United States


Washington, D.C.  20549









May 24, 2017




Commission File Number: 001-32827





(Translation of registrant’s name into English)




Sarmiento 447

Buenos Aires C1 1041

Tel: 54 11 5222 6500


(Address of registrant’s principal executive offices)




Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover of Form 20-F or Form 40-F.


Form 20-F x Form 40-F ¨


Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(1):


Yes ¨ No x


Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(7):


Yes ¨ No x







Financial Statements as of March 31, 2017




· Cover  
· Balance sheets 1
· Statements of income 5
· Statements of changes in shareholders’ equity 7
· Statements of cash flows 8
· Notes to the financial statements 10
· Exhibits A through L, N and O 43
· Consolidated balance sheets 60
· Consolidated statements of income 64
· Consolidated statements of cash flows 66
· Consolidated statements of debtors by situation 68
· Notes to the consolidated financial statements with subsidiaries 70






March 31, 2017




REGISTERED OFFICE: Sarmiento 447 – City of Buenos Aires




BCRA (CENTRAL BANK OF ARGENTINA): Authorized as “Argentine private bank” under No. 285.


REGISTRATION WITH THE PUBLIC REGISTRY OF COMMERCE: Under No. 1,154 - By-laws book No. 2, Folio 75 dated March 8, 1967




REGISTRATION WITH THE IGJ (BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS REGULATORY AGENCY): Under No. 9,777 – Corporations Book No. 119 Volume A, dated October 8, 1996.






August 18, 1972, August 10, 1973, July 15, 1975, May 30, 1985, September 3, 1992, May 10, 1993, November 8, 1995, October 8, 1996, March 23, 1999, September 6, 1999, June 10, 2003, December 17, 2003, September 14, 2005, February 8, 2006, July 11, 2006, July 14, 2009, November 14, 2012, August 2, 2014.






AS OF MARCH 31, 2017 AND DECEMBER 31, 2016

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish - See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos)


    03/31/2017     12/31/2016  
A.   CASH                
    Cash on hand     5,208,191       4,208,887  
    Due from banks and correspondents                
    Central Bank of Argentina     18,940,016       26,666,365  
    Local Other     110,511       79,158  
    Foreign     1,656,331       2,055,936  
    Other     962       991  
          25,916,011       33,011,337  
B.   GOVERNMENT AND PRIVATE SECURITIES (Exhibit A)                
    Holdings booked at market value     1,987,067       1,940,096  
    Holdings booked at amortized cost     163,568       1,569,338  
    Instruments issued by the Central Bank of Argentina     18,644,393       13,755,276  
    Investments in listed private securities             319,469  
          20,795,028       17,584,179  
C.   LOANS (Exhibits B, C and D)                
    To the non-financial government sector     479,629       1,532,006  
    To the financial sector                
    Interfinancing (granted call)     80,000       5,000  
    Other financing to Argentine Financial Institutions     1,701,362       1,659,738  
    Accrued interest, adjustments, foreign exchange and quoted price differences receivable     73,753       65,882  
    To the non-financial private sector and foreign residents                
    Overdrafts     10,219,125       8,801,712  
    Documents     10,451,329       10,968,163  
    Mortgage loans     4,214,180       3,923,386  
    Pledge loans     2,391,652       2,210,991  
    Personal loans     27,760,256       24,849,213  
    Credit cards     18,055,100       17,467,209  
    Other (Note 7.1.)     11,644,409       10,377,498  
    Accrued interest, adjustments, foreign exchange and quoted price differences receivable     1,373,791       1,182,463  
    less: Unearned discount     (312,307 )     (345,500 )
    less: Allowances (Exhibit J)     (1,839,565 )     (1,654,084 )
          86,292,714       81,043,677  


Jorge H. Brito



  - 1 -  




AS OF MARCH 31, 2017 AND DECEMBER 31, 2016

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish - See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos)


        03/31/2017     12/31/2016  
    Central Bank of Argentina     1,901,449       1,902,862  
    Amounts receivable from spot and forward sales pending settlement     7,928,872       155,905  
    Securities and foreign currency receivables from spot and forward purchases pending settlement (Exhibit O)     112,785       1,259,031  
    Unlisted corporate bonds (Exhibits B, C and D)     109,278       277,666  
    Receivables from forward transactions without delivery of underlying assets     5,835       855  
    Other receivables not covered by debtors classification standards (Note 7.2.)     1,017,703       944,707  
    Other receivables covered by debtors classification standards (Exhibits B, C and D)     209,718       292,435  
    Accrued interest receivables covered by debtors classification standards (Exhibit B, C and D)     184       232  
    less: Allowances (Exhibit J)     (229,806 )     (231,496 )
          11,056,018       4,602,197  
E.   RECEIVABLES FROM FINANCIAL LEASES (Exhibits B, C and D)                
    Receivables from financial leases     383,455       375,898  
    Accrued interest and adjustments     5,411       4,992  
    less: Allowances (Exhibit J)     (4,181 )     (3,993 )
          384,685       376,897  
F.   INVESTMENTS IN OTHER COMPANIES (Exhibit E)                
    In financial institutions     2,509,918       2,399,238  
    Other     354,597       287,888  
    less: Allowances (Exhibit J)     (129 )     (579 )
          2,864,386       2,686,547  
G.   OTHER RECEIVABLES                
    Other (Note 7.3.)     1,413,651       1,182,758  
    less: Allowances (Exhibit J)     (4,102 )     (4,148 )
          1,409,549       1,178,610  
H.   BANK PREMISES AND EQUIPMENT, NET (Exhibit F)     1,392,939       1,351,839  
I.   OTHER ASSETS (Exhibit F)     2,146,396       1,941,322  
J.   INTANGIBLE ASSETS (Exhibit G)                
    Goodwill     19,204       20,609  
    Organization and development costs     708,457       615,760  
          727,661       636,369  
K.   ITEMS PENDING ALLOCATION     17,285       8,231  
TOTAL ASSETS     153,002,672       144,421,205  


Jorge H. Brito



  - 2 -  




AS OF MARCH 31, 2017 AND DECEMBER 31, 2016

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish - See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos)


        03/31/2017     12/31/2016  
L.   DEPOSITS (Exhibits H and I)                
    From the non-financial government sector (Note 7.4.)     8,531,884       5,964,863  
    From the financial sector     50,864       55,861  
    From the non-financial private sector and foreign residents                
    Checking accounts     16,753,869       16,692,516  
    Savings accounts     25,638,432       26,032,427  
    Time deposits     44,546,942       44,882,439  
    Investment accounts     378,513       333,188  
    Other (Note 7.5.)     7,808,462       7,918,326  
    Accrued interest, adjustments, foreign exchange and quoted price differences payable     533,448       617,326  
          104,242,414       102,496,946  
    Central Bank of Argentina (Exhibit I)                
    Other     8,225       8,211  
    International Banks and Institutions (Exhibit I)     131,687       128,912  
    Non-subordinated Corporate Bonds (Note 11. and Exhibit I)             1,686,382  
    Amounts payable for spot and forward purchases pending settlement     109,555       1,154,071  
    Securities and foreign currency to be delivered under spot and forward sales pending settlement (Exhibit O)     7,951,326       156,536  
    Financing received from Argentine financial institutions (Exhibit I)                
    Interfinancing (received call)             90,000  
    Other financing received from Argentine financial institutions     28,940       30,568  
    Accrued interest payable             126  
    Other (Note 7.6. and Exhibit I)     6,634,364       6,773,610  
    Accrued interest, adjustments, foreign exchange and quoted price differences payable (Exhibit I)     21,685       82,721  
          14,885,782       10,111,137  
N.   OTHER LIABILITIES                
    Fees     27,792       89,617  
    Other (Note 7.7.)     3,380,547       2,953,144  
          3,408,339       3,042,761  
O.   PROVISIONS (Exhibit J)     267,790       251,366  
P.   SUBORDINATED CORPORATE BONDS (Note 11. and Exhibit I)     6,322,304       6,407,840  
Q.   ITEMS PENDING ALLOCATION     6,100       5,257  
TOTAL LIABILITIES     129,132,729       122,315,307  
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY (As per related statement)     23,869,943       22,105,898  
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY     153,002,672       144,421,205  


Jorge H. Brito



  - 3 -  




AS OF MARCH 31, 2017 AND DECEMBER 31, 2016

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish - See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos)


    03/31/2017     12/31/2016  
DEBIT-BALANCE ACCOUNTS     95,003,253       76,561,044  
Contingent     23,785,433       22,163,765  
Guarantees received     22,711,109       21,261,105  
Other not covered by debtors classification standards     34       39  
Contingent debit-balance contra accounts     1,074,290       902,621  
Control     70,729,954       53,901,492  
Receivables classified as irrecoverable     1,848,447       1,778,857  
Other (Note 7.8.)     67,635,046       50,987,686  
Control debit-balance contra accounts     1,246,461       1,134,949  
Derivatives (Exhibit O)     487,866       495,787  
Notional value of forward transactions without delivery of underlying asset (Note 12.a))     165,053       135,597  
Derivatives debit-balance contra accounts     322,813       360,190  
CREDIT-BALANCE ACCOUNTS     95,003,253       76,561,044  
Contingent     23,785,433       22,163,765  
Other guarantees provided covered by debtors classification standards (Exhibits B, C and D)     215,881       288,382  
Other guarantees provided not covered by debtors classification standards     157,335       158,986  
Other covered by debtors classification standards (Exhibits B, C and D)     421,397       354,315  
Other not covered by debtors classification standards     279,677       100,938  
Contingent credit-balance contra accounts     22,711,143       21,261,144  
Control     70,729,954       53,901,492  
Checks to be credited     1,246,461       1,134,949  
Control credit-balance contra accounts     69,483,493       52,766,543  
Derivatives (Exhibit O)     487,866       495,787  
Notional value of call options sold (Note 12.b))     173,380       167,721  
Notional value of forward transactions without delivery of underlying asset (Note 12.a))     149,433       192,469  
Derivatives credit-balance contra accounts     165,053       135,597  


The accompanying Notes 1 through 24 and exhibits A through L, N, O and the consolidated financial statements are an integral part of these financial statements.


Jorge H. Brito



  - 4 -  





(Translation on financial statements originally issued in Spanish - See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos)


        03/31/2017     03/31/2016  
        (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)  
A.   FINANCIAL INCOME                
    Interest on cash and due from banks     127       331  
    Interest on loans to the financial sector     99,374       20,812  
    Interest on overdrafts     647,262       502,861  
    Interest on documents     363,098       389,492  
    Interest on mortgage loans     166,900       175,892  
    Interest on pledge loans     94,034       97,574  
    Interest on credit card loans     974,682       837,662  
    Interest on financial leases     20,514       24,137  
    Interest on other loans (Note 7.9.)     3,057,418       2,424,259  
    Net income from government and private securities (Note 7.10.)     789,111       908,508  
    Interest on other receivables from financial intermediation     936       413  
    Income from guaranteed loans - Presidential Decree No. 1387/01     3,073       6,961  
    CER (Benchmark Stabilization Coefficient) adjustment     27,477       56,933  
    CVS (Salary Variation Coefficient) adjustment     111       226  
    Difference in quoted prices of gold and foreign currency     180,739       182,057  
    Other (Note 7.11.)     430,419       110,351  
          6,855,275       5,738,469  
B.   FINANCIAL EXPENSE                
    Interest on savings accounts     22,910       19,910  
    Interest on time deposits     1,910,936       2,265,739  
    Interest on interfinancing received loans (received call)     1,891       2,715  
    Interest on other liabilities from financial intermediation     16,422       35,671  
    Interest on subordinated bonds     105,168       53,629  
    Other interest     678       912  
    CER adjustment     2,838       3,473  
    Contribution to Deposit Guarantee Fund     45,338       88,123  
    Other (Note 7.12.)     581,417       435,875  
          2,687,598       2,906,047  
    GROSS INTERMEDIATION MARGIN - GAIN     4,167,677       2,832,422  
C.   PROVISION FOR LOAN LOSSES     316,147       148,627  
D.   SERVICE-CHARGE INCOME                
    Related to lending transactions     53,721       16,483  
    Related to deposits     1,284,434       958,503  
    Other commissions     44,244       46,050  
    Other (Note 7.13.)     768,279       563,977  
          2,150,678       1,585,013  


Jorge H. Brito



  - 5 -  





(Translation on financial statements originally issued in Spanish - See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos)


        03/31/2017     03/31/2016  
        (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)  
E.   SERVICE-CHARGE EXPENSE                
    Commissions     137,959       104,345  
    Other (Note 7.14.)     529,180       423,852  
          667,139       528,197  
    Personnel expenses     1,675,550       1,138,266  
    Directors' and statutory auditors' fees     73,457       58,875  
    Other professional fees     70,910       51,636  
    Advertising and publicity     41,396       46,061  
    Taxes     145,989       104,065  
    Depreciation of bank premises and equipment     53,603       41,334  
    Amortization of organization costs     53,104       39,933  
    Other operating expenses (Note 7.15.)     358,498       288,098  
    Other     203,141       159,144  
          2,675,648       1,927,412  
    NET INCOME FROM FINANCIAL INTERMEDIATION - GAIN     2,659,421       1,813,199  
G.   OTHER INCOME                
    Income from long-term investments     179,564       215,536  
    Penalty interest     16,362       19,944  
    Recovered loans and allowances reversed     82,522       33,427  
    Other (Note 7.16.)     35,850       68,663  
          314,298       337,570  
H.   OTHER EXPENSE                
    Penalty interest and charges payable to the Central Bank of Argentina     18       12  
    Charges for other receivables uncollectibility and other allowances     65,415       23,766  
    Depreciation and loss of other assets     1,323       904  
    Goodwill amortization     1,405       3,513  
    Other (Note 7.17.)     68,013       38,945  
          136,174       67,140  
    NET INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAX - GAIN     2,837,545       2,083,629  
I.   INCOME TAX (Note 4.)     1,073,500       676,000  
    NET INCOME FOR THE PERIOD - GAIN     1,764,045       1,407,629  


The accompanying Notes 1 through 24 and exhibits A through L, N, O and the consolidated financial statements are an integral part of these financial statements.


Jorge H. Brito



  - 6 -  





(Translation on financial statements originally issued in Spanish - See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos)


    03/31/2017     03/31/2016  
    (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)  
    Capital     Stock
    Adjustments to
    Earnings reserved     Unappropriated              
Changes   stock (1)     premium     equity     Legal     Voluntary     earnings     Total     Total  
Balances at the beginning of the fiscal year     584,563       399,499       4,511       3,686,472       10,698,348       6,732,505       22,105,898       15,877,550  
Movements of Voluntary Reserve                                                             368,546  
Net income for the period - Gain                                             1,764,045       1,764,045       1,407,629  
Balances at the end of the period     584,563       399,499       4,511       3,686,472       10,698,348       8,496,550       23,869,943       17,653,725  


(1) See Note 10.


The accompanying Notes 1 through 24 and exhibits A through L, N, O and the consolidated financial statements are an integral part of these financial statements.


Jorge H. Brito



  - 7 -  





(Translation on financial statements originally issued in Spanish - See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos)


    03/31/2017     03/31/2016  
    (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)  
CHANGES IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS (Note 3.6.)                
Cash at the beginning of the fiscal year     34,815,058       18,907,789  
Cash at the end of the period     34,229,213       30,016,883  
Net (decrease) / increase in cash     (585,845 )     11,109,094  
Operating activities                
Net collections / (payments):                
Government and private securities     12,340,486       6,068,116  
To the financial sector     (25,121 )     (268,596 )
To the non-financial government sector     1,075,480       6,868  
To the non-financial private sector and foreign residents     (1,181,408 )     5,038,938  
Other receivables from financial intermediation     (7,154,066 )     (2,310,646 )
Receivables from financial leases     12,538       40,169  
From the financial sector     (4,997 )     997  
From the non-financial government sector     2,407,358       (789,837 )
From the non-financial private sector and foreign residents     (2,638,689 )     4,517,607  
Other liabilities from financial intermediation                
Financing facilities from the financial sector (received calls)     (92,017 )     (46,753 )
Others (except liabilities included under financing activities)     (827,587 )     181,449  
Collections related to service-charge income     2,156,366       1,582,557  
Payments related to service-charge expenses     (664,189 )     (519,797 )
Administrative expenses paid     (2,730,821 )     (1,731,554 )
Payment of organization and development costs     (145,801 )     (51,491 )
Net collections from penalty interest     16,344       19,932  
Differences from payments related to court orders     (302 )     (569 )
Collections of dividends from other companies     193       260  
Other collections related to other income and losses     7,527       51,293  
Net payments from other operating activities     (948,197 )     (291,673 )
Payment of income tax     (491,926 )     (421,979 )
Net cash flows generated in operating activities     1,111,171       11,075,291  


Jorge H. Brito



  - 8 -  





(Translation on financial statements originally issued in Spanish - See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos)


    03/31/2017     03/31/2016  
    (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)  
Investing activities                
Net payments for bank premises and equipment     (71,899 )     (67,517 )
Net payments for other assets     (209,197 )     (165,010 )
Net cash flows used in investing activities     (281,096 )     (232,527 )
Financing activities                
Net collections / (payments) for:                
Non-subordinated corporate bonds     (1,766,904 )     (62,871 )
Central Bank of Argentina                
Other     14       (2,647 )
International Banks and Institutions     1,646       (69,018 )
Financing received from Argentine financial institutions     (1,628 )     (1,395 )
Payment of dividends             (227,708 )
Net cash flows used in financing activities     (1,766,872 )     (363,639 )
Financial income and holding gains on cash and cash equivalents     350,952       629,969  
Net (decrease) / increase in cash     (585,845 )     11,109,094  


The accompanying Notes 1 through 24 and exhibits A through L, N, O and the consolidated financial statements are an integral part of these financial statements.


Jorge H. Brito



  - 9 -  




AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish – See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos, except for where indicated)




Macro Compañía Financiera SA was created in 1977 as a non-banking financial institution. In May 1988, it received the authorization to operate as a commercial bank and it was incorporated as Banco Macro SA. Subsequently, as a result of the merger process with other entities, it adopted other names (among them, Banco Macro Bansud SA) and since August 2006, Banco Macro SA (hereinafter, the Bank).


The Bank´s shares have been publicly listed on the Merval (Mercado de Valores de Buenos Aires- Buenos Aires Stock Exchange) since November 1994, as from March 24, 2006 they are listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). Additionally, on October 15, 2015 they were authorized to list on the Mercado Abierto Electrónico SA (MAE).


Since 1994, Banco Macro SA’s market strategy was mainly focused on the regional areas outside the City of Buenos Aires. Following this strategy, in 1996, Banco Macro SA started the process to acquire entities and assets and liabilities during the privatization of provincial and other banks.


In 2001, 2004, 2006 and 2010, the Bank acquired the control of Banco Bansud SA, Nuevo Banco Suquía SA, Nuevo Banco Bisel SA and Banco Privado de Inversiones SA, respectively. Such entities merged with and into Banco Macro SA in December 2003, October 2007, August 2009 and December 2013, respectively. In addition, during fiscal year 2006, Banco Macro S.A. acquired control over Banco del Tucumán SA.


The Bank currently offers traditional bank products and services to companies, including those operating in regional economies, as well as to individuals, thus reinforcing the Bank's objective to be a multi-services bank.


In addition, the Bank performs certain transactions through its subsidiaries, Banco del Tucumán SA, Macro Bank Limited (an entity organized under the laws of Bahamas), Macro Securities SA, Macro Fiducia SA and Macro Fondos SGFCISA.




2.1. Agreement with the Misiones Provincial Government


The Bank and the Misiones Provincial Government entered into a special-relationship agreement whereby the Bank was appointed, for a five-year term since January 1, 1996, as the Provincial Government’s exclusive financial agent, as well as revenue collection and obligation payment agent.


On November 25, 1999, and December 28, 2006, extensions to such agreement were agreed upon, making it currently effective through December 31, 2019.


As of March 31, 2017 and December 31, 2016, the deposits held by the Misiones Provincial Government with the Bank amounted to 3,490,074 and 2,495,781 (including 140,963 and 139,610 related to court deposits), respectively.


2.2. Agreement with the Salta Provincial Government


The Bank and the Salta Provincial Government entered into a special-relationship agreement whereby the Bank was appointed, for a ten-year term since March 1, 1996, as the Provincial Government’s exclusive financial agent, as well as revenue collection and obligation payment agent.


On February 22, 2005 and August 22, 2014, extensions to such agreements were agreed upon, making it currently effective through February 28, 2026.


As of March 31, 2017 and December 31, 2016, the deposits held by the Salta Provincial Government with the Bank amounted to 2,948,945 and 1,340,738 (including 348,706 and 370,154 related to court deposits), respectively.


2.3. Agreement with the Jujuy Provincial Government


The Bank and the Jujuy Provincial Government entered into a special-relationship agreement whereby the Bank was appointed, for a ten-year term since January 12, 1998, as the Provincial Government’s exclusive financial agent, as well as revenue collection and obligation payment agent.


  - 10 -  




AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish – See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos, except for where indicated)


On April 29, 2005 and July 8, 2014, extensions to such agreement were agreed upon, making it currently effective through September 30, 2024.


As of March 31, 2017 and December 31, 2016, the deposits held by the Jujuy Provincial Government with the Bank amounted to 1,348,660 and 1,580,312 (including 273,346 and 253,622 related to court deposits), respectively.


2.4. Banco del Tucumán S.A.


Banco del Tucumán SA entered into special-relationship agreements with the Tucumán Provincial Government and with the Municipality of San Miguel de Tucumán, appointing it their exclusive financial agent, as well as revenue collection and obligation payment agent, through 2011 and 2013, respectively.


On June 30, 2010, the service agreement with the Tucumán Provincial Government was extended through July 8, 2021, while the agreement executed with the Municipality of San Miguel de Tucumán was automatically extended through July 8, 2018, as set forth in the original agreement.


As of March 31, 2017 and December 31, 2016, the deposits held by the Tucumán Provincial Government and the Municipality of San Miguel de Tucumán with Banco del Tucumán SA amounted to 3,482,340 and 2,450,436 (including 982,806 and 943,683 related to court deposits), respectively.


2.5. Uniones Transitorias de Empresas (joint ventures)


a) Banco Macro SA - Siemens Itron Business Services SA


On April 7, 1998, the Bank entered into a joint venture agreement with Siemens Itron Business Services SA, in which each holds a 50% equity interest, whereby a provincial data processing center would be provided to manage tax-related issues, to modernize tax collection systems and procedures in the Province of Salta, and to manage and perform the recovery of taxes and municipal assessments payable.


b) Banco Macro SA – Gestiva SA


On May 4, 2010, and August 15, 2012, the Bank and Gestiva SA entered into a joint venture under the name “Banco Macro SA – Gestiva SA – Unión Transitoria de Empresas” which is jointly controlled and is engaged in providing a comprehensive tax processing and management system for the Province of Misiones, its administration and collection of taxes thereof. The Bank has a 5% interest in its capital stock.


As of March 31, 2017 and December 31, 2016, the net assets of such joint ventures recorded and consolidated in the Bank’s financial statements through the proportionate consolidation method amounted to 61,395 and 56,001, respectively.


Also, as of March 31, 2017 and 2016, net income recorded through the method mentioned in the previous paragraph amounted to 15,327 and 9,719, respectively.




These financial statements are prepared on a stand-alone basis, and are taken from the Bank’s books of account, are stated in thousands of pesos and have been prepared in accordance with the accounting standards established by Central Bank of Argentina. See Note 3.5.i.1) for investment in controlled entities.


3.1. Consolidated financial statements


As required under Central Bank rules, the Bank presents consolidated financial statements with its subsidiaries Banco del Tucumán SA, Macro Bank Limited, Macro Securities SA, Macro Fiducia SA and Macro Fondos SGFCISA as supplementary information.


  - 11 -  




AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish – See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos, except for where indicated)


3.2. Comparative information


As required under Central Bank rules, the balance sheet as of March 31, 2017 and supplementary information, are presented comparatively with those of the prior fiscal year, while the statements of income, changes in shareholders’ equity and cash flows and cash equivalents for the three-month period ended March 31, 2017, are presented comparatively with data for the same period in the prior fiscal year.


3.3. Unit of measurement


The Bank’s financial statements recognize the changes in the peso purchasing power until February 28, 2003, when the adjustments to reflect those changes were discontinued, as provided by the professional accounting standards effective in the City of Buenos Aires and as required by Presidential Decree 664/2003, Article N° 312 of General Resolution No. 7/2015 of the Business Association Regulatory Agency, Central Bank Communiqué “A” 3921 and CNV (Argentine Securities Commission) General Resolution No. 441.


However, the interpretation of the financial statements should consider the fact that, in recent fiscal years, there have been significant changes in the prices for relevant economic variables, such as salary cost, interest and exchange rates. In that sense, it should be considered that the INDEC (National Statistics Institute) has been informed since January 2016, the monthly inflation data based on the IPIM (Internal Index Wholesale Prices), but has not assigned specific inflation rate for the month of November and December 2015. As of the date of issuance of these financial statements, the last IPIM informed by the INDEC is for March 2017 and the accumulated inflation rate for the three-year period ended in March 2017 is approximately 76%.


3.4. Significant accounting judgments, estimates and assumptions


The preparation of financial statements requires the Bank to make, in certain cases, estimates to determine the book values of assets and liabilities, income, expenses and contingencies, as well as the disclosure thereof, as of each date of accounting information filing. The Bank´s records are based on the best estimate regarding the probability of occurrence of different future events and, therefore, the final amount may differ from such estimates, which may have a positive or negative impact on future fiscal years.


3.5. Valuation methods


The main valuation methods used to prepare the accompanying financial statements as of March 31, 2017 and December 31, 2016, were as follows:


a) Assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currency:


The assets and liabilities denominated in US dollars were valued at Central Bank benchmark US dollar exchange rate effective as of the closing date of transactions on the last respective business day. Additionally, assets and liabilities denominated in other foreign currencies were translated at the exchange rate communicated by the Central Bank´s dealing room. Foreign exchange differences were recorded in the related statements of income.


b) Government and private securities:


b.1) Government securities - Holdings booked at market value:


They were valued at the quoted prices or present values reported by the Central Bank, as the case may be. Differences in quoted prices and present values were recorded in the related statements of income, translated into pesos, in accordance with the criterion stated in Note 3.5.a), wherever applicable.


b.2) Government securities - Holdings booked at amortized cost:


As set forth in Central Bank Communiqué “A” 5180, as supplemented, they were valued at acquisition cost increased by the accrued internal rate of return, net of the related offset account, also compared with the present values calculated by the Bank, in accordance with the criterion stated in Note 3.5.a), wherever applicable. The acquisition value previously mentioned is related to the present value of each security at acquisition date.


  - 12 -  




AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish – See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos, except for where indicated)


As of March 31, 2017 and December 31, 2016, the present value calculated by the Bank for these securities amounted to 178,817 and 1,578,551, respectively.


b.3) Listed Instruments issued by the Central Bank – Holdings booked at market value:


They were valued at the quoted price as of the last respective business day. Differences in quoted prices were recorded in the related statements of income.


b.4) Instruments issued by the Central Bank – Holdings booked at amortized cost:


Holdings with no volatility published by the Central Bank were valued at acquisition cost plus accrued interest, exponentially applying the internal rate of return as per their issuance terms and conditions, in accordance with the criterion stated in Note 3.5.a), wherever applicable. The accruals of the internal rate of return mentioned above were recorded in the related statements of income.


b.5) Private Securities – Investment in listed private securities:


As of December 31, 2016, they were valued at the quoted price as of the last respective business day. Differences in quoted prices were recorded in the related statements of income.


c) Guaranteed loans – Presidential Decree No. 1387/2001:


As set forth in Central Bank Communiqués “A” 4898, “A” 5180, as supplemented, as of December 31, 2016, the guaranteed loans issued by the Argentine Government under Presidential Decree No. 1387/01, were valued at the specific acquisition value of each security, increased by accrued income including the benchmark stabilization coefficient (CER), net of the related offset account, compared in turn with the present values reported by the Central Bank.


As of December 31, 2016, the present value reported by the Central Bank for these securities amounted to 726,098.


On January 30, 2017 the total abovementioned holding were cancelled and collected, for an amount of 740,653.


d) Interest accrual:


Interest has been accrued according to a compound interest formula in the period in which it was generated, except interest on transactions in foreign currency and those whose maturity does not exceed 92 days, on which interest has been accrued according to a simple interest formula.


The Bank suspends the interest accrual whenever loan payments are not settled (generally, after 90 days) or when the recoverability of the collection of principal or interest accrued is doubtful. Accrued interest is considered part of the loan balance when determining the allowances for loan losses. Afterwards, interest is only recognized on a cash basis.


e) CER accrual:


Receivables and payables have been indexed by the CER, wherever applicable, as follows:


e.1) Guaranteed loans: as explained in Note 3.5.c).


e.2) Deposits and other assets and liabilities: the CER as of the last respective business day was applied.


f) Allowance for loan losses and provision for contingent commitments:


These provisions have been calculated based on the estimated uncollectibility risk of the Bank's credit portfolio, which, among other factors, results from the evaluation of the degree of debtors compliance and the guarantee/security supporting the respective transactions, considering Central Bank Communiqué “A” 2950, as supplemented, and the Bank’s provisioning policies.


  - 13 -  




AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish – See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos, except for where indicated)


When loans covered by specific allowances are settled or generate a reversal of the allowances recorded in the current period, and in cases where the allowances set in prior years exceed what is considered necessary, the excess allowance is reversed with effects on income for the current period.


The recovery of receivables previously classified under “Debit-balance control memorandum accounts - Receivables classified as irrecoverable” are recorded directly in the related statements of income.


The Bank assesses the credit risk related to possible commitments and determines the appropriate amount of allowances to be recorded. The allowances related to amounts recorded in memorandum accounts, contingent commitments, are included under “Provisions”.


g) Other receivables from financial intermediation and Other liabilities from financial intermediation including repo transactions:


g.1) Amounts receivable from spot and forward sales pending settlement and amounts payable for spot and forward purchases pending settlement:


They were valued based on the prices agreed upon for each transaction, plus related premiums accrued.


g.2) Securities and foreign currency to be received for spot and forward purchases pending settlement and to be delivered for spot and forward sales pending settlement:


i. With volatility (active market): they were valued at the effective quoted prices for each of them at the last respective business day. Differences in quoted prices were recorded in the related statements of income.


ii. Without volatility (without active market): they were valued at their cost value increased exponentially by their internal rate of return. Such accruals were recorded in the related statements of income.


g.3) Debt securities and certificates of participation in financial trusts:


i. Debt securities: they were valued as provided by Central Bank Communiqué “A” 4414, at their cost value, increased exponentially by their internal rate of return, translated into pesos according to the method described in Note 3.5.a), as the case may be.


ii. Certificates of participation: they were stated at cost or face value increased as the case may be, by interest accrued until the last respective day, translated into Argentine pesos according to the method described in Note 3.5.a), as appropriate.


The values recorded, net of allowances, do not exceed the recoverable values from the respective trusts.


g.4) Unlisted corporate bonds purchased:


They were valued by the accrual method based on their internal rate of return, as provided by Central Bank Communiqué "A" 4414, as supplemented. Such accruals were recorded in the related statements of income.


g.5) Non subordinated corporate bonds issued:


They were valued at the amount due for principal and interest accrued, translated into pesos pursuant to the method described in Note 3.5.a). Such accruals were recorded in the related statements of income.


g.6) Receivables from forward transactions without delivery of underlying assets:


They were valued at the amounts outstanding originated in forward transactions of foreign currency payables in pesos without delivery of the underlying asset. Such amounts arise from the difference between quoted price of transactions on the last respective business day and the related future price agreed.


  - 14 -  




AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish – See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos, except for where indicated)


h) Receivables from financial leases:


In accordance with Central Bank Communiqué “A” 5047, as supplemented, they were valued according to the discounted value of the sum of minimum installments pending collection (excluding any contingent installments), from the previously agreed residual value and the purchase options, for the financial lease agreements in which the Bank acts as lessor. The discounted value is calculated by applying the imputed interest rate of each lease agreement.


The effective financial lease agreements do not represent significant amounts with respect to the total financing granted by the Bank. Additionally, their characteristics are among the usual ones for this kind of transactions, and there are no differentiating issues of any kind compared with the transactions agreed on the Argentine financial market. These transactions are distributed among the Bank’s customers, and there are no pre-established contingent installments or automatic renewal clauses.


i) Investments in other companies:


i.1) In controlled financial institutions, supplementary and authorized activities: they were valued by the equity method.


i.2) In non-controlled financial institutions, supplementary and authorized activities:


i. In pesos: they were valued at acquisition cost, plus the nominal value of share-dividends received, restated as explained in Note 3.3., as the case may be.


ii. In foreign currency: they were valued at the acquisition cost in foreign currency, plus the nominal value of share-dividends received, translated into pesos in accordance with the criterion stated in Note 1.3. to the consolidated financial statements.


Such net values do not exceed the values calculated by the equity method on the basis of the latest financial statements published by the companies.


i.3) In other non-controlled companies: they were valued at acquisition cost, plus the nominal value of share-dividends received, restated as described in Note 3.3., as the case may be, net of allowances for impairment in value. Such net values do not exceed the values calculated by the equity method on the basis of the latest financial statements published by the companies.


j) Bank premises and equipment, other assets and intangible assets:


They were valued at their acquisition cost, restated as explained in Note 3.3., less the related accumulated depreciation and amortization, calculated based on their estimated useful life using the straight line method.


k) Valuation of derivatives:


k.1) Forward transactions without delivery of underlying asset: they were valued at the quoted price of each transaction, as of the last respective business day. Differences in quoted prices were recorded in the related statements of income.


k.2) Call option sold: they were valued at the agreed-upon exercise price.


See also Note 12.


l) Severance payments:


The Bank charges these payments directly to expenses.


  - 15 -  




AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish – See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos, except for where indicated)


m) Provisions included in liabilities:


The Bank carries certain contingent liabilities related to current or future claims, lawsuits and other proceedings, including those related to labor and other obligations. Liabilities are recorded when it is probable that future costs will be incurred and whenever such costs may be reasonably estimated.


n) Subordinated corporate bonds:


They were valued at the amount due for principal and interest accrued, translated into pesos pursuant to the method described in Note 3.5.a). Such accruals were recorded in the related statements of income.


o) Shareholders’ equity accounts:


They are restated as explained in Note 3.3., except for the "Capital stock" account which has been kept at its original value. The adjustment resulting from its restatement as explained in such note was included in the "Adjustments to shareholders’ equity" account.


p) Statement-of-income accounts:


p.1) The accounts comprising monetary transactions (financial income (expense), service-charge income (expense), provision for loan losses, administrative expenses, among others) were computed at their historical amounts on a monthly accrual basis.


p.2) The accounts reflecting the effects on income from the sale, retirement or consumption of non-monetary assets were computed on the basis of the amounts of such assets, which were restated as mentioned in Note 3.3.


p.3) The income (loss) from equity interests in subsidiaries were computed on the basis of such companies’ income (loss).


3.6. Statement of cash flows and cash equivalents


The Bank considers “cash and cash equivalents” to include the following accounts: Cash and investments which mature less than three months from their date of acquisition. Below is a breakdown of the reconciliation of the “Cash” item on the Statement of cash flows with the related balance sheet accounts:


    03/31/2017     12/31/2016     03/31/2016  
Cash     25,916,011       33,011,337       19,016,410  
Government and private securities                        
Holdings booked at market value             71          
Instruments issued by the Central Bank     8,313,202       1,803,650       11,000,473  
Cash and cash equivalents     34,229,213       34,815,058       30,016,883  




The Bank calculates income tax by applying the effective 35% rate to the estimated taxable income for each period, without considering the effect of temporary differences between book and taxable income.


In 1998, Law No. 25,063 established minimum presumed income tax for a ten-year term. At present, after subsequent extensions and considering what is established by Law No. 27,260, such tax is effective for the fiscal years ended up to December 31, 2018. This tax is supplementary to income tax, while the latter is levied on the taxable income for the year, minimum presumed income tax is a minimum levy assessment by applying 1% over 20% of certain assets as provided by the law for financial institutions. Therefore, the Bank’s tax obligation for each year will be equal to the higher of these taxes. However, if minimum presumed income tax exceeds income tax in a given tax year, such excess may be computed as a payment on account of any income tax in excess of minimum presumed income tax that may occur in any of the following ten years, once accumulated net operating losses (NOLs) have been used.


  - 16 -  




AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish – See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos, except for where indicated)


As of March 31, 2017 and 2016, the Bank estimated an income tax charge of 1,073,500 and 676,000, respectively; hence, no minimum presumed income tax should be assessed for the three-month periods ended on such dates.


Additionally, as of March 31, 2017, the Bank made income tax prepayments for 2,028,920 for the 2016 fiscal year, which will be applied to the tax amount assessed in the 2016 tax return.




Argentine professional accounting standards effective in the City of Buenos Aires differ, in certain valuation aspects, from the accounting standards established by Central Bank of Argentina.


The main items with differences in valuation matters as of March 31, 2017 and December 31, 2016 are as follows:


    Adjustments under professional accounting standards  
    Stand-alone financial statements     Consolidated financial statements  
    to equity     to total
    to equity     to total
Item   03/31/2017     12/31/2016     03/31/2017     03/31/2017     12/31/2016     03/31/2017  
Government securities and assistance to the government sector (a)                                                
Government securities - Holdings booked at amortized cost     14,863       3,642       11,221       16,324       5,309       11,015  
Instruments issued by the Central Bank and booked at amortized cost     2,744       5,716       (2,972 )     2,745       6,580       (3,835 )
Guaranteed loans – Presidential Decree No. 1387/01             11,824       (11,824 )             11,824       (11,824 )
Business combinations (b)                                                
Acquisition of Nuevo Banco Bisel SA     (65,972 )     (66,716 )     744       (65,972 )     (66,716 )     744  
Other     (44,711 )     (45,415 )     704       (44,711 )     (45,415 )     704  
Interests in other companies (c)     85,528       76,903       8,625                          
Deferred assets – Income tax (d)     205,557       62,974       142,583       289,623       137,346       152,277  
Total     198,009       48,928       149,081       198,009       48,928       149,081  


(1) Additionally, according to the Argentine professional accounting standards effective in the City of Buenos Aires, individual and consolidated income for the period ended March 31, 2016, would have increased by 9,282.


(a) Holdings of government securities, instruments issued by the Central Bank and credit assistance to the nonfinancial government sector: these holdings and financing are valued based on the specific regulations and standards issued by the Argentine government and the Central Bank, which set forth, among other issues, the use of present values, technical values and offset accounts, as explained in Notes 3.5.b.2), 3.5.b.4) and 3.5.c). Pursuant to the Argentine professional accounting standards effective in the City of Buenos Aires, the securities, instruments and assistance mentioned in those notes should be stated at their market and/or present values, as the case may be. In addition, current Central Bank regulations establish that financing to the nonfinancial government sector is not subject to loan-loss provisioning, whereas the Argentine professional accounting standards effective in the City of Buenos Aires require that assets in general to be compared with their recoverable value every time financial statements are prepared.


  - 17 -  




AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish – See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos, except for where indicated)


(b) Business combinations: under the standards set forth by Central Bank, business acquisitions are recorded according to the book values of the acquired company and, if the purchase price exceeds the book value, the excess amount is recorded in the acquiring company´s books as a positive goodwill. On the other hand, if the purchase price is lower than book value, the difference is recorded in the acquiring company´s books as a negative goodwill. If the goodwill is positive, Central Bank standards establish that such goodwill should be amortized under the straight-line method based on an estimated useful life of ten years. If the goodwill is negative, Central Bank Communiqué “A” 3984 establishes specific amortization methods; the maximum amortization allowed per year is 20%.


According to the Argentine professional accounting standards effective in the City of Buenos Aires, business combinations are recorded based on the market values of the acquired company’s identifiable net assets and the difference between the purchase price and the identifiable net asset measurement value is recorded as either a positive or a negative goodwill, as the case may be. If a positive goodwill is recognized, this goodwill will be amortized systematically over the estimated useful life, unless it has an indefinite useful life considering the estimates made by the Bank´s Management, in which case it shall not be amortized, but compared with its recoverable value as of each year-end. If a negative goodwill is recognized due to expected losses or future expenses of the acquired entity and which should not have been recorded as liabilities as of the acquisition date, it will either be charged to the statement of income according to the change in specific circumstances that gave rise to it or systematically, taking into account an average weighted useful life of the acquired entity’s assets subject to depreciation and amortization.


(c) Subsidiary Banco del Tucumán SA prepares its financial statements in conformity with Central Bank rules which differ from the Argentine professional accounting standards effective in the City of Buenos Aires.


(d) Income tax: The Bank and its subsidiaries determine income tax applying the effective rate to the estimated taxable income, without considering the effect of the temporary differences between book and taxable income. According to the Argentine professional accounting standards effective in the City of Buenos Aires, income tax should be booked following the deferred tax method, according to which (i) in addition to the current tax payable, either an asset (if certain conditions are met) or a liability is recognized for deferred taxes related to the tax effect of the temporary differences between the book and tax valuation of assets and liabilities, and (ii) a tax expense (income) is recognized in relation to the portion involving the current tax expense (income) as well as the one involving the deferred tax expense (income), resulting from the creation and reversal of the abovementioned temporary differences in the year. Under Argentine professional accounting standards effective in the City of Buenos Aires, a deferred tax asset is recognized when there are unused NOLs or tax credits that can be deducted from future taxable income, provided they are likely.




On February 12, 2014, the BCRA (Central Bank of Argentina) issued Communiqué "A" 5541, which set the general guidelines for convergence to the IFRS issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), aimed at the preparation of the financial statements issued by the entities under its supervision for the fiscal years beginning on or after January 1, 2018, as well as their interim periods.


Through Communiqué “A” 6114, the BCRA set specific requirements as part of that convergence process, which included defining (i) the provisional exemption from the application of section 5.5 “Impairment” under NIIF 9 “Financial instruments” (items B5.5.1 through B5.5.55) until the BCRA analyzes classification, provision and guarantee standards and proposes a schedule for transition from the current provision model to the model adopted in view of international best practices; and (ii) that, in order to calculate the effective interest rate of assets and liabilities, as required for their measurement, pursuant to IFRS 9, a lump-sum estimate may be performed –provisionally until December 31, 2019– to calculate the effective interest rate over a group of financial assets or liabilities with similar characteristics to those subject to application.


Considering the previous statements, the Bank is currently performing the convergence towards IFRS with the scope defined by BCRA Communiqué “A” 6114, and January 1, 2017, is the transition date according to IFRS 1 “First-time adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards.”


As established by BCRA Communiqué “A” 6206, and based on the requirements set in Communiqué “A” 6114, below is the reconciliation of amounts assessed as per BCRA’s accounting standards with respect to assets, liabilities, equity accounts and income (loss) as of March 31, 2017, and for the three-month period then ended, as well as amounts obtained for those items as a result of applying IFRS.


  - 18 -  




AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish – See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos, except for where indicated)


Banco Macro SA







ASSETS     153,002,672       (2,320,646 )     150,682,026  
Cash     25,916,011       (563,980 )     25,352,031  
Government and private securities     20,795,028       (7,419,481 )     13,375,547  
Loans     86,292,714       (103,816 )     86,188,898  
Other receivables from financial intermediation     11,056,018       59,784       11,115,802  
Receivables from financial leases     384,685               384,685  
Investments in other companies     2,864,386       450,670       3,315,056  
Other receivables     1,409,549       (49,057 )     1,360,492  
Bank premises and equipment, net     1,392,939       3,208,787       4,601,726  
Other assets     2,146,396       2,097,348       4,243,744  
Intangible assets     727,661       (901 )     726,760  
Items pending allocation     17,285               17,285  
LIABILITIES     129,132,729       (6,189,215 )     122,943,514  
Deposits     104,242,414       (552,220 )     103,690,194  
Other liabilities from financial intermediation     14,885,782       (7,427,070 )     7,458,712  
Other liabilities     3,408,339       1,815,225       5,223,564  
Provisions     267,790               267,790  
Subordinated corporate bonds     6,322,304       (25,150 )     6,297,154  
Items pending allocation     6,100               6,100  







SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE CONTROLLING INTEREST     23,869,943       3,622,313       246,256       27,738,512  
Capital, contributions and reserves     15,373,393                       15,373,393  
Other comprehensive income             14,168       (13,825 )     343  
Unappropriated retained earnings (accumulated losses)     8,496,550       3,608,145       260,081       12,364,776  





INCOME FOR THE PERIOD, NET     1,764,045       260,081       2,024,126  
Financial income     6,855,275       (2,117 )     6,853,158  
Financial expense     (2,687,598 )     2,423       (2,685,175 )
Provision for loan losses     (316,147 )             (316,147 )
Service-charge income     2,150,678       (956 )     2,149,722  
Service-charge expense     (667,139 )     1,306       (665,833 )
Administrative expenses     (2,675,648 )     99,603       (2,576,045 )
Other     178,124       62,105       240,229  
Income tax     (1,073,500 )     97,717       (975,783 )
OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME                     (13,825 )
Foreign exchange difference for conversion of financial statements                     (22,411 )
Income or losses from financial instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income (items 5.7.5 and 4.1.2A, IFRS 9)                     8,586  
TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE PERIOD                     2,010,301  


  - 19 -  




AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish – See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos, except for where indicated)


(1) Including 3,455,309 due to application of paragraph D5, IFRS 1, as of December 31, 2016, and 167,004 for the rest of reconciliation adjustments as of that date.


Banco Macro SA (consolidated)





ASSETS     166,992,326       (3,478,355 )     163,513,971  
Cash     29,014,735       (635,083 )     28,379,652  
Government and private securities     23,777,564       (8,598,611 )     15,178,953  
Loans     94,083,328       (109,468 )     93,973,860  
Other receivables from financial intermediation     13,716,897       64,219       13,781,116  
Receivables from financial leases     378,110               378,110  
Investments in other companies     9,331       231,334       240,665  
Other receivables     1,530,847       (46,148 )     1,484,699  
Bank premises and equipment, net     1,504,254       3,523,520       5,027,774  
Other assets     2,192,346       2,097,573       4,289,919  
Intangible assets     759,022       (5,691 )     753,331  
Items pending allocation     25,892               25,892  
LIABILITIES     143,122,383       (7,572,098 )     135,550,285  
Deposits     115,182,851       (623,323 )     114,559,528  
Other liabilities from financial intermediation     17,219,160       (8,607,010 )     8,612,150  
Other liabilities     3,830,956       1,882,054       5,713,010  
Provisions     351,667               351,667  
Subordinated corporate bonds     6,322,304       (25,150 )     6,297,154  
Items pending allocation     16,776               16,776  
Minority interest in subsidiaries     198,669       (198,669 )        







SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE CONTROLLING INTEREST     23,869,943       3,622,313       246,256       27,738,512  
Capital, contributions and reserves     15,373,393                       15,373,393  
Other comprehensive income             74,640       (22,750 )     51,890  
Unappropriated retained earnings (accumulated losses)     8,496,550       3,547,673       269,006       12,313,229  
SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY ATTRIBUTABLE TO NON-CONTROLLING INTEREST             207,968       17,206       225,174  





INCOME FOR THE PERIOD, NET     1,764,045       269,006       2,033,051  
Financial income     7,600,382       9,030       7,609,412  
Financial expense     (2,960,035 )     2,423       (2,957,612 )
Provision for loan losses     (361,244 )             (361,244 )
Service-charge income     2,401,304       (668 )     2,400,636  
Service-charge expense     (734,324 )     1,306       (733,018 )
Administrative expenses     (2,963,533 )     105,713       (2,857,820 )
Other     (16,637 )     56,109       39,472  
Minority interest in subsidiaries     (15,844 )     (1,336 )     (17,180 )
Other income     144,490       62,284       206,774  
Other expenses     (145,283 )     (4,839 )     (150,122 )
 Income tax     (1,201,868 )     95,093       (1,106,775 )


  - 20 -  




AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish – See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos, except for where indicated)


ITEMS (contd.)   BCRA    



OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME                     (22,750 )
Foreign exchange difference for conversion of financial statements                     (22,411 )
Income or losses from financial instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income (items 5.7.5 and 4.1.2A, IFRS 9)                     (339 )
TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE PERIOD                     2,010,301  


Total comprehensive income attributable to:

Total comprehensive income attributable to the controlling interests: 1,993,183

Total comprehensive income attributable to non-controlling interests: 17,118


(1) Including 3,659,760 due to application of paragraph D5, IFRS 1, as of December 31, 2016, and (37,447) for the rest of reconciliation adjustments as of that date.


The items and figures included in these reconciliations could be amended to the extent that, upon the preparation of these first annual financial statements in accordance with IFRS, new standards are issued or current standards are amended, with mandatory or early application as of that date, or it is opted to change the selection of any of the exemptions under IFRS 1 “First-time adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards”, or the Bank makes more accurate calculations or adjustments than those performed for the purpose of these reconciliations.


Therefore, the items and figures contained in this reconciliation may only be deemed final when annual financial statements are prepared for the period in which IFRS are applied for the first time, with the scope defined by the BCRA in its Communiqué “A” 6114.


Below is a summary of the main adjustments and reclassifications of the transition to IFRS previously mentioned:




According to IFRS 9 “Financial instruments”, the checks to be credited and debited and the checks to be collected that are pending payment or collection should be recognized as financial instruments. Under BCRA standards, they are included in memorandum accounts. The contra account of this adjustment is included under Deposits.


Government and private securities


Under IFRS 9 “Financial instruments”, financial assets are classified based on the Bank’s business model to manage financial assets and the characteristics of its contractual cash flows. Based on this classification, the Bank defined the coexistence of three potential business models applicable to the operations and investments of government and private securities:


· Amortized cost: the purpose is to obtain contractual cash flows of the financial asset.
· Fair value through other comprehensive income: the purpose is to obtain contractual cash flows of the financial asset and/or income from its sale.
· Fair value through profit or loss: this is a business model aimed at generating income from the purchase and sale of financial assets.


Adjustments to this item arise mainly when the valuation established for each business model in which holdings were classified differs from the valuation under BCRA rules. In addition, certain instruments were valued under IFRS at amortized cost through the effective interest rate method. Under BCRA rules, these instruments were also valued at amortized cost.


In addition, reverse repurchase agreement transactions were performed, which under BCRA rules, should be recognized as Bank’s assets. Under IFRS, these assets received from third parties do not meet the requirements for recognition.


  - 21 -  




AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish – See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos, except for where indicated)




The Bank’s loan portfolio was generated from a business model structure that is mainly aimed at obtaining contractual cash flows (formed by principal and interest.) According to IFRS 9 “Financial instruments”, the loan portfolio should be valued at amortized cost using the effective interest rate method, which implies that the fees collected and increasing direct costs related to financing granted must be deferred and recognized throughout the term of the financing.


Under BCRA rules, interest has been accrued according to the compound interest formula in the period in which it was generated and the fees collected and direct costs are recognized at the time that they are generated.


In addition, loan portfolio purchases made by the Bank were valued according to such IFRS, and they are recognized at fair value at inception. Under BCRA rules, these transactions were valued at their contractual value.


Additionally, to prepare book amounts as of the transition date regarding those purchases, the Bank used the voluntary exemption under paragraph D20, IFRS 1 “First-time adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards”, recognizing the costs of related transactions prospectively.


Other receivables from financial intermediation


This item includes debt securities from financial trusts. According to IFRS 9 “Financial instruments” and based on the comments made in “Government and private securities”, the purpose of these holdings is mainly obtaining contractual cash flows, for which they were valued at amortized cost using the effective interest rate method. Under BCRA rules, these instruments were also valued at amortized cost.


According to IFRS 15 “Revenue from Contracts with Customers”, contract assets were included as a result of the commission from adhering to one of the Bank’s customer loyalty programs. In that program, the only performance obligation is to put the Bank’s customer in contact with a well-known airline company. In consideration for that service, the Bank earns a membership commission.


In addition, the contributions to mutual guarantee association risk funds in which the Bank participate do not pass the financial assets individual test; therefore, they are not included in the Bank’s business model and were stated at fair value.


Investments in other companies


The companies in which the Bank has no material control or influence were valued at their best approximation to the fair value through profit or loss pursuant to “IFRS 9 “Financial instruments”. The equity interests in associates were valued according to the equity method under IAS 28 “Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures.” Under BCRA rules, these equity interests were valued at acquisition cost, plus the nominal value of stock dividends received.


The Bank holds interests in joint ventures, which according to IFRS 11 “Joint Arrangements”, are booked using the equity method. Under BCRA rules, the proportionate consolidation method is used.


Bank premises and equipment


To prepare book amounts as of the transition date, the Bank used the voluntary exemption under paragraph D, IFRS 1 “First-time adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards” to measure its real property. This implies that the fair value was used as deemed cost. To determine such fair value, the Bank used valuations for all assets.


In accordance with IAS 16 “Property, plant and equipment”, the Bank chose the “Cost model” for all property, plant and equipment components.


The new deemed cost under IFRS implies an increase in depreciation charged to Administrative expenses under the statement of income.


Other assets


To prepare book amounts as of the transition date, the Bank used the voluntary exemption under paragraph D5, IFRS 1 “First-time adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards” to measure certain assets included in this item, such as the work in progress of the future company building. This implies that the fair value was used as deemed cost as of that date. To determine such fair value, the Bank used valuations for all assets. In accordance with IAS 40 “Investment property”, the Bank chose the “Cost model” to measure the assets falling thereunder.


  - 22 -  




AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish – See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos, except for where indicated)


The new deemed cost under IFRS implies an increase in depreciation charged to other expense under the statement of income.


The Bank has held-for-sale fixed assets that are subject to IFRS “Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations”.


The assets included in the abovementioned classification were stated at their carrying amount or fair value, whichever lower, less costs of sales, and they are not amortized to the extent that they meet this condition.


Under BCRA rules, they were valued at acquisition or addition cost, less related accumulated depreciation and amortization, calculated proportionately to the estimated months of useful life.


According to IAS 23 “Borrowing Costs”, the financing costs attributable to the construction of the new company building were capitalized in this item.


Intangible assets


According to IAS 38 “Intangible assets”, an intangible asset is an identifiable non-monetary asset without physical substance. They are measured at cost. Under BCRA rules, the Bank capitalized certain software costs and other organization expenses, which according to such IAS, should be recognized as expenses for the period.


Other liabilities from financial intermediation


According to IFRS 15 “Revenue from Contracts with Customers”, contract liabilities were included, as to which the Bank should recognize revenues from ordinary activities representing the transfer of assets or services committed with customers in exchange for an amount showing the consideration at which the Bank expects to have a right to exchange those assets or services.


The commissions charged by the Bank in which there is a time difference between their collection and the service provision are deferred and recognized throughout the time of the transaction.


Other liabilities


According to IAS 19 “Employee Benefits”, vacations are deemed irrevocable accumulated absences subject to compensation to be measured at the expected cost of those absences, based on the amounts expected to be paid for them in view of the days accumulated in favor of the employees and not enjoyed at the end of the reporting period. In the Bank’s financial statements currently prepared under BCRA rules, vacation charges are booked at the time staff use them, i.e. upon their payment.


Deferred tax liabilities is included as well, which according to IAS 12 “Income tax”, should book (i) the portion of the current tax expected to be paid or recovered, and (ii) the deferred tax is the tax expected to be settled or recovered from income tax for accumulated NOLs and temporary differences arising from the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts. Under BCRA rules, the Bank assesses income tax by applying the effective rate to the estimated taxable income disregarding the effect of differences between book and taxable income.


Subordinated corporate bonds


According to IFRS 9 “Financial instruments”, the subordinated corporate bond issued by the Bank was valued at amortized cost, using the effective interest rate method, which implied booking placement direct expenses as fewer liabilities. Under BCRA rules, they were valued at the amount due for principal and interest accrued.


Foreign currency translation


According to IAS 21 The effects of changes in foreign exchange rates”, foreign currency translation differences were recognized and reclassified, which arise from the Bank’s interest in a foreign subsidiary. The Bank used the voluntary exemption under paragraph D, IFRS 1 “First-time adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards”, and did not recognize the translation differences accumulated at the beginning of the transition date.


  - 23 -  




AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish – See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos, except for where indicated)




The breakdown of the “Other” account in the balance sheet and statement of income is as follows:


    03/31/2017     12/31/2016  


7.1. Loans - Other


Other loans     8,277,209       7,531,496  
Export financing and prefinancing     3,367,200       2,846,002  
      11,644,409       10,377,498  


7.2. Other Receivables from financial intermediation - Other receivables not covered by debtor classification standards


Debt securities issued by financial trusts (See Note 16.)     793,839       719,918  
Certificates of participation in financial trusts (a)     223,832       224,043  
Other     32       746  
      1,017,703       944,707  


(a) As of March 31, 2017 and December 31, 2016 the Bank booked an allowance for impairment for 223,832 and 224,043, respectively.


7.3. Other receivables – Other


Sundry receivables     771,562       575,585  
Security deposits     372,280       358,578  
Advanced prepayments     206,451       182,697  
Other     63,358       65,898  
      1,413,651       1,182,758  


7.4. Deposits - Nonfinancial government sector


Time deposits     4,143,433       2,374,739  
Checking accounts     3,878,335       2,890,080  
Savings accounts     321,153       522,100  
Investment accounts     71,165       58,748  
Accrued interest, adjustments and foreign exchange differences payable     57,651       29,740  
Other     60,147       89,456  
      8,531,884       5,964,863  


7.5. Deposits - From the non-financial private sector and foreign residents - Other


Tax amnesty     5,499,357       5,878,001  
Expired time deposits     1,391,175       1,195,105  
Attachments     457,850       416,685  
Unemployment fund for workers of the construction industry     383,769       346,326  
Other     76,311       82,209  
      7,808,462       7,918,326  


7.6. Other liabilities from financial intermediation - Other


Purchase financing payables     2,706,677       3,012,145  
Miscellaneous not subject to minimum cash requirements     900,649       916,156  
Other withholdings and additional withholdings     847,224       920,134  
Collections and other transactions on account and behalf of others     738,427       582,574  
Other payment orders pending settlement     543,888       598,398  
Miscellaneous subject to minimum cash requirements     400,300       331,700  
Sociedad Seguro de Depósitos (Sedesa) – Purchase of preferred
shares of former Nuevo Banco Bisel SA (see Note 8.)
    98,082       98,082  
Retirement pension payment orders pending settlement     81,247       101,947  
Other     317,870       212,474  
      6,634,364       6,773,610  


  - 24 -  




AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish – See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos, except for where indicated)


    03/31/2017     12/31/2016  


7.7. Other Liabilities - Other


Taxes payable (net of prepayments)     2,724,819       2,136,271  
Salaries and payroll taxes payable     422,576       477,977  
Miscellaneous payables     140,027       247,512  
Withholdings on salaries     81,249       88,542  
Prepayment for the sale of assets     11,876       2,842  
      3,380,547       2,953,144  


7.8. Memorandum accounts – Debit-balance accounts – Control – Other


Securities in custody – Other     58,323,935       41,094,883  
Checks and securities not yet collected     6,357,313       6,948,439  
Checks and securities to be debited     1,495,894       1,350,161  
Managed portfolios (see Note 13.)     1,155,118       1,175,510  
Checks and securities to be collected     302,786       418,693  
      67,635,046       50,987,686  


    03/31/2017     03/31/2016  


7.9. Financial income – Interest on other loans


Personal loans     2,595,196       1,948,085  
Other     462,222       476,174  
      3,057,418       2,424,259  


7.10. Financial income – Net income from government and private securities


Government and private securities     735,206       842,761  
Financial trusts     46,875       25,570  
Other     7,030       40,177  
      789,111       908,508  


7.11. Financial income – Other


Premiums on reverse repurchase agreements with the financial sector     405,469       39,796  
Interests on loans for export prefinancing and financing     23,871       21,953  
Forward foreign-currency transactions offset     1,079       48,602  
      430,419       110,351  


7.12. Financial expense – Other


Turnover tax and municipal assessments     562,183       433,694  
Premiums on repurchase agreements with the financial sector     19,234       2,181  
      581,417       435,875  


  - 25 -  




AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish – See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos, except for where indicated)


    03/31/2017     03/31/2016  


7.13. Service-charge income - Other


Debit and credit card income     644,043       436,596  
Rental of safe deposit boxes     36,284       25,887  
Service commissions – Joint ventures (see Note 2.5.)     32,189       24,969  
Other     55,763       76,525  
      768,279       563,977  


7.14. Service-charge expense – Other


Debit and credit card expenses     349,467       269,155  
Turnover tax and municipal assessments     117,355       84,594  
Commissions paid to agents for marketed bank products     24,690       66,461  
Other     37,668       3,642  
      529,180       423,852  


7.15. Administrative expenses – Other operating expenses


Maintenance, conservation and repair expenses     110,539       89,095  
Security services     110,187       83,095  
Electric power and communications     72,365       59,809  
Leases     47,785       41,884  
Insurance     8,823       6,571  
Stationery and office supplies     8,799       7,644  
      358,498       288,098  


7.16. Other income – Other


Other adjustments and interest on other receivables     9,689       52,498  
Services provided to Banco del Tucumán SA     6,354       4,194  
Gain on sale of bank premises and equipment, and other assets     670       1,240  
Other     19,137       10,731  
      35,850       68,663  


7.17. Other expense – Other


Donations     18,933       15,991  
Turnover tax     3,059       4,099  
Interest and adjustments tax     79       7,848  
Other     45,942       11,007  
      68,013       38,945  


  - 26 -  




AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish – See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos, except for where indicated)




As of March 31, 2017 and December 31, 2016 the following Bank’s assets are restricted:


Item   03/31/2017     12/31/2016  
Government and private securities                
• Discount bonds in pesos regulated by Argentinean legislation, used as security in favor of Sedesa (1).     122,099          
• Discount bonds in pesos regulated by Argentinean legislation, maturing 2033 securing a competitiveness program of regional economies - BID loan No. 3174/OC-AR.     37,925       36,015  
• Discount bonds in pesos regulated by Argentinean legislation, maturing 2033 securing a BID loan of San Juan Provincial Government No. 2763/OC-AR.     25,031       23,770  
• Secured bonds under Presidential Decree No. 1579/02 as security for a loan received from Banco de Inversión y Comercio Exterior SA (Bice).     19,206       23,600  
• Discount bonds in pesos regulated by Argentinean legislation, maturing 2033 securing sectorial receivables of San Juan Province. Financing funds of productive investments.     12,515       11,885  
• Discount bonds in pesos regulated by Argentinean legislation maturing 2033 and Federal Government bond in pesos at Badlar Private + 200 basis points, maturing 2017, for the minimum amount required to perform as an Agent in the new categories provided by CNV General Resolution No. 622/2013.     12,136       12,036  
• Central Bank of Argentina Internal Bills in pesos, maturing 05/17/2017 and 02/08/2017 and 01/06/2016, securing the operation through negotiation secured transaction Segment as the main counterparty of the MAE, respectively.     8,756       2,095  
• Discount bonds regulated by Argentinean legislation, maturing 2033 for the performance of forward foreign currency trading transactions.     959       1,286  
• Federal Government bond in pesos at Badlar Private + 200 basis points, maturing in 2017 used as security in favor of Sedesa (1).             99,886  
• Other government and private securities.     1,617       1,524  
Subtotal government and private securities.     240,244       212,097  
Other receivables from financial intermediation                
•     Special guarantee checking accounts opened in Central Bank for transactions related to the electronic clearing houses and similar entities,     1,901,449       1,902,862  
•     Interests resulting in contributions made in the Bank´s capacity by contributory partner of the following venture funds: (2)                
-       Risk Fund of Garantizar SGR (mutual guarantee association), with an original contribution of 60,000 made on December 28, 2016.     60,000       60,000  
-       Risk Fund of Los Grobo SGR (mutual guarantee association), with an original contribution of 20,000 made on December 28, 2016.     20,000       20,000  
-       Risk Fund of Los Grobo SGR (mutual guarantee association), with an original contribution of 10,000 made on December 30, 2015.     10,000       10,000  
-       Risk Fund of Intergarantías SGR, with an original contribution of 7,000 made on December 28, 2015.     6,833       7,000  
-       Risk Fund of Los Grobo SGR (mutual guarantee association), with an original contribution of 30,000 made on December 23, 2014.                
 Subtotal other receivables from financial intermediation     1,998,282       1,999,862  


  - 27 -  




AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish – See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos, except for where indicated)


Item (cont.)   03/31/2017     12/31/2016  
 Other receivables                
•     Security deposits related to credit card transactions.     365,518       352,373  
•     Security deposits related to transactions of forward transactions offset.     2,500       2,500  
•     Sundry receivables - attachment ordered in the context of a claim initiated by the City of Buenos Aires tax authorities on turnover tax differences.     827       827  
•     Other guarantee security.     4,262       3,705  
Subtotal other receivables.     373,107       359,405  
Other assets                
·       Building related to a call option sold (see Note 12.(b)).     101,311       101,749  
 Subtotal other assets     101,311       101,749  
Total     2,712,944       2,673,113  


(1) As replacement for the preferred shares of former Nuevo Banco Bisel SA to secure to Sedesa the price payment and the fulfillment of all the obligations assumed in the purchase and sale agreement dated May 28, 2007, maturing on August 11, 2021.


(2) In order to keep tax benefits related to these contributions, they must be maintained between two and three years from the date they were made.




The receivables/payables and income (loss) from transactions performed with subsidiaries and affiliates are as follows (see also Note 3, to the consolidated financial statements):


    Banco del
Securities SA
and related
    03/31/2017     12/31/2016  
Cash             10,936                       10,936       11,269  
Loans                             319,570       319,570       886,718  
Other receivables from financial intermediation                                             51,565  
Receivables from financial lease                     7,587       1,067       8,654       9,025  
Other receivables     1,260                               1,260          
Items pending allocation     34                               34       47  
Total assets     1,294       10,936       7,587       320,637       340,454       958,624  


  - 28 -  




AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish – See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos, except for where indicated)


    Banco del
Securities SA
and related
    03/31/2017     12/31/2016  
Deposits           17       73,897       693,582       767,496       1,747,390  
Other liabilities from financial intermediation                             576       576       137,639  
Other liabilities             195               9       204       340  
Subordinated Corporate Bonds                             124,783       124,783       213,681  
Total liabilities             212       73,897       818,950       893,059       2,099,050  
MEMORANDUM ACCOUNTS                                                
Credit-balance accounts – Contingent                     885       59,325       60,210       23,986  


    Banco del
Securities SA
and related
    03/31/2017     03/31/2016  
INCOME (EXPENSE)                                                
Financial income                     515       2,797       3,312       9,696  
Financial expense     (513 )     (211 )             (4,007 )     (4,731 )     (13,984 )
Service-charge income     3               293       914       1,210       840  
Service-charge expense                             (4,921 )     (4,921 )     (2,056 )
Administrative expenses     (12 )                     (3,198 )     (3,210 )     (1,000 )
Other income     6,741                               6,741       4,512  
Total (loss) / income     6,219       (211 )     808       (8,415 )     (1,599 )     (1,992 )


(1) Includes amounts generated by the Bank with its subsidiaries and its related parties regarding transactions performed in the normal course of business, under normal market conditions, in terms of interest rates and prices, as well as guarantees required. In addition, part of the income (loss) reported are generated by forward transactions without delivery of the underlying assets of foreign currency trading transactions, that according to the regular Bank´s transactions are offset with the contra transactions.


In addition, as of March 31, 2017 and December 31, 2016, there are other transactions with related parties due to work in process over buildings, for an amount of 38,451 and 29,378, respectively.


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AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish – See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos, except for where indicated)




The Bank’s subscribed and paid-in capital as of March 31, 2017, amounted to 584,563. Since December 31, 2013, the Bank’s capital stock has changed as follows:


As of December 31, 2013     594,563  
Capital stock decrease as provided by Art, 67 of Law No, 26,831 (1)     (10,000 )
As of March 31, 2017     584,563  


(1) Related to capital stock decrease resulting from the lapse of three years from acquisition from September through December 2011, involving 10,000,000 own registered Class B shares of common stock for a total amount of 92,919. These shares have not been sold and the shareholders’ meeting has issued no resolution as to the application thereof. On June 25, 2015, the capital stock decrease was registered in the Public Registry of Commerce.


In addition, the Regular and Special Shareholder´s Meeting held on April 28, 2017 decided, among other issues, to approve a capital stock increase up to 74,000 Class B ordinary shares, delegating the instrumentation to the Board of Directors. As of the date of issuance of these financial statements, shares have not been issued. Additionally, the abovementioned shareholder´s Meeting authorized to the Board of Directors, if necessary, to resolve an additional capital increase up to 15% of shares if the authorized issuance resulted oversubscribed, pursuant to Article No. 62 of Capital Market Law No. 26831.




The corporate bond liabilities recorded in the accompanying financial statements amount to:


Corporate Bonds   Original value           Residual face
value as of
    03/31/2017     12/31/2016  
Non-subordinated – Class 2   USD 150,000,000       (a.1)                       1,746,108  
Subordinated Resettable – Class A   USD 400,000,000       (a.2)     USD 400,000,000       6,322,304       6,407,840  
Total                             6,322,304       8,153,948  


a.1) On September 1, 2006, June 4, 2007, April 26, 2011 and April 23, 2015 the general regular shareholders’ meeting approved the creation, and subsequent extension, of a Global Program for the Issuance of Simple Corporate Bonds in a short, medium or long term, either subordinated or non-subordinated, with or without guarantee, in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 23,576, as amended by Law No. 23,962, and further applicable regulations, up to a maximum amount outstanding at any time during the term of the program of USD 1,000,000,000 (one billion US dollars), or an equal amount in other currencies, under which it was possible to issue different classes and/or series of corporate bonds denominated in US dollars or other currencies and reissue the successive classes or series to be amortized.


On January 29, 2007, Banco Macro SA issued the 1st series of Class 2 non-subordinated simple corporate bonds at a fixed rate of 8.5% p.a., not convertible into shares, fully amortizable upon maturity (February 1, 2017) for a face value of USD 150,000,000 (one hundred and fifty million US dollars), under the terms and conditions set forth in the price supplement dated January 10, 2007. Interest was paid semiannually on February 1 and August 1 of every year.


Additionally, the Bank had the option to redeem such issuance, either fully or partially, at any time and from time to time. The Bank used the funds derived from such issuance to grant loans and were cancelled at maturity. On August 16, 2007, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) authorized the abovementioned exchange offers.


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AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish – See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos, except for where indicated)


On February 1, 2017, the Bank paid the total amount of principal and accrued interest pending payment as of that date.


a.2) Additionally, on April 26, 2016, the general regular shareholders’ meeting approved the creation of a Global Program for the Issuance of Medium-Term Debt Securities, in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 23,576, as amended and further applicable regulations, up to a maximum amount outstanding at any time during the term of the program of USD 1,000,000,000 (one billion US dollars), or an equal amount in other currencies, under which it will be possible to issue simple corporate bonds, not convertible into shares in one or more classes. Also, on April 28, 2017, the General and Special Shareholder´s Meeting resolved to extend of the maximum amount of the abovementioned Global Program up to USD 1,500,000,000 (one thousand five hundred millions US dollars).


On November 4, 2016, under the abovementioned Global Program, Banco Macro SA issued Subordinated Resettable Corporate Bonds, class A, at a fixed rate of 6.750% p.a. until reset date, fully amortizable upon maturity (November 4, 2026) for a face value of USD 400,000,000 (four hundred million US dollars), under the terms and conditions set forth in the pricing supplement dated October 21, 2016. Interest is paid semiannually on May 4 and November 4 of every year and the reset date will be November 4, 2021. Since reset date, these Corporate Bonds will accrue a benchmark reset rate plus 546.3 basis point, according terms and conditions abovementioned.


In addition, the Bank has the option to fully redeem the issuance as the reset date and under the conditions established in the pricing supplement after that date. The Bank has the intention to use the funds derived from such issuance to refinance certain outstanding debt, to make loans in accordance with Central Bank guidelines and for general working capital.


In addition, on May 8, 2017, under the abovementioned Global Program, Banco Macro SA issued simple corporate bonds not convertible into shares, at a fixed rate of 17.50%, fully amortizable upon maturity (May 8, 2022) for a face value of pesos 4,620,570,000 equivalent to USD 300,000,000 (three hundred million US dollars), under the terms and conditions set forth in the price supplement dated April 21, 2017. Interest will be paid semiannually on November 8 and May 8 of every year, beginning on November 8, 2017.




The Bank performs transactions that involve derivative financial instruments, as established by Central Bank rules. Such instruments mainly relate to:


- Forward transactions involving securities and foreign currency.
- Forward transactions without delivery of the underlying asset.
- Options.


Such transactions were valued as explained in Notes 3.5.g.1), 3.5.g.2) and 3.5.k).


Positions of transactions effective as of March 31, 2017 and December 31, 2016 are as follows:


Transaction   03/31/2017     12/31/2016  
Net position of repurchase agreements     (7,397,613 )     1,181,659  
Net position of forward transactions of foreign currency without delivery of the underlying asset (a)     15,620       (56,872 )
Position of call options sold (b)     (173,380 )     (167,721 )


Net income (loss) resulting from these transactions for fiscal years ended March 31, 2017 and 2016, amount to income / (loss):


Transaction   03/31/2017     03/31/2016  
Premiums on reverse repurchase agreements     405,469       39,796  
Premiums on repurchase agreements     (19,234 )     (2,181 )
Forward foreign-currency transactions offset     1,079       48,602  
Total     387,314       86,217  


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AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish – See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos, except for where indicated)


(a) It is related to negotiation transactions of forward foreign currency exchange rates, carried out through MAE and “over the counter”. For transactions carried out through MAE, the differences of such trading transactions are settled on a daily basis based on the prices agreed upon and their quoted price upon maturity while “over the counter” transactions are settled upon maturity. In both cases, the underlying asset is not delivered or received.


(b) It is related to a call option sold to a bank´s customer on a building received by the Bank as payment of loans granted by it. The initial price was set at 104,135, and will accrue interest at a corrected Badlar rate, re-calculated on a monthly basis, plus 200 basis points and the option’s exercise period is from July 24, 2014, through July 31, 2016, both dates included. As of the date of issuance of these financial statements, the holder has notified its intention to acquire the building according to the terms and conditions of the option, still pending the transaction instrumentation.




As of March 31, 2017 and December 31, 2016, the Bank manages the following portfolios:


    Managed portfolio as of  
Item   03/31/2017     12/31/2016  
• On March 1, 1996, former Banco de Salta SA (which was absorbed by the Bank) and the Salta Provincial Government entered into an Agreement to Manage the Loan Portfolio of Banco Provincial de Salta (in liquidation) related to the nonfinancial private sector.     13,976       13,976  
• On August 11, 1998, former Banco de Jujuy SA (which was absorbed by the Bank) and the Jujuy provincial Government entered into an agreement to manage the loan portfolio of the former Banco de la Provincia de Jujuy and to provide a monthly report on the tasks performed.     39,917       39,917  
• On June 30, 2006, the Bank and Macro Fiducia SA entered into a management and custody agreement regarding the “RETUC 1” trust loan portfolio.     55,137       55,207  
• On November 22, 2012 and 2013, November 26, 2014, November 30, 2015 and November 30, 2016, the Bank (trustor) and Macro Fiducia SA (trustee), created the financial trusts Fideicomiso Financiero Privado “SECANE I”, “SECANE II”, “SECANE III”, “SECANE IV” and “SECANE V”, respectively; in the trusts agreement the trustor assumes the role of collection agent, administration and custodian.     758,511       777,429  
• Other portfolios managed by the Bank.     287,577       288,981  
Total     1,155,118       1,175,510  




As of March 31, 2017, the Bank, in its capacity as Depository Company, held in custody the interest in Mutual Funds subscribed by third parties and assets from the following mutual funds:


Fund   Share of interest     Equity     Assets (1)  
 Pionero Pesos     649,484,459       1,973,770       1,504,788  
Pionero Renta Ahorro     2,813,798,149       15,630,299       15,928,115  
Pionero F F     55,463,437       251,553       253,184  
Pionero Renta     67,821,725       857,974       893,304  
Pionero Acciones     6,990,133       100,999       105,238  
Pionero Renta Plus     6,027       28          
Pionero Empresas FCI Abierto PYMES     147,893,711       306,582       305,150  
Pionero Pesos Plus     78,677       157       88  
Pionero Renta Ahorro Plus     510,362,142       669,114       670,389  
Pionero Renta Mixta I     75,613       100          


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AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish – See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos, except for where indicated)


Fund (cont)   Share of interest     Equity     Assets (1)  
Pionero Renta Mixta II     239,016,260       265,342       265,209  
Pionero Ahorro Dólares     63,146,143       987,437       1,010,966  
Pionero Renta Global – Clase B     50,000       769          
Pionero Renta Fija Dólares     2,266,995       35,022       27,083  
Argenfunds Renta Pesos     353,224,923       662,498       657,030  
Argenfunds Renta Argentina     55,640,324       100,142       89,334  
Argenfunds Ahorro Pesos     583,351,761       1,686,873       1,700,818  
Argenfunds Renta Privada FCI     206,424,366       526,531       630,692  
Argenfunds Abierto Pymes     52,518,226       35,146       35,091  
Argenfunds Renta Total     6,516,558       6,821       6,828  
Argenfunds Renta Flexible     190,221,774       211,413       211,753  
Argenfunds Renta Dinámica     1,000,000       1,095       933  
Argenfunds Renta Mixta     398,218       423       385  
Argenfunds Renta Global     89,464,882       95,843       95,677  
Argenfunds Renta Balanceada     398,200       423       385  


(1) These amounts reflect the mutual funds’ assets and are recorded under the “Checks and securities in custody” memorandum account.




Law No. 24,485, and Presidential Decree No, 540/1995, provided for the organization of a Bank Deposit Guarantee Insurance System, characterized as being limited, mandatory and for valuable consideration, designed to provide coverage for risks inherent in bank deposits, subsidiary and supplementary to the bank deposit privileges and protection offered by the system created by Financial Institutions Law. Such law also provided for the organization of Sedesa to manage the Deposit Guarantee Fund. Such company was organized in August 1995. The Bank holds an 8.3440% equity interest therein, according to the percentages set forth in Central Bank Communiqué “B” 11491 of March 1, 2017.


This system shall cover the deposits up to the amount of 450 in Argentine pesos and foreign currency with the participating institutions as checking accounts, savings accounts, certificates of deposit or any other modes determined by the Central Bank, as long as the requirements under Presidential Decree No. 540/1995 and any others established by the enforcement agency are fulfilled. On the other hand, Central Bank established that the deposits made by other financial institutions, those made by persons related to the Bank, and deposits of securities, among others, must be excluded from the deposit guarantee system.




The Bank is related to different types of trusts. The different trust agreements are disclosed below, according to the Bank’s business purpose:


16.1 Financial trusts for investment purposes


The Bank holds investment as describe in Note 7.2.


Debt securities include mainly prepayments towards the placement price of trust securities of the financial trusts under public offerings, made by the Bank through underwriting agreements (Consubond, Accicom, PvCred, Secubono, Mila, Credicuotas Consumo, and Credimas). The assets managed for these trusts are mainly related to securitizations of consumer loans. Trust securities are placed once the public offering is authorized by the CNV. Upon expiry of the placement period, once all trust securities have been placed on the market, the Bank recovers the disbursements made, plus an agreed-upon compensation (“underwriting Price”). If after making the best efforts, such trust securities cannot be placed, the Bank (“Underwriter”) will retain the securities subject to underwriting.


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AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish – See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos, except for where indicated)


According to the latest accounting information available as of the date of issuance of these financial statements, the corpus assets of the trusts, exceed the carrying amount in the related proportions.


Additionally, Note 7.1. to the consolidated financial statements, includes a list of the holdings for investment held by the Bank´s subsidiaries.


16.2 Trusts created using financial assets transferred by the Bank


The Bank transferred financial assets (loans) to trusts for the purpose of issuing and selling securities for which collection is guaranteed by the cash flow resulting from such assets or group of assets. This way the funds that were originally used to finance the loans are obtained earlier.


As of March 31, 2017 and December 31, 2016, considering the latest available accounting information as of the date of the financial statements, the assets managed through Macro Fiducia SA (subsidiary) of this type of trusts amounted to 113,285 and 58,633, respectively.


Additionally, Note 7.2. to the consolidated financial statements includes a list of those trusts with similar purposes to those included in this note, but created with corpus assets transferred by the Bank’s subsidiaries.


16.3 Trusts guaranteeing loans granted by the Bank


As it is common in the Argentine banking market, the Bank requires, in some cases, that the debtors present certain assets or entitlements to receive assets in a trust as a guarantee for the loans granted. This way, the risk of losses is minimized and access to the security is guaranteed in case of the debtor's noncompliance.


Trusts usually act as conduits to collect cash from the debtor’s flow of operations and send it to the bank for the payment of the debtor’s loans and thus ensure compliance with the obligations assumed by the trustor and guaranteed through the trust.


Additionally, other guarantee trusts manage specific assets, mainly real property.


Provided there is no noncompliance or delays by debtor in the obligations assumed with the beneficiary, the Trustee shall not execute the guaranty and all excess amounts as to the value of the obligations are reimbursed by the Trustee to the debtor.


As of March 31, 2017 and December 31, 2016, considering the latest available accounting information as of the date of the financial statements, the assets managed by the Bank and Macro Fiducia SA (subsidiary) amounted to 294,558 and 451,569, respectively.


16.4 Trusts in which the Bank acts as trustee (management)


The Bank performs management duties of the corpus assets directly according to the agreements, performing only trustee duties and has no other interests in the trust.


In no case shall the Trustee be liable with its own assets or for any obligation deriving from the performance as trustee. Such obligations do not imply any type of indebtedness or commitment for the trustee and they will be fulfilled only through trust assets. In addition, the trustee will not encumber the corpus assets or dispose of them beyond the limits established in the related trust agreements. The fees earned by the Bank from its role as trustee are calculated according to the terms and conditions of the agreements.


Trusts usually manage funds derived from the activities performed by trustors, for the following main purposes:


- Guaranteeing, in favor of the beneficiary the existence of the resources required to finance and/or pay certain obligations, such as the payment of amortization installments regarding work or service certificates, and the payment of invoices and fees stipulated in the related agreements.


- Promoting the production development of the private economic sector at a provincial level.


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AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish – See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos, except for where indicated)


- Being a party to public work concession agreements granting road exploitation, management, keeping and maintenance.


As of March 31, 2017 and December 31, 2016, considering the latest available accounting information as of the date of the financial statements, the assets managed by the Bank amounted to 1,168,330 and 1,396,421, respectively.


Additionally, Note 7,3, to the consolidated financial statements includes a list of those trusts with similar purposes to those included in this note, but managed by the Bank’s subsidiaries.




17.1 Compliance with requirements to act in the capacity of agents belonging to different categories of agents defined by the CNV.


Considering Banco Macro SA’s current operations, and according to the different categories of agents established by CNV General Resolution 622, the Bank is registered with this agency as an agent for the custody of collective investment products of mutual funds (AC PIC FCI), comprehensive clearing and settlement agent and trading agent (ALyC y AN - integral), and financial trustee Agent category (FF).


Additionally, the Bank’s shareholders´ equity exceeds the minimum amount required by this regulation, amounting to 31,000, as well as the minimum offsetting required of 11,000, paid-in with government securities as described in Note 8.


17.2 Documentation in custody


As a general policy, the Bank delivers for custody to third parties, the documentary support of its aged accounting and management operations, i.e those whose date is prior to the last fiscal year-end, except for the inventory book, in which aging is deemed to include those with a date prior to the two fiscal years ended. In compliance with CNV General Resolution No. 629 requirements, the Bank has kept (i) the inventory books for fiscal years ended through December 31, 2014 included, and (ii) certain documentation supporting the economic transactions for fiscal years ended through December 31, 2015, included, under the custody of the following companies: AdeA Administradora de Archivos SA (warehouse located at Ruta 36, km 31.5, Florencio Varela, Province of Buenos Aires) and ADDOC Administración de Documentos SA (warehouse located at avenida Circunvalación Agustín Tosco Colectora Sur, between Puente San Carlos and Puente 60 cuadras, Province of Cordoba and avenida Luis Lagomarsino 1750, formerly Ruta Nacional 8 Km 51.2, Pilar, Province of Buenos Aires).




18.1 Accounts identifying compliance with the minimum cash requirements:


The items computed by the Bank to constitute the minimum cash requirement effective for March 2017 are listed below, indicating the balances as of month-end of the related accounts:


Item   03/31/2017  
Amounts in Central Bank accounts     18,940,016  
Other receivables from financial intermediation        
Special guarantee accounts with the Central Bank     1,901,449  
Total     20,841,465  


18.2 Minimum capital requirements:


As the table disclosed, the minimum capital requirements measured on an individual basis, effective for March 2017, along with its computable capital as of the end of that month:


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AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish – See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos, except for where indicated)


Item   03/31/2017  
Minimum capital requirement     9,448,381  
Computable capital     26,785,051  
Excess amount     17,336,670  





The Central Bank Communiqué “A” 5689, as supplemented, requires banks to disclose in their financial statements certain information regarding summaries and penalties received from certain regulators, regardless of the amounts involved and the final conclusions of each cause. The information required as of March 31, 2017 is disclosed below:


19.1. Summary Judgements initiated by the Central Bank:


Criminal Foreign Exchange Regime Summary : No. 4674 dated 04/14/2011.

Reason : Supposed infringement of article No. 1 incs. e) and f) and No. 2 inc f) of the Criminal Foreign Exchange Law (“CFEL”), in an exchange operation transaction with a suspended customer with no Central Bank authorization.

Responsible : Banco Macro SA, as the follow-on of Nuevo Banco Bisel SA and Branch Manager (Mariano Raúl Misino and Roberto David Luna).

Status : On 05/31/2011 the Bank filed its defense, offering evidence and requesting an acquittal. On 08/03/2011 and 08/05/2011, defense brief were filed on behalf of the natural persons subject to summary proceedings, in line with the filing made by Banco Macro. The Central Bank ordered that the proceeding be filed with the Criminal Office of the Federal Court No. 3 of the Judicial Department in Córdoba which and they are being heard under No. FCB (federal Córdoba Justice) 3612/2014. In December 2016, the Bank made a voluntary filing requesting to be acquitted since on the grounds that the criminal action has become statute-barred. As of the date, this filing is pending resolution.


Criminal Foreign Exchange Regime Summary : No. 5645 dated 01/07/2014.

Reason : Supposed infringement of article No. 1 incs. e) and f) y No. 2 inc f) of the CFEL, for foreign exchange transactions with no Central Bank authorization.

Responsible : Banco Macro S.A and Responsible for Foreign Trade and Foreign Exchange (Susana Lerman, José Luis Vejo, Jorge Francisco Scarinci and Horacio Ricardo Javier Sistac).

Status : On 02/28/2014, the Bank and the natural persons subject to summary proceeding filed their defense, offering evidence and requesting an acquittal. The Central Bank ordered that the proceedings be filed with a criminal court and, therefore, they were presented to the Economic Criminal Trial Court in and for the City of Buenos Aires No. 11, Clerk’s Office No. 22, under case file No. 1282/2015. On 06/02/2016 the legal protection was appealed, argumenting the legitimacy of Central Bank Communiqué “A” 5899 and the modifications produced through the use of these rules in the treatment of financial debts. On 10/20/2016 was decided, based on retroactivity of the most benign criminal legislation, to dismiss Banco Macro SA, Susana Lerman, Jose Luis Vejo, Jorge Francisco Scarinci and Horacio Javier Sistac. As of the date, this summary is ended.


Criminal Foreign Exchange Regime Summary : No. 6545 dated 09/03/2015.

Reason : Supposed infringement of article No. 1 incs e) and f) of CFEL and Central Bank Communiqué “A” 5264, as supplemented, for foreign exchange transactions with a customer without the documentation to support the genuineness of the transaction.

Responsible : Banco Macro S.A and Responsible for Foreign Trade and Foreign Exchange (Susana Lerman, José Luis Vejo, Jorge Francisco Scarinci and Horacio Ricardo Javier Sistac, Carlos Daniel Gomez and Oscar Luis Romero).

Status : On 11/11/2015, the Bank and the natural persons subject to summary proceeding filed their defense, offering evidence and requesting an acquittal. In addition, by Resolution dated 05/23/2016, the Central Bank decided not to admit statute-barred of the criminal foreign exchange action, appealed by the responsible. On 05/31/2016, an annulment petition with a subsidiary appeal was filed against the Central Bank´s Resolution. On 07/11/2016, the Central Bank decided not to admit the annulment petition. Against such resolution, on 07/15/2016, the Bank filed a brief to the proper Economic Criminal Trial Court related to actions provided by Art. 9 of the CFEL, whereby it formulates the right to reissue the proposition based on that the criminal foreign exchange infraction has become statute-barred. On 08/09/2016, the Bank submitted a closing argument brief as a result of that the probatory period was ended and on 08/18/2016 a new brief was filed, requesting the use of retrospective application of the most benign foreign exchange rule. As of the date, it is pending resolution by the Central Bank.


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AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish – See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos, except for where indicated)


Financial summary : No. 1496 dated 02/24/2016

Reason : Deficiencies on supervision on a consolidated basis, exercised by the Bank over its subsidiaries, related to Anti-money laundering procedures.

Responsible : Banco Macro SA and Banco Macro SA Directors (Jorge Horacio Brito, Delfín Jorge Ezequiel Carballo, Jorge Pablo Brito, Marcos Brito, Juan Pablo Brito Devoto, Luis Carlos Cerolini, Carlos Enrique Videla, Alejandro Macfarlane, Guillermo Eduardo Stanley, Constanza Brito and Emanuel Antonio Alvarez Agis).

Status : In process at the Central Bank. On 04/07/2016, the Bank filed its defense and offered evidence. On 05/18/2016, representing Delfín Ezequiel Carballo, the exception for lack of passive legitimation was requested. As of the date, the request is pending resolution.


19.2. Penalties imposed by the Central Bank:


Financial summary : No. 1227 dated 04/10/2008.

Reason : Supposed infringement of Communiqué “A" 2241; CREFI-2; Chapter IV, Section 4, point 4.1. and 4.2., involving two capital contributions to its subsidiary Sudbank and Trust Company Ltd. (currently Macro Bank Limited) with no previous Limited) with no previous Central Bank authorization. Original penalty amount: 2,625, current penalty amount: 1,400

Responsible : Banco Macro SA Directors (Jorge Horacio Brito; Delfín Jorge Ezequiel Carballo; Juan Pablo Brito Devoto; Luis Carlos Cerolini; Carlos Enrique Videla; Fernando Andrés Sansuste, Enrique Jaratz and Jorge Pablo Brito).

Status : On 11/05/2013 the fine was debited from Banco Macro´s account 00285 at the Central Bank. On 11/20/2013 a direct appeal was filed against Resolution No. 723 issued by SEFyC (Argentine regulatory agency of financial and foreign exchange institutions), on 10/10/2013, representing the Bank and the natural persons subject to the summary proceeding, before the Federal Court of Appeals in Contentious and Administrative Matters in the City of Buenos Aires (CNACAF). As a result of the appeal, on 04/14/2015, the Bank was notified about the resolution that reduced the amount of the fine. On 04/29/2015 the Central Bank filed a federal extraordinary appeal to CNACAF. On 10/06/2015, the expiration of this extraordinary request was requested, based on the lack of procedural initiative by the Central Bank; in the alternative, notice of the extraordinary appeal filed was answered. On 10/26/2016, notice was served regarding the request made to the Central Bank. On 11/24/2015, Courtroom IV declared the nullity of the extraordinary instance, with charges due to the Central Bank. On 10/05/2016 the Central Bank refunded the excess related to the original penalty with a deposit on the Bank´s account 00285 in Central Bank. The amount totaled 1,575. On 10/05/2016, a file was presented to Central Bank, challenging the settlement made.


Financial summary : No. 1380 dated 03/11/2013.

Reason : Supposed excess in the assets used for guarantee purpose which should have been used for related statutory operation ratios; infringement to fulfill with the limitations of deposits increase, lack of veracity in book records, neglect to present the corresponding accounting disclosure of such excess and infringement according to Central Bank requirements. Penalty amount: 2,000

Responsible : Former Banco Privado de Inversiones SA, Directors, Statutory Audit Committee and Corporate Service Manager (Alejandro Manuel Estrada, Raúl Fernández, Alejandro Carlos Estrada, Eduardo Guillermo Castro, Jorge Norberto Cerrotta, Armando Rogelio Pomar, Carlos Soulé and Baruki Luis Alberto Gonzalez).

Status : On 06/12/2015 the Central Bank passed Sentence No. 527, imposing fines to those responsible, subject to the devolutive effect of the direct appeal. On 06/25/2015 the fine was paid. On 07/10/2015 a direct appeal was filed against such resolution to CNACAF. On December 2015, the penalty amount was recovered by the Entity as a result of the guarantee provided by the sellers at the moment of acquisition of the shares of former BPI SA. On September 2015, the appeals were presented at the Courtroom II of CNACAF. On 05/10/2016 the Courtroom II of CNACAF confirmed the fines imposed by the Central Bank. As a result, the bank filed a federal extraordinary appeal, which was dismissed by the Courtroom II of CNACAF on 08/02/2016. On 08/16/2016, representing the Bank and Mr Carlos Soulé and as a consequence of the denial of a federal extraordinary appeal, a complaint appeal was filed which, as of the date, is in process.


Financial summary : No. 1401 dated 08/14/2013.

Reason: due to alleged infringement of financing to the non-financial public sector, for temporary overdrafts through checking accounts of the Municipality of Córdoba and Reconquista. Penalty amount: 2,400.

Responsible : Banco Macro SA and Directors (Jorge Horacio Brito, Jorge Pablo Brito and Marcos Brito).

Status : On 03/02/2015 the Central Bank passed Resolution No. 183/15 imposing fines to the Bank, which were debited from the Bank´s account 00285 on 03/12/2015. On 03/30/2015 a direct appeal was filed against such resolution to CNACAF. On April 2015 the appeal was presented at the Courtroom IV of the Federal Contentious Administrative Court of Appeals under No. 19,971/2015. On 06/23/2015 the Court informed BCRA about the appeal presented by Banco Macro. On 07/13/2016 the Courtroom IV of CNACAF sustained the appeal filed by the bank and annulled the resolution imposed. The Central Bank filed a federal extraordinary appeal, which was answered by the Bank on 08/29/2016. On 09/06/2016 the Courtroom IV of CNACAF dismissed the extraordinary appeal. On 09/14/2016 the Central Bank formulated the complaint appeal to CSJN, which is pending resolution.


  - 37 -  




AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish – See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos, except for where indicated)


19.3. Penalties imposed by the Financial Information Unit (UIF).


File : No. 62/2009 dated 01/16/2009.

Reason : Purchase of foreign currency from April 2006 through August 2007. Penalty amount: 718

Responsible : Banco Macro SA and officers in charge of Anti-money laundering regulation compliance (Juan Pablo Brito Devoto and Luis Carlos Cerolini).

Status : UIF passed Resolution No. 72/2011 on 06/09/2011, imposing fines to those responsible. An appeal was presented at CNACAF. On 10/31/2016 the Courtroom III resolved (i) related to transactions performed between 10/11/2006 to 08/22/2007, decided that at the time of the file, the UIF punitive authority has become statute-barred, annulling UIF resolution No. 72/2001, (ii) related to transactions performed since 03/05/2007 and between 04/17/2007 to 08/22/2007, decided to refer proceedings to UIF, for a new resolution and readjusting the fines imposed in the same resolution against the Bank and Messrs Juan Pablo Brito Devoto and Luis Carlos Cerolini. As a consequence and pursuant to the abovementioned, the Courtroom III decided to partially sustained the appeals and annulled the penalty imposed, ordering the UIF to readjust the penalties. Charges are distributed to each part. Such sentence was appealed by the Bank and UIF with a federal extraordinary appeal and as of the date, such appeals are pending resolution. The Court partially sustained the direct appeal filed by the Bank, and as of the date a federal extraordinary appeal filed by the Bank and UIF is in due legal process and pending resolution.


File : No. 62/2009 (extension) dated 06/09/2011.

Reason: Extension of the summary issued by Resolution 72/2011 for transaction performed from 04/03/2006 through 10/11/2006. Penalty amount: 538.

Responsible : Banco Macro SA and officers in charge of Anti-money laundering regulation compliance (Fernando Andrés Sansuste).

Status : UIF passed Resolution No. 04/2014 imposing fines to those responsible. An appeal was presented at CNACAF. On 10/31/2016 the Court annulled the resolution that imposed the fine. The UIF filed a federal extraordinary remedy against the ruling that was entered, the notice of which was replied by the Bank on 12/28/2016. On 02/02/2017, the Court decided to dismiss the extraordinary appeal filed by UIF. UIF filed a complaint appeal to CSJN. As of the date, it is pending resolution.


File : No. 6338/2011 dated 11/23/2011.

Reason : Purchase of foreign currency. Penalty amount: 2,136

Responsible : Banco Macro SA, Directors and officers in charge of Anti-money laundering regulation compliance. (1)

Status : UIF passed Resolution No. 110/2014 imposing fines to those responsible. An appeal was presented at CNACAF. The Bank has appealed the penalty imposed via a direct appeal and which is being heard under CNACAF No.16,411/14. On 09/16/2016 the mentioned Courtroom decided (i) to annul UIF resolution No. 110/2014 and (ii) to declare extinguished UIF´s sanctioning authority over these acts. Against such resolution, the UIF filed a federal extraordinary appeal. On 10/20/2016 the Bank replied the extraordinary appeal which was granted on 11/17/2016. As of the date, is in process to CSJN.


File : No. 6420/2011 dated 11/23/2011.

Reason : Purchase of foreign currency. Penalty amount: 822.

Responsible : Banco Macro SA, Directors and officers in charge of Anti-money laundering regulation compliance. (1)

Status : UIF passed Resolution No. 124/2014 imposing fines to those responsible. An appeal was presented at CNACAF. On 04/21/2015 the Court rejected the appeal presented and confirmed UIF resolution No. 124/2014. On 05/08/2015, an extraordinary appeal was presented to the Argentine Supreme Court (CSJN). On 06/09/2015 the Court denied the extraordinary appeal presented, with cost. On 06/17/2015 a complaint appeal was presented to CSJN, as denial of extraordinary appeal. On 09/04/2016, the file was sent to the Attorney General’s Office to issue its resolution prior to the Argentine Supreme Court’s decision. As of the date, the file is waiting for the corresponding sentence.


File : No. 6407/2011 dated 11/23/2011.

Reason : Purchase of foreign currency. Penalty amount: 802.

Responsible : Banco Macro SA, Directors and officers in charge of Anti-money laundering regulation compliance. (1)

Status : UIF passed Resolution No. 132/2014 imposing fines to those responsible. An appeal was presented at CNACAF. On 10/31/2016 the Court annulled the resolution that imposed the fine. The UIF filed a federal extraordinary remedy against the ruling that was entered, the notice of which was replied by the Bank on 12/28/2016. On 02/02/2017, the Court decided to dismiss the extraordinary appeal filed by UIF. UIF filed a complaint appeal to CSJN. As of the date, it is pending resolution.


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AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish – See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos, except for where indicated)


File : No. 6612/2011 dated 12/28/2011.

Reason : Purchase of foreign currency. Penalty amount: 688.

Responsible : Banco Macro SA, Directors and officers in charge of Anti-money laundering regulation compliance. (1)

Status : UIF passed Resolution No. 53/2014 imposing fines to those responsible. An appeal was presented at CNACAF. On 10/31/2016 the court annulled the resolution that imposed the fines. The UIF filed a federal extraordinary remedy against the ruling that was entered, the notice of which was replied by the Bank on 12/28/2016. On 02/02/2017, the Court decided to dismiss the extraordinary appeal filed by UIF. UIF filed a complaint appeal to CSJN. As of the date, it is pending resolution.


File : No. 6614/2011 dated 12/28/2011.

Reason : Purchase of foreign currency. Penalty amount: 843.

Responsible : Banco Macro SA, Directors and officers in charge of Anti-money laundering regulation compliance. (1)

Status : UIF passed Resolution No. 6/2014 imposing fines to those responsible. An appeal was presented at CNACAF. On 10/31/2016 the court annulled the resolution that imposed the fine. The UIF filed a federal extraordinary remedy against the ruling that was entered, the notice of which was replied by the Bank on 12/28/2016. On 02/02/2017, the Court decided to dismiss the extraordinary appeal filed by UIF. UIF filed a complaint appeal to CSJN. As of the date, it is pending resolution.


File : No. 160/2012 dated 05/10/2012.

Reason : Purchase of foreign currency. Penalty amount: 376.

Responsible : Banco Macro SA, Directors and officers in charge of Anti-money laundering regulation compliance (Jorge Horacio Brito, Delfín Jorge Ezequiel Carballo, Juan Pablo Brito Devoto, Jorge Pablo Brito, Luis Carlos Cerolini, Roberto Julio Eilbaum, Alejandro Macfarlane, Carlos Enrique Videla, Guillermo Eduardo Stanley and Constanza Brito).

Status: UIF passed Resolution No. 160/2015 imposing fines to those responsible. An appeal was presented at CNACAF. On 04/07/2016, the fines imposed by the UIF were revoked, based on that they have become statute-barried. Against such resolution, UIF filed an extraordinary appeal, which was denied through a resolution dated on 07/12/2016. On 08/04/2016, UIF filed a complaint appeal to CSJN. As of the date, the file is in process in CSJN, to resolve the complaint appeal filed by UIF.


File : No. 517/2012 dated 06/27/2012.

Reason : Purchase of foreign currency. Penalty amount: 1,857.

Responsible : Banco Macro SA, Directors and officers in charge of Anti-money laundering regulation compliance (Luis Carlos Cerolini – as Compliance Officer and Director - and Jorge Horacio Brito, Delfín Jorge Ezequiel Carballo, Fernando Andrés Sansuste, Juan Pablo Brito Devoto, Jorge Pablo Brito, Roberto Julio Eilbaum, Alejandro Macfarlane, Carlos Enrique Videla, Guillermo Eduardo Stanley and Constanza Brito – as Directors of Banco Macro SA).

Status: UIF passed Resolution No. 500/2014 imposing fines to those responsible. An appeal was presented at CNACAF. On 10/31/2016 the court annulled the resolution that imposed the fine. The UIF filed a federal extraordinary remedy against the ruling that was entered, the notice of which was replied by the Bank on 12/28/2016. On 02/02/2017, the Court decided to dismiss the extraordinary appeal filed by UIF. UIF filed a complaint appeal to CSJN. As of the date, it is pending resolution.


File : No.248/2014 (UIF note presidency 245/2013 11/26/2013) dated 07/30/2014

Reason : Alleged failure to prepare certain reports on suspicious transactions regarding alleged cases of noncompliance in certain customer files. Penalty amount: 330.

Responsible : Banco Macro SA, Directors and officers in charge of Anti-money laundering regulation compliance (Luis Carlos Cerolini – as Compliance Officer and Director - and Jorge Horacio Brito, Delfín Jorge Ezequiel Carballo, Juan Pablo Brito Devoto, Jorge Pablo Brito, Alejandro Macfarlane, Carlos Enrique Videla, Guillermo Eduardo Stanley, Constanza Brito, Emanuel Antoni Alvarez Agis, Marcos Brito and Rafael Magnanini – as Directors of Banco Macro SA).

Status : After being notified about the commencement of the summary proceedings, on 05/08/2015, the Bank filed its defense, offering evidence and requesting an acquittal. On 12/26/2016 the UIF issued Resolution 164/16, imposing a fine on the persons subject to the summary proceedings. On 12/29/2016, the Bank was notified about the Resolution, which allowed bringing a direct appeal before the CNACAF by 03/15/2017. Such resolution, notified to the Bank on 12/19/2016, also sustained the lack of passive legitimations of Mr. Carballo and Mr. Magnanini. On 01/30/2017, the fine was paid. On 03/13/2017, a direct remedy was filed against such resolution, which has been lodging of the Courtroom III of CNACAF, under Banco Macro SA and other against UIF – Criminal Code – law 25246 – Decree. 290/07 art. 25 (file Nº 13500/2017). As of the date, the file is pending resolution.


(1) Fernando Andrés Sansuste, Juan Pablo Brito Devoto y Luis Carlos Cerolini – as Compliance Officer and Director - and Jorge Horacio Brito, Delfín Jorge Ezequiel Carballo, Jorge Pablo Brito, Roberto Julio Eilbaum, Alejandro Macfarlane, Carlos Enrique Videla, Guillermo Eduardo Stanley and Constanza Brito – as Directors of Banco Macro SA.


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AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish – See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos, except for where indicated)


Although, penalties do not involve material amounts, as of the date of issuance of these financial statements, the total amount of monetary penalties received, pending to be paid for been appealed or about to be appealed, amounted to 8,780, which was recorded according to Communiqués “A” 5689 and “A” 5940 of Central Bank, as supplemented.


Additionally, there are pending summaries at CNV, as described below:


File : No.1480/2011 (CNV Resolution No. 17,529 dated 09/26/2014).

Reason : alleged infringement with the obligation to inform a “Significant Event”.

Responsible : Banco Macro SA, Directors, Statutory Audit Committee members and person in charge of Market relations (Jorge Horacio Brito, Delfín Jorge Ezequiel Carballo, Juan Pablo Brito Devoto, Jorge Pablo Brito, Luis Carlos Cerolini, Roberto Julio Eilbaum, Alejandro Macfarlane, Carlos Enrique Videla, Guillermo Eduardo Stanley, Constanza Brito, Daniel Hugo Violatti, Ladislao Szekely, Santiago Marcelo Maidana and Herman Fernando Aner).

Status : On 10/28/2014, the bank and the natural persons subject to summary proceedings, filed its defense, offering evidence and requesting an acquittal. On 08/03/2015, the evidence period was ended and on 08/19/2015, the closing argument brief was submitted.


The Bank Management and its legal advisors consider no further significant accounting effects than could arise from the effect of the above mentioned situations.




20.1. The AFIP (Federal Public Revenue Agency) and provincial tax authorities have reviewed the tax returns filed by the Bank related to income tax, minimum presumed income tax and other taxes (mainly turnover tax).


The most significant ongoing claims arising from the previous paragraph are detailed below


a) Afip challenged the income tax returns filed by the former Banco Bansud SA (for the fiscal years since June 30, 1995, through June 30, 1999, and of the irregular six-month period ended December 31, 1999) and by the former Banco Macro SA (for the fiscal years ended since December 31, 1998, through December 31, 2000).


The matter under discussion that has not been resolved as yet and on which the regulatory agency bases its position is the impossibility of deducting credits that have collateral security, an issue that has been addressed by the Federal Administrative Tax Court and CSJN in similar cases, which have issued resolutions that are favorable to the Bank’s position.


b) City of Buenos Aires tax authorities attributed a turnover tax difference to Banco Macro SA for fiscal period 2002, in relation to the treatment of the compensation bond, over which a precautionary measure was issued in 2009 in favor of the Bank by the Federal Court of First Instance in Countentios and Administrative No. 6, which was confirmed by the Sala IV of the CNACAF.


c) City of Buenos Aires tax authorities attributed a turnover tax difference to former Banco Privado de Inversiones for fiscal periods 2002 and 2003. On October 19, 2015, Courtroom II of the Administrative and Tax Contentious Court of Appeals confirmed the trial court decision as it agreed with the Bank in that the “compensation bond” is not subject to turnover tax. On December 21, 2015, the Bank was notified that the Buenos Aires City Government filed an action for declaration of unconstitutionality with the Buenos Aires City Highest Court, which is pending resolution. In 2009, the Buenos Aires City Government filed a collection claim and obtained an attachment for 827 (see also Note 8).


Additionally, there are under discussion other claims and appeals filed with the Tax Court.


20.1. Moreover, as a result of a lawsuit filed in 2007 by consumers’ association “ADECUA” claiming about various aspects related to the collection of the “life insurance” charge for products marketed by former Banco Privado de Inversiones SA, on November 29, 2010, the parties reached a settlement agreement, approved by the Federal Commercial Court in and for the City of Buenos Aires No. 3, clerk’s office No. 5, and complied with by the Bank.


However, on March 22, 2013, the judge hearing the case ordered to adjust the performance of the agreement, as regards the reimbursement of the funds to the customers from whom the charge had been collected, a resolution which was appealed by the Bank.


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AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish – See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos, except for where indicated)


On April 24, 2014, the Court of Appeals dismissed the appeals filed and changed what was resolved in First Instance, ordered the Agreement nullity, to continue with the proceeding and to allow the Bank to answer the complaint. Such resolution was appealed by the Bank. The file is in the CSJN, pending resolution.


Additionally, there are other claims filed by consumers’ associations against the Bank, related to collection of certain financial fees and certain withholdings made by the Bank to individuals as a withholding Agent, related to stamp tax imposed by the City of Buenos Aires.


The Bank’s Management and its tax and legal advisors believe there are no additional significant effects to those already recognized in the books that may result from the final outcome of such claims.




The international and local macroeconomic context generates a certain degree of uncertainty regarding its future progress as a result of political matters and the economic level growth, among other issues. Besides, at a local level, although it cannot be confirmed as a definitive trend, volatility of government and private securities, interest rates and exchange rate have decreased. In addition, there is an increase in prices of other relevant variables, such as salary cost and the prices of the main raw materials.


Therefore, the Bank’s Management permanently monitors the change of the abovementioned situations in international and local markets, to determine the possible actions to adopt and to identify the possible impacts on its financial situation that may need to be reflected in the financial statements for future periods.




a) According to Central Bank regulations 20% of income for the year plus / minus prior-year adjustments and less accumulated losses as for the prior year-end, if any, should be allocated to the legal reserve.


b) Under Law No. 25,063, dividends to be distributed in cash or in kind in excess of taxable income accumulated as of the end of the fiscal year immediately preceding the payment or distribution date shall be subject to a 35% income tax withholding as a single and definitive payment. For this purpose, income to be considered in each year will result from adding dividends or earnings from other corporations not computed in the calculation of those earnings in the same tax period(s) to the earnings determined under application of Income Tax Law, and deducting the tax paid for the tax period(s) in which the earnings, or the related proportional amount, being distributed were generated.


c) Through Communiqué “A” 6013, the Central Bank establishes the general procedure to distribute earnings. According to that procedure, earnings may only be distributed previously express authorization of the Central Bank, and only if the following circumstances are met like not records of financial assistance from the Central Bank due to illiquidity or shortages in payments of minimum capital or minimum cash requirement deficiencies, there are no certain sanctions established by regulators entities and weighted to be significant, and/or no corrective measures have been applied, among other previous conditions listed in the abovementioned communiqué.


Therefore, earnings may only be distributed to the extent that income was booked, after deducting, on a nonaccounting basis, from unappropriated retained earnings and the voluntary reserve for future distribution of earnings, the amounts of the legal, statutory and/or voluntary reserves which are mandatory, the positive net difference between the book value and market value or present value reported by the Central Bank, as the case may be, of government debt securities and/or monetary regulation instruments issued by the Central Bank not valued at market value and the amounts recognized in the bank assets due to court cases related to deposits, among other items.


Finally, the proposed earning distribution will be affected if it is not maintained a required margin of capital, which for companies like Banco Macro SA, considered systematically important, is equal to 3.5% of risk-weighted assets is kept. This is apart from the minimum capital required by regulations, to be integrated by of level-1 ordinary capital (COn1), net of deductible items (CDCOn1).


  - 41 -  




AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish – See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos, except for where indicated)


d) Under CNV General Resolution No. 593, the Shareholders’ Meeting in charge of analyzing the annual financial statements will be required to establish a specific use for the Bank’s retained earnings, whether through the actual distribution of dividends, the capitalization thereof through the delivery of bonus shares, the creation of voluntary reserves additional to the legal reserve or a combination of any of these applications.


In addition, the Regular and Special Shareholders´ Meeting held on April 28, 2017, among other issues, decided as follows:


- Apply 1,308,460 out of “Unappropriated retained earnings” to set the legal reserve related to 20% of income for the year ended December 31, 2016, according to Central Bank standards.


- Distribute cash dividends up to the amount of 701,476. Such distribution is pending approval by Central Bank.


- Apply 5,371,582 out of “Unappropiated retained earnings” to set an optional reserve for future distributions of earnings, according to Central Bank Communiqué “A” 5273.




Under Communiqué “A” 760, the Central Bank prior intervention is not required for the publication of these financial statements.




These financial statements are presented on the basis of the accounting standards established by the Central Bank of Argentina. The accounting standards established by the BCRA and the Argentine professional accounting standards effective in the City of Buenos Aires (see Note 5.) may not conform with accounting principles generally accepted in other countries.


For a description and quantification of the significant differences between Central Bank rules and US GAAP as of December 31, 2016, see Note 35. to the financial statements included in our Form 20-F as of such date and filed with the SEC on April 24th, 2017.


Jorge H. Brito



  - 42 -  






AS OF MARCH 31, 2017 AND DECEMBER 31, 2016

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish - See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos)


    03/31/2017     12/31/2016     03/31/2017  
Name   Market
    Book balance     Position
options (1)
    Options     Final
GOVERNMENT AND PRIVATE SECURITIES                                              
GOVERNMENT SECURITIES                                              
Holdings booked at market value                                              
- Local                                              
Discount bonds denominated in pesos at 5.83% - Maturity: 2033             1,454,540       1,420,912       1,438,073               1,438,073  
Federal government bonds in US dollars at 7% - Maturity: 2017             161,218       5,791       129,632               129,632  
Consolidation bonds in pesos - 8° Serie             114,640       214,653       117,850               117,850  
Discount bonds denominated in US dollars 2033 (regulated by Argentinean legislation)             66,472               1               1  
Federal government bonds in pesos at variable rate 2017             51,650       54,281       51,650               51,650  
International bonds of Argentine Republic in US dollars 6.875 % - Maturity: 04-22-2021             31,543                                  
Federal government treasury bonds in pesos adjustment by CER - Maturity 07-22-2021             24,215       7,394       32,530               32,530  
Secured bonds in pesos under Presidential Decree No. 1579/02 at 2%             19,483       28,057       18,460               18,460  
Federal government bonds in US dollars at 8.75% 2024             15,820               15,808               15,808  
Federal government bonds in US dollars at 0.75% Maturity 09-21-2017             11,811       2,466       11,811               11,811  
Other             35,675       206,542       53,189               53,189  
Subtotal holdings booked at market value             1,987,067       1,940,096       1,869,004               1,869,004  
Holdings booked at amortized cost                                                
- Local                                                
Federal government bonds in pesos at Badlar Private + 250 basis point 2019     115,516       105,425       106,508       116,180               116,180  
Province of Neuquén guarantee Treasury Bills Class I Series I in pesos - Maturity: 02-23-2021     29,160       25,728               29,160               29,160  
Province of Neuquén Treasury Bills Class 2 Series II in pesos - Maturity: 06-06-2018     27,058       25,512       145,006       27,058               27,058  
Treasury Bills in USD - Maturity: 07-03-2017     7,083       6,903       7,112       7,083               7,083  
Treasury Bills in US dollars - Maturity: 03-20-2017                     787,649                          
Province of Buenos Aires Debt securities Series 1, Class 2 - Maturity 12-06-2019                     338,086                          
Province of Río Negro Treasury Bills Class 1 Series VI in pesos - Maturity: 03-15-2017                     95,439                          
Province of Neuquén Treasury Bills in pesos - Maturity: 09-09-2020                     71,202                          
Municipality of City of Córdoba Treasury Bills Series XXIII - Maturity: 03-30-2017                     9,880                          
Municipality of City of Córdoba Treasury Bills Series XXI - Maturity: 03-21-2017                     7,399                          
Other                     1,057                          
Subtotal Holdings booked at amortized cost             163,568       1,569,338       179,481               179,481  


Jorge H. Brito



  - 43 -  







AS OF MARCH 31, 2017 AND DECEMBER 31, 2016

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish - See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos)


    03/31/2017     12/31/2016     03/31/2017  
Name   Market
value or
    Book balance     Position
options (1)
    Options     Final
INSTRUMENTS ISSUED BY THE CENTRAL BANK OF ARGENTINA                                            
Central Bank of Argentina Internal Bills at market value - Own portfolio                                                
Central Bank of Argentina Internal Bills in pesos – Maturity: 04-19-2017             7,129,630               6,881,258               6,881,258  
Central Bank of Argentina Internal Bills in pesos – Maturity: 05-17-2017             3,342,756               3,342,666               3,342,666  
Central Bank of Argentina Bills in pesos – Maturity: 01-18-2017                     424,639                          
Central Bank of Argentina Internal Bills in pesos – Maturity: 03-15-2017                     371,992                          
Central Bank of Argentina Bills in pesos – Maturity: 01-25-2017                     147,233                          
Subtotal Central Bank of Argentina Internal Bills at market value - Own Portfolio             10,472,386       943,864       10,223,924               10,223,924  
Central Bank of Argentina Internal Bills - Under Repo Transactions                                                
Central Bank of Argentina Internal Bills in pesos – Maturity: 09-20-2017             7,333,960                                  
Central Bank of Argentina Internal Bills in pesos – Maturity: 04-19-2017             95,504                                  
Central Bank of Argentina Internal Bills in pesos – Maturity: 01-18-2017                     19,335                          
Subtotal Central Bank of Argentina Internal Bills - Under repo Transactions             7,429,464       19,335                          
Central Bank of Argentina Internal Bills at amortized cost - Own Portfolio                                                
Central Bank of Argentina Internal Bills in pesos – Maturity: 06-21-2017             571,478               571,478               571,478  
Central Bank of Argentina Internal Bills in pesos – Maturity: 08-16-2017             171,065               194,182               194,182  
Central Bank of Argentina Internal Bills in pesos – Maturity: 01-18-2017                     5,290,967                          
Central Bank of Argentina Internal Bills in pesos – Maturity: 02-15-2017                     2,525,348                          
Central Bank of Argentina Internal Bills in pesos – Maturity: 01-04-2017                     1,749,356                          
Central Bank of Argentina Internal Bills in pesos – Maturity: 01-25-2017                     1,203,357                          
Central Bank of Argentina Internal Bills in pesos – Maturity: 01-11-2017                     1,115,684                          
Central Bank of Argentina Bills in pesos – Maturity: 01-11-2017                     309,457                          
Central Bank of Argentina Bills in pesos – Maturity: 04-01-2017                     249,520                          
Central Bank of Argentina Internal Bills in pesos – Maturity: 03-22-2017                     186,633                          
Other                     161,755                          
Subtotal Central Bank of Argentina Internal Bills at amortized cost - Own portfolio             742,543       12,792,077       765,660               765,660  
Total Instruments issued by the Central Bank of Argentina             18,644,393       13,755,276       10,989,584               10,989,584  
Total Government securities             20,795,028       17,264,710       13,038,069               13,038,069  


Jorge H. Brito



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AS OF MARCH 31, 2017 AND DECEMBER 31, 2016

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish - See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos)


    03/31/2017     12/31/2016     03/31/2017  
Name   Market
value or
options (1)
    Options     Final
Investments in listed private securities                                    
Capital Instruments                                                
- Local                                                
Siderar S.A.I.C.                     106,938                          
Petrolera Pampa S.A.                     90,261                          
Aluar Aluminio Argentino                     78,791                          
YPF S.A.                     25,190                          
Molinos Rio de la Plata S.A.                     18,289                          
Subtotal Capital Instruments                     319,469                          
Total Investments in listed private securities                     319,469                          
Total government and private Securities             20,795,028       17,584,179       13,038,069               13,038,069  
(1) The position without options as of March 31, 2017, results from the following disclosure:                                                
Holdings: book balance, market value or present value, wherever applicable             20,810,277                                  
Plus: Spot and forward purchases pending settlement             89,155                                  
Less: Spot and forward sales pending settlement             7,861,363                                  


Jorge H. Brito



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AS OF MARCH 31, 2017 AND DECEMBER 31, 2016

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish - See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos)


    03/31/2017     12/31/2016  
In normal situation     35,587,999       34,128,374  
With Senior “A” guarantees and counter-guarantees     2,836,130       2,538,782  
With Senior “B” guarantees and counter-guarantees     5,503,275       5,119,268  
Without Senior guarantees or counter-guarantees     27,248,594       26,470,324  
Subject to special monitoring     31,875       27,887  
In observation                
With Senior “A” guarantees and counter-guarantees     269          
With Senior “B” guarantees and counter-guarantees     18,975       18,875  
Without Senior guarantees or counter-guarantees     12,631       9,012  
Troubled     166,859       50,039  
With Senior “A” guarantees and counter-guarantees     7,896          
With Senior “B” guarantees and counter-guarantees     151,157       50,039  
Without Senior guarantees or counter-guarantees     7,806          
With high risk of insolvency     145,819       137,431  
With Senior “A” guarantees and counter-guarantees     27,153       1,882  
With Senior “B” guarantees and counter-guarantees     58,819       61,374  
Without Senior guarantees or counter-guarantees     59,847       74,175  
Irrecoverable     6       4  
Without Senior guarantees or counter-guarantees     6       4  
Subtotal Commercial     35,932,558       34,343,735  


Jorge H. Brito



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AS OF MARCH 31, 2017 AND DECEMBER 31, 2016

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish - See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos)


    03/31/2017     12/31/2016  
Performing     52,024,079       48,698,468  
With Senior “A” guarantees and counter-guarantees     1,386,955       767,733  
With Senior “B” guarantees and counter-guarantees     2,619,890       2,483,434  
Without Senior guarantees or counter-guarantees     48,017,234       45,447,301  
Low risk     646,178       502,812  
With Senior “A” guarantees and counter-guarantees     5,150       1,486  
With Senior “B” guarantees and counter-guarantees     23,753       20,622  
Without Senior guarantees or counter-guarantees     617,275       480,704  
Medium risk     433,512       390,339  
With Senior “A” guarantees and counter-guarantees     270       3,188  
With Senior “B” guarantees and counter-guarantees     16,903       7,634  
Without Senior guarantees or counter-guarantees     416,339       379,517  
High risk     312,365       268,927  
With Senior “A” guarantees and counter-guarantees     533       2,099  
With Senior “B” guarantees and counter-guarantees     14,522       20,284  
Without Senior guarantees or counter-guarantees     297,310       246,544  
Irrecoverable     128,620       87,190  
With Senior “B” guarantees and counter-guarantees     21,459       16,642  
Without Senior guarantees or counter-guarantees     107,161       70,548  
Irrecoverable according to Central Bank's rules     291       210  
Without Senior guarantees or counter-guarantees     291       210  
Subtotal Consumer     53,545,045       49,947,946  
Total     89,477,603       84,291,681  


Jorge H. Brito



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AS OF MARCH 31, 2017 AND DECEMBER 31, 2016

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish - See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos)


    03/31/2017     12/31/2016  
Number of customers   Outstanding
    % of total
    % of total
10 largest customers     7,558,581       8.45       6,353,953       7.54  
50 next largest customers     8,839,143       9.88       8,920,400       10.58  
100 next largest customers     5,725,227       6.40       5,525,254       6.55  
Other customers     67,354,652       75.27       63,492,074       75.33  
Total     89,477,603       100.00       84,291,681       100.00  


Jorge H. Brito



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AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish - See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos)


    Terms remaining to maturity        
Item   Matured     Up to 1
    Over 1
month and
 up to 3
    Over 3
and up to 6
    Over 6
and up to
12 months
    Over 12
and up to
24 months
    Over 24
Non-financial government sector     55       61,418       23,260       25,669       96,006       181,888       145,686       533,982  
Financial sector             363,604       440,782       289,053       496,525       239,016       179,784       2,008,764  
Non-financial private sector and foreign residents     667,137       28,883,370       11,130,964       7,573,456       9,403,686       10,683,833       18,592,411       86,934,857  
Total     667,192       29,308,392       11,595,006       7,888,178       9,996,217       11,104,737       18,917,881       89,477,603  


Jorge H. Brito



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AS OF MARCH 31, 2017 AND DECEMBER 31, 2016

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish - See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos)



                                        Information on the issuer
    03/31/2017     12/31/2016     Data from latest financial statements
Name   Class     Unit
    Number     Amount     Amount     Main business activity   Year-end
date /
    Income for
the year /
In financial institutions, supplementary and authorized activities                                                              
- Subsidiaries                                                                                    
Banco del Tucumán SA     Common       100       1       395,341       1,769,939       1,628,973     Financial institution     03-31-17       43,960       1,968,086       156,747  
Macro Securities SA     Common       1       1       12,776,680       293,940       236,971     Brokerage house     03-31-17       12,886       289,295       53,514  
Macro Fiducia SA     Common       1       1       6,475,143       20,427       19,122     Services     03-31-17       6,567       17,960       643  
Macro Fondos SGFCISA     Common       1       1       327,183       34,170       25,319     Mutual funds management     03-31-17       1,713       172,058       42,338  
Macro Bank Limited     Common       1       1       39,816,899       738,767       769,016     Financial institution     03-31-17       86,501       738,767       (30,249 )
Subtotal subsidiaries                                     2,857,243       2,679,401                                      
- Non-subsidiaries                                                                                    
Provincanje SA     Common       1       1       600,000       603       603     Processing servicies     12-31-15       7,200       6,047       234  
Prisma Medio de Pagos     Common       1       1       1,141,503       3,554       3,554     Business services     12-31-16       15,000       860,439       664,691  
COEL SA     Common       1       1       86,236       138       138     Financial Services     12-31-15       1,000       15,726       11,852  
Mercado Abierto Electrónico SA     Common       1,200       1       8       121       121     Electronic market     12-31-16       242       240,433       144,723  
Argentina Clearing SA     Common       2,500       1       30       31       31     Services     07-31-16       10,250       326,912       197,715  
Garantizar SGR     Common       1       1       10,000       10       10     Mutual guarantee association     12-31-16       21,519       4,567,006       99,279  
Banco Latinoamericano de Exportaciones SA     Common       1       1       7,303       1,212       1,249     Financial institution     12-31-16       4,437,739       16,029,529       1,379,681  
Subtotal non-subsidiaries                                     5,669       5,706                                      
Total in financial institutions, supplementary and authorized activities                                     2,862,912       2,685,107                                      
In other companies                                                                                    
- Non-subsidiaries                                                                                    
Other                                     1,527       1,941                                      
SWIFT SA     Common       1       1       5       76       78     Services     12-31-15       194,674       5,479,148       275,429  
Total in other companies                                     1,603       2,019                                      
Total (1)                                     2,864,515       2,687,126                                      


(1) As of March 31, 2017 and December 31, 2016 the Bank booked allowances for impairment in value amounting to 129 and 579, respectively (see Exhibit J).


Jorge H. Brito



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AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish - See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos)


                            Depreciation for
the period
Item   Net book
value at
beginning of
fiscal year
    Increases     Transfers     Decreases     Years of
useful life
    Amount     Net book
value at end
of the period
Bank premises and equipment                                                        
Buildings     760,661       16,244       13,203               50       8,658       781,450  
Furniture and facilities     210,057       17,671       17               10       7,840       219,905  
Machinery and equipment     355,058       43,795       (17 )             5       33,843       364,993  
Vehicles     26,063       4,603               813       5       3,262       26,591  
Total     1,351,839       82,313       13,203       813               53,603       1,392,939  
Other assets                                                        
Works in progress     1,210,316       212,277       (7,579 )                             1,415,014  
Works of art     1,162                                               1,162  
Prepayments for the purchase of assets     163,581                                               163,581  
Foreclosed assets     108,218       10,403                       50       450       118,171  
Stationery and office supplies     32,242                       3,080                       29,162  
Other assets     425,803               (5,624 )             50       873       419,306  
Total     1,941,322       222,680       (13,203 )     3,080               1,323       2,146,396  


Jorge H. Brito



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AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish - See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos)


                    Amortization for
the period
Item   Net book
 value at
 beginning of
 fiscal year
    Increases     Decreases     Years of
    Amount     Net book
value at end
of the period
Goodwill (a)     20,609                   10       1,405       19,204  
Organization and development costs (b)     615,760       145,801               5       53,104       708,457  
Total     636,369       145,801                       54,509       727,661  


(a) As of December 31, 2016 it related to the difference between the total price of the transaction and the equity method of Banco Privado de Inversiones SA acquisition.


(b) Includes the cost of information technology projects hired from independent parties and leasehold improvements.


Jorge H. Brito



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AS OF MARCH 31, 2017 AND DECEMBER 31, 2016

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish - See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos)


    03/31/2017     12/31/2016  
Number of customers   Outstanding
    % of total
    % of total
10 largest customers     7,627,867       7.32       6,187,859       6.04  
50 next largest customers     4,936,154       4.74       6,415,928       6.26  
100 next largest customers     3,550,460       3.41       3,954,135       3.86  
Other customers     88,127,933       84.53       85,939,024       83.84  
Total     104,242,414       100.00       102,496,946       100.00  


Jorge H. Brito



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AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish - See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos)


    Terms remaining to maturity        
Item   Up to 1
    Over 1
month and
up to 3
    Over 3
and up to
6 months
    Over 6
and up to
12 months
    Over 12
and up to
24 months
    Over 24
Deposits     86,935,531       15,599,952       1,339,598       357,544       7,885       1,904       104,242,414  
Other liabilities from financial intermediation                                                        
Central Bank of Argentina     8,014       106                       105               8,225  
International Banks and Institutions     66,220       22,834       43,969                               133,023  
Financing received from Argentine financial institutions     2,141       6,978       6,189       13,237       5,045       15,699       49,289  
Other     6,123,918       308,521       71,234       5,582       7,641       117,468       6,634,364  
      6,200,293       338,439       121,392       18,819       12,791       133,167       6,824,901  
Subordinated corporate bonds             169,584                               6,152,720       6,322,304  
Total     93,135,824       16,107,975       1,460,990       376,363       20,676       6,287,791       117,389,619  


Jorge H. Brito



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AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish - See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos)


    Balances at           Decreases     Balances at  
Breakdown   beginning of
fiscal year
    Increases (1)     Charge off     Reversals     end of the
 For uncollectibility risk and impairment in value     1,654,084       336,024       143,480       7,063       1,839,565  
Other receivables from financial intermediation                                        
 For uncollectibility risk and impairment in value     231,496       1,069       1,826       933       229,806  
Receivables from financial leases                                        
 For uncollectibility risk     3,993       229               41       4,181  
Investments in other companies                                        
 For impairment in value     579                       450       129  
Other receivables                                        
 For uncollectibility risk     4,148               46               4,102  
Total allowances     1,894,300       337,322       145,352       8,487       2,077,783  
 Contingent commitments     208,222       65,415       14,627               259,010  
 Difference from court deposits dollarization     34,034                       34,034          
 Administrative, disciplinary and criminal sanctions     9,110               330               8,780  
Total Provisions     251,366       65,415       14,957       34,034       267,790  


(1) See Notes 3.5.f). and 3.5.m).


Jorge H. Brito



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AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish - See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos)


Shares   Capital stock (1)  
          Votes per     Issued        
Class   Stock number     share     Outstanding     Paid in  
Registered common stock A     11,235,670       5       11,236       11,236  
Registered common stock B     573,327,358       1       573,327       573,327  
Total     584,563,028               584,563       584,563  


(1) See Note 10.


Jorge H. Brito



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AS OF MARCH 31, 2017 AND DECEMBER 31, 2016

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish - See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos)


    03/31/2017     12/31/2016  
      Total Parent     Total per currency        
  Items   company and local
    US dollar     Pound
    Yen     Euro     Other     Total  
Cash     14,545,299       14,456,303       2,181       2,339       1,077       58,114       25,285       20,074,325  
Government and private securities     317,339       317,339                                               807,701  
Loans     11,478,513       11,478,513                                               10,157,362  
Other receivables from financial intermediation     248,322       240,068                       690       7,564               345,150  
Receivables from financial leases     1,407       1,407                                                  
Investments in other companies     740,055       740,055                                               770,343  
Other receivables     398,824       398,824                                               329,204  
Items pending allocation     7,879       7,879                                               3,288  
Total     27,737,638       27,640,388       2,181       2,339       1,767       65,678       25,285       32,487,373  
Deposits     19,912,968       19,912,968                                               21,793,774  
Other liabilities from financial intermediation     1,148,124       1,107,723       266       197       140       39,696       102       2,799,493  
Subordinated corporate bonds     6,322,304       6,322,304                                               6,407,840  
Items pending allocation     87       87                                               61  
Total     27,383,483       27,343,082       266       197       140       39,696       102       31,001,168  
MEMORANDUM ACCOUNTS                                                                
DEBIT-BALANCE ACCOUNTS                                                                
(except contra debit-balance accounts)                                                                
Contingent     5,340,167       5,340,135                               32               5,163,340  
Control     8,410,408       8,401,051       145               1,730       7,335       147       4,078,621  
CREDIT-BALANCE ACCOUNTS                                                                
(except contra credit-balance accounts)                                                                
Contingent     509,947       493,593                               16,354               518,256  
Control     9,848       9,848                                               6,499  


Jorge H. Brito



  - 57 -  







AS OF MARCH 31, 2017 AND DECEMBER 31, 2016

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish - See Note 26)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos)


Item   In normal
    Irrecoverable     03/31/2017     12/31/2016  
Overdrafts     12,389               12,389       7,459  
Without Senior guarantees or counter-guarantees     12,389               12,389       7,459  
Documents     37,300               37,300       99,347  
With Senior “A” guarantees and counter-guarantees     5,399               5,399       7,263  
Without Senior guarantees or counter-guarantees     31,901               31,901       92,084  
Mortgage and pledge     5,301       198       5,499       5,579  
With Senior “B” guarantees and counter-guarantees     5,162       198       5,360       5,431  
Without Senior guarantees or counter-guarantees     139               139       148  
Personal     146               146       1,083  
Without Senior guarantees or counter-guarantees     146               146       1,083  
Credit cards     21,530               21,530       22,996  
Without Senior guarantees or counter-guarantees     21,530               21,530       22,996  
Other     228,263               228,263       161,571  
Without Senior guarantees or counter-guarantees     228,263               228,263       161,571  
Total loans     304,929       198       305,127       298,035  
Receivables from financial leases and other     8,664               8,664       9,035  
Contingent Commitments     60,210               60,210       23,986  
Investments in other companies     2,857,268               2,857,268       2,679,877  
Total     3,231,071       198       3,231,269       3,010,933  
Provisions     3,136       99       3,235       3,632  


Jorge H. Brito



  - 58 -  






AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish - See Note 24)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos)


Type of contract   Purpose of the
  Underlying asset   Type of
  Negotiation environment or
agreed weighted
average term
average term
  Weighted daily
average term
settlement of
Repo transactions   Intermediation - own account   Federal government securities   With delivery of underlying asset   MAE (over-the-counter electronic market)   1   1         7,462,889  
Futures   Intermediation - own account   Foreign currency   Daily settlement of differences   MAE (over-the-counter electronic market)   5   3   1     211,913  
Options   Intermediation - own account   Other   With delivery of underlying asset   Over The Counter - Residents in Argentina - Non-financial sector   24   1         173,380  
Forward   Intermediation - own account   Foreign currency   Maturity settlement of differences   Over The Counter - Residents in Argentina - Non-financial sector   8   5   30     102,573  


Jorge H. Brito



  - 59 -  




(Section 33, Law No. 19,550)

AS OF MARCH 31, 2017 AND DECEMBER 31, 2016

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish -

See Note 24 to the stand-alone financial statements)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos)


        03/31/2017     12/31/2016  
A.   CASH            
    Cash on hand     5,993,376       4,955,294  
    Due from banks and correspondents                
    Central Bank of Argentina     20,456,820       28,482,100  
    Local Other     110,714       79,473  
    Foreign     2,452,863       2,571,298  
    Other     962       991  
          29,014,735       36,089,156  
    Holdings booked at market value     3,306,099       2,810,838  
    Holdings booked at amortized cost     229,730       1,570,708  
    Instruments issued by the Central Bank of Argentina     20,241,735       15,145,254  
    Investments in listed private securities             319,469  
          23,777,564       19,846,269  
C.   LOANS                
    To the non-financial government sector     479,968       1,532,532  
    To the financial sector                
    Interfinancing - (granted call)     115,000       5,000  
    Other financing to Argentine financial institutions     1,701,362       1,659,738  
    Accrued interest, adjustments, foreign exchange and quoted price differences receivable     73,776       65,882  
    To the non-financial private sector and foreign residents                
    Overdrafts     10,264,734       8,837,695  
    Documents     10,679,452       11,198,902  
    Mortgage loans     4,498,216       4,158,608  
    Pledge loans     2,471,452       2,285,050  
    Personal loans     33,364,962       29,784,759  
    Credit cards     19,526,124       18,851,619  
    Other     11,739,196       10,465,842  
    Accrued interest, adjustments, foreign exchange and quoted price differences receivable     1,540,611       1,317,912  
    less: Unearned discount     (327,453 )     (360,027 )
    less: Allowances (Note 4.)     (2,044,072 )     (1,830,505 )
          94,083,328       87,973,007  


Jorge H. Brito



  - 60 -  




(Section 33, Law No. 19,550)

AS OF MARCH 31, 2017 AND DECEMBER 31, 2016

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish -

See Note 24 to the stand-alone financial statements)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos)


        03/31/2017     12/31/2016  
    Central Bank of Argentina     2,101,591       2,093,960  
    Amounts receivable from spot and forward sales pending settlement     9,931,679       297,107  
    Securities and foreign currency receivables from spot and forward purchases pending settlement     112,785       1,259,031  
    Unlisted corporate bonds     261,233       486,144  
    Receivables from forward transactions without delivery of underlying assets     5,835       855  
    Other receivables not covered by debtors classification standards     1,251,032       1,119,756  
    Other receivables covered by debtors classification standards     291,388       296,787  
    Accrued interest receivables covered by debtors classification standards     248       232  
    less: Allowances (Note 4.)     (238,894 )     (240,265 )
          13,716,897       5,313,607  
    Receivables from financial leases     376,873       369,146  
    Accrued interest and adjustments     5,418       4,999  
    less: Allowances (Note 4.)     (4,181 )     (3,993 )
          378,110       370,152  
    In financial institutions     1,211       1,247  
    Other     8,345       11,691  
    less: Allowances (Note 4.)     (225 )     (1,586 )
          9,331       11,352  
G.   OTHER RECEIVABLES                
    Other     1,534,949       1,281,229  
    less: Allowances (Note 4.)     (4,102 )     (4,148 )
          1,530,847       1,277,081  
H.   BANK PREMISES AND EQUIPMENT, NET     1,504,254       1,460,092  
I.   OTHER ASSETS     2,192,346       1,980,746  
J.   INTANGIBLE ASSETS                
    Goodwill     19,204       20,609  
    Organization and development costs     739,818       643,463  
          759,022       664,072  
K.   ITEMS PENDING ALLOCATION     25,892       13,426  
TOTAL ASSETS     166,992,326       154,998,960  


Jorge H. Brito



  - 61 -  




(Section 33, Law No. 19,550)

AS OF MARCH 31, 2017 AND DECEMBER 31, 2016

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish -

See Note 24 to the stand-alone financial statements)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos)


        03/31/2017     12/31/2016  
L.   DEPOSITS                
    From the non-financial government sector     13,007,583       9,552,190  
    From the financial sector     50,869       55,867  
    From the non-financial private sector and foreign residents                
    Checking accounts     18,559,651       17,686,171  
    Savings accounts     27,117,548       27,895,965  
    Time deposits     47,495,751       47,652,387  
    Investment accounts     379,311       333,786  
    Other     8,008,466       8,113,965  
    Accrued interest, adjustments, foreign exchange and quoted price differences payable     563,672       649,409  
          115,182,851       111,939,740  
    Central Bank of Argentina                
    Other     8,383       8,403  
    International Banks and Institutions     131,687       128,912  
    Non-subordinated Corporate Bonds             1,627,261  
    Amounts payable for spot and forward purchases pending settlement     964,957       1,310,696  
    Securities and foreign currency to be delivered under spot and forward sales pending settlement     9,133,436       156,536  
    Financing received from Argentine financial institutions                
    Interfinancing (received call)             90,000  
    Other financing received from Argentine financial institutions     28,940       30,568  
    Accrued interest payable             126  
    Other     6,930,072       7,095,374  
    Accrued interest, adjustments, foreign exchange and quoted price differences payable     21,685       80,627  
          17,219,160       10,528,503  
N.   OTHER LIABILITIES                
    Fees     36,640       96,020  
    Other     3,794,316       3,386,887  
          3,830,956       3,482,907  
O.   PROVISIONS (Note 4.)     351,667       335,007  
P.   SUBORDINATED CORPORATE BONDS     6,322,304       6,407,840  
Q.   ITEMS PENDING ALLOCATION     16,776       16,266  
    MINORITY INTERESTS IN SUBSIDIARIES     198,669       182,799  
    TOTAL LIABILITIES     143,122,383       132,893,062  
    SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY     23,869,943       22,105,898  
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY     166,992,326       154,998,960  


Jorge H. Brito



  - 62 -  




(Section 33, Law No. 19,550)

AS OF MARCH 31, 2017 AND DECEMBER 31, 2016

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish -

See Note 24 to the stand-alone financial statements)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos)


    03/31/2017     12/31/2016  
DEBIT-BALANCE ACCOUNTS     107,493,687       89,304,148  
Contingent     24,698,099       23,017,895  
Guarantees received     23,624,660       22,116,120  
Other not covered by debtors classification standards     34       39  
Contingent debit-balance contra accounts     1,073,405       901,736  
Control     81,292,730       65,012,008  
Receivables classified as irrecoverable     1,979,545       1,898,911  
Other     78,066,724       61,978,148  
Control debit-balance contra accounts     1,246,461       1,134,949  
Derivatives     487,866       495,787  
Notional value of forward transactions without delivery of underlying asset     165,053       135,597  
Derivatives debit-balance contra accounts     322,813       360,190  
Trust activity     1,014,992       778,458  
Trust funds     1,014,992       778,458  
CREDIT-BALANCE ACCOUNTS     107,493,687       89,304,148  
Contingent     24,698,099       23,017,895  
Other guarantees provided covered by debtors classification standards     214,996       287,497  
Other guarantees provided not covered by debtors classification standards     157,335       158,986  
Other covered by debtors classification standards     421,397       354,315  
Other not covered by debtors classification standards     279,677       100,938  
Contingent credit-balance contra accounts     23,624,694       22,116,159  
Control     81,292,730       65,012,008  
Checks to be credited     1,246,461       1,134,949  
Control credit-balance contra accounts     80,046,269       63,877,059  
Derivatives     487,866       495,787  
Notional value of call options sold     173,380       167,721  
Notional value of forward transactions without delivery of underlying asset     149,433       192,469  
Derivatives credit-balance contra account     165,053       135,597  
Trust activity     1,014,992       778,458  
Trust activity credit-balance contra accounts     1,014,992       778,458  


The accompanying Notes 1 through 7 to the consolidated financial statements are an integral part of these financial statements, which are part of the stand-alone financial statements of Banco Macro SA and should be read together with them.


Jorge H. Brito



  - 63 -  





(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish -

See Note 24 to the stand-alone financial statements)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos)


        03/31/2017     03/31/2016  
        (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)  
A.   FINANCIAL INCOME                
    Interest on cash and due from banks     796       332  
    Interest on loans to the financial sector     101,182       32,762  
    Interest on overdrafts     650,402       520,273  
    Interest on documents     374,005       395,427  
    Interest on mortgage loans     179,022       184,877  
    Interest on pledge loans     97,717       100,465  
    Interest on credit card loans     1,071,843       919,302  
    Interest on financial leases     20,090       23,474  
    Interest on other loans     3,565,407       2,784,929  
    Net income from government and private securities     868,903       1,015,637  
    Interest on other receivables from financial intermediation     936       1,191  
    Income from guaranteed loans - Presidential Decree No. 1,387/01     3,073       6,961  
    CER (Benchmark Stabilization Coefficient) adjustment     28,636       56,933  
    CVS (Salary Variation Coefficient) adjustment     111       226  
    Difference in quoted prices of gold and foreign currency     159,548       258,783  
    Other     478,711       117,673  
          7,600,382       6,419,245  
B.   FINANCIAL EXPENSE                
    Interest on savings accounts     23,971       20,656  
    Interest on time deposits     2,109,783       2,453,567  
    Interest on interfinancing received loans (received call)     1,378       1,043  
    Interest on other financing from financial institutions     5       51  
    Interest on other liabilities from financial intermediation     16,211       35,671  
    Interest on subordinated bonds     105,168       53,629  
    Other interest     678       912  
    CER adjustment     2,838       3,473  
    Contribution to Deposit Guarantee Fund     49,428       96,449  
    Other     650,575       488,454  
          2,960,035       3,153,905  
    GROSS INTERMEDIATION MARGIN - GAIN     4,640,347       3,265,340  
C.   PROVISION FOR LOAN LOSSES     361,244       178,233  
D.   SERVICE-CHARGE INCOME                
    Related to lending transactions     55,871       17,378  
    Related to deposits     1,377,948       1,026,419  
    Other commissions     44,260       46,067  
    Other     923,225       648,017  
          2,401,304       1,737,881  


Jorge H. Brito



  - 64 -  





(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish -

See Note 24 to the stand-alone financial statements)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos)


        03/31/2017     03/31/2016  
        (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)  
E.   SERVICE-CHARGE EXPENSE                
    Commissions     154,444       114,351  
    Other     579,880       461,464  
          734,324       575,815  
    Personnel expenses     1,844,878       1,245,604  
    Directors' and statutory auditors' fees     86,718       67,571  
    Other professional fees     78,035       57,891  
    Advertising and publicity     43,485       47,829  
    Taxes     162,473       115,146  
    Depreciation of bank premises and equipment     59,043       46,360  
    Amortization of organization costs     60,128       43,286  
    Other operating expenses     399,517       318,662  
    Other     229,256       178,585  
          2,963,533       2,120,934  
    NET INCOME FROM FINANCIAL INTERMEDIATION - GAIN     2,982,550       2,128,239  
G.   OTHER INCOME                
    Income from long-term investments     4,257       13,058  
    Penalty interest     17,041       20,483  
    Recovered loans and allowances reversed     88,167       39,872  
    Others     35,025       65,817  
          144,490       139,230  
H.   OTHER EXPENSE                
    Penalty interest and charges payable to the Central Bank of Argentina     18       30  
    Charges for other receivables uncollectibility and other allowances     69,842       32,822  
    Depreciation and loss of other assets     1,326       907  
    Goodwill amortization     1,405       3,513  
    Other     72,692       49,538  
          145,283       86,810  
    MINORITY INTEREST IN SUBSIDIARIES     (15,844 )     (10,646 )
    NET INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAX - GAIN     2,965,913       2,170,013  
I.   INCOME TAX     1,201,868       762,384  
    NET INCOME FOR THE PERIOD - GAIN     1,764,045       1,407,629  


The accompanying Notes 1 through 7 to the consolidated financial statements are an integral part of these financial statements, which are part of the stand-alone financial statements of Banco Macro SA and should be read together with them.


Jorge H. Brito



  - 65 -  





(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish -

See Note 24 to the stand-alone financial statements)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos)


    03/31/2017     03/31/2016  
    (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)  
CHANGES IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS (Note 1.5.)                
Cash at the beginning of the fiscal year     39,818,086       22,672,977  
Cash at the end of the period     38,432,219       35,686,675  
Net (decrease)/ increase in cash     (1,385,867 )     13,013,698  
Operating activities                
Net collections / (payments) for:                
Government and private securities     11,931,503       7,085,397  
To the financial sector     (58,336 )     (231,564 )
To the non-financial government sector     1,075,667       6,727  
To the non-financial private sector and foreign residents     (1,414,398 )     5,247,236  
Other receivables from financial intermediation     (8,957,996 )     (2,438,140 )
Receivables from financial leases     11,944       39,370  
From the financial sector     (4,998 )     997  
From the non-financial government sector     3,295,730       (589,558 )
From the non-financial private sector and foreign residents     (2,233,415 )     5,266,625  
Other liabilities from financial intermediation                
Financing facilities from the financial sector (received calls)     (91,504 )     (45,081 )
Others (except liabilities included under financing activities)     (152,771 )     111,202  
Collections related to service-charge income     2,406,992       1,734,420  
Payments related to service-charge expenses     (731,131 )     (556,266 )
Administrative expenses paid     (2,995,839 )     (1,907,777 )
Payment of organization and development costs     (156,483 )     (56,004 )
Net collections from penalty interest     17,023       20,471  
Differences from payments related to court orders     (302 )     (569 )
Collections of dividends from other companies     193       380  
Other collectionsrelated to other income and losses     5,667       41,426  
Net payments from other operating activities     (1,104,428 )     (405,690 )
Payment of income tax     (558,200 )     (466,226 )
Net cash flows generated in operating activities     284,918       12,857,376  


Jorge H. Brito



  - 66 -  





(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish -

See Note 24 to the stand-alone financial statements)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos)


    03/31/2017     03/31/2016  
    (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)  
Investing activities                
Net payments for bank premises and equipment     (80,401 )     (69,884 )
Net payments for other assets     (215,726 )     (166,376 )
Net cash flows used in investing activities     (296,127 )     (236,260 )
Financing activities                
Net collections / (payments) for:                
Non-subordinated corporate bonds     (1,766,904 )     (62,871 )
Central Bank of Argentina:                
Other     (20 )     (2,717 )
International Banks and Institutions     1,646       (69,018 )
Financing received from Argentine financial institutions     (1,628 )     (1,446 )
Payment of dividends             (227,708 )
Net cash flows used in financing activities     (1,766,906 )     (363,760 )
Financial income and holding gains on cash and cash equivalents     392,248       756,342  
Net (decrease)/ increase in cash     (1,385,867 )     13,013,698  


The accompanying Notes 1 through 7 to the consolidated financial statements are an integral part of these financial statements, which are part of the stand-alone financial statements of Banco Macro SA and should be read together with them.


Jorge H. Brito



  - 67 -  




AS OF MARCH 31, 2017 AND DECEMBER 31, 2016

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish -

See Note 24 to the stand-alone financial statements)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos)


    03/31/2017     12/31/2016  
In normal situation     36,299,079       34,766,790  
With Senior “A” guarantees and counter-guarantees     2,841,297       2,545,541  
With Senior “B” guarantees and counter-guarantees     5,676,908       5,297,800  
Without Senior guarantees or counter-guarantees     27,780,874       26,923,449  
Subject to special monitoring     34,126       27,887  
In observation                
With Senior “A” guarantees and counter-guarantees     269          
With Senior “B” guarantees and counter-guarantees     18,975       18,875  
Without Senior guarantees or counter-guarantees     14,882       9,012  
Troubled     166,859       50,039  
With Senior “A” guarantees and counter-guarantees     7,896          
With Senior “B” guarantees and counter-guarantees     151,157       50,039  
Without Senior guarantees or counter-guarantees     7,806          
With high risk of insolvency     145,819       137,431  
With Senior “A” guarantees and counter-guarantees     27,153       1,882  
With Senior “B” guarantees and counter-guarantees     58,819       61,374  
Without Senior guarantees or counter-guarantees     59,847       74,175  
Irrecoverable     7,410       7,372  
With Senior “B” guarantees and counter-guarantees     849       813  
Without Senior guarantees or counter-guarantees     6,561       6,559  
Subtotal Commercial     36,653,293       34,989,519  


Jorge H. Brito



  - 68 -  




AS OF MARCH 31, 2017 AND DECEMBER 31, 2016

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish -

See Note 24 to the stand-alone financial statements)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos)


    03/31/2017     12/31/2016  
Performing     59,309,285       55,204,350  
With Senior “A” guarantees and counter-guarantees     1,390,492       771,053  
With Senior “B” guarantees and counter-guarantees     2,737,145       2,573,886  
Without Senior guarantees or counter-guarantees     55,181,648       51,859,411  
Low risk     733,361       555,222  
With Senior “A” guarantees and counter-guarantees     5,150       1,486  
With Senior “B” guarantees and counter-guarantees     29,187       20,699  
Without Senior guarantees or counter-guarantees     699,024       533,037  
Medium risk     494,387       443,357  
With Senior “A” guarantees and counter-guarantees     270       3,188  
With Senior “B” guarantees and counter-guarantees     16,922       7,676  
Without Senior guarantees or counter-guarantees     477,195       432,493  
High risk     369,577       317,466  
With Senior “A” guarantees and counter-guarantees     533       2,099  
With Senior “B” guarantees and counter-guarantees     14,522       20,486  
Without Senior guarantees or counter-guarantees     354,522       294,881  
Irrecoverable     138,759       92,508  
With Senior “B” guarantees and counter-guarantees     22,017       18,222  
Without Senior guarantees or counter-guarantees     116,742       74,286  
Irrecoverable according to Central Bank's rules     291       210  
Without Senior guarantees or counter-guarantees     291       210  
Subtotal Consumer     61,045,660       56,613,113  
Total     97,698,953       91,602,632  


The accompanying Notes 1 through 7 to the consolidated financial statements are an integral part of these financial statements, which are part of the stand-alone financial statements of Banco Macro SA and should be read together with them.


Jorge H. Brito



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(Section 33, Law No. 19,550)


AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish –

See Note 24 to the stand alone financial statements)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos)




1.1. Valuation and disclosure criteria:


According to the procedures provided by Central Bank rules - Communiqué “A” 2227, as supplemented - and FACPCE TR No. 21, the Bank has consolidated line-by-line (i) its balance sheets as of March 31, 2017 and December 31, 2016 and (ii) the statements of income and cash flows and equivalents for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2017 and 2016, with the financial statements of the subsidiaries listed in Note 1.2., as of each respective date.


The receivables/payables and transactions between the companies were eliminated in the consolidation process.


1.2. List of subsidiaries:


The table below shows the equity interests that Banco Macro SA holds in subsidiaries (percentage of equity interest and votes held directly or indirectly as of March 31, 2017):


    Banco Macro SA’s
direct equity interest
  Banco Macro SA’s
direct and indirect
equity interest
    Shares   Percentage of     Percentage of  
Company   Type   Number     Capital
Banco del Tucumán SA   Common     395,341       89.932 %     89.932 %     89.932 %     89.932 %
Macro Bank Limited (a)   Common     39,816,899       99.999 %     99.999 %     99.999 %     100.00 %
Macro Securities SA (b) and (c)   Common     12,776,680       99.154 %     99.154 %     99.921 %     99.932 %
Macro Fiducia SA   Common     6,475,143       98.605 %     98.605 %     98.605 %     98.605 %
Macro Fondos SGFCI SA   Common     327,183       19.100 %     19.100 %     99.936 %     100.00 %


(a) Consolidated with Sud Asesores (ROU) SA (voting rights: 100%, equity interest 3,026).


(b) Consolidated with Macro Fondos SGFCI SA (percentage of capital stock and votes 80.90%).


(c) The indirect equity interest of Banco Macro SA comes from Macro Fiducia SA.


1.3. Methods of incorporating foreign subsidiaries:


The financial statements of Macro Bank Limited were adapted to Central Bank rules, Also, as they are originally stated in US dollars, they were translated into pesos following the procedures indicated below:


a) Assets and liabilities were converted at the reference exchange rate at the closing of transactions on the last business day as of March 31, 2017 and December 31, 2016.


b) Figures related to the owners’ contributions (capital stock, additional paid-in capital and irrevocable capital contributions) were translated applying the effective exchange rates as of the date on which such contributions were paid in.


c) Retained earnings were estimated by the difference between assets, liabilities and owners’ contributions, translated into pesos, as indicated above.


  - 70 -  




(Section 33, Law No. 19,550)


AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish –

See Note 24 to the stand alone financial statements)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos)


d) The amounts of the accounts in the statements of income for periods ended March 31, 2017 and 2016, were converted into pesos, as described in a). In both cases, the difference between the sum of the amounts thus obtained and lump-sum income (loss) for each period (difference between retained earnings at beginning of fiscal year and retained earnings at period) was recorded in “Other income – Income from long-term investments” and “Financial income – Difference in quoted prices of gold and foreign currency” or “Financial expense – Difference in quoted prices of gold and foreign currency”, as the case may be, in the stand-alone and consolidated financial statements, respectively.


The main figures included in the consolidated financial statements arising from the figures of Macro Bank Limited (consolidated with Sud Asesores (ROU) SA) as of March 31, 2017, considering the translation process mentioned above are as follows:


    Macro Bank Limited  
    In thousands of
    In thousands of
Assets     147,489       2,268,645  
Liabilities     99,460       1,529,877  
Shareholders’ equity     48,029       738,768  


1.4. The table below shows total assets, liabilities, shareholders’ equity and income (loss) of Banco Macro SA and each of its subsidiaries as of March 31, 2017:


Macro SA
    Banco del
Tucumán SA
    Eliminations     Banco
Macro SA
Assets     153,002,672       13,381,995       2,268,645       1,299,310       2,960,296       166,992,326  
Liabilities     129,132,729       11,413,909       1,529,877       982,143       (63,725 )     143,122,383  
Shareholders’ equity     23,869,943       1,968,086       738,768       317,167       3,024,021       23,869,943  
Income     1,764,045       156,747       (30,249 )     58,780       185,278       1,764,045  


(1) Figures related to Macro Bank Limited consolidated with Sud Asesores (ROU) SA.


(2) Figures related to the subsidiaries Macro Securities SA. (consolidated with Macro Fondos Sociedad Gerente de Fondos Comunes de Inversión SA) and Macro Fiducia SA.


  - 71 -  




(Section 33, Law No. 19,550)


AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish –

See Note 24 to the stand alone financial statements)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos)


1.5. Statement of cash flows and cash equivalents


The Bank and its subsidiaries consider “Cash and cash equivalents” to be the Cash account and Government and investments which mature less than three months since their date of acquisition/constitution. Below is a breakdown of the reconciliation of the “Cash” item in the consolidated statement of cash flows with the related consolidated balance sheets accounts:


    03/31/2017     12/31/2016     03/31/2016  
Cash     29,014,735       36,089,156       21,189,340  
Government and private securities                        
Holdings booked at market value     1,084,052       538,936       1,905,736  
Instruments issued by the Central Bank     8,333,432       3,189,994       12,307,111  
Other receivables for financial intermediation                        
Other covered by debtor classification standards                     284,488  
Cash and cash equivalents     38,432,219       39,818,086       35,686,675  




In addition, to the assets broken down in Note 8, to the stand-alone financial statements, certain assets are restricted as follows:


Item   03/31/2017     12/31/2016  
2.1.  Banco del Tucumán SA:                
Government and Private securities                
·       Secured bonds in pesos under Presidential Decree No, 1579/2002, maturing in 2018, for the minimum amount required to perform as an Agent in the new categories provided by CNV General Resolution No, 622/2013     4,172       5,126  
·       Central Bank of Argentina Internal Bills in pesos, maturing in 2016 securing the operation through negotiation secured transaction Segment as the main counterparty of the MAE     752       715  
Subtotal Government and Private securities     4,924       5,841  
Other receivables from financial intermediation                
·       Special guarantee checking accounts opened in the Central Bank for transactions related to the electronic clearing houses and similar entities     200,142       191,098  
Subtotal other receivables from financial intermediation     200,142       191,098  
Other receivables                
·       Deposits mainly provided in guarantee for the credit card transaction and related to court deposits and MAEClear transactions     35,705       35,702  
Subtotal other receivables     35,705       35,702  
Total     240,771       232,641  
2.2.  Macro Securities SA:                
Other receivables from financial intermediation                
·      Share of interest of the mutual fund Pionero Renta for the minimum amount required to perform as an Agent in the new categories provided by CNV General Resolution No. 622/2013     8,883       8,420  
Subtotal other receivables from financial intermediation     8,883       8,420  
Investments in other companies                
·      Other     1,453       1,453  
Subtotal investments in other companies     1,453       1,453  
Total     10,336       9,873  


  - 72 -  




(Section 33, Law No. 19,550)


AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish –

See Note 24 to the stand alone financial statements)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos)


Item (cont)   03/31/2017     12/31/2016  
2.3.   Macro Fiducia SA:                
Government and private securities                
·      Federal secured bonds maturing 2018 for the minimum amount required to perform as an Agent in the new categories provided by CNV General Resolution No. 622/2013     4,177       3,987  
Total     4,177       3,987  
2.4   Macro Fondos SGFCI SA                
Other receivables from financial intermediation                
·      Share of interest of the mutual fund Pionero FF for the minimum amount required to perform as an Agent de Administration Agent for Collective investments of mutual funds provided by CNV General Resolution No. 622/2013     1,225       1,166  
Total     1,225       1,166  




In relation to the transactions performed by the Bank’s subsidiaries with parties related to Macro Group, as part of the ordinary course of business, and in addition to those described in Note 9. to the stand-alone financial statements, the consolidated financial statements as March 31, 2017 and December 31, 2016, include assets amounted to 32,001 and 35,310, generated mainly by Loans; liabilities amounted to 972,490 and 167,033 generated mainly by Deposits; and memorandum accounts amounted to 3,415,049 and 3,675,866, mainly generated by Items in custody, respectively.


Additionally, as of March 31, 2017 and 2016, net income generated by those transactions amounted to 1,684 and 1,839 respectively.


Lastly, the balances as of those dates for transactions between Macro Group companies amounted to 1,048 and 1,005, respectively. Net income from those periods ended March 31, 2017 and 2016 amount to 0. Balances were eliminated in the consolidation process.


  - 73 -  




(Section 33, Law No. 19,550)


AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish –

See Note 24 to the stand alone financial statements)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos)




The following are the changes in the Bank’s allowances and provisions consolidated with its subsidiaries as of March 31, 2017:


    Balances at
of fiscal
          Decreases     Balances at
end of the
Breakdown   year     Increases     Charge off     Reversals     period  
For loans     1,830,505       380,211       158,097       8,547       2,044,072  
For other receivables from financial intermediation     240,265       1,963       1,835       1,499       238,894  
For receivables from financial leases     3,993       230               42       4,181  
For interests in other companies     1,586                       1,361       225  
For other receivables     4,148               46               4,102  
Total     2,080,497       382,404       159,978       11,449       2,291,474  
For other contingencies     271,039       69,753       18,054               322,738  
For differences from court deposits dollarization     54,858       89               34,798       20,149  
For administrative, disciplinary and criminal penalties     9,110               330               8,780  
Total     335,007       69,842       18,384       34,798       351,667  




Below is a breakdown of the volumes, in absolute values, by type of derivative financial instrument involved in the transactions between the Bank and its subsidiaries, which are effective as of March 31, 2017 and December 31, 2016 a:


Type of contract / underlying asset   03/31/2017     12/31/2016  
Futures / foreign currency     211,913       194,131  
Repo transactions     8,642,995       1,220,329  
Forward contracts / foreign currency     102,573       133,935  
Options / Other     173,380       167,721  


Additionally, positions of transactions effective as of March 31, 2017 and December 31, 2016 are as follows:


Transaction   03/31/2017     12/31/2016  
Net position of repurchase agreements     8,577,591       1,181,659  
Net asset position of forward transactions without delivery of the underlying asset     15,620       (56,872 )
Position of call options sold     (173,380 )     (167,721 )


  - 74 -  




(Section 33, Law No. 19,550)


AS OF MARCH 31, 2017

(Translation of financial statements originally issued in Spanish –

See Note 24 to the stand alone financial statements)

(Figures stated in thousands of pesos)




In addition to what was mentioned in Note 13, to the Bank’s stand-alone financial statements, as March 31, 2017 and December 31, 2016, Banco del Tucumán SA manages the following portfolios:


    Managed portfolio as of  
Item   03/31/2017     12/31/2016  
•      On November 30, 2016, Banco del Tucumán SA and Macro Fiducia SA entered into a management and custody agreement regarding the “SECANE V” trust loan portfolio,     33,347       33,685  
•      On December 31, 2008, Banco del Tucumán SA and Macro Fiducia SA entered into a management and custody agreement regarding the “BATUC 1” trust loan portfolio,     15,257       15,280  
•      On July 31, 2006, Banco del Tucumán SA and Macro Fiducia SA entered into a management and custody agreement regarding the “Gas Tucumán I” trust loan portfolio,     9,820       11,463  
•      Other managed portfolios,     4,502       4,658  
Total     62,926       65,086  




In addition to what was mentioned in Note 16, to the Bank’s stand-alone financial statements, the subsidiaries have the following trust agreements as of March 31, 2017 and December 31, 2016:


7.1. Financial trusts for investment purposes


Financial trust   03/31/2017     12/31/2016  
Debt securities     11,102       10,754  
Total     11,102       10,754  


7.2. Trusts created using financial assets transferred by the Bank’s subsidiaries,


In addition to what has been mentioned in Note 16,2,, to the stand-alone financial statements, which includes the trusts created with financial assets transferred by Banco Macro SA, subsidiary Banco del Tucumán SA transferred financial assets (loans) to trusts for the purpose of issuing and selling securities, the collection of which is guaranteed by the cash flow resulting from such assets or group of assets. This way, the funds originally used to finance loans are recovered earlier, increasing the entities lending capacity.


As of March 31, 2017 and December 31, 2016 considering the latest available accounting information as of the date of the financial statements, the trusts’ assets managed by the trustors of these types of trusts amount to 180 and 495, respectively.


7.3. Trusts in which the Bank’s subsidiaries act as trustees (management).


As mentioned in Note 16.4, to the stand-alone financial statements, and in addition to those included in that Note, in these trusts the Bank, through Macro Fiducia SA (subsidiary) only carries out administrative duties regarding the corpus assets, in accordance with the agreements.


As of March 31, 2017 and December 31, 2016, considering the latest available accounting information as of the date of the financial statements, the trusts’ assets managed through Macro Fiducia SA (subsidiary) of these types of trusts amount to 884,083 and 721,538, respectively.


Jorge H. Brito



  - 75 -  





Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereto duly authorized.


Date: May 24, 2017

  By:  /s/ Jorge Francisco Scarinci  
  Name: Jorge Francisco Scarinci  
  Title: Finance Manager  




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