RNS Number:1886T
Zhejiang Southeast Elec Power Co Ld
19 March 2002

               Zhejiang Southeast Electric Power Company Limited

                              2001 Annual Results

Important: The Directors of Zhejiang Southeast Electric Power Company Limited
(the "Company") confirm that there are no false representations, misleading
statements or material omissions in this Announcement and they jointly and
severally accept full responsibility for the authenticity, accuracy and truth of
the information contained herein.

I. Particulars of the Company

 1. Registered Name in English:

    Zhejiang Southeast Electric Power Company Limited

    Abbreviation of the English Company Name: ZSEPC

 2. Legal Representative: Hu Jiangchao

 3. Secretary to the Board of Directors: Dai Jiancheng

    Address: 22-23 Floor, Biao Li Tower, 528 Yan'an Road,

    Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, the People's Republic of China

    Tel: 86-0571-85774585, 85774566

    Fax: 86-0571-85774321

    E-mail Address: djc@zsepc.com

 4. Registered Address:

    451 Fengqi Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, the People's Republic of China

    Office Location:

    22-23 Floor, Biao Li Tower, 528 Yan'an Road,

    Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, the People's Republic of China

    Postal Code: 310006

    Website Address: http://www.zsepc.com/

 5. Designated Press for Information Release:

    Shanghai Securities (Shanghai), China Securities, South China Morning Post
    (Hongkong), Wen Hui Bao (Hongkong)

    Website Addresses for Publication of Annual Reports:

    http://www.sse.com.cn/, http://zsepc.com/

    Venues of the Annual Report on File:

    Head office of the Company, Shanghai Stock Exchange and London Stock
    Exchange, Herbert Smith Hongkong Office and London Office

 6. Listing place of B shares: Shanghai Stock Exchange

Abbreviation of B shares: ZSEPC B Shares

Code of B shares: 900949

Listing place of GDRs: London Stock Exchange

Code of GDRs: 0949QLT

II. Summary of Accounting Figures and Operating Figures

(based on consolidated financial statements)

 1. Summary of Accounting Figures for 2001

(1) Figures audited by the international accountant:

(Unit: RMB '000 yuan)



 Operating Income               3,370,277
 Operating Profit                 993,679
 Profit before Tax                963,055
 Profit after Tax                 734,058

    (2) There is no difference between the net profits calculated by the
    domestic and the international accounting standards.

2. Major Accounting Figures and Financial Indices in 1999, 2000 and 2001

    Figures audited by the international accountant

    (Unit: RMB '000 yuan)

                                                             2001                      2000                      1999

Operating Income                                          3,370,277                 3,400,223                 3,247,238

Profit after Tax                                            734,058                   611,878                   763,526

Aggregate Assets                                          7,728,255                 7,202,792                 7,610,518

Shareholders' Equity (excluding minority                  5,868,358                 5,572,480                 4,960,602

shareholders' equity)

Earnings per Share (diluted)                                   0.37                      0.30                      0.38

Net Asset Value per Share                                      2.92                      2.77                      2.47

Yield on Net Asset                                            12.51                     10.98                     15.39

III. Overview of Shareholders and Changes in Share Capital

 1. Structure of Share Capital

                                                                            Unit : share

                                                             Beginning Figures                       Ending Figures

    1. Non-negotiable shares                                                                                  

 1) Promoters' shares                                                1,320,000,000               1,320,000,000

    Shares held by the State                                         1,315,000,000               1,315,000,000         
    Shares held by domestic legal persons                                5,000,000                   5,000,000

    Shares held by foreign legal persons

    Other shares

 2) Legal person's shares by subscription

 3) Internal employee shares

 4) Preference shares or other shares

Sub-total                                                            1,320,000,000              1,320,000,000

 2. Outstanding shares

 1) Domestically listed RMB ordinary shares

 2) Domestically listed foreign investment
    shares                                                             690,000,000               690,000,000

 3) Overseas listed foreign investment shares

 4) Other shares
   Sub-total                                                           690,000,000               690,000,000


 3. Total number of shares                                           2,010,000,000             2,010,000,000

2. Profile of Shareholders

(1) Total Number of Shareholders

    As at the end of this reporting period, the Company has 86,322 shareholders,
    of which 5 are promoters, the other 86,317 are shareholders of B shares.

(2) Shareholding of Top 10 Shareholders

Name of 10 Largest Shareholders                                  Number of Shares    Type of Shares       Percentage of
                                                                             Held                          Shareholding

Zhejiang Provincial Electric Power Development Co.(ZPEPDC)           799,963,200   State-owned legal              39.80%
                                                                                     person's shares

Zhejiang Provincial Electric Power Co. (ZPEPC)                       514,036,800   State-owned legal              25.57%
                                                                                     person's shares

NAITO SECURITIES CO., LTD.                                            11,212,406            B shares               0.56%

TOYO SECURITIES ASIA LTD. A/C CLIENT                                   8,783,200            B shares               0.44%

SCBHK A/C NOMURA TB/NOMURA ITM                                         6,598,151            B shares               0.33%

Zhejiang Bada Co. Ltd                                                  4,000,000      legal person's               0.20%

HKSBCSB S/A HSBC(NOM) S/A ABN AMRO BANK NV                             4,000,000            B shares               0.20%

BRITISH AIRWAYS PENSION                                                3,999,999            B shares               0.20%

Ding Renxiang                                                          3,202,121            B shares               0.16%

JPMCB / RBS BALANCED FUND                                              2,806,400            B shares               0.14%

ZPEPC is the single buyer in Zhejiang power grid. ZPEPDC-invested power plants
sell their generated electricity to ZPEPC.

3. Shareholding of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management Personnel

    None of the directors, supervisors and the senior management personnel of
    the Company holds any shares of the Company in the reporting period.

IV . Report of Board of Directors

 1. Principal Operations of the Company

    The principal operations of the Company are investment in, development and
    operations of the power business. It wholly owns 2 well-running power
    plants, namely Taizhou and Xiaoshan Power Plants. Up to the end of the
    current reporting period, Taizhou Power Plant holds an installed capacity of
    1,420 MW, and Xiaoshan Power Plant holds an installed capacity of 250 MW.
    All the principal operating income of the Company comes from the sale of
    electricity generated by the two power plants.

    In 2001, the Company attained a total generation of 10.992 billion kwh,
    electricity sale of 10.116 billion kwh and average generating hours of 6,622
    hours a year, making a principal operating income of RMB3.370 billion yuan,
    total profit of RMB 963 million yuan, net profit of RMB734 million yuan, and
    earnings per share of RMB 0.37 yuan/share.

    Due to planned outage for maintenance of the generating units, the
    electricity generation and sale of the Company in 2001 decreased by 2.78%
    and 2.96% respectively in comparison with those of the previous year. At the
    same time, as it achieved satisfactory results in respects of power market
    competition and production cost control, the Company's principal operations
    remained stable.

    With regard to its performance in the power market, while the market
    exposure increased giving rise to more intense competition, the power plants
    under the Company continued to take the market-oriented approach, adapted
    bidding strategies to the power market situation with proper treatment of
    generation increase versus profit increase, and thus further improved
    generation economics. The average settlement price of the Company in 2001
    was RMB0.333 yuan/kwh, going up by RMB0.007 yuan/kwh. The rise in the
    settlement price of the electricity offset the loss brought about by the
    decrease in the electricity generation and sale.

    With regard to the production cost control, the Company put emphasis on the
    control of variable cost while trying to maintain control of the fixed cost.
    The coal consumption was further reduced by intensifying equipment
    management and enhancing equipment reliability. In 2001, the net standard
    coal consumption rate of the Company dropped by 1 g/kwh to 349 g/kwh, thus
    bringing the generation cost of the Company under effective control.

    In 2001, the Company continued to strengthen the technical renovation of its
    generating equipment. A major effort was to retrofit the turbine steam path
    of the 125 MW-sized units. After the retrofit, Unit 1 of Taizhou Power Plant
    saw a capacity increase of 10 MW and a coal consumption drop of 15 g/kwh
    with remarkable economic results. The increase in the installed capacity
    made possible the generation growth of the Company.

 2. Operations of Major Subsidiaries of Which the Company Holds Majority or
    Minority Interest

(1) Zhejiang Changxing Power Generation Limited Liability Co.

    Zhejiang Changxing Power Generation Limited Liability Co. ("ZCPGC") is a
    subsidiary of the Company in which 65% of its shareholding is held by the
    Company. The remaining 35% shareholding is held by ZPEPDC. ZCPGC was founded
    to construct Zhejiang Changxing Power Plant Phase IV (2 x 300 MW). With its
    registered capital amounting to RMB 610 million yuan, its business scope
    covers electricity generation and sale and other related business. Till the
    end of this reporting period, the project was still under construction with
    no profit yielded yet. It is anticipated that Unit 1 will be put into
    operation at the end of 2002, and Unit 2 in mid-2003.

(2) Zhejiang Jiahua Power Geneation Limited Liability Co.

    Zhejiang Jiahua Power Generation Limited Liability Co. ("ZJPGC") is a
    subsidiary of the Company in which 24% of its shareholding is held by the
    Company. The other shareholding of ZJPGC is held as to 25% by ZPEPDC, 20% by
    Beijing Guohua Power Co. Ltd, 18% by the State Power Corp. East China
    Company, 10% by ZPEPC and 3% by Zhejiang Provincial Power Construction Co.
    ZJPGC was founded to construct Zhejiang Jiaxing Power Plant Phase II (4 x
    600 MW), with its registered capital amounting to RMB 555.19 million yuan
    and its business scope covering electricity generation and sale and other
    related business. Up till the end of this reporting period, the project was
    still under construction with no profit generated yet. It is anticipated
    that Unit 1 will be put into operation towards the end of 2004, thereafter
    with one unit commissioned every half a year until the end of June 2006 when
    all of the 4 units will be completed and become operational.

3. Policy Changes in Business Operations

    In accordance with ZPEPC's Document Zhe Dian Ban (2001)316 entitled
    "Supplementary Stipulations on Trial Operations of Zhejiang Power Generation
    Market in 2001", 20% of the electricity sale of the Company in 2001 is
    contributed by the amount through competitive bidding while 80% of the
    electricity sale of the Company in 2001 is contributed by the contractual
    amount. The competitive bidding amount will be billed at the spot rate
    prevailing at the then market, and the contractual amount billed at the rate
    in the contract approved by Zhejiang Provincial Commodity Pricing Bureau.
    The tariff rates as approved by Zhejiang Provincial commodity Pricing Bureau
    are as follows:
                                          80% of Generation from 6000 Generating     80% of Generation in Excess of 6000
                                          Hours (Base Contractual Amount)            Generating Hours (Excess Amount)

    Taizhou Power Plant                                 0.357 yuan/kwh                            0.20 yuan/kwh

    Xiaoshan Power Plant                                0.32 yuan/kwh                            0.197 yuan/kwh

    The percentage of the sale through competitive bidding out of the total
    electricity sale was raised from 15% in 2000 to 20% in 2001. And the tariff
    rates for the excess amount of generation by both Taizhou Power Plant and
    Xiaoshan Power Plant were raised by RMB 0.01 yuan/kwh in 2001 compared with
    that of 2000 as approved by Zhejiang Provincial Commodity Pricing Bureau
    with Document Zhe Jia Shang (2001)353 "Notice on Tariff of Excess Generation
    in 2001". The above policy changes had no notable effect on the profit of
    the Company.

4. Investment

(1) Application of Residual Mount of Proceeds Raised

    The proceeds raised from the issuance of the Company's shares in 1997
    totaled USD 230 million (equivalent to RMB 1,900 million yuan). The proceeds
    have been applied as per the Prospectus as follows:

Invested Projects                        Amount (in millions yuan)               Completion Time

Acquisition of Xiaoshan Power Plant                        903                   Completed in 1997

Investment in construction of Units 7 &                    266                   Completed in 1998
8 of Taizhou Power Plant

    Out of the proceeds raised in the issue of shares in 1997, there is a
    residual amount of RMB 742 million yuan which remains unutilised. In order
    to improve the efficiency of the utilisation of capital, it was agreed in
    the extraordinary shareholders' meeting of the Company in 2001 that the
    residual amount will be used to

 a. make equity investment in Zhejiang Jiahua Power Generation Limited Liability

 b. supplement the working capital of the Company.

    The equity investment in Zhejiang Jiahua Power Generation Limited Liability
    Co. will be injected in installments. In this reporting period, the
    investment injected by the Company amounts to RMB 133.25 million yuan.

(2) Other Investment

 a. Zhejiang Changxing Power Generation Limited Liability Co.

    Zhejiang Changxing Power Generation Limited Liability Co. was registered and
    founded on 10 July 2001. In accordance with the agreed investment ratio, the
    Company has paid in equity amounting to RMB 396.5 million yuan.

 b. Zhejiang Provincial Natural Gas Development Limited Liability Co.

    After being approved by the Board of Directors of the Company, the Company
    invested RMB 50 million yuan in Zhejiang Provincial Natural Gas Development
    Limited Liability Co. ("ZPNGDC") to be interested in 10% of its stock.
    ZPNGDC will mainly engage in investment in, construction, operation and
    management of the natural gas network in Zhejiang Province. Acting as a
    single gas buyer/seller in Zhejiang Province, it will enter into a natural
    gas purchase agreement with the upstream company and then supply gas safely
    and reliably to the major gas consumers and the gas pipe network in Zhejiang
    Province. It was founded on 19 December, 2001.

(3) Investment Income

 a. The Company entrusted Zhejiang Provincial International Trust Investment
    Corp. to conduct trusted fund management totaling RMB 300 million yuan. Up
    to the end of the reporting period, all the trust fund had been recouped
    with an earning of RMB15.5054 million yuan. For details, refer to Item 4
    "Trusted Fund Management" under the section "Important Events" herein.

 b. In general, the enterprises in which the Company invested have operated in
    good and stable conditions, all ending up in surplus. Due to the time
    difference between the accounting and the dividend payment, the dividend
    income will be shown in the accounting statements of 2002.

 c. The Company received proceeds from assignment of shares amounting to RMB
    5.1335 million yuan. For details, refer to Item 2 "Assignment of Shares"
    under the section "Important Events" herein.

5. Movement in Operating Environment of the Company

(1) Pursuant to Document Cai Shui (2000)99 entitled "Notice on Implementation of
    the State Council's Notice on Revocation of Local Policy Permitting Refund
    of Local Income Tax", as of 1 January, 2002, the Company will need to pay
    the corporate income tax at the legal rate of 33%. The revocation of the
    local policy permitting refund of the local income tax will have a
    considerable impact on the net profit of the Company.

(2) The coal price went up in response to supply/demand changes in the domestic
    market. It is anticipated that the Company's coal purchase price will rise
    by RMB8 yuan/ton in 2002. The rise in the coal price will increase the cost
    of the Company's principal business operations.

6. Business Plan for 2002

The Company will take measures to

(1) maintain safe and stable production and ensure healthy, secure, economic and
    efficient operations of the generating units; it is planned that the
    generating units of the Company will be deployed to turn out a generation of
    10.5 billion kwh in 2002;

(2) further improve the legal person management system, seek to establish merit
    assessment system and incentive/discipline mechanism compatible with a
    listed company;

(3) strengthen research on corporate development strategy to make good investment
    and financing decisions;

(4) deepen internal management, improve management methods and raise management

(5) intensify technical renovation relying on the scientific and technological
    progress in an effort to reduce cost;

(6) search for potential projects for investment;

(7) fulfill the shareholder's obligations to render services for the construction
    and commissioning of the power projects;

(8) further enhance the personnel quality of the Company staff focusing on
    personnel as the fundamental factor contributing to business success.

7. Profit Distribution Proposal

    The consolidated after-tax profit of the Company in 2001 amounted to
    RMB734,057,844.37 yuan (also RMB734,057,844.37 yuan by the international
    accounting standards), and the net profit of the Parent Company in 2001
    amounted to RMB734,098,469.37 yuan (also RMB734,098,469.37 yuan by the
    international standards). After having separately allocated the statutory
    surplus reserve and the statutory common welfare reserve each at 10% of the
    net profit of the Parent Company totaling RMB146,819,693.88 yuan, plus the
    beginning undistributed accumulated profit amounting to RMB748,568,674.38
    yuan (or RMB750,164,388.76 yuan by the international accounting standards),
    and then following the principle of "whichever is lower " of the amounts
    obtained by the different accounting standards, the actual consolidated
    profit distributable to shareholders equals to RMB1,335,806,824.87 yuan (or
    RMB1,337,402,539.25 yuan by the international accounting standards), and the
    actual distributable profit of the Parent Company equals to
    RMB1,335,847,449.87 (or RMB1,337,443,164.25 yuan by the international
    accounting standards). Taking 2.01 billion shares at year end as a base
    figure, the Company proposes to distribute cash dividends of RMB0.25 yuan
    per share (including tax), totaling RMB502,500,000.00 yuan. The remaining
    undistributed consolidated profit of the Company will be RMB833,306,824.87
    yuan after distribution (or RMB834,902,539.25 yuan by the international
    accounting standards), and the remaining undistributed profit of the Parent
    Company will be RMB833,347,449.87 yuan (or RMB834,943,164.25 yuan by the
    international accounting standards). This distribution proposal is yet to be
    submitted to the Shareholders' General Meeting 2001 for deliberation and

8. Profit Distribution Policy for Next Year

    The profit distribution policy in past years will be followed in 2002. The
    profit distribution will be made once a year. About 30%-50% of the
    distributable profit in that year will be distributed in cash to all the
    shareholders of the Company.

    Before implementation, the profit distribution proposal will need to be
    submitted by the Board of Directors to the shareholders' general meeting for
    approval. The Board of Directors can make adjustment to the profit
    distribution policy in the light of the profitability and the development of
    the Company at the time of implementation.

V. Important Events

 1. The Company was not subjected to any major events of litigation or
    arbitration in 2001.

 2. Assignment of Shares

 (1) Shares of Zhejiang Taizhou Freeway Construction & Development Co. Ltd

    After being approved by the Board of Directors of the Company, the Company
    assigned its 494,000 shares of Zhejiang Taizhou Freeway Construction &
    Development Co. Ltd to Taizhou Power Plant Industrial Co. at a total price
    of RMB533,520 yuan.

 (2) Shares of Guotong Securities Co. Ltd

    The Merchant Bank, in which the Company invested, assigned its shares of
    Guotong Securities Co. Ltd to meet the requirements of public listing. Thus
    the Company got an income of RMB4.6 million yuan in proportion to its
    investment ratio in the Merchant Bank.

3. Important Related Transactions

 (1) Commodity Sale/purchase and Supply of Labor Service

  a. Electricity Sale

    Related Party  Transaction       Pricing Principle       Amount (yuan)   Settlement   Percentage Out   Impact on    
                                                                                          of the Same type    Profit
                                                                                          of Transaction

    ZPEPC         Electricity   The contractual amount as  3,370,277,286.61  3 times a         100%       Accounting for
                  sale          per the government-                          month                        100% of       
                                approved price, the bidding                                               principal
                                amount as per the market                                                  operating     
                                clearing price                                                            income     

    For the structure of transaction price in 2001, refer to Item 4 "Policy
    Changes in Business Operations" of the section "Report of Board of
    Directors" herein.

  b. Coal Purchase

Related Party  Transaction      Pricing         Amount (yuan)         Settlement      Percentage out   Impact on Profit
                               Principle                                             of the same type
                                                                                      of Transaction

ZFEFC*        Coal purchase Not higher than    1,342,873,027.41   To be settled            100%       Coal cost accounts
                            the market price                      based on the                        for 61.35% of
                            prevailing at                         actual amount of                    principal
                            the time                              purchase in a year                  operating cost.

* ZFEFC: Zhejiang Fuxing Electric Fuel Co. Ltd

 (2) Repayment of Long-term Liabilities

    Pursuant to the Liabilities Contract, Supplementary Agreement to Liabilities
    Contract and Debt Repayment Agreement between the Company and ZPEPDC, the
    Company and ZPEPC, the Company repaid RMB79.473 million yuan and RMB246.587
    million yuan of long-term debt to ZPEPDC and ZPEPC respectively. This
    long-term debt was for the construction of Taizhou Power Plant Phase IV
    (Units 7 and 8).

 (3) Guarantees

 a. Shares-proportional Shareholders' Guarantees for Zhejiang Changxing Power
    Generation Limited Liability Co. (ZCPGC)

    To meet the project construction needs, the shareholders of ZCPGC provided
    ZCPGC with shareholders' guarantees proportional to their respective
    investment severally for the loan for Zhejiang Changxing Power Plant Phase
    IV Project without joint accountability. The ceiling of guarantee provided
    by the Company will be RMB 1.17 billion yuan. This guarantee was approved in
    the 15th session of the 2nd Board of Directors of the Company.

 b. Shares-proportional Shareholders' Guarantees for Zhejiang Jiahua Power
    Generation Limited Liability Co. (ZJPGC)

    To meet the project construction needs, the shareholders of ZJPGC provided
    ZJPGC with shareholders' guarantees proportional to their respective
    investment on a several basis for the loan for Zhejiang Jiaxing Power Plant
    Phase II Project without joint accountability. The ceiling of guarantee of
    the Company will be RMB1.848 billion yuan. This guarantee was approved in
    the extraordinary shareholders' meeting of the Company in 2001.

(4) Current Accounts between Related Parties and the Company

 a. At the end of the reporting period, the Company still had receivables from
    ZPEPC for the sale of electricity in the last 10 days of December 2001
    amounting to RMB 94,216,175.64 yuan, which is attributable to the time
    difference between settlement of electricity charges and the preparation of
    accounting statements.

 b. At the end of the reporting period, the Company still needed to pay for the
    coal purchase cost of RMB 87,262,500.75 to Zhejiang Fuxing Electric Fuel Co.

4. Trusted Fund Management

 (1) Trusted Fund Management in the Reporting Period

    Trustee                       Amount (in million  Entrustment Time   Term         Recovery Time       Earning (RMB  
    Zhejiang Provincial           150                 March 2001         1 year       Recovered in        8,505,400
    International Trust                                                               December 2001
    Investment Corp.

    Zhejiang Provincial           150                 May 2001           1 year       Recovered in        7,000,000
    International Trust                                                               December 2001
    Investment Corp.

    In line with the resolution of the 1st meeting of the 2nd Board of Directors
    of the Company, the Board authorized the management team to invest in state
    treasury bonds and other securities with an amount of less than RMB 300
    million yuan. The above trusted fund management was approved by the
    management of the Company.

 (2) Trusted Fund Management in 2002

    The Company entered into the Agreement on Trusted Fund Management with
    Zhejiang Provincial International Trust Investment Corp. on 4 January 2002
    to place RMB 100 million in trust management for a term of 1 year.

5. Refund of Income Tax

    As a preferential tax treatment enjoyed by the Company, the local corporate
    income tax of the Company was levied at a tax rate of 33% in 2001, of which
    18% was refunded by the local Treasury Department. In accordance with
    Document Zhe Cai Gong (2001)229 entitled "Letter of Reply Giving Consent to
    Refund of Corporate Income Tax to ZSEPC" issued by Zhejiang Provincial
    Department of Finance, the Company got a refund of RMB 100.786 million yuan
    in this Reporting Period.

6. Appointment of Accountants

    As proposed by the Board of Directors and consented by shareholders' general
    meeting, the Company renewed appointment of Zhejiang Pan-China Certified
    Public Accountants as its domestic auditor and PricewaterhouseCoopers China
    Limited as its international auditor.

7. Pursuant to Document Cai Kuai (2000)295 "Notice on Treatment of Financial
    Issues in Enterprise Housing System Reform" and Document (2001)5 "Notice on
    Publication of Some Stipulations Regarding Treatment of Financial Issues in
    Enterprise Housing System Reform", as of 1 January 2001, the accounting
    entry "Housing Revolving Fund" has been eliminated. The Company offset the
    beginning debit balance of Housing Revolving Fund of RMB 13,162,873.21 yuan
    against the beginning undistributed profit. So the balance sheets as at the
    period beginning or end no longer contain the accounting entry "Housing
    Revolving Fund".

VI. Financial Statements

 1. Profit Statement (Attached hereunder)

 2. Notes to financial statements

(1) Auditor's Report

    The Auditor's Reports for Financial Statement 2001 of the Company issued
    separately by Zhejiang Pan-China Public Certified Accountants and
    PricewaterhouseCoopers China Limited contain no reservations.

(3) Change in Scope of Consolidation

 a. Zhejiang Changxing Power Generation Co. (ZCPGC), of which the Company has
    controlling shareholding, was added in 2001.

 b. ZCPGC is a limited liability company registered with Zhejiang Pinghu
    Industrial & Commercial Administration, with a registered capital of RMB 610
    million yuan, engaging mainly in electricity generation and sale as well as
    related derivative businesses.

 c. The Company holds 65% of the shares of ZCPGC. In line with the accounting
    policy, ZCPGC was incorporated into the consolidated financial statements as
    of July 2001.

 d. Zhejiang Changxing Power Plant Project is under construction.

                                                              Board of Directors

                               Zhejiang Southeast Electric Power Company Limited

                                                                   18 March 2002

                                             Zhejiang Southeast Electric Power Company Limited

                                                          Consolidated Profit Statement 2001

                                                               2001                                 2000

                                                          RMB '000 yuan                        RMB '000 yuan

Operating Income                                            3,370,277                            3,400,223

Operating Cost & Expenses

Fuel Cost                                                   1,336,479                            1,354,231

Maintenance Cost                                             132,421                              106,587

Wages & Employee Welfare                                     207,296                              202,688

Depreciation & Amortization                                  462,195                              473,302

Other Expenses                                               238,166                              228,650

                                                            2,376,598                            2,365,458

Operating Profit                                             993,679                             1,034,765

Financial Expenses                                           (30,624)                             (29,234)

Profit Before Tax                                            963,055                             1,005,531

Tax                                                         (228,997)                            (393,653)

Profit After Tax                                             734,058                              611,878

After-tax Earnings per Share                              RMB 0.37 yuan                        RMB 0.30 yuan

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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