5 days ago
Everybody has questions they want answered. Very seldom do you get the answers you need when you invest hard earned money in Pinkyland stocks. High risk investments include fine print that excludes Management from having to provide answers...YET they are the ONLY ones that can provide them. Why ask another risk taker for those answers. You already know I can't answer them.
None of the questions you ask are unreasonable. Questions asked like the ones you seek answers for are really advise to souls like me who insist on investing as if I may not have considered them...at least given thought to such as weights laid on the justification scale regulating whatever sense I have in making a decision: do I invest or not? The greater weight of pros or cons I have collected during DD (If such a thing actually exists) provides the tipping hand in my final decision.
Bung! It really comes down to chance, doesn't it? The willingness to take the chance or not. My DD only brings me to the table, after that, it is all management on the chance of success. Day by day, odds better or worse on the chance you are looking for? Day by day, it is only your choice to stay or leave. If I stay, it is not management's fault. Its my own. I may in fact qualify as being all the names the previous poster states...although he may be a dick for saying so, yet I do know only this: the CHANCE for INKW to make good on increasing its pps in time seems good enough for me to invest even more tomorrow.
5 days ago
Thank you for appearing. I've been hoping to ask a few questions to a "bullish" individual who claims to have performed DD. Please try to answer the questions below:
Why can't the pumpers explain how Lenny "works 40 hours a week" 2000 miles away, but the "plant manager" works zero hours a week?
Why can't the pumpers explain why Lenny is owed a year's salary and Greene Concepts is holding the IOU?
Why can't the pumpers explain the $0.30 price prediction equating to a $983,000,000 market cap on a mom & pop bottling plant valued at $960,000?
Why won't Lenny allow a legitimate audit?
With the millions of dollars pulled from the stock each year for the past 6 years, why won't Lenny post photos of these "investments"?
The bottling plant and its 4 acres of dirt is valued at $960,000. The state of North Carolina forked over a $375,000 grant to the former owners of the water plant and it still operated in the red. How many more millions of dollars is it going to take to get this $960,000 water plant profitable?
These questions are not meant to cause hurt feelings. They are legitimate questions and if you believe the PR, you might have a different perspective that could allow answers to come from your side of the aisle.
6 days ago
I find this quite interesting. The pumpers have suggested this wouldn't happen for the following reasons:
"Everything is fine"
"12 PRs put out this year"
"Earnings call"
"Overseas distribution"
"Path forward"
"Stock buyback plan"
"Gallon line"
"Predicting $0.30 / share"
"Make a million dollars at $0.02"
"Own 80 million shares"
"Own 35 million shares"
"Own 24 million shares"
"Own 8 million shares"
"Own 5 million shares"
"2025 is the year"
"It's a gold mine"
"Pennies for gold"
"Real investors here with real money"
"It's going to be huge"
"Solid plan"
"Uplisting in 2027"
"Buyout plan"
"Lenny has something cooking"
"This is the new bottom"
"This is for serious longterm investors"
If this drivel were to have probability, why can't the pumpers explain these big sells?
Why can't the pumpers explain how Lenny "works 40 hours a week" 2000 miles away, but the "plant manager" works zero hours a week?
Why can't the pumpers explain why Lenny is owed a year's salary and Greene Concepts is holding the IOU?
Why can't the pumpers explain the $0.30 price prediction equating to a $983,000,000 market cap on a mom & pop bottling plant valued at $960,000?
Do your own DD. The facts can be easily found.
1 week ago
Agreed Striker. Looking at today's trades and last week's trades, one has to wonder. What are the pumpers gaining out of this? Is Lenny and Steve actually paying them to pump it? Could there simply be a handful of pumpers trying to dupe enough people into buying shares so they can later plan a power pump?
Today's trades provide some insight to some unusual activity. The Market Maker trades were small and insignificant compared to the retail trades. If not for a buy of $51 a few minutes before closing, this stock would've closed flat.
The tick by tick suggests artificial volume and sells that were quite significant when compared to the volume.
Of course, the other strange bit with this is Platnumb421 and his many aliases. Why is Platnumb421 known as the annihilator of stocks? How does he make money doing whatever it is he does? What brought him to INKW? Does he have a method to rip money out of a stock until it's destroyed? Does he sniff out certain stocks to exploit? Does he get paid to pump stocks that are intentionally positioned to fail?
I have observed countless pumps and pumpers in my life. Most of the time, I can put together the method to the madness. Not with that guy. I'm not sure I will ever understand the how or why.
One thing is always certain, complete destruction is sure to transpire. It's just a matter of when.
The evidence is out there. Do your own DD.
1 week ago
Um, ok Jazz. Did you bother to read this? So Steve Carnes is giving, a total of 57 people, Steve Carnes' BeWater while they are at Steve Carnes Rock Climbing Gym. Somehow, this is suppose to stimulate the masses into buying shares.
Greene Concepts shows an IOU for Lenny Greene due to nonpayment of his salary for his position as "CEO". A full year's salary by the way.
The lack of legitimate financial audits is the most troubling concern.
Even more troubling is the failure to let the investors see photos of the inside of the bottling plant where all of their money disappeared into "plant upgrades".
Somehow, millions of dollars are "spent" and millions of shares are diluted each year on this $960,000 mom & pop bottling operation and somehow, advertising is nonexistent. This certainly explains the weak sales.
Where did those millions of dollars each year go? There is no evidence that even half of it went into that little bottling plant. I would guess about 5% of that money was put into that plant each year.
Obviously, this is a good place to put your money if you want to watch it swirl down the drain. Do your own DD. The numbers and the facts are easy enough to find.
Buyers beware!
2 weeks ago
I came across something rather interesting today. I will write only what I have observed. It will be up to the reader to determine what effect any of this may have on INKW.
I noticed Platnumb421 aka Platinumplayer421 aka Mosesmatt aka Ballbuster421 aka Nutcrusher421 aka Mattolotmoney aka AntCal and who knows how many other aliases is pumping INKW.
I wouldn't have bothered pointing this out, but there is a history with this bozo.
Let's look at some facts before we go into this. CrownKing has been involved with many micro-cap OTC stocks. I am very much aware of his prior involvement with INKW; not just once but twice. CrownKing is legendary for squeezing the last penny out of a penny-stock (all in his favor of course).
CrownKing also had prior involvement with INND; not just once but twice.
What is very interesting is Platnumb421, and/or one of his many aliases, seems to show up for CrownKing's first pump and second pump. After the fallout, Platnumb421 shows up to pump the stock after it's been bled dry and most of the retail investors have left and/or are painfully bagged.
When I look at the most recent example with INND, I literally cringe. Here, unbeknownst to investors, was a company running very deceptive tactics to personally enrich themselves while putting very little into the business.
INND was in Wal-Mart, Rite-Aid, Walgreens, Hy-Vees and several other stores. They had a website listing several products for sale. There were multiple business "deals" made by CEO. They even performed a buyout of another company and set out a very convincing partnership with another.
This turned out to be nothing more than a clever ruse. In less than one year of the peak of this "business", the truth began to surface. The dilution of the stock had always existed, but now the news was flowing in and the stock price dropped lower and lower.
INND is not the only example where the same pattern exists. Track down Platnumb421 and the aliases used. Look at those stocks and read up on what happened to them. Match those up with CrownKing's posts on X regarding those same stocks.
There is something very peculiar with CrownKing and Platnumb421 on certain stocks. So far, when this pattern occurs and these two were involved, the company is either bankrupt, facing bankruptcy or kicked off the OTC and the stocks become worthless.
Do your own DD. If you are invested with INKW or thinking about investing with INKW, I highly recommend you look into this on your own.
I have seen enough to make my own decision.
2 weeks ago
Striker follow this link:
Click Start Your Tip
It will take you to another page where you will begin selecting and entering information.
In the first list, select "manipulation of security"
In the pane below that list, click where the up/down arrows are. This will open up a selection list. Select "pump and dump scheme".
Finish filling out the remainder of the complaint form. Take your time, but keep in mind the form will automatically close if more than 60 minutes of inactivity has elapsed.
What you could do, is view the form this evening. Take notes, so that you can know what information you would like to track down for evidence to submit.
You can always go back to this link anytime, when you are ready.
If you have links to social media such as Facebook, where there is a page dedicated to the INKW security and the moderator of the page is also the leader of the latest pump and dump scheme, definitely submit that. It is so far the most credible for the incriminating evidence the SEC will need to go after the pump and dump scheme leader.
The more reports, the sooner the SEC will take action before this guy robs anyone else.
2 weeks ago
Well, that's 150 Million shares dumped for 2025. On a positive note, the fraudulent activity aka pump and dump scam has been reported on the security known as INKW.
Links have been shared for the following:
There has been a change of attitude in the United States. The days of stealing money from hard working people via fraud are over.
For years, people not of the United States, have stolen money through US securities. I can assure everyone, this will be the finest example in recent history for extradition and arrests of these fraudulent actors.
You know who you are. They will send agents to find you.
Anyone who has any information regarding fraudulent activity with INKW is urged to report it to the SEC.
If you need help reporting information to the SEC, please let me know and I will provide guidance.