Air France - KLM Third Quarter 2021 results

October 29, 2021

THIRD QUARTER 2021Continuing recovery in capacity generates strong revenue growth andpositive operating results for the first time since the start of the Covid-19 crisis,Adjusted operating free cash flow positive at 278 million eurosthanks to EBITDA contribution

Third quarter:

  • Revenue at 4,567 million euros, up 2,043 million compared to last year
  • Operating result at 132 million euros, up 1,178 million euros compared to last year
  • EBITDA improved to 796 million euros, an increase of 1,238 million euros compared to last year
  • Strong performance of Transavia with an operational result of 105 million euros
  • Net income at -192 million euros, up 1,473 million euros compared to last year
  • Net debt at 8.1 billion euros, down by 2.9 billion euros compared to end of 2020 thanks to the first set of capital strengthening measures


After the announcement in September of the reopening of the United States for European citizens, bookings came quickly for November and even more for Christmas holiday. The reopening of Canada in early September was another important milestone for the recovery of the Group, as well as the reopening of Singapore as from October.

In this context, the Group expects capacity in Available Seat Kilometers for Air France-KLM Network passenger activity at index in the range of 70% to 75% in the Fourth quarter 2021 compared to 2019. EBITDA is expected to be positive in the Fourth quarter 2021 and slightly positive in Full Year 2021.

Due to the uncertainty regarding the reopening of the majority of the Asian countries, no capacity guidance will be provided for 2022.

Air France-KLM is considering the next steps of recapitalization measures to strengthen balance sheet. The reprofiling of the French Bank Loan “PGE”, the EMTN program (Euro Medium Term Note) which is now ready for use, and the finalization of a S&P solicited ESG rating tool, will be part of the liability management actions.On the equity side, discussions are ongoing on KLM recapitalization measures on current shareholder loan and also on further capital strengthening measures for Air France-KLM. These could include instruments such as a Rights Issue and Quasi equity instruments.

Air France-KLM Group  Third quarter Nine months
2021 Change1 2021 Change
Passengers (thousands) 16,940 +92.6% 28,787 +2.3%
Passenger Unit revenue per ASK2 (€ cts) 5.48 +36.9% 4.34 -12.5%
Operating result (€m) 132 +1,178 -1,800 +1,614
Net income – Group part (€m) -192 +1,473 -3,161 +2,917
Adj. operating free cash flow (€m) 278 +1,498 -856 +2,691
Net debt at end of period3 (€m)     8,121 -2,928

The Board of Directors of Air France-KLM, chaired by Mrs Anne-Marie Couderc, met on October 28, 2021 to approve the financial statements for the first nine months of 2021. Group CEO Mr. Benjamin Smith said:“The Air France-KLM group had a good summer season thanks to the reopening of many countries. I would like to thank our employees who have enabled our customers to return to the skies in the best possible sanitary conditions. For the first time since the beginning of this Covid-19 crisis, the Q3 results show a positive operating result which encourages us to continue our efforts. The Covid-19 crisis is not yet over. Important continents such as Asia remain mainly closed and business travel is slowly recovering. This is why we must remain very agile and continue our transformation with the objective of improving both our economic and environmental performance. In this respect, the Air France-KLM Group has committed to setting greenhouse gas emission reduction targets in line with the Paris agreements and based on scientific data (through the science-based targets initiative). This new commitment comes in addition to our goal of zero net emissions by 2050”.

Business review  

Network: Recovery continued throughout the summer peak

Network  Third quarter Nine months
2021 Change Change constant currency 2021 Change Change constant currency
Total revenues (€m) 3,791 +89.1% +89.8% 8,011 +11.0% +13.0%
Scheduled revenues (€m) 3,595 +93.7% +94.4% 7,495 +11.0% +13.3%
Operating result (€m) -13 +976 +968 -1,728 +1,113 +1,095

Third quarter 2021 revenues increased by 89.8% at constant currency to 3,791 million euros. The operating result was close to break-even and amounted to -13 million euros, a 968 million euros increase at constant currency compared to last year.

Passenger network: All indicators showing positive results in the Third quarter

  Third quarter Nine months
Passenger network 2021 Change Change constant currency 2021 Change Change constant currency
Passengers (thousands) 12,694 +87.1%   23,015 -2.8%  
Capacity (ASK m) 52,532 +63.7%   122,535 +18.7%  
Traffic (RPK m) 34,019 +147.4%   63,382 -5.2%  
Load factor 64.8% +21.9 pt   51.7% -13.0 pt  
Total passenger revenues (€m) 2,956 +122.5% +123.2% 5,443 -1.2% +0.4%
Scheduled passenger revenues (€m) 2,866 +126.7% +127.3% 5,223 -0.9% +1.1%
Unit revenue per ASK (€ cts) 5.46 +38.5% +38.9% 4.26 -16.5% -14.8%

Third quarter 2021, the capacity in Available Seat Kilometers in the Third quarter was 63.7% higher than last year, however at 66% of 2019 Third quarter levels. Thanks to the Group’s balanced network, less travel restrictions, for instance the reopening of Canada in September and the continuation of strong Cargo performance, the passenger network was in the upper limit of the Group’s guidance provided during the Second quarter 2021 results presentation.

On most routes, the Group observed a decrease in unit revenue versus 2019 mainly due to lower load factors, while yields are close to 2019 levels for the entire passenger activity.

  • North Atlantic peak summer has shown strong increase compared to June driven by the U.S point of sales. The Group also observes good performance on Mexican routes and in Canada after the lifting of border restrictions.
  • On Caribbean and Indian Ocean, the Group posted a good performance despite sanitary restrictions on the French Antilles affecting especially September results.
  • Africa performance was driven by West and Central African countries with yield on Africa above 2019 for Air France due to the limited industry capacity and benefiting from positive traffic mix.
  • Asia capacity and traffic were still weak for both airlines due to the closure of almost all Asian countries.
  • South American routes showed mixed results with a start of recovery driven by Andean and Central Americas
  • The group posted encouraging short and medium-haul results in the peak summer driven by over-performing local leisure flows with same yield as 2019. Capacity redeployment to leisure areas and seasonal route openings enabled to leverage all leisure traffic opportunities. September confirms recovery of business motive traffic with stabilization of yield not far from 2019 levels.

During the Third quarter, Air France added one Airbus 350-900 to the fleet and received its first Airbus A220-300, KLM phased out two B737-700 and HOP decreased its aircraft in operation with two Canadair Jet 1000 and one Canadair Jet 700.

Cargo: High yield compensating the lower load factor in the Third quarter due to increase in capacity

  Third quarter Nine months
Cargo business 2021 Change Change constant currency 2021 Change Change constant currency
Tons (thousands) 247 +12.5%   789 +28.9%  
Capacity (ATK m) 3,052 +20.3%   8,363 +14.4%  
Traffic (RTK m) 1,889 +8.9%   6,055 +27.6%  
Load factor 61.9% -6.5 pt   72.4% +7.5 pt  
Total Cargo revenues (€m) 835 +23.4% +24.1% 2,568 +50.3% +53.9%
Scheduled cargo revenues (€m) 729 +23.1% +23.7% 2,272 +53.3% +56.8%
Unit revenue per ATK (€ cts ) 23.89 +2.3% +2.9% 27.17 +34.0% +37.0%

Compared to the third quarter in 2020, capacity increased by 20.3% in Available Ton Kilometers and traffic increased by 8.9%. Additional belly capacity to leisure destinations could not be filled completely resulting in a reduction in load factor by 6.5 points. Thanks to an increase in yield, which compensated the reduction in load factor, the unit revenue per ATK at constant currency improved by 2.9%. Cargo capacity this quarter is still 20% below the capacity in the Third quarter of 2019 while the demand remains high resulting in high revenues.

Strong demand is expected on Q4 as global trade is booming, sea freight faces bottleneck, and the belly capacities are still constrained overall.

The Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) Cargo program welcomed 25 partners already, showing the sustainable commitment of Air France-KLM Cargo and its partners.

Transavia: Reaching close to 80% load factor in the Third quarter with strong capacity development

  Third quarter Nine months
Transavia 2021 Change 2021 Change
Passengers (thousands) 4,246 +110.8% 5,772 +29.6%
Capacity (ASK m) 9,393 +56.3% 13,645 +22.1%
Traffic (RPK m) 7,359 +90.2% 9,881 +16.2%
Load factor 78.3% +14.0 pt 72.4% -3.7 pt
Total passenger revenues (€m) 522 +99.3% 685 +31.5%
Unit revenue per ASK (€ cts) 5.59 +27.7% 5.04 +11.0%
Unit cost per ASK (€ cts) 4.47 -3.0% 5.87 -8.2%
Operating result (€m) 105 +119 -113 +94

The third quarter of 2021 showed a strong recovery in demand for leisure traffic in Europe, both from the Netherlands as well as France. With activity levels back to around 85% of the regular production, Transavia realized an Operating Profit of €105mln, with a healthy COI margin of 20,2%, moving towards Q3 2019 level of 26%.

Compared to last year, the capacity increased by 56.3% while traffic increased by 90.2% and the number of passengers more than doubled at an increase of 110.8%.

Transavia was able to continuously adjust and redesign the network to accommodate high leisure demand from both the Netherlands and France, with an increase of capacity to Greece, Spain and Portugal.

In the first nine months of 2021, the number of aircraft of Transavia France increased by ten as part of the growth strategy for Transavia France and will reach 61 aircraft in Summer 2022.

Maintenance business: Operating result positive for the Third quarter 2021

  Third quarter Nine months
Maintenance 2021 Change Change constant currency 2021 Change Change constant currency
Total revenues (€m) 703 +14.2%   2,005 -11.1%  
Third-party revenues (€m) 247 0.0% +3.0% 761 -21.0% -12.5%
Operating result (€m) 29 74 76 19 386 405
Operating margin (%) 4.1% +11.5 pt +11.9 pt 1.0% +17.2 pt +18.9 pt

The Third quarter operating result stood at 29 million euros, an increase of 76 million euros at constant currency versus the Third quarter 2020.

The operating result increase in the Third quarter is mainly explained by less underactivity, costs control, savings and operational improvement.  

Total revenues increased by 14.2% in the Third quarter while third party revenues remained stable and internal revenues increased by 24%. This increase in internal revenues is aligned with the activity increase of the Air France-KLM airlines compared to the third quarter 2020. Both internal and third party engines revenues are impacted by green time usage. Nevertheless, some recovery signs are there and E&M business should increase its external activity over the coming months.

Air France-KLM Group: Positive Operating result in the Third quarter for the first time since the start of the Covid-19 crisis

  Third quarter Nine months
  2021 Change Change constant currency 2021 Change Change constant currency
Capacity (ASK m) 61,925 +62.5%   136,179 +19.0%  
Traffic (RPK m) 41,378 +134.8%   73,262 -2.8%  
Passenger unit revenue per ASK (€ cts) 5.48 +36.6% +36.9% 4.34 -14.0% -12.5%
Group unit revenue per ASK (€ cts) 6.65 +19.6% +20.0% 6.01 -5.3% -3.5%
Group unit cost per ASK (€ cts) at constant fuel 6.44 -22.5% -24.4% 7.33 -21.4% -19.7%
Revenues (€m) 4,567 +80.9% +82.0% 9,477 +8.6% +11.5%
EBITDA (€m) 796 1,238 1,232 -78 1,204 1,204
Operating result (€m) 132 1,178 1,172 -1,800 1,614 1,613
Operating margin (%) 2.9% +44.3 pt +44.3 pt -19.0% +20.1 pt +21.2 pt
Net income - Group part (€m) -192 +1,473   -3,161 +2,917  

In the Third quarter 2021, the Air France-KLM Group posted a positive operating result of 132 million euros, up by 1,178 million euros compared to last year driven by an increase of capacity leading to a reduction in unit cost. In parallel increase of load factor generated an increase of the unit revenue.

Net income amounted to -192 million euros in the Third quarter 2021, an increase of 1,473 million euros compared to last year. Last year Third quarter was heavily impacted by the recording of exceptional accounting items due to Covid-19 (mainly due to restructuring costs provision for Air France staff, HOP staff and Air France-KLM international commercial staff, but as well due to fleet impairment and fuel over hedge).

Third quarter 2021 unit cost decreased by 24%, thanks to an increase of capacity and FTE reductions

On a constant currency and fuel price basis, unit costs were down 24.4% in the third quarter 2021 compared to the same quarter last year.

All cost items increased in the Third quarter 2021 compared to last year due to an increase in capacity of 62.5%. Group net employee cost were up 8.7% due to less government support driven by higher activity, and partly compensated by FTE reductions.

Third quarter: Adjusted Operating Free cash flow positive driven by Cash Flow from Operations

  Third quarter Nine months
In € million 2021 Change 2021 Change
Cash flow before change in WCR and Voluntary Departure Plans, continuing operations (€m) 671 +1,396 -491 +1,572
Cash out related to Voluntary Departure Plans (€m) -93 -87 -218 -203
Change in Working Capital Requirement (WCR) (€m) 242 +118 1,361 +695
Net cash flow from operating activities (€m) 820 1,427 652 2,064
Net investments* (€m) -321 +41 -854 +619
Operating free cash flow (€m) 499 1,468 -202 2,683
Repayment of lease debt -221 +30 -654 +8
Adjusted operating free cash flow** 278 1,498 -856 2,691

* Sum of ‘Purchase of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets’ and ‘Proceeds on disposal of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets’ as presented in the consolidated cash flow statement.

** The “Adjusted operating free cash flow” is operating free cash flow after deducting the repayment of lease debt.

The Group generated adjusted operating free cash flow in the Third quarter 2021 of 278 million euros, an increase of 1,498 million euros compared to last year, mainly driven by a positive EBITDA of 796 million euros.

In € million 30 Sep 2021 31 Dec 2020
Net debt 8,121 11,049
EBITDA trailing 12 months -485 -1,689
Net debt/EBITDA trailing 12 months na na

Q3: Both airlines performing significantly better than last year

  Third quarter Nine months
  2021 Change 2021 Change
Air France Group Operating result (€m) -45 +762 -1,451 +950
Operating margin (%) -1.6% +52.5 pt -25.0% +22.3 pt
KLM Group Operating result (€m) 168 +402 -354 +649
Operating margin (%) 8.9% +29.4 pt -8.8% +16.4 pt


After the announcement in September of the reopening of the United States for European citizens, bookings came quickly for November and even more for Christmas holiday. The reopening of Canada early September was another important milestone for the recovery of the Group, as well as the reopening of Singapore as from October.

In this context, the Group expects capacity in Available Seat Kilometers for Air France-KLM Network passenger activity at an index in the range of 70% to 75% in the Fourth quarter 2021 compared to 2019.

Due to the uncertainty of the reopening of the majority of the Asian countries no capacity guidance will be provided for 2022.

As of September 30 2021, the Group has 10.4 billion euros of liquidity and credit lines at disposal. This level can be considered sufficient, given the continuation of recovery throughout the summer. Cash requirements for 2021, will include:

  • EBITDA is expected to be positive in the Fourth quarter 2021 and slightly positive in Full Year 2021
  • Net Capex spending expected at 1.5 billion euros in 2021
  • Restructuring cash out at 300 million euros in 2021

Air France-KLM is considering the next steps of recapitalization measures to strengthen balance sheet. The reprofiling of the French Bank Loan “PGE”, the EMTN program (Euro Medium Term Note) which is now ready for use, and the finalization of a S&P solicited ESG rating tool, will be part of the liability management actions.On the equity side, discussions are ongoing on KLM recapitalization measures on current shareholder loan and also on further capital strengthening measures for Air France-KLM. These could include instruments such as a Rights Issue and Quasi equity instruments.

Air France-KLM receives a proactive and voluntary ESG Evaluation by Standard and Poor’s

Sustainability is a key element of the Group’s recovery strategy and an integral part of its structural transformation plan. Air France-KLM wants to lead the way towards responsible and sustainable aviation.

To this end, the Group has set itself ambitious targets to reduce its environmental footprint, deepen its social and societal contribution and set an example in terms of corporate governance.

To objectivize its ESG profile and enhance its strategy and practice, Air France-KLM proactively sought an independent ESG rating from Standard and Poor's.

This makes Air France-KLM the first airline Group to be evaluated by a solicited ESG rating.

S&P Global Ratings has assigned Air France-KLM an ESG Evaluation of 64/100.

With this rating, Air France-KLM compares well with the airline industry in terms of the management of its significant exposure to environmental challenges. S&P noted that the Group is adequately prepared to manage ESG related risks facing airlines over the near-to-medium term.


The results presentation is available at on October 29, 2021 from 7:15 am CET.

A conference call hosted by Mr. Smith (CEO) and Mr. Zaat (CFO) will be held on October 29, 2021 at 08.30 CET.            To connect to the conference call, please dial:

France: Local +33 (0)1 76 77 25 07Netherlands: Local +31 (0)20 703 8259UK: Local +44 (0)330 336 9434US: Local +1 323-794-2597

Confirmation code: 2229449

Investor Relations                                                                PressOlivier Gall                 Michiel Klinkers                                        +33 1 49 89 52 59                        +33 1 49 89 52 60                        +33 1 41 56 56              

Income Statement

  Third quarter Nine months
€m 2021 2020 Change 2021 2020 Change
Sales 4,567 2,524 +80.9% 9,477 8,725 +8.6%
Other revenues 0 0 nm 0 0 nm
Revenues 4,567 2,524 +80.9% 9,477 8,725 +8.6%
Aircraft fuel -828 -489 +69.3% -1,811 -1,886 -4.0%
Chartering costs -85 -68 +25.0% -232 -181 +28.2%
Landing fees and route charges -374 -266 +40.6% -835 -743 +12.4%
Catering -124 -58 +113.8% -250 -236 +5.9%
Handling charges and other operating costs -307 -204 +50.5% -710 -646 +9.9%
Aircraft maintenance costs -389 -331 +17.5% -1,181 -1,243 -5.0%
Commercial and distribution costs -124 -61 +103.3% -255 -291 -12.4%
Other external expenses -292 -263 +11.0% -839 -937 -10.5%
Salaries and related costs -1,406 -1,293 +8.7% -3,809 -4,224 -9.8%
Taxes other than income taxes -30 -28 +7.1% -100 -108 -7.4%
Other income and expenses 188 95 +97.9% 467 488 -4.3%
EBITDA 796 -442 nm -78 -1,282 -93.9%
Amortization, depreciation and provisions -664 -604 +9.9% -1,722 -2,132 -19.2%
Income from current operations 132 -1,046 nm -1,800 -3,414 -47.3%
Sales of aircraft equipment -6 8 nm -20 31 nm
Other non-current income and expenses -54 -597 -91.0% -906 -1,452 -38%
Income from operating activities 72 -1,635 nm -2,726 -4,835 -43.6%
Cost of financial debt -144 -136 +5.9% -483 -350 +38.0%
Income from cash and cash equivalent -1 5 nm 2 18 -88.9%
Net cost of financial debt -145 -131 +10.7% -481 -332 +44.9%
Other financial income and expenses -114 111 nm -199 -621 -68.0%
Income before tax -187 -1,655 -88.7% -3,406 -5,788 -41.2%
Income taxes -7 12 nm 255 -242 nm
Net income of consolidated companies -194 -1,643 -88.2% -3,151 -6,030 -47.7%
Share of profits (losses) of associates 3 -22 nm -13 -52 -75.0%
Net income for the period -191 -1,665 -88.5% -3,164 -6,082 -48.0%
Minority interest -1 0 nm -3 -4 -25%
Net income for the period – Group part -192 -1,665 -88.5% -3,161 -6,078 -48.0%

Consolidated Balance Sheet

Assets 30 Sep 2021  31 Dec 2020 
Goodwill 221 215
Intangible assets 1,234 1,230
Flight equipment 10,478 11,031
Other property, plant and equipment 1,418 1,548
Right-of-use assets 5,061 4,678
Investments in equity associates 172 230
Derivatives assets long term 148 92
Pension assets 0 211
Other financial assets 851 795
Deferred tax assets 264 282
Other non-current assets 1 4
Total non-current assets 19,848 20,316
Other short-term financial assets 495 607
Derivatives assets short term 484 160
Inventories 580 543
Trade receivables 1,621 1,248
Other current assets 970 914
Cash and cash equivalents 6,992 6,423
Total current assets 11,142 9,895
Total assets 30,990 30,211
Liabilities and equity 30 Sep 2021  31 Dec 2020 
In million euros
Issued capital 643 429
Additional paid-in capital 4,949 4,139
Treasury shares -25 -25
Perpetual 3,097 0
Reserves and retained earnings -12,483 -9,970
Equity attributable to equity holders of Air France-KLM -3,819 -5,427
Non-controlling interests 8 9
Total Equity -3,811 -5,418
Pension provisions 2,163 2,147
Other provisions 4,223 3,670
Long-term debt 11,984 14,171
Lease financial debt 2,759 2,425
Derivatives liabilities long term 35 122
Deferred tax liabilities 5 22
Other non-current liabilities 2,727 1,294
Total non-current liabilities 23,896 23,851
Provisions 793 1,337
Current portion of long-term debt 832 1,318
Current portion of lease financial debt 801 839
Derivatives liabilities short term 36 363
Trade payables 1,875 1,435
Deferred revenue on ticket sales 2,548 2,394
Frequent flyer programs 899 916
Other current liabilities 3,119 3,175
Bank overdrafts 2 1
Total current liabilities 10,905 11,778
Total equity and liabilities 30,990 30,211

Statement of Consolidated Cash Flows from 1st January until 30 September 2021

€m 30 Sep 2021 30 Sep 2020
Net income from continuing operations -3,164 -6,082
Amortization, depreciation and operating provisions 1,722 2,132
Financial provisions 89 135
Loss (gain) on disposals of tangible and intangible assets 18 -43
Loss (gain) on disposals of subsidiaries and associates -25 1
Derivatives – non monetary result -33 70
Unrealized foreign exchange gains and losses, net 172 -83
Impairment 37 670
Other non-monetary items 723 761
Share of (profits) losses of associates 13 52
Deferred taxes -261 309
Financial Capacity -709 -2,078
(Increase) / decrease in inventories -47 134
(Increase) / decrease in trade receivables -365 823
Increase / (decrease) in trade payables 415 -792
Increase / (decrease) in advanced ticket sales 142 -435
Change in other receivables and payables 1,216 936
Change in working capital requirements 1,361 666
Net cash flow from operating activities 652 -1,412
Purchase of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets -1,543 -1,654
Proceeds on disposal of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 689 181
Proceeds on disposal of subsidiaries, of shares in non-controlled entities 71 357
Acquisition of subsidiaries, of shares in non-controlled entities -2 -1
Dividends received 2 0
Decrease (increase) in net investments, more than 3 months 37 -9
Net cash flow used in investing activities -746 -1,126
Capital increase 1,026 0
Perpetual (including premium) 0 0
Issuance of debt 1,546 7,598
Repayment on financial debt -1,323 -2,202
Payments on lease debt -654 -662
Decrease (increase ) in loans, net 58 48
Dividends and coupons on perpetual paid 0 0
Net cash flow from financing activities 653 4,782
Effect of exchange rate on cash and cash equivalents and bank overdrafts 9 -39
Change in cash and cash equivalents and bank overdrafts 568 2,205
Cash and cash equivalents and bank overdrafts at beginning of period 6,422 3,711
Cash and cash equivalents and bank overdrafts at end of period 6,990 5,916
Change in treasury of discontinued operations 0 0

Return on capital employed (ROCE)

In million euros 30 Sep 2021 30 Jun 2021 31 Mar 2021 31 Dec 2020 30 Sep 2020 30 Jun 2020 31 Mar 2020 31    Dec 2019
Goodwill and intangible assets 1,456 1,464 1,479 1,445 1,470 1,500 1,564 1,522
Flight equipment 10,478 10,645 10,800 11,031 11,009 10,919 11,465 11,334
Other property, plant and equipment 1,418 1,453 1,476 1,548 1,535 1,551 1,579 1,580
Right of use assets 5,061 5,033 4,795 4,678 4,789 4,938 5,119 5,173
Investments in equity associates 172 166 223 230 224 267 299 307
Financial assets excluding marketable securities and financial deposits 147 147 146 146 135 133 142 140
Provisions, excluding pension, cargo litigation and restructuring -4,180 -4,033 -4,083 -3,922 -4,002 -4,132 -4,191 -4,060
WCR, excluding market value of derivatives -7,995 -7,745 -6,410 -6,505 -6,894 -6,779 -6,650 -6,310
Capital employed 6,557 7,130 8,426 8,651 8,266 8,397 9,327 9,686
Average capital employed (A) 7,691 8,919
Adjusted results from current operations -2,934 -3,320
- Dividends received 0 -1
- Share of profits (losses) of associates -19 -44
- Normative income tax 844 1,030
Adjusted result from current operations after tax (B) -2,109 -2,335
ROCE, trailing 12 months (B/A) -27.4% -26.2%

Net debt

  Balance sheet at
€m 30 Sep 2021 31 Dec 2020
Financial debt 12,719 15,388
Repo on triple A bonds 0 -84
Lease debt 3,474 3,184
Currency hedge on financial debt -2 27
Accrued interest -112 -107
Gross financial debt (A) 16,079 18,408
Cash and cash equivalents 6,992 6,423
Marketable securities 968 193
Cash securities 0 309
Bonds AAA 0 518
Bank overdrafts -2 -1
Others 0 1
Repo on triple A bonds 0 -84
Net cash (B) 7,958 7,359
Net debt (A) – (B) 8,121 11,049

Adjusted operating free cash flow

  Third quarter Nine months
€m 2021 2020 2021 2020
Net cash flow from operating activities, continued operations 820 -607 652 -1,412
Investment in property, plant, equipment and intangible assets -444 -370 -1,543 -1,654
Proceeds on disposal of property, plant, equipment and intangible assets 123 8 689 181
Operating free cash flow 499 -969 -202 -2,885
Payments on lease debt -221 -251 -654 -662
Adjusted operating free cash flow 278 -1,220 -856 -3,547

Operating cash burn

    Third quarter Nine months
  2021 2020 2021 2020
EBITDA 796 -442 -78 -1,282
Provisions (CO2 and other) 12 7 -16 -26
Correction of spare parts inventory 1 2 4 2
Addition to pension provisions 30 78 164 232
Reversal to pension provisions (cash-out) -17 -47 -100 -142
Payment linked with shares 0 0 0 -2
Sales of tangible and intangible assets (excluding aeronautical) 0 -1 31 40
Income from operation activities - cash impact 822 -402 5 -1,177
Restructuring costs -93 -137 -218 -152
Other non-current income and expenses -3 0 -66 -1
Cost of financial debt -138 -118 -440 -318
Financial income -4 0 -11 2
Realized foreign exchanges gain/loss 2 29 49 28
Termination of trading hedges - cash -3 -177 -11 -499
Current income tax -4 77 -6 67
Other financial charges & expenses - cash 0 1 -8 -25
Other elements -1 -4 -3 -2
Financial capacity 578 -731 -709 -2,078

Unit cost: net cost per ASK

  Third quarter Nine months
  2021 2020 2021 2020
Revenues (in €m) 4,567 2,524 9,477 8,725
Income/(loss) from current operations (in €m) -/- -132 1,046 1,800 3,414
Total operating expense (in €m) 4,435 3,570 11,277 12,139
Passenger network business – other revenues (in €m) -90 -64 -221 -241
Cargo network business – other revenues (in €m) -106 -84 -296 -226
Third-party revenues in the maintenance business (in €m) -247 -247 -761 -963
Transavia - other revenues (in €m) 3 1 3 -13
Third-party revenues of other businesses (in €m) -8 -10 -20 -21
Net cost (in €m) 3,988 3,166 9,983 10,674
Capacity produced, reported in ASK* 61,925 38,109 136,179 114,446
Net cost per ASK (in € cents per ASK) 6.44 8.31 7.33 9.33
Gross change   -22.5%   -21.4%
Currency effect on net costs (in €m)   -13   -137
Change at constant currency   -22.2%   -20.4%
Fuel price effect (in €m)   92   -84
Net cost per ASK on a constant currency and fuel price basis (in € cents per ASK) 6.44 8.52 7.33 9.13
Change at constant currency and fuel price basis   -24.4%   -19.7%

* The capacity produced by the transportation activities is combined by adding the capacity of the Passenger network (in ASK) to that of Transavia (in ASK).

Group resultsAir France Group

  Third quarter Nine months
  2021 Change 2021 Change
Revenue (in €m) 2,808 +88.2% 5,795 +14.4%
EBITDA (in €m) 379 +841 -413 +682
Operating result (in m€) -45 +762 -1,451 +950
Operating margin (%) -1.6% +52.5 pt -25.0% +22.3 pt
Operating cash flow before WCR and restructuring cash out (in €m) 227 +835 -752 -752
Operating cash flow (before WCR and restructuring) margin 8.1% +48.8 pt -13.0% -13.0 pt
KLM Group   Third quarter Nine months
  2021 Change 2021 Change
Revenue (in €m) 1,890 +65.3% 4,027 +1.1%
EBITDA (in €m) 408 +383 330 +505
Operating result (in m€) 168 +402 -354 +649
Operating margin (%) 8.9% +29.4 pt -8.8% +16.4 pt
Operating cash flow before WCR and restructuring cash out (in €m) 309 +294 33 +33
Operating cash flow (before WCR and restructuring) margin 16.4% +15.0 pt 0.8% +0.8 pt

NB: Sum of individual airline results does not add up to Air France-KLM total due to intercompany eliminations at Group level

Group fleet at 30 September 2021

Aircraft type AF(incl. HOP) KL (incl. KLC & MP) Transavia Owned Finance lease Operating lease Total In operation Change / 31/12/20
B777-300 43 16   18 17 24 59 59 2
B777-200 21 15   26   10 36 36 -4
B787-9 10 13   5 6 12 23 23  
B787-10   6   3 3   6 5  
A380-800 8     4 1 3 8    
A350-900 11     2 5 4 11 11 5
A330-300   5       5 5 5  
A330-200 15 7   11   11 22 21  
Total Long-Haul 108 62 0 69 32 69 170 160 3
B737-900   5   5     5 5  
B737-800   31 85 31 9 76 116 116 10
B737-700   11 4 4 3 8 15 15 -5
A321 19     11   8 19 19 -1
A320 44     4 4 36 44 44  
A319 30     12   18 30 30 -3
A318 18     8   10 18 18  
A220-300 1     1     1    
Total Medium-Haul 112 47 89 76 16 156 248 247 1
Canadair Jet 1000 14     14     14 11 -3
Canadair Jet 700 5     5     5 4 -5
Embraer 195 E2   4       4 4 4 4
Embraer 190 17 32   11 10 28 49 49  
Embraer 175   17   3 14   17 17  
Embraer 170 15     10   5 15 15  
Embraer 145 9     9     9    
Total Regional 60 53 0 52 24 37 113 100 -4
B747-400ERF   3   3     3 3  
B747-400BCF   1   1     1 1  
B777-F 2         2 2 2  
Total Cargo 2 4 0 4 0 2 6 6 0
Total 282 166 89 201 72 264 537 513 0



Passenger network activity*

    Q3     Year to date
Total Passenger network* 2021 2020 Variation   2021 2020 Variation
Passengers carried (‘000s) 12,694 6,783 87.1%   23,015 23,677 (2.8%)
Revenue pax-kilometers (m RPK) 34,019 13,752 147.4%   63,382 66,861 (5.2%)
Available seat-kilometers (m ASK) 52,532 32,100 63.7%   122,535 103,268 18.7%
Load factor (%) 64.8% 42.8% 21.9   51.7% 64.7% (13.0)
Passengers carried (‘000s) 3,553 1,220 191.3%   6,891 7,077 (2.6%)
Revenue pax-kilometers (m RPK) 25,125 8,685 189.3%   48,289 52,764 (8.5%)
Available seat-kilometers (m ASK) 40,519 23,924 69.4%   100,470 82,777 21.4%
Load factor (%) 62.0% 36.3% 25.7   48.1% 63.7% (15.7)
North America              
Passengers carried (‘000s) 1,154 286 303.6%   1,852 1,875 (1.3%)
Revenue pax-kilometers (m RPK) 8,290 2,058 302.8%   13,434 13,392 0.3%
Available seat-kilometers (m ASK) 13,098 7,553 73.4%   29,170 23,374 24.8%
Load factor (%) 63.3% 27.2% 36.0   46.1% 57.3% (11.2)
Latin America              
Passengers carried (‘000s) 365 92 298.0%   731 964 (24.2%)
Revenue pax-kilometers (m RPK) 3,521 909 287.4%   7,035 9,144 (23.1%)
Available seat-kilometers (m ASK) 6,164 3,122 97.5%   16,621 13,469 23.4%
Load factor (%) 57.1% 29.1% 28.0   42.3% 67.9% (25.6)
Asia / Pacific              
Passengers carried (‘000s) 272 173 57.3%   611 1,361 (55.1%)
Revenue pax-kilometers (m RPK) 2,334 1,526 53.0%   5,212 11,803 (55.8%)
Available seat-kilometers (m ASK) 6,069 6,037 0.5%   18,033 20,702 (12.9%)
Load factor (%) 38.5% 25.3% 13.2   28.9% 57.0% (28.1)
Africa / Middle East              
Passengers carried (‘000s) 1,005 327 206.9%   2,222 1,563 42.2%
Revenue pax-kilometers (m RPK) 5,316 1,660 220.0%   11,691 8,812 32.7%
Available seat-kilometers (m ASK) 7,672 3,171 142.0%   20,144 12,313 63.6%
Load factor (%) 69.3% 52.4% 16.9   58.0% 71.6% (13.5)
Caribbean / Indian Ocean              
Passengers carried (‘000s) 757 341 121.6%   1,475 1,313 12.3%
Revenue pax-kilometers (m RPK) 5,663 2,532 123.6%   10,918 9,613 13.6%
Available seat-kilometers (m ASK) 7,515 4,042 85.9 %   16,502 12,918 27.7%
Load factor (%) 75.4% 62.7% 12.7   66.2% 74.4% (8.3)
Short and Medium-haul              
Passengers carried (‘000s) 9,141 5,563 64.3%   16,124 16,600 (2.9%)
Revenue pax-kilometers (m RPK) 8,895 5,067 75.5%   15,093 14,098 7.1%
Available seat-kilometers (m ASK) 12,013 8,176 46.9%   22,064 20,491 7.7%
Load factor (%) 74.0% 62.0% 12.1   68.4% 68.8% (0.4)

* Air France and KLM

Transavia activity        

    Q3     Year to date
Transavia 2021 2020 Variation   2021 2020 Variation
Passengers carried (‘000s) 4,246 2,014 110.8%   5,772 4,453 29.6%
Revenue pax-kilometers (m RPK) 7,359 3,869 90.2%   9,881 8,505 16.2%
Available seat-kilometers (m ASK) 9,393 6,009 56.3%   13,645 11,178 22.1%
Load factor (%) 78.3% 64.4% 14.0   72.4% 76.1% (3.7)

Total group passenger activity**

    Q3     Year to date
Total group** 2021 2020 Variation   2021 2020 Variation
Passengers carried (‘000s) 16,940 8,797 92.6%   28,787 28,130 2.3%
Revenue pax-kilometers (m RPK) 41,378 17,620 134.8%   73,262 75,368 (2.8%)
Available seat-kilometers (m ASK) 61,925 38,113 62.5%   136,179 114,490 19.0%
Load factor (%) 66.8% 46.2% 20.6   53.8% 65.8% (12.0)

** Air France, KLM and Transavia

Cargo activity

    Q3     Year to date
Total Group 2021 2020 Variation   2021 2020 Variation
Revenue tonne-km (m RTK) 1,889 1,735 8.9%   6,055 4,747 27.6%
Available tonne-km (m ATK) 3,052 2,537 20.3%   8,363 7,309 14.4%
Load factor (%) 61.9% 68.4% (6.5)   72.4% 64.9% 7.5

Air France activity

    Q3     Year to date
Total Passenger network activity 2021 2020 Variation   2021 2020 Variation
Passengers carried (‘000s) 7,520 4,488 67.6%   14,172 14,641 (3.2%)
Revenue pax-kilometers (m RPK) 20,304 8,538 137.8%   38,027 39,394 (3.5%)
Available seat-kilometers (m ASK) 29,189 16,589 76.0%   63,241 56,909 11.1%
Load factor (%) 69.6% 51.5% 18.1   60.1% 69.2% (9.1)
Passengers carried (‘000s) 2,261 784 188.5%   4,402 4,248 3.6%
Revenue pax-kilometers (m RPK) 15,256 5,223 192.1%   29,266 30,649 (4.5%)
Available seat-kilometers (m ASK) 22,394 11,463 95.3%   50,646 44,371 14.1%
Load factor (%) 68.1% 45.6% 22.6   57.8% 69.1% (11.3)
Short and Medium-haul              
Passengers carried (‘000s) 5,260 3,704 42.0%   9,770 10,393 (6.0%)
Revenue pax-kilometers (m RPK) 5,048 3,315 52.3%   8,761 8,744 0.2%
Available seat-kilometers (m ASK) 6,795 5,125 32.6%   12,595 12,538 0.5%
Load factor (%) 74.3% 64.7% 9.6   69.6% 69.7% (0.2)
    Q3     Year to date
Cargo activity 2021 2020 Variation   2021 2020 Variation
Revenue tonne-km (m RTK) 832 608 36.8%   2,648 1,802 46.9%
Available tonne-km (m ATK) 1,593 1,139 39.8%   4,194 3,390 23.7%
Load factor (%) 52.2% 53.4% (1.2)   63.1% 53.2% 9.9

KLM activity

    Q3     Year to date
Total Passenger network activity 2021 2020 Variation   2021 2020 Variation
Passengers carried (‘000s) 5,174 2,295 125.4%   8,843 9,036 (2.1%)
Revenue pax-kilometers (m RPK) 13,715 5,214 163.1%   25,354 27,468 (7.7%)
Available seat-kilometers (m ASK) 23,343 15,511 50.5%   59,294 46,359 27.9%
Load factor (%) 58.8% 33.6% 25.1   42.8% 59.3% (16.5)
Passengers carried (‘000s) 1,293 436 196.4%   2,489 2,829 (12.0%)
Revenue pax-kilometers (m RPK) 9,869 3,462 185.1%   19,023 22,114 (14.0%)
Available seat-kilometers (m ASK) 18,125 12,461 45.5%   49,825 38,406 29.7%
Load factor (%) 54.5% 27.8% 26.7   38.2% 57.6% (19.4)
Short and Medium-haul              
Passengers carried (‘000s) 3,881 1,859 108.8%   6,354 6,207 2.4%
Revenue pax-kilometers (m RPK) 3,846 1,752 119.6%   6,332 5,353 18.3%
Available seat-kilometers (m ASK) 5,218 3,050 71.1%   9,469 7,953 19.1%
Load factor (%) 73.7% 57.4% 16.3   66.9% 67.3% (0.4)
    Q3     Year to date
Cargo activity 2021 2020 Variation   2021 2020 Variation
Revenue tonne-km (m RTK) 1,058 1,127 (6.1%)   3,407 2,942 15.8%
Available tonne-km (m ATK) 1,459 1,398 4.4%   4,169 3,919 6.4%
Load factor (%) 72.5% 80.6% (8.1)   81.7% 75.1% 6.6

1 The third quarter 2020 was highly impacted by worldwide travel restrictions2 Passenger unit revenue is the aggregate of Passenger network and Transavia unit revenues, change at constant currency3 See appendix for the calculation of the net debt


  • Q3_2021 Press release EN
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