Dori Media Group ("DMG" or "Dori Media"), the international media company active
in the field of television, with a focus on production, distribution,
broadcasting and merchandising of Telenovela, today announced its interim
results in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
for the first half of 2007.

First Half 2007 - demonstrating consistent revenue growth

    --  Group Revenue up 32% to US$12.7 million (US$9.65 million)

    --  Gross Profit up 36% to US$9.2 million (US$6.75 million)

    --  EBITDA up 8% to US$4.4 (US$4.06)

    --  Operating Profit up 9% and reached US$2.5 million (US$2.3 million)

    --  Profit before taxes on income increased by 12% to US$2.4 million (US$2.1

    --  Total Equity stands at US$23.9 million

    --  Net Cash inflow from operating activities up 37% to US$2.28 million
        (US$1.67 million)

Operating Highlights

    --  Merchandising, Video and music CD ancillary business nearly doubled from
        US$2.6 million to US$5.0 million;

    --  Telenovela broadcasting and format right sales up 5% to US$5.27 million
        (US$5.0 million);

    --  International sales accounted for 73% of total sales in H1 2007 while
        representing 68% of total revenues in H1 2006;

    --  Sales of US$2.6 Million of Telenovelas at MIPTV audiovisual content
        market in Cannes (France) with an additional US$3.68 Million in
        contractual options;

    --  Increased its stake in Darset Productions, Israel's largest and most
        successful Telenovela production house, to 50% following the acquisition
        of 24.83% of Serendipity Content and Holdings' shares in Darset -
        reinforcing DMG's control of the Telenovela market in Israel;

    --  Extension of agreement with 'HOT', the biggest multi channel platform in
        Israel, for extended carriage of its two Telenovela channels: VIVA and
        VIVA Platina;

Recent Developments

    --  Dori Media Spike awarded a 3-year contract of between US$17.5 million to
        US$22.5 million a year commencing 1 January 2008, totaling US$52.5
        million to US$67.5 million for 3 years, to run the Movie and General
        Entertainment Channels on 'HOT', a leading cable platform boasting
        subscriptions with the majority of Israeli households;

    --  Launch and marketing of new Telenovela, "Lalola", in Argentina, which
        has already been sold to 10 broadcasters and producers from France,
        Russia, Mexico, Albania, Chile and Ecuador;

    --  Launch of the first online Telenovela channels in partnership with
        Google's YouTube. DMG launched three branded channels on the popular
        video-sharing website and make some of its exclusive content available
        for the YouTube community;

    --  DMG opened a new subsidiary in the United States of America in Miami
        called Dori Media America (DMA) with Jose Escalante appointed as CEO;


    --  Favorable outlook for full year 2007, with anticipated revenue growth
        from the opening of DMA, the Group's new subsidiary in the USA, and the
        launch of new shows including "Lalola" in the second half of the year.

CEO's comments

Talking about the results, Nadav Palti, President and CEO of Dori Media,
commented: "Once again, we have delivered a strong set of results that further
validates our strategy of international expansion and playing a leading role in
the promotion of the Telenovela genre worldwide.

We continue to capitalize on the popularity of Telenovela by developing multiple
sources of income within this niche market. We did this very successfully during
the first half of 2007 and we remain very comfortable with the current market
expectations. We also recently strengthened our position in the industry by
signing a number of landmark deals that will provide DMG with new opportunities
for future growth.

The strong financial performance for this half year can be attributed to the
increase of sales in our ancillary business (merchandizing, publishing and
music) combined with strong sales of DMG's broadcasting and format rights. Our
gross profit lines also grew, despite our commitments to develop the business by
investing in Darset productions and in new programs such as Lalola.

Recent developments, which occurred just after the close of the reporting
period, also have particular significance; firstly, Dori Media Spike's
successful bid for the rights to produce and operate the HOT premium movie
channels and the series channel is a big achievement and it will significantly
boost our profile both in Israel and in the US. Secondly, our partnership with
Google's YouTube represents our first on-line venture, a field that will open
new opportunities, and thirdly, we very recently announced the opening of a new
US company for Dori Media Group, which will give us a physical presence in what
could become one of the largest Telenovela markets in the world."

Chief Executive Officer's Review


In the first six months of 2007, DMG has further capitalized on the growing
popularity of the Telenovela genre internationally, by continuing to expand and
also by initiating a number of key developments that will enrich its Telenovela
offering. The increase in DMG's stake in Darset Productions and the opening up
of a new subsidiary in the US demonstrate the Company's commitment to grow
international sales further and become a key player of choice in the US.

Operating update

Dori Media reports sales of US$12.7 million for the 6 months ended 30 June 2007,
up 32% from US$9.65 million for the same period last year. The Company recorded
an operating profit of US$2.5 million in spite of increased marketing costs and
personnel, investment in Darset Productions and in the development of more

The group's first half results were bolstered by the strong revenue growth
coming from DMG's ancillary businesses (merchandizing, publishing, music, CDs,
DVDs and live shows) that nearly doubled from US$2.6 million in H1 2006 to US$5
million in H1 2007; this was attributable to DMG's teen Telenovelas, Rebelde Way
and its Mexican format REBELDE. Revenues from broadcasting rights and format
rights increased by 5% from US$5 million in H1 2006 to US$5.27 million in H1

Focus on International Growth and New Media

International sales accounted for 73% of total sales in H1 2007 while they
represented 68% of total revenues in H1 2006. The breakdown of international
sales in the period was as follows:

    --  37% generated in Europe, representing 27% of global sales (38% in H1

    --  49% generated in Central and South America, representing 36% of global
        sales (28% in H1 2006);

    --  14% generated in other territories mainly Far East and North America,
        representing together 10% of global sales (2% in H1 2006).

In January, DMG announced that the Company has successfully extended its
long-term agreement with 'HOT', the leading cable provider in Israel, for
extended carriage of its two dedicated Telenovela TV channels: VIVA and VIVA
Platina. VIVA is DMG's main channel and is carried as part of HOT's basic
package. VIVA Platina is DMG's premium pay channel. This extension demonstrates
the strength of DMG's VIVA brand, which is very successful in Israel thanks to
its high-quality content and the loyal following it attracts.

In February, an agreement was reached with Serendipity Content and Holdings, one
of the founders of Darset Productions, Israel's largest Telenovela production
house, to purchase 24.83% of Serendipity's shares in Darset Productions for a
total consideration of US$550,000. The transaction was later approved by DMG's
shareholders at the Annual General Meeting in March. Further to the transaction,
DMG's holding in Darset Productions increases to 50%. Prior to the deal, DMG
held a 25.17% equity stake in Darset Productions.

Within a month of DMG's participation in the MIPTV audiovisual content market in
Cannes (France) in April, the Company had sold over 1,560 hours of its
Telenovela series and formats to broadcasters from 11 countries. The value of
DMG's participation at the event is approximately US$6.28 million including
US$3.68 Million in contractual options and including deals that were concluded,
but initiated at MIPTV. Shows sold at the event included the new hit show
"Lalola", which sold extremely well despite it only being at pre-production
stages at the time. "Lalola" has since been sold to over 10 networks in France,
Russia, Mexico, US, Puerto Rico, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador and Uruguay. Other
DMG shows including "Sos Mi Vida" (You are the One), the comedy "Amor Mio" (My
Love), "Juanita La Soltera" (Juanita is Single), "Collar de Esmeralda" (The
Emerald Necklace) and "El-Refugio" (The Shelter) all contributed to DMG's
successful appearance at MIPTV.

In terms of recent developments, Dori Media Spike (DMS) won a contract in July
to run movie and general entertainment channels on "HOT", the leading Israeli
cable platform. The contract will last 3 years as of January 1st 2008 and is
expected to generate revenues of between US$52.5 million and US$67.5 million
over this period. Dori Media Spike has all the knowledge, resources and
professional experience to run the new operation effectively and fruitfully.

DMG also recently announced the opening of a new subsidiary in the USA with Jose
Escalante, who has over 20 years' experience of selling Telenovela formats,
serving as CEO. The new subsidiary, called Dori Media America (DMA), located in
Miami, was set up to respond to increasing demand for Telenovela series in the
US market. DMA will focus on marketing and distributing DMG's library of
Telenovelas to US media partners and major broadcasters who have recently shown
a growing interest in the Telenovela TV genre. This is an exciting opportunity
for Dori Media to establish itself as a partner of choice for broadcasters in a
region where Telenovelas are increasingly popular both with the Hispanic and
non-Hispanic population.

In August, DMG announced that it has partnered with Google's YouTube to launch
three branded channels on the popular video-sharing website and make some of its
exclusive content available for the YouTube community. Dori Media International,
a fully owned subsidiary of DMG, will update the site daily and fans of
Telenovelas will be able to watch trailers, most memorable scenes, unseen
footage of concerts, both on-screen and behind-the-scene footage, special
interviews with Telenovela stars, out-takes and other videos. This partnership
enables DMG to reach Telenovela fans wherever they are and promote DMG TV series
to an even larger number of viewers, in particular the significant teenage
audience. The agreement also fits in well with the Company's strategy to use new
media platforms to bring audiences together and introduce greater audience

Strong Telenovela Programming

In H1 2007, DMG continued to invest into new TV series and until the end of 2007
is expected to produce and buy rights to approximately 730 hours of TV all from
2007. By the end of 2007, DMG is expected to have a library over 4,000 TV hours.

In June, DMG's Telenovela 'El Refugio' (The Shelter'), one of its most
successful teenage TV drama series, was awarded the 'Accolade Award' for 'Best
of Show 2007'. The 'Accolade' is an international award competition entering its
fifth year, and is considered a top tier television contest. The competition is
organised in the US by high caliber professionals in the film and television
industry and brings together the producers of the most successful films, TV
series and videos each year.

In the end of August, DMG will launch its new successful Telenovela "Lalola" in
Argentina, which has been praised by critics comparing it to "Ugly Betty" and
has already been sold for broadcasting in various other countries. "Lalola"
initially consists of 120 episodes.


DMG's strategy remains to continue to capitalise on the growing international
popularity of the Telenovela TV genre in all relevant markets by increasing the
volume of productions, increasing international sales of these productions and
continue to form Telenovela dedicated channels in appropriate markets. The Group
is confident that the positive trends it has experienced during the first half
of 2007 will continue beyond this period. DMG's participation at the MIPCOM
conference has demonstrated the potential level of sales outside its origins in
Latin America as the Telenovela format becomes a global phenomenon. By
partnering with Google's YouTube, Dori Media is the first company to bring its
Telenovela content online, creating three interactive channels for millions of
fans worldwide to enjoy. This new media platform, along with mobile telephony,
represents great new opportunities for the Group to generate additional revenues
and strengthen its audience loyalty. In addition, Dori Media Spike's successful
bid for the rights to produce and operate the HOT premium movie channels and the
series channel is a big achievement that is expected to have a positive impact
on DMG's results from 2008 onwards. Finally, the opening of a new subsidiary in
the US, will enhance Dori Media's presence in this key Telenovela market.

Financial Performance


DMG's revenues for the 6 months ended 30 June 2007 reaffirm that the company is
meeting its objective of rapidly expanding outside Israel and diversifying its
income streams with broadcasting rights, distribution and merchandising.

Income from ancillary business (merchandising & publishing, music, DVDs, CDs and
videos) nearly doubled from US$2.6 million in H1 2006 to US$5.0 million in H1
2007. As reported at DMG's FY 2006 results, this increase was principally due to
the broadcasting of 'REBELDE' - Televisa's adapted version of Dori Media's
'Rebelde Way' - in Mexico, Brazil and the United States, and its subsequent
merchandising and ancillary sales in North and South America. The success of
DMG's 'Rebelde Way' in Spain was also complemented by increased sales of related
merchandising, CDs and DVDs in the Iberic peninsula. Merchandising and ancillary
business generated 40% of total revenues for H1 2007.

In the first half of 2007, DMG's Telenovela broadcasting and format rights sales
were up 5% to US$5.27 million, compared to US$5 million in the same period last
year. Broadcasting and format rights sales represent 41% of total revenues in
the period.

Revenues from TV channels increased by 7% from US$2.0 million to US$2.15
million. Revenues generated from technical services, following the creation of
Dori Media OT during H2 2006, reached US$0.2 million in H1 2007. Dori Media OT's
revenues from transactions inside the DMG group during H1 2007 reached US$0.97

Revenues from Indonesian channels for H1 2007 reached US$0.5 million, compared
to US$0.15 million in H1 2006 as the unit had only started operating. As with
any start up operation, initial losses were predicted, but such losses are now
decreasing and the operation is expected to reach break even point during 2008.

Total broadcasting income from DMG's television channels, was US$2.15 million in
H1 2007.

Gross Margins

Gross margins improved to 72% in the 6 months to 30 June 2007 from 69% in H1
2006, with gross profit for H1 2007 increasing by 36% to US$9.2 million compared
with US$6.7 million for H1 2006.

The cost of goods sold in H1 2007 increased by 20% to US$3.5 million compared to
US$2.9 million in H1 2006, which was mainly attributable to:

    --  TV channel operation expenses increasing from US$0.7 million in H1 2006
        to US$1 million in H1 2007

    --  Darset Productions production expenses, which are presented
        proportionately at 50%, increasing from US$0.9 million in H1 2006 to
        US$1.0 million

    --  Commission to third parties increasing from virtually nil to US$0.1

Operating Expenses

Total operating expenses amounted to US$6.7 million in H1 2007 (US$4.43
million). The total selling and marketing expenses increased from US$1.83
million in H1 2006 to US$3.39 million in H1 2007 due to commissions from
merchandising revenues (up from US$0.7 million in H1 2006 to US$2.0 million in
H1 2007).

Sales commission decreased from US$0.8 million in H1 2006 to US$0.3 million in
H1 2007 due to the establishment of Dori Media Distribution (DMD), a new
distribution arm established in June 2006. In connection with this, salaries of
sales personnel and convention & exhibition expenses increased significantly
from US$0.1 million in H1 2006 to US$0.9 million in H1 2007. It is important to
note that the majority of the revenues generated from these conventions will be
recorded in future periods, In addition to this, convention expenses were minor
during H1 2006 as Dori Media Distribution was only created in June, at the end
of the half year period.

Administration & General expenses and salaries increased from US$2.6 million to
US$3.3 million due to the growth in the number of employees and establishment of
DMD. Professional expenses including lawyers, auditors and other consultants
increased from US$0.5 million in H1 2006 to US$0.6 million in H1 2007.

Operating Profit

The operating profit was US$2.5 million in H1 2007 as compared to US$2.3 million
in H1 2006.

Financial Expenses

Financial expenses reached US$0.15 million in H1 2007 compared to US$0.20
million in H1 2006 due to increase in cash inflow lowering credit lines from

Tax Expenses

Tax expenses in H1 2007 are at the effective rate of 21% (US$0.5 million for
profit before tax of US$ 2.36 million).

Net Income

The net income for the six months to 30 June 2007 was US$1.86 million compared
to US$1.72 million in H1 2006.

Cash Flow

Dori Media's cash flow continues to be very strong and positive, facilitating
strong cash generation and the financing of new productions and ventures.
Operating cash flow increased from US$1.67million Net Cash inflow in operating
activities in H1 2006 to US$2.28 million Net Cash inflow from operating
activities in H1 2007.

For further information on Dori Media Group, please visit our website on or contact:

Dori Media Group Ltd.                                Shared Value Limited
Nadav Palti, CEO & President                         Nicolas Duperrier
Tel: +972 3 7684000 / +972 54 4236828                Investor & Media relations                                   Tel. +44 (0) 20 7321 5010

Daniel Stewart & Company
Lindsay Mair
Tel. +44 (0) 20 7776 6550

Dori Media Group is an international media group active in the production,
distribution and broadcasting of Telenovela. The Group owns and sells
high-loyalty TV content and branded merchandise attracting a wide variety of
audiences in over 50 countries. Dori Media Group owns and operates the 'Viva'
and 'Viva Platina' Telenovela dedicated TV channels in Israel,'Televiva Vision
2' Telenovela dedicated TV channel and 'Baby TV Vision 3' a toddlers TV channel
in Indonesia. Dori Media Group's production company in Israel is 'Darset
Productions Ltd'. Dori Media Group is controlled by Mapal Communications Ltd,
one of Israel's largest communications company. Dori Media Group is publicly
traded on the AIM Market of the London Stock Exchange. The Company's ticker
symbol is 'DMG'.

                                                          Six months ended         Year ended
                                                              30 June              31 December
                                                         2007          2006           2006
                                                     ------------- ------------  ---------------
                                                      US$ '000 *)  US$ '000 *)     US$ '000 *)
                                                     ------------- ------------  ---------------
                                                             Unaudited               Audited
                                                     --------------------------  ---------------

Revenues                                                    12,700        9,651           20,404
Cost of revenues                                             3,497        2,904            5,423
                                                     ------------- ------------  ---------------

Gross profit                                                 9,203        6,747           14,981
                                                     ------------- ------------  ---------------

Selling and marketing expenses                               3,388        1,828            3,946
General and administrative expenses                          3,334        2,601            5,611
                                                     ------------- ------------  ---------------

Total operating expenses                                     6,722        4,429            9,557
---------------------------------------------------- ------------- ------------  ---------------

Operating profit                                             2,481        2,318            5,424
Financial expenses, net                                        152          203              334
Other expenses (income), net                                  (32)            -                3
                                                     ------------- ------------  ---------------

Profit before tax                                            2,361        2,115            5,087
Taxes on income                                                497          391              945
                                                     ------------- ------------  ---------------

Profit for the period                                        1,864        1,724            4,142
                                                     ============= ============  ===============

Attributable to:
 Equity holders of the parent                                1,842        1,724            4,112
 Minority interest                                              22            -               30
                                                     ------------- ------------  ---------------

                                                             1,864        1,724            4,142
                                                     ============= ============  ===============

Basic and diluted earnings per share                          0.09         0.09             0.21
                                                     ============= ============  ===============
*)        Except per share amounts.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial

                                                                                     As of
                                                           As of 30 June           31 December
                                                         2007          2006           2006
                                                     ------------  ------------  ---------------
                                                       US$ '000      US$ '000       US$ '000
                                                     ------------  ------------  ---------------
                                                              Unaudited              Audited
                                                     --------------------------  ---------------

  Cash and cash equivalents                                 1,651           688              621
  Trade receivables                                         8,947         7,480            9,065
  Other accounts receivable                                 1,397           784            1,097
  Broadcasting rights                                       1,204         1,306            1,178
  Inventory of TV series rights for sale                       96           117               45
                                                     ------------  ------------  ---------------

                                                           13,295        10,375           12,006
                                                     ------------  ------------  ---------------

  Investments in rights of TV series                       16,020        12,288           15,262
  Intangible assets, net                                    4,556         3,210            3,808
  Property and equipment, net                               2,019         1,011            1,777
  Deferred tax assets                                       1,526         1,526            1,530
                                                     ------------  ------------  ---------------

                                                           24,121        18,035           22,377
                                                     ------------  ------------  ---------------

Total assets                                               37,416        28,410           34,383
---------------------------------------------------- ============  ============  ===============


  Credit from banks and current maturities of
long-term loans                                             4,237         4,024            5,217
  Trade payables                                            3,400         3,376            4,084
  Current tax liability                                       401             -              424
  Other current liabilities                                 1,885         1,642            1,768
                                                     ------------  ------------  ---------------

                                                            9,923         9,042           11,493
                                                     ------------  ------------  ---------------

  Bank loans                                                  155             -               62
  Other long-term liabilities                               3,394         2,086            3,083
                                                     ------------  ------------  ---------------

                                                            3,549         2,086            3,145
                                                     ------------  ------------  ---------------

  Equity attributable to equity holders of the
   Issued capital                                             471           448              448
   Share premium                                           13,635        11,302           11,329
   Foreign currency translation reserve                     (132)         (156)            (138)
   Asset revaluation surplus                                  240           240              240
   Retained earnings                                        9,678         5,448            7,836
                                                     ------------  ------------  ---------------

                                                           23,892        17,282           19,715
  Minority interest                                            52             -               30
                                                     ------------  ------------  ---------------

Total equity                                               23,944        17,282           19,745
---------------------------------------------------- ------------  ------------  ---------------

Total liabilities and equity                               37,416        28,410           34,383
---------------------------------------------------- ============  ============  ===============

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial

     20 August 2007
------------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----------------------
Date of approval of the   Tamar Mozes-Borovitz         Nadav Palti             Moshe Pinto
  financial statements    Chairman of the Board       Director and       Chief Financial Officer
                              of Directors       Chief Executive Officer


                                  Attributable to equity holders of the parent
                                              Foreign                                                      income and
                                               currency     Asset                                            expenses
                           Issued    Share   translation  revaluation Retained         Minority  Total   ---------------
                            capital  premium   reserve     surplus     earnings Total   interest  equity Parent Minority
                           -------- -------- ----------- ------------ --------- ------ --------- ------- ------ --------
                           US$ '000                                              US$              US$     US$
                                    US$ '000  US$ '000     US$ '000   US$ '000   '000  US$ '000    '000   '000  US$ '000
                           -------- -------- ----------- ------------ --------- ------ --------- ------- ------ --------

Six months ended 30 June
 2007 (Unaudited)

Balance at beginning of
                                448   11,329       (138)          240     7,836 19,715        30  19,745      -        -
  Issuance of shares             23    2,153           -            -         -  2,176         -   2,176      -        -
  Exercise of options          *) -       26           -            -         -     26         -      26      -        -
  Cost of share-based
   payments                       -      127           -            -         -    127         -     127      -        -
  Currency translation
   differences                    -        -           6            -         -      6         -       6      6        -
  Profit for the period           -        -           -            -     1,842  1,842        22   1,864  1,842       22
                           -------- -------- ----------- ------------ --------- ------ --------- ------- ------ --------
                                                                                                          1,848       22
                                                                                                         ====== ========
Balance at end of period        471   13,635       (132)          240     9,678 23,892        52  23,944
                           ======== ======== =========== ============ ========= ====== ========= =======

Six months ended 30 June
 2006 (Unaudited)

Balance at beginning of
 period                         448   11,257       (249)          240     3,724 15,420         -  15,420      -        -

  Exercise of options          *) -        6           -            -         -      6         -       6      -        -
  Cost of share-based
   payments                       -       39           -            -         -     39         -      39      -        -
  Currency translation
   differences                    -        -          93            -         -     93         -      93     93        -
  Profit for the period           -        -           -            -     1,724  1,724         -   1,724  1,724        -
                           -------- -------- ----------- ------------ --------- ------ --------- ------- ------ --------
                                                                                                          1,817        -
                                                                                                         ====== ========
Balance at end of period        448   11,302       (156)          240     5,448 17,282         -  17,282
                           ======== ======== =========== ============ ========= ====== ========= =======

Year ended 31 December
 2006 (Audited)

Balance at beginning of
 year                           448   11,257       (249)          240     3,724 15,420         -  15,420      -        -

  Exercise of options          *) -        6           -            -         -      6         -       6      -        -
  Cost of share-based
   payments                       -       66           -            -         -     66         -      66      -        -
  Currency translation
   differences                    -        -         111            -         -    111         -     111    111        -
  Profit for the year             -        -           -            -     4,112  4,112        30   4,142  4,112       30
                           -------- -------- ----------- ------------ --------- ------ --------- ------- ------ --------
                                                                                                          4,223       30
                                                                                                         ====== ========
Balance at end of year          448   11,329       (138)          240     7,836 19,715        30  19,745
                           ======== ======== =========== ============ ========= ====== ========= =======
*)        Represents an amount lower than US$ 1 thousand.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial

                                                          Six months ended         Year ended
                                                              30 June              31 December
                                                         2007          2006           2006
                                                     ------------  ------------  ---------------
                                                       US$ '000      US$ '000       US$ '000
                                                     ------------  ------------  ---------------
                                                             Unaudited               Audited
                                                     --------------------------  ---------------
Cash flows from operating activities:

Profit for the period                                       1,864         1,724            4,142
Adjustments to reconcile profit to net cash provided
 by (used in) operating activities (a)                        416          (54)            (407)
                                                     ------------  ------------  ---------------

Net cash provided by operating activities                   2,280         1,670            3,735
                                                     ------------  ------------  ---------------

Cash flows from investing activities:

Additions to intangible assets                              (405)             -            (201)
Acquisition of newly consolidated subsidiaries,
 jointly controlled entity and business (b)                 (120)             -            (451)
Investments in rights of TV series, net                   (1,775)       (4,165)          (7,103)
Proceeds from sale of property, equipment and
 investment properties                                         32             -               11
Purchase of property and equipment                          (484)          (61)            (505)
                                                     ------------  ------------  ---------------

Net cash used in investing activities                     (2,752)       (4,226)          (8,249)
                                                     ------------  ------------  ---------------

Cash flows from financing activities:

Receipt of loans                                              204             -              290
Proceeds from issuance of shares and exercise of
 options, net of issuance costs                             2,176             6                6
Receipt of long-term production financing                     789           795            1,598
Repayment of long-term production financing                 (711)             -             (94)
Short-term bank credit, net                                 (956)           347            1,201
                                                     ------------  ------------  ---------------

Net cash provided by financing activities                   1,502         1,148            3,001
                                                     ------------  ------------  ---------------

Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash
 equivalents                                                    -            11               49
                                                     ------------  ------------  ---------------

Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents            1,030       (1,397)          (1,464)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period              621         2,085            2,085
                                                     ------------  ------------  ---------------

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                  1,651           688              621
                                                     ============  ============  ===============

 (a) Adjustments to reconcile profit to net cash
      provided by (used in) operating activities:

     Income and expenses not involving cash flows:

     Cost of share-based payments                             153            39               66
     Depreciation and amortization                          1,903         1,746            3,263
     Deferred income taxes                                      2            88              114
     Other                                                     47            14               71

     Changes in operating assets and liabilities:

     Decrease (increase) in trade receivables                 243       (2,180)          (3,675)
     Increase in other accounts receivable                  (282)         (400)            (697)
     Increase in short-term investments in rights of
      TV series                                                 -          (48)                -
     Decrease (increase) in broadcasting rights             (796)       (1,443)          (1,996)
     Decrease (increase) in inventory of TV series
      rights for sale                                        (43)             2               27
     Increase (decrease) in trade payables                  (591)         1,743            1,672
     Increase (decrease) in other current
      liabilities                                           (220)           385              748
                                                     ------------  ------------  ---------------

                                                              416          (54)            (407)
                                                     ============  ============  ===============

(b)  Acquisition of newly consolidated subsidiaries,
      jointly controlled entity and business:

     The fair values of the assets and liabilities
      at the date of acquisition were as follows:

      Working capital (excluding cash)                         52             -                -
      Investments in rights of TV series                     (82)             -                -
      Property and equipment                                  (6)             -            (360)
      Goodwill arising on acquisition                       (325)             -            (240)
       Other intangible assets                              (125)             -                -
                                                     ------------  ------------  ---------------

     Total consideration *)                                 (486)             -            (600)
     Less - acquisition on short-term credit                  366             -              149
                                                     ------------  ------------  ---------------

     Net cash out flow                                      (120)             -            (451)
                                                     ============  ============  ===============

     *) 2007 - Net of cash acquired of us $ 64

(d)  Significant non-cash transactions:

     Acquisition of rights in TV series on credit           1,113           476            1,216
                                                     ============  ============  ===============

     Acquisition of assets on short-term credit               366             -              149
                                                     ============  ============  ===============

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial


a. The interim condensed consolidated financial statements of the Group for the
six months ended 30 June 2007 were authorized for issue in accordance with a
resolution of the directors on 20 August 2007.

b. The Company and its subsidiaries are engaged in the rights purchase,
production and sale of TV series ("Telenovelas"), commercializing their rights
and broadcastings channels ("TV channels").


The interim condensed consolidated financial statements for the six months ended
30 June 2007, have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34, "Interim Financial
Reporting". These financial statements should be read in conjunction with the
Company's audited annual financial statements and accompanying notes as of 31
December 2006 ("the annual financial statements"). The significant accounting
policies and methods of computations applied in the preparation of the interim
financial statements are the same as those applied in the annual financial
statements as of 31 December 2006.


In February 2007, the Company signed an agreement with a shareholder of Darset
Productions Ltd. ("Darset") for the purchase of an additional 24.83% of Darsets'
equity in consideration of US$ 550 thousand including US$ 125 thousand for a
non-competition commitment by the selling shareholder. The total consideration
is to be paid over a period ending in 2008 This amount is included in intangible
assets and is being amortized over a period of 5 years. Goodwill on the
acquisition amounted to US$ 325 thousand. Subsequent to the acquisition, the
Group's interest in Darset is 50% and Darset's financial statements are 50%
proportionately consolidated (in prior years was 25.17% proportionately


a. On 14 March, 2007, the Company issued 971,129 Ordinary shares with
institutional investors in consideration of US$ 2,176 thousand (net of issuance
expenses in the amount of US$ 157 thousand).

b. Share option grant:

On 15 March 2007, the Company granted share options for the purchase of 411,500
Ordinary shares to directors, officers and employees under the Company's 2004
Share Option Plan. The options have an exercise price of � 1.3933 (US $ 2.8) and
vest over periods of up to four years. The average fair value of the options
granted is $ 1.74 per share.


a. General:

The Group companies operate in two principal business segments: production, sale
and distribution of TV series and broadcasting of TV channels. In prior years,
the Company reported information on a third segment, which is no longer reported
separately, since most of its revenues are derived from inter-segment sales.

b. The following data is presented in accordance with IAS 14:

                                    Six months ended 30 June 2007 (Unaudited)
                            Rights of Broadcasting
                               TV        of TV                             Total
                              series    channels    Others  Adjustments  consolidated
                            --------- ------------ -------- ----------- -------------
                            US$ '000    US$ '000   US$ '000  US$ '000     US$ '000
                            --------- ------------ -------- ----------- -------------
 Sales to external
  customers                    10,273        2,156      271           -        12,700
 Intersegment sales               136            -      967     (1,103)             -
                            --------- ------------ -------- ----------- -------------

Total revenues                 10,409        2,156    1,238     (1,103)        12,700
--------------------------- ========= ============ ======== =========== =============

Segment results                 3,371           52      191       (127)         3,487
                            ========= ============ ======== ===========

Unallocated expenses                                                          (1,006)

Operating profit                                                                2,481

                                    Six months ended 30 June 2006 (Unaudited)
                            Rights of Broadcasting
                               TV        of TV                             Total
                              series    channels    Others  Adjustments  consolidated
                            --------- ------------ -------- ----------- -------------
                            US$ '000    US$ '000   US$ '000  US$ '000     US$ '000
                            --------- ------------ -------- ----------- -------------
 Sales to external
  customers                     7,641        2,010        -           -         9,651
 Intersegment sales                88            -       75       (163)             -
                            --------- ------------ -------- ----------- -------------

Total revenues                  7,729        2,010       75       (163)         9,651
--------------------------- ========= ============ ======== =========== =============

Segment results                 2,735          180       62           -         2,977
                            ========= ============ ======== ===========

Unallocated expenses                                                            (659)

Operating profit                                                                2,318

                                      Year ended 31 December 2006 (Audited)
                            Rights of Broadcasting
                               TV        of TV                             Total
                              series    channels    Other   Adjustments  consolidated
                            --------- ------------ -------- ----------- -------------
                            US$ '000    US$ '000   US$ '000  US$ '000     US$ '000
                            --------- ------------ -------- ----------- -------------
 Sales to external
  customers                    15,982        4,217      205           -        20,404
 Intersegment sales               272            -      427       (699)             -
                            --------- ------------ -------- ----------- -------------

Total revenues                 16,254        4,217      632       (699)        20,404
--------------------------- ========= ============ ======== =========== =============

Segment results                 7,224        (325)      211       (129)         6,981
                            ========= ============ ======== ===========

Unallocated expenses                                                          (1,557)

Operating profit                                                                5,424


On 15 July 2007, Dori Media Spike Ltd. (DMS), a newly formed 75% owned
subsidiary of the Company, signed an agreement to operate certain channels for
'HOT', the Israeli cable multi channel platform. HOT granted DMS rights to
produce and operate the existing HOT premium movie channels and other new
channels and services for three years commencing January 2008. The agreement is
renewable at Hot's option for three additional periods of one year each.

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