RNS Number:8511U
Zhejiang Southeast Elec Power Co Ld
22 April 2002

               Zhejiang Southeast Electric Power Company Limited

                          First Quarterly Report 2002

Important: The Directors of the Company confirm that there are no false
representations, misleading statements or material omissions in this Report and
jointly and severally accept full responsibility for the authenticity, accuracy
and completeness of the information contained herein.

 I. Particulars of the Company

     1. Registered name of the Company :

        Zhejiang Southeast Electric Power Company Limited

        Registered Address of the Company and its Office Location:

        23 Floor, Triplenic Mansion, No. 528 Yanan Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, the
        People's Republic of China

        Postal Code: 310006

        Web Site Address: http://www.zsepc.com

     2. Listing Place of B shares: Shanghai Stock Exchange

        Abbreviation of B shares: ZSEPC B Shares

        Code of B shares: 900949

        Listing place of GDRs: London Stock Exchange

        Code of GDRs: 0949QLT

     3. Legal representative of the Company: Hu Jiangchao

        Secretary to the Board of Directors of the Company: Dai Jiancheng

        Telephone No.: 0571-85774585 or 85774566

        Facsimile No.: 0571-85774321

        E-mail Address: djc@zsepc.com

     4. Website Addresses for the publication of the Quarterly Report of the

    www.sse.com.cn or www.zsepc.com

    Press for Publication of the Quarterly Report of the Company:

    Shanghai Securities, China Securities, South China Morning Post (Hong Kong),
    Wen Wei Po (Hong Kong).

    Places for inspection of the Quarterly Report:

    Head Office of the Company, Shanghai Stock Exchange, London Stock Exchange
    and Herbert Smith (Hong Kong & London)

II. share capital and shareholders

     1. Share capital structure

        The aggregate share capital of the Company is 2,010,000,000 shares, of
        which 1,320,000,000 shares are promoters' shares and 690,000,000 shares
        are B shares. There has not been any change in the share capital
        structure of the Company in this quarter.

     2. Number of shareholders

        As at 8th April 2002, the Company has 87,062 shareholders, of which 5
        shareholders are promoters and the remaining are B share shareholders.

     3. Shareholdings of the top 10 shareholders

        As at 8th April 2002, the shareholdings of the top 10 shareholders of
        the Company are as follows:

                                            Name of Shareholders                       Shareholding
                                                                                         (number of

        Zhejiang Provincial Electric Power Development Company                          799,963,200
        Zhejiang Provincial Electric Power Company                                      514,036,800
        NAITO Securities Co. Ltd.                                                        12,689,974
        Toyo Securities Asia Ltd. A/C Client                                              8,862,300
        SCBHK A/C Nomura TB/Nomura ITM                                                    7,098,151
        Huacong Investment Company Limited                                                6,307,825
        Zhejiang Bada Company Limited                                                     4,000,000
        HKSBCSB S/A HSBC (Nom) S/A ABN                                                    4,000,000
        AMRO Bank NV
        British Airways Pension                                                           3,999,999
        JPMCB/RBS Balanced Fund                                                           2,806,400

Note:     Zhejiang Provincial Power Company is the sole purchaser of Zhejiang
power grid. The power generation of the power plant invested by Zhejiang
Provincial Power Development Company is sold to Zhejiang Provincial Power 

     4. There has not been any pledge or lock-up in relation to the shares held
        by shareholders holding more than 5% of the shares of the Company.

III. Operating results and financial conditions

     1. Production

        The Company is principally engaged in investment, development and
        operation of the power business. During this quarter, the Company
        completed a total generation of 2.473 billion kwh and a total
        electricity sale of 2.276 billion kwh. Combining with the overhaul of
        Unit 1 of Xiaoshan Power Plant of the Company, the technical renovation
        for the refurbishment of the steam passage has been carried out within
        this reporting quarter, which ended up with an installed capacity
        increase of the Company from 125MW to 130MW. The maintenance and medium
        overhaul of Units 5 and 6 of Taizhou Power Plant have been completed
        according to the maintenance plans. Due to the increase of the technical
        renovation and the planned maintenance tasks compared with the same
        period of the preceding year, the generation and the electricity sale
        have decreased 0.168 billion kwh and 0.164 billion kwh respectively,
        representing a decrease of 6.36% and 6.72% respectively.

     2. Operation

                                                             Unit: RMB ,000 yuan

                           Item                      January to March 2002    January to March 2001    Percentage of    
                                                                                                            Change (%)
        Income from principal operating activities          802,228                  829,251                    -3.26
        Profit from principal                               274,208                  313,574                   -12.55

                        Operating activities

        Expenses during the period                           27,688                   46,291                   -40.19
        Net non-operating income and expenses                -7,865                   -2,818                   179.10
        Net profit                                          160,049                  177,291                    -9.73
        Earnings per share                                   0.0796                   0.0882                    -9.75

                        (yuan/ share)

             1. The decrease in the income from principal operating activities is
                due to the decrease in generation of the Company compared with
                the figures of the same period of the preceding year. In this
                quarter, the Company further increased its efforts in the
                competition of electricity sale in the power market, made timely
                adjustment to the pricing strategy according to market
                conditions and obtained better results. The average settlement
                price of the Company's power sale was 0.35 yuan/kwh in this
                quarter, representing an increase of 0.01 yuan/kwh over the same
                period of the preceding year.

             2. The decrease in the profit from principal operating activities is
                due to the decrease of 27,020,000 yuan in the income of
                principal operating activities and the increase of 10,400,000
                yuan in the cost of principal operating activities. The increase
                in the cost of principal operating activities is primarily
                attributable to the change of the examination form implemented
                by the Company to the power plants, so that the benefit wages of
                the power plants previously listed in the administrative
                expenses was listed in the cost of principal operating
                activities in this year.

             3. The decrease in the expenses during the period is primarily
                attributable to the decrease in the financial expenses of the
                Company of 14,090,000 yuan compared with the same period of the
                preceding year.

             4. The increase in the net non-operating income and expenses is
                primarily due to the scrapping of fixed assets of the Company.

             5. The decrease in the net profit is primarily due to the decrease
                of electricity generation that led to the decrease of the
                principal operating income.

     3. Operation of the major controlling company

        Zhejiang Changxing Electric Generation Company Limited ( the company for
        the project of Zhejiang Changxing Power Plant Phase IV) is a controlling
        subsidiary of the Company, and 65% of its shares was held by the
        Company. At the end of this quarter, Changxing Power Plant Phase IV is
        still under construction and thus has not made any profit.

     4. Assets (completed according to the combined statement)

                                                             Unit: RMB ,000 yuan

                        Item                  At the end of the period     At the beginning of the    Percentage of     
                                                                                  period                 change  (%)
               Short term investments                  100,483                       483                    20703.93
                Accounts receivable                    133,177                     88,563                    50.38
                    Inventories                        81,144                      106,430                   -23.76
              Construction in progress                1,175,897                    970,571                   21.15
               Short term borrowings                   260,000                     200,000                   30.00
                   Bills payable                       106,488                        -                        -
                Long term borrowings                   752,120                     672,127                   11.90

             1. The increase in short term investment is because the Company has
                entrusted Zhejiang Provincial International Trust Investment
                Company with trust fund management business on January 4th 2002,
                with an amount of 100 million yuan for a term of 1 year.

             2. The accounts receivable at the beginning of the period was the
                electricity sale income for the last ten-day period of December
                last year, the accounts receivable at the end of the period was
                the electricity sale income for the last ten-day period of March
                this year.

             3. The decrease in inventories is due to the decrease of 25,700,000
                yuan fuel coal in stock.

             4. The increase in the construction in progress is due to the
                construction fees of Zhejiang Changxing Power Plant Phase

             5. The increase in short term borrowings is due to the borrowing of
                a loan in the sum of 60,000,000 yuan by Zhejiang Changxing
                Electric Generation Company Limited.

             6. The increase in bills payable is attributable to the bank
                acceptance draft of a term of 6 months issued by Zhejiang
                Changxing Electric Generation Company Limited for the purchase
                of equipments.

             7. The increase in long term borrowings is due to the borrowings
                from Changxing Construction Bank by Zhejiang Changxing Electric
                Generation Company Limited for the purchase of fixed assets.

IV. Other important Matters

         1. The Company was not subjected to any events of litigation or

         2. Except those disclosed to the public, the Company does not have any
            new entrusted finance, connected transactions and guarantees.

 V. Financial Information (unaudited)

     1. Financial Statements

         1. Simplified combined profit statement

                                                             Unit: RMB ,000 yuan

                                                                                       January to March 2002
            Income of principal operating activities                                          802,228
            Profit of principal operating activities                                          274,208
            Profit of other activities                                                          223
            Expenses during the period                                                        27,688
            Investment income                                                                    -
                         Net non-operating income and expenses                                -7,865
                                      Income tax                                              78,830
                                      Net profit                                              160,049

         2. Simplified combined balance sheet

                                                             Unit: RMB ,000 yuan

                                                                  31st December 2001                  31st March 2002
        Current assets                                                1,687,244                          1,880,628
        Long term investment                                          1,208,550                          1,208,550
        Net value of fixed assets                                     3,677,331                          3,576,510
        Intangible assets and other assets                             231,061                            234,336
        Total assets                                                  7,816,314                          8,102,153
        Current liabilities                                           1,564,828                          1,610,625
        Long term liabilities                                          672,127                            752,120
        Minority shareholders' equity                                  213,500                            213,500
        Shareholders' equity                                          5,365,859                          5,525,908

     2. Notes to the financial statements

    The accounting policies and assumptions of the Company and the scope for the
    consolidation of financial statements underwent no changes compared with the
    annual report of 2001.

VI. documents for inspection

     1. The quarterly report discussed and adopted by the board of directors.

     2. Accounting statements signed by legal representatives, financial
        controller, chief accountant and accounting supervisory personnel with
        the chop of the Company affixed thereon.

                                               Board of Directors

                                   Zhejiang Southeast Electric Power Company

                                                20th April 2002

                                 Balance Sheet

                             As at 31st March 2002

 Prepared by: Zhejiang Southeast Electric Power Company Limited      
Unit: RMB yuan

Assets                                        At the end of the period               At the beginning of the period
                                            Combined           Parent company          Combined         Parent company
Current asset:
Monetary assets                            1,472,301,216.15     1,425,939,899.83     1,459,410,636.05   1,430,831,373.27
Short term investments                       100,482,890.00       200,523,515.00           482,890.00      50,523,515.00
Bills receivable
Share dividends receivable
Interests receivable
Accounts receivable                          133,177,364.84       133,177,364.84        88,563,205.11      88,563,205.11
Other receivables                             37,437,577.40        36,228,967.68        22,210,487.95      21,675,119.65
Prepayments for goods                         56,085,126.00        18,167,736.00        10,146,885.57       4,296,885.57
Subsidy receivable
Inventories                                   81,144,154.30        81,144,154.30       106,429,581.19     106,429,581.19
Deferred expenses
Long term investments in bond
due within 1 year
Other current assets
        Total current assets               1,880,628,328.69     1,895,181,637.65     1,687,243,685.87   1,702,319,679.79
Long term investments:
Long term equity investments               1,208,550,000.00     1,605,050,000.00     1,208,550,000.00   1,605,050,000.00
Long term debt investments
    Total long term investments            1,208,550,000.00     1,605,050,000.00     1,208,550,000.00   1,605,050,000.00
Fixed assets:
Cost of fixed assets                       6,636,158,531.14     6,629,230,054.14     6,644,095,956.77   6,637,486,567.77
Less: Accumulated depreciation             3,059,649,017.37     3,058,788,934.56     2,966,765,248.60   2,966,147,451.48
Net value of fixed assets                  3,576,509,513.77     3,570,441,119.58     3,677,330,708.17   3,671,339,116.29
Less: Provision for diminution in
value of fixed assets
Net amount of fixed assets                 3,576,509,513.77     3,570,441,119.58     3,677,330,708.17   3,671,339,116.29
Project material                              26,252,216.00            84,996.00        41,556,517.00      13,075,066.00
Construction in progress                   1,175,896,689.51        59,850,047.12       970,571,471.38      52,417,570.37
Disposal of fixed assets                         -20,000.00           -20,000.00
         Total fixed assets                4,778,638,419.28     3,630,356,162.70     4,689,458,696.55   3,736,831,752.66
Intangible assets and other assets:
Intangible assets                            227,168,408.71       227,168,408.71       227,502,198.31     227,502,198.31
Long term deferred expenses                    7,167,601.10           296,724.95         3,559,195.52         444,637.46
Other long term assets
Total intangible assets and other            234,336,009.81       227,465,133.66       231,061,393.83     227,946,835.77
Deferred tax:
Deferred tax debit
            Total assets                   8,102,152,757.78     7,358,052,934.01     7,816,313,776.25   7,272,148,268.22
Liabilities and owners' equity                At the end of the period               At the beginning of the period
                                            Combined           Parent company          Combined         Parent company
Current liabilities:
Short term borrowings                        260,000,000.00                            200,000,000.00
Bills payable                                106,487,800.00
Accounts payable                             157,358,902.49        96,469,814.39       233,465,102.22     125,644.647.62
Advances receipts for goods
Wages payable                                 89,864,768.78        89,864,768.78       110,963,634.40     111,255,157.17
Welfare expenses payable                      22,797,316.05        22,406,324.33        24,948,130.18      24,156,928.09
Dividends payable                            502,518,757.94       502,518,757.94       502,500,000.00     502,500,000.00
Tax payable                                  132,783,034.61       132,776,359.63       107,126,219.56     107,108,076.24
Other payments due                             7,019,226.67         6,985,042.27         4,863,247.04       4,851,621.04
Other payables                                58,144,774.54        55,272,439.97        47,497,510.70      45,473,180.91
Pre-allocated expenses                        29,105,375.02        29,146,000.02         7,404,293.09       7,079,293.09
Estimated liabilities
Long term liabilities due within 1           244,545,000.00       244,545,000.00       326,060,000.00     326,060,000.00
Other current liabilities
     Total current liabilities             1,610,624,956.10     1,179,984,507.33     1,564,828,137.19   1,254,128,904.16
Long term liabilities:
Long term borrowings                         752,120,000.00       652,120,000.00       672,126,900.00     652,120,000.00
Bonds payable
Long term payables
Special payables
Other long term liabilities
    Total long term liabilities              752,120,000.00       652,120,000.00       672,126,900.00     652,120,000.00
Deferred tax:
Deferred tax credit
         Total liabilities                 2,362,744,956.10     1,832,104,507.33     2,236,955,037.19   1,906,248,904.16
Minority shareholders' equity                213,500,000.00                            213,500,000.00
Shareholders' equity:
Share capital                              2,010,000,000.00     2,010,000,000.00     2,010,000,000.00   2,010,000,000.00
Less: Returned investments
Net value of share capital                 2,010,000,000.00     2,010,000,000.00     2,010,000,000.00   2,010,000,000.00
Capital reserve fund                       1,863,272,079.51     1,863,272,079.51     1,863,272,079.51   1,863,272,079.51
Surplus reserve fund                         659,279,834.68       659,279,834.68       659,279,834.68     659,279,834.68
Including: Statutory welfare fund            329,639,917.34       329,639,917.34       329,639,917.34     329,639,917.34
Undistributed profits                        993,355,887.49       993,396,512.49       833,306,824.87     833,347,449.87
Total shareholders' equity                 5,525,907,801.68     5,525,948,426.68     5,365,858,739.06   5,365,899,364.06
Total liabilities and owners'              8,102,152,757.78     7,358,052,934.01     7,816,313,776.25   7,272,148,268.22

                                Profit Statement

                               January-March 2002

Prepared by: Zhejiang Southeast Electric Power Company Limited      
Unit: RMB yuan
                               Item                                                 During this period
                                                                           Combined                Parent company
 1. Income from principal operating activities                          802,228,393.10             802,228,393.10
Less: Principal operating costs                                         515,340,670.57             515,340,670.57
Principal operating tax and surtax                                       12,679,346.95              12,679,346.95
Profit from principal operating activities (loss indicated by "-")      274,208,375.58             274,208,375.58
Add: Profit from other activities (loss indicated by "-")                 223,354.85                 223,354.85
Less: Operating expenses
Administrative expenses                                                  28,610,524.97              28,610,524.97
Financial expenses                                                        -922,791.47                -922,791.47
Operating profit (loss indicated by "-")                                246,743,996.93             246,743,996.93
Add: Investment income (loss indicated by "-")
Subsidy income
Non-operating income                                                      130,167.06                 130,167.06
Less: Non-operating expenses                                             7,994,966.04               7,994,966.04
Gross profit (loss indicated by "-")                                    238,879,197.95             238,879,197.95
Less: Income tax                                                         78,830,135.33              78,830,135.33
Net profit (loss indicated by "-")                                      160,049,062.62             160,049,062.62

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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