Ganymede Bio, the wet lab data platform and integration builder for the life sciences and manufacturing, today announced the public launch of its GxP Data Automation Platform, or “GDP”. GDP extends Ganymede’s core Lab-as-Code platform by leveraging its traceability framework, itself designed with GxP at its core, to support an entire GxP software development lifecycle within the platform for lab data capture and automation. This includes:

  • Enhanced code versioning and locking controls on Lab-as-Code’s backing git repos
  • Deep audit log functionality to monitor data and configuration changes
  • Specialized tenants for GxP use cases including GMP, with the ability to cherry-pick releases
  • A GxP documentation package to assist with validation & verification

"Ganymede's platform is the first and only GxP-native developer infra for the wet lab and biomanufacturing. The traceability model inherent in our Lab-as-Code flows makes it easy to know what instrument and what data ran through what code to get to a result, for every single assay,” said Andy Caruso, Head of Engineering at Ganymede Bio.

Using GDP, Ganymede and its clients can implement full data capture and automation workflows in code via Lab-as-Code, in a way that is controlled, documented, and ready for validation. No developer platform currently exists to develop code and workflows that is designed for GxP use cases from the ground up and offers an entire onboard software development lifecycle and infrastructure environment for lab data, down to the level of having an integrated development environment, or “IDE”, onboard the application for code editing that is forced into the traceability model.

“Ganymede is revolutionizing the life sciences one dataset at a time, and it’s incredible to see the breadth of clients ranging from R&D to highly regulated manufacturing. Opening GDP and our GxP capabilities to the broader market is the natural next step,” said Varun Gupta, General Partner at Caffeinated Capital and director on Ganymede’s board.

Ganymede has been developing GDP over the course of much of 2023 and 2024, and in response to strong market demand, the company aims to launch GDP now to begin locking in 2025 implementations with clients in the broader market to capture data, automate analysis, and automate LIMS data entry primarily in the GMP space.

Nathan Clark, Cofounder and CEO of Ganymede said that “the transition from paper to digital paid powerful dividends, but it didn’t absolve us of the risks of human data entry. Now, through data automation, we can maximize data integrity and traceability for compliance, while simultaneously savings scientists and operators time. The key is removing the human element in your data flows. We’ve done this to great effect in preclinical spaces to date, and are excited to begin rolling out Ganymede to GxP use cases via GDP.”

About Ganymede

Ganymede Bio is the wet lab data platform and integration builder for the life sciences and manufacturing industries. The company’s Lab-as-Code™ technology captures data and metadata from physical lab instruments, automates analysis and data product creation, and pushes it to applications such as electronic lab notebooks (ELNs) and laboratory information management systems (LIMS) in a single cloud data layer. Ganymede accelerates time to innovation by giving scientists the ability to automate the world around them using cloud-controlled data flows. Launch your lab of the future today by visiting us at

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