RNS Number:0831S
Allied Leisure PLC
5 October 2000

Not  for release in, into or from the United States, Canada,
Australia or Japan.

                     Allied Leisure PLC
                  ("Allied" or "the Group")
                   Offer from Georgica plc
The  Board  of  Allied  has  today written  to  shareholders
setting  out  the background to the Offer and detailing  the
Board's advice as to the action shareholders should take  in
relation to the Offer.

A full text of the letter to shareholders is attached.

In summary, the Board of Allied has concluded that it cannot
advise  shareholders  to remain in a minority  position  and
has,  with  the  greatest reluctance, decided  to  recommend
shareholders to accept the Offer.

The  Directors of Allied also intend to accept the Offer  in
respect of their own beneficial holdings in Allied shares.


Allied Leisure PLC
Neil Goulden, Group Chief Executive             07771 963395

Square Mile Communications
Kevin  Smith/Becky Jewers                      020 7601 1000

The  Directors  of  Allied  accept  responsibility  for  the
information contained in this announcement, except that  the
only  responsibility accepted in respect of the  information
relating to Georgica, which has been compiled from published
sources, is to ensure that it has been correctly and  fairly
reproduced  and represented.  Subject as aforesaid,  to  the
best  of  the  knowledge and belief of the Allied  Directors
(who  have taken all reasonable care to ensure such  is  the
case), such information is in accordance with the facts  and
does  not omit anything likely to affect the import of  such

Close Brothers Corporate Finance Limited, which is regulated
in   the  United  Kingdom  by  the  Securities  and  Futures
Authority,  is  acting  for  Allied  and  no  one  else   in
connection  with  the Offer and will not be  responsible  to
anyone  other  than  Allied  for providing  the  protections
afforded  to  customers of Close Brothers Corporate  Finance
Limited or for providing advice in relation to the Offer.

This  announcement  has  been  approved  by  Close  Brothers
Corporate Finance Limited for the purposes of Section 57  of
the Financial Services Act 1986.


Not  for release in, into or from the United States, Canada,
Australia or Japan.

                     Allied Leisure PLC
                  ("Allied" or "the Group")
                   Offer from Georgica plc

The Offer Document containing the terms of the Offer made by
WestLB  Panmure Limited on behalf of Georgica was posted  on
21  September  2000.  Ken Scobie, Chairman  of  Allied,  has
today written to shareholders setting out the background  to
the  Offer and detailing the Allied Board's advice as to the
action shareholders should take in relation to the Offer.

The Georgica Offer

On  21 September 2000, Georgica announced an all share offer
to  acquire the entire issued share capital of Allied  ("the
Offer").   On the same day, Georgica announced that  it  had
(subject to technicalities) over 50 per cent. acceptances of
the  Offer.  Georgica is a newly formed public company  that
has  not  commenced  trading and  was  established  for  the
purposes of making the Offer.  Georgica has applied to admit
the Georgica Shares to AIM and the Offer is conditional upon
AIM  announcing  that it has agreed to  admit  the  Georgica
Shares  to trading.  Assuming full acceptance of the  Offer,
Allied  Shareholders will own 99.8 per cent. of  the  issued
ordinary  share  capital of Georgica. In addition,  Nicholas
Oppenheim  (Vice Chairman and Chief Executive  of  Georgica)
and  members  of  his family have subscribed  for  2,538,075
convertible  ordinary shares for approximately #2.5  million
in  cash. These are convertible into a maximum of 10,152,300
Georgica    Shares   (diluting   Allied   Shareholders    to
approximately  84.2  per cent. of the  fully  diluted  share
capital, assuming full acceptance of the Offer) dependant on
the  growth  achieved in Georgica's share price  and/or  the
passage of time. The maximum conversion will be available if
the  aggregate of the average Georgica Share price,  over  a
period  of twenty trading days, and the sum of the dividends
or  other  returns  of capital per Georgica  Share  paid  by
Georgica since its admission to AIM, reach at least 400p. In
any  event  the  convertible ordinary  shares  will  convert
automatically after ten years from the date of admission  at
the conversion rate then applicable.

The  Offer  is  being made by WestLB Panmure  on  behalf  of
Georgica and is:

     For each Allied share         one Georgica Share

On  26  September  2000,  Georgica  announced  that  it  had
received valid acceptances of the Offer in respect  of  50.8
per cent. of the issued share capital of Allied and declared
the  Offer unconditional as to acceptances. The Offer  still
remains  subject to a number of other conditions  including,
amongst  other things, AIM announcing that it has agreed  to
admit the Georgica Shares to trading.

Factors relevant to an assessment of the Offer

The  Board believes that Allied's recently announced results
for  the  year  ended 30 June 2000 demonstrate the  progress
that  has  been made by Allied in building a business  which
has  a  number  of  high quality leisure assets.  The  Board
believes that Allied is well positioned for a successful and
profitable future.

The  Allied  Board has been very conscious of  its  duty  to
deliver  shareholder value and has just completed a detailed
strategic review of its operations.  One of the alternatives
to  unlock  shareholder value that the  Board  was  actively
considering was the possibility of a cash offer  for  Allied
at  a significant premium to its share price on the date  of
Georgica's Offer.

The  Board  considers  that  the  fundamental  strengths  of
Allied's  businesses  and their strategic  value  under  the
existing  management  team were not  reflected  in  Allied's
share price on the date of the Offer.

Moreover,  Shareholders should note the following about  the

-   it is at a nil premium to Allied's share price;

-   it  is  in shares issued by a shell company which  has
    applied to be listed on AIM;

-   Georgica  is required to state within 28 days of the 
    Offer  being  declared  wholly unconditional that it has 
    sufficient   working capital to meet  its  then  present  
    requirements,  being at least  for  the  next  12 months 
    from the date that the statement is made; and

-   the  Board   of  Allied  currently  have   very  limited 
    information on Georgica's strategy for Allied's business 
    and therefore cannot  express  a  view  on   the  future  
    prospects and management of Georgica.  However, Georgica 
    has extended an  invitation to Neil Goulden, Group Chief 
    Executive of  Allied,  and  Martin Scott, Group  Finance 
    Director of Allied, to join the Board of  Georgica  once  
    Georgica  has  received acceptances in respect of 90 per 
    cent. of the Allied Shares.

Had the Board been approached prior to the Offer being made,
it  would not have supported the Offer. However, as Georgica
has announced that its Offer has been declared unconditional
as  to  acceptances, with acceptances for 50.8 per cent.  of
Allied  Shares, and assuming, as is likely, that  the  other
conditions to the Offer are satisfied, Georgica will achieve
voting  control.   Accordingly, Georgica  will  be  able  to
control  the  composition of the Board  of  Allied  and  the
future strategy of Allied.

Georgica  and the institutional shareholders that  supported
the  Offer,  in  deciding to take the  necessary  steps  for
Georgica to establish voting control over Allied by  way  of
an  Offer made at nil premium, have created, in the  opinion
of the Board, a highly unsatisfactory situation for Allied's
remaining  shareholders. They have passed control of  Allied
to  Georgica  without  any  extra  value  or  premium  being
available  to  Allied's Shareholders and without  the  Board
having  the  opportunity  to pursue other  alternatives,  in
particular  the possibility of a cash offer at a significant

The  Board  has  had  discussions with  Georgica  about  the
possibility  of improving the terms of the Offer  for  those
Shareholders who did not accept the Offer prior to it  being
declared  unconditional as to acceptances but the Board  was
unable to elicit a better offer for those Shareholders.

The  Non-Executive  Directors of  Allied  have  agreed  with
Georgica that, without prejudice to their contractual rights
(including, where relevant, rights under options), they will
resign  immediately  after  the  Offer  is  declared  wholly

The Allied Final Dividend

Since the Offer was declared unconditional as to acceptances
the  Board  have  held discussions with Georgica  which  has
agreed to vote in favour of the final dividend of 4p payable
on  Allied Shares in respect of the year to 30 June 2000, as
recommended  by the Board on 2 October 2000.   Georgica  has
also  agreed not to register the transfer of any  shares  in
respect  of  which acceptances of the Offer have been  given
prior  to  the record date for that dividend.  The  dividend
will,  therefore, be paid on 12 January 2001 to Shareholders
on the register on 6 October 2000.

Offer  to  holders of options under the Allied Share  Option

Georgica  has also agreed that offers will be  made  to  all
holders  of  options under the Allied Share  Option  Schemes
which will give them the choice either:
  (i)  to exercise their options and, if  they  wish, accept 
       the Offer; or
  (ii) subject to Georgica receiving acceptances in  respect 
       of 90 per cent. or more of the Allied Shares,exchange 
       their options over Allied  Shares  for  options  over 
       Georgica  Shares  (the "New Options")  on  equivalent 
       terms except that:

       (a)  the New Options will be immediately  exercisable 
            for a period of six months from  the  date  that 
            the Offer becomes wholly unconditional but  will 
            lapse if not exercised within that period or  if 
            the relevant  option  holder voluntarily  leaves 
            employment or is dismissed for cause within that
            time; and
       (b)  if holders of the New Options  do  exercise them 
            within the  six month period available, Georgica 
            will have the  choice either to issue them  with 
            the Georgica Shares to  which they are  entitled 
            or  to  make  a  cash  payment  to  them of  the 
            difference between the  market price of Georgica 
            Shares at the date of exercise and the  relevant 
            exercise price.

       (in  the  case of options under the European  Leisure
       PLC  SAYE  Scheme  and the Allied  Leisure  PLC  SAYE
       Scheme  the  choice  described in this  sub-paragraph
       (ii)  will  not  be  made available  if  confirmation
       cannot  be obtained from the Inland Revenue,  or  the
       Allied  Board  cannot otherwise satisfy itself,  that
       the   approved  status  of  these  schemes  will  not
       thereby be affected).

Alternatives open to Shareholders

There  are three alternatives open to Shareholders who  have
not yet accepted the Offer:

  i)   accept the Offer;

  ii)  take  no action and retain the Allied Shares,  except
       that  Shareholders should be aware that  if  Georgica
       receives over 90 per cent. acceptances Georgica  will
       be   entitled  compulsorily  to  acquire  the  Allied
       Shares; or
  iii) sell the Allied Shares.

If  Shareholders were to decide to take no action and not to
accept  the  Offer  from Georgica they  would  remain  in  a
minority position as Shareholders in Allied, and be  exposed
to certain risks:

Firstly,  to the extent that other Shareholders  accept  the
Offer,  there  will be a reduction in the number  of  shares
held by the remaining minority. This is likely to result  in
the  market  in  Allied Shares becoming more  limited.  This
could adversely affect the price of Allied Shares.

Secondly, Georgica has said that in certain circumstances it
intends  to seek to terminate the listing of Allied  on  the
London  Stock  Exchange. In that event, Allied  Shareholders
might  well find it difficult to sell their shares, or might
only be able to do so on unfavourable terms.

Finally,  if Georgica runs Allied as an operating subsidiary
the  profitability of the Allied Group will be  affected  by
trading  with other members or associates of its  group,  if
any.  Georgica's policies may, amongst other things,  result
in Allied's future dividend stream to its Shareholders being
adversely affected. In this context, it is not possible  for
the Board to forecast the future policies of Georgica.

Shareholders  may,  depending upon their personal  financial
circumstances,  prefer  or even be  obliged  to  sell  their
Allied  Shares  in the market. The Board is not  giving  any
advice  in this regard and if Shareholders are in any  doubt
as  to the action that they should take they are recommended
to seek their own independent financial advice. Shareholders
who  hold  their Allied Shares through PEPs are particularly
recommended to do so.

The  Offer will only become wholly unconditional if, amongst
other  things, the Georgica Shares are admitted to  AIM.  In
the unlikely event any of the outstanding conditions are not
satisfied  or  waived, the Offer will  lapse  and  Forms  of
Acceptance will have no effect.


The  Board  does  not  feel able to advise  Shareholders  to
remain in a minority position in a controlled company.

The  Board,  therefore, which has been so advised  by  Close
Brothers   which  has  taken  into  account  the  Directors'
commercial  assessments,  has  concluded,  albeit  with  the
greatest reluctance, to recommend Shareholders to accept the
Offer. The Directors, therefore, intend to accept the  Offer
in  respect  of their own beneficial holdings, amounting  in
total to 207,987 Allied Shares.


Allied Leisure PLC
Neil Goulden, Group Chief Executive             07771 963395

Square Mile Communications
Kevin Smith/Becky Jewers                       020 7601 1000

The  Directors  of  Allied  accept  responsibility  for  the
information contained in this announcement, except that  the
only  responsibility accepted in respect of the  information
relating to Georgica, which has been compiled from published
sources, is to ensure that it has been correctly and  fairly
reproduced  and represented.  Subject as aforesaid,  to  the
best  of  the  knowledge and belief of the Allied  Directors
(who  have taken all reasonable care to ensure such  is  the
case), such information is in accordance with the facts  and
does  not omit anything likely to affect the import of  such

Close Brothers Corporate Finance Limited, which is regulated
in   the  United  Kingdom  by  the  Securities  and  Futures
Authority,  is  acting  for  Allied  and  no  one  else   in
connection  with  the Offer and will not be  responsible  to
anyone  other  than  Allied  for providing  the  protections
afforded  to  customers of Close Brothers Corporate  Finance
Limited or for providing advice in relation to the Offer.

This  announcement  has  been  approved  by  Close  Brothers
Corporate Finance Limited for the purposes of Section 57  of
the Financial Services Act 1986.

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