RNS Number:7502D
Capital Radio PLC
17 May 2001


Unaudited Group Profit and Loss Account
For the Half Year to 31st March 2001              Unaudited Unaudited   Audited
                                                  Half Year Half Year      Year
                                                    To 31st   to 31st      30th
                                                      March     March September
                                                       2001      2000      2000
                                            NOTE     #000       #000        #000

Turnover:         Continuing operations       2    72,587     59,481     130,063

                  Discontinued operations     2         -      3,374       4,862

                                                   72,587     62,855     134,925

Operating profit

Continuing operations

Before goodwill and exceptional operating     2    18,784     21,767     41,373

Post acquisition restructuring costs          2         -          -     (1,685)

Amortisation of goodwill                           (4,484)    (1,274)    (4,246)

Discontinued operations                       3         -       (728)    (4,982)

Operating profit                              3    14,300     19,765     30,460

Share of operating profit of associated
companies                                           2,765        328      2,309

Exceptional gain on sale of stations                7,394          -         -

Profit on ordinary activities before          2    24,459     20,093     32,769

Net interest (payable)/receivable and              (3,285)        70     (2,418)
similar income
Underlying profit before taxation from
continuing operations                              18,264     22,165     41,264

Exceptional items, goodwill and
discontinued operations                             2,910     (2,002)   (10,913)

Profit on ordinary activities before
taxation                                           21,174     20,163     30,351

Taxation on profit on ordinary activities     4    (5,109)    (6,003)    (9,828)

Profit on ordinary activities after
taxation                                           16,065     14,160     20,523

Minority interest in profit for the period
- equity                                                 -      (271)      (368)

Profit for the financial period                    16,065     13,889     20,155

Dividends                                     5    (4,903)    (4,534)   (14,807)

Retained profit for the period and its
share of associates                                11,162      9,355      5,348

Earnings per share                            6     19.7p      18.5p      26.3p

Profit/(loss) per share on exceptional
items, goodwill and discontinued operations          3.6p      (2.4p)    (13.0p)
after taxation

Underlying earnings per share from            6     16.1p      20.9p      39.3p
continuing operations                               

Diluted earnings per share                    6     19.6p      18.3p      26.1p

Unaudited Group Balance Sheet
                                   Unaudited as   Unaudited as   Audited as at
                                  at 31st March  at 31st March  30th September
                           NOTE            2001           2000            2000
                                           #000           #000            #000
Fixed assets
Intangible assets -
goodwill                               216,870         29,363         222,490

Tangible fixed assets                   26,877         20,848          26,077

Investments (including
associated undertakings)                 3,923          4,123           3,790

                                       247,670         54,334         252,357

Current assets
Stock                                      358             87             383

Debtors                      7          21,674         19,369          23,722

Cash at bank and in hand                 1,364         10,927               -

                                        23,396         30,383          24,105


Creditors: amounts falling   8
due within one year                    (65,275)       (29,516)        (74,342)

Net current (liabilities)/
assets                                 (41,879)           867         (50,237)

Total assets less current
liabilities                            205,791         55,201         202,120

Creditors: amounts falling   9
due after more than one                (53,136)             -         (61,063)

Net assets                             152,655         55,201         141,057

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital     11           2,043          1,889           2,040

Share premium account       11          72,857         14,134          72,084

Merger reserve              11          31,856              -          31,856

Profit and loss account     11          45,899         37,679          34,737

Equity shareholders' funds  10         152,655         53,702         140,717

Minority interest - equity                   -          1,499             340

                                       152,655         55,201         141,057

Unaudited Group Cash Flow Statement

For the Half Year to          Unaudited Half Year      Unaudited Half   Audited
31st March 2001                                to                          Year
                                  31st March 2001  Year to 31st March      30th
                      NOTE                                   2000          2000
                                            #000             #000          #000
Net cash inflow from   12                 19,116           20,802        44,419
operating activities                      

Dividends from
associated                                   838              561         1,241

Returns on
investments and
servicing of finance

Interest received and
similar income                                52               47           114

Interest paid                             (2,850)             (71)       (1,781)

Repayment of
associate loan                             1,930                -            -

Dividends paid to
minority interests                             -                -          (768)

Returns on
investments and                             (868)             (24)       (2,435)
servicing of finance

Taxation paid                             (4,298)          (3,658)      (12,433)

Capital expenditure

Proceeds from sale of
tangible fixed assets                          -            4,773           471

Purchase of tangible
fixed assets                              (3,466)          (3,521)       (6,048)

Purchase of own
shares                                         -                -        (1,825)

Cash (outflow)/inflow
on capital                                (3,466)           1,252        (7,402)

Acquisitions and       13                  7,608           (2,220)     (145,478)

Cash outflow from
equity dividends paid                    (10,151)          (8,576)      (13,163)

Cash inflow/(outflow)
before financing                           8,779            8,137      (135,251)

Cash (outflow)/inflow
from financing                            (1,011)           3,167       129,224

in cash in the period                      7,768           11,304        (6,027)

Reconciliation of 
net cash flow to 
movement               14
in net debt

Increase/(decrease) in cash in the period  7,768           11,304        (6,027)

Cash outflow from increase in debt             -                -       (68,500)

Change in net debt arising 
from cash flows                            7,768           11,304       (74,527)

Finance leases acquired with subsidiary        -                -        (1,104)

Repayment of finance leases                  302               14           305

New loan notes issued                          -                -       (24,354)

Repayment of loan notes                      807                -           200

Movement in net debt in the period         8,877           11,318       (99,480)

Net debt at start of period             (100,723)          (1,243)       (1,243)

Net (debt)/cash at end of period         (91,846)          10,075      (100,723)

Notes to the Interim Statement

1.    Accounting Policies

      The statement has been prepared under the historical cost accounting
      rules, modified to include the revaluation of certain fixed assets, and
      in accordance with applicable accounting standards. Tangible fixed assets
      are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation. Fixed asset investments
      are stated at cost less provisions. Stock is stated at the lower of cost
      and net realisable value.

      The profit and loss account for the half year ended 31st March 2000 has
      been restated to reclassify as discontinued the results of the Restaurant

      The accounting policies applied in the period are identical to those for
      the year ended 30th September 2000.

2.              Unaudited Half Year   Unaudited Half Year    Audited Year Ended
Segmental        to 31st March 2001    to 31st March 2000   30th September 2000
                                               (Restated)            (Restated)
                               #000                  #000                  #000
Turnover -

radio, all
from UK:

   Analogue                 64,866                58,939               123,935

   Digital                      68                     -                     -

commercial                  64,934                58,939               123,935
radio, all
from UK

all from UK                    462                   542                   984

all from UK                  7,191                     -                 5,144

Total -
continuing                  72,587                59,481               130,063

Turnover -

Restaurants                      -                 3,374                 4,862

Total -
discontinued                     -                 3,374                 4,862

                            72,587                62,855               134,925

Profit before interest
and taxation

radio, all
from UK:

    Analogue                19,808                23,360                45,396

    Digital                 (1,279)                 (311)               (1,264)

commercial                  18,529                23,049                44,132
radio, all
from UK

all from UK                 (1,871)               (1,282)               (4,211)

all from UK                  2,126                     -                 1,452

operations                  18,784                21,767                41,373
goodwill and

acquisition                      -                     -                (1,685)

of goodwill -               (4,484)               (1,274)               (4,246)

(discontinued)                   -                  (728)               (4,982)

Share of
operating                    2,765                   328                 2,309
profit of

gain on sale                 7,394                     -                     -
of stations

                            24,459                20,093                32,769

3.   Operating Profit
                                          Continuing Discontinued
                                          Operations   Operations        Total
                                               #000          #000         #000

Unaudited Half Year to 31st March 2001

Turnover                                    72,587              -       72,587

Direct cost of sales                        (9,650)             -       (9,650)

Gross profit                                62,937              -       62,937

Staff costs                                (16,344)             -      (16,344)

Other operating charges                    (25,287)             -      (25,287)

Depreciation and amortisation of
goodwill                                    (7,006)             -       (7,006)

Operating profit                            14,300              -       14,300

Unaudited Half Year to 31st March 2000 (Restated)

Turnover                                    59,481          3,374       62,855

Direct cost of sales                        (7,183)          (850)      (8,033)

Gross profit                                52,298          2,524       54,822

Staff costs                                (13,953)        (1,141)     (15,094)

Other operating charges                    (14,995)        (1,962)     (16,957)

Depreciation and amortisation of
goodwill                                    (2,857)          (149)      (3,006)

Operating profit                            20,493           (728)      19,765

Audited Year to 30th September 2000 (Restated)
Turnover                                   130,063          4,862      134,925

Direct cost of sales                       (16,284)        (1,256)     (17,540)

Gross profit                               113,779          3,606      117,385

Staff costs                                (32,666)        (1,943)     (34,609)

Other operating charges                    (37,353)        (6,349)     (43,702)

Depreciation, amortisation and
impairment of goodwill                      (8,318)          (296)      (8,614)

Operating profit                            35,442         (4,982)      30,460

4.    Taxation
      UK corporation tax has been provided at 30% (2000: 30%) on the taxable
      profits for the period. After allowing for adjustments related to prior
      years the effective rate of corporation tax is 28%.

5.    Dividends
      The Directors propose to pay an interim dividend of 6.0p per share (2000:
      Interim dividend of 6.0p per share, full year dividend of 18.5p per
      share) on 29th June 2001 to all shareholders on the register on 1st June
      2001 (ex-dividend date: 25th May 2001).

6.    Earnings Per Share
      Earnings per share is based on the profit after tax and minority interest
      of #16,065,000 (2000 restated: #13,889,000) divided by the weighted
      average number of Ordinary Shares in issue in each of the relevant
      periods; 2001: 81,473,810 (2000: 74,975,376). Dilution increases the
      weighted average number of shares to 81,930,016 (2000: 76,063,696).

7.   Debtors             Unaudited as at    Unaudited as at  Audited as at 30th
                         31st March 2001    31st March 2000      September 2000
                                    #000               #000                #000
Amounts falling due
within one year
Trade debtors                     16,417             14,757              17,482

Other debtors                      1,238                732               1,592

Assets awaiting
disposal                             729                870                 729

Prepayments and
accrued income                     3,290              3,010               3,919

                                  21,674             19,369              23,722

8.   Creditors           Unaudited as at    Unaudited as at  Audited as at 30th
                         31st March 2001    31st March 2000      September 2000
                                    #000               #000                #000
Amounts falling due
within one year
Bank loans and
overdrafts                        15,500                  -              14,104

Loan notes                        24,197                850              25,004

Finance leases                       377                  2                 552

Trade creditors                    4,051              2,925               4,876

Royalty creditors                    690              1,960               1,899

Other creditors                    3,164              1,407               1,941

Corporation tax
payable                            7,032             11,351               7,814

Proposed dividend                  4,903              4,534              10,211

Other taxation and
social security                    2,455              3,061               2,811

Accruals and
deferred income                    2,906              3,426               5,130

                                  65,275             29,516              74,342

9.   Creditors           Unaudited as at    Unaudited as at  Audited as at 30th
                         31st March 2001    31st March 2000      September 2000
                                    #000               #000                #000
Amounts falling due
after more than one year

Bank loans and
overdrafts                        53,000                  -              60,800

Finance leases                       136                  -                 263

                                  53,136                  -              61,063

10.   Reconciliation of Movement in Shareholders' Funds

                           Unaudited Half Unaudited Half Year     Audited Year
                             Year to 31st  to 31st March 2000       Ended 30th
                               March 2001                       September 2000
                                     #000              #000               #000

Profit for the financial
period                            16,065             13,889             20,155

Dividends                         (4,903)            (4,534)           (14,807)

Retained profit for the
period                            11,162              9,355              5,348

New share capital issued             776              3,182             62,348

Merger reserve movement                -                  -             31,856

Net movement in
shareholders' funds               11,938             12,537             99,552

Equity shareholders'
funds at beginning of            140,717             41,165             41,165

Equity shareholders'
funds at end of period           152,655             53,702            140,717

11.   Reserves

The movement on reserves during the period was as follows:

                               Share        Share        Merger Profit and Loss
                             Capital      Premium       Reserve         Account
                                #000         #000          #000            #000

Beginning of period            2,040       72,084        31,856          34,737

Retained profit for the
period                             -            -             -          11,162

New share capital issued           3          773             -               -

End of period                  2,043       72,857        31,856          45,899

12.   Reconciliation of Operating Profit to Net Cash Inflow from Operating

                           Unaudited Half     Unaudited Half      Audited Year
                             Year to 31st       Year to 31st        Ended 30th
                               March 2001         March 2000    September 2000
                                     #000               #000              #000

Operating profit                   14,300             19,765            30,460

Depreciation                        2,522              1,732             4,368

Amortisation and
impairment of goodwill              4,484              1,274             4,246

(Loss)/profit on
disposal of fixed                     (81)                 -                58
tangible assets

Impairment of fixed
assets                                  -                  -             3,609

Decrease/(increase) in
debtors                             1,358               (582)              999

Decrease in stock                      25                 90               209

(Decrease) in creditors            (3,492)            (2,159)           (1,557)

Change in provisions
against investments                     -                682             2,027

Net cash inflow from
operating activities               19,116             20,802            44,419

13.   Cash Flows from Acquisitions and Disposals
                                Unaudited         Unaudited       Audited Year
                             Half Year to      Half Year to         Ended 30th
                               31st March        31st March          September
                                     2001              2000               2000
                                     #000              #000               #000

Acquisition of Border
Television Plc                          -                  -          (112,941)

Acquisition of Beat 106
Limited                                 -                  -           (23,916)

Acquisition of First
Oxfordshire Radio Company               -                  -            (7,629)

Acquisition of Bucks
Broadcasting Limited                 (572)                 -                 -

Proceeds from sales of
investments                             -                  -               326

Purchase of fixed asset
investments                          (290)            (2,220)           (1,014)

Net cash/(debt) acquired/
sold with subsidiary                   49                  -            (8,368)

Proceeds from sale of
radio stations                      8,421                  -                 -

Proceeds from sale of
restaurants                             -                  -             8,064

                                    7,608             (2,220)         (145,478)

                              Net Debt at 30th     Cash Flow  Net Debt at 31st
14.   Analysis of Net Debt      September 2000                      March 2001

                                     #000               #000              #000

Cash at bank                            -              1,364             1,364

Bank loans & overdrafts            (6,404)             6,404                 -

                                   (6,404)             7,768             1,364

Bank loans falling due in
less than one year                 (7,700)            (7,800)          (15,500)

Bank loans falling due in
more than one year                (60,800)             7,800           (53,000)

Loan notes                        (25,004)               807           (24,197)

Finance leases                       (815)               302              (513)

                                  (94,319)             1,109           (93,210)

                                 (100,723)             8,877           (91,846)

15.   Post Balance Sheet Events

On the 11th April 2001 Capital Radio plc completed the sale of its
shareholding in two local stations, Centre FM and The Bear, to CN Group
Limited. The net cash proceeds of the deals to Capital Radio are #3.63 million
and the profit on sale will be reflected in the full years' results.

16.   Full Accounts

The comparative figures for the financial year ended 30th September 2000 are
not the Company's statutory accounts for that financial year. Those accounts
have been reported on by the Company's auditors and delivered to the Registrar
of Companies. The report of the auditors was unqualified and did not contain a
statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.

Independent review report by KPMG Audit Plc to Capital Radio plc


We have been instructed by the company to review the financial information set
out on pages 11 to 18 and we have read the other information contained in the
interim report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements
or material inconsistencies with the financial information.

Directors' responsibilities

The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is
the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the directors. The Listing
Rules of the UK Listing Authority require that the accounting policies and
presentation applied to the interim figures should be consistent with those
applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts except where they are to be
changed in the next annual accounts in which case any changes, and the reasons
for them, are to be disclosed.

Review work performed

We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin 2000
/4: Review of interim financial information issued by the Auditing Practices
Board. A review consists principally of making enquiries of group management
and applying analytical procedures to the financial information and underlying
financial data and based thereon, assessing whether the accounting policies
and presentation have been consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed. A
review is substantially less in scope than an audit performed in accordance
with Auditing Standards and therefore provides a lower level of assurance than
an audit. Accordingly we do not express an audit opinion on the financial

Review conclusion

On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that
should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months
ended 31st March 2001.

KPMG Audit Plc

Chartered Accountants

17th May 2001


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