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Greene Concepts Incorporated (PK)

Greene Concepts Incorporated (PK) (INKW)

Closed February 02 4:00PM

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INKW Discussion

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Mrt33 Mrt33 1 hour ago
yes, its pretty obvious.
samson8 samson8 15 hours ago
Did you know that jazz_1 that moderates this board works for the company? Not sure why IHub allows that
Mrt33 Mrt33 1 day ago
Great posts!! I wish i could give more than 1 thumbs up!
TreasuredTrades TreasuredTrades 2 days ago
Trading week for January 27th: INKW had a peak of $0.0017 (Tuesday) and a low (today) of $0.0011.

Share priced opened for the week at $0.0015 and closed for the week at $0.00135 facing a 10% drawdown.

The rescue attempt today by the resident pumper ranged from a whopping 10,000 shares bought to as high as 62,000 shares bought in order to prop the price up. So pathetic. The pumper then, by now completely in panic mode, threw in a whopping $323 to buy 230,000 shares right before the closing bell. Sadly, there was only one other buyer for 100,000 shares. Poor sap should have taken that $140 and bought some energy saving light bulbs. At least with that, there would be a real return on the investment.

Better dig deeper into those pockets pumper! Lenny's getting more disappointed by the day with your lack of commitment!

Buyer's beware!
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TreasuredTrades TreasuredTrades 2 days ago
Striker again is 100% correct. It is a requirement by both the EPA and the FDA to perform annual water testing.

As you look back over the bs PR from previous years, you will see the same "exciting news" regarding the water testing.

Lenny wants your money. He's never had a real job. If he doesn't get enough of you to buy his junk shares, he'll starve.

The desperate pumpers are drooling for your money. The pumpers keep trying to dupe enough people so they can cash out. Pumpers are not only lazy, but they truly believe the can play the game of screwing people out of their hard earned cash. Pumpers are pathetic.

Buyers beware!
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TreasuredTrades TreasuredTrades 2 days ago
The BeWater crypto coin. Yes folks, anyone can start a crypto project. This does not make Lenny Greene or BeWater special in any way, shape or form.

Under the project's information it states: To raise $1M, has 1 backer (gee, could that be Lenny?) and has a rating of 12 out of 1000 (well, the pumpers are saying at least it's not 0 out of 1000).

At this moment, it has a value of $0.00000000001 (the pumpers are saying it's like buying INKW at a discount).

Don't worry though, if you buy a bottle of BeWater, you'll earn some BeWater crypto! Once you add it to your crypto wallet, the exchange rate (purposely high for Lenny to catch a few cents through the backdoor) will help you lose some more money through the wallet's exchange because it's considered a "bottom feeder coin".

Buyers beware!
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TreasuredTrades TreasuredTrades 2 days ago
Today there were 1.9M shares dumped, 400,000 shares bought and nearly 2M flip-flopped by the Market Makers to create artificial volume.

Yesterday there were 3M shares dumped, 115,000 shares bought and nearly 1M shares flip-flopped by the Market Makers to create artificial volume.

Absolutely pathetic.

The 5 day chart on this scam is completely flat for the week. The lows for the week hit $0.0011

Rolling dumpster fire!

Buyers beware!
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The circus here. The pump and dump continues. The conman CEO and his paid promoters and pumpers are working hard to still folk their money. INKW it’s BS. PR’s and the history of a failed opposition for over 60 years. Only consistent. Think one can count on is dumping shares. Trips!!!!!!!!!! Is the only. Ending here. What a joke.
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Mrt33 Mrt33 2 days ago
Great posts from striker and treasured! Hopefully anyone thinking about buying this trash stock will not! What a disgrace lenny is!
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TreasuredTrades TreasuredTrades 3 days ago
I understand your frustration. 95% of OTC's are 100% scams. It's unfortunate, but it's the truth. As a board member, if you have been duped by bogus PR and/or duped by pumpers, you should dedicate some of your time to spreading the word to help protect others from getting financially hurt.

I'm sure it's not the advice you were looking for. At one time, the OTC was a place where one could literally play the lottery. Those days are long gone. The only people that pull off "miracle" cash hauls are the CEO's of these "companies" and the pumpers who have no desire to get a real job.

Everyday that passes the OTC has become weaker and weaker. The reasons for this are due in part to the following: the rise of crypto, the wealth of new information online about these OTC companies and modern investment software that gives investors the edge with big market stocks (not OTC's).

I hope this information helps.
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TreasuredTrades TreasuredTrades 3 days ago
Striker, you are 100% correct. Anyone can hop online right now and look back at the constant recycled PR. The beauty of most of the timing of INKW's PR was almost always followed by a share dump to further dilute the stock and decrease share value while filling Lenny's pockets.

Here's what I would like to know. Why would anyone believe any of Lenny's recycled PR after all this time?

Let's face it folks. Lenny is a smooth operator. He makes his pals and himself wealthy by duping the public into investing their hard earned cash into his scam.

Lenny Greene is the biggest conman in the OTC. The only thing more pathetic than Lenny is these sad excuses for pumpers. They play these psychological games with people on these boards. It's nothing new. It's the same old pathetic routine. They play the ultra positive "friend" game and deflect in the smoothest of ways. All old techniques that have been repeated so many times over the years. It's actually painful to see the same old tired gimmicks by these clowns who believe they are going fool enough chumps into buying into a scam stock so the con-pumper can cash out hundreds of thousands of dollars while leaving all of the chumps they duped with shares that will lose almost all of their value in one short trading day.

The reality is, they want your money. The only way to get you to cough it up is by convincing you to buy into their bs.

Be smart. Don't fall for their bs.

Buyers beware!
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TreasuredTrades TreasuredTrades 3 days ago
How does the market cap of INKW go from $17.8 million in May 2024 to $4.4 million today? A $960,000 turn key mom & pop bottling operation and $13 million is somehow peeled from the market cap in 8 months.

Should I also show the millions yanked out of this stock over the past 4 years? It would be time consuming and, it would make all of you sick.

I can assure you, plastic bottles and caps, 2 employees at best, utilities, taxes, equipment maintenance, etc... do not come anywhere close to that cost. I have owned and have been partner in several small businesses in my lifetime. I can assure everyone that the costs Lenny lists on his "reports" are pure bs. Why do you think he will not allow a legitimate auditor anywhere near him?

If you are smart, take makw's sarcastic advice from his earlier post: "Do not buy INKW, stay away."

Buyers beware!
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O !!! More recycled news. This claim if not news and or new .INKW and the BS pumping continues as usual another PR that has been told before. This claim of the water is old they have claimed in the past several times that they had tested the water a supposedly it was high quality and the best water. Just look back on some of their BS. PR’s. But a pumping scam conman CEO thinks folks here either have a short memory. They running out of ideas and creative ways to fool folks.
The best water by a BS conman what they don’t say they need to do the testing to ensure and maintain the licensing. Pump will continue and as always when this stalls they will have another BS. PR. The game here of trying to convince and persuade more bag holders is relentless. Trips will ultimately be the winner.
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Mrt33 Mrt33 3 days ago
I'll just keep drinking other brands.
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Makw Makw 3 days ago
Mrt33 Mrt33 3 days ago
I will just keep drinking other brands, but thanks for the fluff pr nice work jazzy!
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Mrt33 Mrt33 3 days ago
2025 the year of continuous pumping lmao!
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Mrt33 Mrt33 3 days ago
whoop de do who cares! lol!
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jazz_1 jazz_1 3 days ago
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You may not like my message and or methods here but I state the facts about INKW and its methods of operating . You don’t need my advice an or need to listen to anything I say, I m. A family by man a father a grandfather a recovering cancer survivor and a retired soccer player. I once trusted this company and invested lots of money I did get in when this was 0.0003. I made money and lost money in this and in life that’s what happens when one is willing to take a chance sometimes one wins sometimes not. I trusted the CEO after he had a shareholders Conference years back but I had come to a conclusion that he is a smooth talking conman that is clueless in running a business but was very creative at coming up with the next PR and or the next deal. Only problem was and is he never follows up never makes the effort to gain any traction on all his schemes. . But has consistently undermined all investors by constantly dumping shares and selling discount shares to a few selective insiders. Lenny the CEO and a few others have shares that they can convert into Billions more shares in over 60 years of operation INKW’s only consistent income has come from dumping shares. This CEO. Claims that he will grow this company but the facts are he resides over 2000 miles from what he claims as his business. He the CEO also has made it clear by his own admission in a statement that he feels that there’s no need for any Major advertising campaign to promote the product and bring awareness and or new customers. He also has stated that there’s no need to do an AUDIT by a licensed accountant and firm. To me if this smooth talking salesman has nothing to hide why not? Also how does one expect to grow a company with no product awareness by advertising and help grow. INKW has had plenty deals than have come and gone, they all failed. It takes more than talking to be successful it takes effort the CEO has proven that he is all talk but no action. Only effort that he has been successful and consistent is dump shares. And with billions to dump and a company with a track record of over 60 years of failure it doesn’t take a genius to figure out what will happen here again. Amazon distribution centers , Camping World, the Florida Turnpike deal, piggly Wiggly deal, a northeast liquor distributor with over 200 stores, 2 other deals with distributors that have over 2000 retail stores, a company website to sell their product ,the Walmart national website to the product, all those deals have amounted to nothing all have been nothing more than just hot air, none of them have materialized to anything. So I ask any reasonable person why would things be different now? What has INKW learned or will do differently because they don’t seem to learn and or are willing to work and put the effort. But dumping shares has been the only effort here.
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Come on pumpers and paid promoters earn your paycheck Lenny needs to dump more shares. After all he needs his vacation money. As always he will have another BS PR for the misinformed and the foolish fools that think this is a viable company. With billions to dump here by the CEO and the insiders and as long as INKW is selling discount shares to insiders at 0.0003 this will be a profitable venture only for the few insiders. The rest of the clowns will be the supporting cast of bag holders. TRIPS. !!!!! 0.0000 will be the winner here.
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Mrt33 Mrt33 5 days ago
i stopped reading after the post says there's a monetary motivation. You are completely clueless! And you proved it with that post Great job!
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Mrt33 Mrt33 5 days ago
whatever you say half wit!
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Mrt33 Mrt33 5 days ago
Please just stop the act! You're no better than lenny.
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bagholder67 bagholder67 5 days ago
A simple question asking you for advice. Obviously, You're not here to help anyone but yourself otherwise you would answer some genuine simple questions. Anybody that makes thousands of posts bashing a stock or stocks has to have monetary motivation to do so. Obviously, you generate income when the PPS goes down. There's no argument that can be made with this reasoning. I'm simply asking you to share your knowledge with the other investors. In response you resort to derogatory name calling and insulting people at a personal level. So you're not only unwilling to share your knowledge and help some people out that are down on their luck and genuinely could use some knowledge about how you go about earning profits from scammy OTC stocks. But you also feel the need to insult people at a personal level by calling them derogatory names and insults just because you don't agree with them. In my case for asking you nothing more than a legit question. Your basher friend-cohort isn't a person of any sort of substance or intellect as all he does is call others names and insults. We're talking grade school bully mentality hiding behind a keyboard probably down in his parent's basement, where he divulges in watching kiddy porn and insulting strangers because he was unpopular growing up. But you put a little more knowledge into your bashing but you're too selfish and greedy to share your income generating knowledge regarding trash stocks with anyone else. That speaks volumes on the kind of person that you are and what motivates you to keep coming back here on a daily level for years on end, bashing this ticker and the investors. Everyone should realize all I did was ask you for some legitimate information that you're not only unwilling to share, but felt the need to ridicule a stranger asking you for some help.This speaks volumes on the kind of person you are going through life, only helping and caring about yourself. We are allotted so little time in this life, I couldn't fathom wasting it trying to hurt others for my own gain. There are two types of souls. The helpful, caring, unselfish, empathetic, types. Then there are the selfish, apathetic, hurtful, uncaring, types. Good vs evil. It's unfortunate it seems you can't have one without the other. But it's important to know where everyone stands and what kind of person or people they are and what motivates them in their lives.
Makw Makw 5 days ago
No . Enough please . Take care 
Mrt33 Mrt33 5 days ago
Go down with the ship makw!
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PUMP and DUMP, garbage PR's, and a conman CEO that consistently keeps dumping shares, is all this will ever be TRIPS will arrive and no BS GAMES by the CEO and his paid promoters and pumpers will change the ultimate conclusion 0.0001
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The only thing that is unproductive and unhealthy is your BS here on this board. Like clockwork and as usual every time this garbage dumps millions of shares and it starts to tank INKW has another BS PR. A company with one employee and no Audit's by a licensed accounting firm because the CEO THINKS they are not necessary is not to be trusted NO MATTER WHAT YOU MAY SAY.. Over 60 years of lies. How many deals does INKW and its CEO have done now just in the last 5 years ? yet non have worked out, the track record of deceptions lies and BS just in the last 5 years alone is plenty of evidence that INKW IS FULL of BS and that they do not have a clue IN RUNNING a legitimate business. Only thing consistent at INKW is the DUMPING of shares and the selling of discount share as low as 0.0003 to 0.0001 to insider friends .Those things all undermine any investment the average shareholder makes and creates BAGHOLDERS all while INKW dumping shares, but claiming progress and growth that never comes. How far do you thing a ONE-EMPLOYEE company and a CEO that resides over 2000 miles away from his supposedly company project can and will grow ? INKW has a conman CEO that talks a good game but always under performs and has a track record of over 60 years to boot of lies, deceptions, stock manipulating and failure. If that's the type of company you invest on, then you are a BS conman just like INKW.
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Mrt33 Mrt33 5 days ago
Just think what it must feel like to wake up every single day and try to convince people to make a bad financial decision. What kind of a low life individual do you have to be to have this motivation? What a disgrace!
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Mrt33 Mrt33 5 days ago
yes, pumping other stocks to accumulate more bag holders. what a career you have!
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Mrt33 Mrt33 5 days ago
yes, pumping other stocks to accumulate more bag holders. what a career you have!
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Mrt33 Mrt33 5 days ago
lol, i don't need your advice. Your so called advice is shit.
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Mrt33 Mrt33 5 days ago
you're a no good pumper.
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Mrt33 Mrt33 5 days ago
Oh you can be sure of that! Never again!
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Makw Makw 5 days ago
This is unproductive and unhealthy. Please don't invest . I have to move onto other business . Take care . 
Makw Makw 5 days ago
Please quit with this nonsense. I don't care who you bash or what you invest in . Enough is enough. Please don't invest in $INKW ever . Stay away 
Makw Makw 5 days ago
No I don't care who invests just sharing news 
Makw Makw 5 days ago
Don't invest in $ INKW please 
Mrt33 Mrt33 5 days ago
You are a very safe distance from being an honest person.
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Mrt33 Mrt33 5 days ago
Bottom feeder
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Mrt33 Mrt33 5 days ago
You do your best at conning people.
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Makw Makw 5 days ago
Sharing news the company has released this morning. I don't day trade . I invest 
Mrt33 Mrt33 5 days ago
Pump that stock! lol!!!!
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Makw Makw 5 days ago
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Mrt33 Mrt33 5 days ago
Blow this!
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jazz_1 jazz_1 5 days ago
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Mrt33 Mrt33 5 days ago
It's an expensive process pulling free water out of the ground that has been sold before from a former company, that can't seem to gain traction in sales with a new company, most likely because people are wise to this water plant and the scams that pour out of it.
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Mrt33 Mrt33 5 days ago
It's an expensive process pulling free water out of the ground that has been sold before from a former company, that can't seem to gain traction in sales with a new company, most likely because people are wise to this water plant and the scams that pour out of it.
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Mrt33 Mrt33 5 days ago
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