RNS No 5724c
26th February 1998

                KBC Advanced Technologies plc
                  ("KBC" or "the Company")
   Preliminary Results for the Year Ended 31 December 1997


                                1997    1996  Change
   Turnover                   #33.1m  #27.3m    +21%
   Operating profit            #7.7m   #6.0m    +27%
   Profit before tax           #8.2m   #6.1m    +34%
   Profit after tax            #5.1m   #3.8m    +34%
   Earnings per share         11.31p   9.05p    +25%

* Strong organic growth underpins the first full year
  results since flotation
* Successful expansion of Profit Improvement Program
* Geographical expansion - new contracts in the Middle
  East and Japan
* Continued investment in core technology supplemented
  with the purchase of Honeywell's Profimatics models business
* New Chairman Designate appointed

Richard  Davies,  Chairman, KBC Advanced  Technologies  plc,
commented on the results: "In 1997 we achieved another  year
of   profitable  growth  while  broadening  the  scope   and
geographic  base  of  the  business,  and  made  our   first

The  current financial year has started well and trading  is
in  line  with  our expectations.  I am confident  that  the
Group will make further progress in the year ahead and  will
continue to deliver on our strategic objectives."

KBC Advanced Technologies plc        26.2.98:  0171 583 4567
Richard Davies, Chairman           Thereafter:  01932 856622
Michael Press, Deputy Chairman
Peter Close, Chief Executive

Square Mile Communications Ltd                 0171 583 4567
Tim Jackaman / Rachel Gilman

Notes: KBC Advanced Technologies plc is a leading
independent process engineering group, providing specialised
consultancy  and support services to enable oil refiners  to
improve  operational efficiency and profitability.   Through
its  Profit Improvement Program (PIP) KBC analyses  refinery
operations and recommends changes that deliver material  and
measurable improvements in profitability.  KBC has  a  broad
spread   of  clients  ranging  from  large  integrated   oil
companies to small independent refiners.

                KBC Advanced Technologies plc
                  ("KBC" or "the Company")
   Preliminary Results for the Year Ended 31 December 1997

                    CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT

I  am  pleased to report that KBC's first year as  a  public
company  has been one of achievement, with good progress  in
all   areas   of  our  business.   Following  the  Company's
flotation  on  the London Stock Exchange in March,  we  have
achieved  another year of profitable growth while broadening
the  scope  and  geographic base of our business.   We  also
completed our first acquisition prior to the year end.


Group  turnover  increased by 21% to  #33.1  million  (1996:
#27.3  million).   Consolidated operating  profits  of  #7.7
million are up 27% on the previous year (1996: #6.0 million)
and  Group pre-tax profits have risen by 34% to #8.2 million
(1996:  #6.1 million). Operating margin rose from  22.1%  to

Profit  after  tax  increased by 34% from  #3.8  million  to
#5.1million  and earnings per share increased  by  25%  from
9.05p  to  11.31p. The percentage increase in  earnings  per
share  is lower than the percentage increase in profit after
tax  because the weighted average number of shares in  issue
increased as a result of shares issued at flotation and  the
exercise of options by employees.

Net  interest for the year was #496,000 compared to  #82,000
in  1996.  This increase primarily reflects the net cash  of
#5.5  million  raised  at flotation and continued  effective
management of working capital.

In  December  we  acquired Honeywell's  Profimatics  process
models' business for a consideration of #3.8 million.

The tax charge for the year as a percentage of profit before
tax  was  37.9% (1996: 38.1%).  The rate is higher than  the
weighted  average UK corporation tax rate of  31.5%  largely
due  to the combined effect of the US Federal and State  tax
rates which averaged 40%.

The Board is recommending a final dividend of 2.6p per share
payable on 1 April 1998 to those shareholders on the
register at 13 March 1998.


In  the  USA and Western Europe, the petroleum refining  and
marketing industry continues to consolidate.  This trend  is
driven by surplus refining capacity and low refining margins
which,  in turn, create the need for improved profitability.
This  environment is favourable to KBC and the  industry  is
particularly receptive to companies which can provide profit
improvement  opportunities  that  are  not  dependent   upon
capital investment.

In  other  markets, although refining margins  are  somewhat
better,  there  is still pressure to improve  profitability.
KBC  has less market penetration outside the USA and Western
Europe  and consequently there are significant opportunities
for the Company's Profit Improvement Programs (PIPs).  Japan
is  a typical example of the opportunities available to KBC.
Having  recently deregulated its refining markets,  many  of
the  Japanese  refining  companies  are  experiencing  lower
refining  margins and are therefore focusing  on  increasing
profitability.  KBC has now been contracted for a third  PIP
in  Japan.   In  the Middle East KBC has recently  signed  a
three  refinery  contract,  one  of  the  largest  contracts
entered into by KBC.


The  Group  has  continued to expand its profit  improvement
activities in the downstream oil industry, both in terms  of
scope  and  geographical  coverage.   We  have  successfully
extended  the program by offering services in the  areas  of
mechanical    reliability,   oil   loss    and    operations
effectiveness,  building upon our  core  services  of  yield
performance and energy efficiency.

A  key element of KBC's strategy is to maintain its position
as a leading source of intellectual property and know-how in
refinery   processing.   To  further  strengthen  our   core
business we acquired Honeywell's Profimatics process  models
business prior to the year end.

In  the longer term KBC is likely to benefit from the  trend
towards   outsourcing.   Many  oil  companies  are   already
outsourcing non-core support services.  Over time we  expect
this  trend to include certain core services where a company
such  as  KBC  can provide improved performance  and  higher


Krikor  Krikorian,  one  of  the founders  of  the  Company,
elected  to retire from the Board in March 1997 at the  time
of  the  flotation.  However, he continues to play a leading
role  in  both process design and catalytic cracking.   John
Bunn,  who had been a Director since the Company was founded
in  1979,  retired as a Non-Executive Director in  September
1997.   Over  the years the Company has benefited  from  his
wise counsel.

In  December  last year it was announced  that  I  would  be
retiring  at  the Annual General Meeting on 31  March  1998,
after almost eight years as Chairman.  It was also announced
that  Michael  Press had been appointed Deputy Chairman  and
that he would succeed me as Chairman after the AGM.  Michael
has  extensive  experience  of the  oil  refining  industry,
having  previously held senior positions with  a  number  of
major  integrated oil companies including The  Standard  Oil
Company,  British Petroleum and Amerada Hess.  His knowledge
of  the market and his international experience will,  I  am
sure,  prove a great asset in the future development of  the

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all KBC staff
for  their commitment and hard work in continuing to develop
KBC into the successful organisation that it is today.


The  current financial year has started well and trading  is
in  line  with  our expectations.  I am confident  that  the
Group will make further progress in the year ahead and  will
continue to deliver on our strategic objectives.

Richard J Davies, Chairman                  26 February 1998


Organic  growth from profit improvement consulting continued
during 1997.  The number of active PIPs increased during the
year,  as did contracts for continuing services taken up  by
clients following the conclusion of the initial phase  of  a

During 1997 we have successfully broadened both the range of
KBC's  services and its geographical base.  In  addition  we
have  continued to invest for the Group's long term  growth.
A  key  element of this is the development of our technology
and enhancement of our software tools.


New  services in the areas of mechanical reliability and oil
loss  have been further developed during 1997.  Benchmarking
in  both of these areas is now included in the initial phase
of  a  PIP.  Further work in these areas may be included  in
subsequent  phases  of the program.   This  enables  KBC  to
provide  a  more  complete  analysis  of  refinery  economic
performance  and  to help clients exploit their  refineries'
full potential in improving profitability.

Improved reliability and maintenance is a priority for  many
clients.    In  response  to  a  growing  need   to   reduce
unscheduled downtime of plant and equipment and improve  the
effectiveness  of  routine maintenance, we  have  created  a
specialised maintenance and reliability team to help clients
implement best practice in these areas.

In  the case of oil loss, KBC has established standards  for
the  measurement  of hydrocarbon loss in refineries.   Using
methodology  developed by the Institute  of  Petroleum,  KBC
undertook  a  program of oil loss audits at eighteen  sites.
The  results  identified significant  discrepancies  between
actual and stated oil loss.  Given the large volume of crude
oilprocessed  at  a refinery, even a small  percentage  loss
reduction   can  represent  a  significant  improvement   in


Integration   of  Honeywell's  Profimatics  process   models
business into KBC will be a high priority in 1998.  Both KBC
and  Profimatics offered stand-alone kinetic reactor  models
to  refiners throughout the world.  The combination of these
two  businesses  establishes  KBC  as  the  industry  leader
supplying  models  of  this type.  The  Profimatics  process
models will also be used to enhance PETROfine which supports
KBC's  consulting practice.  Honeywell will use KBC's models
technology,  through a licencing agreement, in its  operator
training  and  advanced  process  control  businesses.   The
Profimatics acquisition brings KBC a US West Coast  base  in
Thousand Oaks, California.


KBC continues to build a consulting practice in the area  of
refinery economic decision support.  During 1997 the Company
progressed the installation of its first commercial planning
and  scheduling  system  and process  monitoring  system  in
Germany.   KBC  has  also begun to develop  a  new  area  of
consulting  practice which uses PETROfine, KBC's proprietary
refinery  wide simulation model, to improve the accuracy  of
the  linear programming models used throughout the  industry
in crude oil selection and operations planning.

SIGMAfine,  KBC's  data reconciliation and yield  accounting
tool,  has been installed in several gas separation  plants.
This has identified opportunities for our upstream petroleum
clients  to gain increased revenues through better  material
balance  and  loss control.  This business is still  in  the
early  stages  of  development and  is  progressing  in  the
Canadian market where it was first introduced.


To  support  the  Company's long term growth  we  have  been
successful  in recruiting further high quality  professional
staff  during  the  year.  In particular, a  new  consulting
office has been established in Breda, The Netherlands.  This
office  will  provide  us with a base from  which  to  offer
services to the many local refineries.  It will also  enable
us to access the engineering talent available in the Belgian
and Dutch refining corridor.


In  1998  we  intend to continue the organic growth  of  the
business  supported by selective acquisitions to maintain  a
leading  position in profit improvement consulting  services
in  the  oil  industry, providing high added  value  to  our

Peter J. Close, Chief Executive

KBC Advanced Technologies plc       26.2.98:   0171 583 4567
Richard Davies, Chairman         Thereafter:    01932 856622
Michael Press, Deputy Chairman
Peter Close, Chief Executive
Square Mile Communications                     0171 583 4567
Tim Jackaman / Rachel Gilman
Note  to Editors: KBC Advanced Technologies plc is a leading
independent process engineering group, providing specialised
consultancy  and support services to enable oil refiners  to
improve  operational efficiency and profitability.   Through
its  Profit Improvement Program (PIP) KBC analyses  refinery
operations and recommends changes that that deliver material
and  measurable improvements in profitability.   KBC  has  a
broad  spread  of clients ranging from large integrated  oil
companies to small independent refiners.

                KBC Advanced Technologies plc

                Group Profit and Loss Account
             for the year ended 31 December 1997
                                            Year        Year
                                           ended       ended
                                              31          31
                                        December    December
                                            1997        1996
                                           #'000       #'000
TURNOVER                                  33,106      27,348
Staff costs                              (11,666)     (9,362)
Depreciation                                (784)       (606)
Other operating charges                  (12,954)    (11,333)
                                        ---------   ---------            
OPERATING PROFIT                           7,702       6,047
Interest receivable                          499          91
Interest payable                              (3)         (9)
                                        ---------   ---------            
 BEFORE TAXATION                           8,198       6,129

Taxation on profit on ordinary activities (3,108)     (2,333)
                                        ---------   ---------
 TAXATION                                  5,090       3,796
Dividends - equity interests              (1,211)     (1,778)
                                        ---------   ---------            
RETAINED PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD             3,879       2,018
                                        =========   =========            
Earnings per share - basic                11.31p       9.05p
                   - fully diluted        10.31p       8.43p

                KBC Advanced Technologies plc
                     Group Balance Sheet
                   as at 31 December 1997
                           31 December 1997 31 December 1996
                             #'000    #'000   #'000    #'000
FIXED ASSETS                                         
Intangible assets                     1,996             -
Tangible assets                       1,903            1,388
Investments                             358                2
                                    -------          -------
                                      4,257            1,390
CURRENT ASSETS                                       
Debtors                     7,229            5,829    
Cash at bank and in hand    9,205            1,404    
                           16,434            7,233    
                          --------         --------
CREDITORS: amounts falling                                   
 due within one year       (7,961)          (3,712)
                          --------         --------
NET CURRENT ASSETS                   8,473            3,521
                                   --------         --------                  
TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT                            
LIABILITIES                         12,730            4,911
CREDITORS: amounts falling                                   
 due after more than one year           (2)              (4)
                                   --------         --------
                                    12,728            4,907
CAPITAL AND RESERVES               --------         --------                  
Called up share capital              1,164            1,054
Share premium account                5,537              104
Capital reserve                         24               24
Merger reserve                         147              147
Profit and loss account              5,856            3,578
                                   --------         --------
 equity interests                   12,728            4,907
                                   --------         --------
                KBC Advanced Technologies plc
                  Group Cash Flow Statement
               for the year ended 31 December
                                             1997        1996
                                            #'000       #'000
Operating profit                            7,702       6,047
Depreciation                                  784         606
Loss on disposal of fixed assets                5          16
(Increase) in debtors                      (1,385)     (1,360)
Increase in creditors                       2,362         344
Exchange difference                           116           7
                                          --------    --------
Net cash from operations                    9,584       5,660
                                          --------    --------
Returns on investments and servicing of             
   Interest received                          499          91
   Interest paid                               (3)         (9)
                                          --------    --------
                                              496          82
                                          --------    --------
Taxation                                   (2,349)     (2,074)
                                          --------    --------
Capital expenditure and financial investment
 Payments to acquire tangible fixed  
  assets                                   (1,287)     (1,022)
 Receipts from sales of tangible       
  fixed assets                                  -           2
                                          --------    --------
                                           (1,287)     (1,020)
                                          --------    --------
Acquisitions and disposals     
   Purchase of business                    (3,727)         -
                                          --------    --------
Equity dividends paid                         -        (1,933)
                                          --------    --------
Management of liquid resources                      
  (Increase)/decrease in short term        
    deposits                               (3,181)         -
                                          --------    --------
   Repayments of capital element of    
    finance lease rentals                     (13)       (47)
   Redemption of share                        -         (306)
   Net proceeds from issue of shares        5,543        237
   Repayment of loan                          -         (108)
   Purchase of own shares                    (356)        -
                                          --------    --------
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financing    5,174       (224)
                                          --------    --------
Increase in cash in the year                4,710        491
Reconciliation of net cash flows to                 
 movements in net funds
   Increase in cash in the year             4,710        491
   Cash outflow from the decrease in     
    lease financing                            13        156
   Cash used to increase liquid resources   3,181         -
                                          --------    --------
Change in funds resulting from cash flow    7,904        647
   New finance leases                          -          (7)
   Translation difference                       2        (47)
                                          --------    --------
Movement in net funds in the period         7,906        593
Net funds at 1 January                      1,295        702
                                          --------    --------
Net funds at 31 December                    9,201      1,295
                                          --------    --------

                KBC Advanced Technologies plc


1.   Basis of preparation

    The  above  financial  information does  not  constitute
    statutory  accounts  as defined by section  240  of  the
    Companies Act, 1985.  The results of the year  ended  31
    December  1997  and the balance sheet at that  date  are
    extracted  from  the statutory accounts  (on  which  the
    auditors have given an unqualified opinion), which  will
    be   filed   with  the  Registrar  of  Companies.    The
    comparative financial information is extracted from  the
    statutory  accounts for the year ended 31 December  1996
    (on   which  the  auditors  have  given  an  unqualified
    opinion),  which have already been sent to  shareholders
    and filed with the Registrar of Companies.
    Copies   of   the  annual  report  will   be   sent   to
    shareholders.  Further copies may be obtained  from  the
    Company  Secretary, KBC Advanced Technologies  plc,  KBC
    House, Churchfield Road, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 8DB.

2.   Earnings per share

    The  calculation  of earnings per share  is  based  upon
    earnings  of  #5,090,000  (1996:  #3,796,000)   and   on
    45,001,472  (1996:  41,968,472) ordinary  shares,  being
    the  weighted   average  number of  ordinary  shares  in
    issue during the period.



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