The fate of Molycorp Inc.'s Mountain Pass rare-earths facility is still up in the air, but a complete shutdown is not an option, the company said.

In a bankruptcy-court filing, the troubled company said it is weighing a number of options for the California operation, which has consistently lost money. From 40 to 200 of the 400 jobs at the facility could be saved, depending on how much of the Mountain Pass facility Molycorp decides to keep running while it addresses a $1.7 billion pile of debt, according to court papers filed Wednesday.

Molycorp filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on June 25 because of financial distress caused by a drop in rare-earths prices.

The uncertainty over Mountain Pass is linked to a debate over Molycorp's future. Lenders have been eyeing the profitable Neo processing business but fretting over Mountain Pass, which produces the elements, used in small quantities in high-tech products. The company has taken the position that it needs both businesses for long-term profitability in a market where a shift in policy from China, the world's largest supplier of rare earths, can reset the picture dramatically.

The debt Molycorp is trying to resolve in chapter 11 was run up when China restricted supply and rare-earths prices were high. China changed its mind, turning Molycorp's rare-earths production facility into a money pit.

If China changes its mind again, Neo will need the raw material Mountain Pass produces to stay healthy, Molycorp Chief Financial Officer Michael Doolan testified at a hearing earlier in the case.

It isn't clear whether Molycorp will be able to exit bankruptcy as a vertically-integrated business. However, a fight over financing has improved the chances some Mountain Pass workers will be able to hang onto their jobs, at least for a while.

Molycorp is due in court next week for a final hearing on bankruptcy financing that has been something of a moving target. After agreeing to a loan from secured bondholders, Molycorp switched and decided to accept financing from its senior lender, affiliates of Oaktree Capital Group .

Oaktree originally demanded Mountain Pass be placed "in a state of care and maintenance," which lawyers translated as meaning mothballed, by mid-October. The timing was geared, in part, to avoid triggering liabilities for failure to give notice of a mass layoff.

Now Oaktree has dropped that requirement and is calling on Molycorp to come up with a "limited operations plan" instead, court papers say. "No form of any limited operations plan contemplates a complete 'shutdown' or 'mothballing' of Mountain Pass," Molycorp said in court papers. But there will be a scaling back of the operation, an environmentally-sensitive matter given the toxic chemicals in use at Mountain Pass, the company said.

Molycorp is seeking court authority to make severance payments of from $2.8 million to $5.6 million to people losing their jobs due to the cutbacks. The range depends on how many jobs are ultimately saved, Molycorp said. The money is important to keep people on the job while Mountain Pass transitions to limited operations, according to the company.

Additionally, Oaktree backed away from requiring Molycorp to sell Neo. Under the proposed bankruptcy financing, the Neo sale requirement only kicks in if Molycorp defaults on the loan, court papers say.

Molycorp's official committee of unsecured creditors, appointed after the first rounds of fights over financing, is studying the Oaktree loan proposal.

(Dow Jones Daily Bankruptcy Review covers news about distressed companies and those under bankruptcy protection. Go to

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