RNS Number:6446N
Dobbies Garden Centres PLC
11 July 2000

                  DOBBIES GARDEN CENTRES plc
    Interim Results for the Six Months ended 30 April 2000

-    Turnover #9.14m                         up 41%
-    Operating profit #959,000               up 72%
-    Profit before tax #720,000              up 41%
-    Earnings per share 8.15p                up 41%
-    Interim dividend 2.0p
-    #10m raised through successful placing
-    Addition of 5 new garden centres

"There  is no doubt that your Company is immeasurably stronger
than it was even six months ago."

"Dobbies  Garden  Centres is emerging as an important  company
within  the  garden  centre industry in the  UK.   Of  our  15
centres we have three superstores with sales potential of  #3-
5m and, through investment and redevelopment of other existing
stores, the potential to add another five.  We plan to do this
in the next 2 to 3 years."

"We  remain  enthusiastic and optimistic about our  long  term
prospects.  In  the  absence of unforeseen  circumstances,  we
should  be  able to report further progress in our  sales  and
profits next February."

                                   Alex Hammond-Chambers


Dobbies Garden Centres plc         Bell Pottinger Financial
James Barnes                       Jonathon Brill/
Managing Director                  Caroline Sturdy
Tel: 0131 663 1941                 Tel: 020 7353 9203

                     Chairman's Statement

May  I  first  of  all  thank  old and  new  shareholders  for
supporting  them in the raising of #10 million of new  equity.
Indeed  this  first six months has brought about  the  biggest
change  in our size ever, with the raising of the #10  million
and  the  acquisition of Findlay Clark (with its  four  garden
centres  in  Scotland) and of Clifton Garden  Centre,  located
near Preston.  By the end of the period we were operating  ten
centres  in Scotland (giving us a strong market position)  and
five  in  England  - 15 in all.  The funds received  from  our
equity  issue were received just after the end of  April  (and
are  therefore  not reflected in the 30 April balance  sheet);
our  shareholders' funds after the fund raising now  stand  at
just  over #23 million, approximately 92% higher than  a  year
ago.   There  is  no doubt that your Company  is  immeasurably
stronger than it was even six months ago.

We are happy to report that your Company has continued to make
progress  in the development of its business during  the  last
six  months.  Our sales rose 41% from #6.46 million  to  #9.14
million  against  a  background  of  good  progress  from  our
existing  stores (like for like sales rose 11%).   Sales  were
also  affected  by further redevelopment at our  Melville  and
Birtley centres, a full six months of trading from Dundee  and
Shrewsbury,  five  new centres (acquired in  April  2000)  and
perfectly appalling weather during April.  The weather  always
gets a mention because it can and does have an effect on sales
and  profits in the short term.  However, it needs to be  kept
in  perspective because over the long term it is our retailing
and   our  corporate  growth  performance  which  dictate  our

Profits  before tax for the six months also rose 41%  reaching
#720,000.   This increase has been driven by our strong  sales
performance  combined  with a widening of  operating  margins,
partly  offset  by  a  higher  interest  charge  (#239,000   v
#48,000).   Earnings per share amounted to  8.15p,  again  41%
higher  than  a  year  ago - 5.78p per share.   The  Board  of
Directors has declared an interim dividend of 2.00p per  share
(v  1.82p last year), payable on 31 October 2000 on the  share
capital as increased by the equity issue.

Our  borrowings  at the end of April stood at  #16.3  million,
compared with just #4.9 million at the year end of last  year.
The  increase  is  accounted  for  by  the  cost  of  the  two
acquisitions   we   made  in  April.    Our   borrowings   are
significantly lower following the receipt on 3 May 2000 of the
#10  million  from the equity issue.  If we were  to  make  an
adjustment to our April balance sheet for this, we would  have
had   equity  capital  of  c#23  million  and  borrowings   of
c#6million,  which is well within both our banking  facilities
and our balance sheet policies.

Dobbies  Garden  Centres is emerging as an  important  company
within  the garden centre industry in the UK.  As a result  of
the  latest acquisitions we are now positioned third in  terms
of  number  of  stores.  But we would like to  think  that  in
certain aspects we are a leader, particularly in terms of  the
development of state of the art large garden centres.  Of  our
15  centres  we have three superstores (Melville,  Gailey  and
Dundee)  with  sales potential of #3-#5 million  and,  through
investment  and  redevelopment of other existing  stores,  the
potential to add another five.  We plan to do this in the next
2 to 3 years.

Getting  the most out of our existing portfolio of centres  is
an  important aspect of our growth strategy.  Building on  the
strength of our management team, however, is probably the most
important  ingredient of success.  We would  like  to  welcome
Sharon  Brown to the Board; she has been appointed our Finance
Director.   We  would also like to welcome the management  and
staff of Findlay Clark and Clifton to our Company.  These  two
acquisitions  are  making a contribution  to  that  management
development.  That said, we believe it is still early days  in
terms of the Company's development and the roll out of the new
larger  store  concept.  If we are to continue  to  build  the
business successfully in the future, we will need to invest in
the  further  strengthening of our management  team  and  more
aggressive development of our IT capability.

Progress is never made without commitment and hard work and on
behalf  of  shareholders I would like to thank the  management
and  staff  for  their  efforts.  We remain  enthusiastic  and
optimistic  about  our  long term  prospects  and  with  their
commitment  we  will  continue to grow  the  Company.  In  the
absence  of  unforeseen circumstances, we should  be  able  to
report  further  progress  in  our  sales  and  profits   next

Alex Hammond-Chambers

                  Dobbies Garden Centres plc
             Consolidated Profit and Loss Account

                                  Unaudited six       Year ended
                                         months       31 October
                                 ended 30 April
                                 2000        1999           1999
                                 #000        #000           #000
Continuing operations           8,383       6,464         15,832
Acquisitions                      755           -              -
                            ---------  ----------     ----------
                                9,138       6,464         15,832
Cost of sales                  (5,016)     (3,613)        (8,583)
                            ---------  ----------     ----------
Gross profit                    4,122       2,851          7,249
Administrative and selling                                      
 expenses                      (3,412)     (2,521)        (5,623)
Other operating income            249         228            517
                            ---------  ----------     ----------
Operating profit                  959         558          2,143
Interest payable less                                           
 interest receivable             (239)        (48)          (197)
                            ---------  ----------     ----------
Profit on ordinary                                              
 activities before                                              
 taxation                         720         510          1,946
Tax on ordinary activities       (180)       (127)          (490)
                            ---------  ----------     ----------
Profit on ordinary                                              
 activities after taxation        540         383          1,456
Dividends                        (181)       (120)          (364)
                            ---------  ----------     ----------
Profit for the period             359         263          1,092
                            ---------  ----------     ----------
Earnings per share              8.15p       5.78p         22.00p
                            ---------  ----------     ----------
Diluted earnings per share      7.94p       5.64p         21.49p
                            ---------  ----------     ----------
Dividend per share              2.00p       1.82p          5.50p
                            ---------  ----------     ----------

                  Dobbies Garden Centres plc
                  Consolidated Balance Sheet

                                    Unaudited six       Year ended
                                           months       31 October
                                   ended 30 April
                                   2000        1999           1999
                                   #000        #000           #000
Fixed assets                     31,743      17,186         17,788
                              ---------  ----------     ----------
Current assets                                                    
Stocks                            5,212       3,523          3,141
Debtors                           1,165         957            419
Cash at bank and in hand             34          27            209
                              ---------  ----------     ----------
                                  6,411       4,507          3,768
                              ---------  ----------     ----------
Creditors: amounts falling                                        
 due within one year            (24,521)     (9,182)        (8,199)
                              ---------  ----------     ----------
Net current                                                       
 assets/(liabilities)           (18,110)     (4,675)        (4,431)
                              ---------  ----------     ----------
Total assets less current                                         
 liabilities                     13,633      12,511         13,357
Creditors: amounts falling                                        
 due after  more than one                                         
 year                               (97)       (190)          (197)
Provisions for liabilities         (140)       (130)          (140)
and charges
                              ---------  ----------     ----------
Net assets                       13,396      12,191         13,020
                              ---------  ----------     ----------
Capital and reserves                                              
Equity shareholders' funds       13,396      12,191         13,020
                              ---------  ----------     ----------

                  Dobbies Garden Centres plc
      Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds
                                             Unaudited         Year
                                      Six months ended           31
                                              30 April      October
                                     2000         1999        1999
                                     #000         #000        #000
Profit for the financial                                          
 period                               540          383       1,456
Dividends                            (181)        (120)       (364)
New share capital                                                 
 subscribed                             1            -           -
Share premium arising                  16            -           -
                             ------------  ----------- -----------
                                      376          263       1,092
Opening shareholders'                                             
 funds                             13,020       11,928      11,928
                             ------------  ----------- -----------
Closing shareholders'                                             
 funds                             13,396       12,191      13,020
                             ------------  ----------- -----------
               Consolidated Cash Flow Statements
                                             Unaudited         Year
                             Six months ended 30 April           31
                                     2000         1999        1999
                                     #000         #000        #000
Cashflow from operating                                           
 activities                         2,882        1,795       2,562
Returns on investments and                                        
 servicing of finance                (252)         (48)       (211)
Taxation                             (136)         (44)       (440)
Capital expenditure and                                           
 financial investment              (2,325)      (2,547)     (3,646)
Acquisitions and disposals         (8,371)      (3,436)     (3,003)
Equity dividends paid                (244)        (222)       (342)
                              -----------  ----------- -----------
Cash outflow before use of                                        
 liquid resources and                                             
 financing                         (8,446)      (4,502)     (5,079)
Financing                          (2,958)         (97)        (93)
                             ------------  ----------- -----------
Increase/(decrease) in                                            
 cash in period                   (11,404)      (4,599)     (5,172)
                             ------------  ----------- -----------
                  Dobbies Garden Centres plc

1.   The  financial  information for the six months  ended  30
     April 2000 and the comparative figures for the six months
     ended 30 April 1999 are neither audited nor reviewed  and
     have  been  prepared  on  the  basis  of  the  accounting
     policies  set out in the statutory accounts for the  year
     ended  31 October 1999.  This financial information  does
     not  constitute statutory accounts as defined in  section
     240 of the Companies Act 1985.  The financial information
     for  the  year  ended 31 October 1999 has been  extracted
     from  the  statutory  accounts which,  together  with  an
     unqualified  audit  report, have been  delivered  to  the
     Registrar of Companies.

2.   The  calculation of earnings per share is  based  on  the
     profit  after  tax  for the financial period  divided  by
     6,620,133  ordinary  shares, being the  weighted  average
     number  of ordinary share in issue. The diluted  earnings
     per share for the period is based on the profit after tax
     for  the financial period divided by 6,802,503 being  the
     number   of  potential  ordinary  shares  calculated   in
     accordance with Financial Reporting Standard 14.

3.   Properties are carried within Fixed Assets at cost.   The
     directors   are  considering  the  impact  of   Financial
     Reporting   Standard  15  with  regards  to  the   future
     accounting policy.

4.   The  Directors have declared an interim dividend of 2.00p
     net per ordinary share.  The dividend will be payable  on
     31  October  2000 to shareholders on the register  at  29
     September 2000.


                                           Unaudited         Year
                           Six months ended 30 April           31
                                  2000          1999         1999
                                  #000          #000         #000
Operating Profit                   959           558        2,143
Depreciation charge                311           200          425
Profit on sale of                                                
 tangible fixed assets             (38)           (2)          (4)
(Increase)/decrease in                                           
 stock                            (843)       (1,107)        (181)
(Increase)/decrease in                                           
 debtors                          (572)         (677)        (111)
Increase/(decrease) in                                           
 creditors                       3,065         2,823          290
                          ------------  ------------  -----------
Increase/(decrease in                                            
 cash in period                  2,882         1,795        2,562
                          ------------  ------------  -----------


     The  secured obligations are the subject of a  fixed  and
     floating charge over the Company's assets
                                            Unaudited     Year ended
                            Six months ended 30 April     31 October
                                 2000            1999           1999
                                 #000            #000           #000
 in cash in period            (11,404)         (4,599)        (5,172)
Cash outflow from                                                   
 debt and hire                                                      
 purchase                       2,958              96             93
Loans acquired with                                                 
 subsidiary                    (2,841)              -              -
                        -------------    ------------   ------------
Movement in net debt                                                
 in the period                (11,287)         (4,503)        (5,079)
Opening net debt               (5,015)             64             64
                         ------------    ------------   ------------
Closing net debt              (16,302)         (4,439)        (5,015)
                         ------------    ------------   ------------


     Under  the  terms of the acquisition in 1999 of  Bayley's
     Garden   Centre,   there  is  potential  for   additional
     consideration  of #600,000 to be payable contingent  upon
     certain conditions being met.

8.   Copies of this statement will be sent to all shareholders
     and   will  be  available  from  the  registered  office,
     Melville Nursery, Lasswade, Midlothian, EH18 1AZ.

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