RNS Number : 5676V
  Addworth PLC
  30 May 2008
    30 May 2008

    Addworth plc

    Final Results for the Year Ended 31 December 2007

    Addworth plc ("Addworth" or the "Company"), the AIM listed active capital investor today announces its final results for the year ended
31 December 2007.  


    *     Net assets up 55.27% year on year at �3.82 million (�2.46 million)
    *     Group turnover �4.97 million (�4.63 million - restated on first application of IFRS)
    *     Pre-tax loss �0.63 million (profit: �0.17 million - restated on first application of IFRS)
    *     Board confident of further asset advances being made in the current year

    Executive Chairman, Mark Watson-Mitchell commented: 

    "Year on year we increased our Group net assets by 55.27% to �3.82 million, which compares with the 76.73% advance in 2006. Our
consolidated pre-tax loss of �0.63 million partly reflects the added costs of operating the business model.  In spite of the operating loss,
the year saw a significant increase in our net asset value.

    Although markets continue to prove difficult we are preparing a number of new flotations in 2008, with interests including insurance
claims management, pre-IPO investments, farmer's markets, and greener investments."

    For further information:

         Addworth Plc          020 7638 8750
    Mark Watson-Mitchell,      www.addworth.
      Executive Chairman       co.uk

 Nabarro Wells & Co. Limited   020 7634 4705
          Hugh Oram


    This is our first full year of reporting in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

    The Directors believe net asset value and pre-tax profit/(loss) to be key performance indicators for the Group.

    Year on year we increased our Group net assets by 55.27% to �3.82 million, which compares with the 76.73% advance in 2006. Our
consolidated pre-tax loss of �0.63 million partly reflects the added costs of operating the business model.  In spite of the operating loss,
the year saw a significant increase in our net asset value.

    During the year under review our turnover on share trading amounted to �4.59 million (2006: �3.85 million), rendering gross profits of
�0.08 million (2006: loss �0.11 million). There were significant gains on a number of our early investments, such as Myhome International
plc, where we made �149,819 and EBTM plc, �44,991. Unfortunately these gains were to some extent offset by losses elsewhere, notably on
Maypole Group Plc and Sportingbet Plc, where we suffered losses of �56,004 and �60,202 respectively.  

    One very satisfying result of the increase in our investing activity was the corresponding increase in the fees we earned from the
provision of management and strategic consultancy services, rising to �168,503 from �61,250 in 2006. 

    Substantial investments

    The last year was not easy as markets proved difficult to assess, especially in the light of the US sub-prime crisis and the acute
problems at Northern Rock Plc. However, we managed to float five new companies on the PLUS-quoted market, whilst we helped one of our AIM
companies to make a near �3.0 million acquisition.

    The companies that we introduced to the PLUS-quoted market in 2007 were: Oil and Gas Support Services Plc (PLUS: OGSS), which is seeking
to acquire support services companies operating in the global oil and gas sector; Gaming Ventures Plc (PLUS: GAMP), involved in the online
and mobile gaming sector; Uranium Prospects Plc (PLUS: URPP), which is funding exploration for uranium in Canada's Athabasca Basin; Early
Equity Plc (PLUS: EEQP), which is involved in helping to fund companies in the Midlands and the North of England; and finally Three's A
Crowd Plc (PLUS: TACP), an events management company that is also developing an online lifestyle portal.

    In addition to those investments we retain substantial investments in Livewave Media Plc (PLUS: LIVP) (previously Branded Entertainment
Plc), Cheerful Scout Plc (PLUS: CLS), NCI Vehicle Rescue Plc (PLUS: NCI), The Core Business Plc (LSE: CORE) and Yellowcake Plc (PLUS: YEL).
The market value, at bid prices of this group of investments which we consider our long term investments, is included on the Consolidated
balance sheet (see page 13) under the heading Non current assets: Available-for-sale investments at �3,664,272 (2006: �1,603,545). The cost
of acquiring these assets was �945,898 (2006: �875,191).

    Non-substantial investments

    We continue to seek out opportunities to invest in smaller quoted companies which we consider to be undervalued. The continuing poor
performance of the market has contributed in reducing the number of such investments at the end of the period under review to 22 from 28 at
the end of the previous year, although the aggregate cost of our holdings saw an increase. 

    The restructuring work done on this category of investments saw a gain in market value against cost, reversing last year's loss. These
shorter term investments are shown on the consolidated balance sheet (see page 13) under the heading Current assets: Investments at fair
value through profit and loss at �790,247 (2006: �481,140). The cost of acquiring these assets was �692,936 (2006: �590,330).

    Share options award

    As envisaged on page 9 of the original Admission Document for the Company, an appropriate share option award has been granted to the
Directors and staff in recognition for their contribution to the success of the business to date. A total of 17,000,000 options were
awarded, to acquire shares in the Company at a subscription price of 3p per share over a seven year period from 28 September 2010. Details
of each individual's entitlement are set out in the Directors' Report (see page 7). The Company's share price at the time of the award was

    Going forward

    We are beginning to realise that we have developed an interesting niche in helping to fund early-stage companies and take them rapidly
on to the PLUS-quoted market. This particular market holds substantial potential for Addworth, an emphasis we will continue to pursue in the
current year.

    Our budgeted target for 2008 is to help fund and promote onto the PLUS-quoted market a total of eight companies. Companies which are
currently being lined up for Introduction onto that market cover a wide range of interests including: insurance claims management; investing
in 'green' projects; operating farmer's markets; pre-IPO investments; Savile Row tailoring; and investing in tourism projects in Zanzibar.

    In the near future we will be helping to float plus+investors plc on the PLUS-quoted market, which will operate as a pre-IPO investment
company. Its establishment will help Addworth Plc insomuch as its business model is that of taking stakes in companies ahead of their
Introduction to the PLUS-quoted market. That should add to Addworth's fund-raising abilities on behalf of 'client' companies, whilst giving
plus+investors plc attractive buying opportunities for its own portfolio.

    Early in 2007 we made a substantial investment in Risk Transfer Limited, establishing a fully authorised insurance company in Guernsey,
in the Channel Islands. Whilst this company has been developing its unique LeaseCare policy Addworth has continued to fund its working
capital requirement. That cost, which totalled �233,393 in 2007 (2006: �63,029), was a large contributor to the Group's pre-tax loss.

    The LeaseCare product covers the insurance risk of contractual lease end refurbishment costs, and is aimed at vehicle leasing companies,
who wish to protect their assets at the end of a lease. The marketing of this policy will proceed in 2008.

    After enduring a tricky period of development in 2006 the last year or so has proved to be impactive for The Core Business Plc (AIM:
CORE). Its acquisition of Amirose International Ltd in the middle of the year has contributed significantly to the distribution
infrastructure. New brands now being represented are being marketed through some of the UK's leading retail multiples. We remain convinced
that management of The Core Business will reward our continued faith in their ability.

    Addworth's longer-term investment portfolio remains committed to companies with whom we have either Board connections or strategic and
facilities management consultancies.

    The short term portfolio has been reduced, and trading pared back considerably with equity market conditions as tricky as they are at

    We continue to seek out possible acquisition targets for the Group, with an emphasis upon the financial sector, and we will continue to
search for such opportunities in 2008.

    The Company is seeking to expand its established horizons of funding and floating AIM and PLUS-quoted companies, but guarded in its
moves into areas where its knowledge and experience is less well-based. Even so it will not stop us looking.

    Risk and uncertainties

    Risks and uncertainties which the Group faces as part of its business are discussed in note 30 of the attached financial statements.

    Other business risks

    Other risks faced by the Group include the following:

    *     an inappropriate investment strategy could result in poor returns to shareholders and widening the discount of the share price to
net asset value per share. The Board conducts regular reviews in relation to a range of issues including the allocation of assets across
industrial sectors;
    *     inadequate financial controls could result in misappropriation of assets, loss of income and debtor receipts and overstatement of
net asset values. The Board regularly reviews internal procedures and management accounts and subjects the books and records of the Group to
an annual audit;
    *     loss of key staff could affect investment returns. The quality of the management team is a crucial factor in delivering good
performance and the Group develops its remuneration packages in order to retain key staff.

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Board and staff who are working extremely hard to fulfill our business goals of
creating and adding worth. Finally we would like to thank all of our shareholders for their support.

    Mark Watson-Mitchell
    Executive Chairman


    The Directors present their report and the audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2007.


    The principal activity of the Group is that of an equity investor. It helps to finance and subsequently take to either the AIM or
PLUS-quoted markets small entrepreneurially managed companies, to whom it also provides strategic consultancy services for their
development. The Company invests in undervalued smaller quoted companies, whilst also seeking to acquire trading entities.

    Results for the year and dividends

    A review of developments during the year and of future prospects is included in the Chairman's statement on pages 3 to 5. The audited
financial statements, including notes, are presented on pages 11 to 45. The subsidiaries principally affecting the profits and net assets of
the Group during the year are listed in note 14 on page 30 of the financial statements.

    The consolidated net loss after taxation amounted to �628,340 (2006: profit of �169,440 as restated on first application of IFRS). The
Directors do not recommend the payment of a dividend for the year (2006: �nil).  


    The present Directors of the Company are listed on page 2.

    The Director retiring by rotation and seeking re-election at the forthcoming Annual General meeting in accordance with the articles of
association is R Painting. The Board has considered and reviewed his appointment prior to the submission for recommendation. The board
believes that the performance of R Painting continues to be effective, that he demonstrates commitment to his role and has a range of
business, financial and management skills and experience relevant to the direction and control of the Company.

    The continuing Directors recommend that shareholders vote in favour of the re-election of the director retiring by rotation.

    Directors' interests

    The Directors who served during the year and their beneficial interests in the share capital of the Company as at 31 December 2007
                          Ordinary  shares of 0.5p  Ordinary shares of 0.5p each
                                              2007                          2006

   M Watson-Mitchell                    28,500,000                    28,500,000
   M Gilmour                               800,000                       800,000
   R Painting                            4,780,000                     4,780,000
   A Collins                             2,070,000                     2,070,000
   A Scutt                                  15,000                        15,000

    M Partner and W Bryant, both directors of Risk Transfer Limited, a 100% owned subsidiary of the Company, own 3,245,666 Addworth ordinary
shares between them, representing 2.31% of the issued share capital. 

    Company Secretary

    F Timmermans was appointed Company Secretary on 1 January 2008, replacing R Painting.

    Discretionary share options award

    The following share options were awarded in September 2007:

 Executive directors

 M Watson-Mitchell        10,000,000
 M Gilmour                 2,500,000
 F Timmermans                500,000

 Non-executive directors

 A Collins                 1,000,000
 R Painting                1,000,000
 A Scutt                   1,000,000

    A further one million options were granted to other staff members. The options are exercisable at any time on or after 28 September
2010, for a period of seven years, at the exercise price of 3.0p per share. The bid price at the time the options were granted was 2.6p per

    Substantial shareholdings

    At the date of this report the Company is aware of the following substantial holdings in shares carrying voting rights:
                                                     Percentage shareholding
                                   Number of shares

 Pershing Keen Nominees Limited *        37,725,000                   26.82%
 M Watson-Mitchell                       26,500,000                   18.84%
 R Bruce Rowan                           13,500,000                    9.60%
 Starvest Plc                            12,670,000                    9.01%
 Hythe Nominees Limited                   8,559,500                    6.08%
 First Equity Nominees Limited **         5,372,946                    3.82%
 JIM Nominees Ltd                         4,883,800                    3.47%
 R Painting                               4,780,000                    3.40%

    * The above stated nominee holding includes declared holdings by the following individuals:

                               Percentage shareholding
             Number of shares

 N Wray            23,000,000                   16.35%
 S Perree           7,000,000                    4.98%
 R Goulding         6,944,071                    4.94%

    ** The above stated nominee holding includes shares held by M Watson-Mitchell, M Partner and W Bryant.

    Financial risk management

    The principal current assets of the business are cash or investments that can be converted into cash within a short period of time.
Therefore the principal financial instruments employed by the Group are cash or cash equivalents and the Directors ensure that the business
maintains surplus cash reserves to minimise liquidity risk. Conversion of current asset investments into cash in accordance with the
contractual arrangements is closely monitored. Current asset investments and non-current available-for-sale investments are  subject to 
price risk  as a result of  movement  in market values.   The Directors monitor movement in market values closely and take appropriate
action, if required, as a result of those movements. The Group's management fees are based on pre-agreed contractual arrangements with
clients, thereby reducing price risk and credit risk. 

    Creditor payment policy

    It is the Group's policy to settle all investment transactions in accordance with the terms and conditions of the relevant market in
which it operates. All other expenses are paid on a timely basis in the ordinary course of business, provided that goods and services are
supplied in accordance with the contractual conditions.

    At the year end, the Group had an average of 22 days purchases owed to trade creditors (2006: 22).

    Other risks and uncertainties facing the Group are disclosed in note 30 of the attached financial statements. Other business risks are
discussed on page 5 of the Chairmans' statement.

    Corporate governance

    The Directors intend, in so far as is practicable given the Group's size and the constitution of the board, to comply with the main
provisions of the Combined Code: Principles of Corporate Governance and Code of Best Practice which is consistent with the recommendations
on Corporate Governance of the Quoted Companies Alliance.

    The Directors intend to comply with Rule 21 of the AIM Rules relating to the Directors' dealings as applicable to AIM companies and will
also take all reasonable steps to ensure compliance with Rule 21 by the Group's relevant employees.

    Statement regarding disclosure of information to the auditor

    Each Director of the Company has confirmed that, in fulfilling their duties as a director, they are aware of no relevant audit
information of which the Company's Auditors are not aware and that they have taken all the steps that they ought to have taken as a director
to make themselves aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that the Company's Auditors are aware of that information.


    A resolution to reappoint Nexia Smith & Williamson as auditors will be proposed at the next Annual General Meeting.

    Approved by the Board of Directors
    and signed on behalf of the Board

    M Watson-Mitchell


    The Directors are responsible for preparing the Annual Report and the financial statements in accordance with applicable United Kingdom
law and the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union. 

    The Directors are required to prepare financial statements for each financial year which present fairly the financial position of the
Company and of the Group and the financial performance and cash flows of the Company and of the Group for that period. In preparing those
financial statements, the Directors are required to:

    *     select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently;
    *     present information, including accounting policies, in a manner that provides relevant, reliable, comparable and understandable
    *     provide additional disclosures when compliance with the specific requirements in IFRS is insufficient to enable users to
understand the impact of particular transactions, other events and conditions on the entity's financial position and financial performance;
    *     state that the Company and the Group have complied with IFRS, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the
financial statements. 

    The Directors are responsible for keeping proper accounting records which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial
position of the Company and of the Group and enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the Companies Act 1985. They
are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of
fraud and other irregularities. 

    The Directors confirm that they have complied with these requirements and, having a reasonable expectation that the Company and the
Group has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future, continue to adopt the going concern basis in
preparing the financial statements. 

    The financial statements are published on www.addworth.co.uk, which is a website maintained by the Company. The directors are
responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the corporate and financial information included on the Company's website. Legislation in
the United Kingdom governing the preparation and dissemination of financial statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions.


    Independent auditors' report to the shareholders of Addworth plc

    We have audited the group and parent company financial statements (the 'financial statements') of Addworth plc for the year ended 31
December 2007 which comprise the Consolidated Income Statement, the Consolidated Statement of Change in Shareholders' Equity, the
Consolidated Balance Sheet, the Consolidated Cash Flow Statement, the Parent Company Statement of Change in Shareholders' Equity, the Parent
Company Balance Sheet, the Parent Company Cash Flow Statement and the related notes 1 to 34.  These financial statements have been prepared
under the accounting policies set out therein.  
    This report is made solely to the company's members, as a body, in accordance with Section 235 of the Companies Act 1985. Our audit work
has been undertaken so that we might state to the company's members those matters we are required to state to them in an auditors' report
and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the company
and the company's members as a body, for our audit work, for this report, or for the opinions we have formed.
    Respective responsibilities of directors and auditors

    The directors' responsibilities for preparing the Annual Report and the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) as adopted by the European Union applied in accordance with the provisions of the
Companies Act 1985 are set out in the Statement of Directors' Responsibilities.

    Our responsibility is to audit the financial statements in accordance with relevant legal and regulatory requirements and International
Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland). 

    We report to you our opinion as to whether the financial statements give a true and fair view and are properly prepared in accordance
with the Companies Act 1985. We report to you whether in our opinion the information given in the Directors' Report is consistent with the
financial statements. The information given in the Directors' Report includes that specific information presented in the Chairman's
Statement that is cross referred from the Business Review section of the Directors' Report. We also report to you if, in our opinion, the
company has not kept proper accounting records, if we have not received all the information and explanations we require for our audit, or if
the information specified by law regarding directors' remuneration and transactions with the company is not disclosed.

    We read other information contained in the Annual Report and consider whether it is consistent with the audited financial statements.
This other information comprises only the Directors' Report and the Chairman's Statement. We consider the implications for our report if we
become aware of any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the financial statements. Our responsibilities do not extend to
any other information.
    Basis of audit opinion
    We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) issued by the Auditing Practices Board.
An audit includes examination, on a test basis, of evidence relevant to the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. It also
includes an assessment of the significant estimates and judgements made by the directors in the preparation of the financial statements, and
of whether the accounting policies are appropriate to the company's circumstances, consistently applied and adequately disclosed.

    We planned and performed our audit so as to obtain all the information and explanations which we considered necessary in order to
provide us with sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether
caused by fraud or other irregularity or error. In forming our opinion we also evaluated the overall adequacy of the presentation of
information in the financial statements.
    In our opinion: 
    *     the financial statements give a true and fair view, in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union applied in
accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act 1985, of the state of the group's and parent company's affairs as at 31 December 2007
and of the group's loss for the year then ended; and 
    *     the financial statements have been properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 1985 and
    *     the information given in the Directors' Report is consistent with the financial statements.

    Nexia Smith & Williamson        25 Moorgate
    Chartered Accountants                    London
    Registered Auditors                         EC2R 6AY

    Date: 29 May 2008     

    The maintenance and integrity of the Addworth plc web site is the responsibility of the directors; the work carried out by the auditors
does not involve consideration of these matters and, accordingly, the auditors accept no responsibility for any changes that may have
occurred to the accounts since they were initially presented on the web site.

     for the year ended 31 December 2007

                                       Notes  Year ended             Year ended 
                                              31 December            31 December
                                                     2007                   2006
                                                        �                      �
 Revenue                                   3  4,965,857      4,626,687
 Cost of sales                                                  
 Cost of investments sold                                      (3,957,818)
 Gross profit                                     460,085                668,869
 Administration expenses excluding                         
 share based expenses                                      
 Share based payment transactions                          
                                           4  (1,095,895)    (537,564)
                                          29  (17,000)       32,400
 Total expenses                               (1,112,895)              (505,164)
 Operating (loss)/profit                                   
 Finance income                                            
 (Loss)/profit before taxation                             
                                                (652,810)                163,705
                                                   26,448                  5,735
                                                (626,362)                169,440
 Taxation                                9    (1,978)                          -
 (Loss)/profit after tax for the year                      
                                              (628,340)                  169,440
 Analysis of (loss)/profit after tax                       
 for the year between equity and                           
 minority interests                                        
 Equity shareholders                            (628,340)                169,440
                                                (628,340)                169,440
 Earnings per share from continuing                        
 operations attributable to the                            
 equity shareholders:                                      
 Diluted                                  10      (0.46)p                  0.26p
                                          10      (0.46)p                  0.20p

    The notes on pages 16 to 43 form an integral part of these financial statements.

     for the year ended 31 December 2007

                                 Share capital    Share premium    Other reserves    Retained earnings       Total 
                                             �                �                 �                    �       equity
 Balance at                      285,000          985,884          1,315,125         (1,195,809)          1,390,200
 1 January 2006                                                                                         
                                 -                -                506,128           -                    506,128
 Gain on revaluation of                                                                                 
 available-for-sale investments                                                                         
 Release of gain on disposal of  -                -                (370,810)         -                    (370,810)
 available for sale investments                                                                         
 Tax on items taken directly to  -                -                (40,595)          -                    (40,595)
 Profit for the year             -                -                -                 169,440              169,440
 Total recognised income and     -                -                94,723            169,440              264,163
 expenses for the year                                                                                  
 Share based payments            -                -                (842,400)         810,000              (32,400)
 Issue of equity share capital   298,334          536,666          -                 -                    835,000
 Balance at 1 January 2007       583,334          1,522,550        567,448           (216,369)            2,456,963
 Gain on revaluation of          -                -                2,106,002         -                    2,106,002
 available-for-sale investments                                                                         
 Release of gain on disposal of  -                -                (115,982)         -                    (115,982)
 available for sale investments                                                                         
 Tax on items taken directly to  -                -                (542,639)         -                    (542,639)
 Loss for the year               -                -                -                 (628,340)            (628,340)
 Total recognised income and     -                -                1,447,381         (628,340)            819,041
 expenses for the year                                                                                  
 Share based payments            -                -                17,000            -                    17,000
 Issue of equity share capital   120,000          402,000          -                 -                    522,000
 Balance at                      703,334          1,924,550        2,031,829         (844,709)            3,815,004
 31 December 2007                                                                                       

    Other reserves are further analysed in note 23.

    The notes on pages 16 to 43 form an integral part of these financial statements.

    as at 31 December 2007
                                           Notes     31 December     31 December
                                                            2007            2006
                                                               �               �
 Non-current assets                                                             
 Plant and equipment                          11          52,097          53,302
 Intangible assets                            12               -          49,998
 Available-for-sale investments               13       3,664,272       1,603,545
 Total non-current assets                              3,716,369       1,706,845
 Current assets                                                                 
 Trade and other receivables                  15         174,180          64,554
 Investments at fair value through profit                790,427         481,140
 and loss
 Cash and cash equivalents                    17         318,681         743,714
 Total current assets                                  1,283,288       1,289,408
 Total assets                                          4,999,657       2,996,253
 Equity and liabilities                                                         
 Ordinary share capital                       22         703,334         583,334
 Share premium                                         1,924,550       1,522,550
 Investment revaluation reserve               23       1,957,229         509,848
 Share based payment reserve               23,29          74,600          57,600
 Retained earnings                                     (844,709)       (216,369)
 Total equity                                          3,815,004       2,456,963
 Non-current liabilities                                                        
 Deferred tax liabilities                     21         763,123         218,506
 Current liabilities                                                            
 Trade and other payables                     19         421,530         320,784
 Total liabilities                                     1,184,653         539,290
 Total equity and liabilities                          4,999,657       2,996,253

    Authorised by the board and signed on its behalf on 29 May 2008

    Mark Watson-Mitchell

    The notes on pages 16 to 43 form an integral part of these financial statements.

    for the year ended 31 December 2007

                                               Notes    Year ended    Year ended
                                                                31            31
                                                          December      December
                                                              2007          2006
                                                                 �             �
 Net cash (used in)/from operating activities  25       (883,697)     220,619
             Investing activities                                   
     Purchase of non-current investments                (336,071)     (435,680)
 Disposal of non-current investments                    265,364       161,203
         Purchases of tangible assets                   (18,827)      (53,302)
        Increase in intangible assets                   (250)         -
 Net cash used in investing activities                  (89,784)      (327,779)
             Financing activities                                   
                Finance income                          26,448        5,735
         Proceeds on issue of shares                    522,000       695,000
    Directors' exercise of share warrants               -             90,000
 Net cash from financing activities                     548,448       790,735
   Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash             (425,033)     683,575
 Cash and cash equivalents at start of year             743,714       60,139
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                           
                                                  17       318,681       743,714

    The notes on pages 16 to 43 form an integral part of these financial statements.

     for the year ended 31 December 2007

                                 Share capital    Share premium    Other reserves    Retained earnings       Total 
                                             �                �                 �                    �       equity
 Balance at                      285,000          985,884          1,315,125         (1,195,809)          1,390,200
 1 January 2006                                                                                         
                                 -                -                506,128           -                    506,128
 Gain on revaluation of                                                                                 
 available-for-sale investments                                                                         
 Release of gain on disposal of  -                -                (370,810)         -                    (370,810)
 available for sale investments                                                                         
 Tax on items taken directly to  -                -                (40,595)          -                    (40,595)
 Profit for the year             -                -                -                 232,469              232,469
                                 -                -                94,723            232,469              327,192
 Total recognised income and                                                                            
 expenses for the year                                                                                  
 Share based payments            -                -                (842,400)         810,000              (32,400)
 Issue of equity share capital   298,334          536,666          -                 -                    835,000
 Balance at 1 January 2007       583,334          1,522,550        567,448           (153,340)            2,519,992
                                 -                -                2,106,002         -                    2,106,002
 Gain on revaluation of                                                                                 
 available-for-sale investments                                                                         
 Release of gain on disposal of  -                -                (115,982)         -                    (115,982)
 available for sale investments                                                                         
 Tax on items taken directly to  -                -                (542,639)         -                    (542,639)
 Loss for the year               -                -                -                 (443,441)            (443,441)
                                 -                -                1,447,381         (443,441)            1,003,940
 Total recognised income and                                                                            
 expenses for the year                                                                                  
 Share based payments            -                -                17,000            -                    17,000
 Issue of equity share capital   120,000          420,000          -                 -                    522,000
 Balance at                      703,334          1,924,550        2,031,829         (596,781)            4,062,932
 31 December 2007                                                                                       

     Other reserves are further analysed in note 23.

    The notes on pages 16 to 43 form an integral part of these financial statements.

     as at 31 December 2007

                                           Notes     31 December     31 December
                                                            2007            2006
                                                               �               �
 Non-current assets                                                             
 Plant and equipment                          11          52,097          53,302
 Investments in subsidiaries                  14         250,004         250,002
 Intangible assets                            12               -          49,998
 Available-for-sale investments               13       3,656,272       1,603,545
 Total non-current assets                              3,958,373       1,956,847
 Current assets                                                                 
 Trade and other receivables                  16         388,957         127,581
 Investments at fair value through profit                790,427         481,140
 and loss
 Cash and cash equivalents                    18          58,049         743,714
 Total current assets                                  1,237,433       1,352,435
 Total assets                                          5,195,806       3,309,282
 Equity and liabilities                                                         
 Ordinary share capital                       22         703,334         583,334
 Share premium                                         1,924,550       1,522,550
 Investment revaluation reserve               23       1,957,229         509,848
 Share based payment reserve               23,29          74,600          57,600
 Retained earnings                                     (596,781)       (153,340)
 Total equity                                          4,062,932       2,519,992
 Non-current liabilities                                                        
 Deferred tax liabilities                     21         763,123         218,506
 Current liabilities                                                            
 Trade and other payables                     20         369,751         570,784
 Total liabilities                                     1,132,874         789,290
 Total equity and liabilities                          5,195,806       3,309,282

    Authorised by the board and signed on its behalf on 29 May 2008

    Mark Watson-Mitchell

    The notes on pages 16 to 43 form an integral part of these financial statements.

     for the year ended 31 December 2007

                                                Notes   Year ended    Year ended
                                                       31 December            31
                                                              2007      December
                                                                 �          2006
 Net cash (used in)/from operating activities                       
                                                   26  (1,137,987)       470,619
 Investing activities                                               
 Purchase of non-current investments                     (328,071)     (435,680)
 Disposal of non-current investments                       265,364       161,203
 Increase in tangible assets                              (18,829)     (253,304)
 Increase in intangible asset                                (250)      (49,998)
 Net cash used in investing activities                    (81,786)     (577,779)
 Financing activities                                               
 Finance income                                             12,108         5,735
 Proceeds on issue of shares                               522,000       695,000
 Directors' exercise of share warrants                           -        90,000
 Net cash from financing activities                        534,108       790,735
 Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash                           
 equivalents                                             (685,665)       683,575
 Cash and cash equivalents at start of year                743,714        60,139
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of year          18       58,049       743,714

    The notes on pages 16 to 43 form an integral part of these financial statements.

    Notes to the Financial Statements
    for the year ended 31 December 2007

    1.   Authorisation of financial statements and statement of compliance with IFRSs

    Addworth plc is a public limited company incorporated and domiciled in England & Wales. The Company's ordinary shares are traded on the
Alternative Investment Market.

    The Group and the Company's financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards
("IFRSs") as adopted by the European Union and as applied in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act 1985. The principal
accounting policies adopted by the Group and by the Company are set out in note 2. 

    The disclosures required by IFRS 1 concerning the transition from UK GAAP to IFRS are given in note 32.

    The Company has taken advantage of the exemption provided under section 230 of the Companies Act 1985 not to publish its individual
income statement and related notes.

    2.   Accounting policies

    Basis of preparation

    These Group and Company financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention, as modified by the revaluation of
available-for-sale financial assets and financial assets and financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss.  

    Going concern

    The accounts have been prepared on a going concern basis. The Directors have reviewed the financial performance of the Group since 31
December 2007 and have considered the Group's cash projections for the 12 months from the date of approval of these accounts. Based on these
projections, the Directors believe the going concern assumption remains valid. On this basis the Directors of the Group consider it
appropriate to draw up the accounts on a going concern basis. The accounts do not include any adjustments that would result if the Group was
no longer a going concern. 

    Critical accounting judgements and key sources of estimation uncertainty

    The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting practice requires management to make estimates
and judgements that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities as well as the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at
the balance sheet date and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. 

    Estimates and judgements are continually evaluated and are based on historical experience and other factors, including expectations of
future events that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances. 

    The main areas of judgement and estimation relate to valuation of share options, recoverability of trade and other receivables and fair
valuation of  investments, both available-for-sale and at fair value through profit or loss.

    Share based payments

    In determining the fair value of equity settled share based payments and the related charge to the income statement, the Group makes
assumptions about future events and market conditions. In particular, judgement must be made as to the likely number of shares that will
vest, and the fair value of each award granted. The fair value is determined using a valuation model which is dependent on further
estimates, including the Group's future dividend policy, the timing with which options will be exercised and the future volatility in the
price of the Group's shares. Such assumptions are based on publicly available information and reflect market expectations and advice taken
from qualified personnel. Different assumptions about those factors to those made by the Group could materially affect the reported value of
share based payments. The carrying amounts of share based payments in these financial statements came to �74,600 (2006: �57,600).
     Recoverability of debtors and other receivables

    The trade debtors and other receivables balances in the Group's balance sheet relate to a relatively small number of individual debtors.
All individual balances are reviewed on a month by month basis. 

    Whilst every attempt is made to ensure that any bad debt provision is as accurate as possible, there remains a risk that the provisions
do not match the level of debt which may ultimately prove to be uncollectible. The carrying amounts for Group and Company debtors in these
financial statements, net of provisions, are �174,180 and �388,957 respectively (2006: �64,554 and �127,581).


    Investments listed on a stock exchange are valued at their quoted market bid prices at each year end. Unlisted investments are valued
annually by the Directors taking into account such relevant information as financial performance, quality of management, funding prospects
and flotation potential. The carrying amounts for Group and Company investments in these financial statements are �4,454,699 and �4,446,699
respectively (2006: �2,084,685 for both Group and Company).

    New standards and interpretations

    At the date of authorisation of these financial statements, the following Standards and Interpretations which have not been applied in
these financial statements were in issue but not yet effective:
    IAS 1 Presentation of financial statements (revised 2007; effective 1 January 2009)
    IAS 27 Consolidated and separate financial statements (amended 2008; effective 1 July 2009)
    IAS 23 Borrowing costs (revised 2007; effective 1 January 2009)
    IFRIC 11 IFRS 2 - Group and treasury Share Transactions
    IFRIC 12 Service Concession Arrangements
    IFRIC 13 Customer loyalty programmes (effective 1 July 2008)
    IFRIC 14 The limit on a defined benefit asset minimum funding requirements and their interaction (effective 1 January 2008)

    The Directors anticipate that the adoption of these statements and interpretations will have no material impact on the Group's financial
statements in the period of initial application. IFRS 3 Business combinations (effective 1 July 2009) may have an impact on the financial
statements of the Group in the event that acquisitions are undertaken, and IFRS 8 Operating segments (effective 1 July 2009) will amend the
disclosure of business and geographical segments as presented in note 6.



    Subsidiaries are all entities over which the Group has the power to govern the financial and operating policies generally accompanying a
shareholding of more than 50% of the voting rights.

    Subsidiaries are fully consolidated from the date that control passes to the Group. They are deconsolidated from the date that control

    The purchase method of accounting is used to account for the acquisition of subsidiaries by the Group. The cost of an acquisition is
measured as the fair value of the assets given, equity instruments issued and liabilities incurred or assumed at the date of exchange, plus
costs directly attributable to the acquisition. The excess of the cost of the acquisition over the fair value of the Group's share of the
identifiable net assets acquired is recorded as goodwill. Goodwill arising on consolidation is recognised as an asset and reviewed for
impairment at least annually. Any impairment is recognised immediately in profit or loss and is not subsequently reversed.

    Intercompany transactions, balances and unrealised gains on transactions between group companies are eliminated. Accounting policies of
subsidiaries have been changed where necessary to ensure consistency with the policies adopted by the Group.


    Associates are all entities over which the Group has significant influence but not control, generally accompanying a shareholding of
between 20% and 50% of the voting rights.

    In accounting for investments in associates the group has taken advantage of the exemption granted in International Accounting Standard
(IAS) 28 "Investments in Associates", to venture capital organisations. Such investments are measured at fair value and classified as
investments available-for-sale. 

    Foreign currencies

    The individual financial statements of each Group company are presented in the currency of the primary economic environment in which it
operates (its functional currency). For the purposes of the consolidated financial statements the results and financial position of each
Group company are expressed in pounds sterling, which is the functional currency of all the group companies, and the presentation currency
for the consolidated financial statements.

    Transactions in foreign currency are recorded at the rates of exchange prevailing on the dates of the transactions. At each balance
sheet date, monetary assets and liabilities that are denominated in foreign currencies are retranslated at the rates prevailing on the
balance sheet date. Exchange differences on all such transactions are recognised in the income statement, except for those on investments
classified as available-for-sale financial assets, which are included in the revaluation reserve in equity.  

    Revenue recognition

    Revenue comprises the fair value of the consideration received or receivable and represents amounts receivable for sales of services
provided in the normal course of business, net of discounts, VAT and other sales related taxes.

    Sales of services

    Revenue arising from the sale of services is recognised when and to the extent that the group obtains the right to consideration in
exchange for the performance of its contractual obligations as follows:

    Revenues arising from contractual arrangements with third parties for the provision of services are recognised by reference to the
stages of completion of each individual transaction at the end of the reporting period. 

    Interest income

    Interest income is recognised on a time proportion basis using the effective interest method. 

    Dividend income

    Dividend income is recognised when the Group's right to receive payment is established.

    Income from the sale of financial assets

    Income from the sale of financial assets such as shares in listed companies is recognised when the contract for the sale is entered

    Share based payments
    The Group has applied the requirements of IFRS 2 "Share-based payments". The Group has issued equity settled share based payments to
certain employees. Equity-settled share-based payments are measured at fair value determined at the date of grant, which is expensed on a
straight line basis over the vesting period, based on the Group's estimate of shares that will eventually vest. In determining the fair
value of equity settled share based payments  and  in  calculating  the  fair  value  and  the  related  charge  to  the  income  statement,
 by  use of a Black-
    Scholes model, the group makes assumptions about future events and market conditions and the likely number of shares that will vest.
Different assumptions about these factors to those made by the Group could materially affect the reported value of share based payments. The
proceeds received net of any directly attributable transaction costs are credited to share capital (nominal value) and share premium when
the options are exercised.

    The tax expense represents the sum of the tax currently payable and any deferred tax. 

    The tax currently payable is based on the taxable profit for the year. Taxable profit differs from net profit as reported in the income
statement because it excludes items of income or expense that are taxable or deductible in other years and it further excludes items that
are never taxable or deductible. The Company's liability for current tax is calculated using tax rates that have been enacted or
substantially enacted by the balance sheet date. 

    Deferred tax is the tax expected to be payable or recoverable on differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities in
the financial statements and the corresponding tax bases used in the computation of taxable profit, and is accounted for using the balance
sheet liability method. Deferred tax liabilities are generally recognised for all taxable temporary differences and deferred tax assets are
recognised to the extent that it is probable that taxable profits will be available against which deductible temporary differences can be
utilised. Such assets and liabilities are not recognised if the temporary difference arises from goodwill or from the initial recognition
(other than in a business combination) of other assets and liabilities in a transaction that affects neither the taxable profit nor the
accounting profit.

    Deferred tax liabilities are recognised for taxable temporary differences arising on investments in subsidiaries, except where the Group
is able to control the reversal of the temporary difference and it is probable that the temporary difference will not reverse in the
foreseeable future. 

    The carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed at each balance sheet date and reduced to the extent that it is no longer
probable that sufficient taxable profits will be available to allow all or part of the asset to be recovered

    Deferred tax is calculated at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the period when the liability is settled or the asset
realised. Deferred tax is charged or credited to profit or loss, except when it relates to items charged or credited directly to equity, in
which case the deferred tax is also dealt with in equity.

    Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset when there is a legally enforceable right to set off current tax assets against current
tax liabilities and when they relate to income taxes levied by the same taxation authority and the Group intends to settle its current
assets and liabilities on a net basis.

    Plant and equipment

    All equipment is stated at cost less accumulated depreciation, residual value and any recognised impairment loss. 

    Depreciation is calculated so as to write off the cost of each asset, over their estimated useful lives, using the straight-line method,
on the following bases:

    Fixtures and fittings        -    39 months
    Office equipment           -    48 months

    The assets' residual value and useful life are reviewed, and adjusted if appropriate, at each balance sheet date. An asset's carrying
amount is written down immediately to its recoverable amount if the asset's carrying amount is greater than its estimated recoverable


    The Group has a lease on its current business premises, which is classified as an operating lease, as the lessor retains a significant
portion of the risks and rewards of ownership. Payments under this operating lease, after adjusting for a rent free period, are charged to
the income statement on a straight line basis over the period of the lease.

    For accounting periods up to 1 January 2006, the Group's fixed assets included investments in subsidiaries, recorded at cost. Current
assets included investments in companies, including associates, which were valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value, based upon
market bid prices.

    From 1 January 2006, under IFRS, the Group classifies its investments in the following categories: financial assets at fair value
through profit or loss, loans and receivables, and available-for-sale financial assets. The classification depends on the purpose for which
the investments were acquired. Management determines the classification of its investments at initial recognition and re-evaluates this
designation at every reporting date.
          Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
    A financial asset is classified in this category if acquired principally for the purpose of selling in the short term. Assets in this
category are classified as current assets if they are either held for trading or are expected to be realised within 12 months from the
balance sheet date. 
    Available-for-sale financial assets
    Available-for-sale financial assets are investments that are either designated in this category or not classified in any other
categories. They are included in non current assets unless management intends to dispose of the investment within 12 months from the balance
sheet date.
    Purchases and sales of investments are recognised on trade date, the date on which the Group commits to purchase or sell the asset.
Investments are initially recognised at fair value plus transaction costs for all financial assets not carried at fair value through profit
or loss. Investments are derecognised when the rights to receive cash flows from the investments have expired or have been transferred and
the Group has transferred substantially all risks and rewards of ownership. Available-for-sale financial assets and financial assets at fair
value through profit or loss are subsequently carried at fair value. Loans and receivables are carried at amortised cost using the effective
interest method. Realised and unrealised gains and losses arising from changes in the fair value of the "financial assets at fair value
through profit or loss" category are included in the income statement in the period in which they arise. Unrealised gains and losses arising
from changes in the fair value of non-monetary securities classified as available-for-sale are recognised in equity. When securities classified as available-for-sale are sold or impaired,
the accumulated fair value adjustments are included in the income statement as gains and losses from investment securities.
    The fair values of quoted investments are based on current bid prices. 

    The Group assesses at each balance sheet date whether there is objective evidence that a financial asset or group of financial assets is
impaired. In the case of equity securities classified as available-for-sale, a significant or prolonged decline in the fair value of the
security below its cost is considered in determining whether the securities are impaired. If any such evidence exists for available-for-sale
financial assets, the cumulative loss - measured as the difference between the acquisition cost and the current fair value, less any
impairment loss on that financial asset previously recognised in profit or loss - is removed from equity and recognised in the income
statement. Impairment losses recognised in the income statement on equity instruments are not reversed through the income statement.

    Investments in subsidiaries 

    Investments in subsidiaries are stated at cost less any provision for impairment.

    Financial instruments

    Financial assets and financial liabilities are recognised on the Group's balance sheet when the Group becomes party to the contractual
provisions of the instrument.

    Loans and receivables

    Loans and receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market.
They arise when the Group provides money or services directly to a debtor with no intention of trading the receivable. They are included in
current assets, except for maturities expected to be greater than 12 months after the balance sheet date. These are classified as non
current assets. Loans and receivables are included in trade and other receivables in the balance sheet. 

    Trade and other receivables are measured at initial recognition at fair value, and are subsequently measured at amortised cost using the
effective interest method. A provision is established when there is objective evidence that the Group will not be able to collect all
amounts due according to the original terms of receivables. The amount of the provision is the difference between the asset's carrying
amount and the present value of estimated future cash flows, discounted at the effective interest rate. The amount of the provision is
recognised in the income statement. No provision is recognised in these financial statements.

    Cash and cash equivalents

    Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash held by the company and short-term bank deposits with an original maturity of three months or

    Trade and other payables

    Trade and other payables are initially measured at fair value, and are subsequently measured at amortised cost, using the effective
interest rate method. 

    Intangible assets

    Intellectual property

    Through its subsidiary, Partner Bryant Limited, the Group owns the intellectual property rights to a certain insurance product. These
are deemed to have a definite useful life and are carried at cost less accumulated amortisation and impairment provision. Amortisation is
calculated using the straight line method to allocate the cost of the IP rights over their useful life of five years. At each balance sheet
date the Directors assess whether there is any indication that the intellectual property rights may be impaired, and if such indication
exists, the recoverable amount of the asset is determined. 
    Share capital

    The Group's share capital comprises ordinary shares, which are classified as equity. All costs directly attributable to the issue of new
shares or options are shown in equity as a deduction, net of tax, from the proceeds. Costs directly attributable to the issue of new shares
or options for the acquisition of a business are included in the cost of acquisition as the whole or part of the purchase consideration.

 3  Revenue                                                                              2007         2006
                                                                                         �            �
                          An analysis of the Group's revenue is as follows:                         
    Sales of investments at fair value through profit or loss                            3,991,630    2,910,327
    Available for sale investments sold                                                  480,447      571,063
    Release of gain on disposals of available for sale investments                       115,982      370,810
    Gains on investments at fair value through profit or loss                            206,501      710,975
    Investment income                                                                    2,789        2,262
                                                                                         4,797,349    4,565,437
    Rendering of services                                                                168,508      61,250
    Total revenue                                                                        4,965,857    4,626,687


 4  Administration expenses                  2007         2006
                                             �            �
    Operating (loss)/profit for the year is             
    stated after charging:                              
    Staff costs  (note 7)                    661,451      265,477
    Other staff costs                        31,823       74,243
    Establishment costs                      38,072       33,271
    Management fees                          50,000       -
    Impairment of intangible asset           50,248       -
    Depreciation of plant and equipment      20,032       -
    Marketing expenses                       53,203       26,670
    Insurances                               12,866       9,099
    Auditor's fees - Audit                   22,979       13,114
    Auditor's fees - other services          17,822       15,680
    Professional fees                        113,218      60,770
    Other                                    24,181       39,240
                                             1,095,895    537,564

     The Company has taken advantage of the exemption provided under section 230
    of the Companies Act 1985 not to publish its individual income statement and
    related notes. The loss dealt with in the financial statements of the parent
                                Company was �443,441 (2006: profit of �232,469).

 5                                  Auditors remuneration      2007         2006
                                                                  �            �
     Fees payable to the Company*s auditors for the audit    13,979       13,114
                      of the Group*s financial statements
            Fees payable to the Company*s auditor and its                       
                           associates for other services:
                      Other services relating to taxation    17,822        7,435
      Services relating to corporate finance transactions         -        8,245
                                                             31,801       28,794

 6  Business and geographical segments 

      For management purposes, the Group is currently organised into three operating sections: investment activities, provision of
management services and insurance activities.
     These divisions are the business segments for which the Group reports its primary segment information. The Group's operations are
predominantly in one geographical segment,
                                                                                the United Kingdom.  

                          Investment                                  Management services                         Insurance activities
    Year ended            �                                           �                                           �                         
    31 December 2007

    External revenue      4,797,349                                   168,508                                     -                         

    Total revenues        4,797,349                                   168,508                                     -                         

    Segment result        308,547                                     151,538                                     -                         

    Investment income     12,456                                      -                                           13,992                    
    and finance costs
    Loss before tax       (142,664)                                   (250,306)                                   (233,392)                 
    Tax                   (1,060)                                     (918)                                       -                         

    Loss for the year     (143,723)                                   (251,225)                                   (233,392)                 

    Segment assets        4,607,043                                   132,032                                     260,582                   

    Total assets          4,607,043                                   132,032                                     260,582                   

    Segment liabilities   198,615                                     172,133                                     50,782                    
    Unallocated           -                                           -                                           -                         

    Total liabilities     198,615                                     172,133                                     50,782                    

                         Investment              Management services    Insurance activities  
                         activities                                                             Total
   Capital expenditure:  �                       �                      �                       �
   Tangible assets       10,086                  8,741                  -                       18,827
   Depreciation charge   10,731                  9,301                  -                       20,032
   Impairment of                                                                              
   intangible asset      -                       -                      50,248                  50,248

                         Investment activities    Management     Insurance activities  
                                                  services                               Total
   Year ended            �                        �              �                       �
   31 December 2006                                                                    
   External revenue      4,565,437                61,250         -                       4,626,687
   Total revenues        4,565,437                61,250         -                       4,626,687
   Segment result        607,619                  61,250         -                       668,869
   Investment income     5,735                    -              -                       5,735
   and finance costs                                                                   
   Profit/(loss) before  391,539                  (159,070)      (63,029)                169,440
   Profit/(loss) for                                                                   
   the year              391,539                  (159,070)      (63,029)                169,440
   Segment assets        2,546,240                400,015        49,998                  2,996,253
   Total assets          2,546,240                400,015        49,998                  2,996,253
   Segment liabilities   171,849                  148,935        -                       320,784
   Unallocated           -                        -              -                       218,506
   Total liabilities     171,849                  148,935        -                       539,290
   Capital expenditure:                                                                
   Tangible assets       28,555                   24,747         -                       53,302
   Intangible assets     -                        -              49,998                  49,998

 7  Staff costs

    The average number of persons, including executive directors, was:
                              2007                         2006

    Administration            11                           7

                                                             2007       2006
                                                             �          �
   Staff costs for the above persons were:                            
   Wages and salaries                                        438,284    229,849
   Directors' fees                                           10,000     9,167
   Social security costs                                     50,011     26,461
   National Insurance Contributions on exercise of warrants  163,156    -
                                                             661,451    265,477
   Share based payment expense/(gain)                        17,000     (32,400)
                                                             678,451    233,077

                                                        2007       2006
   Directors' emoluments:                               �          �
   Aggregate emoluments                                 309,251    229,853
   Unrealised gains made on exercise of share warrants  -          450,000
                                                        309,251    679,853

    On 29 December 2006 the Directors exercised all of the share warrants that
     were issued to them on Admission of the Company to AIM, resulting in the
   unrealised gain shown here. None of the Directors have sold any of the shares
                         acquired through this exercise. 
   The Group does not operate a retirement benefits scheme. 

   Highest paid director, amounts included above:        2007       2006
                                                         �          �
   Aggregate emoluments                                  120,000    102,500
   Unrealised gains made on exercise of share warrants   -          365,000
                                                         120,000    467,500

         Reconciliation of provision for National Insurance Contributions due on exercise of share
                                              2007                                            2006
                                                 �                                               �
     Charge for the year                   163,156                                               -
         Closing balance                   163,156                                               -

    As for companies trading on a recognised stock exchange, employer*s National
    Insurance Contributions are due on the unrealised gains made in any exercise
          of warrants or options by employees including directors. The Directors
     believe it to be prudent to make a provision, which is measured as the best
    estimate of the expenditure required to settle the obligation at the balance
                                                                     sheet date.

 8       Finance income       2007      2006
                                �       �
    Bank interest receivable  26,448    5,735

 9  Taxation - Group                       
                                    2007     2006
                                      �      �
    Current tax                     -        -
    Deferred tax (note 21)          1,978    -
                                    1,978    -

   Reconciliation of
   current tax charge
   The tax expense in the income statement for the year is lower than the small companies
   rate of corporation tax in the UK of 19% (2006: 20%). The differences are reconciled
                         2007                                        2006
                         �                                           �
   (Loss)/profit on      (626,362)                                   169,440
   ordinary activities
   before tax
   Tax on (loss)/profit
   on ordinary           (123,706)                                   33,888
   activities at the
   standard rate of
   corporation tax of
   19.75% (2006: 20%)
   Effects of:
   Expenses not          39,115                                      6,055
   deductible for
   Other fixed asset     718                                         -
   adjustments and
   Unrelieved/(          83,873                                      (39,943)
   utilized) tax losses
   and other deductions
   arising in the year
   Temporary             1,978                                       -
   differences on fixed
   assets (note 21)
                         1,978                                       -

     The effective tax rate for the period is 0.32% (2006: 0%)

 10  Earnings per share from continuing operations attributable to the equity

                            2007                                2006
     Earnings               �                                   �
     Earnings for the
     purposes of basic and  (628,340)                           169,440
     diluted earnings per
     share being net
     attributable to
     equity shareholders

     Number of shares
     Weighted average
     number of ordinary     137,684,885                         66,068,493
     shares for the
     purposes of basic
     earnings per share
                            23,279,658                          18,635,822
     Weighted average
     number of dilutive
     shares under option
     and warrant

     Weighted average
     number of ordinary
     shares for the         160,954,543                         84,704,315
     purposes of dilutive
     earnings per share

                               2007       2006
   Return per ordinary share:           
   Basic                       (0.46)p    0.26p
   Diluted                     (0.46)p    0.20p

 The calculation of diluted earnings per share assumes conversion of all
 potentially dilutive ordinary shares, all of which arise from share options and
 warrants. A calculation is done to determine the number of shares that could
 have been acquired at fair value, based upon the monetary value of the
 subscription rights attached to outstanding share options and warrants.
  Basic earnings per share are calculated by dividing the earnings attributable
 to ordinary shareholders by the weighted average number of ordinary shares
 outstanding during the year.
 Given the Group*s reported loss for the year, outstanding share options and
 warrants are not taken into account when determining the weighted average
 number of ordinary shares in issue during the year, and therefore the basic and
 diluted earnings per share are the same.

 11  Plant and equipment - Group and Company                         
                          Fixtures and fittings    Office equipment  
                          �                        �                   �
     Additions            31,905                   21,397              53,302
     At 1 January 2007    31,905                   21,397              53,302
     Additions            2,758                    16,069              18,827
     At 31 December 2007  34,663                   37,466              72,129
     Charge for the year  10,666                   9,366               20,032
     At 31 December 2007  10,666                   9,366               20,032
     Net book amount                                                 
     At 31 December 2006  31,905                   21,397              53,302
     At 31 December 2007  23,997                   28,100              52,097

 12  Intangible assets - Group and Company
                                            Intellectual property
                                            2007          2006
                                            �             �
     At 1 January 2007                      49,998        -
     Additions                              250           49,998
     Impairment provision                   (50,248)      -
     Net book amount
     At 31 December 2007                    -             49,998

    The asset represents a product that covers the insurance risk of contractual
     lease end refurbishment costs. As no revenue has been earned from the asset
     the Directors consider it to be impaired as at the year end. The impairment
    has been recognized for the whole carrying amount of the asset. Value of use
     was calculated for the product with the discount rate equaling the weighted
                                          average cost of capital of the entity.

 13  Available-for-sale investments
                                                                                      Group                        Company
                           2007                                        2006                                        2007                     
                           �                                           �                                           �                        
     Fair value            3,664,272                                   1,603,545                                   3,656,272                

     The investments included above principally represent investments in listed equity securities with no fixed maturity or coupon rate. The
fair values of these securities are
     based on quoted market bid prices at each year end. See note 30 for market price, liquidity and other risk analyses of financial

 14  Investment in
     subsidiaries -
                           2007                                        2006
     Cost                  �                                           �

     At 1 January          250,002                                     -
     Additions             2                                           250,002

     At 31 December 2007   250,004                                     250,002

     Details of the investments in which the Group and the Company hold 20% or more of the
     nominal value of any class of share capital are as follows:

                                                   Holding Ordinary        % voting rights and shares held
   Name of company         Nature of business                            
   Risk Transfer Ltd       Insurance               250,000                 100%
   Investors In Film       Investment in film      1                       100%
   Ltd                     production                                    
   Logistics Ltd           Dormant company         1                       100%
   Partner Bryant Ltd      Insurance               2                       100%
   Oil and Gas Support     Investor in oil and                           
   Services plc            gas sector              25,000,000              46.94%
   Early Equity plc        Active investor         12,000,000              30.43%
   Plus Investors Ltd      Investor in PLUS        33,333,333              33.33%
                           quoted stocks                                 
   Yellowcake plc          Investor in uranium     17,319,225              29.73%
   All the companies listed above are registered in England and Wales.

      In accounting for investments in associates, the Group has taken advantage
       of the exemption granted in International Accounting Standard (IAS) 28 to
             venture capital organisations. Such investments are included on the
         Consolidated Balance Sheet under Non-current assets: available-for sale
     investments(note 13).See note 30 for market price, liquidity and other risk
                                              analyses of financial instruments.

 15  Trade and other        2007                                    2006
     receivables - Group
                            �                                       �

     Trade receivables      62,005                                  19,054
     Other debtors          35,332                                  45,500
     Loans to related       76,843                                  -
     parties (note 28)

                            174,180                                 64,554

     See note 30 for market price, liquidity and other risk analyses of financial

 16  Trade and other receivables - Company  2007        2006
                                            �           �
     Trade receivables                      62,005      19,054
     Amounts owed by Group undertakings     279,014     63,029
     Other debtors                          27,250      45,498
     Loans to related parties (note 28)     76,843      -
     Impairment provision                   (56,155)    -
                                            388,957     127,581

      The Group and Company*s credit risk is primarily attributable to its trade
           and other debtors. Based on prior experience and an assessment of the
       current economic environment, the directors have provided �56,155 against
     amounts due from a subsidiary. The Directors believe the carrying amount of
        these assets, net of the provision, to approximate their fair value. See
        note 30 for market price, liquidity and other risk analyses of financial

 17  Cash and cash          2007                                   2006
     equivalents - Group
                            �                                      �

     Cash at bank and in    59,390                                 743,714
     Short term bank        259,291                                -

                            318,681                                743,714

     See note 30 for market price, liquidity and other risk analyses of financial

 18  Cash and cash          2007                                    2006
     equivalents - Company
                            �                                       �

     Cash at bank and in    58,049                                  743,714

     See note 30 for market price, liquidity and other risk analyses of financial

 19  Trade and other        2007                                   2006
     payables - Group
                            �                                      �

     Other tax and social   28,991                                 12,939
     security payable
     National Insurance     163,156                                -
     Contributions on
     warrants exercised
     Other creditors        158,248                                232,587
     Accruals and deferred  71,135                                 75,258

                            421,530                                320,784

     See note 30 for market price, liquidity and other risk analyses of financial

        The Directors believe the carrying amount of trade and other payables to
                                                   approximate their fair value.

 20  Trade and other payables - Company                      2007       2006
                                                             �          �
     Amounts owed to subsidiary company                      3          250,000
     Other tax and social security payable                   21,516     12,939
     National Insurance Contributions on warrants exercised  163,156    -
     Other creditors                                         118,941    232,587
     Accruals and deferred income                            66,135     75,258
                                                             369,751    570,784

        The Directors believe the carrying amount of trade and other payables to
       approximate their fair value. See note 30 for market price, liquidity and
                                   other risk analyses of financial instruments.

 21  Deferred tax 

     The deferred tax included on the balance sheets for the Group and the Company is as

                                               2007                             2006
                                               �                                �

     At 1 January                              218,506                          177,911
     Charged to equity                         542,639                          40,595
     Charged to Income Statement               1,978                            -

     At 31 December                            763,123                          218,506

    Sources of temporary differences giving rise to deferred tax liabilities are
                                                                     as follows:

   Balance sheet - Group
                               2007       2006
                               �          �
   Deferred tax liabilities             
   Fixed assets                1,978      -
   Revaluation of investments  761,145    218,506
   Total liabilities           763,123    218,506

   Movement in the period - Group                 
                                            2007                2006
                               Income    Equity     Income    Equity
   Deferred tax liabilities                                 
   Fixed assets                1,978     -          -         -
   Revaluation of investments  -         542,639    -         40,595
   Total liabilities           1,978     542,639    -         40,595

        A potential deferred tax asset of �306,364 (2006: �193,805) has not been
        recognised on trading losses not utilised, as it is not certain that the
     Group will have sufficient taxable profits in future periods to utilise the

   Balance sheet - Company
                               2007       2006
                               �          �
   Deferred tax liabilities             
   Fixed assets                1,978      -
   Revaluation of investments  761,145    218,506
   Total liabilities           763,123    218,506

   Movement in the period - Company               
                                            2007                2006
                               Income    Equity     Income    Equity
   Deferred tax liabilities                                 
   Fixed assets                1,978     -          -         -
   Revaluation of investments  -         542,639    -         40,595
   Total liabilities           1,978     542,639    -         40,595

 21                                                     Deferred tax (continued)
        A potential deferred tax asset of �236,944 (2006: �174,896) has not been
        recognised on trading losses not utilised, as it is not certain that the
     Group will have sufficient taxable profits in future periods to utilise the

 22  Called up share capital                              2007         2006
                                                          �            �
     400,000,000 ordinary shares of 0.5p each (2006:      2,000,000    1,000,000
     Allotted, called up and fully paid                              
     Opening balance: 116,666,666 ordinary shares (2006:  583,334      285,000
     Issued during year: 24,000,000 fully paid up (2006:             
     59,666,666)                                          120,000      298,334
     Closing balance: 140,666,666 ordinary shares of                 
     0.5p each (2006; 116,666,666)                        703,334      583,334

            At 31 December 2005 57,000,000 ordinary shares of 0.5p each had been
                                                        allotted and called up. 
    On 5 January 2006, the Company issued 8,000,000 ordinary shares of 0.5p each
                                         for a total consideration of �180,000. 
          At the Annual General Meeting of the Company held on 30 June 2006, the
            authorised share capital of the Company was increased to 200,000,000
                                                   ordinary shares of 0.5p each 
      On 18 December 2006, the Company issued 25,000,000 ordinary shares of 0.5p
                                    each for a total consideration of �500,000. 
       On 29 December 2006, the Company issued 1,666,666 ordinary shares of 0.5p
       each for a total consideration of �50,000 in consideration of 100% of the
                                issued share capital of Partner Bryant Limited. 
    On 29 December 2006, holders of 25,000,000 warrants exercised their warrants
     upon which the Company issued 25,000,000 ordinary shares at 0.5p each for a
                                               total consideration of �125,000. 
        On 18 January 2007, the Company issued 4,000,000 ordinary shares of 0.5p
                                     each for a total consideration of �90,000. 
      On 16 February 2007, the Company issued 20,000,000 ordinary shares of 0.5p
      each for a total consideration of �432,000, net of commission of �18,000. 
         At the Annual General Meeting of the Company held on 23 April 2007, the
         authorised share capital of the Company was increased by 200,000,000 to
                                      400,000,000 ordinary shares of 0.5p each. 
     At 31 December 2007, 2,000,000 (2006: 2,000,000) warrants, with an exercise
                                              price of 0.5p, were outstanding.  
     At 31 December 2007, 8,000,000 (2006: 8,000,000) warrants, with an exercise
                                              price of 3.0p, were outstanding.  
     At 31 December 2007, 8,855,000 (2006: 8,855,000) warrants, with an exercise
      price of 5.0p, were outstanding. All warrants can be exercised at any time
                                  during a five year period from date of grant. 
     At 31 December 2007, 17,000,000 (2006: nil) share options, with an exercise
      price of 3.0p, were outstanding. All share options can be exercised at any
                   time during a seven year period commencing 28 September 2010.

 23  Other reserves -                                                    
     Group and Company                                                   
                           Share based payment     Investment            
                           reserve                 revaluation reserve     Total
                           �                       �                       �
     At 1 January 2006     900,000                 415,125                 1,315,125
     Share based payments  (842,400)               -                       (842,400)
     Gain on revaluation   -                       506,128                 506,128
     Release of gains on   -                       (370,810)               (370,810)
     disposals of                                                        
     Tax on items taken                            (40,595)                (40,595)
     directly to equity                                                  

   At 1 January 2007                            57,600    509,848      567,448
   Share based payments                         17,000    -            17,000
   Gain on revaluation of available-for-sale    -         2,106,002    2,106,002
   Release of gains on disposals of             -         (115,982)    (115,982)
   available-for-sale investments                                    
   Tax on items taken directly to equity        -         (542,639)    (542,639)
   At 31 December 2007                          74,600    1,957,229    2,031,829

            The Share based payment reserve reflects the impact on the Group and
         Company*s equity caused by the issue of share options and warrants. The
       Investment revaluation reserve reflects the changes in fair values of the
                             Group and Company*s available for sale investments.
                        See note 29 for further details on share based payments.

 24                                  Net Asset Value          2007          2006
                                                                 �             �
                                          Net assets     3,815,004     2,456,963
                 Shares in issue: 140,666,666 (2006:                            
                     Basic Net Asset Value per share         2.71p         2.11p
      Total shares including outstanding options and                            
           warrants: 176,521,666 (2006: 135,521,666)
                   Diluted Net Asset Value per share         2.16p         1.81p
                                          Net assets     4,062,932     2,519,992
                 Shares in issue: 140,666,666 (2006:                            
                     Basic Net Asset Value per share         2.89p         2.16p
      Total shares including outstanding options and                            
           warrants: 176,521,666 (2006: 135,521,666)
                   Diluted Net Asset Value per share         2.30p         1.86p

 24                                                  Net Asset Value (continued)
     Basic Net Asset Value per share is derived by dividing the total net assets
     attributable to the equity shareholders by the number of ordinary shares in
     issue at the balance sheet date.   To arrive at the Diluted Net Asset Value
                 per share, the same total net assets attributable to the equity
         shareholders is divided by the sum of the total number of shares issued
         plus the total outstanding warrants and share options as at the balance
                                                                     sheet date.

 25  Cash (used in)/from operations - Group
                                                   2007         2006
                                                   �            �
     Cash flows from operating activities                     
     (Loss)/profit before taxation                 (626,362)    169,440
     Adjustments for:                                         
     Depreciation charges                          20,032       -
     Effect of transition to IFRS (see note 32)    -            (55,526)
     Impairment of intangible asset                50,248       -
     Interest receivable                           (26,448)     (5,735)
     Share based payment transactions              17,000       (32,400)
                                                   (565,530)    75,779
     (Increase)/decrease in debtors                (109,626)    5,949
     Increase in current asset investments         (309,287)    (69,827)
     Increase in creditors                         100,746      208,718
     Net cash from operating activities            (883,697)    220,619

 26  Cash (used in)/from operations - Company
                                                   2007           2006
                                                   �              �
     Cash flows from operating activities                       
     (Loss)/profit before taxation                 (441,463)      232,469
     Adjustments for:                                           
     Depreciation charges                          20,032         -
     Effect of transition to IFRS (see note 32)    -              (55,526)
     Impairment of intangible asset                50,248         -
     Interest receivable                           (12,108)       (5,735)
     Share based payment transactions              17,000         (32,400)
                                                   (366,291)      138,808
     Increase in debtors                           (261,376)      (57,080)
     Increase in current asset investments         (309,287)      (69,827)
     (Decrease)/increase in creditors              (201,033)      458,718
     Net cash from operating activities            (1,137,987)    470,619

 27  Operating lease commitments - Group and Company

     At the year end date the Group has lease agreements in respect of properties and equipment for which the payments extend
     over a number of years.
                                                 2007                                        2006
     Due:                                        �                                           �
     Within one year                             22,500                                      11,250
     Within two to five                          27,616                                      50,116

                                                 50,116                                      61,366

 28       Related parties                                                             
         Category/Company          Relationship                       Common directors
        Risk Transfer Ltd            100% owned           M Watson-Mitchell, A Collins
        Investors In Film            100% owned         M Watson-Mitchell, A Collins,F
                      Ltd                                                   Timmermans
       Partner Bryant Ltd            100% owned                                       
            Logistics Ltd            100% owned                      M Watson-Mitchell
         Early Equity plc   30.43% shareholding                             R Painting
      Oil and Gas Support   46.94% shareholding             M Watson-Mitchell, A Scutt
             Services plc
           Yellowcake plc   29.73% shareholding         M Watson-Mitchell,A Collins, F
       Plus Investors Ltd   33.33% shareholding        M Watson-Mitchell,A Collins,  M
                                                                  Gilmour,F Timmermans
         Companies with common directors and/or                                       
       BestGames Holdings    0.15% shareholding                      M Watson-Mitchell
        The Core Business    7.99% shareholding            M Watson-Mitchell,M Gilmour
      Gaming Ventures plc    9.32% shareholding                      M Watson-Mitchell
      Three*s A Crowd plc   11.55% shareholding            M Watson-Mitchell,M Gilmour
          Three*s a Crowd         100% owned by                              M Gilmour
               Events Ltd   Three*s A Crowd plc
          Three*s a Crowd         100% owned by                              M Gilmour
               Online Ltd   Three*s A Crowd plc
        Uranium Prospects   16.43% shareholding                      M Watson-Mitchell
     Related due to other                                                             
             SQC Research             Owned byM                                       
        Corporate Liaison        Controlled byM                      M Watson-Mitchell
                      Ltd       Watson-Mitchell
           Key management                                                             
                 W Bryant            R Painting                           F Timmermans
                A Collins             M Partner                      M Watson-Mitchell
                M Gilmour               A Scutt                                       

                                                                   Related party transactions * summary of transactions and balances for
             Description  Sub-sidiaries      Asso-ciates      Companieswith Commondirectors          Other        Manage-ment          
     Balances31 December        279,014           55,000                             24,549            822                  -        
    Purchase of services              -                -                                  -         17,625                  -         
     Remuneration of key              -                -                                  -              -            347,544        
            Provision of         17,625           54,039                             31,014              -                  -        
    consultancy services
            Provision of          7,050            7,050                              6,609         14,100                  -         
          Flotation fees              -           17,625                             64,625              -                  -         
      Expenses recharged              -            6,366                                473          6,152                  -         
      Total transactions         24,675           85,080                            102,721         37,877            347,544        
                                                                                                                  Loans made to related
                                          Company                    Amount          Interest                                        Other
                               Plus Investors Ltd                    55,000             9% pa                            No fixed repayment
                       Three*s A Crowd Events Ltd                     1,843                 -                            No fixed repayment
                            Uranium Prospects plc                    20,000             9% pa  No fixed repayment date, but repaid February
    The Company made a doubtful debt provision of �56,155 (2006: �nil) against a
     total debt of �256,221 owed it by Risk Transfer Insurance Management Ltd, a
                                            subsidiary of Risk Transfer Limited.

                                                    Related party transactions * summary of transactions and balances for 2006
             Description  Sub-sidiaries      Asso-ciates             Companieswith        Other      Manage-ment         Total
     Balances31 December         63,029           12,863                     5,875          317                -        82,084
    Purchase of services              -                -                         -       18,564                -        18,564
     Remuneration of key              -                -                         -            -          233,503       233,503
            Provision of              -           32,313                         -            -                -        32,313
    consultancy services
            Provision of              -                -                         -            -                -             -
          Flotation fees              -           11,750                         -            -                -        11,750
      Expenses recharged              -                -                         -          317                -           317
      Total transactions              -           44,063                         -       18,881          233,503       296,447

 29                                                         Share based payments
      At 31 December 2007, 2,000,000 warrants were outstanding to acquire shares
          in the Company at an exercise price of 0.5p each. These were issued on
         Admission to AIM in February 2005, and are exercisable at any time from
         admission until the fifth anniversary of admission, without any further
           conditions attached. At 31 December 2007, 8,000,000 (2006: 8,000,000)
          warrants, with an exercise price of 3.0p, were outstanding. These were
     granted in January 2006, and are exercisable at any time during a five year
         period from that date. At 31 December 2007, 8,855,000 (2006: 8,855,000)
        warrants, with an exercise price of 5.0p, were outstanding. 855,000 were
        granted on the Company*s Admission to AIM, and 8,000,000 were granted in
      January 2006. All warrants can be exercised at any time during a five year
               period from date of grant. On 28 September 2007, the Board issued
      17,000,000 discretionary share options to the directors and certain staff,
       exercisable at a price of 3.0p per share over a seven year period from 28

                         Number of share       Weighted average
                         options and warrants  exercise price (�)
   Outstanding at the    18,855,000            3.7p
   beginning of the
   Granted during the    17,000,000            3.0p
   Forfeited during the  -
   Exercised during the  -
   Expired during the    -
   Outstanding at the    35,855,000            3.4p
   end of the period
   Exercisable at the    18,855,000            3.7p
   end of the period
   The weighted average remaining contractual life of the options
   and warrants outstanding as at 31 December 2007 was 6.66 years.
                         Number of share           Weighted average
                         options and warrants    exercise price (�)
   Outstanding at the    27,855,000            0.6p
   beginning of the
   Granted during the    16,000,000            4.0p
   Forfeited during the  -
   Exercised during the  25,000,000            0.5p
   Expired during the    -
   Outstanding at the    18,855,000            3.7p
   end of the period
   Exercisable at the    18,855,000            3.7p
   end of the period
   The weighted average remaining contractual life of the options
   and warrants outstanding as at 31 December 2006 was 4.86 years.

        The cost of the warrants issued on Admission to AIM was calculated using a Black-Scholes model and was charged to profit and loss in
the financial
   statements for the year ended 31 December 2005. The share based payment reserve of �57,600 remaining on the balance sheet at 31 December
2007 is in respect
                                                             of the outstanding 18,855,000 warrants. 
   The value of the options at the balance sheet date is measured using a Black-Scholes pricing model. The total cost of these options to be
charged to profit
   and loss over the vesting period (3 years) is �204,000, resulting in a charge for the year ended 31 December 2007 of �17,000 (2006: gain
of �32,400). Inputs
   into the model included the following assumptions: 
   Share price at grant date                                  2.6p
   Exercise price                                             3p
   Volatility                                                 70%
   Dividend yield                                             -
   Risk free interest rate                                    5%
   Number of options to be exercised                          17,000,000
   Number of years to exercise                                3
   Expected volatility was determined by reference to the historical volatility of the Company's share price over the period from Admission
to AIM to 31
   December 2007. 
   The Group recognised total expenses of �17,000 and total gain of �842,400 related to equity-settled share-based payment transactions in
2007 and 2006

 30                                       Financial instruments and risk profile
       The Group and Company*s financial instruments comprise available-for-sale
         investments, investments at fair value through profit or loss, cash and
        cash equivalents, and items such as trade payables and trade receivables
                which arise directly from its operations. The Group does not use
                                               derivatives for hedging purposes.
        The Company*s main activity is that of an equity investor and as such it
      invests in securities for the long term. The Company also engages in short
        term share trading. The principal risks that the Company encounters are:
       market price, liquidity, credit, foreign currency and interest rate risk.
             Given the size of the Company, the directors have not delegated the
       responsibility of monitoring financial risk management to a sub-committee
     of the board. The policies set by the board of directors are implemented by
                                                       the executive directors. 
                                                               Market price risk
              Market price risk arises through the movements in the value of the
      investment holdings caused by factors other than interest rate or currency
     movements. The Group is exposed to these movements in value. Future changes
         in market prices of the Group*s investments create uncertainty, and the
       Group closely monitors the performance of individual investments within a
                                                 strategy approved by the board.
         Most of the Group*s equity investments are listed on either AIM or PLUS
         Markets in London. A 5% increase in market prices at the reporting date
         would have increased equity by �127,970 (2006: �56,124) and reduced the
     pre-tax loss by �38,262 (2006: �22,807). If market prices had been 5% lower
      at the reporting date, this would have resulted in a decrease in equity of
       �127,970 (2006: �56,124) and an increase in the pre-tax loss for the year
                                                     by �38,262 (2006: �22,807).
       The Group had unlisted investments totaling �94,238 (2006: �183,525). The
          maximum exposure to a reduction in market values for this category was
            therefore equal to the carrying values of the financial assets which
      directors believe to be insignificant for these financial statements. A 5%
           increase in their market value would have reduced the pre-tax loss by
                                                          �4,712 (2006: �9,176).
                                                                  Liquidity risk
          The Group has a policy to manage liquidity risk by monitoring its cash
        balances and the availability of marketable securities. The Group*s core
     funding comes from the proceeds of share issues and its trading activities.
         The Group has no external borrowing facilities, and no financial assets
               have been pledged as collateral for any liabilities or contingent

              The following table shows the contractual maturities of the Group*s financial liabilities as at 31 December 2007 and 31
December 2006:
          As at 31 December             On demand                                                       1-6 months                          
                          7*12 months                                             More than 12 months                                       
                                                �                                                                �                          
                                    �                                                               �                                       
            Trade and other                     -                                                          177,604                          
                               51,779                                                               -                                       
          As at 31 December                                                                                                                 
            Trade and other                     -                                                          307,844                          
                                    -                                                               -                                       
            The following table shows the contractual maturities of the Company*s financial liabilities as at 31 December 2007 and 31
December 2006:
     As at 31 December 2007             On demand                                                       1*6 months                          
                          7*12 months                                             More than 12 months                                       
                                                �                                                                �                          
                                    �                                                               �                                       
            Trade and other                     -                                                          177,604                          
                                    -                                                               -                                       
                                                           As at 31 December 2006                                                           
            Trade and other                     -                                                          557,844                          
                                    -                                                               -                                       
currency risk
            The Group operates mainly in the UK. Two insignificant investments denominated in foreign currencies are included in
*Investments at fair value through profit and loss*. These are measured at prevailing exchange rates on each balance sheet date, and are
summarised in the table

                                                                                         Foreign currency investmentsGroup and Company      
                                 2007                                        2006
                                    �                                           �
                                                                                                           Investments denominated in:      
                                                                                                                     Australian dollar      
                                1,519                                      82,212
                                                                                                                       Canadian dollar      
                               36,238                                      33,532
                               37,757                                     115,744
                                         The impact on operating profit and equity resulting from a 5% movement in the average exchange rate
for these currencies against sterling is �1,888 or 0.30% (2006: �5,787 or 3.42%).
                                                                      Credit risk
                                  The Company has no formal policy that requires appropriate credit checks on potential customers before
sales are made, however, the amount of exposure to any individual counterparty is not
                                      significant and outstanding balances are assessed on a monthly basis by the board. Credit risk on cash
balances is limited because the counterparty is a bank with a high credit rating.
                                                                                                         Apart from the provision disclosed
in note 16, none of the Group*s or Company*s receivables are past due or impaired.
                                                               Interest rate risk
                          The Group has interest bearing assets, which include cash balances earning interest at a variable rate, and loans
to subsidiaries and associates, which carry interest at fixed rates. The directors
                                                                                                                       will revisit the
appropriateness of this policy should the Group*s operations change in size or nature.
                          The Group*s cash balances earned interest at a variable rate based on Royal Bank of Scotland Group*s rates on
deposits during the year. If the rate at which interest was earned had been 10% higher
                            throughout the year under review, the pre-tax loss would have been reduced, and equity increased, by �2,645
(2006: profit and equity increase by �574). Conversely, if interest rates had been 10%
                                                                                        lower, the pre-tax loss would have increased, and
equity decreased, by �2,645 for 2007 and profit and equity reduced by �574 for 2006.
                                                                        The Group has not entered into derivatives transactions or traded in
financial instruments other than ordinary shares during the period under review. 
                                                    Group*s financial instruments
                       The Group*s financial instruments comprised the following:
                                                                Book                                        Fair                            
                                 Book                                        Fair
                                                               Value                                       Value                            
                                Value                                       Value
                                                                2007                                        2007                            
                                 2006                                        2006
                                                                   �                                           �                            
                                    �                                           �
                      Financial assets * Group                                                                                              
                Available for sale investments             3,664,272                                   3,664,272                            
                            1,603,545                                   1,603,545
      Investments at fair value through profit               790,427                                     790,427                            
                              481,140                                     481,140
                                       or loss
                    Trade and other receivable               148,040                                     148,040                            
                               46,057                                      46,057
                                          Cash               318,681                                     318,681                            
                              743,714                                     743,714
                        Total financial assets             4,921,420                                   4,921,420                            
                            2,874,456                                   2,874,456
                 Financial liabilities * Group                                                                                              
                      Trade and other payables               229,383                                     229,383                            
                              307,844                                     307,844

                            Company*s financial instruments
The Company*s financial instruments  comprised the following:
                                                                Book                                        Fair                            
           Book                                        Fair
                                                               Value                                       Value                            
          Value                                       Value
                                                                2007                                        2007                            
           2006                                        2006
                                                                   �                                           �                            
              �                                           �
                    Financial assets * Company                                                                                              
                Available for sale investments             3,656,272                                   3,656,272                            
      1,603,545                                   1,603,545
      Investments at fair value through profit               790,427                                     790,427                            
        481,140                                     481,140
                                       or loss
                   Investments in subsidiaries               250,004                                     250,004                            
        250,002                                     250,002
                    Trade and other receivable               418,972                                     362,817                            
        109,084                                     109,084
                                          Cash                58,049                                      58,049                            
        743,714                                     743,714
                        Total financial assets             5,173,724                                   5,117,569                            
      3,187,485                                   3,187,485
               Financial liabilities * Company                                                                                              
                      Trade and other payables               177,604                                     177,604                            
        557,844                                     557,844
                                    Capital risk management
                           The Group*s objectives when managing capital are to safeguard the Group*s ability to continue as a going concern
in order to provide returns for shareholders and maintain an
   optimal capital structure to reduce the cost of capital.
                            The group defines capital as being share capital plus reserves. The Board of Directors makes judgements
concerning the total capital required and whether these requirements
                                                                                 can be met by issuing new shares, reducing or increasing
debt, paying dividends and returning capital to shareholders. 
                                                                                                                                The Group is
not subject to any externally imposed capital requirements.

Transition to IFRS
         Addworth Plc reported under UK GAAP in its previously published financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2006. The
analysis below shows a
      reconciliation of net assets and profit as reported under UK GAAP as at 31 December 2006 to the revised net assets and profit under
IFRS as reported in
         these financial statements. In addition, there is a reconciliation of net assets under UK GAAP to IFRS at the transition date for
the Group, being 1
   January 2006.
        Reconciliation of                               Previous GAAP                        Effect of transition                           
       equity at1 January                                                                                 to IFRS
             2006 - Group
                                                                    �                                           �                           
               Net assets                                     951,612                                     438,588                           
            Share capital                                     285,000                                           -                           
            Share premium                                     985,884                                           -                           
      Share based payment                                     900,000                                           -                           
          Profit and loss                                 (1,219,272)                                     438,588                           
             Total equity                                     951,612                                     438,588                           

   Reconciliation of       Previous GAAP    Effect of transition    IFRS
   equity at 31                             to IFRS               
   December 2006 -                                                
                           �                �                       �
   Net assets              1,868,125        588,837                 2,456,963
   Share capital           583,334          -                       583,334
   Share premium           1,522,550        -                       1,522,550
   Share based payment     57,600           -                       57,600
   Profit and loss         (295,358)        588,837                 293,479
   Total equity            1,868,126        588,837                 2,456,963

                                 Explanation of transition to IFRS:          �
 i                                                At 1 January 2006           
       Fair value gain on securities measured at fair value through     23,463
                                                    profit and loss
                       Revaluation of securities available for sale    593,036
                                             Less deferred taxation  (177,911)
 ii                                             At 31 December 2006           
                       Fair value gain on current asset investments     78,989
                   Fair value gain on non current asset investments    728,354
                                             Less deferred taxation  (218,506)

   Reconciliation of       Previous GAAP    Effect of transition    IFRS
   equity at 1 January                      to IFRS               
   2006 - Company                                                 
                           �                �                       �
   Net assets              951,612          438,588                 1,390,200
   Share capital           285,000          -                       285,000
   Share premium           985,884          -                       985,884
   Share based payment     900,000          -                       900,000
   Profit and loss         (1,219,272)      438,588                 (780,684)
   Total equity            951,612          438,588                 1,390,200

   Reconciliation of       Previous GAAP    Effect of transition    IFRS
   equity at 31                             to IFRS               
   December 2006 -                                                
                           �                �                       �
   Net assets              1,931,155        588,837                 2,519,992
   Share capital           583,334          -                       583,334
   Share premium           1,522,550        -                       1,522,550
   Share based payment     57,600           -                       57,600
   Profit and loss         (232,329)        588,837                 356,508
   Total equity            1,931,155        588,837                 2,519,992

                                 Explanation of transition to IFRS:          �
 i                                                At 1 January 2006           
       Fair value gain on securities measured at fair value through     23,463
                                                    profit and loss
                       Revaluation of securities available for sale    593,036
                                             Less deferred taxation  (177,911)
 ii                                             At 31 December 2006           
                       Fair value gain on current asset investments     78,989
                   Fair value gain on non current asset investments    728,354
                                             Less deferred taxation  (218,506)

   Reconciliation of       Previous GAAP    Effect of transition    IFRS
   profit for the year                      to IFRS               
   31 December 2006 -                                             
                           �                �                       �
   Total income            3,915,712        710,975                 4,626,687
   Cost of sales           (3,302,369)      (655,449)               (3,957,818)
   Administrative          (537,564)                                (537,564)
   Share based payment     32,400           -                       32,400
   Interest receivable     5,735            -                       5,735
   Net profit              113,914          55,526                  169,440

            Explanation of adjustments to profit                     �
            Fair value gain on asset investments               710,975
        Increase in cost of sales resulting from             (655,449)
                   the application of fair value
 33   Ultimate controlling                                            
     The Group and the Company had no ultimate controlling party as at
                                            31 December 2007 and 2006.
 34             Contingent                                            
      The Group and the Company had no contingent liabilities as at 31
                                               December 2007 and 2006.

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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