Company                      Symbol  Percent  Current  Offer  Date 
Grand Canyon Education       LOPE       54%   $18.45  $12.00  20-Nov 
Visa Inc.                    V          19%   $52.27  $44.00  19-Mar 
Hatteras Financial Corp      HTS        12%   $26.90  $24.00  25-Apr 
IPC The Hospitalist Co.      IPCM        4%   $16.66  $16.00  24-Jan 
Heritage-Crystal Clean       HCCI       -3%   $11.14  $11.50  12-Mar 
American Water Works         AWK        -7%   $19.93  $21.50  22-Apr 
Western Gas Partners         WES       -13%   $14.32  $16.50  8-May 
Energy Recovery              ERII      -20%    $6.80   $8.50  2-Jul 
Pioneer Southwest Energy     PSE       -27%   $13.89  $19.00  30-Apr 
RiskMetrics Group            RMG       -28%   $12.60  $17.50  24-Jan 
Intrepid Potash              IPI       -39%   $19.44  $32.00  21-Apr 
Fifth Street Finance         FSC       -49%    $7.25  $14.12  11-Jun 
Safe Bunkers Inc.            SB        -53%    $8.89  $19.00  28-May 
ATA Inc.                     ATAI      -54%    $4.34   $9.50  28-Jan 
RackSpace Hosting Inc.       RAX       -55%    $5.60  $12.50  7-Aug 
Navios Maritime Acquisition  NM        -62%    $3.81  $10.00  25-Jun 
Real Goods Solar             RSOL      -63%    $3.74  $10.00  8-May 
RHI Entertainment            RHIE      -64%    $5.00  $14.00  17-Jun 
Pansoft Company              PSOF      -64%    $2.49   $7.00  9-Sep 
Cascal NV                    HOO       -66%    $4.03  $12.00  28-Jan 
Bioheart Inc.                BHRT      -86%    $0.75   $5.25  19-Feb 

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