Expanded menu now covers over 200 medications and over 30 classes of drugs tested - making it one of the most extensive test menus on the market

Authentidate Holding Corp. (OTC:ADAT), through its wholly owned subsidiary, Aeon Global Health, which provides toxicology and genetic testing services and secure, web-based software applications and telehealth products for healthcare organizations, today announced it added 4 new drug classes and 17 new medications to its existing pharmacogenomics test, which is used to identify how variations in a person’s genes influence how that individual metabolizes and responds to different types of pharmaceutical products. The expansion is a significant enhancement and brings the test list to over 200 medications and over 30 classes of drugs – making Aeon Global Health’s pharmacogenomics offering one of the most extensive test menus on the market.

The new drug classes include:

  • Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonists (used to treat conditions such as high blood pressure and heart failure);
  • Diuretics (used to treat conditions in which there is excess body water and for the treatment of high blood pressure);
  • Antimalarials (used to treat and prevent malaria);
  • Meglitinides (used to treat type 2 diabetes).

Additional medications were also added to the new drug classes already in the pipeline.

This information enables physicians to prescribe the safest and most effective pharmaceutical products for their patients. Pharmacogenomics testing offers an alternative to the trial-and-error method of prescribing medications by identifying the optimal drug based on the individual’s genetic makeup.

 “Adverse drug reactions occur in more than two million persons a year and cause more than 100,000 deaths annually as cited by the Food and Drug Administration,” commented Bill Henry of Aeon Global Health. “By considering a person’s genetic makeup, Aeon’s growing menu of genetic testing enables healthcare professionals to meaningfully reduce these dangerous adverse drug reactions, as well as the costs associated with them to individuals, to health care providers, and to society in general. Educating the public about this test is crucial to understanding the benefits and cost savings.”

In addition to the exciting pharmacogenomics test enhancements, the combined ADAT business has achieved significant progress so far this year. Some of the highlights include:

  • The Company continues to be well positioned to participate in the broad market trend towards personalized medicine;
  • Added more than 220 new physician groups using our testing services so far this year;
  • The deep genetic testing experience the Company has developed over the last few years has been invaluable as it completes the validation of several new genetic tests which it expects to launch over the next four months;
  • The Company is investing resources in its genetic testing pipeline and expects to significantly expand its portfolio of genetic tests over the next twelve months.

Bill Henry of Aeon Global Health, added, “We have achieved a number of important accomplishments over the last twelve months and are well positioned to address the large market opportunity over the next several years. Our executive team and Board of Directors believe our current share price does not reflect the significant underlying value of our business.  We look forward to completing the proxy process by holding a Special Meeting of Stockholders on July 11, 2016 and remain excited about our business plan. The executive team and our board continue to be personally invested in positive outcomes for our business.”


Aeon Global Health is one of the fastest growing clinical laboratories and healthcare services organizations in the U.S. offering diagnostic services in Cancer Genomics, Toxicology, Pharmacogenomics, and Health Technology Applications. Aeon leads the market in scientific innovation and client partnerships. Founded in 2011, Aeon is first in healthcare technology research and development where our proprietary methodologies provide expedited and highly accurate urine and oral fluid (saliva) test results. Our executive leadership and Ph.D. scientists offer decades of expertise from the field. We provide our partner healthcare professionals with customized service plans to maximize the effective delivery of care.

Media Contact: 
James Carbonara, Hayden IR
James@haydenir.com or (646) 755-7412