Banner Corporation (NASDAQ GSM: BANR) ("Banner"), the parent company of Banner Bank and Islanders Bank, today reported record 2019 net income, which increased 7% to $146.3 million, or $4.18 per diluted share, compared to $136.5 million, or $4.15 per diluted share, in 2018.  In the fourth quarter of 2019, net income totaled $33.7 million, or $0.95 per diluted share, compared to $39.6 million, or $1.15 per diluted share, in the preceding quarter and $37.5 million, or $1.09 per diluted share, in the fourth quarter of 2018.  Fourth quarter of 2019 results include $4.4 million of acquisition-related expenses, compared to $676,000 of acquisition-related expenses in the preceding quarter and $4.6 million in the fourth quarter of 2018.  The 2019 results include $7.5 million of acquisition-related expenses compared to $5.6 million of acquisition-related expenses for 2018.

“Banner’s record 2019 operating results reflect the continued execution of our super community bank strategy.  We are generating new client relationships and adding to our core funding position by growing core deposits while maintaining a moderate risk profile,” stated Mark J. Grescovich, President and Chief Executive Officer.  “During the fourth quarter, we announced the completion of the merger with AltaPacific Bancorp.  This combination is a complementary fit, both strategically and culturally, and provides scale to our California franchise with attractive core deposits and strong commercial banking relationships.”

At December 31, 2019, Banner Corporation had $12.61 billion in assets, $9.21 billion in net loans and $10.05 billion in deposits.  Banner operates 178 branch offices, including branches located in eight of the top 20 largest western Metropolitan Statistical Areas by population.

Fourth Quarter 2019 Highlights

  • Revenues increased 2% to $139.8 million, compared to $137.5 million in the preceding quarter and increased nominally compared to $138.5 million in the fourth quarter a year ago.
  • Net interest income, before the provision for loan losses, was $119.5 million, compared to $116.6 million in the preceding quarter and $117.5 million in the fourth quarter a year ago.
  • Net interest margin was 4.20%, compared to 4.25% in the preceding quarter and 4.47% in the fourth quarter a year ago.
  • Mortgage banking revenues were $6.2 million, compared to $6.6 million in the preceding quarter and increased 4% compared to $6.0 million in the fourth quarter a year ago.
  • Return on average assets was 1.07% compared to 1.31% in the preceding quarter and 1.32% in the fourth quarter a year ago.
  • Net loans receivable increased 5% to $9.20 billion at December 31, 2019, compared to $8.74 billion at September 30, 2019, and increased 7% when compared to $8.59 billion at December 31, 2018.
  • Non-performing assets increased to $40.5 million, or 0.32% of total assets, at December 31, 2019, compared to $18.6 million, or 0.15% of total assets in the preceding quarter, and $18.9 million, or 0.16% of total assets, at December 31, 2018.
  • Provision for loan losses was $4.0 million, and the allowance for loan losses was $100.6 million, or 1.08% of total loans receivable, as of December 31, 2019.
  • Core deposits increased 5% to $8.93 billion at December 31, 2019, compared to $8.51 billion at September 30, 2019 and increased 10% compared to $8.16 billion a year ago.  Core deposits represented 89% of total deposits at December 31, 2019.
  • Dividends to shareholders were $1.41 per share in the quarter ended December 31, 2019, including a $0.41 regular quarterly dividend and a $1.00 special cash dividend.
  • Common shareholders’ equity per share decreased slightly to $44.59 at December 31, 2019, compared to $44.80 at the preceding quarter end and increased 6% from $42.03 a year ago.
  • Tangible common shareholders' equity per share* decreased 2% to $33.33 at December 31, 2019, compared to $34.10 at the preceding quarter end and increased 6% from $31.45 a year ago.

*Tangible common shareholders' equity per share and the ratio of tangible common equity to tangible assets (both of which exclude goodwill and other intangible assets, net), and references to adjusted revenue (which excludes fair value adjustments and net gain (loss) on the sale of securities from the total of net interest income before provision for loan losses and non-interest income) and the adjusted efficiency ratio (which excludes acquisition-related expenses, amortization of core deposit intangibles, real estate owned gain (loss), FHLB prepayment penalties and state/municipal taxes from non-interest expense divided by adjusted revenue) represent non-GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) financial measures.  Management has presented these non-GAAP financial measures in this earnings release because it believes that they provide useful and comparative information to assess trends in Banner's core operations reflected in the current quarter's results and facilitate the comparison of our performance with the performance of our peers.  Where applicable, comparable earnings information using GAAP financial measures is also presented.  See also Non-GAAP Financial Measures reconciliation tables on the last two pages of this press release.

Certain reclassifications have been made to the 2018 Consolidated Financial Statements and/or schedules to conform to the 2019 presentation.  These reclassifications have affected certain line items and ratios for the prior periods but have not changed net income or shareholders’ equity for those periods.  The effect of these reclassifications is considered immaterial.

Significant Recent Initiatives and Events

On November 1, 2019, Banner completed the acquisition of AltaPacific Bancorp (“AltaPacific”) and its wholly-owned subsidiary, AltaPacific Bank, of Santa Rosa, California.  At closing AltaPacific Bank had six branch locations, including one in Northern California, and five in Southern California.  Pursuant to the previously announced terms, AltaPacific shareholders received 0.2712 shares of Banner common stock in exchange for each share of AltaPacific common stock, plus cash in lieu of any fractional shares and cash to buyout AltaPacific stock options for a total consideration paid of $87.6 million.

The AltaPacific merger was accounted for using the acquisition method of accounting.  Accordingly, the assets (including identifiable intangible assets) and the liabilities of AltaPacific were measured at their respective estimated fair values as of the merger date.  The excess of the purchase price over the fair value of the net assets acquired was attributed to goodwill.  The fair value on the merger date represents management's best estimates based on available information and facts and circumstances in existence on the merger date.  The acquisition accounting is subject to adjustment within a measurement period of one year from the acquisition date.  The acquisition provided $426.6 million of assets, $332.4 million of loans, and $313.4 million of deposits to Banner.

Adoption of New Accounting Standard

In June 2016, Financial Accounting Standards Board issued Accounting Standard Update No. 2016-13, Measurement of Credit Losses on Financial Instruments (ASU 2016-13).  Currently GAAP requires an “incurred loss” methodology for recognizing credit losses that delays recognition until it is probable a loss has been incurred.  The main objective of ASU 2016-13 is to provide financial statement users with more decision-useful information about the expected credit losses on financial instruments and other commitments to extend credit held by a reporting entity at each reporting date.  ASU 2016-13 became effective for Banner on January 1, 2020.  Banner is in the process of finalizing the adoption of ASU 2016-13.

Based on the initial December 31, 2019 model results Banner estimates the adoption of ASU No. 2016-13 will result in a combined increase to its Allowance for Credit Loss and Reserve for Unfunded Commitments of 10% to 20%.  The increase will be recorded as an adjustment to equity as of the adoption date.

Income Statement Review

Banner's net interest margin was 4.20% for the fourth quarter of 2019, a five basis-point decrease compared to 4.25% in the preceding quarter and a 27 basis-point decrease compared to 4.47% in the fourth quarter a year ago.  The decrease in net interest margin during the quarter primarily reflects lower yields on average interest-earning assets largely as a result of three 25 basis point decreases by the Federal Reserve in the targeted Fed Funds Rate in the third and fourth quarter coupled with a longer-term decline in the 10-year treasury yield.  Acquisition accounting adjustments added eight basis points to the net interest margin in the current quarter compared to six basis points in the preceding quarter and 12 basis points in the fourth quarter a year ago.  The total purchase discount for acquired loans was $25.0 million at December 31, 2019, compared to $21.3 million at September 30, 2019, and $25.7 million at December 31, 2018.  For the year ended December 31, 2019, Banner’s net interest margin was 4.30% compared to 4.43% in 2018.

Average interest-earning asset yields decreased ten basis points to 4.69% compared to 4.79% for the preceding quarter and decreased 21 basis points compared to 4.90% in the fourth quarter a year ago.  Average loan yields decreased seven basis points to 5.13% compared to 5.20% in the preceding quarter and decreased 24 basis points compared to 5.37% in the fourth quarter a year ago.  Loan discount accretion added 11 basis points to loan yields in the fourth quarter of 2019, compared to seven basis points in the preceding quarter, and 16 basis points in the fourth quarter a year ago.  Deposit costs were 0.40% in the fourth quarter of 2019, a two basis-point decrease compared to the preceding quarter and an eight basis-point increase compared to the fourth quarter a year ago.  The decrease in deposit costs during the current quarter compared to the preceding quarter are the result of recent decreases in market interest rates; however, changes in the average rate paid on interest-bearing deposits tend to lag changes in market interest rates.  The total cost of funds was 0.52% during the fourth quarter of 2019, a five basis-point decrease compared to the preceding quarter and a six basis-point increase compared to the fourth quarter a year ago.

Banner recorded a $4.0 million provision for loan losses in the current quarter, compared to $2.0 million in the prior quarter and $2.5 million in the same quarter a year ago.  The provision is primarily a result of new loan originations, the increase in non-performing loans, the renewal of acquired loans out of the discounted acquired loan portfolio and net charge-offs.

Total non-interest income was $20.3 million in the fourth quarter of 2019, compared to $20.9 million in the third quarter of 2019 and $21.0 million in the fourth quarter a year ago.  Deposit fees and other service charges were $9.6 million in the fourth quarter of 2019, compared to $10.3 million in the preceding quarter and $12.5 million in the fourth quarter a year ago.  The decrease in deposit fees and other service charges from the fourth quarter a year ago is primarily a result of Banner becoming subject to the Durbin Amendment on July 1, 2019, which reduced interchange fee income by approximately $7 million during the second half of 2019.  Mortgage banking revenues, including gains on one- to four-family and multifamily loan sales and loan servicing fees, were $6.2 million in the fourth quarter, compared to $6.6 million in the preceding quarter and $6.0 million in the fourth quarter of 2018.  The higher mortgage banking revenue year-over-year reflected an increase in residential mortgage held-for-sale loan production.  The increase in residential held-for-sale loan production was primarily due to increased refinance activity.  Home purchase activity accounted for 56% of one- to four-family mortgage loan originations in both the fourth quarter of 2019 and in the prior quarter, compared to 78% in the fourth quarter of 2018.  For the year, total non-interest income was $81.9 million, compared to $84.0 million in 2018.

Banner’s fourth quarter 2019 results included a $36,000 net loss for fair value adjustments as a result of changes in the valuation of financial instruments carried at fair value, principally comprised of certain investment securities held for trading, and a $62,000 net gain on the sale of securities.  In the preceding quarter, results included a $69,000 net loss for fair value adjustments and a $2,000 net loss on the sale of securities.  In the fourth quarter a year ago, results included a $198,000 net gain for fair value adjustments and a $885,000 net loss on the sale of securities.

Total revenue increased 2% to $139.8 million for the fourth quarter of 2019, compared to $137.5 million in the preceding quarter and increased nominally compared to $138.5 million in the fourth quarter a year ago.  For the year, total revenue increased 7% to $550.9 million compared to $515.0 million in 2018.  Adjusted revenue* (the total of net interest income before provision for loan losses and total non-interest income excluding the net gain and loss on the sale of securities and the net change in valuation of financial instruments) was $139.7 million in the fourth quarter of 2019, compared to $137.6 million in the preceding quarter and $139.2 million in the fourth quarter of 2018.  For the year, adjusted revenue* was $551.0 million, compared to $512.0 million in 2018.

Banner’s total non-interest expense was $93.7 million in the fourth quarter of 2019, compared to $87.3 million in the preceding quarter and $95.4 million in the fourth quarter of 2018.  Acquisition-related expenses were $4.4 million for the fourth quarter of 2019, compared to $676,000 for the preceding quarter, and $4.6 million in the fourth quarter of 2018.  The fourth quarter of 2019 non-interest expenses include two months of expenses associated with the operations acquired in the AltaPacific acquisition.  In addition, the fourth quarter of 2019 miscellaneous non-interest expense included $735,000 of expense related to the prepayment of $150 million of FHLB advances.  For the year, total non-interest expense was $357.7 million, compared to $341.4 million in 2018.  Banner’s efficiency ratio was 67.03% for the current quarter, compared to 63.50% in the preceding quarter and 68.89% in the year ago quarter.  Banner’s adjusted efficiency ratio* was 61.19% for the current quarter, compared to 60.71% in the preceding quarter and 63.06% in the year ago quarter.

For the fourth quarter of 2019, Banner had $8.4 million in state and federal income tax expense for an effective tax rate of 20.0%, reflecting the benefits from tax exempt income.  Banner’s statutory income tax rate is 23.5%, representing a blend of the statutory federal income tax rate of 21.0% and apportioned effects of the state income tax rates.

Balance Sheet Review

Total assets increased 4% to $12.60 billion at December 31, 2019, compared to $12.10 billion at September 30, 2019, and increased 6% when compared to $11.87 billion at December 31, 2018.  The total of securities and interest-bearing deposits held at other banks was $1.89 billion at December 31, 2019, compared to $1.87 billion at September 30, 2019 and $1.94 billion at December 31, 2018.  The average effective duration of Banner's securities portfolio was approximately 3.5 years at both December 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018.

Net loans receivable increased 5% to $9.20 billion at December 31, 2019, compared to $8.74 billion at September 30, 2019, and increased 7% when compared to $8.59 billion at December 31, 2018.  The year-over-year increase in net loans included $332.4 million of portfolio loans acquired in the AltaPacific acquisition during the fourth quarter of 2019.  Commercial real estate and multifamily real estate loans increased 9% to $4.36 billion at December 31, 2019, compared to $4.01 billion at September 30, 2019, and increased 11% compared to $3.93 billion a year ago.  Commercial business loans increased 5% to $1.69 billion at December 31, 2019, compared to $1.62 billion at September 30, 2019, and increased 14% compared to $1.48 billion a year ago.  Agricultural business loans decreased to $370.5 million at December 31, 2019, compared to $390.5 million three months earlier and $404.9 million a year ago.  Total construction, land and land development loans were $1.17 billion at December 31, 2019, an 8% increase from $1.08 billion at September 30, 2019, and a 6% increase compared to $1.11 billion a year earlier.  Consumer loans decreased to $762.8 million at December 31, 2019, compared to $779.6 million at September 30, 2019, and $785.0 million a year ago.  One- to four-family loans decreased modestly to $945.6 million at December 31, 2019, compared to $947.5 million at September 30, 2019, and $973.6 million a year ago.

Loans held for sale were $210.4 million at December 31, 2019, compared to $244.9 million at September 30, 2019, and $171.0 million at December 31, 2018.  The volume of one- to four- family residential mortgage loans sold was $268.1 million in the current quarter, compared to $204.6 million in the preceding quarter and $130.1 million in the fourth quarter a year ago.  During the fourth quarter of 2019, Banner sold $103.4 million in multifamily loans.  Banner sold $79.4 million in multifamily loans in the preceding quarter and sold $26.8 million in the fourth quarter a year ago.

Total deposits increased 3% to $10.05 billion at December 31, 2019, compared to $9.73 billion at September 30, 2019, and increased 6% when compared to $9.48 billion a year ago.  The increase in deposits included $313.4 million in deposits acquired in the AltaPacific acquisition during the fourth quarter of 2019.  Non-interest-bearing account balances increased 2% to $3.95 billion at December 31, 2019, compared to $3.89 billion at September 30, 2019, and increased 8% compared to $3.66 billion a year ago.  Core deposits (non-interest-bearing and interest-bearing transaction and savings accounts) increased 5% from the prior quarter and increased 9% compared to a year ago.  Core deposits represented 89% of total deposits at December 31, 2019, compared to 87% of total deposits at September 30, 2019, and 86% of total deposits a year earlier.  Certificates of deposit decreased 8% to $1.12 billion at December 31, 2019, compared to $1.22 billion at September 30, 2019, and decreased 15% compared to $1.32 billion a year earlier.  The decrease in certificates of deposit primarily reflects the decrease in brokered deposits to $202.9 million at December 31, 2019, compared to $299.5 million at September 30, 2019 and $377.3 million a year ago.  FHLB borrowings totaled $450.0 million at December 31, 2019 compared to $382.0 million at September 30, 2019 and $540.2 million a year earlier.

At December 31, 2019, total common shareholders' equity was $1.59 billion, or 12.65% of assets, compared to $1.53 billion or 12.65% of assets at September 30, 2019, and $1.48 billion or 12.46% of assets a year ago.  At December 31, 2019, tangible common shareholders' equity*, which excludes goodwill and other intangible assets, net, was $1.19 billion, or 9.77% of tangible assets*, compared to $1.17 billion, or 9.93% of tangible assets, at September 30, 2019, and $1.11 billion, or 9.62% of tangible assets, a year ago.  Banner's tangible book value per share* increased to $33.33 at December 31, 2019, compared to $31.45 per share a year ago.

Banner and its subsidiary banks continue to maintain capital levels in excess of the requirements to be categorized as “well-capitalized.”   At December 31, 2019, Banner's common equity Tier 1 capital ratio was 10.63%, its Tier 1 leverage capital to average assets ratio was 10.71%, and its total capital to risk-weighted assets ratio was 12.93%.

Credit Quality

The allowance for loan losses was $100.6 million at December 31, 2019, or 1.08% of total loans receivable outstanding and 254% of non-performing loans compared to $97.8 million at September 30, 2019, or 1.11% of total loans receivable outstanding and 536% of non-performing loans, and $96.5 million at December 31, 2018, or 1.11% of total loans receivable outstanding and 616% of non-performing loans.  Net loan charge-offs totaled $1.2 million in the fourth quarter, compared to net loan charge-offs of $2.5 million in the preceding quarter and net loan charge-offs of $1.3 million in the fourth quarter a year ago.  Banner recorded a $4.0 million provision for loan losses in the current quarter primarily as a result of the origination of new loans, the increase in non-performing loans, the renewal of acquired loans out of the discounted acquired loan portfolio and net charge-offs, compared to $2.0 million in the prior quarter and $2.5 million in the year ago quarter.  Non-performing loans were $39.6 million at December 31, 2019, compared to $18.3 million at September 30, 2019, and $15.7 million a year ago.  The increase in non-performing loans during the quarter was largely due to one commercial banking relationship moving to nonaccrual.  Real estate owned and other repossessed assets were $936,000 at December 31, 2019, compared to $343,000 at September 30, 2019, and $3.2 million a year ago.

In accordance with acquisition accounting, loans acquired from acquisitions were recorded at their estimated fair value, which resulted in a net discount to the loans’ contractual amounts, a portion of which reflects a discount for possible credit losses.  Credit discounts are included in the determination of fair value, and as a result, no allowance for loan losses is recorded for acquired loans at the acquisition date.  At December 31, 2019, the total purchase discount for acquired loans was $25.0 million.

Banner's total non-performing assets were $40.5 million, or 0.32% of total assets, at December 31, 2019, compared to $18.6 million, or 0.15% of total assets, at September 30, 2019, and $18.9 million, or 0.16% of total assets, a year ago.  In addition to non-performing assets, there were $15.9 million of purchased credit-impaired loans at December 31, 2019, compared to $12.6 million at September 30, 2019 and $14.4 million at December 31, 2018.

Conference Call

Banner will host a conference call on Friday, January 24, 2020, at 8:00 a.m. PST, to discuss its fourth quarter results.  To listen to the call on-line, go to  Investment professionals are invited to dial (866) 235-9915 to participate in the call.  A replay will be available for one week at (877) 344-7529 using access code 10137616, or at

About the Company

Banner Corporation is a $12.61 billion bank holding company operating two commercial banks in four Western states through a network of branches offering a full range of deposit services and business, commercial real estate, construction, residential, agricultural and consumer loans.  Visit Banner Bank on the Web at 

Forward-Looking Statements

When used in this press release and in other documents filed with or furnished to the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”), in press releases or other public stockholder communications, or in oral statements made with the approval of an authorized executive officer, the words or phrases "may," “believe,” “will,” “will likely result,” “are expected to,” “will continue,” “is anticipated,” “estimate,” “project,” “plans,” "potential," or similar expressions are intended to identify “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.  You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date such statements are made and based only on information then actually known to Banner.  Banner does not undertake and specifically disclaims any obligation to revise any forward-looking statements to reflect the occurrence of anticipated or unanticipated events or circumstances after the date of such statements.  These statements may relate to future financial performance, strategic plans or objectives, revenues or earnings projections, or other financial information.  By their nature, these statements are subject to numerous uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated in the statements and could negatively affect Banner's operating and stock price performance.

Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the results anticipated or projected include, but are not limited to, the following: (1) expected revenues, cost savings, synergies and other benefits from the AltaPacific acquisition might not be realized within the expected time frames or at all and costs or difficulties relating to integration matters, including but not limited to customer and employee retention, might be greater than expected; (2) the credit risks of lending activities, including changes in the level and direction of loan delinquencies and write-offs and changes in estimates of the adequacy of the allowance for loan losses, which could necessitate additional provisions for loan losses, resulting both from loans originated and loans acquired from other financial institutions; (3) results of examinations by regulatory authorities, including the possibility that any such regulatory authority may, among other things, require increases in the allowance for loan losses or writing down of assets or impose restrictions or penalties with respect to Banner's activities; (4) competitive pressures among depository institutions; (5) interest rate movements and their impact on customer behavior and net interest margin; (6) the impact of repricing and competitors' pricing initiatives on loan and deposit products; (7) fluctuations in real estate values; (8) the ability to adapt successfully to technological changes to meet customers' needs and developments in the market place; (9) the ability to access cost-effective funding; (10) changes in financial markets; (11) changes in economic conditions in general and in Washington, Idaho, Oregon and California in particular; (12) the costs, effects and outcomes of litigation; (13) legislation or regulatory changes, including but not limited to the impact of the Dodd-Frank Act and regulations adopted thereunder, changes in regulatory capital requirements pursuant to the implementation of the Basel III capital standards, other governmental initiatives affecting the financial services industry and changes in federal and/or state tax laws or interpretations thereof by taxing authorities; (14) changes in accounting principles, policies or guidelines; (15) future acquisitions by Banner of other depository institutions or lines of business; (16) future goodwill impairment due to changes in Banner's business, changes in market conditions, or other factors; and (17) other economic, competitive, governmental, regulatory, and technological factors affecting our operations, pricing, products and services; and other risks detailed from time to time in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission including our Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and our Annual Reports on Form 10-K.

RESULTS OF OPERATIONS   Quarters Ended   Twelve Months Ended
(in thousands except shares and per share data)   Dec 31, 2019   Sep 30, 2019   Dec 31, 2018   Dec 31, 2019   Dec 31, 2018
INTEREST INCOME:                    
Loans receivable   $ 120,915     $ 118,096     $ 114,627     $ 471,473     $ 413,370  
Mortgage-backed securities   8,924     9,415     9,931     38,640     35,076  
Securities and cash equivalents   3,570     3,925     4,183     15,566     15,186  
    133,409     131,436     128,741     525,679     463,632  
INTEREST EXPENSE:                    
Deposits   9,950     10,014     7,503     37,630     20,642  
Federal Home Loan Bank advances   2,281     3,107     2,072     12,234     5,636  
Other borrowings   121     82     66     330     245  
Junior subordinated debentures   1,566     1,612     1,641     6,574     6,136  
    13,918     14,815     11,282     56,768     32,659  
Net interest income before provision for loan losses   119,491     116,621     117,459     468,911     430,973  
PROVISION FOR LOAN LOSSES   4,000     2,000     2,500     10,000     8,500  
Net interest income   115,491     114,621     114,959     458,911     422,473  
NON-INTEREST INCOME:                    
Deposit fees and other service charges   9,637     10,331     12,539     46,632     48,074  
Mortgage banking operations   6,248     6,616     6,019     22,215     21,343  
Bank-owned life insurance   1,170     1,076     994     4,645     4,505  
Miscellaneous   3,201     2,914     2,153     8,632     7,148  
    20,256     20,937     21,705     82,124     81,070  
Net gain (loss) on sale of securities   62     (2 )   (885 )   33     (837 )
Net change in valuation of financial instruments carried at fair value   (36 )   (69 )   198     (208 )   3,775  
Total non-interest income   20,282     20,866     21,018     81,949     84,008  
NON-INTEREST EXPENSE:                    
Salary and employee benefits   57,050     59,090     52,122     226,409     202,613  
Less capitalized loan origination costs   (8,797 )   (7,889 )   (4,863 )   (28,934 )   (17,925 )
Occupancy and equipment   13,377     12,566     13,490     52,390     49,215  
Information / computer data services   6,202     5,657     5,112     22,458     18,823  
Payment and card processing services   4,638     4,330     4,233     16,993     15,412  
Professional and legal expenses   2,262     2,704     6,669     9,736     17,945  
Advertising and marketing   2,021     2,221     2,588     7,836     8,346  
Deposit insurance expense (benefit)   1,608     (1,604 )   1,093     2,840     4,446  
State/municipal business and use taxes   917     1,011     854     3,880     3,284  
Real estate operations   40     126     251     303     804  
Amortization of core deposit intangibles   2,061     1,985     1,935     8,151     6,047  
Miscellaneous   7,892     6,435     7,310     28,122     26,754  
    89,271     86,632     90,794     350,184     335,764  
Acquisition-related expenses   4,419     676     4,602     7,544     5,607  
Total non-interest expense   93,690     87,308     95,396     357,728     341,371  
Income before provision for income taxes   42,083     48,179     40,581     183,132     165,110  
PROVISION FOR INCOME TAXES   8,428     8,602     3,053     36,854     28,595  
NET INCOME   $ 33,655     $ 39,577     $ 37,528     $ 146,278     $ 136,515  
Earnings per share available to common shareholders:                    
Basic   $ 0.96     $ 1.15     $ 1.10     $ 4.20     $ 4.16  
Diluted   $ 0.95     $ 1.15     $ 1.09     $ 4.18     $ 4.15  
Cumulative dividends declared per common share   $ 1.41     $ 0.41     $ 0.38     $ 2.64     $ 1.96  
Weighted average common shares outstanding:                    
Basic   35,188,399     34,407,462     34,221,048     34,868,434     32,784,724  
Diluted   35,316,736     34,497,994     34,342,641     34,967,684     32,894,425  
Increase (decrease) in common shares outstanding   1,578,219     (400,286 )   2,780,015     568,804     2,456,287  
FINANCIAL CONDITION               Percentage Change
(in thousands except shares and per share data)   Dec 31, 2019   Sep 30, 2019   Dec 31, 2018   Prior Qtr   Prior Yr Qtr
Cash and due from banks   $ 234,359     $ 250,671     $ 231,029     (6.5 )%   1.4 %
Interest-bearing deposits   73,376     73,785     41,167     (0.6 )%   78.2 %
Total cash and cash equivalents   307,735     324,456     272,196     (5.2 )%   13.1 %
Securities - trading   25,636     25,672     25,896     (0.1 )%   (1.0 )%
Securities - available for sale   1,551,557     1,539,908     1,636,223     0.8 %   (5.2 )%
Securities - held to maturity   236,094     230,056     234,220     2.6 %   0.8 %
Total securities   1,813,287     1,795,636     1,896,339     1.0 %   (4.4 )%
Federal Home Loan Bank stock   28,342     25,623     31,955     10.6 %   (11.3 )%
Loans held for sale   210,447     244,889     171,031     (14.1 )%   23.0 %
Loans receivable   9,305,357     8,835,368     8,684,595     5.3 %   7.1 %
Allowance for loan losses   (100,559 )   (97,801 )   (96,485 )   2.8 %   4.2 %
Net loans receivable   9,204,798     8,737,567     8,588,110     5.3 %   7.2 %
Accrued interest receivable   37,962     40,033     38,593     (5.2 )%   (1.6 )%
Real estate owned held for sale, net   814     228     2,611     257.0 %   (68.8 )%
Property and equipment, net   178,008     171,279     171,809     3.9 %   3.6 %
Goodwill   373,121     339,154     339,154     10.0 %   10.0 %
Other intangibles, net   29,158     26,610     32,924     9.6 %   (11.4 )%
Bank-owned life insurance   192,088     179,076     177,467     7.3 %   8.2 %
Other assets   228,271     213,291     149,128     7.0 %   53.1 %
Total assets   $ 12,604,031     $ 12,097,842     $ 11,871,317     4.2 %   6.2 %
Non-interest-bearing   $ 3,945,000     $ 3,885,210     $ 3,657,817     1.5 %   7.9 %
Interest-bearing transaction and savings accounts   4,983,238     4,624,970     4,498,966     7.7 %   10.8 %
Interest-bearing certificates   1,120,403     1,218,591     1,320,265     (8.1 )%   (15.1 )%
Total deposits   10,048,641     9,728,771     9,477,048     3.3 %   6.0 %
Advances from Federal Home Loan Bank   450,000     382,000     540,189     17.8 %   (16.7 )%
Customer repurchase agreements and other borrowings   118,474     120,014     118,995     (1.3 )%   (0.4 )%
Junior subordinated debentures at fair value   119,304     113,417     114,091     5.2 %   4.6 %
Accrued expenses and other liabilities   227,889     181,351     102,061     25.7 %   123.3 %
Deferred compensation   45,689     41,354     40,338     10.5 %   13.3 %
Total liabilities   11,009,997     10,566,907     10,392,722     4.2 %   5.9 %
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                    
Common stock   1,373,940     1,286,711     1,337,436     6.8 %   2.7 %
Retained earnings   186,838     203,704     134,055     (8.3 )%   39.4 %
Other components of shareholders' equity   33,256     40,520     7,104     (17.9 )%   nm  
Total shareholders' equity   1,594,034     1,530,935     1,478,595     4.1 %   7.8 %
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity   $ 12,604,031     $ 12,097,842     $ 11,871,317     4.2 %   6.2 %
Common Shares Issued:                    
Shares outstanding at end of period   35,751,576     34,173,357     35,182,772          
Common shareholders' equity per share (1)   $ 44.59     $ 44.80     $ 42.03          
Common shareholders' tangible equity per share (1) (2)   $ 33.33     $ 34.10     $ 31.45          
Common shareholders' tangible equity to tangible assets (2)   9.77 %   9.93 %   9.62 %        
Consolidated Tier 1 leverage capital ratio   10.71 %   10.70 %   10.98 %        
(1 Calculation is based on number of common shares outstanding at the end of the period rather than weighted average shares outstanding.
(2 ) Common shareholders' tangible equity excludes goodwill and other intangible assets. Tangible assets exclude goodwill and other intangible assets. These ratios represent non-GAAP financial measures.  See also Non-GAAP Financial Measures reconciliation tables on the final two pages of the press release tables.
(dollars in thousands)                    
                Percentage Change
LOANS   Dec 31, 2019   Sep 30, 2019   Dec 31, 2018   Prior Qtr   Prior Yr Qtr
Commercial real estate:                    
Owner occupied   $ 1,580,650     $ 1,463,303     $ 1,430,097     8.0 %   10.5 %
Investment properties   2,309,221     2,150,938     2,131,059     7.4 %   8.4 %
Multifamily real estate   473,152     399,814     368,836     18.3 %   28.3 %
Commercial construction   210,668     190,532     172,410     10.6 %   22.2 %
Multifamily construction   233,610     214,878     184,630     8.7 %   26.5 %
One- to four-family construction   544,308     488,945     534,678     11.3 %   1.8 %
Land and land development:                    
Residential   154,688     163,829     188,508     (5.6 )%   (17.9 )%
Commercial   26,290     26,119     27,278     0.7 %   (3.6 )%
Commercial business   1,693,824     1,619,391     1,483,614     4.6 %   14.2 %
Agricultural business including secured by farmland   370,549     390,505     404,873     (5.1 )%   (8.5 )%
One- to four-family real estate   945,622     947,475     973,616     (0.2 )%   (2.9 )%
Consumer secured by one- to four-family real estate   550,960     566,792     568,979     (2.8 )%   (3.2 )%
Consumer-other   211,815     212,847     216,017     (0.5 )%   (1.9 )%
Total loans receivable   $ 9,305,357     $ 8,835,368     $ 8,684,595     5.3 %   7.1 %
Restructured loans performing under their restructured terms   $ 6,466     $ 6,721     $ 13,422          
Loans 30 - 89 days past due and on accrual (1)   $ 20,178     $ 11,496     $ 25,108          
Total delinquent loans (including loans on non-accrual), net (2)   $ 38,322     $ 26,830     $ 38,721          
Total delinquent loans / Total loans receivable   0.41 %   0.30 %   0.45 %        

(1) Includes $2.5 million of purchased credit-impaired loans at December 31, 2019 compared to $112,000 at September 30, 2019 and $3,000 at December 31, 2018.(2) Delinquent loans include $2.8 million of delinquent purchased credit-impaired loans at December 31, 2019 compared to $412,000 at September 30, 2019 and $519,000 at December 31, 2018.

LOANS BY GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION                   Percentage Change
    Dec 31, 2019   Sep 30, 2019   Dec 31, 2018   Prior Qtr   Prior Yr Qtr
    Amount   Percentage   Amount   Amount        
Washington   $ 4,364,764     46.9 %   $ 4,313,972     $ 4,324,588     1.2 %   0.9 %
Oregon   1,650,704     17.7 %   1,615,192     1,636,152     2.2 %   0.9 %
California   2,129,789     22.9 %   1,729,208     1,596,604     23.2 %   33.4 %
Idaho   530,016     5.7 %   552,523     521,026     (4.1 )%   1.7 %
Utah   60,958     0.7 %   62,197     57,318     (2.0 )%   6.4 %
Other   569,126     6.1 %   562,276     548,907     1.2 %   3.7 %
Total loans receivable   $ 9,305,357     100.0 %   $ 8,835,368     $ 8,684,595     5.3 %   7.1 %


The following table shows loan originations (excluding loans held for sale) activity for the quarters ending December 31, 2019, September 30, 2019, and December 31, 2018 and the twelve months ending December 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018 (in thousands):

LOAN ORIGINATIONS Quarters Ended   Twelve Months Ended
  Dec 31, 2019   Sep 30, 2019   Dec 31, 2018   Dec 31, 2019   Dec 31, 2018
Commercial real estate $ 190,584     $ 114,528     $ 172,885     $ 480,669     $ 536,784  
Multifamily real estate 21,848     29,645     16,731     80,761     25,771  
Construction and land 530,632     303,151     397,702     1,435,501     1,460,536  
Commercial business 196,069     194,606     206,922     757,721     839,290  
Agricultural business 27,926     12,363     18,901     93,050     123,702  
One-to four-family residential 31,564     27,734     81,522     117,297     177,332  
Consumer 71,683     101,613     72,500     357,040     331,661  
Total loan originations (excluding loans held for sale) $ 1,070,306     $ 783,640     $ 967,163     $ 3,322,039     $ 3,495,076  
(dollars in thousands)                    
      Quarters Ended   Twelve Months Ended
CHANGE IN THE   Dec 31, 2019   Sep 30, 2019   Dec 31, 2018   Dec 31, 2019   Dec 31, 2018
ALLOWANCE FOR LOAN LOSSES                    
Balance, beginning of period   $ 97,801     $ 98,254     $ 95,263     $ 96,485     $ 89,028  
Provision for loan losses   4,000     2,000     2,500     10,000     8,500  
Recoveries of loans previously charged off:                    
Commercial real estate   199     107     66     476     1,646  
Construction and land       156     23     208     213  
One- to four-family real estate   159     129     18     561     750  
Commercial business   225     162     193     625     1,049  
Agricultural business, including secured by farmland   10     2     23     47     64  
Consumer   61     154     102     548     366  
    654     710     425     2,465     4,088  
Loans charged off:                    
Commercial real estate       (314 )       (1,138 )   (401 )
Construction and land   (45 )           (45 )   (479 )
One- to four-family real estate       (86 )       (86 )   (43 )
Commercial business   (1,180 )   (1,599 )   (684 )   (4,171 )   (2,051 )
Agricultural business, including secured by farmland   (4 )   (741 )   (415 )   (911 )   (756 )
Consumer   (667 )   (423 )   (604 )   (2,040 )   (1,401 )
    (1,896 )   (3,163 )   (1,703 )   (8,391 )   (5,131 )
Net charge-offs   (1,242 )   (2,453 )   (1,278 )   (5,926 )   (1,043 )
Balance, end of period   $ 100,559     $ 97,801     $ 96,485     $ 100,559     $ 96,485  
Net charge-offs / Average loans receivable   (0.013 )%   (0.027 )%   (0.015 )%   (0.066 )%   (0.013 )%
ALLOCATION OF            
ALLOWANCE FOR LOAN LOSSES   Dec 31, 2019   Sep 30, 2019   Dec 31, 2018
Specific or allocated loss allowance:            
Commercial real estate   $ 30,591     $ 28,515     $ 27,132  
Multifamily real estate   4,754     4,283     3,818  
Construction and land   22,994     22,569     24,442  
One- to four-family real estate   4,136     4,569     4,714  
Commercial business   23,370     21,147     19,438  
Agricultural business, including secured by farmland   4,120     3,895     3,778  
Consumer   8,202     8,441     7,972  
Total allocated   98,167     93,419     91,294  
Unallocated   2,392     4,382     5,191  
     Total allowance for loan losses   $ 100,559     $ 97,801     $ 96,485  
Allowance for loan losses / Total loans receivable   1.08 %   1.11 %   1.11 %
Allowance for loan losses / Non-performing loans   254 %   536 %   616 %
(dollars in thousands)          
  Dec 31, 2019   Sep 30, 2019   Dec 31, 2018
Loans on non-accrual status:          
Secured by real estate:          
Commercial $ 5,952     $ 5,092     $ 4,088  
Multifamily 85     87      
Construction and land 1,905     1,318     3,188  
One- to four-family 3,410     3,007     1,544  
Commercial business 23,015     3,035     2,936  
Agricultural business, including secured by farmland 661     757     1,751  
Consumer 2,473     2,473     1,241  
  37,501     15,769     14,748  
Loans more than 90 days delinquent, still on accrual:          
Secured by real estate:          
Commercial 89     89      
Construction and land 332     1,141      
One- to four-family 877     652     658  
Commercial business 401     358     1  
Consumer 398     247     247  
  2,097     2,487     906  
Total non-performing loans 39,598     18,256     15,654  
Real estate owned (REO) 814     228     2,611  
Other repossessed assets 122     115     592  
Total non-performing assets $ 40,534     $ 18,599     $ 18,857  
Total non-performing assets to total assets 0.32 %   0.15 %   0.16 %
Purchased credit-impaired loans, net $ 15,938     $ 12,575     $ 14,413  
  Quarters Ended   Twelve Months Ended
REAL ESTATE OWNED Dec 31, 2019   Sep 30, 2019   Dec 31, 2018   Dec 31, 2019   Dec 31, 2018
Balance, beginning of period $ 228     $ 2,513     $ 364     $ 2,611     $ 360  
Additions from loan foreclosures     48     139     109     641  
Additions from acquisitions 650         2,593     650     2,593  
Proceeds from dispositions of REO (105 )   (2,333 )   (453 )   (2,588 )   (838 )
Gain on sale of REO 41         168     32     242  
Valuation adjustments in the period         (200 )       (387 )
Balance, end of period $ 814     $ 228     $ 2,611     $ 814     $ 2,611  
(dollars in thousands)                    
DEPOSIT COMPOSITION               Percentage Change
    Dec 31, 2019   Sep 30, 2019   Dec 31, 2018   Prior Qtr   Prior Yr Qtr
Non-interest-bearing   $ 3,945,000     $ 3,885,210     $ 3,657,817     1.5 %   7.9 %
Interest-bearing checking   1,280,003     1,209,826     1,191,016     5.8 %   7.5 %
Regular savings accounts   1,934,041     1,863,839     1,842,581     3.8 %   5.0 %
Money market accounts   1,769,194     1,551,305     1,465,369     14.0 %   20.7 %
Total interest-bearing transaction and savings accounts   4,983,238     4,624,970     4,498,966     7.7 %   10.8 %
Total core deposits   8,928,238     8,510,180     8,156,783     4.9 %   9.5 %
Interest-bearing certificates   1,120,403     1,218,591     1,320,265     (8.1 )%   (15.1 )%
Total deposits   $ 10,048,641     $ 9,728,771     $ 9,477,048     3.3 %   6.0 %
GEOGRAPHIC CONCENTRATION OF DEPOSITS                   Percentage Change
    Dec 31, 2019   Sep 30, 2019   Dec 31, 2018   Prior Qtr   Prior Yr Qtr
    Amount   Percentage   Amount   Amount        
Washington   $ 5,861,809     58.3 %   $ 5,833,547     $ 5,674,328     0.5 %   3.3 %
Oregon   2,006,163     20.0 %   1,990,155     1,891,145     0.8 %   6.1 %
California   1,698,289     16.9 %   1,429,939     1,434,033     18.8 %   18.4 %
Idaho   482,380     4.8 %   475,130     477,542     1.5 %   1.0 %
Total deposits   $ 10,048,641     100.0 %   $ 9,728,771     $ 9,477,048     3.3 %   6.0 %
INCLUDED IN TOTAL DEPOSITS   Dec 31, 2019   Sep 30, 2019   Dec 31, 2018
Public non-interest-bearing accounts   $ 111,015     $ 114,879     $ 96,009  
Public interest-bearing transaction & savings accounts   133,403     119,729     121,392  
Public interest-bearing certificates   35,184     26,609     30,089  
Total public deposits   $ 279,602     $ 261,217     $ 247,490  
Total brokered deposits   $ 202,884     $ 299,496     $ 377,347  
(in thousands)    
The following table* provides the estimated fair value of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed in the AltaPacific acquisition at November 1, 2019 (in thousands):    
  November 1, 2019
Cash paid   $ 2,360  
Fair value of common shares issued   85,200  
Total consideration   87,560  
Fair value of assets acquired:    
Cash and cash equivalents 39,686    
Securities 20,348    
Federal Home Loan Bank stock 2,005    
Loans receivable 332,355    
Real estate owned held for sale 650    
Property and equipment 3,809    
Core deposit intangible 4,610    
Bank-owned life insurance 11,890    
Deferred tax asset 166    
Other assets 11,090    
Total assets acquired 426,609    
Fair value of liabilities assumed:    
Deposits 313,374    
Advances from FHLB 40,226    
Junior subordinated debentures 5,814    
Deferred compensation 4,508    
Other liabilities 9,094    
Total liabilities assumed 373,016    
Net assets acquired   53,593  
     Goodwill   $ 33,967  
* Amounts recorded in this table are preliminary estimates of fair value.  Additional adjustments to the acquisition accounting may be required with a measurement period of one-year from the acquisition date.
(dollars in thousands)                        
    Actual   Minimum to be categorized as "Adequately Capitalized"   Minimum to becategorized as"Well Capitalized"
REGULATORY CAPITAL RATIOS AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2019   Amount   Ratio   Amount   Ratio   Amount   Ratio
Banner Corporation-consolidated:                        
  Total capital to risk-weighted assets   $ 1,386,483     12.93 %   $ 857,555     8.00 %   $ 1,071,943     10.00 %
  Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets   1,283,208     11.97 %   643,166     6.00 %   643,166     6.00 %
  Tier 1 leverage capital to average assets   1,283,208     10.71 %   479,458     4.00 %     n/a     n/a  
  Common equity tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets   1,139,708     10.63 %   482,375     4.50 %     n/a     n/a  
Banner Bank:                        
  Total capital to risk-weighted assets   1,321,580     12.55 %   842,227     8.00 %   1,052,784     10.00 %
  Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets   1,220,811     11.60 %   631,670     6.00 %   842,227     8.00 %
  Tier 1 leverage capital to average assets   1,220,811     10.45 %   467,330     4.00 %   584,163     5.00 %
  Common equity tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets   1,220,811     11.60 %   473,753     4.50 %   684,310     6.50 %
Islanders Bank:                        
  Total capital to risk-weighted assets   37,044     19.42 %   15,258     8.00 %   19,073     10.00 %
  Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets   34,658     18.17 %   11,444     6.00 %   15,258     8.00 %
  Tier 1 leverage capital to average assets   34,658     11.66 %   11,887     4.00 %   14,859     5.00 %
  Common equity tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets   34,658     18.17 %   8,583     4.50 %   12,397     6.50 %
(dollars in thousands) 
(rates / ratios annualized) 
  December 31, 2019   September 30, 2019   December 31, 2018
  Average Balance Interest and Dividends Yield / Cost(3)   Average Balance Interest and Dividends Yield / Cost(3)   Average Balance Interest and Dividends Yield / Cost(3)
Interest-earning assets:                      
Held for sale loans $ 202,686   $ 2,048   4.01 %   $ 154,529   $ 1,607   4.13 %   $ 83,741   $ 1,055   5.00 %
Mortgage loans 7,134,231   92,926   5.17 %   6,872,426   89,948   5.19 %   6,573,278   88,561   5.35 %
Commercial/agricultural loans 1,853,447   23,256   4.98 %   1,809,397   23,750   5.21 %   1,631,133   22,257   5.41 %
Consumer and other loans 169,197   2,685   6.30 %   173,342   2,791   6.39 %   172,934   2,754   6.32 %
Total loans(1) 9,359,561   120,915   5.13 %   9,009,694   118,096   5.20 %   8,461,086   114,627   5.37 %
Mortgage-backed securities 1,371,438   8,924   2.58 %   1,358,448   9,415   2.75 %   1,400,508   9,931   2.81 %
Other securities 418,767   2,663   2.52 %   414,994   3,058   2.92 %   474,659   3,633   3.04 %
Interest-bearing deposits with banks 107,959   531   1.95 %   82,836   489   2.34 %   54,577   305   2.22 %
FHLB stock 26,036   376   5.73 %   29,400   378   5.10 %   22,791   245   4.26 %
Total investment securities 1,924,200   12,494   2.58 %   1,885,678   13,340   2.81 %   1,952,535   14,114   2.87 %
Total interest-earning assets 11,283,761   133,409   4.69 %   10,895,372   131,436   4.79 %   10,413,621   128,741   4.90 %
Non-interest-earning assets 1,152,751         1,078,277         903,165      
Total assets $ 12,436,512         $ 11,973,649         $ 11,316,786      
Interest-bearing checking accounts $ 1,228,936   564   0.18 %   $ 1,194,633   621   0.21 %   $ 1,131,030   403   0.14 %
Savings accounts 1,999,656   2,027   0.40 %   1,854,967   2,244   0.48 %   1,779,288   1,505   0.34 %
Money market accounts 1,607,954   2,842   0.70 %   1,542,264   2,944   0.76 %   1,440,889   1,638   0.45 %
Certificates of deposit 1,189,530   4,517   1.51 %   1,155,710   4,205   1.44 %   1,287,114   3,957   1.22 %
Total interest-bearing deposits 6,026,076   9,950   0.66 %   5,747,574   10,014   0.69 %   5,638,321   7,503   0.53 %
Non-interest-bearing deposits 3,959,097     %   3,786,143     %   3,608,930     %
Total deposits 9,985,173   9,950   0.40 %   9,533,717   10,014   0.42 %   9,247,251   7,503   0.32 %
Other interest-bearing liabilities:                      
FHLB advances 387,435   2,281   2.34 %   476,435   3,107   2.59 %   311,046   2,072   2.64 %
Other borrowings 126,782   121   0.38 %   122,035   82   0.27 %   117,724   66   0.22 %
Junior subordinated debentures 145,339   1,566   4.27 %   140,212   1,612   4.56 %   140,212   1,641   4.64 %
Total borrowings 659,556   3,968   2.39 %   738,682   4,801   2.58 %   568,982   3,779   2.64 %
Total funding liabilities 10,644,729   13,918   0.52 %   10,272,399   14,815   0.57 %   9,816,233   11,282   0.46 %
Other non-interest-bearing liabilities(2) 189,682         163,809         92,003      
Total liabilities 10,834,411         10,436,208         9,908,236      
Shareholders' equity 1,602,101         1,537,785         1,408,550      
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity $ 12,436,512         $ 11,973,993         $ 11,316,786      
Net interest income/rate spread   $ 119,491   4.17 %     $ 116,621   4.22 %     $ 117,459   4.44 %
Net interest margin     4.20 %       4.25 %       4.47 %
Additional Key Financial Ratios:                      
Return on average assets     1.07 %       1.31 %       1.32 %
Return on average equity     8.33 %       10.21 %       10.57 %
Average equity/average assets     12.88 %       12.84 %       12.45 %
Average interest-earning assets/average interest-bearing liabilities     168.78 %       167.98 %       167.76 %
Average interest-earning assets/average funding liabilities     106.00 %       106.06 %       106.09 %
Non-interest income/average assets     0.65 %       0.69 %       0.74 %
Non-interest expense/average assets     2.99 %       2.89 %       3.34 %
Efficiency ratio(4)     67.03 %       63.50 %       68.89 %
Adjusted efficiency ratio(5)     61.19 %       60.71 %       63.06 %
(1 Average balances include loans accounted for on a nonaccrual basis and loans 90 days or more past due.  Amortization of net deferred loan fees/costs is included with interest on loans.
(2 ) Average other non-interest-bearing liabilities include fair value adjustments related to junior subordinated debentures.
(3 ) Yields and costs have not been adjusted for the effect of tax-exempt interest.
(4 ) Non-interest expense divided by the total of net interest income (before provision for loan losses) and non-interest income.
(5 ) Adjusted non-interest expense divided by adjusted revenue.  Adjusted revenue excludes net gain (loss) on sale of securities and fair value adjustments.  Adjusted non-interest expense excludes acquisition-related expenses, amortization of core deposit intangibles (CDI), REO gain (loss), FHLB prepayment penalties and state/municipal business and use taxes.  These represent non-GAAP financial measures.  See also Non-GAAP Financial Measures reconciliation tables on the last two pages of this press release.
(dollars in thousands)              
(rates / ratios annualized)              
  December 31, 2019   December 31, 2018
  Average Balance Interest and Dividends Yield/Cost(3)   Average Balance Interest and Dividends Yield/Cost(3)
Interest-earning assets:              
Held for sale loans $ 126,086   $ 5,343   4.24 %   $ 81,873   $ 3,926   4.80 %
Mortgage loans 6,911,067   361,158   5.23 %   6,188,279   320,264   5.18 %
Commercial/agricultural loans 1,784,468   93,742   5.25 %   1,519,871   79,605   5.24 %
Consumer and other loans 176,373   11,230   6.37 %   149,184   9,575   6.42 %
Total loans(1) 8,997,994   471,473   5.24 %   7,939,207   413,370   5.21 %
Mortgage-backed securities 1,368,927   38,640   2.82 %   1,247,758   35,076   2.81 %
Other securities 441,402   12,510   2.83 %   468,416   13,332   2.85 %
Interest-bearing deposits with banks 72,579   1,649   2.27 %   59,031   1,080   1.83 %
FHLB stock 29,509   1,407   4.77 %   20,496   774   3.78 %
Total investment securities 1,912,417   54,206   2.83 %   1,795,701   50,262   2.80 %
Total interest-earning assets 10,910,411   525,679   4.82 %   9,734,908   463,632   4.76 %
Non-interest-earning assets 1,078,277         828,184      
Total assets $ 11,988,688         $ 10,563,092      
Interest-bearing checking accounts $ 1,188,985   2,224   0.19 %   $ 1,048,327   1,200   0.11 %
Savings accounts 1,890,467   8,310   0.44 %   1,665,608   3,944   0.24 %
Money market accounts 1,534,909   10,693   0.70 %   1,421,161   4,107   0.29 %
Certificates of deposit 1,175,942   16,403   1.39 %   1,127,612   11,391   1.01 %
Total interest-bearing deposits 5,790,303   37,630   0.65 %   5,262,708   20,642   0.39 %
Non-interest-bearing deposits 3,751,878     %   3,411,010     %
Total deposits 9,542,181   37,630   0.39 %   8,673,718   20,642   0.24 %
Other interest-bearing liabilities:              
FHLB advances 477,796   12,234   2.56 %   253,661   5,636   2.22 %
Other borrowings 122,343   330   0.27 %   108,730   245   0.23 %
Junior subordinated debentures 141,504   6,574   4.65 %   140,212   6,136   4.38 %
Total borrowings 741,643   19,138   2.58 %   502,603   12,017   2.39 %
Total funding liabilities 10,283,824   56,768   0.55 %   9,176,321   32,659   0.36 %
Other non-interest-bearing liabilities(2) 164,318         79,901      
Total liabilities 10,448,142         9,256,222      
Shareholders' equity 1,540,546         1,306,870      
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity $ 11,988,688         $ 10,563,092      
Net interest income/rate spread   $ 468,911   4.27 %     $ 430,973   4.40 %
Net interest margin     4.30 %       4.43 %
Additional Key Financial Ratios:              
Return on average assets     1.22 %       1.29 %
Return on average equity     9.50 %       10.45 %
Average equity/average assets     12.85 %       12.37 %
Average interest-earning assets/average interest-bearing liabilities     167.03 %       168.85 %
Average interest-earning assets/average funding liabilities     106.09 %       106.09 %
Non-interest income/average assets     0.68 %       0.80 %
Non-interest expense/average assets     2.98 %       3.23 %
Efficiency ratio(4)     64.94 %       66.29 %
Adjusted efficiency ratio(5)     61.18 %       63.59 %
(1)   Average balances include loans accounted for on a nonaccrual basis and loans 90 days or more past due.  Amortization of net deferred loan fees/costs is included with interest on loans.
(2)   Average other non-interest-bearing liabilities include fair value adjustments related to junior subordinated debentures.
(3)   Yields and costs have not been adjusted for the effect of tax-exempt interest.
(4)   Non-interest expense divided by the total of net interest income (before provision for loan losses) and non-interest income.
(5)   Adjusted non-interest expense divided by adjusted revenue.  Adjusted revenue excludes net gain (loss) on sale of securities and fair value adjustments.  Adjusted non-interest expense excludes acquisition-related expenses, amortization of CDI, REO gain (loss), FHLB prepayment penalties and state/municipal business and use taxes.  These represent non-GAAP financial measures.  See also Non-GAAP Financial Measures reconciliation tables on the last two pages of this press release.
(dollars in thousands)                  
* Non-GAAP Financial Measures                  
In addition to results presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States of America (GAAP), this press release contains certain non-GAAP financial measures.  Management has presented these non-GAAP financial measures in this earnings release because it believes that they provide useful and comparative information to assess trends in Banner's core operations reflected in the current quarter's results and facilitate the comparison of our performance with the performance of our peers.  However, these non-GAAP financial measures are supplemental and are not a substitute for any analysis based on GAAP.  Where applicable, comparable earnings information using GAAP financial measures is also presented.  Because not all companies use the same calculations, our presentation may not be comparable to other similarly titled measures as calculated by other companies. For a reconciliation of these non-GAAP financial measures, see the tables below:
ADJUSTED REVENUE Quarters Ended   Twelve Months Ended
  Dec 31, 2019   Sep 30, 2019   Dec 31, 2018   Dec 31, 2019   Dec 31, 2018
Net interest income before provision for loan losses $ 119,491     $ 116,621     $ 117,459     $ 468,911     $ 430,973  
Total non-interest income 20,282     20,866     21,018     81,949     84,008  
Total GAAP revenue 139,773     137,487     138,477     550,860     514,981  
Exclude net (gain) loss on sale of securities (62 )   2     885     (33 )   837  
Exclude net change in valuation of financial instruments carried at fair value 36     69     (198 )   208     (3,775 )
Adjusted revenue (non-GAAP) $ 139,747     $ 137,558     $ 139,164     $ 551,035     $ 512,043  
ADJUSTED EARNINGS   Quarters Ended   Twelve Months Ended
    Dec 31, 2019   Sep 30, 2019   Dec 31, 2018   Dec 31, 2019   Dec 31, 2018
Net income (GAAP)   $ 33,655     $ 39,577     $ 37,528     $ 146,278     $ 136,515  
Exclude net (gain) loss on sale of securities   (62 )   2     885     (33 )   837  
Exclude net change in valuation of financial instruments carried at fair value   36     69     (198 )   208     (3,775 )
Exclude acquisition-related expenses   4,419     676     4,602     7,544     5,607  
Exclude related tax (benefit) expense   (1,074 )   (49 )   (1,159 )   (1,741 )   (426 )
Exclude FHLB prepayment penalties   735             735      
Exclude tax adjustments related to tax reform and valuation reserves           (4,207 )       (4,207 )
Total adjusted earnings (non-GAAP)   $ 37,709     $ 40,275     $ 37,451     $ 152,991     $ 134,551  
Diluted earnings per share (GAAP)   $ 0.95     $ 1.15     $ 1.09     $ 4.18     $ 4.15  
Diluted adjusted earnings per share (non-GAAP)   $ 1.07     $ 1.17     $ 1.09     $ 4.38     $ 4.09  
(dollars in thousands)                    
ADJUSTED EFFICIENCY RATIO   Quarters Ended   Twelve Months Ended
    Dec 31, 2019   Sep 30, 2019   Dec 31, 2018   Dec 31, 2019   Dec 31, 2018
Non-interest expense (GAAP)   $ 93,690     $ 87,308     $ 95,396     $ 357,728     $ 341,371  
Exclude acquisition-related expenses   (4,419 )   (676 )   (4,602 )   (7,544 )   (5,607 )
Exclude CDI amortization   (2,061 )   (1,985 )   (1,935 )   (8,151 )   (6,047 )
Exclude state/municipal tax expense   (917 )   (1,011 )   (854 )   (3,880 )   (3,284 )
Exclude REO loss   (40 )   (126 )   (251 )   (303 )   (804 )
Exclude FHLB prepayment penalties   (735 )           (735 )   $  
Adjusted non-interest expense (non-GAAP)   $ 85,518     $ 83,510     $ 87,754     $ 337,115     $ 325,629  
Net interest income before provision for loan losses (GAAP)   $ 119,491     $ 116,621     $ 117,459     $ 468,911     $ 430,973  
Non-interest income (GAAP)   20,282     20,866     21,018     81,949     84,008  
Total revenue   139,773     137,487     138,477     550,860     514,981  
Exclude net (gain) loss on sale of securities   (62 )   2     885     (33 )   837  
Exclude net change in valuation of financial instruments carried at fair value   36     69     (198 )   208     (3,775 )
Adjusted revenue (non-GAAP)   $ 139,747     $ 137,558     $ 139,164     $ 551,035     $ 512,043  
Efficiency ratio (GAAP)   67.03 %   63.50 %   68.89 %   64.94 %   66.29 %
Adjusted efficiency ratio (non-GAAP)   61.19 %   60.71 %   63.06 %   61.18 %   63.59 %
Shareholders' equity (GAAP)   $ 1,594,034     $ 1,530,935     $ 1,478,595  
Exclude goodwill and other intangible assets, net   402,279     365,764     372,078  
Tangible common shareholders' equity (non-GAAP)   $ 1,191,755     $ 1,165,171     $ 1,106,517  
Total assets (GAAP)   $ 12,604,031     $ 12,097,842     $ 11,871,317  
Exclude goodwill and other intangible assets, net   402,279     365,764     372,078  
Total tangible assets (non-GAAP)   $ 12,201,752     $ 11,732,078     $ 11,499,239  
Common shareholders' equity to total assets (GAAP)   12.65 %   12.65 %   12.46 %
Tangible common shareholders' equity to tangible assets (non-GAAP)   9.77 %   9.93 %   9.62 %
Tangible common shareholders' equity (non-GAAP)   $ 1,191,755     $ 1,165,171     $ 1,106,517  
Common shares outstanding at end of period   35,751,576     34,173,357     35,182,772  
Common shareholders' equity (book value) per share (GAAP)   $ 44.59     $ 44.80     $ 42.03  
Tangible common shareholders' equity (tangible book value) per share (non-GAAP)   $ 33.33     $ 34.10     $ 31.45  
    (509) 527-3636
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