RNS Number : 7855Z 
29 September 2009 

ADL plc 
Preliminary announcement of results for the year ended 31 March 2009 
Operational and financial highlights 
Turnover decreased 10.1% to GBP5,430,255 from GBP6,043,335 
Gross profit reduced by 27.8% to GBP1,646,502 from GBP2,278,913 
Core operational profit before exceptional and property items reduced by 68.5% 
to GBP289,594 from GBP918,533 
Total operating loss of GBP189,472 compared to GBP117,444 profit in 2008 
Loss after interest and tax GBP743,569 compared to GBP462,898 in 2008 
Group properties valued at GBP14.29m compared to GBP16.18m in 2008 
For further information please contact: 
| ADL plc                              |                                      | 
| Jeremy Davies, Managing Director     | 07860 717458                         | 
|                                      |                                      | 
| WH Ireland Limited                   |                                      | 
| JN Wakefield, Director               | 0117 9345 3470                       | 
As reported at the time of our Interims, the past 12 months have been dominated 
by the Court case in respect of the allegations against management on Newsham 
House, Gloucester (the case was stayed by the judge in late November) and the 
closure of The Knoll in July 2008. 
Although the Newsham House judgement bought to an end a period of blight for the 
Company its cost in fees and management resources was considerable and this is 
fully reflected in the accounts to the 31st March 2009. 
Furthermore, The Knoll is still empty and as a consequence producing no income 
as the Regulatory Authority has still not heard the Company's appeal against the 
closure order. The resultant loss of income from both homes and exceptional 
costs of the Court case have meant that the Company's gross revenue for the 12 
months to the 31st March 2009 was down at GBP5,430,000 (GBP613,000 less than 
2008) and the loss after interest and tax was GBP743,000 (GBP280,000 more than 
Inevitably the significant loss made by the Company has had a seriously 
depleting effect on the Company's cash and although the Company has stayed 
within the financial requirements of its banking covenants there is little room 
for manoeuvre going forward. 
However I am pleased to say that the Company's other homes are all operating 
well and profitably. In addition the majority have had their CQC ratings 
improved during the last 12 months; the current situation as at the 1st August 
2009 is that 5 homes are rated as good and 4 as adequate. The Company's firm 
intent is to ensure that all its homes are rated as good within the next 12 
As I said in my Interim report the Company has been concentrating on stabilising 
the business since the outcome of the Court case, improving relationships with 
the Regulator and settling the future of The Knoll. I'm pleased to report that 
we are making good progress in respect of each of these objectives. 
Since the year end there have been two more positive moves, namely the Company 
has agreed and executed a lease on Newsham House to a 3rd party operator and the 
intention is to sell the resultant investment when market conditions improve. 
The annual valuation of the Company's properties has been completed and shows 
that there has been a significant downwards valuation as a result of the 
problems experienced at Newsham House and The Knoll as well as a general 
deterioration in market sentiment to commercial property investments. However 
notwithstanding this reduction in value the Company is still operating within 
the loan to property value requirements of its banking covenants, albeit with 
less head room than previously. 
Although there is a continuing and indeed an increasing demand for the care of 
the elderly the cases with which the Company is having to deal are becoming more 
complex and demanding whilst at the same time the squeeze on public expenditure 
is leading to resource constraint. As a consequence the future will be a 
challenging one with the need to carefully balance a quality service with the 
resources that the public sector have available to pay for the care. This will 
require the providers, the Regulator and Local Authorities to work closely 
together to ensure that the best care is achieved within the resource envelope 
The Company will continue to actively manage its homes in this more difficult 
climate and make every effort to settle the future of The Knoll whilst 
continuing to look for suitable opportunities to grow the business. 
We are very pleased to welcome Michael Chartres to the board as an additional 
non-executive director. Michael, who was until 2007 a partner of Littlejohn, our 
auditors, brings with him a wealth of knowledge and experience of the Company 
and the sector in which it operates. 
As explained in some detail in the Managing Directors Report the Directors are 
recommending, with significant Shareholder support, that the Company de-lists 
from the Alternative Investment Market as soon as possible. I strongly endorse 
this move and the Company has appointed its nominated adviser WH Ireland 
Limited, to advise on appropriate ways the Company may consider to enable the 
minority shareholders to realise their investments. 
It has been another difficult and uncertain year for the Company and I would 
like to thank all our staff for the way in which they have handled the situation 
and for their hard work and loyalty. 
Sir William Wells 
24th September 2009 
As outlined by the Chairman in his statement the performance of our company has 
been dramatically affected by the legal action taken by Gloucestershire 
Constabulary in September 2007 following the joint inspection by CSCI and police 
in July 2005 on Newsham House, Gloucester. The Company and its two Executive 
Directors were charged with wilful neglect. As previously reported this case was 
stayed by his Honour Judge Ticehurst in November 2008 at Bristol Crown Court. 
During the period September 2007 - November 2008, the Executive Directors were 
placed on the provisional Protection of Vulnerable Adults List following an 
application by CSCI officers, and their access to the homes was restricted to 
particular tasks. 
The Acting Manager at Newsham House, who had been retained in a 
medical/administrative capacity in order to maintain continuity, was ejected 
from the home by CSCI officers. This undermined the confidence of residents and 
their relatives. Morale and standards at the home fell as it was effectively 
unmanaged, culminating in the Regulator applying to the Care Standards Tribunal 
to de-register the home. As previously reported, Lifeline Homes Limited 
("Lifeline") managed the home on our behalf until Lifeline obtained 
registration. Immediately thereafter we contracted into a 30 year lease of the 
premises to Lifeline. We are currently in advanced negotiations to sell Lifeline 
the freehold interest, albeit at a reduced price to the previous valuation. This 
year's valuation includes this reduction in value. 
I have made a formal complaint on behalf of the Company and Directors to 
Gloucestershire Constabulary in relation to the legality of the joint inspection 
and certain matters relating to evidence subsequently provided for the court 
During the period when access to our homes was restricted, as previously 
reported, Bradford City Council, with the support of CSCI, removed all the 
residents from The Knoll and CQC (the successor to CSCI) has served notice of 
de-registration. Again this has had a major impact on this year's property 
revaluation, earnings and cash flow of the Company. This action is very strongly 
contested but in the meantime your Board intends to sell this asset. 
The combined effect of lack of trading from these homes reduced our earnings; 
and had a considerable effect on our cash flow and potential profitability. 
In order to protect the Company, this has caused the Directors to have to seek a 
significant reduction in the central overheads. 
In view of the low interest rate environment, central overheads have in any 
event been significantly reduced, but any prudent borrower must expect interest 
rates to rise and for that reason further cost cutting measures are required. 
Your Board considers that, with reduction in the Company's scope of activities, 
the listing on the AIM market is both costly and unnecessary because, as the 
experience of the last two years has demonstrated, there is little liquidity in 
the market for the shares. 
For these reasons the Directors consider that it is in the best interests of the 
shareholders to de-list from AIM and as a consequence the relevant resolution is 
included in the enclosed agenda for the AGM. The Directors will work closely 
with the Company's nominated adviser, WH Ireland Limited, to consider ways in 
which the minority shareholders may realise the value of their shares and will 
prepare a circular at which shareholders' approval to this proposed course of 
action will be sought and advising them of the likely financial and other 
implications. At the time of writing the company secretary holds irrevocable 
undertakings in favour of the resolution to de-list in respect of 83.66% of the 
total stake holdings and thus the de-listing. 
Jeremy Davies 
Managing Director 
24th September 2009 
for the year ended 31 March 2009 
|   |                    |         |                |        |    Year to |   |    Year to |   | 
|   |                    |         |                |        |  31 Mar 09 |   |  31 Mar 08 |   | 
|   |                    |         |                |        |    GBP'000 |   |    GBP'000 |   | 
| Revenue                |         |                |        |            |   |            |   | 
|   |                    |         |                |        |            |   |            |   | 
|   | Continuing operations        |                |        |      5,430 |   |      6,043 |   | 
|   |                    |         |                |        |      5,430 |   |      6,043 |   | 
| Cost of Sales          |         |                |        |            |   |            |   | 
|   |                    |         |                |        |            |   |            |   | 
|   | Continuing operations        |                |        |    (3,784) |   |    (3,764) |   | 
|   |                    |         |                |        |    (3,784) |   |    (3,764) |   | 
|   |                    |         |                |        |            |   |            |   | 
| Gross Profit           |         |                |        |      1,646 |   |      2,279 |   | 
|   |                              |                |        |            |   |            |   | 
|   | Administrative expenses      |                |        |            |   |            |   | 
|   | - continuing operations                       |        |    (1,465) |   |    (1,497) |   | 
|   | Other operating    |         |                |        |        108 |   |        136 |   | 
|   | income             |         |                |        |            |   |            |   | 
|                                                   |        |    (1,357) |   |    (1,361) |   | 
|                                                   |        |            |   |            |   | 
| Operational profit before exceptional and other gains and  |        289 |   |        918 |   | 
| losses                                                     |            |   |            |   | 
|   |                    |         |                |        |            |   |            |   | 
|   | Exceptional items  |         |                |        |      (478) |   |      (651) |   | 
|   | Other gains or (losses)      |                |        |          - |   |      (150) |   | 
|   |                    |         |                |        |      (478) |   |      (801) |   | 
|   |                    |         |                |        |            |   |            |   | 
| (Loss)/Profit from     |         |                |        |      (189) |   |        117 |   | 
| operations             |         |                |        |            |   |            |   | 
|   |                    |         |                |        |            |   |            |   | 
|   |                    |         |                |        |            |   |            |   | 
|   | Finance income     |         |                |        |         10 |   |         20 |   | 
|   | Finance costs      |         |                |        |      (555) |   |      (614) |   | 
|   |                    |         |                |        |            |   |            |   | 
| (Loss) on ordinary activities before tax          |        |      (734) |   |      (477) |   | 
|   |                    |         |                |        |            |   |            |   | 
|   | Tax (expense)/credit                          |        |        (9) |   |         14 |   | 
|   |                    |         |                |        |            |   |            |   | 
| (Loss) for the financial year    |                |        |      (743) |   |      (463) |   | 
|   |                    |         |                |        |            |   |            |   | 
| (Loss) per ordinary share attributable to the     |        |    (7.52)p |   |    (4.68)p |   | 
| equity holders of the Company- basic and diluted  |        |            |   |            |   | 
at 31 March 2009 
|   |                    |         |                   |  |            |   |  Restated  | 
|   |                    |         |                   |  |  31 Mar 09 |   |  31 Mar 08 | 
|   |                    |         |                   |  |    GBP'000 |   |    GBP'000 | 
| Non-current assets     |         |                   |  |            |   |            | 
|   | Intangible assets  |         |                   |  |        617 |   |        891 | 
|   | Property, plant and          |                   |  |     14,285 |   |     16,180 | 
|   | equipment                    |                   |  |            |   |            | 
|   | Investments        |         |                   |  |          2 |   |          2 | 
|   | Deferred tax       |         |                   |  |         33 |   |         37 | 
|   | assets             |         |                   |  |            |   |            | 
|   |                    |         |                   |  |     14,937 |   |     17,110 | 
|   |                    |         |                   |  |            |   |            | 
| Non-current assets held for sale |                   |  |        400 |   |        500 | 
|                        |         |                   |  |            |   |            | 
| Current assets         |         |                   |  |            |   |            | 
|   |                    |         |                   |  |            |   |            | 
|   | Inventories        |         |                   |  |          9 |   |          9 | 
|   | Trade and other receivables  |                   |  |        870 |   |        852 | 
|   | Cash and cash equivalents    |                   |  |        278 |   |        567 | 
|   |                    |         |                   |  |      1,157 |   |      1,428 | 
|   |                    |         |                   |  |            |   |            | 
| Total assets           |         |                   |  |     16,494 |   |     19,038 | 
|   |                    |         |                   |  |            |   |            | 
| Current liabilities    |         |                   |  |            |   |            | 
| Trade and other payables         |                   |  |    (1,156) |   |    (1,235) | 
| Corporation tax liabilities      |                   |  |        (5) |   |        (5) | 
|                        |         |                   |  |    (1,161) |   |    (1,240) | 
|                        |         |                   |  |            |   |            | 
| Non-current            |         |                   |  |            |   |            | 
| liabilities            |         |                   |  |            |   |            | 
|   | Borrowings         |         |                   |  |    (8,363) |   |    (8,456) | 
|   | Deferred tax       |         |                   |  |      (634) |   |    (1,172) | 
|                        |         |                   |  |    (8,997) |   |    (9,628) | 
|                        |         |                   |  |            |   |            | 
| Total liabilities      |         |                   |  |   (10,158) |   |   (10,868) | 
|   |                    |         |                   |  |            |   |            | 
| Net assets             |         |                   |  |      6,336 |   |      8,170 | 
|   |                    |         |                   |  |            |   |            | 
| Capital and Reserves attributable to Equity holders of the Company   |   |            | 
|   |                    |         |                   |  |            |   |            | 
|   | Called-up share capital      |                   |  |      1,522 |   |      1,522 | 
|   | Share premium      |         |                   |  |      3,712 |   |      3,712 | 
|   | account            |         |                   |  |            |   |            | 
|   | Revaluation        |         |                   |  |      2,588 |   |      3,794 | 
|   | reserve            |         |                   |  |            |   |            | 
|   | Retained earnings  |         |                   |  |   (1,486)  |   |      (858) | 
|   |                    |         |                   |  |            |   |            | 
| Total equity           |         |                   |  |      6,336 |   |      8,170 | 
|   |                    |         |                   |  |            |   |            | 
| Net assets per ordinary share    |                   |  |      64.1p |   |      82.6p | 
for the year ended 31 March 2009 
|           |                     |          |  |  |             |      Year to |    |    Year to | 
|           |                     |          |  |  |             |    31 Mar 09 |    |  31 Mar 08 | 
|           |                     |          |  |  |             |      GBP'000 |    |    GBP'000 | 
| Cash flows from operating                  |  |  |             |              |    |            | 
| activities                                 |  |  |             |              |    |            | 
|                      Loss before              |  |             |        (734) |    |      (477) |  | 
|                      taxation                 |  |             |              |    |            |  | 
|                      Amortisation of          |  |             |          115 |    |        115 | 
|                      intangible               |  |             |              |    |            | 
|                      assets                   |  |             |              |    |            | 
|                      Impairment of            |  |             |          615 |    |          - | 
|                      fixed assets             |  |             |              |    |            | 
|                      Impairment of            |  |             |          159 |    |          - | 
|                      goodwill                 |  |             |              |    |            | 
|                      Amortisation of          |  |             |           18 |    |         19 | 
|                      finance costs            |  |             |              |    |            | 
|                      Depreciation             |  |             |            - |    |          2 | 
|                      Interest                 |  |             |         (10) |    |       (20) | 
|                      received                 |  |             |              |    |            | 
|                      Interest paid            |  |             |          555 |    |        614 | 
|                      Loss on disposal         |  |             |            - |    |         50 | 
|                      of fixed assets          |  |             |              |    |            | 
|                       Fair value of non          |             |            - |    |        100 | 
|                       current assets             |             |              |    |            | 
|                       held for sale              |             |              |    |            | 
|                       Decrease in             |  |             |            - |    |          2 | 
|                       inventories             |  |             |              |    |            | 
|                       (Increase) in trade and other            |         (18) |    |       (11) | 
|                       receivables                              |              |    |            | 
|                       Decrease / (increase) in trade           |        (290) |    |        335 | 
|                       and other payables                       |              |    |            | 
|                       Transfer of deferred                     |        (249) |    |          - | 
|                       consideration to property                |              |    |            | 
|                       UK Corporation          |  |             |          (5) |    |        (9) | 
|                       tax paid                |  |             |              |    |            | 
| Net Cash Inflow from Operating                |  |             |          156 |    |        720 | 
| Activities                                    |  |             |              |    |            | 
|           |                     |          |  |  |             |              |    |            | 
| Cash flows from investing activities          |  |             |              |    |            | 
|           |                                |  |  |             |              |    |            | 
|           |                                |  |  |             |              |    |            | 
|           | Interest received   |          |  |  |             |           10 |    |         20 | 
|           | Interest paid       |          |  |  |             |        (555) |    |      (614) | 
| Net Cash (used in) investing               |  |  |             |        (545) |    |      (594) | 
| activities                                 |  |  |             |              |    |            | 
|           |                     |          |  |  |             |              |    |            | 
| Cash flows from financing                  |  |  |             |              |    |            | 
| activities                                 |  |  |             |              |    |            | 
|           |                     |          |  |  |             |              |    |            | 
|                      Proceeds   |          |  |  |             |          100 |    |        100 | 
|                      from       |          |  |  |             |              |    |            | 
|                      borrowings |          |  |  |             |              |    |            | 
| Net Cash from financing activities            |  |             |          100 |    |        100 | 
|           |                     |          |  |  |             |              |    |            | 
| Net (Decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents           |        (289) |    |        226 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                 |          567 |    |        341 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                       |          278 |    |        567 | 
  Notes To The Preliminary Announcement 
For the year ended 31 March 2009 
1. Basis of preparation 
The financial information presented in this preliminary announcement is 
extracted from, and is consistent with, the Group's audited financial statements 
for the year ended 31 March 2009. 
The preliminary announcement for the year ended 31 March 2009 was approved by 
the Board of Directors on 24 September 2009. The financial information set out 
above does not constitute the Company's statutory financial statements for the 
year ended 31 March 2009 or 2008 but is derived from those financial statements. 
Statutory financial statements for 2009 will be delivered shareholders without 
delay and to the registrar of companies following the Company's annual general 
meeting. The financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2009 and 2008 were 
reported on by the auditors without qualification or an emphasis of matter 
reference and did not contain a statement under section 498(2) or (3) of the 
Companies Act 2006 (2008: a statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the 
Companies Act 1985). 
The Group's results have been prepared in accordance with International 
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the EU. 
2.Copies of this statement 
Copies of this statement are available from the Company Secretary at the 
Company's registered office at Corbie Steps, 89 Harehills Lane, Leeds LS7 
4HA and from the Company's website at www.adlcare.com. 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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