RNS No 3378m
2nd September 1997

     Group interim results for six months to 30 June 1997

                            6 months to 30 June
                    1997           1996           Increase

Turnover            #140.7m        #116.6m        21%

Operating profit    #14.6m         #11.2m         30%

Profit before tax   #15.1m         #11.3m         33%

Profit after tax    #9.5m          #7.1m          34%

Earnings per share  14.9p          11.4p          31%

Interim dividend      2.6p           2.0p         30%
(Payable on 20 November 1997
 to all shareholders on the register on
17 October 1997. Ex-dividend date is 13 October 1997.)

*    Pre-tax profits up 33% (56%*) to #15.1 million
*    21% (39%*) growth in Group turnover virtually all organic
*    Operating margin up from 9.6% to 10.4%
*    Germany returns to profit even before Orga-Team contribution
*    Further substantial turnover and profit growth in The Netherlands
*    Continuing growth in market share in the UK
*    Staff numbers up 20% from year end to 4202 at end of June

On the outlook for the remainder of the year, CMG Chairman Cor
Stutterheim said, "The Group's performance since the end of
June continues to be very satisfactory and our main markets
remain buoyant. Notwithstanding the tight recruitment market,
we anticipate that the second half year, traditionally CMG's
better half, will enable us to produce a further strong set of
results for the full year".

For further information, contact:
Cor Stutterheim, Chairman CMG plc
Chris Banks, Finance Director, CMG plc
Michael Harrington, Group Communications Manager  Tel: 0171-
233 0288

**At constant exchange rates. The effect of exchange rates on
CMG's reported results is shown on page 4.

                     Chairman's statement
I am pleased to report that we have had a very good first half
year. Turnover in the six months to 30 June 1997 increased by
21% (39%*) to #140.7 million, while operating profit rose by
30% (54%*) to #14.6 million. Once again, our strong organic
growth during the period is more accurately reflected by our
results at constant exchange rates. Our operating margin rose
from 9.6% to 10.4%. Profit after tax has increased 34% (56%*)
to #9.5 million, while earnings per share have grown to 14.9p,
an increase of 31% (54%*) on the same period last year. This
substantial growth in our turnover and profits has been
reflected in the increase in staff numbers, which reached 4202
at the end of June, compared with 3075 at the same time last
year and 3512 at the end of 1996.

I am pleased that we are delivering on the expectations
outlined in our Annual Report. In The Netherlands, we have
continued to gain market share and have improved margins
compared to the same period last year. In the UK, we have
increased both turnover and profit and expanded staff numbers
considerably. However, one of the most encouraging
developments for CMG in the first half year has been the
return to profit in Germany, even before taking account of the
earnings from our recent acquisition, Orga-Team.

In such buoyant markets, the great challenge for CMG has been
to recruit sufficient staff of the right calibre. Though the
serious shortage of IT skills throughout Europe has been well
documented, we have continued to be successful in recruiting
quality staff. We have evolved our recruitment strategy and
skills over many years and constantly enhance them to ensure
we stay ahead of the market. This has enabled us to pass the
3000 employee mark in The Netherlands during June and we have
just recently reached 1000 employees in the UK.

Our cash performance, which is seasonally weaker in the first
half, has improved on 1996 and we expect cash generation to be
strong in the second half of the year.

The strong growth in The Netherlands has occurred across all
sectors, particularly Trade, Transport & Industry, where CMG
has a rapidly increasing market share. The trend in this
sector towards ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) packages
such as Baan and SAP is providing great opportunities for CMG.

In Finance, our largest sector, a noteworthy new gain was a 4
year outsourcing contract for Nationale Nederlanden, part of
the ING Group. CMG's CAST ("Computer Aided Software Testing')
methodology, which reduces the IT development time for our
clients' products, has continued its success of last year.

In Telecoms, we continue to benefit from the liberalisation of
markets. Our participation in Varitel,  the number portability
project for PTT Telecom, started on 1 January 1997 and will
continue until 1999. Our Value Added Service Platform for
mobile telephone operators continues to gain new customers,
among them Telia AB of Sweden.

The telecoms revolution is now impacting all our market
sectors. Our Information Systems business, for example, has
recently been commissioned to develop a study planning and
registration system for all secondary schools in The
Netherlands using intranet technology.

Many of our largest projects in the Netherlands continue to be
in the public sector. Our most recent gain there was an
agreement with the Ministry of Finance to work with their tax
department automation centre to rebuild their system for the
collection of corporation tax.

In the UK, CMG also had a good first half, due mainly to good
account development and greater concentration on specific
market sectors and niches. Again, this growth has been evenly
spread across our markets.

The number of new orders under long-term and framework
agreements in the commercial and public sectors continues to
rise, from clients ranging from DHL and Esso to Customs &
Excise and the DTI.

In the Finance sector, we have successfully expanded our
client base, winning projects with the Woolwich plc, NatWest
Bank and Moscow Narodny Bank, among others. COBRA, our bank
regulatory software package, was sold to a number of de-
mutualising building societies and several international

The two new divisions established at the end of last year have
started well. Some #3 million worth of orders have been won by
our Managed Services business and our Central Government
Payroll business has gained contracts with a number of bodies,
including the National Physical Laboratory. Our Payroll and
Personnel business continues to thrive, recently winning a
major 5 year outsourcing contract with National Australia

More generally, we have been particularly successful in
developing expertise and experience that we can transfer
across industry sectors. Examples include our intranet
developments for Halifax plc and a large power utility

In Germany, CMG's recovery is well underway, with our Industry
Frankfurt business now trading profitably following
reorganisation. The highlight of the first half there was a
DM2.5 million contract with SOKA, a Social Security
organisation in the house building sector.

Following the acquisition of Orga-Team, our Finance sector
business now represents over 70 per cent of German turnover
and is performing well, with an excellent order book. The
highlight in this sector was a DM4 million millennium project
with R+V Insurance, one of many recent new clients. Orga-Team
itself is performing in line with expectations, as well as
providing us with spin-off consultancy work around its market-
leading software product, SAMBA, for bank regulatory

Opportunities for our telecoms products and skills are also
increasing, and we have now opened an office in Cologne to
develop this business jointly with CMG telecoms specialists
from The Netherlands.

In the light of these results, the Board has declared an
interim dividend of 2.6p per share, 30% higher than 1996. The
dividend will be paid on 20 November 1997 to shareholders on
the register on 17 October 1997.

The Group's performance since the end of June continues to be
very satisfactory and our main markets remain buoyant.
Notwithstanding the tight recruitment market, we anticipate
that the second half year, traditionally CMG's better half,
will enable us to produce a further strong set of results for
the full year.

* At constant exchange rates. The effect of exchange rates on
CMG's reported results is shown in the table below.
Exchange rates
CMG's reported results can be significantly influenced by
movements in exchange rates, which can hinder understanding of
the underlying financial performance. To provide a more
meaningful basis of comparison, the table below provides key
financial information expressed both at 1997 exchange rates
("constant exchange rates") and at the exchange rates used for
1996 ("actual exchange rates")

To 30 June:    1997      1996        1996      % Growth    % Growth
                     At constant  At actual   At constant  At actual
                       exchange   exchange    exchange     exchange
                         rates     rates      rates        rates
               #'000     #'000     #'000

Turnover     140,704   101,124   116,616           39        21

 profit       14,578     9,475    11,177           54        30

Profit before
 tax          15,117     9,711    11,340           56        33

Profit after
 tax           9,526     6,101     7,128           56        34

Earnings per
  share         14.9p     9.7p      11.4p          54         31

Key exchange rates
used above: #1=
Netherlands Guilder 3.09      3.09      2.56
Deutsche Mark       2.75      2.75      2.28

CMG plc

Consolidated profit and loss account

                              Unaudited   Unaudited         Audited
                           6 months ended 6 months ended   year ended
                               30 June      30 June        31 December
                                  1997        1996          1996

                Notes            #'000       #'000        #'000

Turnover            3           140,704     116,616      245,159

Net operating costs            (126,126)   (105,439)    (218,243)

Operating profit                 14,578      11,177       26,916

Net income of Employee Trust         36          25           71

Net interest receivable             503         138          535

Profit on ordinary
 activities before tax  3        15,117      11,340       27,522

Tax on profit on
 ordinary activities    5        (5,591)     (4,212)     (10,382)

Profit on ordinary
 activities after tax             9,526       7,128       17,140

Dividends - ordinary 
 shares                 6        (1,665)     (1,252)      (3,771)

Retained profit for
 the period                       7,861       5,876       13,369
                                 ======      ======       ======

Earnings per share
 - headline and basic   7          14.9p      11.4p       27.4p
                                 =======    =======      =======

Statement of total recognised gains and losses

                              Unaudited     Unaudited       Audited
                            6 months ended  6 months ended  year ended
                               30 June        30 June       31 December
                                  1997          1996         1996

                                 #'000         #'000        #'000

Profit for the period            9,526         7,128       17,140

Currency translation differences on
foreign currency net
 investments                    (2,388)         (787)      (3,151)

Total recognised gains           7,138         6,341       13,989
                               =======       =======      =======

CMG plc

Consolidated balance sheet

                             Unaudited  Unaudited     Audited
                               30 June  30 June  31 December
                                  1997     1996         1996

                                 #'000    #'000        #'000

Fixed assets
Tangible assets                 11,665    9,026       11,348
Investments - own shares         2,839    2,839        2,839
                              ------------------   ---------
                                14,504   11,865       14,187

Current assets
Debtors                         64,485   63,531       50,143
Cash at bank and in hand        23,374   16,289       27,059
                              ------------------   ---------
                                87,859   79,820       77,202

Amounts falling due within 
 one year                      (58,660) (54,322)     (48,182)
                              ------------------   ---------

Net current assets              29,199   25,498       29,020

Total assets less current
 liabilities                    43,703   37,363       43,207

Provisions for liabilities
 and charges                   (2,560)  (2,563)      (2,923)

                              ------------------- ----------
Net assets                      41,143   34,800       40,284
                               =======  =======      =======

Capital and reserves

Called up equity share
 capital                         3,203    3,189        3,203

Share premium account           13,585   13,214       13,585

Goodwill elimination
 reserve                      (27,260) (26,523)     (24,371)

Reserves of Employee Trust       1,806    1,724        1,770

Profit and loss account         49,809   43,196       46,097

                              ------------------   ---------
Capital employed                41,143   34,800       40,284
                               =======  =======      =======

CMG plc

Consolidated cash flow statement

                           Unaudited     Unaudited       Audited
                         6 months ended  6 months ended  year ended
                               30 June    30 June        31 December
                                  1997      1996         1996

                  Notes          #'000     #'000        #'000

Net cash inflow from
 operating activities 8          9,282     1,328       26,607

Returns on investments and servicing
 of finance

Interest received                  682      610        1,228
Interest paid                    (591)    (256)        (383)
                              ------------------   ---------

Net cash inflow from returns on investments
 and servicing of finance           91      354          845

Taxation paid                  (3,366)  (1,581)      (9,537)

Capital expenditure            (3,199)  (3,439)      (8,482)

Acquisitions                   (4,151)  (3,463)      (3,463)

Equity dividends paid          (2,514)  (2,002)      (3,259)
                              ------------------   ---------
Net cash (outflow)/inflow
 before financing              (3,857)  (8,803)        2,711

Financing activities

Proceeds from exercise
 of share options                    -        -          385
                              ------------------   ---------
(Decrease)/increase in cash    (3,857)  (8,803)        3,096
                               =======  =======      =======

CMG plc

Notes to the interim report

1.   Basis of preparation

The  unaudited  results have been prepared in accordance  with
the  accounting policies set out in the Annual Report for  the
year ended 31 December 1996.

The  financial  information in this interim  report  does  not
constitute  statutory accounts within the meaning  of  section
240  of  the Companies Act 1985.  Statutory accounts  for  the
year  ended 31 December 1996, upon which the auditors gave  an
unqualified  opinion, have been delivered to the Registrar  of

2.   Exchange rates

The most important exchange rates for the group were:

                    30 June 1997          30 June 1996       31 December 1996
               Period end  Average  Period end   Average  Period end   Average

Netherlands Guilder 3.26    3.09       2.65       2.56       2.96      2.63
Deutsche Mark       2.90    2.75       2.37       2.28       2.64      2.35

3.   Segmental information

Analyses of turnover and profit before tax by geographic  area
are given below:

                       Turnover             Profit before tax
             30 June 30 June 31 December  30 June  30 June  31 December
               1997   1996      1996         1997   1996    1996

                #'000 #'000     #'000       #'000   #'000   #'000

The Netherlands  96,597 79,753  172,202     13,176  10,704  27,107
United Kingdom   33,369 26,258   53,714      2,018   1,660   3,117
Germany          10,738 10,605   19,243        500    (391) (1,244)

               140,704 116,616  245,159     15,694  11,973  28,980

Common costs       -      -         -       (1,116)   (796) (2,064)
Net income of 
 Employee Trust    -      -         -           36      25      71
Net interest 
 receivable        -      -         -          503     138     535

               140,704 116,616  245,159     15,117  11,340  27,522

4.   Employees
                                      30 June  30 June  31 December
                                         1997   1996    1996
The average number of
 employees during the period was:

The Netherlands                         2,866  2,006   2,210
United Kingdom                            843    687     722
Germany                                   217    187     179
                                        3,926  2,880   3,111
                                       ====== ======  ======

                                      30 June  30 June31 December
                                         1997   1996    1996
The number of employees at
 the end of the period was:

The Netherlands                         3,063  2,184   2,560
United Kingdom                            910    704     774
Germany                                   229    187     178
                                      ------- --------------
                                        4,202  3,075   3,512
                                       ====== ======  ======

5.   Taxation

The  tax  charge  for  the half year has  been  based  on  the
estimated  effective tax rate for the full year.   The  charge
includes overseas tax of #4.8 million (1996: #3.5 million).

6.   Dividends on ordinary shares

An interim dividend of 2.6 pence (1996: 2.0 pence), net of the
associated tax credit, will be paid on 20 November 1997 to
shareholders on the register on 17 October 1997.  In 1996 the
Employee Trust waived its entitlement to dividends on
1,200,000 ordinary shares.  No dividends have been waived in

7.   Earnings per share - headline and basic

Headline and basic earnings per share, calculated on a
standard basis, of 14.9 pence (1996: 11.4 pence) are based on
profits after tax of #9.5 million (1996: #7.1 million) and on
the weighted average number of shares in issue during the
period, less in 1996 shares on which dividends have been
waived by the Employee Trust, of 64.1 million (1996: 62.6

8.   Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow
from operating activities

                                      30 June  30 June  31 December
                                         1997   1996    1996

                                        #'000  #'000   #'000

Operating profit                       14,578 11,177  26,916
Depreciation of tangible
 fixed assets                           2,385  1,394   3,120
(Profit) on disposal
 of fixed assets                            -      -    (16)
Increase in debtors                  (18,824)(21,000)(10,825)
Increase in creditors
 and provisions                        10,817  9,481   7,371
Exchange rate adjustments on
 debtors and creditors                    326    276      41
                                     -------- ----------------
Net cash inflow from
operating activities                    9,282  1,328  26,607
                                        ===== ======  ======

9.   Interim report

Copies of the interim report are available from CMG plc,
Telford House, Tothill Street, London SW1H 9NB.


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