The Clarkson Hill Group plc (the "Group") 
     Preliminary Announcement for the Seventeen months to 31 December 2008 
  * Loss before tax GBP669,207 (2007 Profit: GBP25,279). 
  * Turnover increased 12%pa to GBP29.0 million (2007 GBP18.3 million). 
  * Gross profit decreased by 13%pa to GBP4.5 million (2007: GBP3.6 million). 
  * New single premium investments increased to GBP277 million (2007: GBP250 
  * Total funds under management grew by 39% to approximately GBP989 million 
    (2007: GBP712 million). (It should be noted that these figures are based on 
    input values not current fund values, clearly the impact on asset values of 
    the recession and market volatility are not reflected in these figures) 
  * Operating efficiency improved to 17.7% (2007: 19.6%). (Operating efficiency 
    is calculated as being the operating costs as a percentage of turnover) 
Trading Highlights                               17 months to       Year to 
                                                 31 December     31 July 2007 
Turnover                                          29,093,190      18,300,143 
Gross Profit                                       4,502,191       3,651,013 
Operating Costs                                   (5,147,286)     (3,595,257) 
Profit/(loss) before Tax                           (669,207)        25,279 
Profit/(loss) after Tax                            (505,486)          703 
The first point to make is that this may not have been the most appropriate 
time to change our financial year-end. However, the decision was made early in 
2008 on the sound basis that the historical year-end of July did not match with 
the operating timetable of the Company, and economies will eventually flow from 
this decision. 
These accounts compare a 17-month period for the December 2008 accounts as 
opposed to the normal 12 months to July 2007. 
Notwithstanding the variation in accounting period, what is clear from the 
results is that the Group has performed adequately against a dramatically 
deteriorating economic situation. 
Results to July 2008 as presented in the Interim results, demonstrated both 
growth and a small profit; performance to the end of the period reflects the 
deteriorating mortgage and investment market. 
The results reflect a continued growth in turnover, calculated on an annualised 
basis as a 12% per annum increase over 2007. 
However, the directors have recognised that the previous growth strategy is not 
appropriate in the current economic climate. As a consequence, post the 
December year-end, cost reductions have been implemented as cost centre 
profitability is highlighted, and steps taken to ensure a return to 
profitability despite the inevitable delay in economic recovery. 
Despite the result of both increased turnover and continued attention to 
operating efficiencies, the Group reports a loss of GBP669,207 (2007: Profit GBP 
25,279). This is due to the negative impact of the extreme economic conditions 
in the final months of the period. 
Turnover has increased by 12%pa to GBP29 million (2007: GBP18.3 million) and 
operating efficiency improved to 17.7% (2007: 19.6%). 
Funds under advice 
New single premium investment business, both life and pensions, increased to GBP 
277 million (2007: GBP250 million), with total funds under advice growing to 
approximately GBP989 million (2007: GBP712 million), an increase of 39%. 
It should be noted that these figures are currently based on values at 
inception, not current fund values. The Group launched its core investment 
solutions alongside its tested Risk Profile Questionnaire during the 
second-half of 2008. This provides our clients with a recognised method of 
determining their attitude and acceptance of risk and reward in an 
understandable manner. From this, detailed investment recommendations that 
offer ongoing asset reallocation (to maintain risk profiles), can then be 
readily made. 
In our view there has not been a better time to engage our clients in this 
process. Results from this programme will influence future company returns. 
Treating Customers Fairly 
2008 was a big year for the FSA's Treating Customers Fairly programme and the 
Group has obviously taken this on board, with the board of directors leading 
the company in the implementation of the necessary reporting structures 
required to evidence the service the Group's advisers provide to our clients. 
A major element of TCF has been to canvass our clients' opinion of the service 
our advisers and we provide to them. Of the 15 questions asked in the survey we 
have utilised, the following gives an indication of our clients' views. 
  Q               How did we perform?              Percentage of Maximum Score 
                                                   September to December 2008 
  2   Are you confident in the knowledge of the                91% 
      adviser you dealt with? 
  7   If a problem occurred, did we rectify it                100% 
 15   Did you feel Clarkson Hill and its advisers              95% 
      treated you fairly? 
Included in this survey is a question that determines a recognised standard, 
the `Net Promoter Score'. The survey asks the client, `Would you recommend to 
friends and colleagues that they should use Clarkson Hill?' 
Clients are asked to respond to this question on a scale from 0 to 10 (0 = 
definitely would not recommend, 10 = definitely would recommend). The net 
promoter question will be accompanied by a box in which respondents can give 
the reason for the score they have given. 
Returned questionnaires will be accumulated over three months and then a 
quarterly net promoter score will be calculated as the percentage of 
respondents to the survey who assign a 9 or 10 to this question, less the 
percentage who assign between a 0 and a 6. Separate scores will be calculated 
for surveys of new clients and surveys following annual reviews. 
The `Net Promoter Score' for September to December 2008 is 62, which represents 
an excellent score, confirming the directors' view that both advisers and 
Company focus on providing appropriate advice for our clients, with a 
high-level of service provision. 
Retail Distribution Review 
The Financial Services Authority has moved this project forward, with targets 
for both adviser qualifications and increased transparency for charging, in 
relation to both product manufacturing and advice for financial products. 
The various steps the Group is taking in respect of Assets under Influence to 
Assets under Management reflect the approach we intend to make to accommodate 
these planned changes. 
If there is an area of concern it must be the tight timescale envisaged by the 
Regulator in respect of adviser qualifications and manufacturer system changes, 
set against a paradigm shift in the economic environment. Too rigid a timetable 
will inevitably result in fewer advisers available to meet significant consumer 
Regulatory Costs 
In February 2009 the Financial Services Compensation Scheme advised that they 
may need to levy up to GBP40 million on firms in the investment intermediary 
sub-class (D2), to meet claims from the default of Pacific Continental 
Securities (UK) Limited. 
In March, the Company received a demand for GBP62,388 backdated to 2008 and 
payable by the 29th April 2009. The sum of GBP46,791 has been added to our loss 
for the year retrospectively. 
The directors maintain the highest level of compliance possible, with 
case-checking levels of between 90 and 100% of advice given. The results of our 
survey and the very modest levels of complaints confirm the time, effort and 
cost the directors, advisers and employees expend on giving clients the most 
appropriate advice. 
Regulatory costs paid by the Group have escalated from GBP67,466 for the year 03/ 
04 to GBP543,881 in the year 08/09. The method of charging is inequitable, as it 
does not seek to recover costs from those companies or sectors, which take 
inappropriate levels of risk. 
The focus on cost reduction and cost centre profitability has now created the 
platform for the Group to move forward in the new economic environment. 
Recruitment of quality advisers will continue at a lower rate than previously, 
with the emphasis on investment pension based advisers. 
Since December the Group has continued to trade in line with the board's 
RD Pritchard, CEO 
29 April 2009 
Consolidated Income Statement for the period from 1 August 2007 to 31 December 
                                                17 months ended      Year ended 
                                                   31 December    31 July 2007 
                                                           2008         Audited 
                                                              GBP               GBP 
Turnover                                             29,093,190      18,300,143 
Cost of sales                                      (24,590,999)    (14,649,130) 
Gross profit                                          4,502,191       3,651,013 
Net operating expenses                              (5,147,286)     (3,595,257) 
Group operating (loss)/profit                         (645,095)          55,756 
Interest receivable and similar                          47,159          18,631 
Interest payable and similar                           (71,271)        (49,108) 
(Loss)/profit on ordinary                             (669,207)          25,279 
activities before taxation 
Tax on (loss)/profit on                                 163,721        (24,576) 
ordinary activities 
Retained (loss)/profit for the                        (505,486)             703 
Basic earnings/(loss) per share                         -2.11 p              0p 
There are no recognised gains or losses other than the profit or loss for the 
above financial periods. 
None of the group's activities were acquired or discontinued during the above 
financial periods. 
Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2008 
                                                    31 December    31 July 2007 
                                                               GBP              GBP 
Fixed Assets 
Intangible assets                                        120,055        136,280 
Property, Plant & Equipment                              153,978        193,533 
Investments                                                7,000          7,000 
Deferred Tax                                             503,919        340,198 
                                                         784,952        677,011 
Current Assets 
Trade and other receivables                            3,189,357      3,400,452 
Cash and cash equivalents                                586,640        663,026 
                                                       3,775,997      4,063,478 
Total Assets                                           4,560,949      4,740,489 
Called up share capital                                  479,154        482,154 
Share premium account                                  2,087,011      2,140,073 
Merger reserve                                          (99,000)       (99,000) 
Retained earnings                                    (1,897,452)    (1,391,966) 
Total Equity                                             569,713      1,131,261 
Non-current liabilities 
Long term borrowings                                     534,444        206,584 
Current Liabilities 
Trade and other payables                               3,077,838      2,631,468 
Short term borrowings                                    142,258        555,457 
Current portion of long term                             187,031        125,000 
Current taxes payable                                     49,665         90,719 
                                                       3,456,792      3,402,644 
Total equity and liabilities                           4,560,949      4,740,489 
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the period 1 August 2007 to 31 December 
                                                 17 months ended     Year ended 
                                                    31 December    31 July 2007 
Cash flows from operating activities 
                                                               GBP              GBP 
(Loss)/Profit before taxation                          (669,207)         25,279 
Depreciation                                              80,200         52,994 
Impairment                                               (1,775)         31,242 
Interest net                                              24,112         30,477 
Operating (loss)/profit before                         (566,670)        139,992 
working capital changes 
Decrease/(Increase) in trade and                         211,095      (514,177) 
other receivables 
Increase in trade and other                              405,316        366,433 
Cash generated from operations                            49,741        (7,752) 
Interest paid                                           (71,271)       (49,108) 
Net cash outflow from operating                         (21,530)       (56,860) 
Cash flows from investing 
Taxation                                                       -          1,730 
Net disposals of intangibles                              18,000       (91,829) 
Purchase of property, plant and                         (40,645)       (68,564) 
Interest received                                         47,159         18,631 
                                                          24,514      (140,032) 
Cash flows from financing 
Forfeiture of shares                                    (56,062)              - 
Proceeds from (repayment of) long                        350,000        325,538 
term borrowings 
Movement in short term borrowings                      (364,846)              - 
Payment of hire purchase and                             (8,462)       (12,257) 
finance liabilities 
                                                        (79,370)        313,281 
Net (decrease)/increase in cash                         (76,386)        116,389 
and cash equivalents 
Cash and cash equivalents at the                         663,026        546,637 
beginning of the period 
Cash and cash equivalents at the                         586,640        663,026 
end of the period 
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 
                                 Share      Share  Merger   Retained      Total 
                               capital    premium reserve   earnings     equity 
Balance at 31 July 2006       482,154  2,140,073 (99,000) (1,392,669)  1,130,558 
Changes in equity for 2007 
Profit for the period               -            -        -       703        703 
Balance at 31 July 2007       482,154  2,140,073 (99,000) (1,391,966)  1,131,261 
carried forward 
Changes in equity for 2008 
Share forfeiture              (3,000)   (53,062)        -           -   (56,062) 
Loss for the period                 -          -        -   (505,486)  (505,486) 
Balance at 31 July 2008       479,154  2,087,011 (99,000) (1,897,452)    569,713 
carried forward 
Basis of preparation 
The financial information has been prepared in accordance with accounting 
policies as presented in the Financial Statements as at 31 December 2008. 
Earnings/(loss) per share 
The earnings per share is calculated on the loss attributable to ordinary 
shareholders of GBP505,486 (2007: profit GBP703) divided by 23,957,677 (2007: 
24,107,677) being the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue 
during the year. 
During 2008 and 2007, the share warrants and options disclosed in note 19 were 
antidilutive and accordingly there is no dilution of loss per share. However, 
the share options could potentially dilute basic earnings per share in the 
Analysis of changes in net debt 
                                               Opening        Cash      Closing 
                                               balance       flows      Balance 
                                              1 August             31 December 
                                                     GBP           GBP            GBP 
Cash at bank and in hand                       663,026    (76,386)      586,640 
Total                                          663,026    (76,386)      586,640 
Financial Information 
The financial information set out above does not constitute the Company's 
statutory financial statements for the period ended 31 December 2008 or 31 July 
2007 (but is derived from those financial statements). Statutory financial 
statements for 2007 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and those 
for 2008 will be delivered shortly. The auditors have reported on those 
financial statements; their reports were unqualified and did not contain 
statements under section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. 
Report and financial statements 
Copies of the Report and financial statements for the year ended 31 December 
2008 will be posted to shareholders by 30 April 2009. Further copies will be 
available from the Company's registered office at Alexandra House, Alexandra 
Road, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire PE13 1HQ. The financial statements are also 
available on the Company's website www.theclarksonhillgroup.co.uk. 
Ron Pritchard, Director 
The Clarkson Hill Group Plc 
Telephone 01945 585721 
Liam Murray, Nominated Adviser 
Dowgate Capital Advisers Limited 
Telephone 020 7492 4777 

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