RNS No 4830k
24th February 1998


WINNIPEG, February 24, 1998 - Bank of Montreal reported net income of $361
million for the quarter ended January 31, 1998, up 12.0 per cent from $322
million in 1997.  Fully diluted earnings per share were $1.27 ($1.29 basic), up 
9.5 per cent from $1.16 ($1.17 basic) last year.  Return on equity was 17.3 per
cent, compared to 17.7 per cent in the first quarter of 1997.

Earnings per share growth of 9.5 per cent resulted from net income growth of
12.0 per cent, partially offset by the effect of increased preferred share
dividends.  Net income growth was sustained despite a decline in investment
banking and was driven by the continuation of three factors:  diversified
revenue growth, good expense management and low loan losses.

Financial Highlights

Volumes Drive Continued Revenue Growth
Revenue growth was 7.3 per cent driven by business volume growth, partially
offset by narrowing margins.  Retail and commercial volumes in Canada were
strong as average residential mortgages increased $5.0 billion, card and other
personal loans grew by $1.6 billion, while loans to commercial enterprises,
including small and medium-sized businesses, were up $1.1 billion.  U.S. retail
and commercial loan volumes grew by $2.5 billion at Chicago-based Harris Bank.
Volume growth in the corporate markets occurred in both the Treasury and
Investment and Corporate Banking lines of business.  The overall decline in
margins was largely the result of mix and the impact of interest rate changes
during the quarter.

Expense Management
Expense growth of 8.7 per cent was comprised of revenue driven compensation (1.8
per cent), continued investments in strategic initiatives such as mbanx and
telebanking, and business expansion activities primarily in investment banking
(5.9 per cent), the foreign exchange rate impact on U.S.-based expenses (1.4 per
cent), and on-going business volume growth offset by productivity improvements
(-0.4 per cent).

Asset Quality Remains Strong
Reservations on impaired loans exceeded the gross balances of such loans by $498
million at the end of the first quarter, an improvement of $643 million from the
end of the first quarter 1997 and an improvement of $140 million from October
31, 1997.

The bank's current forecast annual provision for credit losses is $180 million,
versus $275 million in 1997.  The difference is largely due to the previously
announced securitization of credit card loans and the sale of Harris Bank's U.S.
credit card portfolio to Partners First, an entity in which the bank has an
equity position.

Capital Management
The bank experienced high asset growth in the first quarter of 1998.  This
growth was widespread across most lines of business.  The bank's Tier 1 capital
ratio was 6.38 per cent at January 31, 1998, compared to 6.80 per cent at
October 31, 1997.  With the issuance of $400 million of preferred shares in
February 1998, the Tier 1 capital ratio would have been 6.67 per cent on a pro
forma basis for the quarter ending January 31, 1998.

Income from Outside Canada
Earnings from outside Canada were $153 million compared to $151 million during
the first quarter of 1997.  The contribution of Grupo Financiero Bancomer to net
income was $22 million in the first quarter of 1998, compared to $15 million in
the first quarter of 1997.  The contribution of Harris Bank to net income was
$64 million in the first quarter of 1998, compared to $55 million in the first
quarter of 1997.

Bank of Montreal, Canada's first bank, is a highly diversified financial
services institution with average assets of $224 billion.  The bank's group of
companies include Nesbitt Burns, one of Canada's largest full-service investment
firms, Chicago-based Harris Bank, a major U.S. Mid-West financial institution
and mbanx, the first North American-wide virtual banking unit.  Bank of Montreal
has an equity position in, and an alliance with, Grupo Financiero Bancomer, the
leading Mexican financial institution.

Media Relations Contacts:                         Investor Relations Contacts:
Joe Barbera, Winnipeg (204) 989-2273              Bob Wells, (204) 989-2273
Rick Kuwayti, Toronto (416) 927-2740              Cathy Cranston, (204) 989-2273
Ronald Monet, Montreal (514) 877-1101             

Internet: http://www.bmo.com

Bank of Montreal 
Financial Highlights 

(Canadian $ in millions
 except as noted)                         For the three months ended

                                   Jan 31,     Oct 31,    Jan 31,   Change from 
                                    1998        1997       1997    Jan 31, 1997

Net Income Statement             
Net Interest Income (TEB) (a)    $  1,054    $  1,091   $  1,009       4.4 %
Other Income                          777         771        697      11.5
Total revenue (TEB) (a)             1,831       1,862      1,706       7.3
Provision for credit losses            45          69         69     (34.5)
Non-interest expense                1,174       1,269      1,080       8.7
Provision for income taxes (TEB) (a)  247         220        229       7.8
Non-controlling interest in 
 subsidiary                             4           7          6     (30.3)
Net income                            361         297        322      12.0
Taxable equivalent adjustment          29          28         25      16.4

Per Common Share ($)
Net income - basic                $  1.29     $  1.05    $  1.17   $  0.12
           - fully diluted           1.27        1.04       1.16      0.11
Dividends declared                   0.44        0.44       0.40      0.04
Book value per share                30.34       29.18      26.71      3.63
Market value per share              67.10       60.85      46.60     20.50
Total market value of common
 shares ($ billions)                 17.6        15.9       12.1       5.5

                                                   As at 
                                   Jan 31,     Oct 31,    Jan 31,   Change from 
                                    1998        1997       1997    Jan 31, 1997

Balance Sheet Summary
Assets                          $ 218,635   $ 207,838  $ 186,872     17.6 %
Loans                             125,134     114,918    105,026     19.1
Deposits                          151,857     144,212    125,992     20.5
Capital funds                      13,242      12,734     11,679     13.4
Common equity                       7,939       7,629      6,948     14.3
Net impaired loans and acceptances   (498)       (358)       145   (100.0)
Average Balances
Loans                             124,365     116,844    103,803     19.8
Assets                            223,998     204,819    182,220     22.9

                                    Jan 31,     Oct 31,   Jan 31,
                                     1998        1997      1997
                                    Three       Twelve    Three
                                    months      months    months
Primary Financial Measures (%) (b)
Five-year return on common 
 shareholders' investment            30.2         26.1     21.0
Return on common shareholders'
 equity                              17.3         17.1     17.7
EPS growth - fully diluted            9.5         11.9     11.5
Revenue growth                        7.3         15.1     10.8
Expense-to-revenue ratio             64.1         64.4     63.3
Provision for credit losses as
 a % of average loans and
 acceptances                         0.14         0.23     0.25
Gross impaired loans and acceptances 
 as a % of equity and allowance for 
 credit losses                       6.26         7.65    13.33
Tier 1 capital ratio (c)             6.67         6.80     6.58
Cash and securities-to-total assets  33.6         35.6     33.4
Credit rating                         AA-          AA-      AA-

Other Financial Ratios (% except
 as noted) (b)
Return on common shareholders'
 investment                          13.5         55.0     19.1
Dividend yield                        2.9          3.9      3.9
Cash earnings per share basic ($)    1.36         4.97     1.24
Cash return on common shareholders'
 equity                              20.0         20.0     20.9
Return on average assets             0.64         0.66     0.70
Net interest income to average
 assets                              1.87         2.13     2.20
Other income as a % of total revenue 42.4         41.6     40.8
Expense growth                        8.7         16.8     15.8
Tier 1 capital ratio - U.S. basis
 (c) (d)                             6.74         6.35     6.12
Total capital ratio (c)              9.35         9.66     9.07
Equity-to-assets ratio                4.3          4.4      4.3

(a)   Reported on a taxable equivalent basis (TEB).
(b)   For the period ended or as at, as appropriate.
(c)   The January 31, 1998 total capital ratio and tier 1 capital ratios reflect
the inclusion of $400 million February 26, 1998 issue of Class B preferred
shares. Excluding this issue, the total capital ratio is 9.05%, the tier 1
capital ratio is 6.38% and the tier 1 capital ratio - U.S. basis is 6.45% as at
January 31, 1998.
(d)   The January 31, 1998 tier 1 capital ratio - U.S. basis also reflects the
inclusion of US $250 million preferred shares issued by a subsidiary on February
11, 1998. Excluding this issue and the issue in note (c) above, the tier 1
capital ratio - U.S. basis is 6.18% as at January 31, 1998.

Bank of Montreal 
Consolidated statement of income
(Canadian $ in millions except number of common shares)

                                          For the three months ended

                                        January 31,  October 31,   January 31, 
                                           1998         1997          1997

Interest, Dividend and Fee Income 
Loans                                   $  2,311     $  2,110      $  1,878
Securities                                   576          581           524
Deposits with banks                          452          378           277

                                           3,339        3,069         2,679

Interest Expense
Deposits                                   1,715        1,377         1,194
Subordinated debt                             75           72            72
Other liabilities                            624          557           429

                                           2,314        2,006         1,695

Net Interest Income                        1,025        1,063           984
Provision for credit losses                   45           69            69

Net Interest Income After Provision for 
 Credit Losses                               980          994           915

Other Income 
Deposit and payment service charges          132          129           125
Lending fees                                  53           69            46
Capital market fees                          233          238           221
Card services                                 77           89            65
Investment management and custodial fees      93           58            65
Mutual fund revenues                          45           44            32
Trading revenues                              63           66            61
Other fees and commissions                    81           78            82

                                             777          771           697

Net Interest and Other Income              1,757        1,765         1,612

Non-Interest Expense
Salaries and employee beneits                653          676           595
Premises and equipment                       223          287           203
Communications                                67           65            60
Other expenses                               212          223           204

                                           1,155        1,251         1,062
Goodwill and other valuation intangibles      19           18            18

Total non-interest exponse                 1,174        1,269         1,080

Income Before Provision for Income Taxes     583          496           532
Provision for income taxes                   218          192           204

Income Before Non-Controlling Interest in 
 Subsidiary                                  365          304           328
Non-controlling interest                       4            7             6

Net Income                               $   361      $   297      $    322

Dividends Declared - preferred shares    $    23      $    23      $     17
                   - common shares       $   116      $   115      $    104

Average Number of Common Shares
 Outstanding                         261,540,842  260,915,889   260,049,747 
Average Assets                        $  223,996   $  204,819    $  182,220


(Canadian $ in millions                           As at
                                        Jan 31,      Oct 31,      Jan 31,     
                                        1998         1997         1997

Cash resources                          $31,972     $32,245       #24,032
Securities                               41,520      41,789        38,081

                                         73,492      74,034        62,113

  Residential mortgages                  36,769      35,555        31,055
  Consumer instalment and other
  personal loans                         14,940      14,682        13,181
  Credit card loans                       2,012       1,912         3,858
  Loans to businesses and governments    50,927      45,397        40,382
  Securities purchased under resale 
  agreements                             21,651      18,517        17,624

                                        126,299     116,063       106,100
  Allowance for credit losses            (1,165)     (1,145)       (1,074)

                                        125,134     114,918       105,026

Customers' liability under acceptances    5,825       5,594         4,141
Other assets                             14,084      13,292        14,592

Total Assets                          $ 218,535   $ 207,838     $ 185,872

  Banks                               $  35,004   $  31,272     $  26,618
  Business and governments               56,995      54,901        41,661
  Individuals                            59,858      58,039        57,713

                                        151,857     144,212       125,992

Acceptances                               5,825       5,594         4,141
Securities sold but not yet purchased     8,883      10,304        12,920
Securities sold under repurchase 
agreements                               25,871      21,389        16,695
Other liabilities                        12,857      13,605        14,445

                                         53,436      50,892        48,201

Subordinated debt                        4,017       3,831         3,872

Shareholders' equity
  Share capital 
    Preferred shares                     1,286       1,274           859
    Common shares                        3,024       3,019         2,994
  Retained earnings                      4,915       4,610         3,954

                                         9,225       8,903         7,807

Total Liabilities and Shareholders' 
Equity                                $218,535    $207,838      $185,872

These consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with
Canadian generally accepted accounting principles, including the accounting
requirements of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Canada.


(Canadian $ in millions)                          For the three months ended

                                        Jan 31, 1998          Jan 31, 1997

Cash Flows From Operating Activities
Net income                              $    361              $    322
Adjustments to determine net cash flows    2,600                  (198)

                                           2,961                   124

Cash Flows From Financing Activities
Deposits                                   7,645                 6,730
Other liabilities                          1,719                   333
Debt and share capital                       203                   565
Dividends paid                              (139)                 (121)

                                           9,428                 7,507

Cash Flows Used in Investing Activities  
Investment securities                      2,287                 1,003
Loans                                     10,261                 6,682
Premises and equipment - net purchases       114                   101
Other assets                                (448)                1,218

                                          12,214                 9,004

Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and 
Cash Equivalents                             175                (1,373)

Cash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning 
of Period                                  2,651                 3,346

Cash and Cash Equivalents at End
of Period                               $  2,826              $  1,973


(Canadian $ in millions)                          For the three months ended

                                        Jan 31, 1998         Jan 31, 1997

Balance at Beginning of Period          $  8,903             $  7,586
Net income                                   361                  322
Dividends - Preferred shares                 (23)                 (17)
          - Common shares                   (116)                (104)
Common share issues                            5                    5
Translation adjustment on preferred shares
issued in a foreign currency                  12                    2
Unrealized gain on translation of net 
investment in foreign operations,
net of hedging activities and applicable 
income tax                                    83                   13
Balance at End of Period                $  9,225             $  7,807



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