• Full-year 2016 sales down -2.7%, organic sales growth down -2.1%[1]
  • Q4 2016 sales up +0.6%, up +0.2% on an organic basis
  • 18.6% current operating margin in 2016[2]
  • Net attributable income: €118 million
  • Cash flow after capital expenditure: €147 million
  • Proposed dividend per share: €1.70


  • Return to organic growth
  • Maintain current operating margin2 above 18%, with the target of returning above 20.0% margin

Paris, March 28, 2017

Neopost, a global leader in digital communications, shipping and mail solutions, today announced its 2016 annual results (for the financial year ended on January 31, 2017) and fourth-quarter 2016 sales. These financial statements were reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors at its meeting on Monday, March 27, 2017.

In full-year 2016, the Group generated sales of €1,159 million, down -2.7% year-on-year, and down -1.3% excluding currency effects, with organic change of -2.1%. Sales in fourth-quarter 2016 came out at €323 million, up +0.6%, or +1.1% excluding currency effects, compared with the same period in 2015, giving an organic growth of +0.2%.

2016 current operating income before acquisition-related expense was €216 million, down from €234 million in 2015. The Group's current operating margin before acquisition-related expense was 18.6% of sales in 2016 versus 19.7% in 2015.

Net attributable income stood at €118 million. The net margin[3] division was down from 11.2% of sales in 2015 to 10.2%. Cash flow after capital expenditure grew strongly to €147 million.

Denis Thiery, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Neopost, commented: "2016 saw us invest heavily in our transformation and achieve steady growth in our new businesses. Our Enterprise Digital Solutions division consolidated its leadership position, and was named as a leader by research firm Gartner for the fourth year in a row. Neopost Shipping is the only worldwide operator positioned across every aspect of the logistics chain. We are developing a range of digital communication and shipping solutions in our SME Solutions division to mitigate the decline in our legacy businesses. We are also continuing to control costs.

A particular source of satisfaction is the stabilization of our current operating margin2 in the SME Solutions division and strong cash flow generation across the Group.

All in all, our performance in 2016 proves the value of our strategic choices. Looking forward, we confirm our medium-term objectives of returning to organic sales growth, maintaining a current operating margin2 above 18.0%, rising above 20.0% in the longer term."


€ million 2016 2015 Change
Sales 1,159 1,190 -2.7%
Current operating income before acquisition-related expense 216 234  
% of sales 18.6% 19.7%  
Current operating income 203 222 -8.5%
Net attributable income 118 134 -11.5%
% of sales 10.2% 11.2%  
Earnings per share[4] 3.17 3.72 -14.8%
Diluted earnings per share 2.97 3.57 -16.8%


To allow a better understanding of the evolution of its activities, Neopost now details the performance of its divisions Enterprise Digital Solutions and Neopost Shipping separately. Prior to this, they were included under Communication & Shipping Solutions Dedicated Units. There is no change to the scope of SME Solutions. Historic quarterly data for 2016 and 2015 are given in the appendices.


€ million
2016 2015 Change Change at constant exchange rates Organic
Enterprise Digital Solutions (EDS) 137 116 +17.4% +19.4% +11.2%
Neopost Shipping* 53 50 +6.6% +9.7% +7.8%
SME Solutions 991 1,043 -5.0% -3.8% -3.8%
Eliminations (22) (19) - - -
Total 1,159 1,190 -2.7% -1.3% -2.1%

* Including €4.5 million in sales generated by the CVP-500 automated packing solution.


€ million
Q4 2016 Q4 2015 Change Change at constant exchange rates Organic
EDS 43 35 +21.3% +22.3% +12.9%
Neopost Shipping* 16 14 +17.9% +20.3% +20.3%
SME Solutions 271 278 -2.5% -2.2% -2.2%
Eliminations (7) (6) - - -
Total 323 321 +0.6% +1.1% +0.2%

* Including €1.7 million in sales generated by the CVP-500 automated packing solution.

Enterprise Digital Solutions (EDS)

Enterprise Digital Solutions posted a 19.4% increase in sales in full-year 2016 at constant exchange rates. Restated for the scope effects of the acquisition of icon Systemhaus, sales grew +11.2% on an organic basis.

Strong growth continued in Customer Communication Management, while more modest growth rates were recorded in Data Quality now fully integrated.

Fourth-quarter 2016 sales for Enterprise Digital Solutions were up +22.3%, at constant exchange rates. Restated for the scope effects of the acquisition of icon Systemhaus, sales grew +12.9% on an organic basis.

Neopost Shipping

In full-year 2016, Neopost Shipping's sales increased +9.7% at constant exchange rates. Restated for the scope effects of the acquisition of Temando, sales grew +7.8% on an organic basis. In 2015, Neopost had the benefit of a significant contract to deploy an RFID solution for the French Army (Direction générale de l'armement). Restated for this factor, growth in Neopost Shipping was 15% in 2016.

Fourth-quarter 2016 sales in Neopost Shipping were up +20.3% on an organic basis, lifted by the sale of two CVP-500 automated packing solutions in the United States.

SME Solutions

SME Solutions' sales for full-year 2016 were down -5.0% to €991 million, and were down -3.8% at constant exchange rates.

Within this division, sales generated by Communication & Shipping Solutions were up by +2.1%, excluding currency effects. This limited growth is linked to an adverse business cycle in graphic activities. Excluding graphic activities, growth generated by digital communications and shipping solutions was +12% in 2016.

Sales of Mail Solutions decreased -4.6%, excluding currency effects, in persistently tough market conditions. However, the decline is less acute than the -5.3% decrease recorded in 2015. The decline in Mail Solutions was more contained in North America, and steeper in Europe.

In fourth-quarter 2016, sales in the SME Solutions division were down -2.2%, excluding currency effects, compared with the same period in 2015. This moderate decline was due primarily to a better performance in equipment and license sales.

Neopost Group

Communication & Shipping Solutions accounted for 26% of total Group sales in 2016, up from 23% in 2015. The percentage was 28% of sales in Q4 2016.

Acquisitions and Partnerships

Neopost made the following operations in 2016:

  • April 2016: Temando-Magento partnership. Magento, the leading e-commerce platform in the world, chose Temando as its shipping partner to provide its 250,000 clients with a multi-carrier shipping module;
  • May 2016: joint venture with Yamato Transport signed to operate an open network of secure automated parcel lockers for parcel delivery in Japan;
  • July 2016: acquisition of icon Systemhaus, leader in the German market for Customer Communications Management (CCM).


Current operating margin by segment

€ million EDS Neopost Shipping* SME Solutions Total excluding Temando & Innovation Temando Innovation** Total    
Current operating income before acquisition-related expense 21 4 214 239 (11) (12) 216    
Current operating margin before acquisition-related expense 15.6% 8.8% 21.6% 20.8% n/a n/a 18.6%    

€ million EDS Neopost Shipping* SME Solutions Total excluding Temando & Innovation Temando Innovation** Total    
Current operating income before acquisition-related expense 18 3 227 248 (5) (9) 234    
Current operating margin before acquisition-related expense 15.5% 8.1% 21.7% 21.0% n/a n/a 19.7%    

*Excluding Temando
** Innovation include the costs of developing a web-based platform and applications for small businesses, as well as the CVP-500 sales and related expense.

Before acquisition-related expense, the current operating margin for the Enterprise Digital Solutions division remained practically unchanged. It came out at 15.6% compared with 15.5% of sales in 2015. 

Current operating margin before Temando and acquisition-related expense for the Neopost Shipping division was slightly up at 8.8% of sales in 2016 versus 8.1% in 2015.

Current operating margin before acquisition-related expense for the Neopost SME Solutions division was almost stable at 21.6% of sales in 2016 versus 21.7% in 2015. Our new digital communications and shipping businesses are not dilutive and we are continuing to see results from our programs to reduce costs and optimize our organization to adapt to difficult market conditions. During the 2016 fiscal year, the SME Solutions division's net operating expenses were lower by €23 million, following the €13 million reduction in 2015. In the space of two years, Neopost reduced the cost base of this division by €36 million, on course to meet the target of cutting costs by €50 million[6] by the end of 2017.

Before investments in innovation and Temando, the Group's operating margin stabilized at 20.8% in full-year 2016, from 21.0% one year earlier.

Innovation-related expenditure concerned the development of the CVP-500 automated packing system and the development of a web distribution platform and digital applications for small enterprises. The total spent in 2016 was €12 million, including sales of the CVP-500, from €9 million in 2015.

The Group's current operating income before acquisition-related expense came out at €216 million in fiscal year 2016, from €234 million in 2015. Current operating margin before acquisition-related expense was 18.6% of sales, versus 19.7% in 2015.

Acquisition-related expense totaled €13 million in 2016, versus €12 million one year earlier.

2016 current operating income came out at €203 million, compared with €222 million in 2015.

Non-current items

As announced during our 2014 annual results presentation, the Group recognized structural optimization expenses in the amount of €15 million in 2016.

Neopost took the decision in 2016 to change its distribution model in some secondary markets in its SME Solutions division with resulting asset disposals in 2016, and disposals scheduled for 2017. A €7 million charge was booked in 2016. The change in distribution model will have a non-material negative impact on 2017 sales.

After these non-current items, operating income totaled €181 million on January 31, 2017, versus €208 million one year earlier.

Net income

The Group's net attributable income came in at €118 million from €134 million in 2015, which represents a net margin of 10.2%, compared with 11.2% at year-end 2015. Net income per share4 was €3.17, down from €3.72 in the previous year.

The net cost of debt was down to -€30 million from -€33 million in 2015. The coupon on the ODIRNANE bonds[7] is not recognized in the income statement, in accordance with IFRS rules. Interest on the bonds amounted to -€9 million in 2016, versus -€6 million in 2015.

The Group also recorded -€1 million in foreign exchange losses and other financial items in the 2016 financial year, compared with a loss of -€4 million in 2015. Net financial income amounted to -€31 million in 2016, compared with -€37 million in 2015.

The Group's tax rate in 2016 was 25.1%, compared with 24.0% one year earlier, primarily due to a larger share of Group profits in high-tax countries.


EBITDA[8] was €295 million in 2016, versus €310 million in 2015.

The -€9 million reduction in the working capital requirement was due in particular to the increase in trade accounts receivable. In 2015, the -€37 million change was attributable to a VAT payment in the United Kingdom.

The leasing portfolio and other financing services were down -1.8%, at constant exchange rates to €798 million on 31 January 2017, from €814 million on January 31, 2016.

Investments in tangible and intangible fixed assets amounted to €82 million, 4% lower than in 2015.

In total, cash generated by Neopost was higher than in 2015 at €147 million, before acquisitions and dividends, even when restated for the VAT payment, i.e. €101 million.

In terms of external growth, Neopost invested €24 million in acquisitions, mainly for icon Systemhaus, compared with the €28 million spent in 2015, which was primarily for the 55% stake in Temando.

The strong cash flow generation brought net debt down significantly to €763 million on January 31, 2017, from €814 million on January 31, 2016. Neopost points out that its net debt is fully backed by future cash flow expected from its rental and leasing activities.

On January 31, 2017, shareholders' equity was €1,139 million, up from €1,069 million for the previous year.

As such, gearing came out at 67% of shareholders' equity compared with 76% on January 31, 2016. The leverage ratio (net debt/EBITDA) remained stable at 2.6 on January 31, 2017. All banking covenants are met.

Capital allocation policy: DIVIDEND of €1.70 per share

According to the capital allocation policy announced in September 2015, the Board of Directors will submit its proposed dividend of €1.70 per share in respect of fiscal year 2016, for the approval of the Annual General Meeting on June 30, 2017. If approved, the balance of €0.90 per share will be paid on August 8, 2017, following payment of an interim dividend of €0.80 per share on February 7, 2017. The final 2016 dividend will be paid entirely in cash, as was the interim dividend.

In September 2015, the Group committed to the dividend payment of €1.70 per share for fiscal 2015, 2016, and 2017.


The transformation of Neopost continues:

  • in the Enterprise Digital Solutions division, the Group continues to invest to firmly anchor its leadership position and will benefit from icon Systemhaus' complementary range. The Group is targeting growth in excess of 10% per year and improved profit margins;
  • in Neopost Shipping division, the Group's offering is now established and will be rolled out to generate significant organic growth and improve profitability;
  • in SME Solutions division, the Group is accelerating the roll-out of digital and shipping solutions to mitigate the decline in sales of mail solutions. Meanwhile, Neopost will continue to lower net costs by at least €50 million6 by January 31, 2018 in order to stabilize its operating margin around 22%;
  • in addition, the Group will carry on investing in innovation with an annual average budget of €10 million.

This strategy is designed to return Neopost to organic sales growth in the medium term. It will also ensure the Group maintains a current operating margin, before acquisition-related expense, above 18.0% throughout the period of transformation, and return it to above 20.0% (before acquisition-related expense) in the long-term.

The Group also intends to hold sufficient cash flow to sustain growth, meet its dividend distribution commitments and maintain a solid balance sheet structure.

Meeting webcast

Neopost has scheduled a meeting in Paris on March 29, 2017 which will be webcast simultaneously starting at 9 a.m. Paris time/8 a.m. London time. The meeting will be held in English. To join the webcast, go to Please go to the site 15 minutes ahead of time to register for the webcast and download and install the audio software as required. The recording of the webcast meeting will be available for a period of one year.


First-quarter 2017 sales will be published on June 1st, 2017 after market close.

NEOPOST is a global leader in digital communications, shipping and mail solutions. Its mission is to guide and support organizations in how they send and receive communications and goods, helping them better connect with their business environment through hardware, software and services. Neopost supplies innovative user-friendly solutions for physical and digital communications management for large enterprises and SMEs, as well as shipping processes for supply-chain and e-commerce players. With a strong local presence in 31 countries and over 6,000 employees, Neopost works closely with a network of partners in order to market its solutions in more than 90 countries. In 2016, Neopost reported sales of €1.2 billion. Neopost is listed in Compartment A of Euronext Paris and belongs notably to the SBF 120 index.

For more information, please contact:

Gaële Le Men, Neopost FTI Consulting
Financial, External, & Internal
Communications Director
Arnaud de Cheffontaines
Cosme Julien-Madoni
Tel: +33 (0)1 45 36 31 39 Tel: +33 (0)1 47 03 68 19
E-mail: E-mail:

Or visit our website:



  • Enterprise Digital Solutions (EDS): division offering Customer Communication Management and Data Quality solutions for large companies
  • Neopost Shipping: division offering management solutions for shipping and delivery; tracking of goods and merchandise for players in e-commerce, distribution and carriers
  • SME Solutions: division offering Mail Solutions products and services for small and mid-sized enterprises, the Group's long-standing customers. This division also delivers digital, shipping and graphic solutions for the same customer base
  • Mail Solutions: mailing systems, document management systems (folder/inserters for office and mailroom; other mail room equipment) and related services
  • Communication & Shipping Solutions: digital solutions software (customer communication management and data quality software), shipping and graphic solutions

Change in sales by activities

€ million Q4 2016 Q4 2015 Change Change at constant exchange rates Organic
  2016 2015 Change Change at constant exchange rates Organic
Mail solutions 234 240 -2.8% -2.3% -2.3%   859 912 -5.9% -4.6% -4.6%
Communication & Shipping Solutions 89 81 +10.8% +11.4% +7.5%   300 278 +7.9% +9.7% +6.1%
Total 323 321 +0.6% +1.1% +0.2%   1,159 1,190 -2.7% -1.3% -2.1%

Change in sales by region

€ million Q4 2016 Q4 2015 Change Change at constant exchange rates Organic
  2016 2015 Change Change at constant exchange rates Organic
North America 142 138 +2.4% +0.8% +0.8%   516 516 -0.1% +0.2% +0.2%
Europe 159 161 -0.8% +2.2% +0.4%   558 591 -5.6% -2.9% -4.3%
and others
22 22 +0.0% -4.7% -4.6%   85 83 +2.2% +1.3% +0.3%
Total 323 321 +0.6% +1.1% +0.2%   1,159 1,190 -2.7% -1.3% -2.1%

Change in sales by revenue type

€ million Q4 2016 Q4 2015 Change Change at constant exchange rates Organic
  2016 2015 Change Change at constant exchange rates Organic change1
Equipment and license sales 117 114 +2.3% +3.1% +2.9%   382 408 -6.6% -5.1% -5.8%
Recurring revenue 206 207 -0.3% +0.0% -1.3%   777 782 -0.6% +0.7% -0.1%
Total 323 321 +0.6% +1.1% +0.2%   1,159 1,190 -2.7% -1.3% -2.1%


Consolidated income statement

(year ending January 31, 2017)
(year ending January 31, 2016)

€ million
  %   %
Sales 1,159 100.0% 1,190 100.0%
Cost of sales (294) -25.3% (300) -25.2%
Gross margin 865 74.7% 890 74.8%
R&D expenses (52) -4.5% (44) -3.7%
Sales and marketing expenses (293) (25.4)% (312) -26.2%
Administrative expenses (197) -17.0% (196) -16.4%
Service and other operating expenses (107) -9.2% (101) -8.5%
Employee profit-sharing and share-based payments 0 0.0% (3) -0.3%
Current operating income before acquisition-related expense 216 18.6% 234 19.7%
Acquisition-related expense (13) -1.1% (12) -1.1%
Current operating income 203 17.5% 222 18.6%
Proceeds from asset disposals 0 0,0% 0 0,0%
Structure optimization expenses (15) -1.3% (14) -1.1%
Other operating expense (7) -0.6% - -
Operating income 181 15.6% 208 17.5%
Financial income/(expenses) (31) -2.6% (37) -3.1%  
Income before taxes 150 13.0% 171 14.4%  
Income taxes (37) -3.3% (41) -3.5%  
Share of results of associated companies 1 0.1% 1 0.1%  
Net income 114 9.8% 131 11.0%  
Minority interests 4 0.4% 3 0.2%  
Net attributable income 118 10.2% 134 11.2%  


Summary consolidated balance sheet

€ million
January 31, 2017 January 31, 2016
Goodwill 1,121 1,096
Intangible assets 223 214
Fixed assets 132 135
Other non-current financial assets 53 56
Leasing receivables 798 814
Other non-current receivables 3 4
Deferred tax assets 17 14
Inventories 72 76
Trade receivables 269 249
Other current assets 100 110
Financial instruments 0 0
Cash and cash equivalents 96 75
Assets discontinuing activities 2 -
TOTAL ASSETS 2,886 2,843

€ million
January 31, 2017 January 31, 2016
Shareholders' equity 1,139 1,069
Long term provisions 28 26
Non-current financial debt 753 776
Other non-current liabilities 50 65
Current financial debt 106 113
Deferred tax liabilities 197 186
Non-current financial instruments 0 1
Deferred income 217 214
Current financial instruments 1 0
Other current liabilities 395 393


Simplified cash flow statement

€ million
(year ending January 31, 2017)
(year ending January 31, 2016)
EBITDA 295 310
Other elements (20) (16)
Cash flow before net cost of debt and tax 275 294
Change in the working capital requirement (9) (37)
Net change in leasing receivables 15 (22)
Cash flow from operating activities 281 235
Interest and tax paid (52) (85)
Net cash flow from operating activities 229 150
Capital expenditure (82) (86)
Net cash flow after investing activities 147 64
Acquisition of shares and granting of loans (24) (28)
Disposals of assets and other 3 0
Net cash flow after acquisitions and disposals 126 36
Capital increase 0 0
Dividends paid (59) (134)
Change in debt and other (51) (220)
Net cash flow from financing activities (110) (354)
Impact of exchange rates on cash 11 (15)
Change in net cash position 27 (333)



€ million
Q1 2016 Q1 2015 Change Change at constant exchange rates Organic
EDS 27 24 +11.3% +15.0% +15.0%
Neopost Shipping * 11 12 -4.3% -1.4% -8.5%
SME Solutions 239 254 -6.0% -4.0% -4.0%
Eliminations (4) (4) - - -
Total 273 286 -4.7% -2.5% -2.8%

*Including €0.1 million in sales generated by the CVP-500 automated packing solution.


€ million
Q2 2016 Q2 2015 Change Change at constant exchange rates Organic
EDS 32 28 +11.6% +14.6% +11.4%
Neopost Shipping * 13 13 +4.5% +7.8% +7.9%
SME Solutions 245 264 -7.2% -5.6% -5.6%
Eliminations (6) (5) - - -
Total 284 300 -5.4% -3.5% -3.8%

*Including €1.3 million in sales generated by the CVP-500 automated packing solution.


€ million
Q3 2016 Q3 2015 Change Change at constant exchange rates Organic
EDS 35 28 +23.3% +24.3% +6.2%
Neopost Shipping* 13 12 +6.5% +10.6% +10.8%
SME Solutions 237 248 -4.3% -3.4% -3.4%
Eliminations (5) (4) - - -
Total 280 284 -1.5% -0.4% -2.1%

* Including €1.4 million in sales generated by the CVP-500 automated packing solution.

€ million Q4 2016 Q4 2015 Change Change at constant exchange rates Organic
EDS 43 35 +21.3% +22.3% +12.9%
Neopost Shipping* 16 14 +17.9% +20.3% +20.3%
SME Solutions 271 278 -2.5% -2.2% -2.2%
Eliminations (7) (6) - - -
Total 323 321 +0.6% +1.1% +0.2%

* Including €1.7 million in sales generated by the CVP-500 automated packing solution.

[1] 2016 sales are compared with 2015 sales, with the addition of €9.5 million which accounts for sales generated by Temando and Icon Systemhaus.

[2] Excluding acquisition-related expense

[3] Net margin = Net attributable income / total sales.

[4] Earnings per Share are computed after deduction of dividends paid to Ordinane bonds holders.

[5] Q4 2016 sales are compared with Q4 2015 sales, with the addition of €3.0 million which accounts for sales generated by Icon Systemhaus.

6 Relative to the 2014 cost base

7 ODIRNANE = convertible perpetual bond issue recognized in equity in accordance with IFRS accounting rules

8 EBITDA = current operating income + provisions for depreciation of tangible and intangible fixed assets

9 Q1 2016 sales are compared with Q1 2015 sales, with the addition of €0.9 million which accounts for sales generated by Temando

10 Q2 2016 sales are compared with Q2 2015 sales, with the addition of €0.8 million which accounts for sales generated by icon Systemhaus

11 Q3 2016 sales are compared with Q4 2015 sales, with the addition of €4.8 million which accounts for sales generated by Icon Systemhaus


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The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.
Source: NEOPOST via Globenewswire