |               | 
| Kedco Power                |        |              |             - |             - | 
| Kedco Energy               |        |              |     3,220,751 |     4,227,428 | 
|                            |        |              |               |               | 
| Total Revenue              |        |              |     3,220,751 |     4,227,428 | 
|                            |        |              |               |               | 
| Operating loss             |        |              |               |               | 
| Continuing operations      |        |              |               |               | 
| Kedco Power                |        |              |     (706,052) |     (364,098) | 
| Kedco Energy               |        |              |     (715,414) |   (1,075,359) | 
|                            |        |              |   (1,421,466) |   (1,439,457) | 
|                            |        |              |               |               | 
| Unallocated group costs    |        |              |     (437,693) |     (777,941) | 
| Unallocated flotation      |        |              |     (946,024) |            -  | 
| costs                      |        |              |               |               | 
|                            |        |              |               |               | 
| Operating loss from        |        |              |   (2,805,183) |   (2,217,398) | 
| continuing operations      |        |              |               |               | 
The Group's segmental information contains certain headings, which are not 
defined under IFRS. For clarity, the following are the definitions as applied by 
the Group in their management information: 
  *   'Operating loss' is profit before taxation and finance costs and represents the 
  result for each segment 
The Group makes this distinction to give a better understanding of the 
performance of the business. 
5.    Income tax 
An income tax charge does not arise for the 6 months ended 31 December 2008 or 
31 December 2007 as the effective tax rate applicable to expected to total 
annual earnings is Nil as the Group have sufficient tax losses coming forward to 
offset against any taxable profits. A deferred tax asset has not been recognised 
for the losses coming forward. 
6.Earnings per share 
|     |                            |           |   Six months ended |    Six months ended | 
|     |                            |           |   31 December 2008 |    31 December 2007 | 
|     |                            |           |                  EUR |                   EUR | 
|     |                            |           |     Euro per share |      Euro per share | 
|     | Basic loss per share       |           |                    |                     | 
|     |                            |           |                    |                     | 
|     | From continuing operations |           |            (0.017) |             (0.029) | 
|     |                            |           |                    |                     | 
|     |                            |           |                    |                     | 
|     | Diluted loss per share     |           |                    |                     | 
|     |                            |           |                    |                     | 
|     | From continuing operations |           |            (0.015) |             (0.029) | 
|     |                            |           |                    |                     | 
|     |                            |           |                    |                     | 
|     | Basic loss per share       |           |                    |                     | 
|     | The earnings and weighted average number of ordinary shares used in the           | 
|     | calculation of the basic loss per share are as follows:                           | 
|     |                            |           |   Six months ended | Six months ended 31 | 
|     |                            |           |   31 December 2008 |       December 2007 | 
|     |                            |           |        (Unaudited) |         (Unaudited) | 
|     |                            |           |                  EUR |                   EUR | 
|     | Loss for year attributable |           |        (3,029,830) |         (2,611,997) | 
|     | to equity holders of the   |           |                    |                     | 
|     | parent                     |           |                    |                     | 
|     |                            |           |                    |                     | 
|     |                            |           |             Number |              Number | 
|     | Weighted average number of |           |        181,175,867 |          91,458,560 | 
|     | ordinary shares for the    |           |                    |                     | 
|     | purposes of basic loss per |           |                    |                     | 
|     | share                      |           |                    |                     | 
|     |                            |           |                    |                     | 
|     | Diluted loss per share     |           |                    |                     | 
|     | The loss used in the calculation of the diluted loss per share measure is the     | 
|     | same as that for the equivalent basic loss per share as outlined above.           | 
|     | The weighted average number of ordinary shares for the purposes of the diluted    | 
|     | loss per share reconciles to the weighted average number of ordinary shares used  | 
|     | in the calculation of basic loss per share as follows:                            | 
|     |                               |        |   Six months ended | Six months ended 31 | 
|     |                               |        |   31 December 2008 |       December 2007 | 
|     |                               |        |             Number |              Number | 
|     | Weighted average number of    |        |        181,175,867 |          91,458,560 | 
|     | ordinary shares used in the   |        |                    |                     | 
|     | calculation of basic loss per |        |                    |                     | 
|     | share                         |        |                    |                     | 
|     | Share deemed to be issued in  |        |                    |                     | 
|     | respect of:                   |        |                    |                     | 
|     | Long-term incentive plan      |        |         16,418,777 |                   - | 
|     | Weighted average number of    |        |        197,594,644 |          91,458,560 | 
|     | ordinary shares used in the   |        |                    |                     | 
|     | calculation of diluted loss   |        |                    |                     | 
|     | per share                     |        |                    |                     | 
| 7. | Goodwill                         |     At 31 December |  At 30 June 2008 | 
|    |                                  |               2008 |                  | 
|    |                                  |                  EUR |                EUR | 
|    | Balance at beginning and end of  |            549,451 |          549,451 | 
|    | the period                       |                    |                  | 
The goodwill of EUR549,451 in the Kedco Energy business segment arose on the 
acquisition in February 2006 of an 80% shareholding in SIA Vudlande, a limited 
liability company incorporated in Latvia. 
Goodwill is subject to impairment testing on an annual basis. Impairment testing 
is carried out by comparing the carrying value of the goodwill to its 
recoverable amount, generally its current value-in-use. 
The cash flow forecasts employed for the value-in-use comparisons are based on 
budgeted figures for the first year and on a three-year forecast approved by the 
Board for the following three years. Cash flow is then projected forward for the 
following ten years based on an assumed growth of 3% per annum. The discount 
factors applied to future cash flows range from 9% to 12% as deemed appropriate. 
The directors' believe that any reasonably possible change in key assumptions on 
which the value-in-use is based would not cause the aggregate carrying amount to 
exceed the aggregate recoverable amount of the cash-generating unit. A 1% 
increase in the discount rate would not result in an impairment charge for the 
periods presented. 
    No impairment losses have arisen in any financial period to date. 
8.    Property, plant and equipment 
During the period, the Group invested EUR438,282 in improving the efficiency of 
its biomass wood processing plant in Latvia. This investment was financed 
through debt. 
9.    Trade and other receivables 
Included in trade and other receivables at 31 December 2008 are deposits paid to 
suppliers of gasification units totalling EUR2,678,769 and unpaid share capital of 
EUR492,563 relating to the issue of 49,256,332 A Shares of EUR0.01 each as part of 
the Long Term Incentive Plan for employees. 
10.    Share capital 
Kedco plc 
| At 31         |     Authorised |    Allotted |  Authorised |    Allotted | 
| December 2008 |         Number |  and called |           EUR |  and called | 
| (Unaudited)   |                |          up |             |          up | 
|               |                |      Number |             |           EUR | 
|               |                |             |             |             | 
|      Ordinary | 10,000,000,000 | 199,446,480 | 100,000,000 |   1,994,465 | 
|        shares |                |             |             |             | 
| of EUR0.01 each |                |             |             |             | 
|     A shares  | 10,000,000,000 |  99,117,952 | 100,000,000 |     991,180 | 
| of EUR0.01 each |                |             |             |             | 
|               |                |             |             |             | 
Kedco Block Holdings Limited 
| At 30 June   |    Authorised |      Allotted |   Authorised |     Allotted | 
| 2008         |        Number | and called up |            EUR |   and called | 
| (Audited)    |               |        Number |              |           up | 
|              |               |               |              |            EUR | 
|     Ordinary |   100,000,000 |     1,807,933 |  100,000,000 |    1,807,933 | 
|       shares |               |               |              |              | 
|     Of EUR1.00 |               |               |              |              | 
|         each |               |               |              |              | 
| At 31        |               |               |              |              | 
| December     |               |               |              |              | 
| 2008         |               |               |              |              | 
| (Unaudited)  |               |               |              |              | 
| Ordinary     |  100,000,000, |     2,493,081 |  100,000,000 |    2,493,081 | 
| shares of    |               |               |              |              | 
| EUR1.00 each   |               |               |              |              | 
The holders of the ordinary shares are entitled to receive dividends as declared 
and are entitled to one vote per share at meetings of the company. All ordinary 
shares are fully paid up. 
The Company was incorporated on 2 October 2008 with an initial authorised share 
capital of EUR100,000,000 divided into 100,000,000 ordinary shares of EUR1.00 each 
of which 38,100 ordinary shares of EUR1.00 each fully paid up were issued. 
On 14 October 2008 the ordinary shares were subdivided so that each Ordinary 
Share had a nominal value of EUR0.01 each as opposed to the previous nominal value 
of EUR1.00 each. 
Reverse asset acquisition 
On 13 October 2008, the Company acquired the entire issued share capital of 
Kedco Block Holdings Limited ("KBHL") in consideration for the allotment and 
issue of 2,493,081 ordinary shares of EUR1.00 each to the former members of KBHL. 
Pursuant to the agreement, the Company allotted and issued one ordinary share of 
EUR1.00 each in consideration for the transfer to it of each share held in KBHL. 
The fair value of the shares in Kedco Block Holdings Limited received as 
consideration for the issue of these shares in Kedco plc was EUR34,903,134 which 
resulted in a share premium in the Company of EUR32,908,669. From a group 
perspective, since the acquisition is being accounted for as a reverse asset 
acquisition, the shares of the new legal parent (Kedco plc) were recognised and 
the shares of the accounting parent (Kedco Block Holdings Limited) were 
derecognised. A reverse acquisition adjustment has been made for the share 
capital of the accounting parent and is offset against the share premium of the 
new legal parent. 
Movements in the six months to 31 December 2008 
Kedco Block Holdings Limited: 
  *  On 22 August 2008 Kedco Block Holdings Limited issued 685,148 ordinary shares of 
  EUR1.00 each at a premium of EUR6,889,852. 
  *  Kedco plc: 
  *  On 14 October 2008 the ordinary shares were subdivided so that each Ordinary 
  Share had a nominal value of EUR0.01 each as opposed to the previous nominal value 
  of EUR1.00 each. 
  *  On 14 October 2008 a new class of shares was created, namely 10,000,000,000 A 
  Shares, in connection with the Long-Term Incentive Plan. 
  *  On 14 October 2008 20% of the existing issued ordinary shares were converted and 
  re-designated as A Shares. 
  *  On 15 October 2008, the Company acquired, for no consideration, 3,048,000 
  ordinary shares and 762,000 A shares held by the subscriber shareholders of the 
  Company and the shares acquired were subsequently cancelled. 
  *  On 16 October 2008, the Company allotted and issued 49,256,332 A shares with a 
  nominal value of EUR0.01 per share to certain employees of the Group pursuant to 
  the Long Term Incentive Plan. 
11.Share-based payments 
On 16 October 2008 the Group established a Long Term Incentive Plan (the "LTIP") 
under the terms of which certain employees subscribed for A Shares at a 
subscription price being the par value of EUR0.01 each that reflected the 
restricted nature and contingent value attaching to such shares. 
All A Shares will convert into Ordinary Shares with full voting and dividend 
rights following the achievement by management of the Group of any one of the 
following performance related targets: 
  *  the Group, for any financial year ending on or prior to 30 June 2011, achieving 
  EBITDA of at least EUR14 million in respect of such financial year; or 
  *  the Group, for any financial year ending on or prior to 30 June 2011, achieving 
  EBITDA of at least EUR7 million in respect of such financial year (conversion only 
  taking place after 30 June 2011 notwithstanding the achievement of the relevant 
  target in an earlier year); or 
  *  the Group, for the financial year ending on 30 June 2011 and for the financial 
  year ending on 30 June 2012, achieving cumulative EBITDA of at least EUR14 million 
  over the period of such financial years. 
EBITDA in respect of any relevant financial period means the earnings of the 
Group before interest, taxation, depreciation and amortisation by reference to 
the profit and loss account of the Group for the relevant financial period 
(based on the audited financial statements of the Group for such financial 
period) which shall be calculated both in accordance with IFRS and in accordance 
with the same accounting principles and policies applied by the Group in 
previous years (IFRS prevailing in the case of conflict). 
If the EBITDA targets referred to above are not met then the conversion of the A 
Shares shall not occur and the Group may redeem these A Shares, subject to 
adequate reserves, at the par value thereof. 
If a successful offer is made to acquire control of a majority of the shares in 
the Group or all, or substantially all, of its assets, immediately prior to 
completion of such an offer, the A Shares will convert into Ordinary Shares so 
that they become eligible to participate in such an offer notwithstanding if 
such an offer occurs prior to 30 June 2012. 
The Group will have an option to redeem all A Shares (at the original 
subscription price) held by a member of management who leaves the Group's 
employment for whatever reason before the date of conversion save for: 
  *  where a member of management ceases to be an employee of the Group by reason of 
  death or permanent disability. In this instance the A Shares will pass to the 
  deceased's estate (in the case of death) or will be retained by him/her (in the 
  case of permanent disability) pending confirmation as to whether conversion 
  shall occur; and 
  *  where a member of management ceases to be an employee of the Group (for any 
  reason whatsoever) after the end of a particular financial year (or years), but 
  before EBITDA is determined based on the audited accounts for that year (or 
  years), then if the relevant Targets are achieved for such financial year (or 
  years) such person will, notwithstanding his/her departure from the Group, 
  remain entitled to benefit under this incentive scheme and have his/her A Shares 
  converted and re-designated into Ordinary Shares. 
Details of the LTIP shares are as follows: 
| Issue Date |   Number of | Issue Price |   Fair Value |   Expense | 
|            |      LTIP A |             |     at issue |        in | 
|            |      shares |             |         date |    Income | 
|            |             |             |              | Statement | 
|            |             |             |              |      2008 | 
| 16 October |  49,256,332 |       EUR0.01 |        EUR0.01 |      EURNil | 
| 2008       |             |             |              |           | 
The fair value assigned to the LTIP shares is the par value of the shares issued 
based on the short length of time that has elapsed between their issue on 16 
October 2008 and the date of this report 31 December 2008. 
No amount has been charged to the income statement in the period to recognise 
the fair value as the directors do not consider such charge to be material based 
on the short length of the vesting period which has elapsed between the issue of 
the A shares and the date of this report. 
12.    Events after the balance sheet date 
During February 2009 the Company raised EUR967,556, before expenses, from a 
selection of institutional investors. The proceeds from the placing will be used 
to develop further projects, as the business continues to deliver its strategy 
of identifying joint venture partners for its waste to energy solutions in the 
UK and Ireland. 
13.    Approval of financial statements 
The financial statements for the six months ended 31 December 2008, which comply 
with IAS 34, were approved by the Board of Directors of the Company on 20th 
March 2009. 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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