RNS No 3308a
2nd September 1998
     Group interim results for six months to 30 June 1998
                        6 months to 30 June
                       1998          1997          Increase

Turnover               #194.2m       #140.7m       38% (47%*)

Operating profit       #23.3m        #14.6m        60% (72%*)

Profit before tax      #24.1m        #15.1m        59% (71%*)

Profit after tax       #15.6m        #9.5m         64% (76%*)

Earnings per share     12.2p         7.4p          65% (77%*)

Interim dividend       2.0p          1.3p          54%
Payable on 20 November
1998 to all
shareholders on the
register on 16 October
1998. Ex-dividend date
is 12 October 1998.

The 1997 earnings per share and dividend have been adjusted to
reflect the one for one bonus issue which took place in May


Turnover, profit, headcount and margins show substantial
increases in the Benelux, the UK and Germany.

*    Pre-tax profits up 59% (71%*) to #24.1 million

*    38% (47%*) growth in group turnover predominantly organic

*    Operating margin up from 10.4% to 12.0%

*    Staff numbers up 36% from a year ago to 5,725 at end of

On the outlook for the remainder of the year, CMG Chairman Cor
Stutterheim said, "The Group's performance since the end of
June continues to be very satisfactory and our main markets
remain buoyant. Notwithstanding the tight recruitment market,
we anticipate that the second half year, traditionally CMG's
better half, will enable us to produce a further strong set of
results for the full year."

For further information, contact:
Cor Stutterheim, Chairman, CMG plc             
Tel: 00 31 20 6720444
Chris Banks, Finance Director, CMG plc          
Tel: 00 44 171 5924000
Jan Massier, Group Communications              
Tel: 00 31 20 6720444

*At constant exchange rates. The effect of exchange rates on
 CMG's reported results is shown on page 4.
                     CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT

I am pleased to report that we had an excellent first half
year. Turnover in the six months to 30 June 1998 increased by
38% (47%*) to #194 million. Our operating profit margin rose
strongly from 10.4% to 12.0%. The growth in turnover and the
rise in margin have combined to produce a 60% (72%*) rise in
operating profit. Profit after tax has risen by 64% (76%*) to
#15.6 million, while earnings per share have grown to 12.2p,
an increase of 65% (77%*) on the same period last year. Once
again the growth in our business has predominantly come
through organic growth. Our staff numbers have also risen
significantly despite higher staff turnover, reaching 5,725 at
the end of June, compared to 4,202 a year earlier and 4,945 at
the end of 1997.

The IT services industry is continuing to benefit from an
extended period of exceptionally strong demand. Within the
industry we are gaining market share in nearly all areas of
our business. This is being achieved through continued
emphasis on providing quality services and products to our
clients, in the context of long term relationships. These
relationships are in turn strengthened by the skills of our
people and the ethos within which we work. The CMG ethos is
founded on openness, fairness, equality and commitment to the
success of our people and our clients. This ethos has played
an important role in enabling us to attract and retain the
quality people we need to fulfil the growing requirements of
our clients.

As planned, we have significantly extended our European
presence in 1998, to be closer to both our clients and our
people. We are now established in France and Belgium as a
result of acquisitions, which have formed the base for
subsequent organic growth. In the Netherlands we have expanded
coverage of the country by opening an office in Eindhoven and
we plan to open offices in Alkmaar, Enschede and Woerden
before the end of the year. In the UK we now have a base in
Derby in the Midlands through the acquisition of Microlex. We
have also opened an office in Singapore to help sell and
support our mobile telecoms software products in the Asia
Pacific region.


In the Benelux region we have grown turnover by 32%, of which
2% is attributable to our Belgian activities that were started
at the end of 1997 with the acquisition of CSS. The
acquisition has progressed well and we have also been
successful in recruiting, with staff numbers in Belgium
reaching 42 at the end of June, as compared with 29 on
acquisition. Our Benelux operating profit margin has increased
from 13.6% in the first half of 1997 to 16.7%. This increase
is principally due to higher staff productivity. This has
resulted from a temporary change in the mix of new employees,
with relatively more experienced staff, who require less
initial training, joining in 1998. We do not therefore expect
the margin improvement to be as pronounced for the full year.

All our business areas in the Netherlands have performed well
and we have gained many new orders, principally from existing
clients. We have expanded our work on the implementation of
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) packages such as Baan and
SAP, including for the first time work in the Government area.
We are also further developing our expertise in the areas of
embedded software and call centre technology.

We have also had an excellent first half in the UK, where
turnover has risen by 48% and operating profit by 100%. Our UK
operating margin has improved from 6.0% to 8.2%, making good
progress towards our medium-term target of 10%. The
acquisition of Microlex in February has gone well, with new
products launched in the last quarter.

Following success in providing solutions for the deregulated
industrial gas market, our UK Utilities business has developed
the first suite of packages (known as Archipel) for the
deregulating consumer gas and electricity markets.

In June we announced the formation of a joint venture company
with the Radiocommunications Agency (RA), an agency of the
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). CMG owns 70% of the
company, which will provide IT services to the RA and spectrum
management consulting services to other potential customers.
The arrangement will run for a minimum of seven years, with
revenues over the period expected to be in excess of #50
million. CMG has been a major supplier of IT services to both
the DTI and RA for many years.

Our German operations have continued to improve their
performance, with turnover growth of 42%, operating profit up
83% and an operating margin of 6.0%. We have grown business
from existing clients significantly. We have also won business
at a number of new large clients, with scope for growth in the

We are enhancing SAMBA, our market leading bank regulatory
reporting software. This includes adding new features for the
recently introduced capital adequacy directive and an
interface between SAP's IS-Banking Software and SAMBA.

We have gained Preferred Consulting Partner status with Baan
and have become a leading supplier of Baan-related IT services
in Germany. In addition, we have won a special contract to
support Baan's EXPO2000 activities in Hannover. We have also
been one of the first companies in Germany to enter into a
partnership contract with SUN and become one of the few SUN
Authorized Java Centers.

As part of our strategy of broadening our base within Europe
we opened an office in Paris at the start of 1998 and, in
February, we acquired Alias. The acquisition brought 43 staff
and is profitable. Through these initiatives we have generated
turnover of #2.3 million. The operating loss of #0.8 million
reflects the initial costs of starting in a new country and
the significant expenditure incurred on recruitment for the
telecoms and finance activities that we are building up
separately from Alias. Our total headcount in France reached
81 at the end of June.

Since 30 June we have acquired two companies in France. On 1
July we acquired COMETH which added 38 people to our French
operations and extended the base of our SAP related activities
to make CMG one of the leading SAP partners in France. On 26
August we acquired Techside which added a further 108 people.
Techside provides advanced technology services to a range of
industry sectors and expands the range of services offered by
CMG in France.

The group's cash performance is seasonally weaker in the first
half, but we again expect cash generation to be strong in the
second half of the year.

We have carried out a review of the services and products we
have sold to clients in the past as well as those we currently
offer. We have also reviewed our internal systems. In the
limited instances where millennium non-compliance has been
identified remedial work has either already been carried out
or is actively planned. We will maintain the review process to
ensure prompt identification and resolution of any future
issues. Similar review procedures are in place in respect of
the introduction of the Euro.

We were pleased to welcome George Loudon to the Group board as
a non-executive director in April. He has wide boardroom-level
experience in the finance sector and is currently a non-
executive director of a number of companies, including Arjo
Wiggins Appleton plc, Geveke NV and EASDAQ SA.

Joop Feilzer, a non-executive director of CMG since 1993,
retired from the board at the conclusion of the AGM on 12 May.
We would like to offer him our sincere thanks for his valuable
contribution to the group over the last five years.

In the light of the excellent first half year results the
Board has declared an interim dividend of 2.0p net per share.
This will be paid on the share capital enlarged by the one for
one bonus issue announced in March and completed in May. This
represents an increase of 54% over the 1997 interim dividend.
The dividend will be paid on 20 November 1998 to shareholders
on the register on 16 October 1998.

The Group's performance since the end of June continues to be
very satisfactory and our main markets remain buoyant.
Notwithstanding the tighter recruitment market, we anticipate
that the second half year, traditionally CMG's better half,
will enable us to produce a further strong set of results for
the full year.

* At constant exchange rates. The effect of exchange rates on
CMG's reported results is shown in the table below.

CMG's reported results can be significantly influenced by
movements in exchange rates, which can hinder understanding of
the underlying financial performance. To provide a more
meaningful basis of comparison, the table below provides key
financial information expressed both at 1998 exchange rates
("constant exchange rates") and at the exchange rates used for
1997 ("actual exchange rates").

Six months to 30 June:1998    1997    1997  % growth % growth
                                At      At        at       at
                          constant  actual  constant   actual
                          exchange exchange exchange exchange
                             rates   rates     rates    rates

                       #m       #m      #m

Turnover            194.2    132.1   140.7       47%      38%

Operating profit     23.3     13.5    14.6       72%      60%

Profit before tax    24.1     14.1    15.1       71%      59%

Profit after tax     15.6      8.9     9.5       76%      64%

Earnings per share  12.2p     6.9p    7.4p       77%      65%

Key exchange rates used above: #1 =

Netherlands Guilder  3.36     3.36    3.09
Deutsche Mark        2.98     2.98    2.75


                              Unaudited   Unaudited   
                              6 months    6 months      Audited
                                 ended       ended    year ended
                               30 June     30 June    31 December
                                  1998        1997         1997
                         Notes   #'000       #'000       #'000
Turnover                  3   194,151     140,704     302,992
Net operating costs           (170,845)   (126,126)   (265,821)
                              ------      ------      ------
Operating profit                                      
     Before goodwill                                  
amortisation                  23,630      14,578      37,171
     Goodwill                 (324)       -           -
amortisation                  ------      ------      ------
                              23,306      14,578      37,171
Net  income of Employee       89          36          142
Net interest receivable       656         503         1,332
                              ------      ------      ------
Profit on ordinary                                    
activities before tax         24,051      15,117      38,645
Tax on profit on                                      
ordinary activities       5   (8,469)     (5,591)     (13,920)
                              ------      ------      ------
Profit on ordinary                                    
activities after tax          15,582      9,526       24,725
Dividends - ordinary      6   (2,562)     (1,665)     (4,996)
                              ------      ------      ------
Retained profit for the                               
period                        13,020      7,861       19,729
                              ======      ======      ======
Earnings per share                                             
         - headline and   7      12.2p         7.4p        19.3p
         - before                                     
goodwill                         12.4p         7.4p        19.3p
         - effect of                                  
goodwill                        (0.2)p           -            -
amortisation                     ======     ======       ======

The historic earnings per share numbers have been adjusted to
reflect the one for one bonus issue which took
place in May 1998.


                              Unaudited   Unaudited   
                              6 months       6          Audited
                                 ended    months      year ended
                               30 June    30 June    31 December
                                  1998       1997         1997
                                 #'000       #'000        #'000
Profit for the period         15,582      9,528       24,725
Currency translation                                  
differences on
foreign currency net                                  
investments                   (564)       (2,388)     (2,993)
                              ------      ------      ------
Total recognised gains        15,018      7,138       21,732
                              ======      ======       ======


                              6 months       6          Audited
                                 ended    months      year ended
                               30 June     30 June    31 December
                                  1998        1997         1997
                         Notes   #'000       #'000        #'000
Fixed assets                                          
Goodwill                      18,608      -           -
Tangible assets               15,426      11,665      12,672
Investments - own shares      2,798       2,839       2,798
                              ------      ------      ------
                              36,832      14,504      15,470
                              ------      ------      ------
Current assets                                        
Debtors                       93,025      64,485      66,861
Cash at bank and in hand      30,214      23,374      38,896
                              ------      ------      ------
                              123,239     87,859      105,757
Amounts falling due                                   
within one year               (94,745)    (58,660)    (67,501)
                              ------      ------      ------
Net current assets            28,494      29,199      38,256
                              ------      ------      ------
Total assets less                                     
current liabilities           65,326      43,703      53,726
Provisions for                                        
liabilities and charges       (2,813)     (2,560)     (3,669)
                              ------      ------      ------
Net assets                    62,513      41,143      50,057
                              ======      ======      ======
Capital and reserves                                  
Called up equity share                                
capital                       6,406       3,203       3,203
Share premium account     9   10,382      13,585      13,585
Reserves of Employee      9   2,001       1,806       1,912
Profit and loss account   9   43,724      22,549      31,357
                              ------      ------      ------
Capital employed              62,513      41,143      50,057
                              ======      ======      ======


                              Unaudited   Unaudited   
                              6 months    6 months      Audited
                                 ended       ended    year ended
                               30 June     30 June    31 December
                         Notes    1998        1997         1997
                                 #'000       #'000        #'000
Net cash inflow from                                  
operating activities      8   12,180      9,282       39,241
Returns on investments                                
and servicing of finance
Interest received             787         682         1,495
Interest paid                 (217)       (591)       (468)
                              ------      ------      ------
Net cash inflow from                                  
on investments and                                    
servicing of finance          570         91          1,027
Taxation                      (4,927)     (3,366)     (12,180)
Capital expenditure           (4,642)     (3,199)     (6,141)
Acquisitions                  (8,085)     (4,151)     (4,393)
Equity dividends paid         (3,331)     (2,514)     (4,179)
                              ------      ------      ------
Net cash (outflow) /                                  
inflow before use of
resources and financing       (8,235)     (3,857)     13,375
Management of liquid                                  
resources                     (244)       (10)        (270)
                              ------      ------      ------
(Decrease) / increase in      (8,479)     (3,867)     13,105
cash                          ======      ======      ======

The 1997 interim results have been restated to comply with the
revised FRS1 in relation to management of liquid


1.Basis of preparation

  The unaudited results have been prepared in accordance with
  the accounting policies set out in the Annual Report for the
  year ended 31 December 1997 with the exception of the
  implementation of FRS 10, the new accounting standard on
  goodwill which is effective for financial years ending on or
  after 23 December 1998.  CMG's new policy on goodwill is to
  capitalise it and amortise it over its estimated useful
  life.  The useful life will normally be presumed to be 20
  years.  Goodwill arising prior to 1 January 1998 remains
  written off to the profit and loss account reserve as
  permitted by the standard.
  The financial information in this interim report does not
  constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of section
  240 of the Companies Act 1985.  Statutory accounts for the
  year ended 31 December 1997, upon which the auditors gave an
  unqualified opinion, have been delivered to the Registrar of

2.Exchange rates

  The most important exchange rates for the Group were:
                   30 June 1998    30 June 1997  31 December 1997
                  Period Average  Period Average    Year Average
                     end             end             end
  Netherlands       3.39    3.36    3.26    3.09    3.34    3.19
  Deutsche Mark     3.01    2.98    2.90    2.75    2.96    2.84
  French Franc     10.09    9.99       -       -       -       -
3.Segmental information

  Analyses of turnover and profit before tax by geographic
  area are given below :
                          Turnover         Profit before tax
                     30     30      31     30        30      31
                   June   June   Decem-  June      June   Decem-
                                    ber                    ber
                   1998   1997     1997   1998     1997   1997
                   #'000  #'000    #'000  #'000    #'000  #'000
  Benelux         127,093 96,597  207,879 21,185  13,176  33,645
  United Kingdom  49,505  33,369  71,966  4,035   2,018   4,638
  Germany         15,240  10,738  23,147  914     500     1,131
  France          2,313   -       -       (768)   -       -
                 ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------
                  194,151 140,704 302,992 25,366  15,694  39,414
  Common costs    -       -       -       (1,736) (1,116) (2,243)
  amortisation    -       -       -       (324)   -       -
  Net income of                                           
  Employee Trust  -       -       -       89      36      142
  Net interest                                            
  receivable      -       -       -       656     503     1,332
                 ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------
                  194,151 140,704 302,992 24,051  15,117  38,645
                  ======  ======  ======  ======  ======  ======
  #279,000 of the goodwill amortisation is attributable to the
  UK and the remaining #45,000 to France.

                             30 June      30 June   31 December
                                1998         1997          1997
  The average number of employees                   
  during the period was:
  Benelux                    3,815       2,866        3,111
  United Kingdom             1,206       843          939
  Germany                    331         217          244
  France                     59          -            -
                             ------      ------       ------
                             5,411       3,926        4,294
                             ======      ======       ======
                             30 June      30 June  31 December
                                1998         1997        1997
  The number of employees at the                    
  end of the period was:
  Benelux                    3,997       3,063        3,558
  United Kingdom             1,285       910          1,094
  Germany                    362         229          293
  France                     81          -            -
                             ------      ------       ------
                             5,725       4,202        4,945
                             ======      ======       ======


  The tax charge for the half year has been based on the
  estimated effective tax rate for the full year of 35.2%.
  The charge includes overseas tax of #7.3 million (1997: #4.8

6.Dividends on ordinary shares

  An interim dividend of 2.0 pence (1997: 1.3 pence after
  adjusting for the May 1998 bonus issue), net of the
  associated tax credit will be paid on 20 November 1998 to
  shareholders on the register on 16 October 1998.

7.Earnings per share
  Headline and basic earnings per share, calculated on a
  standard basis, of 12.2 pence (1997: 7.4 pence) are based on
  profits after tax of #15.6 million (1997: #9.5 million) and
  on the weighted average number of  shares in issue during
  the period of 128.1 million (1997: 128.1 million after
  adjusting for the May 1998 bonus issue).

  Earnings per share, excluding goodwill amortisation have
  also been included as the directors consider that this
  figure is helpful for a better understanding of the
  underlying business, given that the significance of this
  figure is likely to increase.

8.Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from
  operating activities

                              30 June      30 June         31
                                 1998         1997       1997
                                #'000        #'000      #'000
Operating profit            23,306      14,578       37,171
Goodwill amortisation       324         -            -
Depreciation of tangible                             
fixed assets               2,306       2,385        4,779
(Profit) / loss on disposal                          
of fixed assets            220         -            (43)
Increase in debtors         (25,413)    (18,824)     (17,430)
Increase in creditors and                            
provisions                 12,058      10,817       15,955
Exchange rate adjustments                            
on debtors and creditors   (621)       326          (1,191)
                           ------      ------       ------
Net cash inflow from                                 
operating activities       12,180      9,282        39,341
                           ======      ======       ======

9.Reconciliation of group reserves

                                       Good-  erves
                              Share     will     of    Profit       
                            premium   elimi-   Emp-       and
                            account   nation  loyee      loss
                                      reserve  Trust   account      
                              #'000    #'000  #'000     #'000
  Balance at 1 January      13,585   (28,901) 1,912    60,258
  Prior year adjustment to                             
  transfer goodwill                                    
  reserve to the profit     -        28,901   -        (28,901)
  and loss account          ------   ------   ------   ------
  Restated balance as at 1                             
  January 1998              13,585   -        1,912    31,357
  Change in value due to                               
  currency fluctuations     -        -        -        (564)
  Transfer to share                                    
  capital for bonus issue   (3,203)  -        -        -
  Retained profit for the                              
  period                    -        -        -        13,020
  Transfer in respect of                               
  Employee Trust results    -        -        89       (89)
                           ------   ------   ------   ------
  Balance at 30 June 1998   10,382   -        2,001    43,724
                           ======   ======   ======   ======

10.Interim report

  Copies of the interim report are available from CMG plc,
  Parnell House, 25 Wilton Road, London SW1V 1EJ and CMG B V,
  Johannes Vermeerstraat 29, 1071 DL Amsterdam, The

  Exchange rates

  CMG's reported results can be significantly influenced by
  movements in exchange rates, which can hinder understanding
  of the underlying financial performance.  To provide a more
  meaningful basis of comparison, the table below provides key
  financial information expressed both at 1998 exchange  rates
  ("constant exchange rates") and at the exchange rates used
  for 1997 ("actual exchange  rates").

  Six months to 30                                 %        %
  June                   1998   1997   1997    growth   growth
                                  at      at       at       at
                            constant  actual constant   actual
                            exchangeexchange exchange exchange
                               rates   rates    rates    rates
                           #m     #m      #m            
  Turnover              194.2  132.1   140.7      47%      38%
  Operating profit       23.3   13.5    14.6      72%      60%
  Profit before tax      24.1   14.1    15.1      71%      59%
  Profit after tax       15.8    8.9     9.5      76%      64%
  Earnings per share    12.2p    6.9p    7.4p     77%      65%
                       ------  ------     ---     ---      ---
  Key exchange rates                                    
  used above:#1 =
  Netherlands Guilder    3.36   3.36    3.09
  DeutscheMark           2.98   2.98    2.75            



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