RNS Number : 9882L 
Alternative Energy Limited 
14 May 2010 

For immediate release 
                                                                     14 May 2010 
                           Alternative Energy Limited 
                 ("Alternative Energy", "AEL" or the "Company") 
                              Shareholder Circular 
      Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting 
 Proposed Acquisition of 
 Proposed Issue and Allotment of the Consideration Shares to the 
 Proposed Convertible Loan Facility 
 Proposed Issue and Allotment 
    of the Convertible Loan Shares to Christopher Nightingale 
Admission of 
     Enlarged Ordinary Share Capital to trading on AIM 
Proposed Whitewash 
                Resolution (under the Singaporean Takeover Code) 
The Company announces that today the Shareholder circular, in respect of the 
above Proposals, is being posted to Shareholders. Details on the Proposals as 
extracted from the Document are set out below. 
The Board has today, subject to Shareholder approval, reached agreement for the 
proposed acquisition of certain patented technology and other intellectual 
property (the "Technology") concerning the eRoof, from Dragon Energy Pte Ltd, a 
company controlled by Mr. Christopher Nightingale, a Director of the Company. 
The consideration for the Acquisition, which is part payable in stages upon the 
grant of the relevant patents, comprises a total maximum of 666,666,666 
Consideration Shares. In addition, the Company has raised a total of US$3 
million, by way of a combination of placings with investors and US$2 million 
being provided by Christopher Nightingale in the form of a Convertible Loan, in 
order to provide the working capital for the commercial exploitation of the 
The Acquisition will constitute a "reverse take-over" under the AIM Rules and is 
therefore subject to the approval of Shareholders at the Extraordinary General 
Meeting, details of which are set out below. Given Mr. Nightingale's interest in 
the Vendor of the Technology, the transaction is also a Related Party 
Transaction under the AIM Rules. Further, since the Company is subject to the 
Singapore Code on Takeovers and Mergers (the "Takeover Code"), the Vendor and 
its concert parties (being Mr. Nightingale, Dragon Energy (and its nominees, as 
listed in paragraph 5.4 of Part 9 of the Document) and Perfection Group Limited, 
a controlling shareholder of the Company which is 100 per cent. owned by Mr. 
Nightingale) will require a whitewash waiver from Shareholders or will otherwise 
be obliged be make an offer to all shareholders to buy their shares. 
Application will be made for the Enlarged Ordinary Share Capital to be admitted 
to trading on AIM, subject to the Resolutions set out in the Notice of 
Extraordinary General Meeting being passed by Shareholders at the Extraordinary 
General Meeting. It is expected that Admission will become effective and that 
trading in the Enlarged Ordinary Share Capital on AIM will commence on 2 June 
The Company was established for the purpose of making investments and/or 
acquisitions in the alternative energy technologies market and for research into 
and development of energy technologies, businesses and companies which offer 
alternative conventional fossil fuel and nuclear methods of generating household 
and industrial energy. To support this strategy the Company raised approximately 
US$7.8 million and was admitted to trading on AIM with effect from 12 October 
In 2007, AEL acquired Renewable Power Pte Ltd, a Singapore based research and 
development company. 
Renewable Power Pte Ltd brought with it an in-house research team led by Dr. 
Eric Goh to enable the Company quickly to analyse the technical viability of 
investment proposals and also to enable the Company to develop its own technical 
Since the acquisition by AEL, Dr. Eric Goh, Dr. Tay Boon Hou and their team have 
been evaluating a number of different technologies for potential acquisition by 
the Company, primarily in the field of solar and wind generated energy, and have 
themselves developed, in the course of their research, further technologies in 
respect of which the Company has patents and trademarks (a list of patents and 
trademarks is set out in Part 5 of the Document). 
AEL has developed a new approach to energy generation and, through its research 
and development team, has now proven the efficacy and viability of the eRoof 
system of energy generation. AEL has also been developing its own range of 
energy saving products, including LED light bulbs, street lights and housing, 
which will be complemented by the energy generating technology of the eRoof. 
These have been developed by the Company itself which intends to sell these both 
as a method of revenue generation to fund the development, marketing and roll 
out of the eRoof and as a point of entry into the alternative energy 
distributors internationally. 
AEL is now proposing to purchase the patents surrounding the eRoof technology 
and to commence the production and marketing of its eRoof technology. The eRoof 
is a fully integrated method of micro energy generation designed to use the sun, 
wind and water to generate power. The Company will initially focus on the eSolar 
product which is a roofing system designed to generate electricity through 
photovoltaic cells incorporated into eSlates.At the same time, AEL is intending 
to change its status on AIM from an investing company to that of an operating 
Information on the Business 
In Parts 4 and 5 of the Document there is an independent report on the 
Technology and the Business by PA Strategy Partners and an intellectual property 
report on the patents incorporated in the Technology by Infinitus Law. 
A report by PA Strategy Partners, as set out in the Document, contains the 
following extracts from the executive summary: 
"Alternative Energy's product portfolio is based on the concept of the "eRoof". 
The eRoof concept is based on a portfolio of products which are intended to 
produce energy and other benefits from sunlight ("eSolar"), wind ("eWind") and 
rain ("eHydro"). Two ancillary products are in development to maximise the 
benefits of the energy generated: "eStorage", to enable the safe and efficient 
storage and reuse of the energy generated, and eControl to integrate the energy 
generated by the systems and control whether it is used in the premises or fed 
back onto the grid. 
PA has reviewed the portfolio and assessed the stage of development of each 
component. We have done this by carefully assessing the design documentation 
provided to us by Alternative Energy, interviewing technical staff and visiting 
the R&D facility to inspect the systems in operation under test conditions. 
PA's view is that each product in the portfolio is in a different stage of 
development, with the eSolar being the most mature, with tested laboratory 
prototypes having been developed, eHydro being at the concept stage and eWind at 
the prototyping stage. For that reason, we have concentrated on assessing the 
contribution of eSolar, together with eControl and eStorage, to the valuation of 
the company and the patent portfolio. The upside potential for the valuation 
from eWind and eHydro has therefore been addressed qualitatively in this version 
of the report. Notwithstanding the focus of our detailed analysis on eSolar and 
the different stages of product development, our assessment is that the concept 
of the "eRoof", i.e. a combination of three micro-power generation technologies 
(eSolar, eWind and eHydro) with a storage and a control device in an integrated 
solution - is a novelty. 
Overall PA believes that the "eRoof" as a modular, hybrid, building-integrated 
micro generation system has the potential to be the foundation of a successful 
business. This is based on the commercial assessment and valuation of the eSolar 
subsystem, the eStorage device and the eControl application only. At this early 
stage, it is difficult to quantify the potential for the eWind and the eHydro 
subsystems and of potential synergies in their parallel operation with eSolar; 
for that reason the upside potential of eWind and eHydro has been addressed 
qualitatively in this version of the report. 
The upside potential also comes from the idea of combining three micro-power 
generation units (eSolar, eWind and eHydro) with an eStorage and an eControl 
device in a single solution, which - to our knowledge - is novel. 
The main value drivers in our analysis are cost advantages in the off-grid case 
(mainly due to eStorage) and the ability to attract customers who value the 
aesthetic appearance of the eRoof, compared to, for example, a standard slate 
roof with solar panels installed on top. These aesthetic advantages mainly 
result from eSolar and its components. 
The main result of our assessment of the eSolar, eControl and eStorage subsystem 
is as follows: 
·         On the assumption that by the end of 2010 the eRoof subcomponents 
eSolar, eStorage and eControl will reach a stage of development such that it is 
functional, safe, reliable and ready for mass production we estimate the value 
of Alternative Energy as a venture being approximately US$200 mio in our base 
case. The major uncertainty is whether AEL can bring the product up to the 
status for mass production in the short period envisaged. 
·         We further estimate the value of the patents involved in the eRoof 
product is in the order of US$ 31.5 mio in our base case. The major uncertainty 
behind this value is whether some or all of the patents will be granted by 
passing the key tests of novelty, containing an "inventive step" and 
demonstrating of utility." 
PASP have not analysed the energy saving products being developed by the Company 
but further details of these products are included in Part 2 of the Document to 
provide further background of the benefits to the company of acquiring the eRoof 
Set out in Part 6 of the Document are the audited financial statements of the 
Company for the year ended 31 August 2009 and the audited results for the year 
ended 31 August 2008 incorporating as comparatives the audited results for the 
period from incorporation to 31 August 2007. These have been prepared in 
accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") and 
International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee ("IFRIC") 
interpretations that have been adopted for use in the EU and with those parts of 
the Companies Act 2006 applicable to companies reporting under IFRS. 
Unaudited Pro Forma Statement of Net Assets for the Enlarged Group 
Set out in Part 7 of the Document is an unaudited pro forma statement of net 
assets for the Enlarged Group showing the effects of the Acquisition and the 
recent placings and Convertible Loan on the Enlarged Group. This shows net 
assets following implementation of the Proposals of US$ 23,864,689. 
Working Capital 
On Admission, the Company will have net cash balances of approximately US$2.5 
The Directors are of the opinion that, having made due and careful enquiry, the 
working capital available to the Enlarged Group will be sufficient for its 
present requirements, that is for at least twelve months from the date of 
The Directors believe that the Technology reviewed by the Company's research 
team, further details of which are set out in Parts 2 and 5 of the Document, 
demonstrates a new approach to energy generation. This has been the subject of 
extensive testing and research by the Company's own research engineers. 
The review carried out by PA Strategy Partners, which supported and supplemented 
the Company's own research, examined the technical substance and viability, as 
well as the market and value of the Technology. Both internal and external 
reports indicate that the Company has the opportunity to acquire and develop 
technology of significant value which offers it the potential to become a 
participant in the growing alternative energy market in accordance with the 
Company's business philosophies and strategies, which are set out in further 
detail in Part 2 of the Document. 
The Company is paying for the Acquisition in Consideration Shares and the 
Company's cash reserves will therefore be conserved for the exploitation of the 
As referred to above, subject to the acquisition of the Technology, the base 
case valuation of the business of the Company given by PA Strategy Partners is 
US$200 million. To achieve this valuation, the Company is making the acquisition 
for US$20 million in shares, which represents a significant discount to the base 
case valuation for the Technology (including four other related patents applied 
for by AEL already) of US$31.5 million given by PA Strategy Partners, as 
described further in Part 5 of the Document. In addition, the Consideration 
Shares are to be issued in tranches, conditional on the granting of certain 
patents, and hence the Company is only purchasing the remaining patents as and 
when they are granted. The Technology being acquired also includes technologies 
which were not valued by PA Strategy Partners but which the Directors' believe 
could have a material value, such as eWind and technologies, for which patents 
are in process, such as eCladding and eCapping. The Deferred Consideration 
Shares will in any event be issued as patents are granted, with three patents 
being granted to date. 
The Board has also noted that recent global financial turmoil has meant that the 
market and opportunities for investment companies has changed significantly, 
whereas it appears to have remained attractive for businesses in the alternative 
energy sector and therefore the Board believes this is a good time to become an 
operating company within the alternative energy sector. 
In the circumstances, the Independent Directors are unanimous in considering 
that the Acquisition and the change of the status of the Company from an 
investment company to a company active in the Technology, Hardware and Equipment 
sector is in line with the Company's founding principles and offers the most 
attractive way for the company to achieve growth for the benefit of its 
Summary of the Acquisition Agreement 
The Acquisition is conditional upon approval by shareholders of the Whitewash 
Resolution and the admission of the Initial Consideration Shares to trading on 
AIM by 30 June 2010. If the conditions precedent are not fulfilled by 30 June 
2010, then either the Company or the Vendor may at any time thereafter rescind 
the Acquisition Agreement. 
In consideration for the Acquisition, the Company will issue and allot to the 
Vendor or its nominees the Consideration Shares at an issue price of US$0.03 per 
share with an aggregate value of US$20 million. Subject to the conditions 
precedent having been fulfilled by 30 June 2010 to the reasonable satisfaction 
of the Company, the Acquisition will complete on the date falling seven (7) days 
after the conditions precedent are fulfilled. The Consideration Shares will be 
issued to the Vendor or its nominees (a) on completion of the Acquisition 
Agreement, as to 199,999,999 consideration shares in consideration for the 
patents already granted, and (b) the balance of the Consideration Shares shall 
be allotted in tranches of 66,666,666 forthwith upon the first grant of each and 
any further patents relating to any of the remaining patent applications within 
twelve months from the completion date of the Acquisition Agreement. The parties 
will review the position in twelve months time following which the Company can 
elect, in the event that less than seven patents relating to the patent 
applications have been granted in that time, either to complete the Acquisition 
and allot the balance of the Consideration Shares or to cancel the Acquisition 
insofar as it relates to technology for which patents have not been granted and 
for which Consideration Shares have not been issued. 
The Vendor has given certain warranties in respect of, inter alia, the 
intellectual property rights relating to the Technology, specifically that the 
Technology is the legal and beneficial property of the Vendor free and clear of 
any restrictions or encumbrances and not subject to any claim or opposition from 
any person as to title, validity, enforceability, or otherwise. The Vendor has 
warranted that it has not received any written notice of any claims or 
proceedings of intellectual property infringement in Singapore or elsewhere from 
any third party in respect of the Vendor's use of the intellectual property 
rights relating to the Technology, and the Vendor has not infringed or 
wrongfully used, nor has the Vendor been alleged to infringe or wrongfully use 
any of the intellectual property rights relating to the Technology, nor has any 
claim of such infringement or wrongful use been made against the Vendor. 
On 14 May 2010, Christopher Nightingale agreed to provide the Company with a 
Convertible Loan Facility for up to US$2 million, conditional on Shareholder 
approval, at the General Meeting, for general working capital. The Convertible 
Loan Facility is interest free, unsecured and repayable through the issue of 
Ordinary Shares at US$0.03 per Ordinary Share or in cash on or before 1 May 
Set out in Part 8 of the Document are further details on the application of the 
Takeover Code in relation to the Acquisition and a proposed convertible loan 
agreement to be entered into with Mr. Nightingale and the effect of the said 
transactions on the Company. 
The Directors believe that the Enlarged Group will be well placed to participate 
in the growing market and demand for alternative energy systems. 
The market research contained in Part 2 of the Document, as well as the research 
carried out by PASP and incorporated in their report contained in Part 4 of the 
Document, confirms the significant expected growth in the alternative energy 
sector which is expected over the next decade. 
The Directors believe that the Technology which the Company is proposing to 
acquire offers advantages and features which differentiate it from currently 
available technology and the Company has already received expressions of 
interest from third parties interested in the potential of that Technology. The 
Company therefore anticipates being able to develop a successful and sustainable 
business by bringing the "eRoof" technology into production and marketing it 
Since the admission to AIM in 2007, AEL has continued to analyse the technical 
viability of investment proposals and also to develop its own technical 
competence. Since the acquisition by AEL of Renewable Power, Dr. Eric Goh, Dr. 
Tay Boon Hou and their team have been evaluating a number of different 
technologies for potential acquisition by the Company, primarily in the field of 
solar and wind generated energy, and have themselves developed, in the course of 
their research, further technologies which may lead to the Company obtaining its 
own proprietary technology. Indeed, the Company currently has been granted 
patents in respect of three inventions that complement the eRoof. In the year 
ended 31 August 2009 AEL spent US$290,884 developing this technology whilst it 
made a loss of US$2,578,044. Cash as at 31 August 2009 was US$1,798,732. 
As described above, as a method of revenue generation, the Company is intending 
to market its own range of energy saving products, industry LED light bulbs and 
street lights. Revenues are yet to be generated but a number of distribution 
relationships have been established. On 26 February 2010, the Company announced 
that, further to the repurchase into Treasury of 40,042,966 Ordinary Shares by 
the Company in September 2008, the Company issued and allotted 19,370,000 of 
these Ordinary Shares at US$0.03 per share thereby raising a total of 
US$581,100. The monies have been used for general working capital purposes. In 
addition, the Company also issued and allotted 15,580,000 new Ordinary Shares at 
US$0.03 per share in February 2010 thereby raising a total of US$467,400. 
On 14 May 2010, Christopher Nightingale agreed to provide the Company with a 
Convertible Loan Facility for up to $2 million. This is conditional on approval 
by Shareholders of the Acquisition at the General Meeting. 
The Directors and related parties (each as defined in the AIM Rules) whose 
interests in the Company will amount in aggregate to 689,100,304 Ordinary Shares 
representing 50.01 per cent. of the issued Ordinary Shares on Admission and 
755,766,970 Ordinary Shares representing 52.31 per cent. assuming full 
conversion of the Convertible Loan Facility, have undertaken not to dispose of 
any interest in their Ordinary Shares except in the limited circumstances 
allowed by the AIM Rules, for such periods (the "Lock In Period") as described 
in further detail in paragraph 5.3 of Part 9 of the Document. Additionally, they 
have each agreed, following the expiry of the Lock In Period, to not dispose for 
a further 12 month period of any of their interests in the Ordinary Shares held 
by them other than through the Company's broker and in consultation with the 
Company's nominated adviser subject to being offered terms as to price and rates 
of commission at least as favourable as those being offered by any other broker 
at that time provided that such orderly market arrangement shall only be 
applicable to the Directors and their related parties (as defined in the AIM 
Rules) for so long as each Director remains a director of the Company during 
that relevant period. 
The Company, at the time of the Original Admission, implemented share-based 
incentive schemes in order to: 
(a)     foster an ownership culture within the Company to build a stronger 
identification by the employee with the long-term prosperity of the Company and 
create value for the Shareholders of the Company; 
(b)     motivate participants to achieve performance targets and a high level of 
contribution to the Company; 
(c)     attract and retain talented key executives and directors of the Company 
whose contributions are essential to the long-term growth and profitability of 
the Company; 
(d)     attract potential employees with the relevant skills to contribute to 
the Company; and 
(e)     give recognition to the contribution made or to be made by the Executive 
Directors to the success of the Company. 
To achieve the above objectives, the Company has at the time of the Original 
Admission, implemented the following schemes: 
(a)  the AEL ESOS; and 
(b)  the AEL Share Performance Plan collectively, the "Schemes". 
The ESOS Committee has on 5 May 2010 resolved to grant Incentive Options to the 
following individuals under the existing AEL ESOS scheme exercisable at US$0.03 
per Ordinary Share*: 
| Name               | Designation             | Number of      | 
|                    |                         | Share Options  | 
| Directors          |                         |                | 
| Richard Lascelles  | Non-executive           | 10,000,000     | 
|                    | Director                |                | 
| Noel Meaney        | Non-executive           | 10,000,000     | 
|                    | Director                |                | 
| Bay Yew Chuan      | Non-executive           | 10,000,000     | 
|                    | Director                |                | 
| (Eric) Goh Swee    | Executive Director      | 10,000,000     | 
| Ming               |                         |                | 
| Group Executives   |                         |                | 
| Tay Boon Hou       | Chief Technology        | 10,000,000     | 
|                    | Officer                 |                | 
| Chan Mun Kong      | Financial               | 9,000,000      | 
|                    | Controller              |                | 
| Ang Teck Wee       | Research Engineer       | 5,000,000      | 
| Chung Chee Wan     | Accounts-Administration | 3,000,000      | 
| Esther             | Executive               |                | 
| Yuen Suen Yee      | Research Engineer       | 3,000,000      | 
| Thomas             |                         |                | 
| Er Kuan Yi Wilson  | Assistant               | 3,000,000      | 
|                    | Procurement Manager     |                | 
| Mohamed Ay Di Bin  | Driver                  | 2,000,000      | 
| Mohamed Yusoff     |                         |                | 
| Lee Eng Chai       | Senior Research         | 2,000,000      | 
|                    | Engineer                |                | 
| Wong Ying Yao      | Research Engineer       | 2,000,000      | 
| Bill Cartledge     | Consultant              | 2,000,000      | 
| TOTAL              |                         | 81,000,000     | 
*Subject to the discount limit contained in the ESOS Scheme of no more than 20 
per cent. discount to the average of the last dealt prices for the Shares on AIM 
over the five (5) market days immediately preceding the offering date of the 
The Acquisition will constitute a "reverse take-over" under the AIM Rules and is 
therefore dependant upon the approval of Shareholders being given at the 
Extraordinary General Meeting, details of which are set out below. 
Application will be made for the Ordinary Shares and the Consideration Shares to 
be admitted to trading on AIM and it is anticipated that Admission will become 
effective and that trading in the Enlarged Ordinary Share Capital on AIM will 
commence on 2 June 2010. 
Mr. Christopher Nightingale wholly owns the Vendor and he is both a Director and 
a 42.44 per cent. shareholder in the Company as the beneficial owner of 
500,000,000 Ordinary Shares and as a recipient of Consideration Shares. The 
Acquisition is, therefore, a Related Party Transaction under the AIM Rules. 
Accordingly, the Independent Directors, having consulted the Nominated Adviser, 
consider that the terms of the Acquisition are fair and reasonable insofar as 
shareholders are concerned. 
In addition, for the reasons above and as Christopher Nightingale is also 
providing the proposed Convertible Loan Facility, this is a Related Party 
Transaction under the AIM Rules. Accordingly, the Independent Directors, having 
consulted the Nominated Adviser, consider that the terms of the Convertible Loan 
Facility are fair and reasonable in so far as shareholders are concerned. 
Abstention from Voting 
Christopher Nightingale and Perfection Group Limited, are interested parties in 
the Acquisition and the Convertible Loan. They will therefore abstain from 
voting on the Whitewash Resolution and the Acquisition Resolution (Resolutions 6 
and 1) during the EGM. 
Service Contracts 
There are no intended amendments to the current Director's service contracts as 
a result of the Transaction. 
At the end of the Document, there is set out a Notice convening an Extraordinary 
General Meeting of the Company to be held at 2.30 p.m. (or as soon thereafter 
following the conclusion or adjournment of the AGM of the Company to be held at 
2.00 p.m. on the same day and at the same place), on 31 May 2010 at Hibiscus 
Room, Mezzanine Level, Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore Orange Grove Road, Singapore 
258350 at which resolutions will be put to Shareholders, as summarised as 
(i)      Resolution 1, to approve the proposed Acquisition of the Technology for 
an aggregate consideration of US$20 million; 
(ii)      Resolution 2, to approve the issuance and allotment of Consideration 
Shares to the Vendor; 
(iii)     Resolution 3, to approve the proposed Convertible Loan Facility to be 
entered into with Mr. Nightingale; 
(iv)     Resolution 4, to approve the issue of the Convertible Loan Shares to 
Christopher Nightingale; 
(v)     Resolution 5, to approve the admission of the Enlarged Ordinary Share 
Capital of the Company to AIM; and 
(vi)     Resolution 6, to approve the Whitewash Resolution for waiver of the 
requirement for the Concert Parties to make a mandatory offer for all the shares 
in the Company. 
The Independent Directors, who have been advised by Beaumont Cornish, consider 
that the Proposals described in this Document, including the Acquisition, to be 
in the best interests of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole. In 
providing its advice, Beaumont Cornish has taken into account the commercial 
assessment of the Directors. 
Whitewash Resolution 
The Independent Directors, taking into account the opinion of Beaumont Cornish 
as set out in its letter set out in paragraph 8.3 of Part 8 of the Document, are 
of the opinion that the Whitewash Resolution is in the best interests of the 
Company. The Independent Directors recommend that Shareholders vote in favour of 
Resolution 6, being the Whitewash Resolution. 
The Independent Directors wish to highlight the fact that the approval for the 
Whitewash Resolution is a condition precedent for the completion of the 
Acquisition as envisaged in the Acquisition Agreement and the Convertible Loan 
under the Convertible Loan Agreement. Accordingly, in the event Resolution 6 is 
not approved, Dragon Energy and/or Christopher Nightingale will have no 
obligation to complete its respective obligations as so envisaged. 
Shareholders are to note that by voting for Resolution 6 (the Whitewash 
Resolution), they are waiving their rights to a mandatory offer from the Concert 
Parties at the highest price paid by the Concert Parties in the six (6) months 
preceding the commencement of the issue of the relevant shares under either the 
Acquisition Agreement or the Convertible Loan Agreement, which the Concert 
Parties would otherwise have been obliged to make for the Shares. 
The issue of Consideration Shares and the Convertible Loan Shares to the Concert 
Party Shareholders will result in the Concert Party Shareholders holding shares 
carrying over 49 per cent. of the voting rights of the Company based on its 
enlarged issued share capital, and the Concert Party Shareholders will be free 
to acquire further shares without incurring any obligation under Rule 14 to make 
a Mandatory Offer. 
Shareholders are to note that by voting for Resolution 6 (the Whitewash 
Resolution), they could be foregoing the opportunity to receive a general offer 
from another person who may be discouraged from making a general offer in view 
of the potential dilution effect of the proposed transactions. 
In summary, the Independent Directors recommend Shareholders to vote in favour 
of all the Resolutions as they intend to do so in respect of their own 
beneficial holdings in respect of 82,058,823 Ordinary Shares representing 6.97 
per cent. of the Existing Ordinary Share Capital (excluding treasury shares). 
Mr. Christopher Nightingale will abstain from voting in respect of his holding 
of 2 Ordinary Shares and will procure that Perfection Group Limited will abstain 
from voting in respect of 499,999,998 Ordinary Shares, collectively representing 
42.44 per cent. of the Existing Ordinary Share Capital (excluding treasury 
shares) of the Company. 
The Company has also posted its notice of Annual General Meeting which will be 
held at 2.00 p.m. on 31 May 2010 at Hibiscus Room, Mezzanine Level, Shangri-La 
Hotel, Singapore Orange Grove Road, Singapore 258350. The Notice of Annual 
General Meeting can be found at the Company's website 
A copy of the Circular and Notice of EGM can be found at the Company's website, 
For further information, please contact: 
Alternative Energy Limited 
Christopher Nightingale 
Tel: 0065 900 82702 
Richard Lascelles, Director 
Tel: 020 7408 1067 
Beaumont Cornish Limited 
Roland Cornish 
Tel: 020 7628 3396 
In this Document, where the context permits, the expressions set out below shall 
bear the following meanings: 
"Acquisition"                                                      the proposed 
acquisition by the Company of the Technology 
as described in the Document 
"Acquisition Agreement"                          the conditional agreement dated 
14 May 2010 between (1) 
the Vendor and (2) the Company relating to the Acquisition, a summary of the 
principal terms of which is set out in paragraph 5.4 of Part 8 of the Document 
   The Companies Act (Cap. 50) of Singapore, as amended 
from time to time 
"Admission"                                             the re-admission of the 
Existing Ordinary Shares and the 
admission of the New Ordinary Shares to trading on AIM following completion of 
the Acquisition and such admission becoming effective in accordance with Rule 6 
of the AIM Rules 
"AEL ESOS"                                        the share option scheme 
adopted by the Company on 2 July 
                         2007 described in paragraph 6 of Part 8 of the Document 
"AEL Share Performance Plan"                   the share performance plan 
adopted by the Company on 
2 July 2007 described in paragraph 5 of Part 8 of the Document 
"AIM"                                                                   AIM, a 
market operated by the London Stock Exchange 
"AIM Rules"                                      the rules of the London Stock 
Exchange governing admission 
to, and operation of, AIM and comprising the AIM Rules for Companies and the AIM 
Rules for Nominated Advisers 
"Annual General Meeting" or            the Annual General Meeting of the Company 
to be held on 31 
"AGM"                                                              May 2010 
"Articles of Association" or                    the articles of association of 
the Company as at the date of 
"Articles"                                                          this 
"Beaumont Cornish" or "BCL"                                 Beaumont Cornish 
Limited, the Company's Nominated 
Adviser, authorised and regulated by the FSA 
"Board" or "Directors"                         the board of directors of the 
Company whose names are set 
out on page 9 of the Document 
"Business"                                                            the 
ongoing business of the Company following the 
Admission and the Acquisition 
"City Code"                                                         the City 
Code on Takeovers and Mergers 
"Combined Code"                                           the Principles of Good 
Governance and Code of Best 
Practice published in July 2003 by the Financial Reporting Council 
"Company"                                                      Alternative 
Energy Limited 
"Completion"                                                   the completion of 
the Proposals 
"Concert Parties"                                  Dragon Energy, Christopher 
Nightingale, Perfection Group 
Limited and other parties acting in concert with them as defined in the Takeover 
"Consideration Shares"                              the aggregate of the Initial 
Consideration Shares and 
Deferred Consideration Shares, being 666,666,666 new Ordinary Shares to be 
issued to the Vendor pursuant to the Acquisition 
"Convertible Loan Facility                            the agreement setting out 
the terms of the Convertible Loan 
    Facility, as summarized in paragraph 5.5 of Part 9 of the 
"Convertible Loan Facility"                  the interest-free US$2 million 
revolving convertible loan 
 facility, convertible into Shares in the Company at US$0.03 
each proposed to 
be provided by Mr. Nightingale, further 
details are set out in paragraph 6 of 
                             Part 1 of the Document 
"Convertible Loan Shares"                           the 66,666,666 Ordinary 
Shares which may be issued by the 
Company pursuant to a conversion of amounts owing under the Convertible Loan 
into Shares. 
"CREST"                                                    the computerised 
settlement system for trading securities in 
uncertificated form operated by Euroclear UK & Ireland Limited 
"CREST Regulations"                                 the Uncertificated 
Securities Regulations 2001 (SI2001/3755) 
as amended and any applicable rules made under those Regulations 
"Custodian"                                            the Depositary's 
nominated custodian 
"Deferred Consideration                     up to a maximum of 466,666,667 
Ordinary Shares to be 
Shares"                                                      issued in the next 
12 months and conditional on the granting 
of 7 Patents 
Computershare Investor Services Plc 
"Depositary Interests"                                     dematerialised 
depositary interests representing underlying 
Ordinary Shares in the ratio of 1:1 
 "Document"                                 the admission document issued by the 
                                                   Company and dated 14 May 2010 
"Dragon Nominees"                               those parties nominated by 
Dragon Energy to receive 
Consideration Shares 
"DTR"                                                         the Disclosure 
Rules and Transparency Rules issued by the 
"eRoof"                                                         the system being 
developed by the Company utilising the 
"Enlarged Group"                                     the Company and any of its 
Subsidiaries on Admission 
| "Enlarged Ordinary   | the issued ordinary share capital of the     | 
| Share Capital"       | Company upon Admission consisting of the     | 
| "Existing Ordinary   | Existing Ordinary Shares and the Initial     | 
| Share Capital"       | Consideration Shares                         | 
|                      | the issued ordinary share capital of the     | 
|                      | Company as at the date of this Document      | 
"Existing Ordinary Shares"                            the Ordinary Shares in 
issue as at the date of the Document 
"Extraordinary General                             the extraordinary general 
meeting of the Company to be held 
Meeting" or "EGM"                                      at 2.30 p.m. on 31 May 
2010 or any adjournment thereof, 
                           notice of which is set out at the end of the Document 
"Financial Services and                               the Financial Services and 
Markets Act 2000 
Markets Act" or "FSMA" 
"Form of Proxy"                                     the form of proxy for use by 
Shareholders in connection with 
the EGM 
"FSA"                                                        the Financial 
Services Authority, the single statutory regulator 
under FSMA 
"Fully Enlarged Share Capital"                       the fully enlarged share 
capital in the Company comprising 
the Existing Ordinary Share Capital, the Consideration Shares and the 
Convertible Loan Shares 
"Independent Directors"                             the Directors other than Mr. 
Christopher Nightingale who is 
                            connected to the Vendor 
"Independent Shareholders"                      the Shareholders other than Mr. 
Christopher Nightingale who 
is connected to the Vendor 
"Initial Consideration Shares"                     the 199,999,999 Ordinary 
Shares to be issued on Completion 
"ISIN"                                                   International 
Securities Identification Number 
"Latest Practicable Date"                          the latest practicable date 
prior to the printing of this 
Document for the purpose of ascertaining certain information contained in the 
"Lock-In Agreements"                                  the lock-in agreements as 
set out in paragraph 5.3 of Part 9 
of the Document 
"Lock-In Parties"                                    the Vendor, the Directors 
and key management of the 
                              Company on Admission 
"London Stock Exchange"                    London Stock Exchange plc 
"Member Account ID"                                 the identification code or 
number attached to any member 
account in CREST 
"New Ordinary Shares"                          the Consideration Shares 
"Official List"                                       the official list of the 
UK Listing Authority 
"Ordinary Shares"                                      ordinary shares in the 
share capital of the Company 
"Original Admission"                                  the original admission to 
trading on AIM of the Company's 
Ordinary Shares in October 2007 
"PASP" or "PA Strategy                        PA Strategy Partners Ltd 
Partners" or "PA" 
"Panel"                                                   the Panel on Takeovers 
and Mergers 
"Participant ID"                                    the identification code or 
membership number used in 
CREST to identify a particular CREST member or other CREST participant 
"Pound" or "GBP"                                                        Pound 
Sterling, the lawful currency of the United Kingdom 
"Proposals"                                              the Acquisition, the 
Admission and the Resolutions 
"Resolutions"                                              the resolutions to be 
proposed at the EGM as set out in the 
Notice of EGM at the end of the Document and "Resolution" shall mean any one of 
them as appropriate 
"Shareholders"                                        holders of Existing 
Ordinary Shares 
 Renewable Power Pte Limited, Alternative Energy 
Technology Pte Limited, Alternative Energy Limited (BVI) and Alternative Energy 
(Middle East) Limited 
"Takeover Code"                                                     The 
Singapore Code on Takeovers and Mergers 
"Technology"                                                the patented and 
other intellectual property being acquired 
from Dragon Energy Pte Limited, a company controlled by Mr. Christopher 
Nightingale, a Director of the Company 
"UK" or "United Kingdom"                  United Kingdom of Great Britain and 
Northern Ireland 
"UK Listing Authority"                                   the Financial Services 
Authority acting in its capacity as the 
competent authority for the purposes of Part VI of the Financial Services and 
Markets Act 2000 
"Uncertificated" or "in                                     an Ordinary Share 
recorded in the Company's register as 
uncertificated form"                                  being held in 
uncertificated form in CREST and title to which 
by virtue of the CREST Regulations may be transferred by means of CREST 
"United States" or "US"                                the United States of 
America, its territories and possessions 
and any state of the United States and the District of Columbia 
"US$"                                                      United States 
dollars, the lawful currency of the United States 
of America 
"Vendor" or "DEPL" or                             Dragon Energy Pte. Ltd., a 
company controlled by 
"Dragon Energy"                                                Mr. Christopher 
"Whitewash Resolution"                              the resolution to approve 
Whitewash as set out in the Notice 
of General Meeting 
"Whitewash Waiver"                                                          The 
waiver granted by the SIC of the requirement for the 
Concert Parties to make the mandatory offer. This waiver is subject to the 
satisfaction of certain conditions, details of which are set out in Part 8 of 
the Document 
For the purposes of the AEL ESOS and the AEL Share Performance Plan 
(collectively, the "Schemes"): 
(a)     in relation to a Shareholder (including, where the context requires, the 
Company), "control" means the capacity to dominate decision-marking, directly or 
indirectly, in relation to the financial and operating policies of that company; 
(b)     unless rebutted, a person who holds directly or indirectly, a 
shareholding of 15 per cent. or more of the Company's issued share capital shall 
be presumed to be a Controlling Shareholder; and 
(c)     in relation to a Controlling Shareholder, his "associate" shall have the 
meaning ascribed to it by the Act. 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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