Bright Boy
29 minutes ago
Can you imagine being a defendant and having to stand before a jury of your peers and admit to illegal/criminal market operations involving "Spoofing", "Naked Short" selling knowing that your market operations were designed to bankrupt and destroy NWBO, thus preventing sick and dying cancer patients from receiving life saving treatments, ALL FOR THE SAKE OF MAKING A BUCK !!!!!
What do you think the jury would say???? AND how much do you think a jury would award the company in punitive damages, sufficient to compensate all the victims AND force the criminals to terminate their illegal market operations?????
And here's the end of the road for the defendants:
The Case: Northwest Biotherapeutics, Inc v. Canaccord Genuity LLC, 1:22-cv-10185, (S.D.N.Y.)
The Docket:
Northwest Biotherapeutics (“$NWBO”) is a publicly traded company that has submitted…— hoffmann6383 (@hoffmann6383) March 27, 2025
1 hour ago
Makes no sense if Eden was, as you are claiming, part of the MAA. It would be part of the MAA process, and both the MAA and MHRA were inferring/stating this was under the 150 day process. We are way way past the 150 day process, and they would have known that it was going to take longer if they were going to include Eden review in the MAA review. So if you are right, both LP and the MHRA knew this was going to go long, although both highlighted the 150 day process. The public would not have had a clue at the time. imo. Under your hypothetical.
1 hour ago
Why are you comparing it to another company? That company might have a similar situation, but it's not the same business, situation, or anything else for that matter. With NWBO, we’re expecting MHRA approval, BP speculations, and other future developments just around the corner. Once this gets the attention in these kinds of situations, it becomes an added advantage. I only said I believe the stock might go up a few cents, but I never claimed it for sure. With that in mind, I added 38K today. Haven’t you invested in this company?
3 hours ago
So do you now agree that there is a strong possibility that EDEN will be approved along with DCVax-L?
She didn’t say anything about the MAA process including the Eden certification process. If she thought that, why would she expect the 150 day process to be applicable?....She didn't think EDEN was far enough developed to include in150 day review window, thus why she said developed in parallel ...If we are still in the 150 window then that means the clock-stop was not 60 days but more like 250 days!
And guess what??....The parallel testing of EDEN didn't stop during the clock stop so LP had ample time for EDEN to complete the remaining steps.....
So now that the adaptation for clinical grade GMP, that design work has been done. The remaining steps are; complete the the streamlining, or condensing some of the portions of it, get the units ordered, have the units delivered, and then Advent will need to conduct a large amount of, what are referred to as, engineering runs. They're practice runs. You have to run, do practice runs with the Flaskworks machine in the Sawston facility, collect all the data, compare the data with the data from the DCVax products produced by the existing manual process, because they have to show, they have to demonstrate to the regulator, not only that the Flaskworks machine operates properly, doesn't shed particles into the clean room air, things like that.
All those remaining steps could be accomplished during the "60" day clock stop.....Which is more like 250 days...So it is very easy for EDEN to be ready (and included) in the MHRA approval for DCVax-L.
In conclusion, the 2 approvals we are waiting on are:
1) DCVax L (n) and (r)
2) EDEN...The grade C labs.
I don't know how clear you want it outside of the company saying so in black and white....IMO, the gray line is so very thin.
Can wait to hear that I am right!!!! 😇
Hank Morgan
3 hours ago
I have been holding about 27,000 shares of this stock for 5 years now. .85 to .25. The only thing keeping me from selling is my own stubbornness and desire to know, when the dust settles, if this really was just a scam-company or a bio-tech breakthrough beset by nefarious, larger market forces. I don't even care what happens anymore, I just want some damn closure.
3 hours ago
The reason that this 'cancer treatment, is failing to get Regulatory traction now, is that a closer examination of the filed 'supporting evidence' by outside Agencies, has shown wide-ranging impropriety.
I'm just glad that this elixir's time has nearly run out, and that no more desperate patients, friends and / or families are conned out of cash (just like a-lot of investors were over two decades ).
4 hours ago
That is sure not what I understood from the rulings. At present the alleged spoofing seems to be limited to relatively small time frame.
What it turns into as the case moves forward is another question.
Well per the complain it was Dec 2017 until Aug 2022.
This case arises from Defendants’ scheme to manipulate NWBO’s share price
during the period of December 05, 2017 to August 1, 2022 (the “Relevant Period”). Throughout
the Relevant Period, Defendants deliberately engaged in repeated spoofing that interfered with the
natural forces of supply and demand, and drove NWBO’s share price downward repeatedly over
the course of the Relevant Period. Defendants’ manipulation violates Section 10(b), Rule 10b-5
and Section 9(a)(2) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and constitutes fraud under New York
state common law.