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Pursuant to Section 13 OR 15(d) of The Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Date of Report:  November 20, 2014
(Date of earliest event reported)

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Item 7.01
Regulation FD Disclosure

The information in this report shall not be treated as filed for purposes of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. 

On November 20, 2014, Intel Corporation presented business and financial information to institutional investors, analysts, members of the press and the general public at a publicly available webcast meeting (the "Investor Meeting").  Attached hereto as Exhibits 99.1, 99.2, and 99.3, and incorporated by reference herein are the Investor Meeting presentations made by Diane Bryant, Senior Vice President, General Manager, Data Center Group; Kirk Skaugen, Senior Vice President, General Manager, PC Client Group; and Renée James, President of Intel, whose presentation included the following guest speakers: Hermann Eul, Vice President, General Manager, Mobile and Communications Group; Doug Davis, Vice President, General Manager, Internet of Things Group; Rob Crooke, Vice President, General Manager, Non-Volatile Memory Solutions Group. During the course of the Investor Meeting, the company's executives discussed Intel's business update. The presentations include forward-looking statements and accompanying Risk Factors.  These presentations are among the several presentations made by Intel executives at the Investor Meeting, each of which may be found at intc.com.

Item 9.01
Financial Statements and Exhibits

(d) Exhibits.

The following exhibits are filed as part of this Report:
Exhibit Number
Investor Meeting Presentation by Diane Bryant, dated November 20, 2014
Investor Meeting Presentation by Kirk Skaugen, dated November 20, 2014
Investor Meeting Presentation by Renée James, including presentations made by each of Hermann Eul, Doug Davis, and Rob Crooke, dated November 20, 2014

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.
November 20, 2014
/s/ Cary I. Klafter
Cary I. Klafter
Corporate Secretary

Please see corresponding attached PDF
 Diane Bryant  Senior Vice President & General ManagerData Center Group 
 Big industry trends fuel data center growth  Key Messages  Investing to win across workloads & segments  Revenue CAGR at 15% through 2018*  *Forecast is based on current expectations and is subject to change without notice Source: Intel  
   Capitalizing on Industry Trends  Move to Digital Service Economy    Build out of the CLOUD        Resulting in Four Data Center Growth Drivers  Cloud  NFV / SDN  HPC  Big Data  Jevons Paradox    Leads tonew usages    Billionsof connected DEVICES    NewSERVICES    Increase in technology efficiency       Increases rate of consumption       
 Jevons Paradox    Next efficiency transformation Cloud Architecture & NFV / SDN  00101010101010101010100010100101100110110101  00101010101010101010100010100101100110110101    Impact of high volume x86 servers1996-2014  0  SHV servers delivered 80% system cost savings over RISC & drove 625% increase in volume  $  Mu  0  1996  2014F  Move to virtualization fuels growth Revenue 2009-2014  5X improvement in server utilization results in 17% revenue CAGR  0  $  Rev CAGR 17% 
 Data Center Transformation  Cloud ServiceProvider  AWSDeployed 729 TFLOP HPC cluster, 71K cores in 60 min    TencentDeployed NFV / SDN for Cloud network  Technical Computing    PaypalSemantic analysis using HPC for detecting anomalous transactions  Telco ServiceProvider    China MobileBig Data solution for billing inquiry service    China Telecom + VMwareDelivering hybrid cloud, IaaS    Enterprise IT    In 2014, 12% of Enterprise IT deploying private cloud    UBSNFV/SDN connecting a Hadoop cluster for banking operations  Cloud  NFV / SDN  HPC  Big Data  Growth Drivers Underlie All Segments  Sources: RightScale 2014 State of the Cloud Report, Amazon 
 Compute Capacity Drives Purchase Decision  Shipped Compute* CAGR +39%  Unit CAGR +5%  ASP CAGR +6%  *SpecInt x Volume        AdvancedSKUs  StandardSKUs  BasicSKUs  100%  New  0%      00101010101010101010100010100101100110110101  00101010101010101010100010100101100110110101  Increased capacity per system drives up processor mix 70% of volume moves up over 4 years  Analyzing DCG Growth  2 Socket Xeon Processor Mix  Shipped Compute Capacity  Volume & ASP  F 
       00101010101010101010100010100101100110110101  00101010101010101010100010100101100110110101    Compute Capacity Drives End-user Value  SKU selection provides Up to 44% TCO savings over 4 years  Cost / Bandwidth  Server A  Server B  CPU  Haswell, 10 cores  Haswell, 6 cores  RAM  256GB  256GB  Avg. System Cost  $10,519  $7,519  # of Servers  10  19  4-year TCO  $543,932  $977,672  Amazon’s TCO Analysis  Enterprise IT TCO      00101010101010101010100010100101100110110101  00101010101010101010100010100101100110110101    Customized SKU provides Up to 14% more performance for 2-4% incremental TCO   
 Data Center Growth Forecast  88%  78%  22%  12%  15% Rev CAGR  Data Center Revenue Forecast  Data Center Portfolio Diversifying 
       New Architectures  CLOUD      NFV / SDN      Four Growth Drivers    HPC      BIG DATA      New Usages                         
     Jevons Paradox: Cloud Architecture  Increased efficiency through the CloudRevenue Acceleration: Easier to create new apps and servicesOpEx Efficiency: Automation of the data centerCapEx Efficiency: Maximize use of system resources        Traditional  System 1  App    System 2    App  Virtualized  Shared resources  App  Virtualization    System 1    System 2  Virtualization  App  App  App  Cloud  Self-serviceAutomationMulti-tenant Measured services  Orchestration    System 1    System N  Virtualization  Virtualization  App  App  App  App  App  App  …    = Resource Utilization                   
 Annual Intel CPU sales  Cloud Computing Growth  60%  68%  64%  57%  62%  55%  2%  3%  6%  8%  52% CAGR  10s of CSPs  100s of CSPs                  00101010101010101010100010100101100110110101  00101010101010101010100010100101100110110101  Connected Devices + Apps + New Services + New Service Providers  Forecast is subject to change without notice  Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. 
 Public Cloud SPs: Exposing Intel Value  45 Cloud Service Providers branding Intel Inside cloud services     IBM Soft Layer    AWS EC2  Applications & Services  Intel PlatformSystem Telemetry Exposed  Performance  Security  Cost  Ease              Powered by  CloudTechnology    ’09-’14RevenueCAGR  69%    ’09-’14  94%  10% increase in MSS to  Cloud Software Stack  Source: Intel  Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. 
       New Architectures  CLOUD      NFV / SDN      Four Growth Drivers    HPC      BIG DATA      New Usages                         
 Mindspeed & Avago Acquisitions  Network Infrastructure  Data Center Network  Wireless / Wireline Infrastructure  STEP 1: Consolidate workloads on Intel Architecture  Core                                                                          STEP 2: Virtualize & automate the network (NFV / SDN)                  Switch                    Macro Base Station  Small Cell        IA Enabled Across the Network  Backbone  Router                 
       00101010101010101010100010100101100110110101  00101010101010101010100010100101100110110101  NFV / SDN Growth  Accelerated network transformation    2011  NFV Research Results      2012  9 Use Case Definitions  2013  Proof-of-Concepts      2014  Pilots + 1st Commercial Deployments          “…demonstrating 320G half duplex, or greater than 2x better than competitor offers, for a virtualized Provider Edge routing application in a single x86 server. “ - November 12, 2013  Alcatel-Lucent brings IP routing to cloud with most complete portfolio of virtualized IP Edge router functions  Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. 
 Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. 
 Maximizing Intel Opportunity & Return  20147.5% MSS 2.5pts YoY    00101010101010101010100010100101100110110101  2014First $1B+ Year  00101010101010101010100010100101100110110101  Growing Network Opportunity  Network SAM  11x increase  $17.5B  0  $  2008  2014F  Growing Intel Revenue  3x in 6 years  0  $  Forecast is subject to change without notice 
 NFV / SDN Ecosystem Growth      Intel® Network Builders Program Growing the ecosystem to accelerate NFV and SDN solutions  >100 members enabling IA-based open standards solutions for Networking  Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. 
       New Architectures  CLOUD      NFV / SDN      Four Growth Drivers    HPC      BIG DATA      New Usages                         
 High Performance Computing Growth  Sources: Top 500.org, hpcuserforum, HPCwire, IDC, Intel      $174M “Trinity”  62%Top 500FLOP CAGR  71%Intel Top 500FLOP CAGR  0%  100%  Top 500 MSS  86%  33%  Government & Research      Real-time analytics   Genomic sequencing   % of HPC spend in Public Cloud  TODAY  BY 2017  Big Data  Cloud  ~10%  ~20%  New Usages      70% to 92%XeonMSS  Move from Physical to Digital  2003-2013  11%XeonUnit CAGR  Commercial  Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. 
 HPC: Maximizing Intel Value  #1 supercomputer runs on Xeon Phi2nd gen design wins > 1st gen sales to date>50 system providers committed    Maximize Si Opportunity  TrueScale Infiniband growth 50% YoYDesign wins for Omni Path integrated fabricHPC software stack investment    Expand System Capability  Advance the Parallel Ecosystem    41 Intel Parallel Computing Centers14 countries70+ apps  Source: Intel 
       New Architectures  CLOUD      NFV / SDN      Four Growth Drivers    HPC      BIG DATA      New Usages                         
       00101010101010101010100010100101100110110101  00101010101010101010100010100101100110110101    Jevons Paradox: Big Data Growth  New discoveries drive massive amounts of compute & storage  Average Server Cost2003-2013  40%  Storage Cost / GB2003-2013  90%  Big Data TAM   Sources: IDC WW Big Data Forecast 2014-2018, Intel estimates  $13BTAM  $41BTAM         
       00101010101010101010100010100101100110110101  00101010101010101010100010100101100110110101  Big Data: Maximizing Intel Value  Accelerate implementation of Big Data solutions through optimized platform & tangible proof points  Addressing a $41B TAM by 2018Dramatic server growth YoYHadoop optimized for IAIndustry enabling with PaaSBuilds upon full Intel portfolio: Xeon, Xeon Phi, fabrics, flash, FPGA            A-wear  Wearables-to-Analytics Developer Platform  Source: IDC WW Big Data Forecast 2014-2018  Hadoop Distribution  Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. 
             BIG DATA analytics  An Intel Company  Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. 
       Products and Technologies  Processors: Standard to Custom      Silicon Photonics      Rack Scale Architecture                       
   STANDARD SILICON  CUSTOM LOGIC ENABLING  SYSTEM DESIGN SERVICES  CUSTOM CPU OPTIMIZATIONS  CUSTOMER FEATURE INTEGRATION  FULL CUSTOM CPU  Standard to Custom Roadmap  Inclusion of customer’s IP in standard product  Board design, electrical, mechanical  Proprietary interface licensing & support  Performance enhancements to match customer workload  Customer specified product  Grantley7 node controllers3 FPGAs1 memory ASIC  Grantley10 motherboards28 NICs  Grantley35 SKUs  4 in Grantley2 in development  >10 customer engagements  In the past 4 months, custom CPUs launched  100s SKUs    C4  Azure-G  Exalogic Elastic Cloud  MoonshotXeon with Intel® Iris Graphics  Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. 
         2015    HPCCopper Replacement  Silicon Photonics  Shipping Now    Data CentersFiber Optic Replacement          2015  Rack Scale ArchitectureCopper Replacement  I/O = 30% of System Cost  Remove density constraints  Serviceability & reliability  Lower power  Cost / Bandwidth Density  100G  400G  1TB  Intel Silicon Photonics  x  y  z  Other Silicon Photonics  ~2x  ~3y  ~4z  Discrete Fiber  ~3x  ~6y  ~10z  100Gb/s in Rack    100Gb/s  Copper  limited to 3m    100 Gb/s  Silicon Photonics  reach of up to 2km  Disruptive Cost Structure    3 Market Opportunities  Only fully integrated silicon solution; benefitting from Moore’s Law  Source: Intel 
 Silicon Photonics: Moving Data with Lasers  Silicon Photonics Revenue Forecast  0  $  100% CAGR    Design Wins  Source: Intel    Multiple suppliers commercializing MXC standard   Industry Standard Cabling & Connectors    Intel Silicon Photonics module  Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. 
   Rack Scale Architecture      With Cloud the rack becomes the unit of computeCompose & decompose resources dynamically based on application need  Up to 3X fewer cables  Up to 1.5X servers per rack  Intel Ethernet controller & switch  Intel Silicon Photonics  Intel SSD    Customers & Partners  2015  Up to 5X reduction in provisioned power 
 Leadership roadmap across Server, Storage & NetworkCustomization for targeted workloads~$2B annual R&D investmentBroadest ecosystem & compatibility Best perf / TCO  Competition  Any time I work out the cost models, it’s not quite there. Intel is also easier to work with on some of the custom work that Amazon requires. - James Hamilton, vice president for Amazon Web Services    High interest in data center business      16  12  vendors        00101010101010101010100010100101100110110101  00101010101010101010100010100101100110110101  Why Intel  Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. 
 Data Center Summary  Industry trends create continued revenue growth opportunitiesInvesting to win across Server, Storage, networkPerformance and TCO leadershipExpanding technology portfolio – fabrics, silicon photonics, customization driving revenue growthRevenue CAGR of ~15% through 2018  Data Center Revenue Forecast  15% Rev CAGR  Cloud  NFV / SDN  HPC  Big Data 
 For More Information  Big Data Analytics in Retail      00101010101010101010100010100101100110110101  00101010101010101010100010100101100110110101  Demos  Rack Scale Architecture  Silicon Photonics in HPC  NFV Service Chaining 
 Legal Disclaimers  Software and workloads used in performance tests may have been optimized for performance only on Intel microprocessors. Performance tests, such as SYSmark and MobileMark, are measured using specific computer systems, components, software, operations and functions. Any change to any of those factors may cause the results to vary.  You should consult other information and performance tests to assist you in fully evaluating your contemplated purchases, including the performance of that product when combined with other products.  All dates, forecasts and products specified in this presentation are subject to change without notice.  This presentation will not be updated to reflect any such changes. Copyright 2014 Intel Corporation. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. 
 Risk Factors  The statements in the presentations and other commentary that refer to plans and expectations for the fourth quarter, the year and the future are forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Words such as “anticipates,” “expects,” “intends,” “plans,” “believes,” “seeks,” “estimates,” “may,” “will,” “should” and their variations identify forward-looking statements. Statements that refer to or are based on projections, uncertain events or assumptions also identify forward-looking statements. Many factors could affect Intel’s actual results, and variances from Intel’s current expectations regarding such factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in these forward-looking statements. Intel presently considers the following to be important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the company’s expectations.  Demand for Intel’s products is highly variable and could differ from Intel’s expectations due to factors including changes in the business and economic conditions; consumer confidence or income levels; customer acceptance of Intel’s and competitors’ products;  competitive and pricing pressures, including actions taken by competitors; supply constraints and other disruptions affecting customers; changes in customer order patterns including order cancellations; and changes in the level of inventory at customers.Intel’s gross margin percentage could vary significantly from expectations based on capacity utilization; variations in inventory valuation, including variations related to the timing of qualifying products for sale; changes in revenue levels; segment product mix; the timing and execution of the manufacturing ramp and associated costs; excess or obsolete inventory; changes in unit costs; defects or disruptions in the supply of materials or resources; and product manufacturing quality/yields.  Variations in gross margin may also be caused by the timing of Intel product introductions and related expenses, including marketing expenses, and Intel’s ability to respond quickly to technological developments and to introduce new features into existing products, which may result in restructuring and asset impairment charges. Intel operates in highly competitive industries and its operations have high costs that are either fixed or difficult to reduce in the short term.  The declaration and rate of dividend payments and the amount and timing of Intel’s stock buyback program are at the discretion of Intel’s board of directors, and plans for future dividends and stock buy backs and could be affected by changes in Intel’s priorities for the use of cash, such as operational spending, capital spending, acquisitions, and because of changes to Intel’s cash flows and changes in tax laws.Intel’s expected  tax rate is based on current tax law and current expected income and may be affected by the jurisdictions in which profits are determined to be earned and taxed; changes in the estimates of credits, benefits and deductions; the resolution of issues arising from tax audits with various authorities, including payment of interest and penalties; and the ability to realize deferred tax assets.  Gains or losses from equity securities and interest and other could vary from expectations depending on gains or losses on the sale, exchange, change in the fair value or impairments of debt and equity investments; interest rates; cash balances; and changes in fair value of derivative instruments. Intel's results could be affected by adverse economic, social, political and physical/infrastructure conditions in countries where Intel, its customers or its suppliers operate, including military conflict and other security risks, natural disasters, infrastructure disruptions, health concerns and fluctuations in currency exchange rates.  Intel’s results could be affected by the timing of closing of acquisitions, divestitures and other significant transactions.Intel's results could be affected by adverse effects associated with product defects and errata (deviations from published specifications), and by litigation or regulatory matters involving intellectual property, stockholder, consumer, antitrust, disclosure and other issues. An unfavorable ruling could include monetary damages or an injunction prohibiting Intel from manufacturing or selling one or more products, precluding particular business practices, impacting Intel’s ability to design its products, or requiring other remedies such as compulsory licensing of intellectual property.A detailed discussion of these and other factors that could affect Intel’s results is included in Intel’s SEC filings, including the company’s most recent Form 10-Q, Form 10-K and earnings release. 

Please see corresponding attached PDF.
 Kirk Skaugen  Senior VP, GM PC Client Group 
 “PC”=Personal ComputerStrategies and Innovation to Transform the PC are Paying Off   Key Messages: PC Computing  New User Experiences Will Accelerate PC Refresh  Performance Requirements Growing Again In Broad # of Segments  1.5minute 
 “PC”=Personal ComputerStrategies and Innovation to Transform the PC are Paying Off   Key Messages: PC Computing  New User Experiences Will Accelerate PC Refresh  Performance Requirements Growing Again In Broad # of Segments 
     Investor Meeting 2013  Revenue  Up Single Digits Operating Margin  Up Double Digits  2014 Forecast*   *Forecast based on Intel estimates  1minute 
 Intel Unit Growth  PC TAM Stabilized  The PC Market Landscape  Source: Intel Estimates    Mu  318  315  Range  Gartner TAM365  IDC TAM291  Forecast  Source: IDCSource: Gartner, Forecast: PCs, Ultramobiles and Mobile Phones, Worldwide, 2011-2018, 3Q14 Update, Ranjit Atwal, 9/16/14 
 Installed Base = Opportunity    Source: Intel  ~600Mu PCs 4+ Years Old are Ripe for Refresh  1 minutes 
     Client Platform & OS InnovationThe Best We Have Seen    Desktop  Notebook and 2 in 1s  1 minutes 
     Client Platform & OS InnovationThe Best We Have Seen    Desktop  Notebook and 2 in 1s  Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.  1 minutes 
 Ultrabook™ IntroductionDrive To Thin  Added Touch  2 in 1Added Chrome OS Support   Unveils New 2010 Intel® Core™ Processor Family  A Multi-Year Journey to Re-invent the Notebook    2nd Generation Intel® Core™ Processor        3rd Generation Intel® Core™ Processor      4th Generation Intel® Core™ Processor      2011  2012  2013/2014     Intel® Core™ Processor          2010    1.5 minutes 
     2 in 1 Momentum  +150%  Retail Sales   Source: Retail Sales (NPD / GfK)  2 in 1 Buyers Refresh Their PC ~1 Year EarlierThan Notebook Buyers  1Source: Intel  ~56%of 2 in 1 Buyers Had Considered Buying a Tablet Instead1  1.5 minutes  >10%  2 in1 Shareof 9-12”    >70 2 in 1 Designs in MarketTracking 50+ at SPP <$699 
 Intel® Core™ M vs. 4 Year Old Laptop    2x Performance   Laptop Only  2x Battery Life    ½ Weight  4 Hrs with 62 Wh Battery  Performance based on SYSmark* 2014. Intel® Core™ M 5Y70 compared to Intel® Core™ i5-520UM. Weight based on Intel® Core™ M processor based 2 in1 based on Intel® FFRD Llama MountainOld PC is OEM laptop with Intel® Core™ i5-520UM and 62WHr battery, 3lbs weight, 1.1 inch thick. Tablet is based on Apple* iPad Air weight 1 lbSoftware and workloads used in performance tests may have been optimized for performance only on Intel microprocessors. Performance tests, such as SYSmark and MobileMark, are measured using specific computer systems, components, software, operations and functions. Any change to any of those factors may cause the results to vary. You should consult other information and performance tests to assist you in fully evaluating your contemplated purchases, including the performance of that product when combined with other products. For more information go to http://www.intel.com/performance   >3 Pounds   Baseline  2 Devices in 1  Your 4 Year Old Laptop  Intel® Core™ M Processor-based 2 In 1  Hold up 4 Year old PC in contrast to Core M Chi and or Yoga Pro 3  2 minutes 
 Innovation at Entry Price Points  Winning in Chrome OS  Ramping in the Entry, Cost Optimized Segment  1.5 minutes  Note: MSS and volumes above are comprised of GFK/NPD WW Retail + NAR Education/Business (NPD Reseller + NPD Distributor data)  Forecast  Entry is defined as Intel Celeron and Pentium brands  Bay Trail % of Celeron®/Pentium® 
     Business Client Innovation  “Our primary responsibility is to manage the customer’s environment, and Intel vPro™ technology is a requirement to have well-managed PCs.”  — Bob Berry, ITPRO    Record vPro™ Shipments in 2014  Coming in 1H 2015:  1.5 minutes  >100mu    Source: Intel 
     Entry  Windows and Chrome New 14nm value(Braswell)    Business  New Core™ M 2 in 1svPro™ security & mgmt.Small biz skus      Mainstream  Continue shift to thin & light and long battery lifeRamp 14nm 5th Generation Core®  Strategy for Notebook and 2 in 1: 2015      2:1  Core™ M rampDetachable for premium tablet MSSConvertible for PC refresh      Premium  New enthusiast skusIris® & Iris Pro graphics and media   1.5 minutes 
   Mini  Grow # of CPU skusEstablish consumer segment Expand mini TAM with Steambox  Strategy for Desktops: 2015       All in One  Add entry system price-pointsExpand multi-user software availabilityAccelerate portable AIO innovation      Entry  Embracing China tech ecosystemFirst time buyer programs      Business  Form factor innovationNew SMB offeringsvPro™ security & mgmt. for IT      Enthusiast  Embrace with new enthusiast skus  1.5 minutes 
 “PC”=Personal ComputerStrategies and Innovation to Transform the PC are Paying Off   Key Messages: PC Computing  New User Experiences Will Accelerate PC Refresh  Performance Requirements Growing Again In Broad # of Segments 
             Performance Important to Both Value and Enthusiasts  Chromebooks … Up to 2.4x* Better with IACore™ M Delivering Up to 3x* Performance vs. ARM*New Usages with 3D Cameras Enthusiast Gamers Also Going Mobile       Also, 3D camera with CPU utilization meter  3 minutes  *Source: Intel® Corporation. Data based on WebXPRT 2013Configurations:Acer* Chromebook 13 with Nvidia* Tegra* K1 – Chrome OS v38, 4GB  DDR3L SDRAM, 32GB SSD, 13.3” Display 1366x768Acer* C720 with Intel® Core™ i3-4005U Processor – Chrome OS v38, 4GB  DDR3L SDRAM, 32GB SSD, 13.3” Display 1366x768 Disclaimers: Software and workloads used in performance tests may have been optimized for performance only on Intel microprocessors. Performance tests, such as SYSmark and MobileMark, are measured using specific computer systems, components, software, operations and functions. Any change to any of those factors may cause the results to vary. You should consult other information and performance tests to assist you in fully evaluating your contemplated purchases, including the performance of that product when combined with other products. For more information go to http://www.intel.com/performanceIntel is a sponsor and member of the BenchmarkXPRT Development Community, and was the major developer of the XPRT family of benchmarks.  Principled Technologies is the publisher of the XPRT family of benchmarks.  You should consult other information and performance tests to assist you in fully evaluating your contemplated purchases.   Configuration: Intel® Core™ M-5Y10 Processor (up to 2.00GHz, 4T/2C, 4M Cache) On Intel Reference Platform. BIOS: v80.1 Graphics: Intel® HD Graphics (driver v.15.36.3650) Memory: 4 GB (2x2GB) Dual Channel LPDDR3-1600 SDD: Intel® 160GB OS: Windows* 8.1 Update RTM Samsung* Galaxy Note Pro 12.2, Qualcomm* Snapdragon S800 2.3GHz, 4T/4C, 3GB RAM  Sony* Xperia Z2 , Qualcomm* Snapdragon S801 2.33GHz, 4T/4C, 3GB RAM.  
 Performance IA vs. ARM  *Source: Intel® Corporation. Data based on WebXPRT 2013Configurations:Acer* Chromebook 13 with Nvidia* Tegra* K1 – Chrome OS v38, 4GB  DDR3L SDRAM, 32GB SSD, 13.3” Display 1366x768Acer* C720 with Intel® Core™ i3-4005U Processor – Chrome OS v38, 4GB  DDR3L SDRAM, 32GB SSD, 13.3” Display 1366x768 Disclaimers: Software and workloads used in performance tests may have been optimized for performance only on Intel microprocessors. Performance tests, such as SYSmark and MobileMark, are measured using specific computer systems, components, software, operations and functions. Any change to any of those factors may cause the results to vary. You should consult other information and performance tests to assist you in fully evaluating your contemplated purchases, including the performance of that product when combined with other products. For more information go to http://www.intel.com/performanceIntel is a sponsor and member of the BenchmarkXPRT Development Community, and was the major developer of the XPRT family of benchmarks.  Principled Technologies is the publisher of the XPRT family of benchmarks.  You should consult other information and performance tests to assist you in fully evaluating your contemplated purchases.   Up to 2.4X*  Up to 3X*  Intel® Core™ i3 Processor Performance on Chromebook™  Intel® Core™ M Processor Performance   WebXPRT 2013 Benchmark  WebXPRT 2013 Benchmark  Configuration: Intel® Core™ M-5Y10 Processor (up to 2.00GHz, 4T/2C, 4M Cache) On Intel Reference Platform. BIOS: v80.1 Graphics: Intel® HD Graphics (driver v.15.36.3650) Memory: 4 GB (2x2GB) Dual Channel LPDDR3-1600 SDD: Intel® 160GB OS: Windows* 8.1 Update RTM Samsung* Galaxy Note Pro 12.2, Qualcomm* Snapdragon S800 2.3GHz, 4T/4C, 3GB RAM  Sony* Xperia Z2 , Qualcomm* Snapdragon S801 2.33GHz, 4T/4C, 3GB RAM.  
       Launched Intel® Core™ i7-4790K Processor “Devil’s Canyon” at Computex 2014  Intel’s first 4GHz 4C processorCompletely over-clockable   Launched Intel® Core™ i7-5960X Processor Extreme Edition “Haswell-E” at PAX 2014  Intel’s first 8-Core, 16-Thread processorUp to 40 lanes of PCIe 3.0, enabling up to 4 discrete gfx cards  Source: Intel estimates, IDC, DFC International 2014  Enthusiast Segment What a Difference a Year Makes…   1.5 minutes 
                                                                                                                                   2006  2007  2008  2009  2010  2011  2012  2013  Source: *Intel estimates. 3DMark06                Increasing Intel Graphics Performance    2nd Gen Intel® Core™  3rd Gen Intel® Core™  4th Gen Intel® Core™  ~100X* Increase  80x  70x  60x  50x  40x  30x  20x  10x  Baseline  5th Gen Intel® Core™  1.5 minutes 
 Leadership Products Continuing on Track    Great Productivity and Multi-tasking for Notebooks and 2 in 1 PCs.  5th Generation Core    Next Generation Celeron/Pentium  Delivering Leading Value at Entry Price Points(Braswell)    Intel® Core™ M Processor  Razor-thin Laptop Meets Ultra-fast Tablet  Spring ’15  2H ’15    6th Gen Intel Core Processors  New Micro-architectureon 14nm(Skylake)  2H ’15  Holiday’14  2 minutes 
 “PC”=Personal ComputerStrategies and Innovation to Transform the PC are Paying Off   Key Messages: PC Computing  New User Experiences Will Accelerate PC Refresh  Performance Requirements Growing Again In Broad # of Segments 
                 Why Focus on User Experience?  PC RefreshIntel Tablet InnovationASP UpliftBrand Relevance  1.5 minutes 
       Improving the Client User Experience    NO WIRES    NO PASSWORDS     NATURAL USER INTERFACE  2 minutes 
 Delivering a No Wires Experience                                              Wireless Display  Wireless Charging  Wireless Docking  Wireless Data    Demo No Wires Combo, docking, charging and WiGiG  3minutes 
  3D Camera Usages  Great Hardware + Great Software                Interact(NUI)  Play(3D Gaming)  Learn(Education)  Collaborate(Background Removal)  Capture & Share (Real Time)  Enhanced Video(Depth)  Enhanced Photo(Focus)  Demo 3D Ivy Cam, Avatar with Face Tracking  3 minutes 
     Intel® RealSense™ 3D Camera ISV Momentum  Strong ISV Momentum, Tracking ~65 Applications and More Coming  * Other brands and names are the property of their respective owners.  1.5 minutes 
 “PC”=Personal ComputerStrategies and Innovation to Transform the PC are Paying Off   Summary: PC Computing  New User Experiences Will Accelerate PC Refresh  Performance Requirements Growing Again In Broad # of Segments  1 minutes 
 Legal Disclaimers  Software and workloads used in performance tests may have been optimized for performance only on Intel microprocessors. Performance tests, such as SYSmark and MobileMark, are measured using specific computer systems, components, software, operations and functions. Any change to any of those factors may cause the results to vary.  You should consult other information and performance tests to assist you in fully evaluating your contemplated purchases, including the performance of that product when combined with other products. Intel technologies may require enabled hardware, specific software, or services activation. Check with your system manufacturer or retailer.Tests document performance of components on a particular test, in specific systems. Differences in hardware, software, or configuration will affect actual performance. Consult other sources of information to evaluate performance as you consider your purchase.  For more complete information about performance and benchmark results, visit http://www.intel.com/benchmarks  All dates, forecasts and products specified in this presentation are subject to change without notice.  This presentation will not be updated to reflect any such changes. Copyright 2014 Intel Corporation. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. 
 Risk Factors  The statements in the presentations and other commentary that refer to plans and expectations for the fourth quarter, the year and the future are forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Words such as “anticipates,” “expects,” “intends,” “plans,” “believes,” “seeks,” “estimates,” “may,” “will,” “should” and their variations identify forward-looking statements. Statements that refer to or are based on projections, uncertain events or assumptions also identify forward-looking statements. Many factors could affect Intel’s actual results, and variances from Intel’s current expectations regarding such factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in these forward-looking statements. Intel presently considers the following to be important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the company’s expectations.  Demand for Intel’s products is highly variable and could differ from Intel’s expectations due to factors including changes in the business and economic conditions; consumer confidence or income levels; customer acceptance of Intel’s and competitors’ products;  competitive and pricing pressures, including actions taken by competitors; supply constraints and other disruptions affecting customers; changes in customer order patterns including order cancellations; and changes in the level of inventory at customers.Intel’s gross margin percentage could vary significantly from expectations based on capacity utilization; variations in inventory valuation, including variations related to the timing of qualifying products for sale; changes in revenue levels; segment product mix; the timing and execution of the manufacturing ramp and associated costs; excess or obsolete inventory; changes in unit costs; defects or disruptions in the supply of materials or resources; and product manufacturing quality/yields.  Variations in gross margin may also be caused by the timing of Intel product introductions and related expenses, including marketing expenses, and Intel’s ability to respond quickly to technological developments and to introduce new features into existing products, which may result in restructuring and asset impairment charges. Intel operates in highly competitive industries and its operations have high costs that are either fixed or difficult to reduce in the short term.  The declaration and rate of dividend payments and the amount and timing of Intel’s stock buyback program are at the discretion of Intel’s board of directors, and plans for future dividends and stock buy backs and could be affected by changes in Intel’s priorities for the use of cash, such as operational spending, capital spending, acquisitions, and because of changes to Intel’s cash flows and changes in tax laws.Intel’s expected  tax rate is based on current tax law and current expected income and may be affected by the jurisdictions in which profits are determined to be earned and taxed; changes in the estimates of credits, benefits and deductions; the resolution of issues arising from tax audits with various authorities, including payment of interest and penalties; and the ability to realize deferred tax assets.  Gains or losses from equity securities and interest and other could vary from expectations depending on gains or losses on the sale, exchange, change in the fair value or impairments of debt and equity investments; interest rates; cash balances; and changes in fair value of derivative instruments. Intel's results could be affected by adverse economic, social, political and physical/infrastructure conditions in countries where Intel, its customers or its suppliers operate, including military conflict and other security risks, natural disasters, infrastructure disruptions, health concerns and fluctuations in currency exchange rates.  Intel’s results could be affected by the timing of closing of acquisitions, divestitures and other significant transactions.Intel's results could be affected by adverse effects associated with product defects and errata (deviations from published specifications), and by litigation or regulatory matters involving intellectual property, stockholder, consumer, antitrust, disclosure and other issues. An unfavorable ruling could include monetary damages or an injunction prohibiting Intel from manufacturing or selling one or more products, precluding particular business practices, impacting Intel’s ability to design its products, or requiring other remedies such as compulsory licensing of intellectual property.A detailed discussion of these and other factors that could affect Intel’s results is included in Intel’s SEC filings, including the company’s most recent Form 10-Q, Form 10-K and earnings release. 

Please see corresponding attached PDF.
 Renée James  President 
   Intel Growth & Technology Investments  Utilizing Intel IP in adjacent segments of computing & enabling new businessesInvest in Intel platform value to maintain differentiation & leadershipExtend the Intel Architecture into emerging and growth segments of computing & devices      PC Core: Haswell GT3e  Server Core: Intel® Xeon® E5-2600 V3   Tablet Core: BayTrail     DRAM  PCH  EC  USB  Clock  Display  Audio    Core  Cache(SRAM)  Core  Core  Cache(SRAM)  Core  QPI, Uncore, I/O  Memory Controller  GenXGPU  EmbeddedDRAM  WiFi      GenXGPU  Core  Cache (SRAM)  Memory Controller  SA, I/O,Etc.  EmbeddedDRAM  Co-packaged  DRAM  PCH  EC  USB  Clock  Display  Audio  WiFi  BT  WWAN          I/O  CoreClock & Misc I/O  GenX GPU  Memory Controller  Core incl.Cache  I/O  I/O  USB  Security  Display  Audio  Camera  DRAM  WiFi  BT  WWAN  BT  WWAN  BT  WWAN 
 Key Areas of Strategic Platform Investments    Mobile & Communications: Computing and devices will all be connected as will IOT. Key area of platform investment for communications as well as growing Mobile Intel Architecture footprint in tablets and phones    Internet-of-Things: Connected and intelligent embedded represents a growth business opportunity extending from a strong base of IA architecture into new segments and emerging IOT businesses     Wearables: Inspiring the next generation of connected devices to develop and emerge on Intel Architecture     Security & Privacy: Central to the cloud and network computing platforms. Accelerated and made more secure with the Intel Architecture extensions to our platforms and a growing business opportunity     Storage & Memory: Growing portion of the balanced computing system and overall platform representing another growth opportunity for Intel  
 Communications Platform & Mobile Technologies  Today’s Detailed Discussions  The Internet of Things and Connected Embedded  Storage and Memory  
 Communications Platform & Mobile Technologies  Agenda  The Internet of Things and Connected Embedded  Storage and Memory  
 Mobile and Communications Platform Strategy  Leadership communications and connectivity development scaling across multiple segments:IOT, Tablet, PC, Datacenter and PhoneCommunications including WiFi and Cellular ,BT, BLE, NFC , etc,Mobile platform investments lead innovation in low power and integration for all platforms Mobile platform designs lead Intel in new development methodology for faster derivatives and partner platform expansion   Intel Confidential - Internal Use Only  Investing for leadership in multi-comms and mobility  
   Intel’s Strategic Investment in Mobile & Comms   Hermann EulVice President, General ManagerMobile and Communications Group   
 Mobile Market Trends  Smart Mobile Devices~15% Growth  Total Smart Mobile Devices (Mu)  LTE Grows ~60%Low-End 200%  Smart Mobile Device - LTE Mix (%)  60% Growth in Phablets  ≥5.5” Cellular Smart Mobile Devices (Mu)  Low-End Growing 5x Faster   Total Smart Mobile Devices (Mu)  Source: Intel internal estimates  Forecast is based on current expectations and is subject to change without notice 
 Our Focused Strategy to Win in 2014  Grow IA Mobile Footprint Tablets, Cost Reduce, Differentiate  Global Leadership In Communications & ConnectivityFull IP Portfolio that Benefits All Intel Platforms  Capture and Lead Growing Value and Entry SegmentLeadership Products, CTE, Partners 
 40M Tablet Volume On Track#1 Merchant Tablet Supplier, #2 Tablet Supplier Overall*  Mobile Strategy is Paying OffApplication Processors, Communications & Connectivity Solutions  Delivered World Class Advanced LTEGlobally Competitive, Accelerated Rate of New Product Development  First Integrated IA + Comms (SoFIA) On TrackSoFIA for the High Growth Value and Entry Market  Source: Strategy Analytics 
 40M Tablets  Long Term Customer Partnerships  ~20% WWAN Connected   ~100 OEM ~350 ODM Designsin Market or Coming to Market   Channel & Marketing Campaigns  Platform & eBOM Cost Reduction      Other brands and names may be claimed as the property of others.  Source: intel Internal 
   Showcase Designs  Thinnest Tablet,Immersive Visuals  Great for Education and Kids  Innovative Designs: Sleek, Unique and 2 in 1s  FUHU DreamTab  Dell Venue 8 withIntel® Realsense™ Snapshot  Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro Tablet  Other brands and names may be claimed as the property of others. 
 Turnkey Program for OEM/ODM’s    Master Reference Design  Tools & Support  and Channel Match-making        >350 Global Designs  >30 ODM, PCBA Partners   45% of Intel Powered Tablets Sold In ’14*  Source: Intel internal estimates 
     Performance & Experience Matters At All Price Points  Intel Inside Delivers A Better User Experience    Web BrowsingLoading your web content  Create & Edit ContentEdit pictures and videos  53%  Up to   Faster(1)  1) As measured by web page content load test  150%  Up to   Better(2)  2) As measured by MobileXPRT* 2013 Performance Score  Online ActivitiesStock Dashboard Updates  200%  Up to   Faster(3)  3) As measured “Stocks Dashboard” subtest of WebXPRT* 2013        Device Configurations: (1) ASUS* MeMO Pad 8 (ME581C): Intel® Atom™ Processor Z3580 (4T4C Silvermont, up to 2.33GHz), PowerVR G6430 Graphics, 2GB RAM, 32GB storage, 8” screen with 1920x1200 resolution, Android* 4.4.2(2) Cube* Talk 9X*: MediaTek* MT8392 (8C8T Cortex*-A7, 2.0GHz), ARM* Mali-450MP4 Graphics, 2GB RAM, 32GB storage, 9.7” screen with 2048x1536 resolution, Android* 4.2.2  On Intel® Atom™ Processor Z3580 vs. Octa-core MediaTek* MT8392  On Intel® Atom™ Processor Z3580 vs. Octa-core MediaTek* MT8392  On Intel® Atom™ Processor Z3580 vs. Octa-core MediaTek* MT8392 
 Applications Run Great On IntelWindows & Android                                Android Apps“Just Work”  Top Apps Native  Full Developer Support    Top 2K Applications > Performance   Better Performance vs. Competitive Platforms  SDKs & ToolsWindows & Android    - 
       Intel and Android Momentum      Intel Reference Design for Android      Shipments on Android (Mu)  Intel Inside Android TV Nexus Player      Expanding Our Mobile Platform        Scale More Android Devices for Value Segment  Steady Increase of Android Shipments on IA 
       New Products & Partners  SoFIA  Smartphones        New Family ofAsus Smartphones    ASUSMeMo Pad 7  ASUSPadFone X mini  ASUSFonepad 7 ME372CL  Other brands and names may be claimed as the property of others.        Communications for Smartphones  Intel LTE AdvancedSamsung GalaxyNote 4 & AlphaLG G3  
   > 25 Designs In MarketIntel® XMM™ 7160 and 7260  ModulesTablets, 2 in 1s & Ultrabooks™  LTE Ramp Shipping Today with Carriers in U.S., Latin America, Europe, SE Asia    LTE Advanced LaunchGlobal 5 ModeIntel® XMM™ 726x     
 Solid Foundation to Fuel Growth  Strong Partners  Design Pipeline  Ecosystem  Products           
 2015: Focused Expansion 
 SoFIA Family On Track for 2015 RampFirst Integrated Intel Architecture & Intel Communications Solutions       Cost Optimized for Value & Entry  SoFIA 3G  SoFIA 3G-R  SoFIA LTE        Single Platform  PhabletsTablets Phones           Scale Partners 
     Complete IP Portfolio  Communications and Connectivity AdvantageKey for Platform & Industry Innovation  4G3G2G  GNSS  FM Radio    Integrated  Modules  Discrete  2015 Platforms  SoFIA  Cherry TrailBroadwell  LTE     
 Communications and Connectivity For All PlatformsBroad Portfolio Enables Integration for Cost & Performance                  Standards & Industry Leadership   
 Performance & Mid Mobile Platform Portfolio                LTE Advanced  MoorefieldQuad Core  H2’14  H1’14  Bay TrailQuad Core  H2’13      Cherry TrailQuad Core  EOY ’14      BroxtonQuad Core  2015  2016        SoFIA MIDQuad Core    2015    LTE AdvancedXMM 7260 ramp, XMM 7360 Next-Gen: Cat 10, 3 CA, up to 450 Mbps D/L    Bay TrailQuad CoreSilvermont22m    MoorefieldQuad CoreSilvermont22nm    Cherry TrailQuad CoreAirmont 14nm    BroxtonPerformanceQuad CoreGoldmont14nm    SoFIA MID  2016  Quad CoreLTE14nm, Intel Mfg 
 Value & EntryMobile Platform Portfolio                LTE Advanced  MoorefieldQuad Core  H2’14  H1’14  Bay TrailQuad Core  H2’13      Cherry TrailQuad Core  EOY ’14      BroxtonQuad Core  2015  2016        SoFIA MIDQuad Core    2015    Bay TrailEntryQuad Core Intel® Atom™    SoFIA 3GIntegrated 3GDual Core Atom™Q4’14    SoFIA 3G-RIntegrated 3G Quad Core Atom™1H’15    SoFIA LTE Integrated LTE Quad Core Atom™Starting Mid 2015    SoFIA LTE 2 Quad Core14nm, Intel Mfg  2016  Derivative Products & Reselling 
 Our Focused Strategy To Win  Grow IA Mobile Footprint Best Experience on IA  Global Leadership In Communications & ConnectivityExpanding IP Portfolio to All Intel Platforms  Capture and Lead Growing Value and Entry SegmentSoFIA, CTE, Partners 
 Communications Platform & Mobile Technologies  Agenda  The Internet of Things and Connected Embedded  Storage and Memory  
 IOT Platform Strategy  Leadership Intel products for connected, intelligent IOT solutions utilizing low power IA investments as well as communications Combined software and hardware to create solutions approach to the market and enabling selected verticals like Retail, Automotive, etc. (combined WindRiver into IOT group)Deep knowledge and experience with design and life cycles of embedded devices and markets provides leadership opportunity Provides current and future adjacent growth opportunity, utilizing assets of other communication and mobile investments 
   Extending Core IP to New Markets  Doug DavisVice President, General ManagerInternet of Things Group   
 Big opportunity evolving from a market footprint we’ve been in for 30+ years.   Key Messages  Well positioned with end-end capabilities necessary to deliver the value of the IOT.   Leading with solutions and technology across Intel.  
 The Internet of Things is…                                                                                                                                          Mobile  Home/ Industrial  Sensors          Network  DC/Cloud          Gateway                  *** Goldman Sachs  44ZETABYTES**  *  ** IMC/EDC: The Digital Universe of Opportunities  * IDC   ***      COST OF SENSORS  2X  PAST 10 YEARS      COST OF BANDWIDTH  40X  PAST 10 YEARS      COST OF PROCESSING  60X  PAST 10 YEARS 
 Internet of Things Group      BldgAutomation  Smart Home &Buildings    Quark        Retail  Visual Retail  Transactional Retail  >20% CAGR~40% MSS      Transportation  Autonomous Vehicles  Software Defined Cockpit  >30% CAGR<10% MSS      Mfg/ Indu/ Energy  Energy  Smart Mfg  >10% CAGR<10% MSS      Segments* & Broad Market  DSS  Gaming  Health  MAG  Print Imaging  >10% CAGR~20% MSS  CAGR is ’09-13 SOM revenue; MSS is calculated with silicon revenue SAM; SAM is 32bit+ MPU/ASSP/ASIC with non-focused MPU/ASSP/ASIC devices removed; based on IDC 2013 eMPU report . Includes other embedded vertical investments.* 2014 Intel forecast  $2.1B in 2014*IOTG ~17% MSS18% YoY growth  IOTG Market Segment Opportunity  ‘15 SAM = $11-$13B*  New IOTG Market Sector 
           IOTG Benefits from Shared IP    Source: IDC, IHS, Gartner, Intel  Hi PerfMPU  ASP $100-2K+, Avg $450~1M units  Mid PerfMPU  ASP $30-300, Avg $75~100M units  Entry Perf32+ bit MPU  ASP $5-30, Avg $15~500M units    Embedded 32+ bit MCU  Embedded <32 bit MCU  ASP <$10, Avg $1~2B units  ASP <$5, Avg $1~10B units  Market Opportunity    XeonCorePentiumCeleronAtomQuark  MPU includes MPU, and core based ASSP/ASICs  Quark  TAM  SAM 
 Design win momentum continues across all segments   Performance  Internet of Things Group  *Forecast is based on current expectations and is subject to change without noticeSource: Intel  Forecast 
       IOT Challenges  Source Bain: Reflects n=37 interviews with tier 1 leaders in Smart Factory, Smart Building, Smart Fleet, Smart Grid Substation and Smart City Environmental Sensing domains 
 Essential Tenets of Edge to Cloud IoT Solutions  Connectivity, Device Discovery, and Provisioning   Monetize HW, SW, and Data Management   Actionable Analytics  Security as the Foundation - HW and SW   Data Normalization      
     IIC Founder Companies      OIC Board of Directors                    Industry Alignment is Critical  *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others 
 IOT Delivers Results      Measured Benefits: $9M/ year  Intel’s Assembly / Test – sensors and analytics help maintain productivity.      Potential US Benefits: 100M credit card numbers stolen in 2013  NCR POS w/ Intel® DPT and vPro for Transactions: Reducing fraud through e2e encryption.        Potential US Benefits: 38 Million Tons of CO2  Vnomics solution: 6% increase in fuel economy across 100% of fleet = $15M / Year  Saved $1M in 1 Building / Year $.50/sq ft.   Di-BOSS (Digital Building Operating System) + Cisco Energy Management: Electrical, Steam and Water      Saved $1M in 1 Building / Year $.50/sq ft.   Di-BOSS (Digital Building Operating System) + Cisco Energy Management: Electrical, Steam and Water 
 Network      ServiceManagement  Developer Resources  Optimized onIntel Architecture  Things  Gateways  Datacenter  Solutions for IOT and Developers  Personal devices incl wearablesCars, Home automationManufacturing equip  Home: Puma GatewayIndustrial: Moon Island Gateway  SDN: Software Defined NetworksONP: Open Networking PlatformNFV: Network Function Virtualization  Intel Data Center ManagerIntel Data PlatformSoftware Defined Infrastructure      …  …  API ManagementAPI OrchestrationIntel Express Gateway & TokenizationIntel Security SolutionsWind River Systems  Comms: 3G, LTE, Wifi, Bluetooth, NFC, GPS… 
 Big opportunity evolving from a market footprint we’ve been in for 30+ years.   Summary  Well positioned with end-end capabilities necessary to deliver the value of the IOT.   Leading with solutions and technology across Intel.  
 Memory as Platform   As computing architectures continue to scale, memory continues to be a critical piece of the platform architecture, especially in the datacenterIntel continues to drive innovation in memory technologySolid-state drives are only at the beginning of the adoption curve providing a significant business growth opportunity 
   CPU and Data: Better Together  Rob CrookeVice President, General ManagerNon-Volatile Memory Solutions Group   
 Key Messages  Key IT challenges can be addressed with CPU + storage together   Sustained innovation has delivered profitable growth  Computing insight and platform optimization are a unique advantage  Our Strategy: Technology Driven. Customer Inspired. Platform Connected. 
   Data wants to be close to the CPU… Economics keeps them apart  
 The Increasing Gap    Increasing Gap  CPU  HDD  Performance  Memory & storage critical to scaling computing 
 Intel® Solid-State Drive a Multi-Decade Journey      12MBFirst Intel® Commercial SSD1992   
   Technology Leadership Through the Years    1st Pitch Doubling in Production    2007    1st to 3Xnm (34nm)  2008  Market      Intel/Micron  Tech Insights Best Flash Technology    1st to 2Xnm 1st Integration of Word Line Airgap (25nm)   2010    1st Cell w/ Hi-K Metal Gate, 1st 128Gb(20nm)  2012    2015  1st 3D NANDwith Disruptive Cost     2011   Word Line Airgap Integration    3D NAND128Gb   2014     Pitch Doubling 3Xnm  2009   
 The Increasing Gap    Increasing Gap  CPU  SSD  HDD  SSDs address the performance gap  Performance 
 Intel Creates an Industry  Industry Computing SSD Revenue  Source: Forward Insights October ’14.  $ Billions    “The Intel X25-M 80GB SSD is screaming fast and blows away all of the previous best storage options!” - 2008    “This, ladies and gentlemen, is absolute domination. The X25-M thoroughly outclasses the competition here, wiping the floor with not only every mechanical hard drive in the field, but the other SSDs, as well.” - 2008  2008 Intel Re-invents the SSD    2008 
 The SSD Difference – Accelerating Big Data  Intel SSDs improve Hadoop performance by over 3x  Results have been estimated or simulated using internal Intel analysis or architecture simulation or modeling, and provided to you for informational purposes. Any differences in your system hardware, software or configuration may affect your actual performance. Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.  Performance Improvement  x  x  x  x  3x  + 
 Innovation and SSD Disruption      vs  HDD: 500 feet of storagePerformance: 11M I/O per sec  Just under two American football fields      SSD: 4 inches of storagePerformance: 11M I/O per sec  Bringing data closer: same performance, smaller footprint  Results have been estimated or simulated using internal Intel analysis or architecture simulation or modeling, and provided to you for informational purposes. Any differences in your system hardware, software or configuration may affect your actual performance. 
 Addressing IT Pain Points 
 Platform Optimization Delivers Enhanced Capability  Client  Data Center          Intel® vPro™  Intel® SSD Professional Family   Intel® Security  Better Security CoveragePlug known security gaps    Better User ExperienceImprove Security UXNo compromise in security/performance  Better IT SolutionsSolve IT pain points      Platform    NVM    Validated Solutions 
 Data Center Leadership  Source: IDC, Worldwide Solid State Drive Quarterly Update: 2Q14, doc #251237, September 2014.    Intel  WD(SAS) 
           NAND Leadership      Disruptive 3D NAND  Breakthrough cost  2x bits per die  1 TB in 2mm  >10TB in a SSD    Intel 3D NAND      2D NAND  32 Tiers  Estimates are based on internal Intel and market based analysis, and provided to you for informational purposes and are subject to change. 
   Tremendous Opportunity  Sources: Intel internal research, and Geoffrey Moore, Crossing the Chasm.      ~2018  Note: this slide still being worked  Innovators2.5%  EarlyAdopters13.5%  EarlyMajority34%  LateMajority34%  Laggards16%      SSDs 
 Growing Revenue in Compute NVM  NAND SSDs  All NAND  $2B  Est.  Source: internal Intel estimates. 
   Compute Data: A Growth Opportunity  Technology Driven. Customer Inspired. Platform Connected. 
 Legal Disclaimers  Software and workloads used in performance tests may have been optimized for performance only on Intel microprocessors. Performance tests, such as SYSmark and MobileMark, are measured using specific computer systems, components, software, operations and functions. Any change to any of those factors may cause the results to vary.  You should consult other information and performance tests to assist you in fully evaluating your contemplated purchases, including the performance of that product when combined with other products.  All dates, forecasts and products specified in this presentation are subject to change without notice.  This presentation will not be updated to reflect any such changes. Copyright 2014 Intel Corporation. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. 
 Risk Factors  The statements in the presentations and other commentary that refer to plans and expectations for the fourth quarter, the year and the future are forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Words such as “anticipates,” “expects,” “intends,” “plans,” “believes,” “seeks,” “estimates,” “may,” “will,” “should” and their variations identify forward-looking statements. Statements that refer to or are based on projections, uncertain events or assumptions also identify forward-looking statements. Many factors could affect Intel’s actual results, and variances from Intel’s current expectations regarding such factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in these forward-looking statements. Intel presently considers the following to be important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the company’s expectations.  Demand for Intel’s products is highly variable and could differ from Intel’s expectations due to factors including changes in the business and economic conditions; consumer confidence or income levels; customer acceptance of Intel’s and competitors’ products;  competitive and pricing pressures, including actions taken by competitors; supply constraints and other disruptions affecting customers; changes in customer order patterns including order cancellations; and changes in the level of inventory at customers.Intel’s gross margin percentage could vary significantly from expectations based on capacity utilization; variations in inventory valuation, including variations related to the timing of qualifying products for sale; changes in revenue levels; segment product mix; the timing and execution of the manufacturing ramp and associated costs; excess or obsolete inventory; changes in unit costs; defects or disruptions in the supply of materials or resources; and product manufacturing quality/yields.  Variations in gross margin may also be caused by the timing of Intel product introductions and related expenses, including marketing expenses, and Intel’s ability to respond quickly to technological developments and to introduce new features into existing products, which may result in restructuring and asset impairment charges. Intel operates in highly competitive industries and its operations have high costs that are either fixed or difficult to reduce in the short term.  The declaration and rate of dividend payments and the amount and timing of Intel’s stock buyback program are at the discretion of Intel’s board of directors, and plans for future dividends and stock buy backs and could be affected by changes in Intel’s priorities for the use of cash, such as operational spending, capital spending, acquisitions, and because of changes to Intel’s cash flows and changes in tax laws.Intel’s expected  tax rate is based on current tax law and current expected income and may be affected by the jurisdictions in which profits are determined to be earned and taxed; changes in the estimates of credits, benefits and deductions; the resolution of issues arising from tax audits with various authorities, including payment of interest and penalties; and the ability to realize deferred tax assets.  Gains or losses from equity securities and interest and other could vary from expectations depending on gains or losses on the sale, exchange, change in the fair value or impairments of debt and equity investments; interest rates; cash balances; and changes in fair value of derivative instruments. Intel's results could be affected by adverse economic, social, political and physical/infrastructure conditions in countries where Intel, its customers or its suppliers operate, including military conflict and other security risks, natural disasters, infrastructure disruptions, health concerns and fluctuations in currency exchange rates.  Intel’s results could be affected by the timing of closing of acquisitions, divestitures and other significant transactions.Intel's results could be affected by adverse effects associated with product defects and errata (deviations from published specifications), and by litigation or regulatory matters involving intellectual property, stockholder, consumer, antitrust, disclosure and other issues. An unfavorable ruling could include monetary damages or an injunction prohibiting Intel from manufacturing or selling one or more products, precluding particular business practices, impacting Intel’s ability to design its products, or requiring other remedies such as compulsory licensing of intellectual property.A detailed discussion of these and other factors that could affect Intel’s results is included in Intel’s SEC filings, including the company’s most recent Form 10-Q, Form 10-K and earnings release. 
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