RNS Number : 9832M 
Cellcast plc 
03 June 2010 

                                  Cellcast plc 
                  Final results for year ended 31 December 2009 
·      Revenues increased by 5.1% to GBP16.8 million, despite a difficult 
trading environment across the broadcast industry 
·      Cellcast's continued substantial investment in additional digital TV 
distribution channels was fully expensed during the year, resulting in an 
operating loss of GBP2.2 million (2008: loss of GBP0.6 million) 
·      Loss of the year after taxation of GBP1.6 million (2008: profit of GBP0.3 
million). Loss per share of 2.1p (2008: profit per share of 0.4p) 
·      Significant operating savings achieved through renegotiating bandwidth 
costs and implementing a range of costs saving initiatives in the production and 
programming departments 
·      Technology division continued to deliver innovative applications and 
major systems solutions that are improving margins and creating incremental 
revenue streams in the UK and licensing opportunities abroad 
·      Cellcast Asia Holdings, the Company's 37.5% associate company, reported 
substantial revenue and earnings growth driven by continued mobile subscriber 
growth in India (exceeding 10 million per month) 
·      Introduction of new applications and services and investment in new 
distribution on Freeview deliver UK traffic, margin growth and positive results 
in April and May 2010 
Julian Paul, Chairman of Cellcast plc, commented: 
"We are pleased to report that our 2009 capacity investments and our decision to 
expense these costs to the detriment of 2009 earnings have already begun to pay 
off.  As of April 2010, we began monetizing both the the Freeview capacity and 
the new services and applications in which we have been investing. As a 
consequence the group's performance was positive during both April and May, a 
trend which we expect to continue throughout the remainder of 2010. Lastly, but 
significantly, Cellcast Asia Holdings, which had a remarkable 2009, continues to 
perform well. The Directors look forward to reporting more fully on current year 
progress at the 2010 interim announcement stage." 
For further information: 
| Cellcast           |                 | 
| plc                |                 | 
| Andrew             |            Tel: | 
| Wilson,            |             +44 | 
| CEO                |          (0) 20 | 
| andrew@cellcast.tv |       7190 0300 | 
|                    | www.cellcast.tv | 
| Allenby      |           | 
| Capital      |           | 
| Limited      |           | 
| (Nominated   |           | 
| Adviser)     |           | 
| Nick         |      Tel: | 
| Naylor/James |       +44 | 
| Reeve        |    (0) 20 | 
|              | 3328 5656 | 
Chairman's statement 
2009 Results 
Revenue for the year ended 31 December 2009 was GBP16.8 million, an increase of 
5.1% on 2008's revenue of GBP16.0 million. Substantially all revenue was 
generated from interactive television applications in the UK. As indicated in 
our trading update in December 2009, the group has been continuing its strategy 
of investing substantially in additional distribution channels on both Freesat 
and, more specifically, on Freeview. Whilst the board believes this expenditure 
to be of a capital nature with benefits to be recognised in 2010 and beyond, we 
have decided to take a conservative approach and not capitalise such 
expenditures or defer the costs. As a consequence of this, the group recorded an 
operating loss for the year of GBP2.2 million compared to a loss of GBP568,000 
in 2008. This operating loss was partially offset by the group's share of the 
profits of Cellcast Asia Holdings and R & D tax credits. The total loss for the 
year was therefore GBP1.6 million compared to a profit of GBP333,000 in 2008, a 
loss per share of 2.1p compared to 2008 earnings per share of 0.4p. No dividend 
is proposed by the Board. 
Cellcast Asia Holdings 
As previously announced, Cellcast Asia Holdings ("CAH"), in which the group has 
a 37.5% interest, reported a significant increase in earnings in 2009. CAH had 
an unaudited profit of GBP1.2 million in 2009 of which the group recognised 
GBP451,068 as its share of earnings compared to a loss of approximately GBP1 
million in 2008 of which the group recognized a loss of GBP342,498. This 
reflects CAH's rollout of new billing solutions which increased the yield on 
existing programming, the introduction of new formats and the new deals with 
broadcasters. CAH has also benefited from the continued rapid growth of the 
Indian mobile telephone market which has expanded its target audience. 
At 31 December 2009, the carrying value of the group's investment in CAH was 
GBP692,000. CAH forecasts continued growth through 2010 with increased 
distribution on the national DTH platform and greater penetration in regional 
markets as Hindi production expands into local languages such as Urdu and Tamil. 
The current profitability of and future prospects for CAH easily support the 
carrying value of the investment. It is clear that the group has a substantial 
unrealised value in its CAH investment (which is cash neutral) and it is the 
group's intention, where possible, to make further partial realisations of this 
investment to provide funding for the group's additional ventures in the UK and 
other territories. 
The group continues to reduce the level of operating overheads and streamline 
production output. Personnel costs remain the group's largest expense, and 
further progress was made during the year in reducing these. This combined with 
the relocation of all the UK activities into single premises in Great Portland 
Street has resulted in a reduction in group overheads to around GBP85,000 per 
month with some relatively minor further savings still to come. 
The group continues to have funding facilities of GBP450,000 composed of a 
GBP150,000 overdraft and a GBP300,000 recourse factoring facility. Also during 
the year the group took on an additional GBP200,000 loan facility from Headstart 
Global which was used principally to repay the maturing convertible loan notes 
held by Headstart. The new facility (which is repayable in three tranches during 
2010) is not convertible but the group granted Headstart a warrant over 3 
million Ordinary shares at 2.75p per share as part of the new facility. The 
combination of available facilities and the prospect of net cash generative UK 
trading supports the presentation of the accounts on a going concern basis. 
During the first quarter of 2010, the UK operations continued to incur losses, 
as in 2009, due to investments in capacity that the group believes will provide 
future value. However, in April 2010, we began monetizing the Freeview capacity 
in which we have been investing. As a consequence the group's performance was 
positive during both April and May, a trend which we expect to continue 
throughout the remainder of 2010. Lastly, but significantly, CAH continues to 
perform well. The Directors look forward to reporting more fully on current year 
progress at the 2010 interim announcement stage. 
Julian Paul 
2nd June 2010 
Review of Operations 
Group overview 
The group's core business continues to be the distribution of interactive 
television throughout the United Kingdom and its principal focus remains a 
commitment to sustainable future profitability driven by a combination of proven 
and innovative content, robust cost management, and expanded distribution. 
During the year under review, despite facing extraordinary market conditions in 
common with the rest of the media and entertainment industries, consumer demand 
for the group's interactive formats proved resilient. Indeed, despite the 
downturn in the global TV market, the group's extensive portfolio of 
applications, formats and programmes continued to serve it well, and, when 
combined with the progressive solutions developed by the technology division, 
benefited the company's operations across multiple delivery platforms. 
UK Operations 
The group remains a leading provider of participation television programming in 
the United Kingdom, which has the highest level of digital television 
penetration in Europe (88%) and a substantial multichannel environment. 
In 2009 the core element of management's strategy was to secure a return to 
profitability by realigning and expanding distribution of the group's services. 
The realignment of channels, negotiations with bandwidth suppliers, and 
technical efficiencies, reduced operating overheads on Sky, for example, from 
GBP900,000 per month in April 2009 to GBP600,000 by April 2010 or a projected 
annual saving of over GBP3 million. A significant portion of these resources 
have been redeployed to other platforms which will provide expanded reach and 
relatively higher yields. In addition, in an important step to manage overheads, 
all UK operations were consolidated into a single London production centre which 
permitted a commensurate decline in staffing costs, efficiencies in production 
processes and the deployment of new technologies across all channels. 
During the year, the group produced over 2,500 hours of live interactive 
television per month distributed across key digital platforms including Sky 
Digital, Freeview and Freesat. The substantial front-end investment in increased 
channel capacity provides both strategic distribution and long term competitive 
benefits. Freeview is now the main digital TV service in 10 million households, 
and over 18 million households use Freeview on at least one TV set in the home. 
Over 9.7 million households subscribe to Sky Digital and Freesat is now in over 
1 million homes. In 2009 the principal source of revenues continued to be 
derived from audience participation with the group's live television 
programming, and increasingly via the web and mobile services, providing users 
with access to our content 24-hours a day. This represents a successful 
implementation of the often discussed but seldom achieved 360 degree strategy of 
content monetisation. 
International Operations 
The group's 37.5% owned associate company in India, Cellcast Asia Holdings 
("CAH"), experienced a strong and profitable performance in the last year. In 
January 2010 the company was a recipient of a Red Herring 100 Global Award as 
one of the world's top 100 private technology companies, an award that 
recognises innovation, management quality, and market positioning and growth 
opportunity. Such prestigious recognition also validates Cellcast UK's 
technology and formats, which form the core of CAH's platform. 
CAH is now a clear leader in the participation TV sector in India both by 
traffic volume and revenue, and CAH is well positioned for significant growth as 
sector leader in a market that continues to expand rapidly. Despite total mobile 
penetration in India in excess of 530 million subscribers, over 10 million new 
subscribers are added every month, making India the second largest market in the 
world after China (and 8 times the size of the UK subscriber market). CAH (which 
has a 31 March year end) grew revenue from US$2 million in the year 2008/09 to 
US$8.4 million in 2009/10, and turned a loss in 2008/09 into an unaudited profit 
of US$2 million in 2009/10. 
CAH is expected to deliver a strong first half in 2010, despite the disruption 
to viewing and subsequent reduction in revenues that affects all Indian 
broadcasters other than those broadcasting the India Premier League cricket 
series. With mobile penetration expected to reach 745 million by the end of 2010 
there should be continued organic growth in the yield from CAH's existing output 
and a larger audience for new formats. 
Cellcast Middle East ("CME") continued to offer premium telephony billing 
services to regional broadcasters and maintains a network of direct agreements 
with multiple GSM operators across the region covering Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, 
Bahrain, Yemen, Kuwait and Iraq plus via strategic partners in Saudi Arabia, 
Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia. In 2009 CME increased its regional coverage through 
new direct agreements with Wataniya Palestine and Vodafone Qatar. CME managed 
premium SMS solutions and on-screen interactive features for the original live 
interactive game show "Wanted", as well as for the well-known formats "Deal or 
No Deal" and "Studio Fan". In addition to its original business of providing SMS 
services to regional broadcasters, CME is leveraging its network to provide 
billing solutions to internet companies focussed primarily on online games, a 
sector enjoying strong growth in the region. CME has also recently diversified 
into mobile marketing, implementing campaigns for major international brands 
such as L'Oreal and Nokia. CME has value beyond Cellcast UK's minority 18% stake 
in the business as it provides us with preferential access to a network of 
billing agreements which can support the regional satellite TV broadcasting 
initiatives under consideration. 
The success of Cellcast's Indian venture evidences the inherent value of our 
model and technology. As a result we have been approached to license our 
technology and formats within a number of other international markets which we 
are considering on a case by case basis provided such ventures require minimal 
investment and can be managed within our current resources. 
 Technology Division 
During the year under review, attention was focussed on operational solutions, 
analytical systems and platform projects. 
On the operational side, two major system upgrades were delivered. The first was 
the final stage of the dark fibre project that went live in June 2009. This 
enabled the group to migrate all services from externally managed circuits to 
in-house management. Working with partners Arqiva, Globecast and AboveNet, this 
migration realised significant cost savings and enabled the group to expand the 
number of broadcast streams it can support. 
The upgrade to internal systems for broadcast, playout and monitoring began in 
2009. All aspects of the broadcast paths were overhauled, culminating in 
decisions on new playout and graphics systems as well as the design and 
implementation of completely new Master Control Room and compliance monitoring 
Work on analytical systems centred on the implementation of Nucleus (formerly 
Eagle Eye), a bespoke customer relationship management and enterprise resource 
planning system designed to support the growth of individual business units and 
increase average revenue per user. Nucleus uses artificial intelligence to mine 
CMS data and individual consumer behaviour to trigger customised revenue 
generating marketing campaigns. The evolution of this project led to the 
development of a 'software as a service' platform that directly links all 
There were a number of initiatives among the platform projects. Development 
continued on the Cellcast Interactive Platform, which was redeployed as a Cloud 
based solution in 2009.  The investment and time put into the MDS, CMS and NAS 
systems during 2008 led to the BOIP (Broadcast over IP) project being initiated 
in 2009 and continued into 2010. This project is intended to fundamentally 
change the entire broadcast infrastructure, moving away from traditional 
hardware-based systems to a software-based system from camera to broadcast. 
The year saw the first implementation of the Mailcast project with the roll-out 
of Cardfish (www.cardfish.com). Mailcast brings together elements of internet 
video, video customisation and telephony to provide an online viral interactive 
storyboarding system utilising an innovative e-card process. In the coming 
months Mailcast will be deployed within Cellcast's portfolio of services. In 
addition we believe there is a ready market for licensing this technology to 
third-party marketing companies and content providers. 
Outlook for 2010 
The realignment and expansion of the group's services across the Sky Digital, 
Freeview and Freesat platforms has been costly and taken time, but management 
believes that it has achieved the right distribution mix and market coverage to 
optimise yield. The fruits of this restructuring were a 48% year-on-year 
increase in SMS traffic 13% year-on-year increase in IVR traffic in April 2010 
and a 10% year-on-year increase in Web-based transactions. This translated in to 
a significant increase in revenue which led to the group achieving positive 
results in April and May. 
In 2010, the group will introduce Nucleus across all its operations and expects 
to offer it as a service to other companies in the sector. The deployment of the 
first stage of this platform is already increasing customer retention and 
significantly increasing average revenue per user by boosting cross-selling 
opportunities. Research and development continues on new mobile and telephony 
products, with a deployment programme for a number of new iPhone applications. 
The group will continue to develop innovative products and services to meet the 
challenges and growth opportunities presented by the expansion of digital 
television and the convergence of the web, TV and telephony. The group's proven 
expertise in the development of multimedia services and formats, and its strong 
marketing base combining the reach of its TV channels and growing mobile 
database, provide it with a powerful platform. Having grown revenues in 2009 
despite the unprecedented economic situation and a major restructuring of its 
services and distribution, the group both maintains a leading position in the UK 
interactive services industry and anticipates continued growth throughout 2010. 
Andrew WilsonBertrand Folliet 
Chief Executive Officer                                           Chief 
Operating Officer 
2nd June 2010                                                       2nd June 
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income 
|                                          |       |  Year ended 31 December   | 
|                                          |  |         2009 |  |         2008 | 
|                                          |  |          GBP |  |          GBP | 
| Revenue                                  |  |   16,810,064 |  |   15,994,412 | 
| Cost of sales                            |  | (17,121,563) |  | (14,619,887) | 
| Gross (loss)/profit                      |  |    (311,499) |  |    1,374,525 | 
| Operating costs and expenses:            |  |              |  |              | 
|   General and administrative             |  |  (1,196,883) |  |  (1,369,172) | 
|   Share option expense                   |  |     (17,297) |  |     (56,619) | 
|   Amortisation & depreciation            |  |    (704,672) |  |    (516,587) | 
| Total operating costs and expenses       |  |  (1,918,852) |  |  (1,942,378) | 
|                                          |  |              |  |              | 
| Operating loss                           |  |  (2,230,351) |  |    (567,853) | 
|                                          |  |              |  |              | 
| Profit on disposal of channels           |  |            - |  |    1,207,275 | 
| Interest receivable & similar income     |  |           22 |  |        2,914 | 
| Interest payable and similar charges     |  |    (101,923) |  |    (120,023) | 
| Share of profit / (loss) in associates   |  |      451,068 |  |    (342,498) | 
| (Loss) / profit before tax               |  |  (1,881,184) |  |      179,815 | 
|                                          |  |              |  |              | 
| Current taxation                         |  |              |  |              | 
| R & D tax credit                         |  |      270,747 |  |      153,313 | 
| Total taxation                           |  |      270,747 |  |      153,313 | 
|                                          |  |              |  |              | 
| (Loss) / profit for the year             |  |  (1,610,437) |  |      333,128 | 
|                                          |  |              |  |              | 
| Other comprehensive income               |  |              |  |              | 
| Exchange difference on translating       |  |     (14,057) |  |       41,234 | 
| foreign operations                       |  |              |  |              | 
|                                          |  |              |  |              | 
| Total comprehensive income attributable  |  |  (1,624,494) |  |      374,362 | 
| to the owners of the parent              |  |              |  |              | 
|                                          |  |              |  |              | 
| (Loss) / earnings per share              |  |              |  |              | 
| Basic & diluted                          |  |       (2.1)p |  |         0.4p | 
|                                          |  |              |  |              | 
|                                          |  |    |         |  |              | 
Consolidated statement of financial position 
As at 31 December 
|                                 |       |        2009 |       |        2008 | 
| Assets                          |       |         GBP |       |         GBP | 
| Non-current assets              |       |             |       |             | 
| Intangible assets               |       |   2,128,419 |       |   2,460,596 | 
| Property, plant and equipment   |       |     179,813 |       |     327,068 | 
| Investments in associates       |       |     691,806 |       |     254,795 | 
|                                 |       |   3,000,038 |       |   3,042,459 | 
| Current assets                  |       |             |       |             | 
| Trade and other receivables     |       |   2,365,352 |       |   2,999,339 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents       |       |     199,556 |       |           - | 
|                                 |       |   2,564,908 |       |   2,999,339 | 
| Total assets                    |       |   5,564,946 |       |   6,041,798 | 
|                                 |       |             |       |             | 
| Capital and reserves            |       |             |       |             | 
| Called up share capital         |       |   2,265,398 |       |   2,265,398 | 
| Share premium account           |       |   5,498,626 |       |   5,498,626 | 
| Merger reserve                  |       |   1,300,395 |       |   1,300,395 | 
| Cumulative translation reserve  |       |      22,018 |       |      36,075 | 
| Warrant Reserve                 |       |      41,190 |       |           - | 
| Retained earnings               |       | (8,401,326) |       | (6,808,186) | 
| Equity attributable to owners   |       |     726,301 |       |   2,292,308 | 
| of the parent                   |       |             |       |             | 
| Liabilities                     |       |             |       |             | 
| Current liabilities             |       |             |       |             | 
| Trade and other payables        |       |   4,683,435 |       |   3,502,193 | 
| Borrowings                      |       |     155,210 |       |     247,297 | 
| Total liabilities               |       |   4,838,645 |       |   3,749,490 | 
| Total equity and liabilities    |       |   5,564,946 |       |   6,041,798 | 
The financial statements were approved and authorised for issue by the board on 
2nd June 2010. 
Andrew WilsonEmmanuelle Guicharnaud 
Chief Executive Officer 
Finance Director 
2nd June 2010 
      2nd June 2010 
Consolidated statement of changes in equity for the year ended 31 December 2009 
|               |               |             Amounts attributable to the owners of the parent              | 
|               |           |           |           |  Cumulative |         |             |                 | 
|               |     Share |     Share |    Merger | Translation | Warrant |    Retained |           Total | 
|               |   Capital |   Premium |   Reserve |     Reserve | Reserve |    Earnings |                 | 
|               |       GBP |       GBP |       GBP |         GBP |     GBP |         GBP |             GBP | 
| Balance at    | 2,265,398 | 5,498,626 | 1,300,395 |      36,075 |       - | (6,808,186) |       2,292,308 | 
| 1 January     |           |           |           |             |         |             |                 | 
| 2009          |           |           |           |             |         |             |                 | 
| Loss for      |         - |         - |         - |           - |       - | (1,610,437) |     (1,610,437) | 
| the year      |           |           |           |             |         |             |                 | 
|               |           |           |           |             |         |             |                 | 
| Exchange      |         - |         - |         - |    (14,057) |       - |           - |        (14,057) | 
| difference    |           |           |           |             |         |             |                 | 
| on            |           |           |           |             |         |             |                 | 
| translating   |           |           |           |             |         |             |                 | 
| foreign       |           |           |           |             |         |             |                 | 
| operations    |           |           |           |             |         |             |                 | 
| Total         |         - |         - |         - |    (14,057) |       - | (1,610,437) |     (1,624,494) | 
| comprehensive |           |           |           |             |         |             |                 | 
| income        |           |           |           |             |         |             |                 | 
| Transactions  |           |           |           |             |         |             |                 | 
| with owners   |           |           |           |             |         |             |                 | 
| - Warrant     |         - |         - |         - |           - |  41,190 |           - |          41,190 | 
| issue         |           |           |           |             |         |             |                 | 
| - Equity      |         - |         - |         - |           - |         |      17,297 |          17,297 | 
| settled       |           |           |           |             |         |             |                 | 
| share-based   |           |           |           |             |         |             |                 | 
| payment       |           |           |           |             |         |             |                 | 
| charge        |           |           |           |             |         |             |                 | 
|               |           |           |           |             |         |             |                 | 
| Total of      |           |           |           |             |         |             |                 | 
| transactions  |         - |         - |         - |           - |  41,190 |      17,297 |          58,487 | 
| with owners   |           |           |           |             |         |             |                 | 
| Balance at    | 2,265,398 | 5,498,626 | 1,300,395 |      22,018 |  41,190 | (8,401,326) |         726,301 | 
| 31            |           |           |           |             |         |             |                 | 
| December      |           |           |           |             |         |             |                 | 
| 2009          |           |           |           |             |         |             |                 | 
|               |           |   |       |           |             |         |             |                 | 
Consolidated statement of changes in equity for the year ended 31 December 2008 
|               |            Amounts attributable to the owners of the parent              |          |           |  | 
|               |           |           |           |  Cumulative |             |          |          |           |  | 
|               |     Share |     Share |    Merger | Translation |    Retained |          |          |     Total |  | 
|               |   Capital |   Premium |   Reserve |     Reserve |    Earnings |          |          |           |  | 
|               |       GBP |       GBP |       GBP |         GBP |         GBP |          |          |       GBP |  | 
| Balance at 1  | 2,265,398 | 5,498,626 | 1,300,395 |     (5,159) | (7,197,933) |          |          | 1,861,327 |  | 
| January 2008  |           |           |           |             |             |          |          |           |  | 
| Profit for    |         - |         - |         - |           - |     333,128 |          |          |   333,128 |  | 
| the year      |           |           |           |             |             |          |          |           |  | 
|               |           |           |           |             |             |          |          |           |  | 
| Exchange      |         - |         - |         - |      41,234 |           - |          |          |    41,234 |  | 
| difference on |           |           |           |             |             |          |          |           |  | 
| translating   |           |           |           |             |             |          |          |           |  | 
| foreign       |           |           |           |             |             |          |          |           |  | 
| operations    |           |           |           |             |             |          |          |           |  | 
| Total         |         - |         - |         - |      41,234 |     333,128 |          |          |   374,362 |  | 
| comprehensive |           |           |           |             |             |          |          |           |  | 
| income        |           |           |           |             |             |          |          |           |  | 
| Transactions  |         - |         - |         - |           - |      56,619 |          |          |    56,619 |  | 
| with owners - |           |           |           |             |             |          |          |           |  | 
| Equity        |           |           |           |             |             |          |          |           |  | 
| settled       |           |           |           |             |             |          |          |           |  | 
| share-based   |           |           |           |             |             |          |          |           |  | 
| payment       |           |           |           |             |             |          |          |           |  | 
| charge        |           |           |           |             |             |          |          |           |  | 
|               |           |           |           |             |             |          |          |           |  | 
| Balance at 31 | 2,265,398 | 5,498,626 | 1,300,395 |      36,075 | (6,808,186) |          |          | 2,292,308 |  | 
| December 2008 |           |           |           |             |             |          |          |           |  | 
|                                                                                                                    | 
|                                                                                                                    | 
|                                                                                                                    | 
Consolidated cash flow statement 
|                                              |  |      Year ended 31      | 
|                                              |  |        December         | 
| Net increase / (decrease) in cash and cash   |  |   2009    | |   2008    | 
| equivalents                                  |  |           | |           | 
|                                              |  |       GBP | |       GBP | 
|                                              |  |           | |           | 
| Net cash inflow / (outflow) from operations  | a|   392,665 | | (424,740) | 
|                                              |  |           | |           | 
| Income taxes                                 |  |   270,747 | |   153,313 | 
|                                              |  |           | |           | 
| Interest received                            |  |        22 | |     2,914 | 
|                                              |  |           | |           | 
| Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating     |  |   663,434 | | (268,513) | 
| activities                                   |  |           | |           | 
|                                              |  |           | |           | 
| Net cash (outflow) / inflow from investing   | b| (225,240) | |   601,942 | 
| activities                                   |  |           | |           | 
|                                              |  |           | |           | 
| Net cash used in financing activities        | c| (169,916) | | (450,918) | 
|                                              |  |           | |           | 
| Net increase / (decrease)  in cash and cash  |  |   268,278 | | (117,489) | 
| equivalents                                  |  |           | |           | 
|                                              |  |           | |           | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of    |  |  (68,722) | |     7,533 | 
| period                                       |  |           | |           | 
|                                              |  |           | |           | 
| Exchange gains                               |  |           | |    41,234 | 
|                                              |  |    -      | |           | 
|                                              |  |           | |           | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at end of period   |  |   199,556 | |  (68,722) | 
Cash flows 
                                                          Year ended 31 December 
|          |                                                |    2009     |    2008     | 
|          |                                                |         GBP |         GBP | 
|          | Reconciliation of net (loss) / profit to net   |             |             | 
| a        | cash outflow from operating activities         |             |             | 
|          |                                                |             |             | 
|          | (Loss) /  profit before tax                    | (1,881,184) |     179,815 | 
|          | Interest receivable and similar income         |        (22) |     (2,914) | 
|          | Interest payable and similar charges           |     101,923 |     120,023 | 
|          | Share of operating (gains)/losses in           |   (451,068) |     342,498 | 
|          | associates                                     |             |             | 
|          | Amortisation and depreciation                  |     704,672 |     516,587 | 
|          | Share option expense                           |      17,297 |      56,619 | 
|          | Loss on disposal of property, plant and        |           - |      24,784 | 
|          | equipment                                      |             |             | 
|          | Gain on disposal of intangible assets -        |           - | (1,207,275) | 
|          | proceeds from disposal of channels             |             |             | 
|          | Finance costs                                  |           - |      42,977 | 
|          | Decrease /(increase) in trade and other        |     633,987 |   (765,388) | 
|          | receivables                                    |             |             | 
|          | Increase in trade and other payables           |   1,267,060 |     267,534 | 
|          | Net cash inflow / (outflow) from operating     |     392,665 |   (424,740) | 
|          | activities from continuing operations          |             |             | 
|          |                                                |             |             | 
|          | Cash flow from investing activities            |             |             | 
| b        |                                                |             |             | 
|          |                                                |             |             | 
|          | Proceeds on disposal of intangible assets      |           - |   1,400,000 | 
|          | Purchase of property, plant and equipment      |     (9,287) |    (44,076) | 
|          | Purchase of intangible assets                  |   (215,953) |   (753,982) | 
|          | Net cash (outflow) / inflow from investing     |   (225,240) |     601,942 | 
|          | activities                                     |             |             | 
|          |                                                |             |             | 
|          | Cash flow from financing activities            |             |             | 
| c        |                                                |             |             | 
|          |                                                |             |             | 
|          | Capital element of finance leases              |    (17,096) |    (54,395) | 
|          | Interest paid                                  |    (95,523) |   (120,023) | 
|          | Repayment of loan                              |   (247,297) |   (276,500) | 
|          | Proceeds from the issue of term loan note      |     200,000 |           - | 
|          | Less issue costs                               |    (10,000) |           - | 
|          | Net cash used in financing activities          |   (169,916) |   (450,918) | 
Notes to the preliminary announcement 
1. Accounting policies 
The consolidated financial statements have been prepared under the historical 
cost convention in accordance with applicable International Financial Reporting 
Standards as adopted by the European Union (IFRS).  Cellcast plc is an England 
and Wales incorporated public limited company and is domiciled in the United 
Kingdom.  Cellcast plc shares are publically traded on the AIM market of the 
London Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol CLTV. 
2. Loss before tax (2008 - profit) 
| Loss before tax (2008 - profit) is    |  2009   |    2008     | 
| stated after charging/(crediting):    |         |             | 
|                                       |     GBP |         GBP | 
| Depreciation - owned assets           | 139,446 |     133,015 | 
| Depreciation - assets on hire         |  17,096 |      70,305 | 
| purchase contracts                    |         |             | 
| Licences amortisation                 |  77,548 |      77,975 | 
| Amortisation of internally generated  | 470,582 |     235,292 | 
| development costs                     |         |             | 
| Total amortisation and depreciation   | 704,672 |     516,587 | 
| charge for the year                   |         |             | 
| Profit on disposal of channels -      |       - | (1,207,275) | 
| licences                              |         |             | 
| Loss on disposal of property, plant   |       - |      24,784 | 
| and equipments                        |         |             | 
| Auditor's remuneration - statutory    |  35,000 |      35,000 | 
| audit of parent and consolidated      |         |             | 
| accounts                              |         |             | 
| Audit services provided to subsidiaries were GBP25,000        | 
| (2008: GBP25,000)                                             | 
| Other services supplied pursuant to   |   6,000 |       5,000 | 
| such legislation: Interim review      |         |             | 
| Foreign exchange loss                 |  17,304 |       7,268 | 
In 2008, the group's curtailment of the UGC venture SUMO.tv produced a 
significant windfall of GBP1.2 million, from the sale of the channel's position 
in the Sky Electronic Program Guide. 
3. Interest receivable and similar income 
|                                         | 2009  | 2008  | 
|                                         |   GBP |   GBP | 
| Bank interest received                  |    22 | 2,914 | 
4. Interest payable and similar charges 
|                                         |  2009   |  2008   | 
|                                         |     GBP |     GBP | 
| Interest on convertible loan and term   |  43,884 |  41,654 | 
| loan notes                              |         |         | 
| Bank charges & interest paid            |  54,971 |  70,541 | 
| Finance leases                          |   3,068 |   7,828 | 
|                                         | 101,923 | 120,023 | 
5. (Loss) / earnings per share 
The calculations of adjusted basic and diluted (loss)/earnings per ordinary 
share are based on the following results: 
|                            |    2009     |    2008    | 
|                            |             |            | 
| Reported (loss) / profit   | (1,610,437) |    333,128 | 
| for the financial period   |             |            | 
|                            |             |            | 
| Weighted average number of |  75,513,224 | 75,513,224 | 
| ordinary shares            |             |            | 
|                            |             |            | 
| Basic (loss) / earnings    |      (2.1p) |       0.4p | 
| per share                  |             |            | 
| Diluted (loss) / earnings  |      (2.1p) |       0.4p | 
| per share                  |             |            | 
|                            |             |            | 
Due to the loss incurred in 2009 there was no dilution effect from the issued 
share options and warrants. 
As the listed market value of the shares throughout 2008 was lower than the 
exercise prices of the share options and warrants in issue during the year, 
there was not considered to be any dilution effect of the issued share options 
and warrants during 2008. 
The share split on the 30 July 2009 did not result in any change to the number 
or the rights of the ordinary shares in issue and therefore has been no impact 
on the loss / (earnings) per share. 
6. Segmental reporting 
During the year the group adopted IFRS 8 which is effective for annual reporting 
periods beginning on or after 1 January 2009 and requires that the group should 
disclose segmental information based on financial data used by the Executive 
Management Team who are responsible for making financial decisions. The 
executive management team comprises the chief executive officer, the chief 
operating officer and the chief financial officer. 
The financial information is presented to the executive management team as one 
operating unit which apart from the group's associate undertaking operates in 
one geographical unit. The executive management team make their decisions based 
upon this information. 
The group has 3 significant customers, each generating over 10% of the group's 
television and broadcast revenue. The 3 customers contribute GBP4,493,289, 
GBP3,199,941 and GBP4,487,605 of the group's total revenue. 
7. Publication of non-statutory accounts 
The financial information set out in this preliminary announcement does not 
constitute statutory accounts as defined in Section 435 of the Companies Act 
2006. Statutory accounts for 2009 will be delivered to the Registrar following 
the Company's Annual General Meeting. The balance sheet at 31 December 2009 and 
income statement, statement of changes in equity, cash flow statement and 
associated notes for the year then ended have been extracted from the Company's 
2009 financial statements upon which the auditor's opinion is unqualified. 
8. Other information 
The report and accounts for the year ended 31 December 2009 will be posted to 
shareholders shortly and will be laid before the Annual General Meeting to be 
held at the offices of Memery Crystal LLP, 44 Southampton Buildings, London WC2A 
1AP on 29 June 2010 at 3.00 pm. 
Copies will also be available via the website (www.cellcast.tv) in accordance 
with AIM Rule 26 and at the Company's registered office, The Registry, 34 
Beckenham Road, Beckenham, Kent BR3 4TU. 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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